Camping utensils or what is klmn. Description of fire and kitchen equipment Which pan to take on a camping trip

So, you finally succumbed to the persuasion of another enthusiastic romantic - friend, relative or lover, and decided to try your hand at hiking. If you are a typical city dweller, accustomed to communicating with wildlife at most at a picnic in the nearest forest plantation, where you can comfortably reach by car, a lot of unpleasant surprises await you. For example, nature may turn out to be much wilder than you expected, and it is impossible to interrupt boring communication with it at the first request.

I recommend that you find out in advance the route of your future hike in detail and carefully track on the map how far it goes from the nearest populated areas. It would be nice to take with you a GPS navigator, which will help you find your way if you do lose your route. You can survive one rainy night in the mountains if you know that the next morning you will go down to the village, where a regular bus will take you towards the sun and blue sky. But imagine that the village is several days away. And the rain doesn't stop...

When exploring the route, pay attention to the terrain - the path along the plain takes much less time and effort than climbing rocks and climbing through windbreaks. I also recommend taking a closer look at the group with whom you intend to go on a hike, especially the leader. How extreme is he? How ready are you to take into account the capabilities of each participant? It happens that it is already getting dark, everyone is tired, but the manager’s optimism still does not dry up, and he strives to bring you to the intended point by hook or by crook, even if directly through Everest.

Adequately assess your physical fitness so as not to become a burden to the entire group. Can you walk at a brisk pace over rough terrain all day, from morning to evening? With a backpack half your weight? What if there is bad weather? Do not forget that even if you are unwell, at a minimum, you still need to get to the nearest village with a first-aid post.

What do you need to take on a hike? Needless to say, a backpack. The volume of the backpack is measured in liters. A stuffed backpack can seem huge and clumsy, but at the same time it may not be heavy - a sleeping bag and clothes take up a lot of space. Try to compare the volume that the things you need on a hike will take up with your physical capabilities. A backpack of 60 liters is suitable for a fragile girl or teenager, and 80-100 liters for the average man.

In addition to the backpack, the classic tourist arsenal includes a tent, sleeping bag and mat, which can be bought in the sports online store A tent usually accommodates several people and its choice should be approached very, very carefully, so let’s assume that someone else takes the tent. A mat and a sleeping bag are individual things. A mat is placed on the bottom of the tent to protect it from damp mother earth, and a sleeping bag is placed on top of it. You can wrap yourself in a sleeping bag, or you can zip it together with your neighbor’s to keep warm. All these belongings, in principle, can be borrowed from friends staying at home, or rented at a tourist club.

In addition to personal belongings, each participant’s backpack is also equipped with public items - food and items of general use, such as: a cauldron, an axe, a first aid kit, etc., etc. Some even take a kettle (but only on a boat trip, for hiking this is an overkill). Don't forget to leave room for this luggage!

Pack your backpack taking into account the order in which you will need certain things. For example, a jacket should be on top, but a sleeping bag, which will only be useful in the evening, can be placed on the bottom. In general, packing a backpack is an art! I will only emphasize the general points: the load should be distributed evenly and the backpack should have a symmetrical, streamlined shape.

And a little about personal things. In a well-organized camping trip, there is a “fireman,” a “caretaker,” and a “medic”—people responsible for a certain area of ​​activity and who have all the necessary equipment and materials with them. However, “God protects those who are careful.” I'm not saying that you should carry your own cauldron in reserve, but, for example, a spare box of matches is never superfluous. The same applies to medicines and food. I always take a personal first aid kit with me, someone stocks up with cookies and lollipops, without which life is not sweet...

A flashlight or a special gas lamp, a penknife, dishes - a thousand little things! I think there is no point in reminding you that a porcelain cup from your grandmother’s set is inappropriate on a camping trip; it is best to take plastic or metal utensils that are unbreakable and lightweight.

The last point is clothing. Even in July on the southern coast of Crimea, you may need a windproof windbreaker with a hood or a down jacket, as well as a warm woolen sweater, socks and trousers - best of all, ski pants. I know when the sun is shining outside and the asphalt is melting, the first thought is – why? I’m unlikely to need these things, just to carry extra weight! Believe me, the weather is deceptive and capricious, especially in the mountains. When you are freezing for the third night by a fire smoldering under a downpour, or even without one at all, you will still remember the earflap hat you left at home, and the swimsuit you accidentally fished out of your backpack will cause a fit of hysterical laughter. So, the basic rule of hiking clothing: it must be waterproof, windproof and... be sure to have a duplicate.

Don't forget about comfortable, durable, waterproof shoes. Some wear sneakers, others prefer army boots, but in any case, the first requirement is comfort! It is best, of course, to shop in a specialized store, but if for some reason you decide to save on shoes, keep in mind: after the trip, most likely, they will go to waste. Stones, water, slush - all this will render hiking shoes unusable. Do not take old shoes if they are dying, so that later you do not have to tie up the squelching soles with string.

And there should be a lot, a lot of socks, good and different. Because it is possible that they will have to be changed three times a day. Sleeping in wet socks, as well as putting on rotten socks the next morning, is very unpleasant and not good for health. Sleeping in soaking wet jeans is no less disgusting. And don’t let the increasing volume of your backpack confuse you – it’s better to be safe in this matter! Anti-frostbite ointment can go side by side with sunscreen, sunglasses with a raincoat, ski overalls with swimming trunks. The main thing is that all this is available, because there is nowhere to go!

Do you still want to go hiking? Then take a piece of paper and a pen and make a detailed list of everything you need. By the way, train tickets and documents are among them. Have a good trip, faithful and cheerful comrades, sunny weather and good mood!

How and, most importantly, how to cook delicious, hearty hot porridge or rich soup in nature? For experienced tourists this question is not worth it, but for beginners, cookware for a hike and its correct choice is a very pressing issue.

The set for a solo trip is quite simple: a pot with a lid that can serve as a plate or even a frying pan, a smaller pot for tea, a fork-spoon-knife, often in one case. The main thing is that it is all light and compact, does not dangle or rattle when carried, and lasts a long time.

The set of dishes for a group hike is basically the same, only slightly larger and in different quantities. To be more precise, everyone can take cutlery, including plates and mugs, individually, but a common pot, kettle and frying pan must meet certain requirements:

  • Firstly, volume. It depends on the number of tourists. It is calculated quite simply. The pot in which food for the whole group will be cooked should be purchased at the rate of 0.5 liters. for everyone. If the group is large and you end up with a huge, almost impossible-to-lift pan, it is better to take two or even more pots.
  • Secondly, the same lightness. Someone alone will have to carry the dishes on a hike, which means an extra couple of kilograms, or even more.
  • Thirdly, compactness. Manufacturers who make tourist dishes have taken this fact into account, and most sets are produced not only with prefabricated comfortable handles, but also have the matryoshka principle. In the stowed position, such sets are the size of the largest vessel, since all other accessories are designed in such a way that they fit easily and comfortably in it.
  • Fourthly, the material from which camping utensils are made must not only be light, but also strong, durable and environmentally friendly.

Basic set of cookware for camping

All the points listed above indicate that a set of tourist dishes should include items that you simply cannot do without, without unnecessary frills, decorations and non-functional additions.

  • A kettle or saucepan. The same container in which the main dish for all members of the group will be prepared over a fire or burner. The ideal option would be one where the pot has a universal lid that can be used as a frying pan. It is not forbidden to take a small frying pan. It is unpretentious to carry, and fried fish will always be greeted with joy and gratitude.
  • A container into which soup or porridge will be served or tea will be poured. Mugs, plates.
  • Cutlery.
  • A couple or more thermoses would be a good idea.

The rest, such as herring containers, decanters for water and vases for fruits and flowers, can be taken individually by everyone, but in this case he risks making everyone else so happy that they can safely forget about any kind of tourism.

Which material to choose

Another important question, to which there may be several answers. Travel utensils can be made of four materials: plastic, aluminum, titanium and stainless steel. It is worth considering each option in more detail.


Naturally, you shouldn’t put it on fire and try to cook something in it. But eating from plastic dishes is quite convenient. It does not get very hot and therefore is comfortable to hold in your hands. Cleans well and easily. And it's quite light. By this we do not mean disposable plates, which can be purchased at any store. This option is only suitable for a one-day picnic, and then only if people are responsible and take all the garbage with them. Modern manufacturers produce plastic travel utensils that can last for many years.


It has undoubted advantages. Aluminum cauldrons and pans are lightweight, practical and inexpensive. Ideal for cooking over a fire. Easy to wash and remove soot. There are also disadvantages. Cleaning too vigorously with abrasive cleaners can damage the special coating and release harmful substances into your food. Also, over time, aluminum can lose not only its shine, but also its shape. However, if you handle such utensils carefully, they will last quite a long time.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel cookware is heavier and more expensive than aluminum. But it is less susceptible to mechanical damage. To cook in such a cookware, you need some skills. Due to the slower distribution of heat, food burns quite easily, so it is necessary to stir it constantly. But you quickly get used to it. Otherwise, this version of camping utensils can go with you on hikes for decades.


The most expensive option for tourist metal utensils. But it is the lightest and at the same time durable. Even a world weightlifting champion cannot bend a fork or spoon. In addition to the high cost, there is another very significant drawback: the porridge in a titanium pot burns almost instantly, which means you have to scrape it off almost every day.

Cookware for burners

If you are going on a hiking trip to an area where lighting a fire will be problematic, it is worth taking a camp burner and an appropriate set of utensils with you. In specialized stores you can easily find a set for two people, which does not take up much space, as it fits into the largest container and is designed specifically for the burner. It is stable, equipped with removable handles and non-spill lids. It is usually made of anodized aluminum with a non-stick coating. With such a set of problems, there should be no problems in preparing the most complex dishes.

Eating food on a hiking trip is not just about replenishing the body with the necessary calories. This, if you like, is a mandatory daily ritual, accompanied by jokes, gags and raising not only strength, but a good mood. And the right dishes play a significant role in this.

Hi all.

I think for you, like me, more than one more or less long outing into nature is not complete without preparing camp food. This includes rich porridge, smoky-smelling soup or soup, and aromatic tea prepared in nature and therefore acquiring unusual notes.

Firstly, it’s easier for me, I don’t need to look for firewood and kindling, which is especially important in wet weather.

Secondly, you don’t need to take some on a hike.

This does not mean at all that I don’t use the fire.

I make a fire to heat and dry things, scare away midges and have a pleasant evening gathering in a friendly company.

The second thing to decide is number of eaters, for which we will choose dishes.

It is clear that for two or three people a smaller set is needed than for ten, but what to do when the number of eaters is not known in advance.

Here it is better to use Russian - “perhaps we will go to someone or someone will come to us” and look for a more impressive option.

For a couple of eaters, you can always leave the extra dishes at home, but if a large group is going on a hike, the whole set will come in handy.

Moreover, it is a set, and not its individual parts. This is more convenient not only for aesthetic reasons.

All parts of the set fit together very well and fit into each other like nesting dolls: they seem to take up little space, but once you get all the nesting dolls, you can feed a company.

What does a set usually consist of:

  • one or more pans (kettles)
  • pan
  • kettle
  • bowls
  • mugs
  • ladle
  • handle - grip for pots and pans

I described a complete set of dishes, but in this configuration, it is very rarely taken outdoors.

The kettle and frying pan are replaced by a saucepan, the lid from the same saucepan is used as a bowl, the fork is replaced by a spoon, the knife is not used from the set, but a regular one.

Yes, spoons, knives and forks are not included in the set or are included very rarely.

Maybe I went too far with something, but in order to save space and reduce weight, this is often done. Even in spoons, holes are drilled to make them lighter (in the handle, of course, where did you think?).

So, we’ve decided on the preparations, now the actual choice itself.

We will choose according to several criteria:

  • tableware material
  • brand


In not so distant times, materials such as cast iron, steel and aluminum were used to make utensils (including camping ones).

Cast iron has not caught on in camping because of its heaviness, but steel and aluminum are still used successfully.

To the advantages food grade aluminum These include low weight, good thermal conductivity and low cost. Due to good thermal conductivity, food in such dishes practically does not burn.

The disadvantages are that the durability of the cookware leaves much to be desired. Dishes from early years of production, in addition, oxidized and released bad substances.

Anodized aluminum , compared to food, has undergone a number of changes. In addition to its light weight, anodizing makes it more durable and scratch-resistant, and the non-stick coating makes it even less sticky.

True, the price has become twice as high as that of cookware made from food-grade aluminum.

The disadvantages include the fact that it is not advisable to use such dishes for a fire, only for a burner. Why? Read above.

Stainless steel a stronger material than aluminum, but has lower thermal conductivity and greater weight. Uneven heating may cause food to burn. Steel cookware, compared to aluminum, takes longer to heat up, but also maintains the temperature longer.

Can be used both with a burner and over an open fire.

The price of steel cookware is about the same as that of anodized aluminum cookware.

Titanium cookware – dishes from the field of space technology. It is light, durable, and expensive (infection). The thermal conductivity of titanium is three times less than that of steel and 15 times less than that of aluminum, so heating a liquid in it would seem to be an impossible task.

But due to the fact that the material is very durable, the wall thickness is usually twice as thin as that of aluminum cookware, and the water in it does not boil much longer. In addition, titanium does not burn your lips and keeps food hot longer.

Can be used for both fire and burner. It’s easier to clean soot from steel utensils, and you can even do it with a knife (it doesn’t scratch).

Such a disadvantage as uneven heating is compensated by the non-stick properties of the material and food does not burn in it.

In addition to any metal utensil set, plastic plates, bowls, cups, etc. are often included. I think there is no need to describe them, because no one makes great demands on them. It's in stock, and that's fine.

Weight an important factor for camping utensils, because, like all other equipment, it is carried on the back.

If, for example, we take pots of the same volume, but made of different materials, then the weight gradation will be something like this:

Based on the above, and guided by the table, you can see that anodized aluminum and titanium have the optimal weight/strength ratio. Stainless steel has more weight, food grade aluminum has less strength.


There are many manufacturers on the travel tableware market today. Here are some of them:

  • Expedition (Russia)
  • Pinguin (Czech Republic)
  • Trump (USA)
  • Camping (Ukraine)
  • Tatonka (Germany)
  • Kovea (South Korea)
  • Fire Maple (China)

These brands generally produce excellent products, some are better, some are a little worse, and whether it’s worth pursuing them is a personal matter for everyone.

I’ll just say that the presence of a brand in most cases indicates the quality of the product (although there are exceptions 🙁), and for this quality, each of them wants to get their own price. And the price of different brands can vary significantly.


The table shows prices for a set of dishes of approximately the same composition, from different brands (2 pots: 1.5 l., 1 l., frying pan, not counting plates)

I’ll say right away that the prices are approximate, because it’s hard to find two completely identical sets from different brands, but I think it’s suitable for an example.

Here's a brief summary of everything about choosing cookware.

The question arises, what kind of dishes to take on a camping trip? Will you need cutlery and deep plates? How to choose dishes for a camping trip - based on weight, material, volume? Can I take regular dishes or is it better to use special travel sets? Is it better to take stainless steel, titanium, plastic or aluminum?

Mug, spoon, bowl, knife– this particular set of dishes for rafting, rafting or any other similar trip will be most optimal. The fork will only add weight, but, in essence, you can do without it, of course, if you do not suffer from an overabundance of culture. General advice from experienced tourists on the Internet boils down to the following.

Dishes for tourists

So, plate. Often stores offer metal or plastic ones. The first option is better for extreme tourism, in the sense that if something happens you can put it on a fire for cooking. This plate is more durable and reliable. There are different configuration options for such items, ranging from regular shapes to plates with one handle or with a removable handle - then you can assemble a mini-frying pan from a removable handle and a plate. The latter are more convenient, since you can hold them and not feel the temperature.

Plastic plates are lighter and don't get as hot. But they are fragile and can break in a backpack. Again, you can’t put them on fire. Collapsible silicone bowls have become popular recently. Their advantages are that they are compact, but their disadvantages are that such plates are not stable. They taper slightly towards the base, and due to the fragile material they easily turn over.

Aluminum plates are also convenient to use - they are light weight and low price. The choice is yours.

Spoons You can use any at all - in general there are no special requirements for them. Both metal and wooden ones are taken on hikes. Plastic ones are very popular, they look like a spoon on one side and like a fork on the other (cheap versions of such forks are often given as a gift when delivering more expensive purchases - pots, teapots or plates). But, it is better to buy such devices either expensive and high-quality, or not to buy them at all. They break very easily and are difficult to repair in field conditions.

Cups tourist tableware catalogs also offer different ones. It is quite possible to take plastic or metal ones. Thermal mugs are especially popular. They do not let heat out and are easy to use. There are also folding or regular silicone cups. What you shouldn’t take on a camping trip are porcelain plates or mugs. They break easily and weigh decently. Leave them at home - for relaxing on the sofaJ

Choose a knife depending on your needs. It is best that it is sharp and durable. Often, one device combines not only the knife itself, but also scissors, screwdrivers, corkscrews, etc. Of course, you can take one, but to do this you need to be sure that all of the above will be needed and will not be extra weight.

You should also not take spare devices, this is also extra weight.

K.L.M.N. is an abbreviation common among tourists, which stands for mug, spoon, bowl, knife. This is a necessary set for meals on a hike and usually everyone takes it themselves as personal equipment.

Like any travel equipment, camping equipment has differences from those we use in the city. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out which devices can be taken on a hike, and which ones are better left at home.

Option one, dishes and utensils for camping

If you are traveling out of town by car and do not plan to travel with a backpack, then the most convenient option is large universal sets of dishes. Such sets have existed for a very long time and you will probably remember interesting examples from the distant past, but now there are simply a huge number of them.

The convenience of sets is that you can assign one person responsible for the dishes, so that everyone else takes care of other things. In addition, they always have additional plates, spoons or glasses, which can be very useful in nature. In addition, usually these sets are placed in one convenient container, bag or basket and you no longer need to figure out where to put it all - this turns out to be a relatively compact and comfortable way to satisfy the need for cutlery and dishes for the whole company at once.

Expensive gift sets in large leather chests may look solid, but most often they are impractical. It is better to choose picnic sets that are less presentable, but much more functional and convenient. And for sophisticated camping lovers, it is better to choose expensive technological sets from well-known companies like MSR (we’ll talk about companies later), which are expensive not because of the leather suitcase and the shine of the plates, but because of the quality of all the items, special coatings and unique layout methods.

Dishes and appliances for active tourism

A large set is clearly not suitable for hiking with backpacks. Firstly, those same additional items will add a lot of extra weight to us, which we will have to carry on our shoulders, and secondly, it is unlikely that anyone alone will agree to carry the whole set, taking the rap for everyone.

Therefore, for active recreation, everyone takes a Ph.D. in medicine for themselves. Here compactness and weight play the main roles. That is, we immediately throw the option with glass and ceramic dishes out of our heads. The simplest solution would be inexpensive aluminum cookware of any brand. It is better not to take disposable tableware, as I already said in the article about caring for the environment: it is unreliable, inconvenient and flies away in all directions from any breeze. Plastic dishes are generally a good option, but choose them carefully. The plastic must be food grade, that is, it must not emit harmful substances. Usually there is a special stamp on such products, but at a minimum you can just smell what you are about to take - the plastic should not have a pungent odor.

But in general, when choosing dishes for a hike, you can be guided by the following principles:

  • Dishes must be unbreakable
  • choose dishes and cutlery so that they fit into each other or into other equipment, such as a pot. At the same time, try not to make any noise while driving.
  • remember that on hikes, as a rule, there is no table, which means you will have to eat holding a plate in your hands or on your knees, so think about handles and other devices that will help you hold the dishes and not get burned
  • plastic dishes are light, beautiful and convenient, but think about it: won’t you have to heat the food in a plate or mug? Sometimes this is necessary, which is why some experienced tourists still prefer metal utensils
  • multifunctional sets of spoons, forks and knives look cool, but are of little use in practice. The knife in them is usually bad, the fork is not useful, and the spoon is inconvenient. Where it is placed or held together is usually difficult to clean and easy to lose. It’s better to take an ordinary spoon - it will be easier and more convenient. Still, a multi-tool should be a multi-tool, and not a transformer with spoons and forks.

Dishes and cutlery for light-duty vehicles

Over time, every experienced tourist becomes a light traveler, that is, a person who wants to lighten his equipment as much as possible. In this case, the dishes should not only be light, but also compact, since the backpack of a light vehicle is much smaller than usual.

In this case, you can think about materials such as silicone and titanium. Thanks to silicone, plates, mugs and even cauldrons (the bottom of the cauldron is made of metal) can be folded, so the dishes can easily fit into even the smallest backpack. Titanium cookware takes up more volume, but has minimal weight; The placement problem can be solved by hanging such dishes outside the backpack.

Thermal mugs (with a double wall) are not suitable for light travel - they are at least twice as heavy as a regular one - and in general, thermal mugs are not the best option for hiking. In such a mug, even though it is metal, you cannot boil water or warm your hands on a frosty day. It won't burn your hands - that's true, but usually the mug has a handle, holding which you won't get burned either. Tea can also stay hot longer, especially if there is a lid, but how often do you boil tea, pour it into a mug and not drink it? If it happens often, then you should take a good thermos with you, not a thermal mug.

Also, lightweight travelers can take a minimum set using one item as several devices. For example, use one container as a mug and a bowl, although in order to drink tea after a meal you will have to wash the mug first. You can use a lid from a pot as a plate and so on, I think the general principle is generally clear.

Brands and examples of interesting dishes

Of course, I won’t be able to list all the brands, since there are a lot of them, but I will try to describe those that can be found on the shelves more often than others.

is a Swedish company primarily known for its “spoon forks” (spork). The convenient simple shape, high-quality plastic, bright colors and lightness of the spoon-fork-knife made it so popular. I myself have been using them as cutlery for a long time, during all this time I managed to break a couple of pieces, but I still think that their plastic is quite reliable. There is a titanium catcher of the same shape, I plan to purchase and test it in the future. In addition, the company produces a number of other interesting items, such as half silicone glass, plates, bowls and the like.

MSR is an American company, an industry giant. It produces almost all equipment, including a variety of dishes. They have many interesting sets, from pots with mugs to small non-standard parts such as folding spatulas, graters and even cutting boards.

Snow Peak is a large Japanese company that also produces a wide range of tourism products. Snow Peak probably has the most interesting titanium cookware, with bright colors and good workmanship.

GSI outdoors– the company is highly specialized in the production of tableware, cutlery and other accessories for camp kitchens. Since this is their main specialization, gsi comes up with and qualitatively produces many interesting camp kitchen items.

Sea To Summit is a good company that has presented a number of innovative solutions for both cutlery and other interesting travel items. The most interesting thing, perhaps, is collapsible silicone cookware, including a pot in which you can cook food on gas burners.

In addition to companies that specifically make a bunch of different dishes, there are those that produce only a few products under their own brand, however, sometimes such things can be very interesting. For example, a little-known company Fozzils produces a collapsible plastic plate, Fozzils Bowlz, which transforms into a convenient cutting board.

Also, almost every large company produces a variety of dishes under its own brand, sometimes these are openly copied products that simply have the logo of a familiar brand, but sometimes there are also quite good, and most importantly, high-quality devices. For example, a company Tatonka, famous for its backpacks, has a lot of good tableware in its assortment. Our companies (for example, Tramp or Nova Tour) are also not shy and, when ordering from the same factories in China and India, they put their logo on plates, mugs and cutlery - and there is nothing wrong with this, since this tableware is cheap and quite suitable for undemanding tourists.

In the end, everyone chooses for themselves what is more convenient for them: reliable metal utensils, lightweight plastic ones, or innovative super-folding and multifunctional ones. And if this is your first trip, take what you have, use it in the field and you will understand what you will be more comfortable with on future trips. The main thing is not to forget about the necessary set - KLMN. Speaking of “N”, about knives, I deliberately did not say: firstly, since it is not necessary for everyone to have their own knife when hiking with a group, and secondly, choosing a knife is a good topic for a separate article, which will definitely appear soon time, stay in touch!

Have a comfortable travel and see you again!

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