1 person showed up. Where did the first man come from: main versions 

Before considering the question “When did man appear on Earth?” we need to define what we mean by a biological being, characterized by the general concept of “people”. Today, the genus Homo (man, people) includes all living primates belonging to the family Hominidae (hominids) and the species Homo sapiens, as well as the extinct human ancestors that evolved from Australopithecus. However, some modern zoologists and geneticists are inclined to classify the common chimpanzee into the genus Homo, giving it the species name Homo troglodytes, and its younger brother, the bonobo (Homo paniscus). However, extinct primates belonging to the group Homo erectus (upright man), who lived 400 - 700 thousand years ago, whose brain volume exceeded 1000...1100 cubic centimeters, are classified as humans.

History of modern man

It is believed that the first people (Homo sapiens idaltu), with a brain volume quite close to modern man (1300 cubic centimeters), lived on Earth 100...400 thousand years ago. In parallel with them, intelligent and “skillful” hominids lived in various regions of our planet, quite close in their skills and lifestyle to modern humans. These are Neanderthals (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) and Denisovan people. Moreover, the Neanderthal brain was larger in volume than the brain of modern humans, reaching a size of 1400...1740 cubic centimeters. In addition, there is currently debate about the ancient existence of Homo floresiensis, sometimes called the Javan Hobbit. These people are classified as paleoanthropes - ancient people who were replaced by neoanthropes.

The fact that Homo sapiens, Denisovan people and Neanderthals not only lived close and communicated with each other, but also interbred with each other, is evidenced by the presence of genes in the genome of some ethnic groups of modern people.

According to one theory, the ancestors of Homo sapiens came from Africa, from where they settled in Hindustan, Asia Minor and the European continent. The genome of European peoples contains the largest number of genes of Neanderthals (1%...3%), who can be considered the indigenous “inhabitants” of Europe. At the same time, in the chromosomes of Asian peoples, in particular Tibetans, the “EPAS1” gene of Denisovan man was discovered, which is responsible for adaptation to high mountains in rarefied air conditions.

According to the latter hypothesis, all three Homo subspecies shared a common ancestor. At the same time, Denisovans and Neanderthals separated into independent subspecies about 700...765 thousand years ago, and the evolutionary paths of Neanderthals and the direct ancestors of modern humans diverged about 588 thousand years ago.

Theocratic theories of the emergence of man

Each religion gives its own interpretation of the appearance of Homo sapiens on Earth. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, for which the Book of Genesis is included in the Pentateuch of the Jews, the Koran of the Mohammedans and the Bible of the Christians, the first people created by God were Adam and Eve. In Judaism, there are two versions of the appearance of the first woman:

  • according to the first version, Adam and his woman Lilith were created simultaneously from clay;
  • in the second version, Eve was created from Adam's rib.

According to these religions, the first people were created on the sixth day after the creation of the World or in 3760 BC according to the Jewish calendar or in 5509 BC according to the Julian calendar. However, modern Christianity moves away from the question of the exact date of the appearance of man on Earth, seeking to bring together biblical legends and scientific data. We should treat religious issues with care, and citing the pros and cons of any theocratic theory will be considered inappropriate and unethical.

Esoteric theories of the appearance of man

None of the esoteric (paranormal) theories gives not only an exact, but even an approximate answer about the time of the appearance of man on our planet. However, any of them implies that the formation of Homo sapiens occurred due to the intervention of alien, intelligent beings with either a highly developed civilization or a supercivilization. To simplify, we can say that the appearance of man on Earth is directly related to the activities of alien intelligence. In this case, there are four options for the appearance of Homo sapiens:

  • direct crossing of primitive hominids with aliens;
  • the use of genetic engineering by representatives of alien civilizations;
  • the influence of the universal (world) supermind on the quality and speed of evolution on Earth, as a result of which the emergence of Homo sapiens occurred;
  • creating the first sentient beings by cloning alien sentient material (similar to Dolly the sheep) or growing homunculi in vitro.

In conclusion, it can be stated that it is impossible to name the exact date when man appeared on Earth, and it is conventionally believed that neoanthropes or Cro-Magnons - people of modern appearance - appeared on our planet about 40 thousand years ago, having defeated Denisovan man and Neanderthals in the evolutionary struggle.

This is how the Guardian Angels tell it.

Modern man really appeared as a result of evolution. But the starting point of this evolution was not wild monkeys, as is now believed, but multi-meter giant people.

Climatic and natural conditions on our planet changed periodically. At the same time, all organisms living on Earth were forced to adapt to these conditions. As a rule, the giants always died first, and the small organisms survived.

It was as a result of such natural selection that dinosaurs became extinct, and their contemporaries, cockroaches, not only survived to this day, but also achieved incredible endurance. As you know, cockroaches are the only animals capable of surviving the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

The earth was created 4.7 billion years ago. The first people on Earth appeared 3.5 billion years BC. They reached a height of approximately 52 meters. And all the plants and animals surrounding them were of the same gigantic size.

Along with the giants on Earth, there were people of shorter stature who lived separately from their tall brothers. The growth of people depended on climatic conditions, habitat, and national characteristics.

This order of things has survived to this day. There are tall nations and short nations. Tall people tend to live in places with a good, even climate. In those areas that are famous for harsh weather conditions, only short peoples survive, for example, Eskimos, Chukchi, Pygmies, etc.

That is, for example, if there is a sharp cold snap on Earth and everywhere there is the same cold as in the Arctic Circle, then after a few generations all the people on the planet will be approximately the same small height, similar to the Chukchi and Eskimos.

Evolution occurs in exactly the same way in animals and plants.

Global climate change has occurred on Earth four times already. Each time, living conditions on the planet became worse and worse. People, animals and plants decreased in size accordingly. Each such change entailed the death of the previous civilization and the birth of a new one from its remnants.

The first people on Earth reached a height of 52 meters. In the second civilization, the average height of a person was already 36 meters, in the third - 18, in the fourth - 6, in our fifth - 1.5-2 meters.

(If we do not take care of nature and the planet, then the next civilization of earthlings will have an average height of 50 cm.)

First world disaster

First civilization people existed for 800 million years and almost completely died due to a catastrophe caused by the displacement of continents.

Why did God allow this?

White and black forces are constantly fighting for the souls of people living on Earth.

White forces want people to develop according to God's laws, keep the Ten Commandments, and live in love and harmony with each other and with nature.

Black forces, on the contrary, are trying to lead humanity astray from the true path, replace God's ten commandments with their wolf laws, force people to kill each other and destroy the nature around them.

Nothing in nature disappears without a trace. All the white energy (love, kindness, etc.) emitted by people is collected in one place on the planet. Black energy (anger, hatred, envy, meanness) gathers in another.

Disasters (earthquakes, floods, natural disasters, shipwrecks, plane crashes, riots, etc.) occur in places where black energy accumulates. Having splashed out, causing destruction and misfortune, the blackness disappears.

For example, now in our time the main center of concentration of black forces is in the Gobi Desert, on the border of Mongolia and China, where the entrance to Hell is.

White energy accumulates in the mountains of Tibet - where the entrance to Paradise is.

The two poles of opposite energies balance each other. If there is more blackness in the world, then a global cataclysm may occur, as a result of which almost all of humanity will die.

This has happened on Earth four times already. A global catastrophe occurred four times - continents sank under water, giant meteorites fell, and almost all life on the planet perished. The climate changed, and the surviving representatives of flora and fauna adapted to the existing conditions. As a rule, as a result of disasters, the largest organisms always died first.

The Earth itself cannot perish, since it is the cradle of humanity, it is eternal.

2.7 billion years ago, an all-planetary cataclysm occurred - a movement of the earth's crust, as a result of which some continents sank to the bottom of the ocean, and instead of them, new lands rose from the depths of the sea.

The Earth's climate has changed. Most of humanity died. The giants gradually became extinct, and the average human height became 36 meters. The time has come second civilization.

The death of the second civilization

The second world catastrophe occurred 2.2 billion years ago. Continents shifted again, the climate changed, people died. Those who survived became the founders third civilization- the longest, lasting almost 2 billion years.

Every person at a certain period of his life thought about the fact that centuries-old attempts to reveal this secret have not yet led to results; scientists are still debating on this topic. It is logical that the truth must be sought in the most ancient sources, which are closest to the moment of the origin of life.

Theory one: God created humanity

One of the first legends that sounded authentic were the stories that people were created, that is, by God. Many peoples believed that the first were made of clay. It is not known for certain why this particular material was considered “human.” Most likely, this is due to the fact that clay is a radioactive substance, which is explained by the presence of uranium in its composition, and during decay it can release significant amounts of energy. The ancestors claimed that this was the energy that was used to create living beings. The legends about the first woman and man are known throughout the world.

Theory two: hermaphrodite people

According to other myths that tell how the first one appeared, they originated from certain hermaphrodite creatures. The adherents of this theory were the peoples of Africa and Sudan. They believed that the division of people by gender occurred after a huge number of years.

Theory three: aliens

Modern versions of how people were born connected this fact with the presence of alien life. People believed that unearthly creatures came to Earth and created life on the planet using artificial methods.

Theory four: living cell

For a long time, many scientists rejoiced, believing that they had solved the mystery of how people appeared on Earth. It seemed quite obvious to them that the emergence of humanity was associated with the formation of a living cell.

They built various models of how a living cell was born from inanimate matter under the influence of chemical processes. It was argued that this living particle was located in the earth's ocean, which at that time was simply seething with chemical reactions.

It was later proven that everything necessary for the emergence of life was in space long before the formation of the Earth. Scientists insisted that the appearance of a living cell is a random coincidence of circumstances and unforeseen biochemical processes that explain how one person appeared.

However, there were people who actively refuted this version, since the content of the genetic code is an abstract record that is impossible to predict. who first discovered the genetic code, argued that a living cell could not arise on its own. But even if we assume that this happened, there is no explanation for why such a variety of living forms arose that arose as a result of a single cell.

Adherents of this theory cited the development of Darwin as an example of how people were born, who believed that all living things were formed as a result of random and chaotic mutations. As a result of natural selection, forms that were unsuitable and unadapted to life died. And those strongest who survived continued to survive and develop.

Today, such a theory of how people appeared on Earth does not stand up to criticism. Despite numerous excavations, it was not possible to find a single creature from which another creature could have arisen. If Darwin were right, we would now be seeing strange and wonderful monsters.

The recent discovery that most genetic mutations have a clear direction has finally disqualified the "chance" theory. And the rest of the mutations, which are caused by disorders in the body, cannot carry anything constructive.

Theory five: evolution

The assumptions of this theory are that the ancient ancestors of humans were great apes, or monkeys. The modification had 4 stages:

The flaw in this theory was that scientists were unable to explain in detail how mutations could contribute to the emergence of complex life forms. So far, not a single type of beneficial mutation has been discovered; they all lead to gene destruction.

Theory six: Hyperboreans and Lemurians

Esoteric history has its own interpretation of how people appeared on Earth. It is argued that before modern humanity, the planet was inhabited by huge giants called Lemurians and Hyperboreans. However, the theory was criticized because, according to this, this simply could not have happened. Our planet does not have enough resources to feed such giants. And this is not the only refutation. If the growth of these creatures really reached enormous sizes, they would not be able to lift themselves, and with a sharp movement the force of inertia would knock them down. In addition, their vessels would not withstand such a load, and the blood flow would break through their walls.

This is only a small part of the theories, but practical experience shows that each person chooses a version according to his worldview.

Numerous studies have proven that initially all embryos are female, and only during the period of hormonal changes some of them transform into the male sex. Many scientists believe that this is due to changes in the male genotype, which lead to abnormalities in the Y chromosome. It is she who determines the male gender. According to these data, after some time the planet will be inhabited by hermaphrodite women. US experts support this theory, as they were able to prove that the female chromosome is much older than the male one.

With the help of modern research, a huge number of facts have been discovered, but even they do not provide a clear explanation of how and where man appeared. Therefore, people have no choice but to choose the most acceptable theory of the origin of life, trusting their intuition.

It turns out that by generally accepted scientific standards, not even yesterday, but this morning. If you believe traditional science, it turns out that man has lived on Earth for as much as 4.5 million years. Not everything can be trusted, especially not scientists who talk about the morals and customs of the Neanderthals. Every scientist is a person who has at least one higher education, and if so, then he could not help but study such an academic discipline as Logic. The question arises: - why study logic, take tests and exams, and subsequently not use the acquired knowledge at all?

I can somehow understand the lack of mathematical calculation skills among humanities scholars, because I am one myself. Everything related to numbers is a “dense forest” for me. But logic is not as close to the exact sciences as it is to the humanities! Why don't historians use it? Here's a typical example:

Even if we assume that all of humanity is the result of the reproduction of only two individuals - Adam and Eve (which is completely impossible, as even high school students know), then within a hundred years the population of the Earth should have been at least 150 people, not counting those eaten by crocodiles and drowned in the swamp and died in domestic disputes.

These also happened. Remember how Cain hit his brother Abel on the head with a stone? In another 100 years the population should be at least ten thousand. Then what would the population be three hundred years after Adam appeared? Let's assume that there are 50 thousand "Adamychs". I hope no one will accuse me of postscripts. And considering that people at that time preferred to live 1000 years or more, it should turn out to be many times longer. But let's leave it. For the “purity” of the experiment, we will use the smallest numbers.

Next. Using well-known sociological studies, we can easily calculate the minimum population of the planet. Science tells us that in the absence of mass epidemics and all-out wars, the population doubles within 25 to 30 years. This has been confirmed in practice many times. The rule does not work only in relation to Russia in the 19th century, but this is a separate topic for discussion. In principle, the law works flawlessly; it is easy to check by familiarizing yourself with the census data of most countries, with a difference of a hundred years. China, India, Brazil, Iran, many Arab countries, for example, more than “exceed the norms.” So. It turns out that in the next 300 years, i.e. 600 years after the appearance of the first man, 51 million two hundred thousand people lived on Earth! Now imagine how many people should have lived on the planet in 4 and a half million years!

Everything would be fine, but the dead need to go somewhere! Bury. This is natural for most cultures, with the exception of some of the Hindu and Slavic tribes who burned their dead. In areas where the population was very small relative to the area of ​​land on which the people lived, corpses were traditionally left on high ground to be pecked by birds and eaten by animals. In such conditions, people were not threatened with epidemics, and there was no inconvenience from proximity to decaying remains. But with the advent of compact settlements of settled residents, the question of disposal inevitably arises. So, there is only one way out: - dig holes.

And if so, then there should be only continuous burials all over the earth. Where are they? Archaeologists rush all over the earth in search of someone to dig up, but they don’t find it! More precisely, they find, but extremely rarely and relatively recent burials. In the Pskov region, for example, there are no remains older than 500 years. But the 18th century left a significant number of burials. The 19th century was basically nothing but graveyards. Well, where are those who lived millions of years earlier on earth? The only answer suggests itself - before the 15th century, people did not live on the territory of the Pskov and Novgorod provinces. Why? I have written about this several times. Because there was a sea here. Man developed these territories only after the water left, and this happened quite recently, in the 15th century, not earlier.

But what about other regions where there are no signs of the flood? The picture is exactly like this. And the point is not, or more precisely, not only that human remains are not preserved for long. The remains are remains, but traces of material culture, as it is commonly called in archaeology, are also absent. Those billions of ancestors could not help but leave countless evidence of their existence.

I hope you are convinced that the problem is not far-fetched, not far-fetched, the paradox is obvious, but there is no explanation for it. I suggest turning your attention to today, leaving the beginning of the conversation in your mind.

So. In 2013, planet Earth was officially home to more than seven billion tenants. Roughly speaking, in 80 years they will require seven billion new apartments. The average area of ​​one grave is 2 square meters, which means that for the “apartment building” for those who presented themselves, 14 billion square meters of land would be required. Is everything correct? Now ask yourself what is the total land area on planet Earth! I'll tell you. Approximately 149 million square kilometers, each with half a million apartments for those who moved to another world, and this does not count the passages between the graves.

Let's subtract this area and take 350,000 graves per 1 km2 as a basis. This means that in order to bury everyone, 426 square meters will be required. It seems quite a lot, but... Take away from these potential 149 million the area of ​​mountains, rocks, deserts, territories covered with glaciers, populated areas and agricultural land, etc. All that remains is a fool's errand. And all these remains will accumulate and accumulate, significantly increasing the mass and weight of the planet, which is impossible according to the laws of physics. The kind of physics that is taught in schools and institutes. But in practice, it is obvious that this is so!

Let's draw a preliminary line:

In order to realize that the above “funeral arithmetic” is not a joke or a delusion, it is enough to remember the so-called “Paradox of the Ancestors”, brilliantly described in Viktor Suvorov’s book “Choice”:

“We won’t go into the depths of thousands of years. Let's deal only with the last one
millennium. One hundred years is four generations of people. A thousand years - forty generations. Imagine a pyramid. You are the top. And there are forty floors below you. On each floor there is the previous generation. Directly below you on the fortieth floor are only your two direct ancestors, your father and mother, who created you.

- Yes.
– Without them, your existence would not exist. Which one is more important? Both. Without one, you simply wouldn't exist.
- Agree.
– And father and mother were created by four people. You have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. Who knows from which of the four you inherited more and from whom less. And again, which of them was more important? All.
- Agree.
– So, on the 39th floor of the pyramid you have four direct ancestors. And you, like me, like each of us, had eight great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. This is the 38th floor. A generation earlier, we each had 16 ancestors.

– And before that – 32.
– Here’s a task for you, Nastya: calculate how many ancestors you had a thousand years ago. It's easy to count with paper and pencil. But the sorcerer sets tasks that must be solved without paper and pencil.

– 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048... It goes quickly at first. But it’s really cool that the numbers pile on top of one another, dangle and get fat...
– 131,072 multiplied by 2. It turns out... Amazing things happen. Just twenty generations ago, that is, five hundred years ago, each of us had a million ancestors. 1,048,576 – for accuracy.

“Here’s the arithmetic for you: up to a million ancestors had to go down twenty floors, and on the floor below there were two million of them.” Well, guess what, I won’t interfere. It took Nastya a long time to get to the first million, and then millions began to layer one on top of another, turning into tens of millions, into hundreds... It’s easy to multiply 134,217,728 by two. But it’s just difficult for some people to retain the result in their memory and multiply it further and further. And the Firebird was lucky with her memory, so she, looking at the ceiling, whispers with her lips:

– 137 billion 438 million 953 thousand 472 multiply by two and we get... Slowly the numbers multiply, multiply, multiply, and here is the result:
– A thousand years ago I should have had one thousand one hundred billion ancestors.
- More precisely?
–1 099 511 627 776.

– Maybe I’m wrong, but I got the same result. Now try to add them all up, all your ancestors over the last forty generations. Do you know the easiest way?
– You need to multiply the last digit from this series by two and subtract two.
- Right. Take action.
– 2 199 023 255 550.
- Agree. This is how many ancestors you must have in just the last thousand years. We assumed that both men and women were producing offspring at age 25. If they produced offspring earlier, and this was the case all the time, then in a thousand years not forty generations are accumulated, but more, and the number of ancestors increases in a completely astronomical manner. If we look back another thousand years, to the times of the Roman Empire, to the times of the Vikings and the heyday of Byzantium, then the pyramid of your ancestors will be impossible to express in any numbers.

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Charles Darwin's theory of evolution tells us when man appeared on Earth. This point of view is generally accepted among scientific researchers. Previously, people could not say for sure who created man. For thousands of years it was believed that humanity is the work of the gods, but the answer to the question of who created man is evolution.

First representatives

Man appeared in ancient times in a completely different way from the way we can observe him now. The very first representative of our species did not look more like a monkey than a modern representative of human society. Some researchers believe that The first man was Australopithecus. Many criticize such assumptions, since he is really more similar to the lower class of primates. The next developmental milestone after Australopithecus was Homo habilis or “handy man.”

He walked on two legs and had a relatively upright posture. These people created the first tools to use them to obtain food and build housing. Modern archaeological discoveries have made it possible to establish the most accurate date when Homo habilis appeared on Earth. This happened approximately 2.6 million years ago.

Attention! The first representatives of our species on Earth were relatively short in stature. If now the average height of the average person is about 1.7 meters, then a skilled person was no higher than 1.2 meters.

Place of residence

Researchers are trying to determine where did the first settlement appear? people. For many years it was believed that the human race originated in Western Europe.

The main reason for this is the theory of Eurocentrism, which said that it was on the territory of Europe that powerful civilizations were created, and it was from here that progress began.

In the second half of the twentieth century, archaeologists found the remains of that same Homo habilis in the territory of modern Tanzania, the so-called Afar Triangle.

It was there that key discoveries were made that shed light on the origins of humanity. Archaeologists found tools made of stone next to human bones, which could well serve as good tools. tool for obtaining food.

In 1960, few people had any doubts. Archaeological finds also made it clear how man developed, how the volume of his brain increased over time and intellectual activity improved.

As for the classification by period, the origin of humanity should be dated to the Cenozoic era, which began 65 million years ago. This period is referred to as the “era of new life,” because it started immediately after the fall of a huge meteorite, which destroyed the dinosaurs and most of life on the planet.

Process of evolution

We learned where man came from and what the very first man on earth was called, but the evolution of our species did not stop there - even more amazing changes were to come.

Homo ergaster

Approximately 1.8 million years ago, homo habilis evolved into a working person, that is, homo ergaster. The brain size of this species is significantly larger than homo habilis. Scientists believe that it was homo ergaster who acquired the ability to use spoken language.

Near the skeletons of Homo ergaster, archaeologists found traces of the first fire pits. Therefore, it is This species began to make fire for the first time. In addition, a working man invented a chopper.

Homo ergaster began to hunt animals more often, and until that moment the first people on Earth were more likely to be gatherers and scavengers. A fairly high level of intelligence allowed them to gather in groups that began to go hunting - this significantly increased the chances of survival and a successful ending.

Homo erectus

A previous species of man began to colonize the planet. From Africa, the first people on Earth went to Western Europe and Asia. It was in the Far East that the remains of the next stage in the development of the human race were found - homo erectus or erectus.

At this stage of human development, its typical representative had an average height of 1.4 m. Homo erectus no longer slouched, and walked straight. Still in use stone tools. People collected roots and plants, hunted medium and small game.

Since man in ancient times could not defend himself alone, erectuses began to gather into fairly large ancestral communities, which numbered several dozen people. Erectus were also the first to cook meat over a fire. At this stage of development, during periods of famine, people resorted to cannibalism.

For the first time, the beginnings of a relationship appeared between erectuses, reminiscent of a permanent married couple, but promiscuous sexual intercourse took advantage. Archaeological finds have also confirmed that erectus cared for wounded tribesmen and understood the medicinal properties of herbs.

Important! Perhaps even then there appeared people who were called shamans or healers.

Development of thinking

For a long time it was believed that Homo sapiens was the ancestor of Neanderthals.

However, research in the 20th century proved that Neanderthal man was a dead-end branch of development in Western Europe, and homo sapiens came from Africa. Moreover, it was he who exterminated and assimilated the Neanderthals.

Archaeologists have found that the first people with the rudiments of reason appeared approximately 350-250 thousand years ago.

Initially, homo sapiens were nomads and gatherers, and only 15 thousand years ago they began:

  • master agriculture,
  • make tools from bone,
  • build permanent homes,
  • establish small permanent settlements,
  • sew clothes,
  • draw on cave walls.

10 thousand years ago, people communicated using speech, and gestures and facial expressions faded into the background.

At this stage of development, people first became create families and get married. The development of agriculture made it possible to preserve part of the production, which made possible the emergence of classes, power and the ability to survive in unfavorable times.

Homo sapiens domesticated animals, which gave impetus to the development of cattle breeding. This also made it easier to get food - there was no need to spend a huge amount of time and effort on hunting. At that time, trade arose between the tribes: some offered skins, while others offered beautiful shells or fish.

10 thousand years ago homo sapiens began to build cities, invented the first languages ​​and built civilizations in the Middle East, North Africa, India, and Latin America.

We traced how man developed throughout the entire period of evolution, where the first people appeared 2.5 million years ago, and how the evolutionary process continued, which continues to this day.

Modern scientific achievements have refuted the theory of the divine origin of man and strengthened the position of Darwinism. People, before becoming what they are now, have come a long way of evolution - from ape-like creatures to modern man of the information age.

In what period did the first people appear?

Stages of development of Homo sapiens on Earth


The first man appeared on the African continent, its homeland was the territory of modern Tanzania . Archaeologists call this region the Afar Triangle or “the cradle of humanity.” From Africa, small tribes of people began to settle throughout the planet, conquering Europe, Asia, and then Australia and America.

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