Why are sewage treatment plants necessary for a summer residence? Modern autonomous private sewerage system for a country house, cottage or dacha

Can't connect to the central sewer? You can solve the problem locally - install a septic tank. To make this task easier, we have prepared a review of 9 reliable septic tank manufacturers. There is a good chance that other companies you come across are either copying or counterfeiting these 9 products.

We warn you! Hereinafter, by septic tanks we mean any engineering structures designed to collect or process wastewater, unless otherwise indicated. These include VOCs and SBOs – local treatment facilities and biological treatment plants, respectively.

Instructions for selection and installation of VOCs

Purpose of the article: talk about the most reliable companies that have been producing septic tanks and biological treatment plants for household wastewater for more than 10 years. Simplify the selection of the appropriate equipment model based on the needs of the buyer, soil conditions on the site and the purchase budget.

Types of septic tanks

Before we talk about sewage treatment plants, let's do a little education. Conventionally, all treatment facilities can be divided into 3 groups:

  • storage tanks. It doesn’t matter what they are made of, their function is the same - to accumulate waste until the sewer truck arrives. Relatively cheap, easy to install, and do not require maintenance as such. Use is limited by the useful volume of the container, hence the need to use water economically and rely on the services of vacuum cleaners. It's inconvenient and expensive. They are used only when soil and other conditions do not allow the installation of structures from the following two groups;
  • settling tanks. Multi-section tanks that do not require an electrical connection for settling wastewater and its anaerobic treatment. Microbiological purification processes proceed slowly in an oxygen-depleted environment. The outlet water has a characteristic odor and is purified to a maximum of 60%, so it must be further purified. For this purpose, fields or filtration wells are used: wastewater seeps through the soil layer, after which it does not pose a threat to the environment. Sedimentation tanks are simply designed and affordable, but require maintenance. They need to be periodically cleaned of accumulated sediment, and the filtration field needs to be redone every 5 years. This solution is not suitable for high groundwater levels (GWL) and soil with poor permeability, for example, clay;
  • aeration stations. The most advanced systems for preparing household goods. drains. Through the process of settling, aeration and the use of microorganisms, the wastewater is purified by more than 90%, has no odor, and can be discharged into roadside ditches. However, such stations require connection to the power grid, and their efficiency suffers during power outages. Plus, they are expensive and require qualified maintenance.

We've sorted out the types of treatment facilities. It remains to take 5 steps to choose the one that suits your operating conditions.

5 steps to choosing a septic tank
Step 1. Select your accommodation option
seasonal (at the dacha)

Terms of Use:

  • accommodation on weekends;
  • family up to 4 people;
  • water consumption up to 50 liters per person per day;
  • Possibility of calling a sewer truck
Ideal for:
  • sealed storage containers;
  • two- or three-section models with a filtration field
permanent (in a private house)

Terms of Use:

  • water consumption up to 100 liters per person per day;
  • ban on the use of aggressive detergents;
  • possibility of discharging treated wastewater into the ground
Ideal for:
  • local treatment plants with forced aeration of wastewater;
  • three or more sectional septic tanks with a total volume of more than 3X the total water consumption per day.
Step 2. Select the type of soil on the site

Initial conditions:

  • the soil does not absorb water well, after rain the area is dirty;
  • the site is sloping, there is a place to drain treated wastewater;
  • a flat plot of 20 acres or more, with a lawn and garden where treated wastewater can be distributed for irrigation
Ideal for:
  • biological treatment stations with compressor and pump;
  • sealed storage containers of suitable size
sand, sandy loam, loam

Initial conditions:

  • the soil absorbs water well, there are no puddles after rain;
  • there are no wells within 50 m
Ideal for:
  • septic tanks with a filtration field for discharging treated wastewater into the ground;
  • stations with connection to the power grid and a full cycle of wastewater treatment

Initial conditions:

  • swampy area, soil does not absorb water well
Ideal for:
  • storage tanks, if it is possible to call a sewer truck;
  • biological treatment station, if the site is inclined and there is somewhere to discharge treated wastewater
Step 3: Select Groundwater Depth
above 1.5

Initial conditions:

  • it is difficult to discharge even well-treated wastewater - the water does not drain away;
  • it is impossible to arrange a filter field
Ideal for:
  • storage containers of the required volume.
below 1.5

Initial conditions:

  • groundwater below the freezing level - fewer problems during winter operation;
  • sand and loam will become an additional post-treatment filter for wastewater
Ideal for:
  • simple septic tanks and SBOs, if it is possible to discharge wastewater into the ground or ditch, as well as storage tanks - if it is economically feasible to call sewage trucks.
Step 4. Select a model based on battery life
  • no need to connect to the mains;
  • budget option for the price of a container of the same volume;
Ideal for:
  • suburban area with a low groundwater level and sandy soil for the installation of an effective after-treatment system - a filtration field.
  • requires constant connection to the network;
  • comparatively high cost;
  • complex device;
  • high quality of wastewater treatment - does not require additional treatment by a filtration field
Ideal for:
  • permanent residence and the possibility of discharging treated wastewater onto a lawn or into a ditch.
Step 5. Select the number of permanent residents
up to 5
  • large selection of models of any type;
  • compact container dimensions
Ideal for:
  • junior models of septic tanks are affordable and easy to install.
to 10
  • the most complete wastewater treatment is required
Ideal for:
  • multi-section tanks with filtration field and VOC.
up to 20
  • for a plot of 1 hectare or more or significantly removed from neighbors
Ideal for:
  • volatile treatment stations with the ability to continuously discharge up to 4 cubic meters of treated wastewater per day - into the ground or ditch.

We hope that this table helped you choose the appropriate septic tank option. All that remains is to decide on the manufacturer. The table below contains 9 companies and their brief characteristics. All the manufacturers we reviewed offer solutions for both seasonal and permanent residence.

Manufacturers of septic tanks
Manufacturers of all types of septic tanks
, all types of septic tanks Bars
  • for all types of soil;
  • for high and low groundwater level;
  • the performance of models ranges from 5 to 17 people;
  • durable casing made of HDPE 25 mm thick;
  • turnkey installation in 1 day;
  • prompt delivery in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Irkutsk, Kaluga

Ideal for: residents of the above cities, because Bars is a practical and economical option for waste disposal. You can choose the most suitable model for the specific operating conditions of the septic tank.

Middle price segment:
  • from 54900 rub. for storage Bars-n2 with a capacity of 2000 liters;
  • from 73600 rub. for the non-volatile Bars-Bio 5 designed for a family of up to 5 people;
  • from 102,800 for a vertical water supply system with an aerator and capacity for 5 people;
  • from 129,700 rub. for Bars-Ultra 5 for complete biological processing of wastewater for use by a family of up to 5 people.
, models Topas, TopBio, TopAero
  • for any soil conditions;
  • performance of models for 4-200 people;
  • products made of polypropylene with a thickness of 8-20 mm;
  • dealers in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria.

Ideal for: permanently residing in a private house, provided there are no interruptions in power supply.

Middle price segment:
  • from 89900 rub. for the basic model LOS Topas 4 for 4 people;
  • from 115900 rub. for a non-volatile septic tank TopBio for 3-6 people;
  • from 218,700 rub. for the TopAero 3 biological treatment station with a capacity for 15 people.
, models Kedr, Unilos Astra, etc.
  • for all types of soil;
  • for any UGV;
  • productivity for a family of 2-3 people to entire villages;
  • made of polypropylene of various thicknesses: 8, 15, 20 mm;
  • manufacturer's warehouses in Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk;
  • delivery through dealer network

Ideal for: VOC devices in a house with permanent residence.

Middle price segment:
  • from 62400 rub. for a septic tank Kedr for seasonal residence 5 people.
  • from 72,000 rub. for Uni-Sep-1. It is a VOC that is resistant to periodic power outages. For 5 people.
  • from 89,500 rub. for Unilos Astra 5 - SBO, similar to Topas for 5 people.
, models Microbe, Tank, Biotank
  • for any soil conditions;
  • from HDPE with a thickness of 10-15 mm;
  • manufacturer's warehouse in Mytishchi, Moscow region;
  • deliveries throughout the Russian Federation through dealers

Ideal for: budget purchase for the dacha, which is facilitated by frequent manufacturer discounts and the simplicity of the design of most models.

Budget price segment:
  • from 16500 rub. for a 2-chamber settling tank Microbe-450 for seasonal use 1-3 people.
  • from 42500 rub. for Biotank-3 itself. Modified settling tank with compressor. For a family of up to 5 people.
  • from 50500 rub. for Tank-2. This is a cast horizontal tank with 3 chambers for settling wastewater.
, Termite and Ergobox models
  • for low and high groundwater level;
  • for any type of soil;
  • The performance of the models is designed for 3-12 people;
  • HDPE products with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • free delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as within a radius of 100 km from them;
  • free delivery to Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Rostov, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Gryazovets, Danilov, Sergiev Posad, Tikhvin, Sheksna

Ideal for: residents of the cities indicated above due to free delivery. For those who are looking for an alternative to Tank structures.

Budget price segment:
  • from 52100 rub. for a non-volatile septic tank with 3 chambers Termit Profi 3.0, designed for a family of up to 6 people.
  • from 73,700 for the Ergobox 6 S biological treatment station for 6 people - a modified version of Termite Transformer.
, Eurolos models
  • for any groundwater level and soil type;
  • made of polypropylene 10 mm thick;
  • productivity for 3-25000 people;
  • warehouse in Moscow, sales throughout the Russian Federation through dealers

Ideal for: those who need simple models of septic tanks for their summer cottages at a low price.

Budget price segment:
  • from 26,000 for a 2-chamber sump Eurolos Luck for a family of 2-3 people with economical water consumption.
  • from 43,000 rub. for a 3-chamber non-volatile septic tank for 5 people with brush loading in the second chamber.
  • from 71,000 rub. for VOC Eurolos Bio 5 for 5 people. Full cycle vertical biological treatment station.
Manufacturers of non-volatile septic tanks
, Rostock models
  • for low groundwater level;
  • for highly absorbent soil;
  • productivity is designed for 3-6 people;
  • made of HDPE 12 mm thick;
  • warehouse in Mytishchi, Moscow region;
  • delivery throughout the Russian Federation through the dealer network

Ideal for: devices for inexpensive autonomous sewerage in the country.

Budget price segment:
  • from 33800 rub. for the Rostok Dachny sump tank for 2-3 people.
  • from 49800 rub. for Rostock Zagorodny for 4-5 people.
  • from 58800 rub. for Rostock Cottage for 5-6 people.
Manufacturers of local treatment facilities
, models Eurobion, Yubas
  • for any soil conditions;
  • complex automation system;
  • productivity for 4-100 people;
  • made of polypropylene 10 mm;
  • developed dealer network in the Russian Federation

Ideal for: permanent residence, when the maximum degree of wastewater treatment is required, even with significant volley discharges.

Premium price segment:
  • from 85,000 for Eurobion-5 ART, an analogue of Topas 5 of the new generation for a family of 5 people with constant sewerage use.
  • from 138,000 rub. for Yubas 5 - VOC with more advanced automation, thereby increasing the percentage of wastewater treatment.
, models Tver
  • for any soil conditions;
  • made of polypropylene 5 mm thick;
  • productivity is enough for 2-1000 people;
  • delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as through dealers

Ideal for: large areas for permanent residence, because hatches provide free access to all parts of the installation and take up a lot of space.

Middle price segment:
  • from 103800 rub. for the biological treatment station Tver 1P for use by 4-6 people.

1. “Aqua Hold” – septic tanks Bars

at a price of 54,900 rub.

2. “Topol-ECO” – Topas treatment facilities

at a price of 89,900 rub.

Topol-ECO is engaged in the development and production of autonomous aeration-type treatment plants. The company was founded in 2002, the plant is located in the Moscow region, Lobnya.

The manufacturer's catalog includes both individual treatment facilities for private homes, as well as complex and specialized solutions for a group of houses, towns and enterprises. There are also other plastic products: cellars, decorative stones, contact tanks, galvanic baths, etc.

The company produces VOCs, which comprise 3 large groups:

  • For private houses. Topbio - non-volatile septic tanks for installation in sandy soils. Topas and Topas-S are stations with two or one compressor, respectively. Topaero - treatment facilities with protection against increased volley discharge of wastewater.
  • For enterprises and towns. Topglobal is a complex of equipment with reinforced concrete tanks for cleaning household goods. and industrial wastes. Topaero-M is a set of VOCs with increased total productivity for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Topaero-M/E is an analogue of the previous version for any type of waste.
  • Specialized stations. Toplos-FL – for cleaning wastewater from organic matter. Cyclone is a system for post-treatment of household wastewater. Toplos-KM – container-type VOC for household use. drains. Toppolium is a fat separator from wastewater from public catering establishments. Toprein is a stormwater treatment plant.

The presented equipment covers a wide range of performance. The youngest models are designed for 4 people, the oldest – up to 200. The use of active forced aeration guarantees the purification of household waste by 98%. Therefore, the company positions its sewage treatment facilities as treatment facilities that do not require calling a sewer truck.

In most cases, polypropylene sheets with a thickness of 8 to 20 mm are used as the main material. The rigidity of the structure is achieved by using internal partitions and lattice structures as stiffeners.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from Topol-Eco
Model* Topas 4 Topbio Topaero 3
terms of Use For permanent use by a family of up to 4 people on a plot with any ground level and type of soil. For permanent or seasonal use by a family of 3-6 people on a site with sandy soil and low groundwater level. Permanent use for large families and guests – up to 15 people in total. Any ground conditions.
Short description System with two compressors for wastewater aeration and deep biological treatment. Effluent can be disposed of in the ground or in a ditch. A vertical 5-chamber non-volatile septic tank for which a filtration field is required. Aeration system designed for volley discharge of wastewater up to 1 m3. Wastewater with up to 98% purification is odorless and can be disposed of in a ditch.
Material Polypropylene 12.5 mm for external walls, internal partitions 8 mm thick.
Size, L×W×H, mm 950×970×2500 1600×1200×3000 2400×1200×2500
Electricity consumption, W/h 42-63 208
Weight, kg 215 400 605
price, rub. 89900 115900 218700

* you can select a modification with a built-in pump for forced pumping of treated wastewater. Models with higher productivity come with an extended neck for in-depth installation of the station when it is located far from home, as well as reinforced versions for difficult soils.

Conclusion: The main part of the products from Topol-Eco, which can be used in a private home or on a summer cottage, are energy-dependent biological treatment stations. They are made using the most advanced technology to date, which is why they are more expensive than conventional septic tanks with a filtration field. But you also need to take into account that such equipment requires qualified maintenance, does not tolerate long power outages and is designed for constant use.

3. “SBM-Group” – Unilos treatment facilities

at a price of 59,000 rub.

The SBM-Group company produces Unilos stations, storm sewers, water pumping stations, plastic containers, and fat separators. The plant has been operating since 2006 in the Moscow region, there is production in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and a plant was opened in Kazakhstan in 2015.

Production technologies and range

The main emphasis is on autonomous sewage systems made of polypropylene, fiberglass and concrete. The stations are designed for cleaning household goods. and storm water. The productivity of septic tanks, depending on the chosen model, can range from 0.6 to 10,000 cubic meters per day.

Septic tanks are represented by three product lines:

  • Biological treatment stations Unilos. This includes models of the Astra series and a modification with a service platform - Scarab, high-performance systems for villages - Mega, container-type kits for rotational camps - Container.
  • Low-capacity septic tanks for summer cottages. The line includes aeration stations of the Uni-Sep series of hybrid type, a four-chamber non-volatile wastewater purifier Kedr and a three-chamber Unilos-OS.
  • Storage containers. Containers made of polypropylene and reinforced fiberglass with pumping of wastewater using a sewer machine.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from SBM-Group
Model Unilos Astra 5* Uni-Sep-1 Cedar
terms of Use For a family of up to 5 people on a plot with any ground conditions. For permanent or seasonal residence of 5 people in conditions of periodic power outages. For any soil.
Short description Vertical station for deep biological treatment of household goods. drains with gravity or forced drainage. Treated wastewater is discharged into a ditch or ground. Horizontal VOC with 2 service hatches and 6 chambers for anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment. Discharge of purified water into a ditch or filter well. Vertical non-volatile septic tank with 4 chambers for cleaning household wastewater. Mandatory installation of a filter field.
Material Polypropylene. The side walls are 15 mm thick, the bottom is 20 mm thick. Polypropylene 8 mm thick.
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1030×1120×2000 1020×2000 1400×3000
Electricity consumption, W/h 60 71
Weight, kg 220 130 150
price, rub. 89500 72000 62400

*this is standard equipment. There are Midi modifications with a built-in pumping station, a post-treatment and/or disinfection unit, as well as Long - with the same options, only of greater height.

Unilos Astra 5 is the most popular model among those who live in a private home all year round. The video below talks about the design of such a station and describes in detail the principle of its operation.

Conclusions: From the SBM-Group company under the Unilos brand you can choose the Astra aeration system, which is very similar in design to Topas from Topol-Eco. The choice among non-volatile septic tanks is limited to one model, but you can choose a storage tank of the required volume. Those. The manufacturer is more focused on consumers who permanently live in their own home.

4. “Elite Stroy Invest” – Tank septic tanks

at a price of RUB 34,900.

The Elite Stroy Invest company (formerly Triton Plastic) specializes in the production of plastic septic tanks, water and fuel tanks, caissons, swimming pools and a variety of goods for the garden. The plant is located in the Moscow region, Mytishchi. Operating since 2007. Deliveries are possible throughout the country through the dealer network.

Production technologies and range

The catalog includes products for drainage devices of three types:

  • storage containers. This includes containers made of Triton-N polyethylene with a volume of 1 to 3.5 m3;
  • septic tanks And. This includes the Microbe model (3-12 people) - a 2-chamber model for a summer residence, as well as Triton-T (2-10 people), Tank and Tank Universal (1-25 people). These are 3-chamber tanks with the ability to increase the stages of wastewater treatment by adding additional blocks;
  • bioremediation systems. Energy-dependent VOC Biotank (4-10 people) and Eurobion (4-150 people) made of HDPE and polypropylene, respectively.

The main material for the manufacture of containers is HDPE. The thickness of the material ranges from 10 to 15 mm depending on the model and location. For example, it is greater near stiffening ribs, and less on straight lines or areas of slight curvature.

The video below clearly demonstrates the production of HDPE Tank models. The plant is equipped with modern equipment; sheet plastic is supplied from Russian, Czech and German manufacturers.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from Elite Stroy Invest
Model Tank-2 Microbe-450 Biotank-3 itself*
terms of Use For a family of 3-4 people with permanent or seasonal use. Works at low groundwater level, soil – sand, sandy loam, loam. Model for seasonal use. Operation by 1-3 people in economy mode. For low groundwater level and filter soil. Seasonal accommodation for up to 5 people. Low groundwater level, sandy or loamy soil.
Short description Cast horizontal 3-chamber settling tank with developed stiffening ribs. Can be equipped with an infiltrator** (analogue of a filtration field). Soil post-treatment of wastewater is required. Compact vertical septic tank with 2 chambers. Provides minimal purification from heavy and light fractions. It is necessary to arrange a filtration field. You can additionally purchase an infiltrator. Vertical 4-chamber septic tank with aeration section. Installed 1 compressor and simple automation. The degree of wastewater treatment is 95-98%; after the station, it can be discharged into a roadside ditch.
Material HDPE 10-15 mm thick HDPE 10 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1800×1200×1700 810×1430 1020×2120
Electricity consumption, W/h 60
Weight, kg 130 35 100
price, rub. 50500 16500 42500

* This is a model with gravity drainage of treated wastewater. There is a modification with an installed pump for forced drainage. There is also a model with a horizontal design.

** The infiltrator looks like an inverted plastic bath and serves as the boundary of the filtration area of ​​purified wastewater.

Conclusions: Although this manufacturer offers different types of models, it is known more for its sedimentation tanks. The Tank series line is ideal for dacha conditions and, in certain cases, can be used for permanent residence. During production, HDPE with a thickness of 10-15 mm is used, which is not always enough to ensure structural rigidity when installed in difficult soils.

5. “Multplast” – Termite septic tanks

at a price of 25,000 rubles.

The Multplast company specializes in the production of products made of polyethylene and fiberglass: septic tanks, caissons, wells, etc. This manufacturer is known for its Termite and Ergobox product lines. The plant has been operating since 2004 and is located in the Vologda region, Cherepovets. The company has its own warehouses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and also in the Krasnodar region. They deliver throughout the Russian Federation thanks to a developed dealer network.

Production technologies and range

The equipment is represented by 2 main product lines:

  • settling tanks. Produced under the Termite brand. Includes several modifications: Pro – 2- and 3-chamber septic tanks for dachas with low groundwater level; Transformer - the same as Pro, but with one neck (more rigid design); Transformer PR is a modification with a pump for forced pumping of treated wastewater at high groundwater levels. There are also storage models with a capacity of up to 5.5 cubic meters;
  • biological treatment stations. Produced under the Ergobox brand. They are modifications of Transformer (PR) models in which a compressor and aerators are installed.

All these products are made using rotational molding from Korean-made HDPE. The result is a durable, seamless structure with developed stiffening ribs. The wall thickness is 20 mm.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from "Multplast"
Model Termite Pro 3.0 Ergobox 6 S*
terms of Use For a family of up to 6 people at low ground level, when the soil is sand, sandy loam, loam. For a family of up to 6 people with a low groundwater level, because the gravity version. The type of soil does not matter.
Short description 3-chamber horizontal settling tank for primary treatment under anaerobic conditions. It is necessary to install a filtration field for wastewater treatment. 3-chamber VOC in horizontal design with a Japanese compressor and a German pump. Discharge of treated wastewater into a ditch, onto the terrain, into the ground.
Material HDPE 20 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 2300×1155×1905 2000×1000×2100
Electricity consumption, W/h 63
Weight, kg 165 137
price, rub. 52100 73700

* S – gravity flow. There is a PR modification with a pump for forced pumping out of treated wastewater. It costs 6 thousand rubles. more expensive than the gravity version.

Video demonstrating the installation process of a Termite septic tank. From a short video you will also learn about what diameter the supply pipe should be, whether it can have 90-degree turns, how and where to discharge the treated wastewater, etc.

Conclusions: It’s easy to notice the similarity of products from “Multplast” with products like Tank. All the same pronounced stiffening ribs and simple design. Of particular interest may be versions with a compressor - a simple modification gives the design special properties. However, it must be taken into account that a small number of chambers can lead to poor quality of wastewater treatment and, as a consequence, the need to construct a filtration field or well for additional treatment.

6. “Eurolos” – Eurolos cleaning systems

at a price of 26,000 rubles.

The Eurolos company is a relatively young company; the plant has been operating in the Moscow region since 2015. It gained considerable popularity due to the production of high-quality plastic products: wastewater treatment systems, caissons, grease traps. Deliveries from the manufacturer are carried out from a warehouse in Moscow, throughout the country - through a developed dealer network.

Production technologies and range

Cleaning equipment is represented by 2 lines:

  • for individual use. This is Eurolos Udacha - a compact septic tank for seasonal use in the country; Eurolos Eco – 3-chamber settling tank; Eurolos Bio – VOC with pump and ejector; Eurolos Pro – aeration SBO. They are designed for a family from 3 to 20 people;
  • for collective use. This is Eurolos Kontus - a modular system for wastewater treatment. Capacity from 20 to 4000 cubic meters per day.

All containers are made from polypropylene sheets 8-10 mm thick. In the Bio model, oxygen is supplied not by a compressor, but by a pump + ejector combination. How this works is clearly shown in the video below.

We also recommend looking at a full review of this treatment station, which explains the principle of operation of the system and the role of each of the components. We focus on the Bio model because it is the most popular among Eurolos buyers.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from Eurolos
Model Luck Eco 1 Bio 5
terms of Use For a family of 2-3 people with seasonal living and economical use of water. The ground level is low, the soil is sandy loam or sand. For a family of 5 people for permanent or seasonal use. The groundwater level is low, the soil has good filtering abilities. For 5 people for permanent or seasonal stay. Any ground conditions.
Short description Compact 2-chamber settling tank. Does not require digging a deep pit. A filter field must be installed. It is also recommended to use bacteria. Horizontal 3-chamber settling tank with brush loading for breeding colonies of anaerobic bacteria. Additional soil treatment facilities are required. Vertical VOC of 3 chambers and a biofilter with wastewater circulation throughout the entire circuit. Aeration due to ejector and gushing. Does not require soil purification - wastewater can be discharged onto the terrain or into a ditch.
Material Sheet polypropylene 8-10 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1500×1500×800 1000×2000 1400×2000
Electricity consumption, W/h 88
Weight, kg 69 84 165
price, rub. 26000 43000 71000

The kit does not include accompanying structures for arranging a treated wastewater discharge system. An infiltrator will cost an additional 5,600 rubles, a well - from 21,000 rubles, submersible drainage pumps - from 2,900 rubles.

Conclusions: In the range of the Eurolos company you will find solutions for the construction of a local treatment plant for seasonal and permanent residence of different capacities and the degree of preparation of wastewater for discharge into the external environment. It should be noted that the basic set of equipment is affordable, however, due to the small thickness of the tank walls, we do not recommend installing such systems in difficult soils where there is a possibility of the structure being compressed.

7. “Ekoprom” – septic tanks Rostock

at a price of RUB 26,800.

The Ecoprom company has been producing products from recycled polyethylene since 2008. The range includes containers for water, fuels and lubricants, septic tanks, grease traps, tanks for shower cabins, etc. Today there are 3 factories in the Moscow and Leningrad regions.

Production technologies and range

2 product lines are designed for local sewerage installations:

  • drives. Rostok U sealed containers with a volume from 1250 to 3000 liters.
  • settling tanks. These are 2-chamber septic tanks Rostock Mini, Dachny, Zagorodny, Cottage. Volume from 1000 to 3000 liters - this is enough for use by a family of 2-6 people.

All containers are made from recycled materials, which determines their competitive cost. The tanks are made from HDPE using rotational molding. In this case, the wall thickness is 10-12 mm.

Watch a 2-minute video that clearly shows the structure of the Rostock Dachny septic tank and describes the role of each element of the treatment system.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from Ecoprom
Model Rostock Dachny Rostock Countryside Rostock Cottage
terms of Use For 2-3 people. For 4-5 people. For 5-6 people.
Seasonal residence, low ground level, soil - sand, sandy loam.
Short description 2-chamber horizontal settling tank with developed stiffeners. A filter field must be installed. Volley discharge and the use of aggressive chemicals are unacceptable.
Material HDPE 10-12 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1680×1115×1840 2220×1305×2000 2360×1440×2085
Electricity consumption, W/h
Weight, kg 85 125 160
price, rub. 33800 49800 58800

The price does not include an infiltrator for constructing a filtration field. This is about another 7,000 rubles. a piece.

Conclusion: Are you looking for the simplest sedimentation tanks for your dacha and their main quality for you is strength, tightness and affordable cost? Then you should consider purchasing a septic tank from Ecoprom. Especially if we are talking about a dacha, and the plot is located somewhere on the outskirts of the partnership. Because the quality of pre-cleaning, due to the presence of only two chambers, leaves much to be desired.

8. “NEP-center” – Eurobion cleaning systems

at a price of 84,000 rubles.

GC "NEP-Center" has been specializing in the production of local treatment facilities for low-rise buildings since 1998. The plant is located in the Moscow region, Kubinka. The company has a powerful scientific and technical base for developments in the field of wastewater and drinking water treatment. Delivery throughout the Russian Federation through the dealer network.

Production technologies and range

All systems are equipped with active aeration of wastewater and are classified into a general group - aeroseptics. Depending on the model, they can satisfy the needs of 4 to 100 people. According to the company’s engineer-inventor, Yu.O. Bobylev, NEP-Center products are the result of the evolution of the VOC Topas line.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from NEP-Center
Model Eurobion-5 ART Yubas 5
terms of Use VOC for constant use by a family of 5 people. Any ground conditions.
Short description 4-section vertical installation with a large receiving chamber capable of withstanding a salvo discharge of up to 390 liters. It features economical energy consumption. Treated wastewater can be discharged onto the terrain. Vertical station with deeper cleaning. Capable of receiving a salvo discharge of up to 700 liters. Consumes more electricity. It has a complex automation system, which complicates repairs. The wastewater after the system is discharged onto the terrain.
Material Sheet polypropylene 10 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1080×1080×2380
Electricity consumption, W/h 39 60
Weight, kg 125 270
price, rub. 85000 138000

Station maintenance is an important stage of system operation. From the video below you will learn not only how to maintain VOC Eurobion 5, but also how the station is cleaned and what role is assigned to each of its components.

Conclusions: Treatment facilities from NEP-Center have a well-thought-out design in terms of the efficiency of wastewater treatment, but their maintenance requires highly qualified workers. Such systems are excellent for continuous use, but at the same time their cost is higher than their analogues.

9. Trade House "Engineering Equipment" - septic tanks Tver

at a price of 67,900 rub.

The company TD "Engineering Equipment" has been operating since 1992 and specializes in scientific research, production, construction and installation of equipment for wastewater treatment and pumping. The company's product range includes LOS Tver, storm water treatment facilities in Svir, grease traps, and wastewater treatment plants for car washes in the Northern regions. Production is carried out at 4 factories in the Russian Federation.

Production technologies and range

  • for private houses. Biological treatment stations made of polypropylene of the Tver-P line are designed for 2-36 users, depending on the performance of the system;
  • for residential complexes. Cleaning equipment in a metal or polymer housing with high capacity for 30-1500 people.
  • for rotation camps. Container version Tver-S for 6-1000 people;
  • in block-modular design. Modular designs Tver-BM with flexible adjustment of wastewater flow by varying the number of connected blocks;
  • for solid waste landfills. Specialized Tver-MSW stations in container design for deep treatment of wastewater from solid waste landfills.

All models of Tver treatment systems are energy-dependent installations for seasonal or permanent residence. Polypropylene with a thickness of 5 mm is used as the material for the walls of the containers. The rigidity of the structure is ensured by stiffening ribs and internal partitions.

* There are 7 more modifications of this station, for example, the model with the PN index has a pump compartment with a submersible pump for forced supply of treated wastewater.

The video below provides detailed information about installing a Tver-0.75 PN septic tank. A company representative at a real site explains the structure of the system and the role of each of its elements. Station maintenance is described in detail. If you are thinking about buying this model, be sure to check it out!

Conclusions: Trade House "Engineering Equipment" does not offer a large selection of systems for country houses. The guys simply developed a model that works well and scaled it up. The result is not the most compact water purification station at an average price. The main thing is that it works, right?

Editor's Choice

All the presented manufacturers are good, but we especially want to highlight the following:

  • "Aqua Hold". For septic tanks Leopard: a large selection of models of different types, the durable body of which is made of HDPE with a thickness of 25 mm. You can choose a treatment facility for any conditions. There are solutions for summer cottages, for permanent residence, for low and high groundwater levels, and for various types of soil. Product prices are average for the market.
  • "Elite Stroy Invest". For simple septic tanks Tank, which are ideal for a summer residence - durable, reliable, priced from 25,000 rubles.
  • Trade house "Engineering equipment". For biological treatment stations Tver. Unlike most VOCs, it not only copes with the task of cleaning wastewater, but is also easy to maintain - no need to call a specialist. This is possible thanks to easy access to each station camera.


Here we have collected answers to pressing questions about septic tanks.

What material is the best septic tank?

Factory products for individual use are made from polymer materials: polypropylene, low-density polyethylene (HDPE), fiberglass. They are relatively light, do not corrode, are strong, sealed and durable - all these materials are good.

The only question is to what extent their capabilities are realized in a particular septic tank design. For example, there may be a polypropylene container in which the seams are welded poorly, so it will leak after some time.

The rigidity of the structure is influenced by the thickness of the material and the presence of structural elements: stiffeners and internal partitions. Therefore, if the design is unsuccessful or simply does not suit specific operating conditions, the septic tank can be flattened or torn apart by soil. But the point here is not in the quality of the material from which it is made, but in the design itself.

I can’t decide between a non-volatile septic tank and a biological treatment station with aerators. What's better?

If for a summer residence, choose a non-volatile sump tank, provided that the groundwater level is below 1.5 meters, and the soil itself has good filtering abilities. For example, it is sand or sandy loam. Once a season you will have to do dirty work and remove accumulated sludge from the bottom of the tank, but in general this solution is the most economically feasible and convenient for seasonal living.

For private homes, it is better to buy a system that ensures maximum purity of wastewater leaving the treatment plant. You can’t do without a station with aerators. One of the advantages: the wastewater does not smell after it, it is cleaned so much that it can be poured into roadside ditches. However, this solution is more expensive, and automation and compressors require connection to the electrical network.

Summer cottage near the forest, seasonal accommodation, four people. Recommend a septic tank.

If you need something cheaper and simpler, then consider the Termite Pro 2.0 option. It is very similar to the well-known Tank, but costs only 39,000 rubles. The manufacturer also often has promotions - you can save several thousand.

The filtration field can be set up next to the forest. This is where you will dump wastewater for further treatment. This way you will cause minimal inconvenience to yourself and your neighbors.

At the dacha there is a well from which water is used for food purposes. Which septic tank to choose?

Obviously, a treatment station is required here, after which the wastewater can be discharged into a roadside ditch. If there is no ditch, it can be lowered into the ground, provided that the discharge point must be 50 m from the well.

If the soil does not accept water, then in some cases it makes sense to think about installing a storage tank and then calling the vacuum cleaners.

Will the drains freeze in winter? Is it necessary to insulate a septic tank?

If used constantly, they will definitely not freeze - a kind of bioreactor is constantly working inside, generating heat. In extreme cases, you can insulate it by pouring a layer of straw or leaves on top.

During seasonal use, it is recommended to fill the container 2/3 with drainage, additionally insulating it on top. This way the container will not float up and will not be crushed by frozen soil. We recommend that you additionally read the instructions for the specific model; the manufacturer may have a different opinion on this matter.

What happens to the energy-dependent water treatment plant if the electricity goes out?

Typically, such systems are very sensitive to power outages. The compressor pumping air stops working, and after 6 hours the amount of oxygen in the wastewater is significantly reduced. The struggle begins between aerobes and anaerobes. Effluent can begin to ferment due to anaerobes, so after turning on the electricity, normal operation occurs within several days.

Is there a strong smell from the septic tank?

After a regular septic tank there is a strong, characteristic smell of sewage. It can be felt even close to the filtration field, so they are installed in the most remote place.

After systems with aeration, the water is cleaner and does not smell. Unless the station's operating mode is disrupted: exceeding the permissible peak discharge, power outage, use of aggressive detergents.

Installed a septic tank with a filtration field without connecting to the power supply. How to service it?

Once every six months it is necessary to open the container and check the amount of sediment. If it is more than 1/5 of the height of the container, it will have to be removed. Use a bucket or fecal pump for this purpose.

Light fractions will accumulate on the surface of the wastewater. If they form a thick, hard layer more than 5 cm thick, it is also better to remove it in a timely manner, because it can subsequently significantly complicate cleaning the tank.

City dwellers are so accustomed to comfort that even in the countryside they require a full range of “conveniences”, but centralized sewerage outside the city is from another life. Therefore, sewerage for a dacha is the concern of the owners. This is not an easy task, but once you understand the intricacies, you can design and build it yourself.

Types of autonomous sewerage

In order to consciously and correctly choose the type of sewage system for your dacha, you need to at least in general terms imagine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible options. There are not so many of them:

The first two options are simply places for collecting waste; no purification occurs in them. But there is a difference between them, and quite significant. A cesspool is usually made only for storage, but all wastewater is already drained into a storage tank. That is, this is the most primitive sewage system, albeit without cleaning.

The second two options are already treatment facilities, just with different degrees of automation. As you can see, there is no ideal way. You have to choose between environmental friendliness and cheapness. And here no one can decide except you.

How to organize sewerage in a country house with a septic tank

If the dacha will be visited mainly on weekends, there is no point in building any complex system. The most reasonable option in this case is to install a storage tank, or make a cesspool, but it must be sealed. Since visits will be rare, cleaning will be required infrequently, and to make it needed even less often, biological products are used that accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, at the same time reducing the volume of wastewater.

With more active use of the dacha plot, a more serious sewage system is needed for the dacha. A smart choice is to install a septic tank, make filtration fields according to the instructions, or install an absorption well. It is better to take a factory septic tank, if possible. It, of course, costs quite a lot of money, but homemade septic tanks, although they are cheaper to build, require constant repairs during operation, and besides everything, most of them suffer from leaks. This is a dacha, after all, and everything that gets into the ground ends up on your table - in the form of water, if the water supply is from a well or borehole, and then in the form of the crops that you water with this water.

If you definitely decide to make a septic tank with your own hands, there are several options:

The easiest way is to make a septic tank at your dacha from concrete rings. Its volume should be large enough - it is believed that such a device should have room to accumulate a three-day supply of wastewater. Consumption per day is assumed to be 200-250 liters per person, the total consumption is calculated according to the number of people in the dacha at a time, with some reserve in case of guests arriving. For a family of 3-4 people, the usual volume of a septic tank is 2.5-3 cubic meters.

Standards for the location of treatment facilities on the site

There is a lot of confusion in this area. There are many conflicting standards with different distances, and these standards may differ in different regions, so you need to find out exactly from the local plumbing department. The most common standards can be grouped:

One more thing. If there is a slope on the site, then the well or borehole should be located above all treatment facilities. To maintain all these distances, you will have to spend a long time working on the site plan. If everything cannot be observed at once, special attention is paid to the distance to the neighbor’s house and well (well), since a violation is fraught with a complaint, subsequent inspections and fines.

Types of sewerage with septic tank

A septic tank is a container consisting of one, two or three chambers connected by overflow pipes. From the last chamber, purified water enters the filtration field, the absorption well, and the filter trench. The choice of a specific type of final filtration depends on the type of soil and groundwater level.

With filter well

When groundwater is low and soils drain water well, a filtration well is made. Usually these are several reinforced concrete rings without a bottom.

With filter field

When the groundwater level is up to 1.5 meters and/or when the drainage capacity of the soil is poor, wastewater is discharged to filtration fields. These are quite large areas in which part of the natural soil has been replaced with sand and crushed stone. Water from the septic tank enters this field through perforated pipes, where, passing through the layers, it is further purified, and then goes into the underlying layers of soil.

The structure of this field is layered - sand at the bottom, then crushed stone in which drainage pipes are laid. Decorative plantings can be planted on top. The location of this treatment plant is as far as possible from the garden and fruit trees. The disadvantage of this system is that after a while the crushed stone silts up and the water stops flowing. It is necessary to open and replace the filtrate (sand with crushed stone).

Into the gutter

If there is a drainage ditch near the septic tank, you can drain the water into it for further purification. To do this, a small pit is dug in front of the ditch, which is covered with crushed stone. The water is discharged into the crushed stone, from where it enters the ditch.

This option is possible if the degree of wastewater treatment is high. Typically, such a scheme is offered when installing VOC or AC. But to be sure, it is advisable to have on hand the result of a chemical examination confirming the degree of purification. This document may be needed if neighbors complain and an inspection comes.

About autonomous sewerage, and about individual treatment plants in Tver - here.

How many chambers are there in a septic tank?

In SNiP 2.04.03-85, the number of chambers in a septic tank is tied to the daily water flow:

  • up to 1 cubic meter/day - one chamber;
  • from 1 to 10 cubic meters/day - two chambers;
  • over 10 cubic meters/day - three.

In this case, the volume of the septic tank must be at least 3 times the daily flow. One camera is rarely made, as well as three. One does not provide the required degree of purification, and three are too expensive.

How to connect a sewer to a septic tank

Judging by the standards, the sewer pipe will have to be laid at least 7-8 meters to the septic tank. So the trench will be long. It should go with a slope:

  • pipe diameter 100-110 mm, slope 20 mm per linear meter;
  • 50 mm in diameter - slope 30 mm/m.

Please note that it is not advisable to change the level of inclination in either direction. You can increase it by a maximum of 5-6 mm. Why can't there be more? With a large slope, the water will run off very quickly, and heavy inclusions will move much less. As a result, the water will drain away, but the solid particles will remain in the pipe. You can imagine the consequences.

The second important condition is that the pipe should not freeze. There are two solutions. The first is to bury below the freezing depth, which, taking into account the slope, gives a significant depth. The second is to bury it to about 60-80 cm and insulate it on top.

How deep should you bury the tube?

In reality, the depth to which you will bury the sewer pipe coming from the house depends on the location of the septic tank, or rather, its inlet. The septic tank itself must be arranged so that there is only a lid on the surface of the soil, and the entire “body”, including the neck, is in the ground. Having buried the septic tank (or having decided on its type and model), you will know where the pipe needs to be led, and the required slope is also known. Using these data, you can calculate at what depth you need to exit the house.

This area of ​​work also has its own nuances. So it’s better to dig a trench of the required depth right away. If you have to add soil, it must be compacted very well - not just throw the soil on, tamp it to a high density. This is necessary because simply laid soil will shrink, and the pipe will settle with it. Over time, a plug forms at the site of subsidence. Even if it can be broken through, it will appear there again from time to time.


One more point: the laid and hermetically connected pipe is covered with a layer of sand about 15 cm thick (this should be above the pipe), the sand is spilled and lightly compacted. EPS with a thickness of at least 5 cm is laid on the sand; it must extend at a distance of at least 30 cm on both sides of the pipe. The second option for insulating a sewer pipe is the same EPS, but in the form of a shell of a suitable size.

Special insulation for pipes - shell

It is not recommended to use other insulation materials. Mineral wool loses its properties when wet - it simply stops working. Polystyrene foam collapses under pressure. If you are building a full-fledged sewer trench with walls and a lid, then you can do it. But if the sewer pipe is laid in the ground, the foam may become wrinkled. The second point is that mice like to chew it (EPS don’t like it).

CJSC Ros Ecology Russian manufacturer of environmental equipment offers consumers reliable and inexpensive septic tanks for dachas and country houses "ECOROS".

In the usual understanding of the consumer, the word septic tank means precisely that device that is supposed to process or accumulate something, but in fact, in order to achieve a high degree of wastewater treatment, it is necessary to use biological wastewater treatment systems. They perform the most complete cleaning. Such structures include autonomous sewage systems (septic tanks) for a country house or dacha "ECOROS". This is a modern wastewater treatment plant that purifies up to 95-98% using several stages of purification simultaneously. This allows purified water to be discharged directly into a ditch or terrain.

The ECOROS septic tank, depending on its performance, can have a different volume. Unlike a storage pit, it does not allow odors to pass through and does not pollute groundwater. Purchasing a septic tank for an ECOROS dacha allows you to ensure the treatment of household wastewater to meet the requirements stipulated by Sanitary Standards SanPiN “Hygienic Requirements for the Protection of Surface Waters.”

Ecoros 1 ST

  • Capacity 1m 3 /day
  • Number of people 5
  • Purification up to 98%
  • Exit - by gravity

Price: 79,000 rub.

Ecoros Magnit

  • Capacity 1m 3 / day
  • Number of people 5
  • Purification up to 90%
  • Exit - by gravity

Price: 65800 rub.

Septic tank for home

Ecoros 1.6 ST

  • Productivity 1.6m 3 /day
  • Number of people 8
  • Purification up to 98%
  • Effluent outlet - by gravity

Price: 98,000 rub.

Ecoros (K) Lite

  • Productivity 0.5m 3 /day
  • Number of people 3
  • Purification up to 98%
  • Effluent outlet - by gravity

Price: 48,600 rub.

Anaerobic septic tank for home

Ecoros (C)

  • Productivity 2m 3 /day
  • Number of people 4
  • Purification up to 65%
  • Effluent outlet - by gravity

Price: 30,500 rub.

Septic tank for home

Ecoros (K) 0.7

  • Productivity 0.7m 3 /day
  • Number of people 4
  • Purification up to 98%
  • Effluent outlet - by gravity

Price: 52,000 rub.

The principle of operation of a septic tank for a summer residence

The combination of system reliability and modern technologies makes the septic tank for dachas ECOROS one of the leaders among treatment facilities for dachas and country houses. The ECOROS septic tank has a number of advantages over other septic tanks, which makes many dacha owners give it preference and recommend it to friends and neighbors.

What are the advantages? For example, our septic tank easily copes not only with biological waste. It can recycle and clean waste from a washing machine containing elements of washing powders, and waste after washing dishes using special detergents. Without treatment, such wastewater poses a threat to soil and groundwater. ECOROS copes with this task without making a difference between biological and chemical wastewater.

The cleaning principle is based on the natural principle of processing human waste using aerobic-anaerobic bacteria and fine-bubble aeration with atmospheric air. Thus. in our septic tank, the process of waste decomposition is accelerated thousands of times through the use of aeration (exposure to air sprayed through aerators).

A septic tank for a summer residence consists of several compartments in which the wastewater is treated.

Cleaning steps:

  1. First, wastewater enters the receiving chamber of the septic tank, where insoluble particles are separated from the rest of the liquid.
  2. Then the water enters the first compartment - the settling tank. This is where bacteria come into play. They decompose various organic substances, as a result of which most of the organic matter dissolves, and the undissolved settles to the bottom.
  3. In the second and third chambers of the septic tank, fine cleaning occurs. The wastewater is filtered, and small particles that did not settle in the first chamber are retained. Next, almost clean water is drained onto the ground or .

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that our aeration septic tank for the homedoes not require the purchase of special bacteria.


The main condition for installing a septic tank is the use of specialist services. Despite the fact that the design of a septic tank for a home is quite simple, its installation requires certain knowledge and skills.

  1. First, the site plan is studied and the location for installing the treatment plant is selected.
  2. Then preparatory work is carried out, during which soil is excavated.
  3. The septic tank is lowered into the prepared pit and filled with clean water. The gap between the walls of the treatment plant and the edges of the pit is filled with sand, and if the groundwater level is high, with a cement-sand mixture.
  4. A supply sewer pipeline and a power supply cable in protective insulation are laid from the house to the treatment plant.
  5. If necessary, a drainage pump is installed for forced removal of purified water.
  6. Commissioning works are being carried out.

Advantages of a septic tank for a summer residence EKOROS

  • Increased resistance to low temperatures.
    Our septic tank does not require special installation conditions or the presence of a certain type of soil, and has increased frost resistance. Russian winter is famous for its severe frosts, which means the system must be ready to work in such conditions. We, as Russian manufacturers, have made sure that our septic tank works quite efficiently even in severe frost.
  • Independence from electricity. For example, the ECOROS series (K) treatment plant will operate even during a long or complete absence of electricity, transforming into an anaerobic septic tank. It is due to the design of the treatment station that wastewater is processed in stages sequentially and by gravity from chamber to chamber.
  • High level of cleaning. The ECOROS septic tank is capable of cleaning with high efficiency up to 98%, and the requirements for the quality of purified water at the outlet will always meet sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • Easy to transport and install.
  • High level of strength.
    The use of high-strength polypropylene allows ECOROS septic tanks to perform their functions for up to 50 years.

Presentation by ECOROS


Individual type treatment facility

The problem of centralized drainage of sewage in dacha settlements has never been solved by anyone. It has always been believed that this is a problem of the summer residents themselves, and this opinion still exists. Therefore, the owner of even a small structure is forced to solve such a problem on his own. People came up with everything they could to somehow make their stay outside the city more comfortable. The simplest and most traditional option is a cesspool. But, unfortunately, this design does not meet many standards and requirements for comfortable living. Therefore, more and more often, country developers began to use wastewater treatment plants for their summer cottages. This is a unique opportunity not only to collect sewage, but also to completely recycle it.

What are on-site wastewater treatment plants, or “LOS”? This is a complex that is responsible for processing wastewater and waste coming from a country house. Basically, household waste and feces, that is, organic matter, are collected here. Manufacturers of such equipment offer a fairly wide range of models, where you can find both expensive and cheap analogues. That is, there is always a choice.

But the main division is made according to the power of the complex and its energy dependence. There are both volatile and non-volatile models on the market. For the former, electricity is required. Indeed, this unit contains monitoring and control units as a component. And also a compressor that supplies air to the work area. Under its influence, a tamponing process occurs, where bacteria decompose the organic components of sewage into carbon dioxide and water.

Such structures consume little electricity, so there is no point in talking about their cost. But here another question arises. Is there any point in purchasing a similar version of the device if the electricity supply in the village is periodically turned off? Will this unit work as efficiently? The manufacturers took care of everything. If the power goes out for a few hours, the VOC will still work just as efficiently. So in this regard there are no problems.

The only thing that can scare off consumers is the fairly high price. Unfortunately, for many summer residents this option is not yet available. Although we must pay tribute to the quality of processing, which is marked by a high degree of purification, reaching up to 100%. After it, the clarified water can be used to water the garden. And they won’t prohibit you from lowering it into open waters. And the precipitated activated sludge can be used as fertilizer. So, in many respects, this is an excellent option for creating a modern sewer network in a country house.

As for energy-independent local treatment facilities, a conventional septic tank can be mentioned as an option for small sewage systems. And although manufacturers have long been offering ready-made analogues, many summer residents prefer to build them with their own hands from traditional building materials. For example, from reinforced concrete rings.

For this purpose, several pits are erected, the first of which is a sealed structure and plays the role of a collection tank. The second pit or well is a clarified water outlet. That is, heavy particles settle in the first well, and then somewhat purified wastewater enters the second well. Here, small and light particles are processed by bacteria, and water enters the soil through the bottom of the well. There may be several wells of the second type. And the more of them, the cleaner the output water.

Septic tanks

Biological treatment of wastewater from an autonomous sewage system

However, the time for self-constructed septic tanks has already passed. Nobody wants to deal with complex installation and construction processes because it requires a lot of time and money. Therefore, manufacturers of sewerage equipment began to offer unique, but at the same time simple designs that are affordable for the majority of summer residents. The plastic septic tank is very relevant today. Moreover, on the market you can always find an option that is exactly suitable for your dacha in terms of volume, power and degree of purification.

Modern septic tanks are a reservoir divided inside into several compartments. In fact, they are very similar to reinforced concrete wells. The wastewater, getting inside the septic tank, alternately fills the compartments one after another, overflowing through the partitions. In each of them, a settling process occurs, where heavy particles sink to the bottom of the container and are processed there by living bacteria. Having passed through all the compartments in this way in a few days, the water at the outlet is quite clean. Manufacturers guarantee a 95% degree of purification.

Unfortunately, such water cannot be used. And you shouldn’t pour it into water bodies either. Therefore, as a complement to septic tanks, filtration fields are constructed, which ensure 100% purification and penetration of liquid into the groundwater layer. As you can see, energy-independent treatment facilities cope well with their responsibilities.

All of the listed local treatment facilities operate on the principle of bioremediation. Their work is based on a method of processing organic sewage with the help of living bacteria. Experts say that bacteria can process organic matter in three days, of course, with a certain amount of sewage. That is why it is so important that this volume does not exceed the permissible limit. And the effective reproduction of bacteria in this case will play an important role. This means that for this it is necessary to create optimal conditions, where the exact volume of the structure and normal temperature conditions inside it will be the main ones.

Plastic septic tank

In nature, there are two types of bacteria - some live and reproduce only in the presence of oxygen, while others do not need it. Hence the modifications of treatment facilities, which are divided according to the principle of processing sewage and wastewater - aerobic (the presence of oxygen is mandatory) and anaerobic (without oxygen). It is impossible to say that one option is better and another is not. Just set your priorities correctly when choosing. How?

  • An aerobic processing system requires air to be present within the structure or septic tank. Air can be pumped in by a compressor, which means the system will be energy-dependent. You can feed it naturally by making an access hole. But this may be accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • The anaerobic system is completely sealed and air cannot be allowed to enter. Therefore, such septic tanks belong to the category of “non-energy independent”. And there are no problems with unpleasant odors here.

There is also a division of modern septic tanks into northern and southern treatment plants. In the northern regions, the construction of local sewer networks is a big problem. The soil freezes deeply, so manufacturers began to offer insulated septic tanks in which water does not freeze at any temperature. This is a real breakthrough and a solution to a big problem.

Conclusion on the topic

Thanks to the modern approach to solving the problems of dacha sewage, small treatment plants began to appear on the market. This is a real victory for the summer residents, who have always been in the position of renegades. Much is changing in modern life, so holiday villages have begun to transform. Not only are beautiful and comfortable houses appearing here, but also water supply and sewerage are being installed, and the villages are being supplied with gas. That is, the fruits of civilization outside the city are becoming the norm.

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