Presentation urban municipal economy stages of urbanization. Presentation on the topic of urbanization and life

Transitions from liquid to gaseous or solid phase and back. It's hard to say where the oil came from. The origin of oil is one of the most difficult problems in natural science. Penetration of water to great depths into the bowels of the Earth. A number of statements and theoretical schemes created at the dawn of development. Some statements are remembered now only as curiosities. What is oil. D.I. Mendeleev, as he himself writes, was amazed by parallelism.

“Geography test” - Name the states. Select the capital of China from the following. Areas of new development. The totality of farms in all countries of the world. Select the capital of Poland from the following. Geography cut test. Geographic division of labor. Number of non-OPEC countries. Type of industry structure. Number of a non-G8 country.

“Problems of Third World Countries” - General characteristics of Third World countries. High and growing unemployment rate. The problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries. Low level of labor productivity. Heavy dependence on agricultural production and exports. Forecast for developing countries. Problems of socio-economic backwardness of developing countries. Developing countries in the global economy. High population growth rates.

“Mechanical engineering and metalworking” - Mechanical engineering. Table. Foreign economic activity. Factors and features of the location of general engineering industries. Investments in fixed capital. Dynamics of the physical volume index of the mechanical engineering industry. Modern geography of general mechanical engineering. General mechanical engineering. Innovative and scientific-technical activities. Problems and prospects for the development of general mechanical engineering in the Russian Federation. The state of the mechanical engineering and metalworking industries.

“Architecture of Nizhny Novgorod” - A dozen Nizhny Novgorod residents. The building stood for more than 180 years. Wealth. City. There are more than 700 architectural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod. Preservation of architectural monuments in “Old Nizhny”. Preservation of the monument. Demolition of architectural monuments. Several trees. Nizhny Novgorod. Museum of Wooden Architecture. Historical core. Reconstruction of the Kremlin's Zachatievskaya tower. The attitude of the authorities towards the demolition of architectural monuments.

"World Economy" - Natural Resources. Scientific and technological revolution and its features. Signs of a post-industrial economy. MGRT and integration. Test. Composite scientific and technological revolutions. Territorial structure of countries. Stages of economic development of countries. Farm structure. Germany. MGRT is the specialization of countries in the production of goods and services. EGP. Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy. Stages of development of scientific and technological revolution. MX placement. Focus on highly qualified labor force. Environmental pollution.

The main factors that distinguish an urban settlement from a rural one are the size of its population, which is predominantly employed outside agriculture. In addition, the city has a different character of residential development compared to rural areas and a higher population density.

"A city is a unity of dissimilarities"




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Italy Spain Portugal Belarus England Georgia Russia Australia Germany Greece Albania Macedonia China Israel Mongolia India Nepal Japan Name the countries where the Christian religion is spread






The main factors that distinguish an urban settlement from a rural one are the size of its population, which is predominantly employed outside agriculture. In addition, the city has a different character of residential development compared to rural areas and a higher population density. “A city is a unity of dissimilarities” Aristotle There are no uniform criteria for identifying cities in the world. In the USA, cities include settlements that have reached 2.5 thousand inhabitants, in the Netherlands - 20 thousand, in Iceland - 200 people. In some countries, cities include all administrative centers, regardless of the size of the population living in them. In Russia, a city is considered a settlement with at least 12 thousand people. In general, cities can be classified as follows: cities Megacities (supercities formed by the merger of agglomerations) From 500 thousand to 1 million people From 100 to 500 thousand people From 1 to 10 million people agglomerations (large cities surrounded by satellite cities)

CITY 1 million in population Entertainment center Administrative and scientific centers Financial center Transport center Industrial center Mining center Resort center CITY FUNCTIONS OF THE CITY is a populated area, the majority of whose residents are employed in industry and the service sector small medium large large largest millionaires FUNCTIONS OF THE CITY OF ISTRA REYKJAVIK NOVGOROD TIRANA DUBLIN MOSCOW

Ancient Indian city - Machu Picchu Capital of Australia - Canberra Resort city - Anapa City of entertainment - Las Vegas

City - state - San Marino City - port - Arkhangelsk Industrial center - Norilsk (the largest center of the copper-nickel industry) Adelaide - port and administrative center

The functions of the city may change due to changes in the geopolitical position, its role and significance in the country’s economy. The “functional” history of the city can be studied by becoming acquainted with its original and modern coats of arms. Coat of arms of the city of Zvenigorod Initially, the city was built as a fortress, which is reflected in its ancient coat of arms. Now it is one of the historical centers of Russia, part of the Moscow region. As a result, the symbol of Moscow appeared in the upper left corner of the coat of arms.

TYPES OF CITIES Cities are characterized by regional differences. It is customary to distinguish types of cities: Western European, Arab, African, Latin American, North American. They developed under the influence of various factors: historical, economic, geographical, religious, etc.

Western European city Western European city: roots go back to the times of the Roman Empire. In the center there is a market square, a town hall, a cathedral. The narrow streets of the old city radiate away from the center.

Arab city Arab city: divided into new and old parts. The core of the old part is usually a fortification (citadel). It is surrounded in a tight ring by the quarters of the old city. The main decoration is the colorful bazaars

African city African city: developed under the influence of European colonization, the religion it introduced - Christianity, and also later - Islam. European-style buildings are combined with oriental bazaars, mosques and poor neighborhoods

Latin American city Latin American city: created as a colonial city according to a single plan that Spain and Portugal developed for their possessions. The central part is similar to the center of a European city. On the outskirts, belts of poverty have formed, in which 30-50% of the city's population live.

North American city North American city: distinguished by specific features, primarily its youth. It is characterized by a clear rectangular layout with a Business Center (downtown); in other parts of the city there are low-rise individual buildings.

2 50 80 81 Land area Population GDP Air emissions 90 80 70 60 50 40 30% 0 Conclusion: City indicators Diagram: “The role of cities in the modern world”

The problems of cities in the 21st century have become global in nature, and they are dealt with by representatives of various scientific disciplines - economists, sociologists, ecologists. Geographers are primarily interested in the spatial aspects of urbanization - patterns of the location of cities and the functioning of urban space, settlement systems, as well as environmental problems of cities.

II. Urbanization is the process of growth of cities and urban populations, the spread of the urban lifestyle, and the increasing economic role of the city. Diagram: “Dynamics of the global urbanization process.” Conclusion: in the 20th century there is an “urban boom” - a sharp jump in the urban population.


Urbanization is accompanied by an increasing role of cities in the life of society, the spread of an urban lifestyle and the formation of settlement systems

FEATURES OF MODERN URBANIZATION Rapid growth rates of the urban population Concentration of industry and population in large cities “Sprawling” of cities, expansion of their territory As a result of the “sprawling” of cities, urban agglomerations appear Currently, there are about 20 agglomerations THE LARGEST URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS IN THE WORLD (million people) Mexico City (28) Tokyo (27) Sao Paulo (26) Shanghai (23) Bombay (20) Beijing (19) Jakarta (18) Seoul (16) Kolkata (15) New York (17)

Moscow agglomeration AGGLOMERATION is a group of nearby cities united by connections: cultural, social, labor, industrial New York City agglomeration (16.6 million people) Mexico City agglomeration (17.9 million people)

MEGA COLISES OF THE WORLD A megalopolis is an urbanized zone formed by fused agglomerations. There are six megalopolises in the world: Europe – 2: English, Rhine; USA – 3: San-San, Chipits, Boswash; Japan – 2: Tokaido English and Rhine megalopolises USA megalopolises

FALSE URBANIZATION - rapid growth of the urban population, not accompanied by an increase in the number of jobs => the emergence of undeveloped slums R URBANIZATION - the spread of urban forms of life in rural settlements, due to the migration of urban residents to them C UBURBANIZATION - the process of growth and development of the suburban area large cities, while the pace of development of satellite cities is higher than the rate of development of the agglomeration core

Depending on the size of the urban population (urbanization level), countries are classified as highly urbanized (urbanization level > 50%), moderately urbanized (from 20 to 50%), and lightly urbanized (

Countries with a high level of urbanization (the share of the urban population is over 50%) Moderately urbanized countries (the share of the urban population is from 20% to 50%) Slightly urbanized countries (the share of the urban population is below 20%) Depending on the size of the urban population (level of urbanization) countries vary

Countries with a high level of urbanization (share of urban population over 50%) UK – 89 ARGENTINA – 88 AUSTRALIA – 85 SWEDEN - 83 VENEZUELA – 93 BELGIUM -95 Countries with medium urbanization (share of urban population from 20% to 50%) MALAYSIA SENEGAL CONGO INDONESIA VIETNAM INDIA Slightly urbanized countries (the share of the urban population is below 20%) ETHIOPIA - 13 NEPAL - 14 MALAWI - 13 NIGER - 17 UGANDA - 12 RWANDA - 8 BURUNDI - 8 KUWAIT - 97 Depending on the number of urban population (urbanization level), countries differ

According to the level of urbanization, all countries are divided into three groups. Share of the urban population in different countries (in %) HIGHLY URBANIZED > 51% MODERATELY URBANIZED 20 - 50% LOW URBANIZED

Urbanization level more than 50% from 20 to 50% less than 20%

In addition to the urban form of settlement, there are two more: FORMS OF SETTLEMENT URBAN NOMAD RURAL GROUP (VILLAGE) DISPERSED (FARM, HUTOR) Despite the rapid growth of cities, about 1/2 of the world's population still lives in rural areas, and the total number of rural settlements is 20 million The group form of settlement prevails in Russia, foreign Europe, China, and Japan. Farms are most common in the USA, Canada, and Australia. In areas of nomadic cattle breeding, there are no permanent settlements at all; this is typical for Mongolia, as well as for the indigenous peoples of the north of Russia, Canada, and the USA.

New York Moscow Singapore Mexico City Jakarta Bombay Paris Tokyo Bonn Sao Paulo Baku Los Angeles Minsk Kolkata Seoul Rome Shanghai Vancouver Beijing Oslo Name the largest agglomerations in the world with a population of more than 14 million people


Formulate a conclusion on the topic of the lesson Topic 3 §4 (in the textbook by V.P. Maksakovsky) Complete the assignment for the lesson. Put on the contour map: The largest cities in the world Megalopolises Highly urbanized, medium-urbanized, low-urbanized countries (5 examples each) HOMEWORK

Diagram: “The role of cities in the modern world” Conclusion:

2 50 80 81 Land area Population GDP Air emissions 90 80 70 60 50 40 30% Diagram: “The role of cities in the modern world” 0 Conclusion: City indicators

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2). The concentration of population and economy is mainly in large cities, because cities have many functions, especially in the non-productive sphere, they better satisfy people's needs, have a developed infrastructure and provide access to information repositories. 2). The concentration of population and economy is mainly in large cities, because cities have many functions, especially in the non-productive sphere, they better satisfy people's needs, have a developed infrastructure and provide access to information repositories. Half the world's population lives in cities. More than 30 cities in the world have a population of more than 5 million people. 3) "Sprawling" of cities, expansion of their territory. This happens when belts of satellite cities appear around large cities (capitals, industrial and port centers). Such formations are called urban agglomerations. Their uncontrolled growth greatly worries scientists working on this problem.

The problem of urbanization Urbanization (Latin urbanus - urban) is a historical process of increasing the role of cities and urban lifestyle in the development of mankind, associated with the territorial concentration of its activities in relatively few places on the planet. Moreover, urbanization is a global process, i.e., covering the entire globe. The process of urbanization became a product of industrialization and capitalism. Continuing urbanization (sometimes called the “quiet revolution”) is bringing enormous changes to people’s lifestyles and transforming natural landscapes, often leading to negative environmental consequences.

Megalopolises In industrialized countries, as a result of the “sprawling” and gradual merging of dozens of neighboring urban agglomerations along transport highways, vast urbanized areas - megalopolises - are formed. The largest of them are the Tokaido megalopolis on the “front” side of Japan with the largest agglomerations of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe; The northeastern metropolis of the USA Bos-Wash, consisting of almost 40 agglomerations, stretching almost 1000 km from Boston to Washington; metropolis of Chig Pits on the southern coast of the Great Lakes - from Chicago to Pittsburgh.

“Slum urbanization” The globalism of the urbanization process is especially clear in the example of developing countries, where the number of city dwellers is growing rapidly. The migration of village residents to cities has assumed gigantic proportions. Urbanization here is unique and leads to rapid growth of the “pseudo-urban” population, hence “slum urbanization.” Over 1/3 of the urban population of underdeveloped countries lives in slums.

Specifics of urbanization in the USSR and Russia For decades, urbanization in our country was influenced by the military orientation and strategic interests of the country. Insufficient development of the service sector, the level of urban improvement, the monotony and dullness of the architectural appearance - all this was characteristic of the urbanization of the Soviet period. The process of urbanization gives rise to many economic, social and environmental problems in modern Russia: dangerous pollution of dozens of cities with industrial waste, the need to build new modern roads and reconstruct old housing stock, etc. In most Russian cities there is a lack of leisure and entertainment centers that have long been have already become an integral feature in Western countries.

Urbanization is a knot of contradictions Urbanization is the object of study of many sciences, primarily economics, ecology, sociology and geography. -Economic problems. The functions of large cities as industrial centers are weakening, while other functions (scientific, cultural, etc.) are strengthening. -Ecological problems. Cities concentrate all types of environmental pollution. -Social problems. Sharp differences in the quality of life in cities and less economically developed regions. -Geographical problems. The spread of the urban lifestyle to ever larger areas.

Transitions from liquid to gaseous or solid phase and back. It's hard to say where the oil came from. The origin of oil is one of the most difficult problems in natural science. Penetration of water to great depths into the bowels of the Earth. A number of statements and theoretical schemes created at the dawn of development. Some statements are remembered now only as curiosities. What is oil. D.I. Mendeleev, as he himself writes, was amazed by parallelism.

“Geography test” - Name the states. Select the capital of China from the following. Areas of new development. The totality of farms in all countries of the world. Select the capital of Poland from the following. Geography cut test. Geographic division of labor. Number of non-OPEC countries. Type of industry structure. Number of a non-G8 country.

“Problems of Third World Countries” - General characteristics of Third World countries. High and growing unemployment rate. The problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries. Low level of labor productivity. Heavy dependence on agricultural production and exports. Forecast for developing countries. Problems of socio-economic backwardness of developing countries. Developing countries in the global economy. High population growth rates.

“Mechanical engineering and metalworking” - Mechanical engineering. Table. Foreign economic activity. Factors and features of the location of general engineering industries. Investments in fixed capital. Dynamics of the physical volume index of the mechanical engineering industry. Modern geography of general mechanical engineering. General mechanical engineering. Innovative and scientific-technical activities. Problems and prospects for the development of general mechanical engineering in the Russian Federation. The state of the mechanical engineering and metalworking industries.

“Architecture of Nizhny Novgorod” - A dozen Nizhny Novgorod residents. The building stood for more than 180 years. Wealth. City. There are more than 700 architectural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod. Preservation of architectural monuments in “Old Nizhny”. Preservation of the monument. Demolition of architectural monuments. Several trees. Nizhny Novgorod. Museum of Wooden Architecture. Historical core. Reconstruction of the Kremlin's Zachatievskaya tower. The attitude of the authorities towards the demolition of architectural monuments.

"World Economy" - Natural Resources. Scientific and technological revolution and its features. Signs of a post-industrial economy. MGRT and integration. Test. Composite scientific and technological revolutions. Territorial structure of countries. Stages of economic development of countries. Farm structure. Germany. MGRT is the specialization of countries in the production of goods and services. EGP. Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy. Stages of development of scientific and technological revolution. MX placement. Focus on highly qualified labor force. Environmental pollution.

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