I dreamed about new windows, why. Why do you dream about a window?

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of dream interpretations of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days do you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days you have empty dreams, and which ones you have prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, but on 29, 1, 2, etc. - practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that you dreamed about in the morning.

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The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are available only to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zedkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of junona.pro - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale-mythological, esoteric, catch phrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

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If in a dream you happened to climb out of a window, then in real life you are showing excessive curiosity, trying to find out what is unnecessary or forbidden. Sometimes this same vision symbolizes self-knowledge. The dream book will explain in detail why this plot is also dreamed of.

Miller's Caution

Did you dream that you entered the house through the window? Miller's dream book states: the intended goal is far from noble. Moreover, using prohibited methods to achieve it will lead to failure.

Be smart!

Why dream if there is no other way out but to climb through the window opening? The image hints that you only have one chance left and you need to use it wisely and carefully.

Seeing that you had to climb through a broken window means that a wave of melancholy and disappointment will overtake you. At the same time, the desire to enter a room through a window in a dream, according to the dream book, reflects a carefree and frivolous period in life.

Take your time!

Did you dream that you had to climb through a window covered with shutters? The dream book believes that you are trying to win the favor of a certain person through deception and flattery.

The same plot in a dream hints at excessive persistence in spiritual development and warns that such an approach will only cause stagnation.

Seeing how you break glass in order to climb somewhere means that you will find an unusual way out of the current situation or will carry out your plans in a very non-trivial way.


Why else would you dream if you happened to climb out the window? In a dream, this image reflects the beginning of something new and hope. If you managed to climb through a window at night, then in reality an excellent opportunity to realize yourself will suddenly appear.

In your dreams, did you miraculously manage to climb through the window? You will find a loophole that will help improve your financial situation. Seeing a lady climbing into the window opening is a sign of a future romance.

More details

The interpretation of the dream directly depends on the characteristics of the dream window.

  • Illuminated - hope, the end of separation.
  • Dark – uncertainty, isolation.
  • Curtained - the need for privacy.
  • In the web - an attempt to escape from loneliness.
  • With bars - separation.

Did you dream that you had to climb through a window with clean and transparent glass? The dream book predicts quick happiness and good luck. If the glass is dirty or broken, then you cannot retreat from the goal, even if you are deprived of your last strength. In a dream, an opening without glass symbolizes ridicule and deception.

Develop yourself!

Why do you dream if you happened to climb into an attic window? A failed business will turn into a great victory. The basement window in such a plot marks an attempt to escape from poverty.

Did you manage to climb into an oval or round window in the night? You have the gift of clairvoyance. If it was blocked, then the dream book believes that this talent is still dormant and needs to be intensively developed.

What are you afraid of?

Why do you dream if you had to climb out your window? In a dream, trying to sneak into your own home symbolizes the discovery of deception.

If you tried to break into someone else's house, you will experience disappointment or get involved in an unpleasant story.

Did you dream about how you were afraid that someone might climb into your window? The dream book is sure that you are afraid of change and your own future.

The symbolism of dreams is rarely unambiguous, but in many cases dreamers, experiencing negative or positive impressions from the dream and the simplest associations, can interpret their dream without a dream book.

This simple method of dream interpretation is absolutely useless if you are trying to independently understand what the window means in your dream.

A window is not just a familiar part of an architectural structure. This is a significant mythopoetic symbol of many cultures, the meaning of which is built on the opposition of internal and external, safe and dangerous.

Since windows changed in the process of human historical development, moving from narrow slits for observing surrounding dangers to wide window openings for “exiting” into the world, the idea of ​​it as a symbol also changed. And such a dream can be correctly analyzed only with the help of dream books.

The meaning of a dream according to Miller's dream book

For the most part, dreams reflect the symbolic duality of windows. According to Miller's dream book:

Dreaming of windows promises the collapse of expectations and plans, foreshadows despair and fruitless attempts to implement plans.

  • A broken window promises the torments of jealousy.
  • Closed indicates your loneliness and feelings of abandonment.
  • Looking through windows in a dream and observing something unusual means failure and loss of respect.
  • Sitting on the windowsill means serious worries caused by your recklessness and short-sightedness.
  • Entering a house through a window means unpleasant experiences associated with your desire for an outwardly noble goal using any means.
  • Leaving the premises in the same way means that in reality, trouble awaits you.

Loff's Dream Book

The psychological background of the meaning of “window” dreams is found in Loff.

This dream book interprets a window as an object that allows us, without direct contact with the world, to see it as it is.

At the same time, window glass can be misleading, so if you dream about windows:

  • You feel disappointed, live in illusions and need protection.
  • Behind which you see a hostile world, into which you then find yourself and observe a peaceful picture - you should overcome uncertainty and start living a full life, and not watch it from the side.
  • Behind which one can see a beautiful and alluring world, but upon closer examination the reality turns out to be unsightly and harsh (strong wind, rain and other natural disasters), the dream reflects your feeling of falsehood and deceitfulness in your life.

A dream in which the window is located in a closed room represents for you what is desirable and unattainable (this could be an object, a person, an action).

Loff emphasizes that the window can serve as a portal between worlds. Such dreams, demonstrating other realities, are more often dreamed by people who are withdrawn from worldly life.

Longo's dream book indicates that:

  • Looking out the window while sleeping is evidence of your lack of self-confidence, isolation and, as a result, a boring and gray life.
  • Washing the glass and frame means you need to be attentive to the actions of your friends. The dream warns of danger posed by a person in your social circle.
  • Jumping from a window in a dream means that only your point of view is significant to you. Ultimately, this position will result in significant losses for you.
  • The window you open to freshen the air is a warning about the harmful effects to which you are currently exposed.

Interpretations according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop considered the window to be an entrance or exit, so sleep is interpreted in some cases as a hope for improvement or a chance to correct the situation.

The dream book notes that if you see a window behind which a bird is sitting and hear a knock, the dream foreshadows the illness of the owner of the house.

  • Seeing a bird perch on a window ledge and hearing the sound of its beak at the same time is a sign of unexpected news.
  • Knocking on glass, during which you do not see the source of the sound (it could be rain, a tree branch being swayed by a strong wind, etc.), dreams of trials and troubles.
  • If in a dream you are looking for a way out of a room and the only way out is a window opening, the chances of influencing a situation that is important to you in reality are less and less.
  • A broken window in a dream promises melancholy, disappointment and illness.
  • An open window is a symbol of upcoming significant changes in life.
  • Washing dirty window glass in a dream means that in the future you will achieve prosperity and success thanks to your hard work.
  • Looking through other people's windows and seeing silhouettes means that something mysterious will actually happen to you.

Dreams in which you are standing under another person’s window are considered a bad sign - in reality, your imaginary friend will try to ruin you. Conversing with loved ones through a window portends a lack of mutual understanding with someone important to you.

A closed window promises unexpected obstacles, and trying to get into the house through a window opening promises a fun time. This dream book interprets the window that you open as hope for improvement in your life, and closing it means losing this hope.

Interpretations of sleep taking into account details

Women tend to pay attention to details, so very detailed interpretations of dreams can be found in Grishina’s noble dream book.

According to this dream book, looking out of an ordinary window onto the street (watching people or just looking at the rain) means being in a state of peace and serenity. And looking out of the dormer window means experiencing hope. If there is a bar on the window, separation awaits you.

If you see it through the window:

  • If you get out or fall, trouble awaits you as a result of a quarrel or a frivolous undertaking.
  • If you enter the premises, you are at risk of unintentionally interfering with other people's secrets.
  • You get in, and the room is dark, you are overcome with passionate desire.

If you dreamed of a window:

  • Broken, trouble awaits you. A window broken from the outside in a dark room symbolizes the loss of innocence or memories on this topic.
  • On which you place bars - to the refusal of interesting events under the influence of fear.
  • In the cracks and you try to look through it, you will have to fail but keep fighting.
  • Where you insert the glass into, you should be careful.

An empty window frame symbolizes gossip and ridicule of you.

The meaning of the elements in a dream

The wind also brings nuances to the interpretation of sleep. If there is strong wind:

1. Open the window into the daytime, something new imperceptibly penetrates into your destiny.

2. Opened the window sashes in the dark, a new object has appeared in your life, but the influence of this object on your life is still unknown.

3. Blows something off the windowsill - the invasion of something new will confuse your life plans.

If a strong wind rushes into the house and blows out a candle, you will receive a message about someone’s death. There may also be a desire to commit suicide. A window open by the wind, which you cannot close in any way, indicates your fear of the outside world.

Curtains, stained glass and decorations

The dream book also explains why you dream about a window with various curtains. If:

1. You see a bright window decorated with tulle curtains - harmony in the spiritual sphere awaits you.

2. You hang curtains - you tend to idealize your idea of ​​the outside world for the sake of peace of mind.

3. The curtains burst into flames - a sharp change in your usual situation awaits you.

4. Tape up the windows or close them tightly - foretells the coming storms of life that require precautions.

The size of the opening also plays an important role - a window opening that is too large indicates your fear and a sense of insecurity, and a very small one indicates a possible heart attack, a feeling of suffocation or a restriction of your freedom.

The shade of the glass also matters:

  • Pink means accepting someone else's worldview.
  • Green promises mental discomfort associated with external painful and unexpected interventions.
  • Yellow indicates irritation and envy, which prevent you from correctly assessing the situation.
  • Red means ideas about reality distorted under the influence of hatred and the thirst for revenge.
  • Blue is a harbinger of future melancholy.

The dream book interprets a window in which there are stained glass windows as your desire to escape reality into the world of art or religion.

Washing windows in a dream means trying to change stereotypical thinking and part with complexes. In addition, washing the window means new opportunities and a good prospect.

Closing the shutters tightly means vain precautions, and carefully closing the shutter means minor damage and vague fears. Opening the window means waiting, hopeless from your point of view.

An open window near which you are afraid of intrusion means fear of your own future. If in an open doorway:

  • A man gets in, an important acquaintance awaits you. If this person is a woman, expect a new object of passion. Hitting someone who has climbed through a window means experiencing a hidden conflict with the world.
  • Whether something has been thrown, an animal has climbed in, or a bird has flown in, it is important to pay close attention to the appearance of these messengers of the future.

Birds, animals and mystical creatures

A bird that flies into a window in a dream promises news, the nature of which depends on the type of bird. If it flew into a window:

1. Crow - sad news awaits you. The crow is considered the companion of death, sadness and various troubles, so the knock of a crow's beak on your window warns of impending troubles.

If you dream of a crow sitting on a window, troubles will pass you by. A crow trying to attack foreshadows possible financial losses.

2. Swallow, titmouse and other harmless birds - the news will be pleasant.

3.Dove - for a quick meeting with your loved one.

The knocking of birds on the windowsill, if there are grains on the windowsill, promises prosperity in the future. A knock on the window frame portends useful information for you.

Animals entering through your window symbolize the wrong path and obsession with passions. Evil spirits crawling into the house mean passions behind which you do not see the reality.

View from the window

To interpret a dream, it is important not only to know what the window is in a dream about, but also to take into account what you saw through it in a dream. A large window, behind which there is a lot of light and greenery, symbolizes complete internal and external harmony, and darkness outside the window means complete immersion in the inner world.

If you can see outside the window:

  • A raging blizzard means life’s troubles will not affect you.
  • Wasteland or desert landscape - you are intolerant of the outside world.
  • Ruins - in reality, you are destroying the bonds that unite you with other people.
  • Rain or heavy downpour - joy and pleasant surprises await you.
  • Sea - you should pay attention to your actions. A calm sea promises a great joyful event, and rain and storms promise life’s troubles.
  • Blind wall - your destiny is controlled by other people.
  • Garden, summer rain and trees - you live in the past.

If in a dream you see through a window not the external space, but rooms and people in them, the inner world at the moment occupies you more than the surrounding reality. Author: Marina Nosova


Dream Interpretation Window Seeing a window: to the need to look at the world with different eyes; an open window: to a possible illness, often infectious for a man; it can: mean the woman’s reciprocity in sexual feelings, especially if she is in the window. Dream Interpretation of Health

Dream Interpretation Window Seeing windows in a dream is a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not live up to the hopes that you placed on him and will cause a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair in your soul. Closed windows are a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him. A broken window is a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason based on gossip. Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation Window A look at the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal). Climbing through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Climbing out, getting out of a window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation. Open - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret. Breaking a window and getting out is a fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse. Looking from the window - life perspective and plans, upcoming events, what the landscape is like matters. Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream Window A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise that is important to you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity. Sitting on a window in a dream means in reality becoming a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness. Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal. Running through the window is a sign of impending disaster, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip. Looking out the window while passing someone's house and seeing strange things there is a sign of failure in something important to you, of losing the respect of others, for which you risked your health and well-being. Modern dream book

Meaning of sleep Window Dream about windows: an unfavorable omen. It foretells the collapse of cherished hopes, and your innermost desires will be replaced by despair. Fruitless aspirations will become your lot. Seeing closed windows in a dream: a symbol of abandonment. If the windows are broken: you will suffer from low suspicions of infidelity with which those you love will haunt you. Sitting on a window: foretells that you will become a victim of your envy and reckless behavior. Entering a house through a window: a harbinger that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve goals that seem noble to you. Escape through the window: means that you will get into trouble, which will mercilessly drive you into a corner. If you dream that while passing by windows you look in and see strange figures, in reality you will fail in your chosen profession and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. Looking into the windows of someone else's apartment and seeing absolutely incredible things there: foretells that you will fail in some business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. Modern dream book

Dream Window In the human subconscious, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol. A popular belief says that a bird hitting a window brings with it the death of the owner of the house. In the old days, when children had toothache, their parents warned them: “Don’t spit out the window - your teeth will hurt.” A dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes change and the beginning of a new life period. If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation. To dream of a bird knocking on the window is a sign of unexpected news. Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window means unexpected financial expenses due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As they say: “You will stand under my window.” A window with broken glass symbolizes spiritual anguish, illness and disappointment. Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle on your way. A dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity. Seeing a silhouette in a window means that something mysterious or enigmatic will happen to you in real life. If you are trying to climb into the house through a window, in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree. Talking to a loved one through a window in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected. A dream in which you open a window in a window means hope for better times. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream interpretation Window Window - in the subconscious, a window is associated with a way out of a situation, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of change in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; window with broken glass, a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment. Russian dream book

Why do you dream about the Window? Window: means your position in relation to the outside world. If the window is open, it means that you are characterized by openness and trust. If the window is closed or curtained: you have a tendency towards secrecy and self-absorption. If the window is dirty and cloudy, it means you look at the world “through dark glasses”: your anger or bad mood prevents you from seeing the world as it really is. If the glass is transparent and clean, it means that you look at the world and are aware of what is happening, circumstances and momentary moods cannot mislead you about what is happening Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Window Window: Can be interpreted in terms of the function of a window in real life. A symbol of the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to escape from an unsuccessful situation (to escape through a window), to relieve the feeling of guilt (clearing the air). The window is often a symbol: a situation still open for self-realization. Very often, a window symbolizes female genitalia and therefore it is possible to interpret this image in connection with the fear of sexual interaction. The appearance of this image is significant even on a metaphorical level. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Windows Seeing closed windows in a dream means you will achieve your goal in a roundabout way and not always by honest means. Open windows indicate that you will soon receive an invitation to a house where you have long wanted to go. An open window in the window portends an unexpected danger that cannot be avoided. Getting into a room through a window means a sad outcome of your business activity, when expenses significantly exceed income. Entering the house or leaving through an unlocked window - gather your courage and start all over again. If in a dream you wash windows, it means that you will make a mistake by refusing a lucrative offer, which at first seems unpromising to you. Sitting on the windowsill with your legs dangling outwards means in reality you will act stupidly and recklessly, trying to look independent and independent. Leaning out of the window portends receiving long-awaited news. Falling out of a window means you are in danger of being robbed or robbed. A dream in which you are fleeing through a window - in reality you will be caught in illegal actions to achieve a goal that seems quite decent at first glance. Dark windows mean that you will get into trouble and will not receive the support promised if the risky undertaking you decide to undertake for the money you desperately need fails. Light in the windows is a sign of hope for a better future that is just around the corner. Windows closed with shutters - you will be suspected of infidelity. Boarded up windows of an abandoned house mean an interrupted romance and separation due to circumstances beyond your control. Looking into other people's windows in a dream means they will no longer trust you, because you will compromise yourself with a dishonest act. A dormer window in the attic means the successful completion of an unsuccessful business. Window from the basement - you will experience hardship. Seeing curtains on the windows in a dream foreshadows an unexpected visit that will cause you a lot of anxiety; curtains are a nuisance from people to whom you have done a good deed. A broken window is a threat that can be carried out quite soon and in the worst case scenario. Inserting new glass into windows means bright changes in life. Making window putty means annoying surprises. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Window Window: a symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to escape from the situation. Waiting for change and cleansing. Female genitalia. Open the window: providing an outlet for passion, escape. Female genitalia. Breaking a window or glass door: loss of virginity. Window with stained glass: an event in life. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Window WINDOW - waiting; revealed - profit, gift, guest // bad thing, misfortune, regret, sadness; closed - good // boredom; with broken windows - losses, poverty; with intact and clean glass - happiness; looking out of the window is news; climb out the window - ruin; knocking it out and getting out is the implementation of the plan; falling out the window - a quarrel, an unprofitable lawsuit; Covering the window black means sadness due to illness in the family. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Window If you dream about windows, this promises a fatal end to the feelings that have flared up. Perhaps your chosen one will leave you or you will be separated from your loved one. Closed windows dream of loneliness and infidelity. A dream in which you climb into a house through a window means that you will try to deceive your loved one. Sitting on a window in a dream foreshadows committing a stupid act, because of which you will lose the love of your chosen one. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Window A look from the window of a house: a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street: a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window: something good is next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window: loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Window If in a dream you watched something from the window: in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life is becoming more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in yourself and learn to appreciate yourself. If you neglect this advice, those around you, noticing your “spinelessness” and desire to “go into the shadows,” will begin to use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble, purposes. As you understand, it will be difficult for you in this case. If in a dream you washed a window, it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. Probably, the dream warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends; perhaps your Judas will be among them. Jumping out the window: someone else’s point of view is completely unimportant to you; the only thing that matters is what you yourself think. On the one hand, such an attitude towards yourself and towards life in general is very good, but on the other hand, aren’t you afraid of falling from the high pedestal you’ve erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really get hurt, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, strange as it may seem to you, are not always wrong. Trying to open a window in a dream for fresh air: you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes it is as if evil fate is interfering in your affairs; so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can give your soul “first aid” by reading any conspiracy against the evil eye and damage. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Window Window. Seeing windows in a dream is a harbinger of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise collapse, leading you to despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Seeing closed windows is an image of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be haunted by miserable suspicions of infidelity. Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness. Entering a house through a window means that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal. Running through a window means that you will find yourself in trouble, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip. Looking out the window while passing by and seeing strange things foretells that you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Window The window is usually dreamed of as a harbinger of the end of brilliant hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected fruits. Closed windows are an image of abandonment. Broken windows foreshadow miserable suspicions of infidelity directed at you. If you yourself broke a window in a dream, then in reality intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life. You will face a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve. In a dream you were sitting on a window - you could become a victim of stupidity or recklessness. Looking out the window - in reality, you often isolate yourself from your partner. If something doesn't turn out the way you wanted, you withdraw into yourself. With this behavior you are causing irreparable harm to your relationship. Learn to divide all problems in half and solve them together - then there will be harmony in the relationship. If you climbed into the house through a window, you will be caught cheating. They fled through the window - as if trouble would happen. If you looked into someone's window while passing by and saw strange things - you may fail and lose the respect of others. D. Loff interpreted such dreams interestingly: “Windows often show us the world as it could be, but do not allow us to feel it. Windows can be tricky and mislead us. This can mean frustration, defensiveness or illusion. In a dream about imprisonment, a window can symbolize a desired person or an environment in which you cannot currently find yourself. This is a common phenomenon in life. If the environment outside the window looks hostile and you find yourself on the other side of the window to experience this, you discover that you have been deceived. Sometimes you can see in windows something that isn't really there. Perhaps it's time to overcome your insecurities in your own skin, feel the rhythm of life, and not watch it pass by. If the opposite is true, and the pastoral scene outside your window turns out to be a disturbing reality, then you may feel that life is deceptive and does not always deliver on its promises. A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who engage in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from the bustle of the world. These kinds of windows can open up realities that you can potentially immerse yourself in.” Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Window Many windows: from within the world of the soul and its high spaces. Obstructed: hidden spiritual secrets, effort must be made to reveal them. A wide open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the “high” world. View from the window: what is happening in the subtle sense. Look out the window, while being outside, look into the depths of consciousness: you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche. Windows are round, oval, semi-oval: you have a “channel” of clairaudience. We need to use it. Climbing through the window: showing self-will and excessive persistence in spiritual knowledge. Breaking a window: breaking through the line between the subtle and dense worlds, breaking out into the vastness of the soul. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Window Window: expectation open: profit, gift, guest / bad thing, trouble, regret, sadness closed: good / boredom with broken glass: loss, poverty with whole and clean glass: happiness to look out of the window: news to climb out of the window: ruin to knock it out and get out: the implementation of the plan; fall out of the window: quarrel, unprofitable litigation; hang the window black: sadness due to an illness in the family. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Window WINDOW - a look at the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal). Climbing through a window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Climbing out, getting out of a window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation. Open - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret. Breaking a window and getting out is a fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse. Looking from the window - life perspective and plans, upcoming events, what the landscape is like matters. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Window A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Window A window in a dream: foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise that is important to you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Closed windows: a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken: you will be suspected of infidelity. Sitting on a window in a dream means in reality becoming a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, and recklessness. Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal. Running through the window: to an impending disaster that will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip. Looking out the window, passing by someone's house, and seeing strange things there: to failure in an important matter for you, to the loss of the respect of others, for the sake of which you risked your health and well-being. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Window Open the window: to a surge of new strength. Looking out the window: in anticipation of important news, peeking out the window: in possession of someone else's secret. Knock on the window: possible surgical disease. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Window Dream Interpretation Window - In the subconscious, a window is associated with a way out of a situation, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of change in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; window with broken glass, a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment. Russian folk dream book

Dream Interpretation Window A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and melancholy will overwhelm you. Window - a look out the window from inside the house reflects a view of the world, an outlook, and a search for opportunities. Looking out the window of a house from the street side shows a desire to get to know someone or something better. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Window Window: usually dreamed of as a harbinger of the end of bright hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected fruits. Closed windows: an image of abandonment. Broken windows: portends pathetic suspicions of infidelity directed at you. If in a dream you were sitting on a window: you may become a victim of stupidity or recklessness. If you climbed into the house through a window, you will be caught cheating. They fled through the window, as if trouble would happen. We looked into someone's window while passing by and saw strange things: you can fail and lose the respect of others.

If you dreamed about looking out the window- this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner and become isolated if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted. In this way, you hope to keep your relationship intact. Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to this very relationship and your role in it, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and take on all the responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep your relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

The window is open to see- is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; closed window see- means a good state of affairs; climb out the window- portends bankruptcy; fall into it- foreshadows an unprofitable lawsuit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Window- view of the world or another person, situation; expectation; state of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side you look at, external or internal).

Climbing through the window- excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge.

Climb out, climb out of the window- trouble, way out of a difficult situation.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Looking out the window- calm, peace, safe situation.

Break the window- troubles.

See the bars on the window- separation.

Inserting glass into a window- take precautions.

Look through the broken, cracked- we must continue to fight, despite failure.

See an empty window frame- ridicule / your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

See stained glass in your windows- it is futile to try to isolate yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully- unclear concerns / some damage.

plow open- an expectation that seems hopeless.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Window- expectation; revealed - profit, gift, guest / bad deed, trouble, regret, sadness; closed- good / boredom; with broken glass- losses, poverty; with intact and clean glass- happiness; look out the window- news; climb out the window- ruin; knock him out and get out- implementation of plans; fall out the window- quarrel, unprofitable litigation; cover the window black- sadness due to illness in the family.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing windows in a dream- a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not live up to the hopes that you placed on him and will cause a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair in your soul.

Closed windows- a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him.

broken window- a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason, which are based on gossip.

Esoteric dream book

Lots of windows- from within the world of the soul and its high spaces.

Obstructed- hidden spiritual secrets, one must make an effort to reveal them. A wide open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the “high” world.

View from the window- what happens in a subtle way.

Look out the window, while being outside look into the depths of consciousness- you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche.

Windows round, oval, semi-oval- you have a “channel” of clairaudience. We need to use it.

Climb through the window- show self-will and excessive persistence in spiritual knowledge.

Breaking the window- to break through the line between the subtle and dense world, to break out into the vastness of the soul.

Ukrainian dream book

The window is open- guest; you will regret something; look out the window- there will be news; illuminated- sum.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Window- expectation; wide open- regret; knock it out and go outside- fulfillment of desires.

Collection of dream books

Window- looking into the future or past.

If a person sees himself looking out of a window in a dream- good, this means that his call will be heard by his god.

Window- nice dates.

Window- to complications in the family, if it is open, and to improve relations- if closed.

The window is open, or you open it- sadness, melancholy or a harbinger of the fatal end of brilliant hopes; the window is closed, or you close it- to an imminent illness.

Light in the window- the end of a long separation from a loved one.

See the window- the need to look at the world with different eyes; Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "I see myself"

Two people were talking.

- That’s why, when you come to this money-obsessed merchant Ignat, he talks only about himself, thinks only about himself and generally sees only himself?
And when you come to poor Prokhor, he will tell you about everyone who is around, who needs to be helped, who needs to be cured, who needs to be saved?

“I think here like the principle of glass and mirror,” one answered the other.
- Look out the window through its glass. What will you see?

- I'll see people!

- Everything is correct. And if you add silver to glass, you get a mirror.
And you will only be able to see yourself.

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