I dreamed that I bit. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Bite?

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Bite - Feeling someone’s bite in a dream - such a dream portends you a long and passionate love affair, as well as reliable well-being. Dodging someone’s bite in a dream means the hopeless collapse of your enterprise and other sad events. To see that you are experiencing a strong bite - you are about to learn what success and popularity are.

A poisonous bite means that you will have an interesting job and perhaps gain new friends or position in society. If you see someone dying from a poisonous bite, it is not a very favorable sign. Someone will greatly abuse your trust. Drinking an antidote to a poisonous bite in a dream means that separation from a loved one will push you to take reckless actions that you will quickly regret.

Seeing that you have bitten someone is a contradictory symbol. If you see that you are biting someone out of rage, then soon you will experience the betrayal of a friend or the treachery of a loved one. If your bite is an expression of love, then the dream foretells success in business, despite the fact that you expect the opposite.

If your bite bleeds, this dream symbolizes that you will find a kindred spirit among people you don’t know. If a woman sees this in a dream, this is a sign that strong family happiness awaits her. If you have been bitten and it cannot heal, it is a harbinger of favor towards some person. An insect bite in a dream portends that your behavior may cause criticism among your close circle.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Bite, what does it mean:

Bite - For a woman, a dream about a flea bite means slander from friends. A flea bite is a temptation for a girl. A bulldog bite is the need to pay for one’s own misdeeds and sins. Monster bites mean loss of property and serious illness. A dog bite is a betrayal of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of I. Ermakov

Why do you dream about Bite, the meaning of the dream:

Snake bite - The bite of an animal or snake, reptiles that have fallen into food, in a word, anything that produces pain, suffering, trembling, an unpleasant sensation - is a sign that we will suffer from betrayal or deceit. Therefore, poisonous and predatory animals, poisonous and intoxicating plants always foreshadow the enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do you dream about Bite according to the dream book:

Snake bite - You have been bitten by a poisonous snake - the dream indicates that you should not accept gifts or concessions in business from an unfamiliar person, because it is unknown how you will have to pay for such unexpected courtesy.

Snake bite - You have been bitten by a poisonous snake - you will probably be blackmailed by a person whom you considered your friend.

You were bitten by a poisonous snake - the threat of betrayal, betrayal of a loved one. Dream-warning. It’s worth trying to put your “half” in such conditions when her intentions and true feelings immediately become clear.

You were bitten by a wild animal - you will have to endure a strong resentment towards your loved one.

Lunar dream book

What does a bite mean in a dream:

A bite is an insult, the danger of a contagious disease. Moon and Venus.

Online dream books interpret a dog in a dream as the personification of a friend, loved one, support and devotion. Therefore, a bite or attack by this animal should be considered as a negative omen. The general meaning is betrayal, deception, loss of a friend, literally or figuratively. The remaining details of the interpretation depend on the details of the dream and the emotions that the sleeper experienced when the dog bit him.

Miller's Dream Book - what does it mean if a dog bites you in a dream

In general, bites are an unkind sign, and even more so from an animal that has positive symbolism. But Miller interprets these dreams from the point of view of the sensations of the sleeper in a dream. If the bite in a dream seemed painful, then most likely the person will be influenced or seriously offended. But if there is no pain or trace left in the sensations, adversity will affect you very little, and you will quickly cope with failures. Try to consciously or subconsciously drive away the dog that is dreaming, by doing this you can ward off evil fate from yourself with your own efforts.

Vanga's dream book - why a dog bites in a dream

The dog in this interpretation symbolizes not only a friend, but also a higher power. If a person is bitten by a dog in a dream, dark forces are opposed to him. Vanga highly recommends turning to God after such a dream and trying to change something in life. Perhaps in this way they are simply trying to warn you, to instruct you to be true. A dream where a dog bites someone else, as if protecting you, is a good sign. This means that not only friends and loved ones are on your side, but also higher powers.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Meaning of dreams - bitten by a dog

In this interpretation, attacks and bites of dogs are treated similarly, regardless of breed. Anyone who has such a dream is in danger of trouble; the material sphere of life is very susceptible to it. Problems can become very serious if you also heard a dog barking in your dream. If puppies or dogs bite each other and fight, this means family quarrels and conflicts.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation - interpretation of a dream where a dog bites

According to this dream book, on the contrary, an aggressive dog that you dreamed about is a sign that a friend will protect you from enemies. In almost any interpretation, such a dream means that there will soon be good news or pleasant surprises. Only if the dogs fight among themselves, expect minor quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - bitten by a dog

Getting bitten by a large dog in a dream foreshadows a major betrayal on the part of a loved one. Most likely, it will relate more to personal life than to business. If the animal that attacks you is clearly homeless, then the material sphere is under great threat. Also look around, maybe your friend is in trouble and needs money.

Modern Sonic – why do you dream if you are bitten by a dog

For married people, a dog bite in a dream promises a family quarrel. If a young girl dreams of a dog bite, then she may soon unexpectedly get married. If you were bitten by your pet, then soon expect problems with money, big expenses or losses. A dog that attacks and tries to bite in a dream warns of danger. It’s worth thinking about whether you have any enemies or ill-wishers on whom something in your life now depends. If after a long struggle the bite is still inflicted, then the confrontation with a competitor about whom you are well aware in real life will be open. Bloody marks from a dog bite indicate protracted conflicts with relatives over serious issues. If you don’t dream about blood, there will be a conflict with a friend or acquaintance. Bitten by a big black dog - a harbinger of death. You should beware of unsafe places, cars, darkness, and also find out about the health of your loved ones.

Why do you dream about a dog biting your hand?

There are several different theories about the symbolism of a dream where a dog bites your hand. Firstly, you may expect an unpleasant surprise in business, a disagreement with business partners, a deal failure, etc. Here the hand means the organ of labor with which you bring profit. The larger the bite or wound on your hand, the more significant the losses you will incur. Secondly, sometimes the subconscious penetrates into a dream in this way to show you that you have become too selfish and you need to be kinder to your loved ones. If in a dream an animal attacked your enemy and bit his hand or finger, you will be able to bypass all the intrigues and conspiracies that are being woven against you. If you get bitten on the hand by a pet during the game, as if by accident, you can safely count on the support of your friends in your business.

I dreamed that a dog was biting my leg

If you dreamed that your leg was injured from a bite, be careful, a person close to you is going to insert a knife into your back. There is also a softer interpretation. A friend dog warns you not to “go somewhere” or make a mistake, this is if your leg doesn’t hurt or bleed at all. Bites symbolize vulnerability in the future, so try to perceive such a dream as an alarm, a kind of warning. If a person is prepared in advance, then trouble will not take him by surprise.

The most memorable dreams are those in which we experienced a surge of adrenaline: falling, being chased, incidents where someone is trying to harm us. The bite belongs to the last category of dreams. But why do we clearly remember such dreams? Apparently, this is due to traces of an evolutionary mechanism that left us with an understanding of a bite as a potentially dangerous action that will not just make us bleed, but can cause death through infection. Let's figure out what a bite might mean in a dream.

Russian dream book

The dream book calls “a bite in a dream” failures that will haunt you. There is a high probability that this will leave a mark on your fate, as if you were really bitten.

New family dream book

A snake bite in a dream, a tiger, a crocodile, a shark, a human – no matter who – is always seen as a harbinger of failure and illness. According to this dream book, you should not attach much importance to who bit you and how - the very fact of what happened is important. If in reality you notice an increase in the concentration of rumors about you, conversations behind your back, then you can safely say that some conspirators are acting against you. (cm. )

Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a Miller bite in a dream is a harbinger of failure and illness. Moreover, there is a risk of a very unpleasant emotional outburst that will force you to destroy your works. Never give in to your feelings!
  • The interpretation of “bite” dreams also comes down to the fact that you should be careful with your ill-wishers, since they can understand any sudden action of yours as a signal to attack.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

  • The dream book associates “human bite” with exposure, as well as possible legal proceedings.
  • The dream book calls “an animal bite” troubles in relationships that easily lead to quarrels, and quite often. For you to quarrel is as easy as for a beekeeper to be stung by a bee. (cm. )

Modern dream book

  • Why do you dream about a snake bite: you should worry about your health.
  • Why do you dream of a dog bite: someone will do something completely mean and base to you.
  • Why do you dream of a bee sting: a minor nuisance, which, however, can unsettle you for a while. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a cobra bite: your careless actions, inability to maneuver and remain calm can have consequences.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo

  • What does a bite mean in a dream: if you bite someone, you have a desire to subjugate the person. It doesn’t matter how good or not so good your goals are, in any case, trying to subjugate a person’s will does not end well.
  • If you are bitten, then you, in turn, may fall under the dangerous influence of another person.
  • The bite does not hurt in a dream: it is difficult to lead you off the charted course and you always remain unconvinced.
  • Bites in a dream hurt a lot: for some time you will experience the influence of another powerful person, but over time you will break out of the vicious circle. (cm. )
  • If you were bitten by a woman in a dream, then there is a possibility that the madam has her eye on you and wants to possess you at all costs. But this is only a “one-goal game.”

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation: Why dream of a dog bite - you will suffer losses.
  • The dream “bitten by an unknown creature” means anxiety.

Azar's Dream Book

  • A wolf bite in a dream: dangers around every corner.
  • Bite on the hand in a dream: a serious scandal awaits.
  • Bitten by a squirrel: you will be afraid for your spouse or children. (cm. )
  • The dream of a dog biting your leg means that your friends are very cunning.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cat bite in a dream is treason. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a tiger bite: you will be pursued by a powerful person.

Dream Interpretation of Kenherkhepeshef

  • What does a dog bite in a dream mean: you can be enslaved by magic, an evil eye will happen, you will bring disaster with the help of otherworldly forces.
  • Seeing a snake bite in a dream: the argument you start will end in your defeat.

Dream book of health

  • Why do you dream about an animal bite, why do you dream about an insect bite: the danger is primarily for the nerves - stress, nervousness.
  • The dream book calls “bee sting” a recommendation for patients to resort to this type of therapy.

Women's dream book

A bite in a dream is seen as advice to avoid opponents at all costs. If there are none in your social circle, then the interpretation comes down to failures and illnesses.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Why do you dream about a cat bite: your significant other will cheat on you.
  • A dog bite in a dream: a quarrel will happen.
  • Why do you dream of a human bite: for women – great love and affection, for men – memories.
  • Bite yourself in a dream: you will provoke an illness in yourself.
  • Bite your wife in a dream: you are absolutely faithful to her.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • What does a dog bite in a dream mean: you will suffer losses.
  • The dream of "many bites" means many small problems.
  • A snake bite in a dream is a reminder that you need to take time for your health.


As you can see from above, a bite does not mean anything good. So you should play it safe and, if possible, prevent any dangers: have only trusted people in your close circle, and don’t start quarrels yourself. But you can never be sure of complete safety! Although, who said that any dream necessarily has a meaning that will certainly happen in real life?

Many works have been written about the fact that dreams often predict future events in a person’s life. But no one has been able to fully understand how they are formed and how to interpret them correctly. However, from dream books you can understand why this or that creature or action is dreamed of.

This way you can easily find out what the bite is for. The general interpretation is that biting into everything encourages a person to become more collected and attentive to details. You should pay more attention to current events in life, carefully analyzing everything that happens. But the interpretation of a bite according to dream books is not limited to just one hidden meaning.

Dream book of health

This dream book identifies two general meanings for a bite. If in a dream you had to survive the bite of any insect or animal, then you need to devote more time to your mental health. Due to upcoming events, a person will be very nervous and find himself in stressful situations. Therefore, you need to take care not only of physical health, but also of mental health.

According to the dream book, a bee, leech or ant bite can mean more than just stress. If such a dream comes to sick people, then they need to seek therapy related to the creature that bit them.

Why do you dream about a bite? Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book of the Apostle Canaanite

According to this dream book, the meaning of a bite depends on who inflicted the wound. If it was a dog, then in reality one should expect financial difficulties. Most often, a dog biting in a dream portends losses.

If there was more than one bite, then a period will come in life accompanied by a whole swarm of small, most often insignificant, problems. But according to the dream book, a snake bite indicates that you need to pay more attention to your health.

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Longo

The white magician believed that a bite in a dream does not bring anything good in reality. So, if in a dream a person himself inflicted a wound on someone in this way, then in life he wants to subjugate someone. Regardless of what the goal is behind this desire, nothing good will come of it. According to Longo, the bite foretells negative events in the near future.

According to this dream book, the interpretation of dreams about a bite inflicted on a person means that someone who is already sleeping dreams of suppressing or subduing. In such cases, you need to pay more attention to your surroundings and note all the oddities in the behavior of familiar people, so as not to fall into a trap.

If a wound inflicted in a dream does not hurt, then this means that the person has an inner core. It is impossible to lure him and lead him astray. According to the dream book, a bite that causes pain warns that a person has already fallen under the influence of someone. But don’t panic, the vicious circle will be broken very soon.

According to this dream book, being bitten by a woman in a dream means that this lady has feelings for the one she bit. However, this is far from love. A woman is driven only by the desire to possess. If you don’t show her any signs of attention, then very soon she will switch to another object of adoration.

Family dream book

Why, according to the dream book, does one dream of being bitten by a snake, dog, person or any other creature? It doesn’t matter who bit the sleeping person, only the fact of inflicting the wound is important. And the omen of a bite is always the same - trouble in reality. Difficulties can be very different. From problems at work to deteriorating health. After sleeping with a bite, you need to become more attentive to the people around you.

If it seems that there is a network being woven around, built on rumors, deception and manipulation, then we can safely say that someone is starting a conspiracy.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a bite also does not carry any positive omens. Miller believed that any bite in a dream predicts an imminent emotional breakdown. Accumulating misunderstandings, resentments and much more can lead to the fact that one day a person himself will destroy all his work. Therefore, after a dream with a bite, you need to control your emotions as best as possible and always think about your words or actions.

Also, according to the dream book, a bite in the hand of a snake, dog, insect or other creature signals that you need to more closely monitor your ill-wishers. Those who have long had a grudge against a person may perceive any careless statement or step as a signal to declare war.

Modern dream book

According to this dream book, a snake bite in the leg, arm or any other part of the body means one thing - you need to take time and take care of your health. If this is not done, then soon it will let the sleeper down.

If a person is bitten by a dog in a dream, then in the near future one of his acquaintances will behave unsightly. It could be a minor dirty trick, or avoidance of fulfilling a promise, or even betrayal.

Symbolizes that a person will have to face troubles. However, they will not be catastrophic. Small, most often insignificant, problems will only temporarily unsettle a person.

But a cobra bite has a completely different interpretation. Such a dream shows that a person does not have the skill to get out of the most difficult situations. This inability to find a way out of any situation and make decisions in rapidly changing situations will bring serious problems.

Russian dream book

According to this dream book, a bite in a dream does not carry anything positive. Most often, it foreshadows a quick series of troubles from which it will not be so easy to get out. They will follow a person on his heels for a long time.

It is also believed that a bite inflicted in a dream can leave a mark on a person’s real life. It can be that negative turning point that changes your life for the worse.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tsvetkov believed that a bite inflicted by a person in a dream foreshadows imminent events related to the exposure of other people. Hidden conspiracies, plans and betrayals will be revealed. There may even be legal burdens that arise on this basis.

But an animal bite has a completely different nature. A wound from any other creature is a symbol of imminent discord in a relationship. So, even one careless word or action can lead to a major quarrel with your loved one. The relationship will be in jeopardy if you don’t curb your temper and apologize first.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dog bite in a dream foreshadows financial problems. A decision made the day before, an old deposit or a purchase - all this can cause losses. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to more closely monitor your expenses and make investment decisions wisely.

A bite from any other creature symbolizes imminent alarm. They can be related to any area: work, family, personal life, finances, health. You need to pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones to understand what exactly can cause stress.

Maly Velesov dream book

If you are “lucky” to get it in a dream, then you should prepare for a breakdown in your relationship. Most often, the bite of a furry beauty is a symbol of betrayal by a companion. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to try to bring your other half to a serious conversation and find out whether the connection was on the side.

A dog that bites a person in a dream foreshadows imminent quarrels. They can happen in family, with friends, and at work. It is important to soberly assess the situation and not be led by emotions, so as not to make things worse.

A human bite has two meanings. If it was inflicted by a man, then soon the sleeping person will have a period when old memories will stir up. A bout of nostalgia can cause a person to return to places where they felt happy and free in the past.

A female bite predicts a new meeting that will turn into love. A new acquaintance may turn out to be exactly the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. But if the sleeping person bit himself, then his health will deteriorate in the future. A bite inflicted on a wife signifies fidelity on both sides.

Dream Interpretation of Kenherkhepeshef

According to this dream book, a dog bite symbolizes the intervention of magic in the life of a sleeping person. Someone you know may turn to witches and magicians to bring damage or the evil eye to a person.

You should not start an argument if you were bitten by a snake in a dream before. Such a vision means that neither disputes nor quarrels will end in victory for the sleeper, but only in defeat.

Women's dream book

This dream book interprets dreams with a bite in one way. Enemies and ill-wishers will soon deal a serious blow to the sleeper. Therefore, it is better to avoid unpleasant people at all costs. However, if a person does not have enemies and those who may wish him harm, then he needs to prepare for a series of events that will bring nothing but headaches and stress.

Azar's Dream Book

If a cat bites you in a dream, then in reality the person will experience betrayal from your significant other. It is impossible to prevent this event, but how to react to it is up to each individual to decide.

A dog biting your leg in a dream shows that even close friends are not completely faithful. In a convenient situation, they can turn away from a person and betray for their own purposes.

A tiger that bites in a dream is a symbol of the fact that soon a powerful person will appear behind a person’s back and will follow on his heels everywhere. The bitten wolf warns that danger lurks everywhere: at home, at work, on the street. You need to become more attentive and careful.

If a person is bitten by a squirrel, then in reality he will have to seriously worry about his children or spouse. However, these worries will be in vain. Nothing bad will actually happen.

According to the dream book, a bite in the hand of a snake, dog, insect or any creature foreshadows imminent quarrels that can develop into real scandals. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to more carefully monitor your words and actions so as not to accidentally provoke the start of a “battle.”

Bite in a dream: the most current interpretations

Dreams can be deciphered even if you do not refer to any specific dream book. There are also general interpretations, the meaning of which depends on who and where the bite was inflicted.

So, if a sleeping person is bitten:

  • By the hand - you should prepare for serious quarrels with family, colleagues or friends.
  • By the foot - the current state of affairs can change dramatically.
  • For the person - the person will face serious charges. Most often unfounded.
  • For the remaining parts of the body - the time will come to worry.

If you bite a person in a dream:

  • Man - a period of melancholy and nostalgia will come.
  • Woman - a new love interest will appear in life.
  • Crow - you should prepare for serious troubles.
  • Rat - a series of health problems is coming.
  • Rabbit - soon fear will paralyze life.
  • Puppy - you should not get involved in dubious activities.

Whether to believe the interpretation of dreams or not is up to each person. But it’s not for nothing that there are dozens of dream books that help to unravel the mysteries of dreams. After all, even their decoding can be perceived not as interference in fate, but as help to overcome problems.

A minor dispute risks escalating into a huge scandal if you manage to bite a person in a dream. Why do we most often dream of such an unusual action? The dream book offers interpretations taking into account the main nuances of the dream.

Do not be angry!

Biting a person in a dream literally means that you are destined for major troubles through your own fault.

The dream book also predicts outbursts of irritation, anger and even rage. Moreover, they will be caused by the fact that someone does not fulfill the assigned duties properly.

Why do you dream of being bitten by another character? Beware of your rivals: now you will not be able to adequately answer them.

Miller's interpretation

Did you dream about biting a person? By your own carelessness, you risk derailing the work in which you have, as they say, fully invested. Miller also recommends controlling your emotional impulses and being careful in your communications.

Why were you bitten?

Why do you dream if you happen to bite a person? The dream book is sure: the interpretation of the dream largely depends on the location of the bite.

  • By the leg - exposure, attention, harassment.
  • Hand - dispute, scandal.
  • Ear - gossip, unpleasant conversation.
  • Neck - submission, determination, choice.
  • Finger - dubious luck.

What do you want?

Did you dream about how a familiar character was bitten? The dream book is sure that you are determined to enter into an intimate relationship with him.

In a dream, biting a person literally means a secret intention to subjugate someone. At the same time, you will do any “feats” in order to get what you want.

Why do you dream that you regularly try to bite someone? Having a bad character, you are constantly dissatisfied with others and with life in general.

Love or trouble?

Have you ever wondered why such strange behavior occurs in dreams? The dream book advises you to remember which person you had to bite.

Were you lucky enough to see you bite your own man? By this action you confirmed your fidelity in a dream and in reality you will receive a strong relationship. This same vision promises passion and love that will literally drive you crazy.

Did you dream that a woman was bitten? Prepare for illness, failure and other troubles. The same plot calls for caution in relations with competitors.

Hold on!

Unlucky to see someone bite you? In reality, you risk falling under the influence of others or becoming seriously ill.

Biting a person yourself is bad. In the near future, try not to get involved in the most seemingly insignificant disputes.

The dream book warns: you will not be able to restrain your emotions, and slight disagreements will develop into grandiose showdowns with many participants.

Don't interfere!

Did you dream that you bit someone? For further interpretation, the wise dream book advises taking into account the strength of the bite and the feelings that visited you at the moment when you happened to bite a person.

If in the dream there were playful bitings that did not cause pain, then in real life you will get involved in a love affair.

If you gnawed a dream character to the point of bleeding, then in reality you will also shamelessly interfere in other people’s affairs and even fate.

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