Spelling of prefixes raz-, raz-. methodological development in the Russian language (grade 4) on the topic

Lesson topic "Spelling of prefixes times-, dis-

The purpose of the lesson: - repeat the spelling of vocabulary words;

Show students the rules for writing prefixes times-, dis-;

Remember the three persons of personal pronouns, their changes according to

numbers and cases;

Develop communication skills during the analysis stages

linguistic material.

Compiled by primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Goryachy Klyuch Chernykh Victoria Vladimirovna



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 3


Goryachy Klyuch city

Lesson development

In Russian

subject "Spelling of prefixes times -, races -"

4th grade

Teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3

Chernykh Victoria Vladimirovna

Municipal district of Goryachy Klyuch -2010

Lesson topic "Spelling of prefixes once-, dis-.”

The purpose of the lesson : - repeat the spelling of vocabulary words;

Show students the rules for writing prefixes times-, dis-;

Remember the three persons of personal pronouns, their changes according to

Numbers and cases;

Develop communication skills during the analysis stages

Language material.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Today we have guests at our lesson. Let's welcome them.(Students greet guests.)

Now open your notebooks and write down the number.

II. Vocabulary work.

Let's remember the spelling of some vocabulary words that Yana will dictate to us(the student prepares words for dictation at home in advance), and Sasha will come to the board.(A student called to the board writes down previously studied vocabulary words under the dictation of another student).

III. Determining the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

Words with missing letters in prefixes are written in advance on the board


Anishit Yokopovna asked Masha to write words in which the consonant letters z or s must be inserted correctly. Read the words.(The called student reads from his seat: “Expand, disperse, spread apart”).

Which parts of the word are missing letters?(In consoles.)

Can you and I now choose the right letter?(No.)

Really. You and I don't know the rules yet. You and I will be able to insert letters into these words later, after we learn how to spell them. Now try to formulate the topic of our lesson.(Children's answers are listened to.)

So, the topic of the lesson is: “Spelling the prefixes raz-, raz-.”

IY. Working on the topic.

Meeting of the “Key and Dawn” club

Open your textbooks to page 17 and read what Misha and Kostya argued about at the meeting of the Key and Dawn club.

Do exercise 10 on page 18.

Exercise: open the reverse dictionary on page 179. use all the verbs ending in –аt from the first two columns of words for work. Write out the vocabulary words

prefixes times-, races -, in two columns. Underline the letter in each word that begins with the root. What prefix is ​​written if the root of the word begins with a VOICED consonant? What if from a DEAF consonant?

break down write down

times b rosat race x wat

time to chat race to attack

disturb print


Ras t wholesale

Race with hear

What consonants do the roots of the words in the first column begin with?(From voiced ones).

What consonants do the roots of the words in the second column begin with?(From the deaf).

Conclusion: if the root begins with a voiced consonant, we write the prefix once- ; if the root begins with a voiceless consonant, we write the prefix dis-.

3. Do exercise 11 on page 18.

Exercise: Write down the words. Select the prefix in them. What letter is written at the end of the prefix? Emphasize it. Now underline the letter with which the root of each word begins. What sound does it represent? What conclusion can you draw?

disarm once again

immediately get rid of clothes

Conclusion: the prefix is written in words whose roots begin with a vowel.

4. Reading was taught in the textbook on page 18.

Anishit Yokopovna created one difficulty for us. Now we have to not just read the rule, but choose the correct one from two options to make a rule.

The prefix RAZ- is written in words whose roots begin with vowels (voiced? deaf?) consonants.

The prefix RAS- is written in words whose roots begin with (voiced? deaf?) consonants.

(Students read the rule, choose the correct word and underline it.)

Now we can insert letters into the word prefixes written by Masha.(The student called to the board writes the required letters, explaining his choice with the rule.)


Y. Consolidation.

1. Independent work.Notebook for independent work No. 2 exercise 12 page 11.

Exercise: Enter the prefix RAS- or RAZ-. Underline the letters with which the roots of the words begin.

Find the highlighted pronouns. Masha believes that these are forms of the same pronoun. Misha says that these are different pronouns. Underline the correct answer. Above the pronouns, indicate the person, number, and case.

I was ____angry, and howled:

No! This is someone else's apartment.

Knit, release

These little children.

Here are Fedorina's cats

Tails fluffed.

We Today we ate too much frogs,

And with us stomachs ____ache.

And tomorrow ____he will tell himself

About all your exploits us .

Which of the fierce claws

Angry beasts

Will he rescue our poor Lyalechka?

(K. Chukovsky)

Everyone really needs it, I know


Order of the day.

(M. Druzhinina)

2. Work in pairs. After completing the work, the neighbors at the desk exchange notebooks and check each other's correctness of the exercise.

YI. Lesson summary.

Creative task: replace the highlighted words with synonyms with the prefixes RAZ-, RAS-.

The task is displayed on the interactive board.

Rooks have been walking for a long time (...) around the yard and began to build nests in the birch grove. Starlings toomoved (...)closer to human habitation. Father reported (...) that I saw a flock of swans. They were flying at a high altitude, and their father could barely see (...) discern. Tvertsa Riveroverflowed its banks (...) and flooded the meadows.

Words for reference:tell, look at, spill, walk, settle down.

Yiii. Lesson summary.

Spelling of which prefixes did we study today?

In what cases is the prefix raz- written?

When do we write the prefix ras-?

YII. Homework.

Textbook part 2 p.19 exercise 12

1. Consoles without-, through- (all-), from-, bottom-, once-, through- (through-) written with the letter z before vowels and voiced consonants ( b, c, d, e, g, h, l, m, n, r): without water, to excite, and to injure, to lay down, to dissolve, emergency and with the letter s before voiceless consonants ( k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch): be with class, with food, with remember, and with frighten, with no walk, no with walk, too much. Wed. spellings with two s or two s at the junction of the prefix and the root: selfless - unscrupulous, appeal - rebellion, wither - wither, provoke - anger.

building, here, health, no way the prefix is ​​not highlighted and the consonant z is included in the root.

Notes: 1. In words low, the lowest consonant з is part of the root, therefore in writing before the voiceless consonant there is no need to replace it with s. Wed. complex word close-sitting.

2. The spellings ra s count, ra s honor - ras s to read, ras to read are based on the rule: one letter s is written before the root (except for the word countless), two letters s are written before the root chit.

3. In the words razevat, razinut, razor, razorit and derivatives from them, one letter z is written.

4. In the word rass oritsya, two letters s are written (although rassoritsya), since in the Russian language three identical consonants are not written in a row.

2. On consoles times-//ras- — roses-//ros- in the unstruck position the letter a is written: r a razval't, r a zliv, r a write-off, r a pour out, in the struck position the letter o is written: r about valni, r o zliv, r about write-off, r about pour out. But: search - from search.

Note. Before a proper name, the prefix is ​​written with a hyphen: Be you at least once -Vanya - I don’t care.

3. The prefix c- remains unchanged, regardless of whether it is located before a voiceless or voiced consonant; cf.: to burn - to knock down, to cross - to gather, to cut - to make, to sew - to compress.

§ 28. Prefixes pre- and pre-

1. The prefix attaches to the words:

1) the meaning of a high degree of quality or action (it is possible to replace the prefix with the words very, very): very interesting, very unpleasant, more, more successful;

2) meaning ‘through’, ‘in a different way’ (close to the meaning of the prefix pere-): turn, transform, transgress.

3remember: in modern Russian in words despise, deceive, disdain the prefix is ​​not highlighted. In words presidium, prelude etc. there is no prefix.

2. The prefix attaches to words:

1) the meaning of spatial proximity, contiguity: pr and coastal, pr and school;

2) the meaning of addition, approximation, accession: to do, to add, to join;

3) the meaning of performing an action not in full or for a limited period: pr and open, pr and stop;

4) the meaning of bringing an action to the end: think, knock;

5) the meaning of performing an action in someone’s interests: pr and protect, pr and hide.

Remember: in modern Russian in words device, look at, order etc. the prefix is ​​not highlighted.

Note. There are different spellings of words that are close in sound but have different meanings with the prefixes pre- and pri-:

abide - arrive

betray - give

limit - aisle

successor - receiver, receiver← July.

Remember: in the word collect the letter is written according to the pronunciation.

Note. This rule does not apply to compound words: Pedagogical Institute, Profizdat, sports equipment etc.

2. After the prefixes inter- and super-, the letter and is retained at the beginning of the root (since, as a general rule, the letter s is not written after sibilants and back-linguals): inter-institutional, inter-imperialist, super-refined, super-industrialization. Also: two-pulse, three-ion, four-needle and so on.

3. After foreign language prefixes and particles dis-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, pan- letter and at the beginning of the root is stored: disinformation, counterplay, post-impressionism, sub-inspector, superintendent, Transjordanian, pan-Islamism. Wed: pre-infarction’(Russian prefix) - post-infarction (foreign language prefix).

Goal: to consolidate the spelling of prefixes on z-; With-.

  1. Exercise students in the formation of new words, consolidate the rule of writing prefixes in z (s), learn to find words with these prefixes, and be able to use them in speech.
  2. Develop the ability to explain your choice and express judgment. Correct and develop phonetic hearing, observation, attention, concentration, ability to analyze and generalize.
  3. To foster a sense of responsibility for the environment, instill a love of nature, and arouse interest in Russian language lessons.

Lesson type: lesson that develops the improvement and application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Methods and techniques: verbal - conversation, story, posing a problematic question.

Equipment: cards, reference table for reproducing the rule, table with speech material for reasoning, punched cards.

Lesson Plan

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Checking the student's readiness for the lesson.

Teacher: Hello. I'm glad to see you in class. Check if you have everything ready for the lesson?

Psychological attitude to work.

Teacher: Today we will continue our journey through the country of “Dictionary”, we will overcome difficulties. And difficulties are easy to overcome when a person does everything in a good mood. You are in a good mood, I can see that. Then, good luck, good luck.

2. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting a goal.

Teacher: We have already been working for several lessons on the topic: “Composition of a word” and today we will clarify when you can write a consonant in prefixes Z-, and when - WITH-.

And let’s think about what words we can use to address a person of the 21st century, so that our planet preserves its centuries-old green outfit. Write down the date and topic.

3. Vocabulary work.

Teacher: Write the vocabulary words correctly, separated by commas. (Crossword).

Take a science course, get an education somewhere, at school. ( education)

Dissemination of political ideas and slogans among the population. ( agitation)

A type of work that requires certain training and is a source of livelihood. ( profession)

An official who is in charge of something. ( manager).

Parse the words according to their composition: manager, uprising, united. (You can use scissors to cut the words and arrange the word parts into a table.)

console root suffix ending

Teacher: What are they used for in Russian? prefix and suffix? What is the meaning of the word ending?

Teacher: Let’s get acquainted with the meaning of three more words. Working with an explanatory dictionary.

Cowardice is a lack of perseverance, courage, and fortitude. Despised for cowardice.

Responsibility is something that is included in the range of actions, actions that are required to be performed (according to the law, social requirements, internal motivation). Rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Fatherland - (high) Fatherland, homeland.

Teacher: Come up with sentences or phrases with new words. (Oral form of work.) We write down a correctly composed phrase or sentence in a notebook.

4. Explanation of a new topic.

Teacher: Look. There are proverbs on the table. Read them.

Idleness does not lead to good things.

The strong always have powerless guilty.

Teacher: And you must make up the next proverb yourself. In front of you are cards with words. Make up the correct proverb. Pay attention to the capital letter and period, what do they tell you?

From idleness the dog barks.

Teacher: How do you understand these proverbs? Explain.

Teacher: What words are highlighted here in all three proverbs? Write these words in your notebook and highlight the prefix.

Teacher: How do we pronounce prefixes? Do we hear all the letters clearly?

Emphasize the first consonant in the root.


Let's repeat the letters denoting a consonant sound.

Teacher: Let's use a hint card.

In consoles on Z - - S- The consonant is written as it is heard. (reference table)

Teacher: Form words using a prefix according to the model and write them separated by commas.

Teacher: Let's check. There are two baskets in front of you. Read the words with the prefix first without-, and then with the prefix demon-. A game. How many “points” have you scored?

Teacher: The words that ended up in the left basket, what sound is heard in the prefixes - Z or S?

What consonant do the prefixes end with?

Before a voiced or unvoiced consonant is written Z?

The words that ended up in the right basket, what sound is heard in the consoles - Z or S?

What consonant do the prefixes end with? Before a voiced or unvoiced consonant is written WITH?

Conclusion. (p. 33)

5. Creative dictation.

Teacher: Replace the noun with a preposition with an adjective with prefixes z (s). Distribute in two columns: without-, without-. The words are on a punched card, students write the prefix correctly and arrange them in two columns. Then they independently write down these words in a notebook.

  1. Child without worries (carefree)
  2. Sky without stars (starless)
  3. No entry fee (free)
  4. Desert without water (anhydrous)
  5. Road without end (endless)
  6. Child without help (helpless)
  7. Liquid without color (colorless)
  8. Crying without a sound (silent)
  9. Movement without noise (silent)
  10. Chocolate without taste (tasteless)

6. Physical exercise to improve cerebral circulation.

I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 – turn your head to the right. 2 – i. n. The same to the left. Repeat 6-8 times. The tempo is slow

I. p. - sitting, hands on shoulders, hands clenched into fists. 1 – tilt your head back. 2 – i. n. Same forward. Repeat 6-8 times.

I. p. – sitting, raise your arms up, hands at random. Bend your back, group yourself, hugging your left shoulder with your right hand, and your right shoulder with your left hand. Stretch and continue working.

7. Working with text. Work in the workbook p. 12 No. 34.

Teacher: Read the open letter to the youth of the writer Leonid Leonov.

Dear young friends!

We use the priceless wealth of the earth - the forest - for free. But forests are mercilessly destroyed by fires and people. In order not to know the grief ahead, you must take in every penny taken from nature without a receipt.

You will certainly not live long on this beautiful land. Protect your green friend.

Teacher: Which sentence contains the main idea? Which sentences are used figuratively? How do you understand the words of this text?

Disciple: We take from the earth its riches. We don’t even give her a receipt for this. But debts must be repaid. Every plucked flower or broken branch must be compensated by planting flowers and trees. Forests are our wealth. They are our green friends.

8. Independent work.

Teacher: Insert the missing letters into the text yourself. We verbally explain the choice of spelling of prefixes.

9. Drawing up a judgment about L. Leonov’s letter.

Teacher: Do you agree with the thoughts expressed in L. Leonov’s letter? Let's confirm our agreement or disagreement, that is, express a judgment. The following expressions will help us with this:

Teacher: One of these sentences will begin your judgment. You will then explain why you agree or disagree with the writer's point of view.

10. Completing written work. Students compose the text and write it down in their class notebook.

11. Checking the completed task.

Students reading their judgment. Generalization.

I share the writer’s point of view that we need to protect forests. Their death brings terrible disasters. Without the planet's green outfit, the rivers will dry up. Dry winds will destroy crops. Animals and people will disappear. And we ourselves will be to blame for this.

Teacher: What needs to be done to save the forest? Does the future of the Earth in the 21st century depend on humans? How can your contribution be beneficial to nature?

12. Homework assignment.

Orally write an open letter to your peers, reminding them how to protect the forest. Students receive a card:

Guys! It depends on us what the Earth will be like in the 21st century. Let's take care of the planet's green outfit.

In the forest………(don’t ignite, it may ignite…flowering plants, don’t leave them in order, don’t be…different; we won’t let them disappear).

In writing according to the textbook p. 36 No. 50. Copy the phrases by inserting prefixes that suit their meaning.

13. Lesson summary.

Teacher: Name the topic of today's lesson.

What moments of the lesson do you remember best?

In what cases is the prefix written to z -; With-?

What words from the dictionary did you become familiar with?

What words would you say to a person of the 21st century?

What new page has opened for you in the vast country of “Dictionary”?

Assessment for work in class.


  1. Aksenova A.K., Galunchikova N.G. Development of students’ speech in grammar and spelling lessons., M.: Education, 2004.
  2. Galunchikova N. G., Yakubovskaya E. V. Russian language 9th grade, M.: Education, 2006.
  3. Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Nikolskaya R. I. Speech lessons., M.: Education, 1995.
  4. Semyonova E. E. Entertaining grammar., “Omega” Moscow 1996.
  5. Undzenkova A., Sagirova O. Russian with passion!
  6. ARD Ekaterinburg 1997.

Festival of pedagogical ideas. Open lesson 2006-2007 academic year.

Spelling of prefixes ending with the letters Z and S
1. In prefixes ending in Z and S, the spelling of the final consonant depends on the pronunciation: before voiceless consonants they pronounce [s] and write “s”, and before voiced consonants and vowels they pronounce [z] and write “z”.
Consider examples:

In the same way as the prefix RAZ-(RAS-), the spelling of the prefixes IZ- (IS-), WHO- (VOS-), Bez- (BES-), NIZ- (NIS-), VZ- (VS-) is checked. , WHO- (WOS-), etc.
2. Please note: the prefix C- belongs to the group of prefixes that are always written the same way; it does not change depending on the sounds that come after it.

Compare: S-DO, S-THROW.

3. In addition, you need to remember that the words HERE, HERE, BUILDING, HEALTH, HELLO always begin with the letter “Z”.

1. In the middle of the forest, in a cleared and cultivated clearing, stood the lonely estate of Khorya. (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)
3. The officer, intoxicated by the wine, the game and the laughter of his comrades, considered himself severely offended and, in a rage, grabbed a copper shandal from the table and launched it at Silvio... (A.S. Pushkin, “Shot”)
4. I grabbed the papers and quickly took them away, fearing that the staff captain would not repent. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Hero of Our Time”)
5. Try to look at the lightning when, having cut through coal-black clouds, it unbearably trembles with a whole flood of shine. (N.V. Gogol, “Rome”)
6. Returning to the living room, the three of them sat down: the old men remembered the old times and anecdotes of their service, and Alexey was thinking about what role he should play in the presence of Lisa. (A.S. Pushkin, “The Young Lady-Peasant”)
7. The centurion sat almost motionless in his little room; the same reliable sadness that he had met before on his face remained in him to this day. (N.V. Gogol, “Viy”)
8. Crossing himself and muttering something, a sad little man flew by, without a hat, with a completely insane face, and a scratched bald head and in completely wet pants. (M. A. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”)
9. ... How unspeakably magnificent and clear the day becomes when the light finally triumphs and the last waves of warmed fog either roll and spread like tablecloths, or curl and disappear in the blue, gently shining heights... (I. S. Turgenev, “ Notes of a Hunter")
10. We sat down at the table; the owner was extremely in spirit, and soon his gaiety became general; the corks slammed every minute, the glasses foamed and hissed incessantly, and with all possible zeal we wished the departing person a good journey and all the best. (A. S. Pushkin, “Shot”)
11. He stopped short and again stared at me with the same wide eyes and with the same long, convulsive, meaninglessly questioning smile, growing more and more. (F. M. Dostoevsky, “Teenager”)
12. The sight of his crumbling yard, the greatly changed sight of a wizened and strangely quiet, slightly crazy mother, did not make any impression on him. (I. A. Bunin, “Merry Yard”)
13. Curiosity began to bother me, and I hoped that the punch would solve the language of my old acquaintance. (A. S. Pushkin, “The Station Agent”)
14. The whole day the undertaker rode from Razgulay to the Nikitsky Gate and back; By evening he had settled everything and went home on foot, dismissing his driver. (A. S. Pushkin, “The Undertaker”)
15. As soon as the countess leaves, her people will probably disperse, the doorman will remain in the entryway, but he usually goes to his closet. (A. S. Pushkin, “The Queen of Spades”)
16. Elena was alone and therefore could not control herself and talked either in a low voice or silently, barely moving her lips... (M. A. Bulgakov, “The White Guard”)
17. Someone’s eyes, black, black, and moles on the right cheek, matte, dimly flickered in the sleepy darkness. (M. A. Bulgakov, “The White Guard”)
18. Many residents of St. Petersburg, who spent their childhood in a different climate, are subject to the strange influence of the cheap sky. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
19. What were his intentions, fears and hopes, only God knows, but, apparently, he was ready to take a decisive step, to give a new direction to his life. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
20. Finally, the door opened, and he slowly walked up the wide stairs. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
21. The office alone can sometimes reveal household secrets, but the office is as impenetrable to outsiders as the heart... (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
22. It’s strange, Pechorin thought, getting into the sleigh, there was a time when I read on her face all the movements of thought as erroneously as my own manuscript, but now I don’t understand her, I don’t understand her at all. (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya”)
23. These _ Denmarks, which at first glance only surprise you as everything great, over time _ become invaluable to you, when you remember that _ our enlightenment developed and grew here... (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Princess Ligovskaya")
24. A forester was fussing about a chopped tree on the ground; he held the thief under him and twisted his hands behind his back with a sash. (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)
25. With one turn, Biryuk yanked the man’s sash from his elbows, grabbed him by the collar, pulled his hat over his eyes, opened the door and pushed him out. (I. S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Hunter”)

The exercise was prepared by N.V. Solovyova and B.A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

The purpose of the lesson: to organize joint activities of students in order to learn how to correctly write words with the prefixes raz- and ras- and highlight the prefixes in words.


  • · know how to write the prefixes raz-, ras-;
  • · find words in the text with the prefixes raz-, raz-;
  • · correctly highlight prefixes in words;
  • · be able to work with the Reverse Dictionary and find in it words with the prefixes raz-, raz-;
  • · be able to work with the Explanatory Dictionary and find in it an explanation of the necessary words.


Regulatory: learn to set a new learning task in collaboration with the teacher;

Cognitive: distinguish between prefixes and prepositions; know how to correctly write words with the prefixes raz- and ras-; be able to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form; be able to independently create an algorithm for spelling the prefixes raz-, raz-; be able to formulate a rule for writing the prefixes raz-, raz-.

Communication skills: be able to work in pairs; listen carefully to each other; be able to express your thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Personal: to form the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school; help to understand the meaning of studying the spelling of prefixes and successfully using them in words; understand the importance of correct spelling of prefixes.

Teaching methods.

By the nature of educational and cognitive activity: problem-based and search. spelling prefix word speech

According to the method of organizing and carrying out cognitive activity: verbal, visual, practical.

According to the degree of pedagogical management on the part of the teacher: methods of indirect management of educational and cognitive activities of students using information sources.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, group, individual.

Subject: in the lesson the student will gain knowledge about the spelling of the prefixes raz-, raz-; learn to find words in the text with the prefixes raz-, raz-; learn to correctly identify prefixes in words; will consolidate the ability to work with the Reverse Dictionary and find words with prefixes in it; will consolidate the ability to work with the Explanatory Dictionary and find in it an explanation of the necessary words.


regulatory: the student will have the opportunity to learn to accept and maintain a learning task; transform a practical task into a cognitive one; draw up a simple action plan; carry out final control based on the results;

cognitive: the student will have the opportunity to learn to obtain information; carry out comparison and classification, independently choosing criteria; build logical reasoning that includes cause-and-effect relationships;

communicative: the student will have the opportunity to learn to listen to different points of view; take into account and coordinate in cooperation the positions of other people that differ from one’s own; argue your position; exercise mutual control and provide the necessary assistance in cooperation;

Personal: the student will have the opportunity to learn to evaluate his activities in class and the answers of his classmates

  • 1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baykova T.A. “Russian language, 3rd grade”, textbook, part 2; Part 3. Moscow: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2010.
  • 2. Baykova T.A. “Russian language, 3rd grade. Notebook for independent work No. 2." - Moscow: Academbook/Textbook, 2011.
  • 3. ICT

Table 1

Lesson topic:

Spelling of prefixes times-, dis-

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Methodical comment

Organizing time. Motivation for learning activities

Purpose: Organization

focused attention at the beginning of the lesson

Greetings, good wishes, mood for the lesson.

Everyone, everyone - good afternoon! Get out of the way, you lazy laziness! Don't stop me from studying, Don't stop me from working!

(slide number 2)

Find out how ready the children are for the lesson.

Confirm your readiness for the lesson, analyze how ready you are for the lesson.

Personal results:

Self-determination for activity, the ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

Updating knowledge

Motivate students to study the topic

The teacher reports:

The Sorceress invited Masha and Misha to the next lesson of the “Key and Dawn” club, and we are participants in the club meeting

"The Key and the Dawn"

(slide number 3)

  • -Who is the Sorceress? What is her name?
  • -The sorceress began the club meeting with the words

I want to tell you

About Ivan Ivanovich,

He once got sick

Lying on the sofa.

  • (slide number 4)
  • - What did you put in?
  • - How to write the prefix correctly and in which words is it written once-, and in which times-?

The sorceress's name is Anishit Yokopovna, as she loves peace and quiet.

By listening carefully to each other, we learn and learn something new in class.

Students give their answers:

In class today we will talk about the prefixes race -, dis-..

Subject: understand the task, how it should be completed, be able to work with the Explanatory Dictionary.

Meta-subject: Communicative: compare their answers with the answers of classmates, listen carefully to each other; are able to express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Setting a learning task

Introduce students to the learning task.

The teacher asks:

Who can name the topic


  • - That’s right, the topic of the meeting: “Spelling the prefixes raz- and raz-”
  • (slide number 5)

What goals would you set for yourself, what would you like to learn?

(slide number 6)

Explain the task:

Record the class date in your workbook. Now let's do some vocabulary work. (Words with missing letters are given on the SCREEN)

(slide number 7)

Copy the words by inserting the missing letters.

Holiday..nik, a...eya, forest..n...tsa, month...ts, d...cabr.., ...invar.,. r...keta, f..lied, distance

  • - What did you notice when cheating? (The word distance has no missing letters)
  • - Why do you think? (Since we haven’t learned this vocabulary word yet)
  • - Which part of the word distinguishes this word from all the others?

Highlight the prefix dis-

  • - What is a prefix?
  • - What is the difference between a prefix and a preposition?
  • - During the lesson you will explore and discover something new. The topic of the meeting is written on the board

"Spelling of prefixes

times- and dis-»

And our task is to find out in which cases it is necessary to write the prefix raz-, and in which words the prefix is ​​written ras- and why?

Already in your dictionary work you came across a word that has the prefix dis- (distance).

Open your textbooks on p.17.

Reading by the teacher of the text of intrigue between the characters about the spelling of prefixes.

To verify Anishit Yokopovna’s statement, let’s do exercise 10. (slide number 9)

Give your answers:

We will talk about the spelling of the prefixes raz- or ras-.

So, the topic of the meeting is: “Spelling the prefixes raz- and raz-.”

We listen to students' statements.

Talk about how you understood the task and what they will do to write down the words correctly.

  • -The word distance has no missing letters.
  • -We haven’t learned this vocabulary word yet.
  • -Prefix dis-
  • (we specify before which letter the prefix is ​​written)

Student answers:

  • - A prefix is ​​part of a word.
  • - A prefix differs from a preposition in that it is always written together with the word.

Peer review

writing vocabulary work, check each other’s work (slide No. 7)

They open the textbooks (p. 17) and listen to the text of the intrigue.

Students reading exercise 10.

Collective drawing up of a work plan for the task.

They work according to the assignment, write out words from the Reverse Dictionary and distribute them into two columns.

(In column I, students write down words with the prefix break, scatter, loosen, stir.

In column II, words with the prefix rastolkat, dissolve, paint, grab, roll out, print (slide number 10) (we specify before which letter the prefix is ​​written)


(slide number 10)


(slide number 11)


Analyze the learning task and accept it,

compare their answers with those of their classmates, listen carefully to each other; know how to express their thoughts.

Cognitive: distinguish between prefixes and prepositions.


be able to work in pairs; listen carefully to each other; be able to express your thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Subject results:

be able to work

with the Reverse Dictionary and find words with these prefixes in it, generalize and build a model of the algorithm for writing the prefixes dis-, dis- (what I know, what I don’t know)

Primary perception and assimilation of new theoretical educational material (rules, concepts, algorithms)

Teach children to independently formulate a rule and create an algorithm for writing words with the prefixes raz-, raz-.

  • - We continue our research.
  • (slide number 12)

Separate all parts of the word!

Put it in your pockets!

  • - to offend
  • - dissuade
  • - disarm
  • - dress up

After writing: the teacher asks:

  • - What letter is written at the end of the prefix? (Letter Z)
  • - What letter does the root begin with? What sound does it represent?
  • - Formulate your own rule about the spelling of the prefixes raz- and ras-, without referring to the poster of the Bat.
  • (The prefix is ​​written in words whose roots begin with vowels or voiced consonants.

The prefix is ​​written in words whose roots begin with voiceless consonants).

Now get acquainted with the text on the poster of the Bat and draw a conclusion about how to correctly write the prefixes raz- and ras-. (p. 18 in the textbook).

Cut the words, put them in pockets (we check which letter the prefix is ​​written in front of)


(slide number 13)


  • (slide number 15)
  • (slide number 16)

The algorithm is spoken:

  • - I read the word;
  • - I determine what sound the root begins with;
  • - I make a choice of console.
  • (slide number 18)

Then students independently make up a rule about the spelling of the prefixes raz- and ras-, without relying on the Bat poster.

After drawing up an algorithm and a rule for spelling the prefixes raz- and ras-, students turn to the Bat poster and draw the appropriate conclusions.



evaluate the progress and results of the task; compare your answers with those of your classmates.

Cognitive: be able to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement orally; independent creation of an activity algorithm for spelling the prefixes raz-, raz-;

be able to formulate a rule for writing the prefixes raz-, raz-.

Subject results:

know how to write the prefixes raz-, raz-

Dynamic pause

Goal: To give students the opportunity to relax

Let's have a musical exercise

Students perform movements to music (slide number 17)

Application of theoretical principles in the conditions of performing exercises and solving educational problems

Purpose: Summarize

the knowledge gained by students when completing a learning task.

Independent work with self-test.

Trom (over)..Oskva rejoiced..roaring..rolling thunder

(slide number 20)

Providing individual assistance to students who are experiencing difficulties in their work.

  • - Check how you completed this task.
  • (slide number 21)

Independent completion of the task in a notebook.

Draw a ray of self-esteem.

Students name the spellings and mark them on the ray.

Self-control and self-esteem.


They are self-determined in the UD.

Reflection of activity

Goal: To form personal responsibility for the results of your work.

The work of the club meeting “Key and Dawn” is coming to an end. Let's summarize all the work.

The teacher asks questions about the lesson (slide number 22).

Brief repetition of new content, assessment of personal contribution to the lesson (we specify before which letter the prefixes are written)


Self-assessment of personal contribution to the overall result of activity.


Purpose: Give

homework instructions.


(slide number 23)

v. exercise 12, p. 11 in the textbook.

page 18 rule.

This concludes the work of the “Key and Dawn” club meeting. The sorceress thanks for the good

the work of Masha and Misha and all the members of the “Key and Dawn” club.

  • (slide number 24)
  • - Evaluate your work in class.
  • (slide number 25)

Students read the assignment to themselves.

Ask questions about completing the task.

They understand how to do their homework.

Meta-subject results:


evaluate the progress and results of the task; compare your answers with those of your classmates.

What else to read