Why doesn't the myrtle tree bloom? Myrtle tree - care at home, why does it dry out? Incorrect temperature

In our latitudes, myrtle originated from the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, so its name translated from Greek means “incense,” and its second name, Arrayan, means “aromatic” in Arabic. This evergreen plant bears such names for a reason. Even in ancient times, it was noted that myrtle, in addition to its decorative properties, has many useful qualities due to the presence of essential oils that have a strong antimicrobial effect. Arrayana leaves have their healing effect not only as part of medicines and cosmetics, but also simply by releasing phytoncides into the air.

Myrtle blooms very beautifully: the entire tree is covered with boiling white flowers, sometimes having a slight pinkish tint. But such a sight does not always please the owner’s eye, and this happens for several reasons.

Firstly, myrtle is a plant of southern latitudes, so it is accustomed to bright sunlight. At home, the tree will feel most comfortable on a southern windowsill, where it can get plenty of sunbathing. However, it is better to shade it from direct rays with a curtain. In such conditions, an arrayan will delight you with wonderful flowers, but one placed on the western, eastern or northern side most likely will not bloom at all. In addition, it must be taken into account that the flower does not tolerate any sudden change in illumination. For example, if you decide to move it from the north side to the south, then you need to do this in several stages, increasing the amount of light gradually, first moving the myrtle to the eastern or western window sill.

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Secondly, the flower has a real need for fresh air. After all, in its native lands it grows outdoors all year round, so small drafts for myrtle are not only not dangerous, but even desirable. In the warm season, the plant should generally be kept outdoors if possible: on an open veranda, balcony or in the garden. And then abundant flowering is guaranteed.

Thirdly, this guest from the subtropics constantly requires a humid microclimate, which is provided by regular watering and spraying using soft, preferably rain or melt water. In winter, moisture should be reduced to once a week, and spraying can be abandoned if the tree is in a cool room. The optimal temperature for the dormant period should be 8–10° C.

Fourthly, the crown of a tree is usually formed at the beginning of the growing season, that is, in the spring, but in this case flowering will definitely not occur. If you want to admire the flowering Arrayan, prune it after the flowers fall, around August.

Fifthly, the flowering of a plant directly depends on the type of feeding. If you want to see snow-white inflorescences, fertilizer for indoor flowers should contain a high concentration of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen.

Sixth, any illness that affects a flower will lead to the fact that it will devote all its strength to survival and will no longer bloom. In general, myrtle is a plant that is resistant to most diseases, however, with poor drainage and abundant watering, rotting of the root system can occur.

The myrtle tree is one of the most attractive and interesting indoor plants. Pleasant aroma, beautiful flowering, ease of shaping, high decorative value - myrtle has these advantages. Care at home is organized according to certain rules. You will learn about them from this article.

The Myrtle family is well known among gardeners. There are about 10 varieties of myrtle in total. The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean. Grows in subtropical climates. In natural conditions it is a shrub or tree up to 3 meters high. When grown in an apartment it reaches 60 cm.

The leaves are small, shiny, leathery, oval, dark green. If you rub them in your hand, they emit a pleasant spicy aroma. The main part of essential oils is concentrated in small veins. The flowers are small on long stalks, with five petals and many stamens. Color - white or pale pink. The fruits are round small berries of intense blue color.

Interesting information! Myrtle leaves contain phytoncides. They improve and disinfect the air in the apartment. The leaves and dried fruits are used as a spice. The most famous myrtle spice is cloves.

Subtleties of cultivation

Full care of myrtle at home is organized in accordance with a number of rules. Myrtle is considered a capricious plant; it often refuses to bloom or drops its leaves. Creating optimal conditions for growth and flowering helps to avoid this.

  1. Lighting and location selection. It easily tolerates direct rays of the sun, but prefers diffused light. In hot weather it is shaded. It blooms only when there is enough light. The optimal location is window sills facing west or east. In summer, the flower is moved to fresh air. In winter they provide full lighting.
  2. Temperature. In the summer season they are kept at 18-20 °C. In winter, the plant needs coolness. Myrtle is moved to a glazed balcony or loggia with temperatures not lower than 6-8 °C. After a full rest, myrtle blooms magnificently and for a long time. When wintering in a room, the flower is well watered and systematically sprayed. This helps prevent leaf drop, but does not guarantee flowering.
  3. Humidity. Grows better in high humidity. It responds to spraying with warm, well-settled water by unanimously releasing new shoots. The need for moisture increases during periods of increased growth. At this time, the procedure is carried out daily. Additionally, air humidifiers and trays filled with water are used.
  4. Watering. Water the plant frequently - as soon as the top layer of soil begins to dry out. In winter, the need for water is less, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. Stable soil moisture is maintained all year round. Do not allow water to stagnate at the bottom of the pot.
  5. Soil. The soil for myrtle is chosen to be nutritious, not heavy, and of moderate acidity. A mixture of peat, humus and turf with the addition of sand or perlite is best.
  6. Feeding. During the period of active growth, fertilize frequently - every week. For abundant flowering, choose fertilizers with a high phosphorus content. Complex preparations for decorative deciduous crops are regularly used.
  7. Transfer. Until the age of four, the bushes are replanted annually. Mature trees - once every 3-4 years. The optimal time is spring, before flowering. When replanting, do not allow the root collar to go deep. A thick layer of drainage is provided at the bottom of the planting container. The size of the pot is determined by the diameter of the crown - it should be half that size. Myrtle will not bloom in a large pot.
  8. Trimming and shaping. Myrtle is an indoor flower that is very easy to shape. It tolerates shearing easily and quickly produces young shoots. Myrtle is pruned in early spring before active growth begins. The method of pruning depends on the desired result. Throughout the summer, the crown of the plant is adjusted, pinching out too long young shoots.

Important! The lack of flowering may indicate insufficient lighting, a large pot, or a stuffy room. The situation is corrected by daily ventilation of the room, lowering the temperature during the dormant period, and transplanting into a smaller pot.

Reproduction methods

Propagating myrtle is not difficult even for novice gardeners. Young plants are obtained by cuttings and sowing seeds.

By cuttings

Cuttings are cut twice a year - in the middle of winter or summer. Select semi-lignified branches from the middle or lower part of the crown. The optimal length of the cutting is from 5 to 8 cm. Half of the leaves are removed from the cutting, the remaining half is cut off. The lower cut is dipped in a growth stimulator. A mixture of heteroauxin with 0.25% ascorbic acid gives a good effect. The container is filled with a light substrate of sphagnum and sand. The cuttings are placed in it at a slight angle and covered with film. The greenhouse with cuttings is placed in a cool, shaded place.

During the rooting stage, maintain a temperature of 16-20 °C. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, the humidity level is monitored, and if necessary, the soil is watered and the cuttings are sprayed. They take root quickly - no longer than a month. The seedlings are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7 cm (an ordinary plastic cup will do). When the roots completely entwine the clod of earth, transfer them to a larger pot. The first flowering is not earlier than after 3 years.


Myrtle grows more slowly from seeds. When using seed material collected from the mother plant, the characteristics of the variety may differ. The substrate for germination is a mixture of peat and vermiculite. Before sowing, it is watered with a weak solution of fungicide.

Myrtle seeds are scattered over the surface and covered with a very thin layer of substrate. The planting container is covered with glass. Maintain the temperature at 18-20 °C, monitor the soil moisture - it should not be overdried or waterlogged. Every day, the glass is removed briefly to ventilate the greenhouse. When favorable conditions are created, seedlings appear in 1-2 weeks. They are planted in separate pots in the phase of 2 true leaves. Flowering - no earlier than 5 years of life.

Important! Young seedlings grow very slowly. To accelerate growth, provide high-quality care and regular feeding.

Diseases, problems and pests

Young myrtle rarely gets sick. Mature and old bushes are less resistant to pests and negative factors.

  • Aphids and scale insects. They attack the plant when there is insufficient moisture. Conditions are adjusted and treatment is carried out with anticoccidal agents.
  • Spider mite. Appears when there is insufficient soil moisture. Myrtle is treated with insecticides.
  • Fungi and putrefactive bacteria. Their appearance provokes constant waterlogging of the soil. The plant is replanted, removing the affected parts.
  • Yellow, dull leaves with curled edges. A sign of excessive lighting.
  • Grinding leaves, pulling stems. The reason is poor lighting.
  • Falling leaves. Increased temperature and dry air in winter or stagnation of water in the root system.

Growing myrtle at home is a difficult but exciting activity. Once you master shaping, you can give your myrtle any shape.

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis), the myrtle tree is a common inhabitant of the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Azores Islands, the height of the tree in its natural habitat is 3-5 meters, and when grown to decorate the interior of a home, the tallest myrtle trees can reach 1 meter. It is an evergreen tree or indoor tree. It has entire leathery leaves and blooms with white flowers on short racemes.

Among the myrtaceae there are 40 species of families. Myrtle leaves and shoots, when processed accordingly, are used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery, due to their high saturation with natural essential oils.

Why is this common myrtle so attractive, especially to poets? From F. M. Tyutchev: “Do you know the land where myrtle and laurel grow, the vault of the azure sky is deep and pure...?” From V. Ya. Bryusov: “He who wants to entrust himself to friendship, the healing heart, Let him fall in love with the myrtle, the youths’ fresh wreath... It is not alien to the foam-born, the myrtle keeps the secret of Bacchus in the dark mysteries, the god who passed through death.”

In A.S. Pushkin’s lyceum poems: “... The lips of a young Spanish woman are burning; And the myrtle blows, and the orange breathes.” From I. A. Bunin: “Theseus fell asleep in a wreath of myrtle and laurel.” In his poetic dedication to the poet E. A. Baratynsky, A. K. Tolstoy wrote: “And where the myrtle rustles over a quiet urn, I will see again, through the dark forests, And the arches of the rocks, and the seas, the azure shine, And clear, like joy , heaven? And these are not all quotation confirmations where the word myrtle is used - this adds a special mystery to the common myrtle.

Popular rumor ascribes to myrtle the ability to bring youth, beauty and health to the house where it is grown. In the customs of many European peoples, branches and flowers of myrtle were elements of decoration for heroes, included in the decoration of the bride’s wedding dress, and at the birth of daughters, the family was given a myrtle tree, which was considered a symbol of peace and hope, gave confidence in one’s abilities and supposedly relieved fear. Myrtle trees were often planted near the graves of the deceased.

Growing and caring for myrtle

If your choice nevertheless fell on the myrtle tree, then you must approach this with all responsibility. For all its attractive properties, this is a very demanding and regimented plant: it must be watered and fed in a certain manner, without missing deadlines.

Prefers bright, diffused sunlight, although it also accepts direct sunlight for a short time. It is better to keep the myrtle tree on western or eastern window sills, but if there are none in the apartment, then you need to think about shading the window during the midday. Lighting through a north window is also acceptable, but it will reduce the flowering of the myrtle tree - you will need a phytolamp.

For myrtle, you need to observe a certain temperature regime: in spring and summer within 18-20 warm degrees, and in winter - on a cool loggia, where it should be no lower than 5 and no higher than 10 warm degrees. Otherwise, the myrtle tree may shed its leaves.

The myrtle watering regime is as follows: from spring to autumn, abundant - with soft, settled water when the top layer of soil dries; in late autumn and winter - minimally limited, but drying out of the upper part of the soil is unacceptable, just as stagnation of water in the pan is unacceptable. If drying out does occur, then the “resuscitation” watering should be as follows: immerse the myrtle and pot in a container with soft, settled water for 10-15 minutes, after which the excess moisture should drain off so that the pan is dry.

There are also requirements for air humidity. During the period of active vegetation and flowering, myrtle needs regular spraying with settled, soft or filtered water. It should not be sprayed in the autumn-winter period. The dormant period of myrtle correlates with its location: on the northern side - up to 3 months, and on the southwestern side - no more than one and a half months.

The myrtle tree can grow “shaggy”, but it can also be trimmed, but this should be done by an experienced florist, because side shoots cannot be trimmed, especially young ones. The trunk of the myrtle tree is not rigid enough. Care should be taken when pinching its young shoots, which can cause a decrease in the flowering of myrtle.

The approach to myrtle is not easy. If you agree to a natural-looking myrtle tree, then if it grows quickly enough, within two years you will have an attractive branched bush. You can achieve abundant flowering of myrtle to the detriment of the development of its lush crown. Myrtle needs to be fertilized by specialized fertilizer only during the active growing season, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

Transplantation and propagation of myrtle

Replanting young myrtle plants is required annually. It is produced by the usual method of transferring it into a larger pot, with new drainage without deepening the stem. It is better to buy suitable soil in a specialized store, but you can prepare it yourself. The mixture should consist of equal parts of turf soil, river sand, and humus.

Myrtle is capable of propagation by cuttings and seeds in the usual manner. In the first case, from January to February and July, cuttings that have become woody are cut off and rooted in a low container, in soil consisting of turf and leaf soil with the addition of coarse sand. It is convenient to place the container with seedlings in a plastic bag with several small holes for ventilation, in a shaded place. Rooting of myrtle cuttings will occur in a month - they just need to be planted in the main pot and watered abundantly, avoiding stagnation of water in the pan.

For propagation by seeds, soil consisting of peat and river sand in equal parts is required. Simply spread the seeds over the damp surface of the soil and cover with glass, moisten with periodic spraying, and at the same time ventilate the greenhouse. Such a greenhouse should be kept at 20 warm degrees. As soon as the seeds germinate and by the end of the second week they have already produced two leaves, they should be planted in pots, which are also good to keep in soft plastic greenhouses with a hole for air for adaptation and successful rooting of the sprouts.

Ways to combat pests and diseases of myrtle

As mentioned above, myrtle is a very whimsical plant that does not allow errors in care. There is little light - it stretches out with skinny stems with small pale leaves; excess lighting - leaves turn yellow and fade; in a dark and hot room, the myrtle will shed its leaves.

Overdrying or overmoistening are two more enemies of myrtle. All these reasons can lead to unwanted leaf fall. If this botanical grief occurs, proceed immediately to the following operation: cut the shoots to half with sharp scissors; eliminate the cause of this misfortune and continue care in a strictly correct manner. If there was overmoistening, carefully remove it, stop watering until the top layer dries, make sure that the pan remains dry all the time and in two weeks, or maybe earlier, the myrtle will return to its former prosperous life - young leaves will appear

Myrtle also has pests. These are spider mites, coccids and pemphigs. Old myrtle trees are more vulnerable to them, although if the care technology is violated, a young specimen may also suffer. First, you should try gentle control methods when changing improper care conditions. If a spider mite appears, you can simply wash it off with a stream of water. Wash off coccid and pemphig with a soft brush and a soap-alcohol solution (drop a drop of gel for children into vodka).

From everything that has been said about growing myrtle, one might form an opinion about the excessive capriciousness of this wonderful plant - and rightly so, but the game is worth the candle - a well-groomed myrtle will delight the sense of smell with an unusually pleasant and subtle smell, and delicate flowers and a healthy crown will please your sometimes tired look, give peace and homeliness peace. This plant will become a real decoration for anyone... You have to “get sick” of myrtle!

Myrtle is an unusual plant from the Myrtaceae family. The name means "incense". Myrtle prefers to grow in subtropical conditions, mainly in Mediterranean countries.

The plant received this name because its leaves and flowers contain essential oils with a pleasant and soothing aroma. Myrtle looks like a small tree with elongated and pointed leaves. The leaf petioles are short and the color is bright green.


Myrtle needs to be watered regularly. Since the plant is of subtropical origin, it loves moisture, so in addition to constant watering, it requires daily spraying with water. If the myrtle does not receive enough water, it will begin to dry out and turn yellow.

Like other flowers, myrtle is best watered and sprayed with settled water. In winter, you need to slightly reduce watering to once a week. Spraying remains only if the room is warm.


It is better to place this plant on the south side, since on other sides it will be less comfortable and may not bloom. When the sun's rays shine intensely on the plant, it is better to close it with a curtain so that it does not get burned.

Temperature and humidity

The most favorable temperature for myrtle is approximately 22-24 degrees. Periodic exposure to the balcony or garden will have a positive effect on the plant.

If it is not possible to remove the plant, then it is worth ventilating the room. In winter, myrtle will be more comfortable at temperatures up to 10 degrees, but the humidity level should be lower than in summer.

Top dressing

This plant can be fertilized with complex fertilizers, which are specially designed for flowering indoor plants. In summer, fertilizing should be added once a week, and in winter once a month.


Myrtle grows slowly, so you shouldn't replant it too often. It is better to do this once a year, increasing the size of the pot.

An already grown plant can live for three to four years without replanting. The optimal time for replanting myrtle is the winter season, since during this period the tree is in a dormant state.

Replanting should begin by not watering the plant for several days to make it easier to remove. The pot turns over and the tree will easily slip out, so you must hold it. If you treat the roots with a stimulant, it will be easier for it to take root.

In a new pot, drainage is first done, and then it is filled with expanded clay and the substrate is prepared; it will need to be poured to the bottom. Then the plant itself is installed and covered with substrate. After replanting is completed, the tree must be watered generously and the myrtle taken to a dark place.


Myrtle can be propagated by two methods:

  • Cuttings;
  • Seeds.

With the cutting method, it is important that the soil temperature reaches 25 degrees. Reproduction is carried out through apical cuttings. Its length should be 7-9 cm; if you choose a smaller cutting, you cannot cut it from a flowering shoot.

The leaves are picked and the cut is processed. After this, the cuttings must be planted, preferably in a mixture of sand and peat, this is the most favorable environment for the plant. The top of the cuttings should be covered with film. The growth process at room temperature is faster.

The second propagation method is using seeds. Unlike cuttings, seeds take a long time to grow. For this method of cultivation, the same substrate is used with the addition of soil, all of which is covered with film.

In order for the seeds to germinate, they need diffused light and the temperature must be at 21 degrees. When propagating using this method, myrtle needs to form a crown; to do this, you will need to pinch the sprout at the desired height. Myrtle will bloom no earlier than in the second or third year.


In order for the plant to bloom, it cannot be pruned in the spring; it is best to do this when flowering is completely over.

Myrtle blooms from early to mid-summer (June-July). In order for the flowers to be beautiful, certain conditions must be observed during this period. The tree must receive proper care and a constant supply of fresh myrtle air.

If the plant is not cared for promptly and correctly, it will develop diseases and will not bloom under such conditions. Another reason for the lack of flowers may be stagnant air in the room.

Arrangement of myrtle flowers:

  • Single in leaf axils;
  • Or collected in brushes.

There are usually either four or six petals on a flower. Since the plant receives more light from above, the flowers are mainly located there.

Tree diseases and pests

This plant does not have any special diseases, but they still occur sometimes. If the soil has poor drainage, myrtle may develop root rot. Some problems with the tree may arise due to improper care or failure to comply with certain important points.

The reason is insufficient lighting and incorrect watering proportions. Myrtle is a plant that requires constant care, so it is extremely important to follow all the conditions for caring for it.

The myrtle tree is susceptible to danger from insects. The following insects can harm the plant: thrips, scale insects, spider mites, aphids. Therefore, myrtle needs to be carefully monitored. If signs of damage to the myrtle appear, it is necessary to carefully examine it for the presence of insects. Most often, pests attack old plants.

Those housewives who grow this plant have common questions. We will consider the most frequently asked questions.

Why doesn't myrtle grow? There can be many reasons for a tree's lack of growth. Firstly, do not forget that this plant, in principle, grows slowly. You need to try to take good care of it and feed it as needed.

Myrtle is one of the gardener's most favorite indoor plants. This is not surprising, because the myrtle tree is incredibly beautiful and useful. In addition, it has a rich history of origin and very beautiful symbolism. There are many legends and beliefs associated with this deciduous beauty.

Myrtle is a plant from the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees. It belongs to the myrtle family and has its origins in Ancient Greece. For many centuries, this tree has been considered a symbol of beauty and youth, and it also symbolizes happiness and well-being in the family. The myrtle plant has been developing as an ornamental flower for 400 years. In indoor conditions, the flower can reach 1 m in height, in natural conditions it grows upward by 3-4 m.

Leaves of a woody shrub

The woody shrub has straight stems that branch quite densely. The leaves of this beauty are dark green, dense, leathery. The shape of the myrtle leaf is oblong, slightly tapering towards the edge. The leaves grow very abundantly on the stems and are held on small petioles. The length of one leaf reaches from 2 to 5 cm. The leaves can have different shapes depending on the type of plant, for example, the hequen myrtle has wrinkled edges on the foliage.

Myrtle leaves are shiny and have a pleasant smell. The thing is that the leaves contain small glands that can be seen close up in good lighting. It is thanks to these glands that the plant leaf releases essential oils and aromatic substances. Myrtle essential oil helps relieve fatigue, has a calming effect and treats insomnia. However, you should be careful with the myrtle scent; too much of it can cause nausea and dizziness.

Flowering indoor plant

Myrtle flowers grow singly in the axils of the leaves, or the blooms are collected in whole clusters. Flowering is mostly white, with occasional pink flowers. The flowers themselves are small, very fragrant and fragrant. The flowering of indoor myrtle is pollinated by a brush. The tree blooms in early summer and bears fruit in the fall. The fruits of this plant contain spice, they are edible and juicy, dark blue or deep red in appearance.

Popular types of myrtle

Today there are about one hundred different species of myrtle. This fragrant foliage beauty is represented by a wealth of species around the world, but the most common is the common myrtle or, as it is also called, communis. And this is not surprising, because flower growers consider the common myrtle plant to be the most unpretentious flower of the myrtle family. The characteristic features of this tree are five-petal flowers with golden stamens in the center, as well as a highly branched trunk, quite short.

Species such as small-leaved myrtle, lush myrtle, Ralph's myrtle, and hequen myrtle are very popular. Also included in the description of the myrtle plant is a species such as Tarentina Granada, a dwarf flower that gives its owners beautiful, lush flowering. All these species have differences in the shape of the leaves and branches, as well as in the color of the fruits, but they are all incredibly beautiful and unique.

Medicinal and beneficial qualities of the myrtle plant

It is not in vain that the characterization of myrtle has such an interesting point: the word “myrtle” is translated from Greek as “balm”.

One could go on and on about the benefits of myrtle and how it is valued in medicine. This southern plant has a huge storehouse of medicinal properties. Today, everyone who cares about their health is interested in the topic - the myrtle plant: its properties and uses, because this small indoor dweller is very rich in useful qualities.

The flower is able to purify the air in the apartment, protect the inhabitants of the house from bacteria and annoying viruses, for example, from ARVI, from tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli. The antibacterial properties of myrtle plants are widely known, as well as the fact that the flower promotes anti-inflammatory processes in the body.

Various tinctures are made from the tree, which help with intestinal diseases, help fight cancer, help cope with heart disease, and have healing effects for sinusitis, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Interestingly, myrtle is also used for various allergic symptoms.

The essential oil, which is contained in the leaves, bark and flowers of the tree, perfectly tones and soothes. This oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, because it treats the skin from acne, gives it freshness, and strengthens the hair. Myrtle oil also invigorates and improves mood. And the beneficial properties of the myrtle plant do not end there. This evergreen flower softens the cough of a heavy smoker and improves immunity.

Proper care of myrtle at home

Many amateur gardeners are wondering how to care for myrtle so that it grows healthy and strong. Any indoor flower needs tender and attentive care, because it needs to feel cared for. If caring for the myrtle plant at home was complete, then this indoor beauty will certainly please the gardener with its lush growth. To do this, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Place and lighting for the flower

Myrtle loves sunlight, but the sun's rays should be in moderation, especially on hot summer days. You should not keep a flowerpot with a myrtle tree in the heat. It is best to place the flower in a well-lit area, or on a windowsill. It will be great if the tree is on the western or eastern side. In summer, caring for a myrtle plant requires less effort; you just need to take it out into the fresh air, for example, onto a balcony. In winter, you need to provide the flower with good lighting.

Air temperature and humidity

Favorable atmosphere for the myrtle flower: how to care for it, what temperature to maintain, how to refresh it and not dry it out? It's all quite simple. The myrtle tree grows well at moderate air temperatures; in winter it will feel good at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. If you keep myrtle cool in winter, then in summer this beauty will bloom thickly and profusely. In the summer season, the flower should simply be kept in the fresh air, but protected from the sultry heat.

This evergreen tree requires high air humidity and copes very poorly with dry indoor air. The plant needs constant spraying in the summer, as well as in the spring and warm autumn, when it grows intensively and strengthens. When cold weather sets in, you don’t have to spray it.

Soil, fertilizer, and watering

The soil in the flowerpot with the myrtle plant should remain fairly moist. It is recommended that the flowerpot contain equal amounts of sand, humus, peat soil and turf soil. You can also make soil from clay, humus, peat and turf soil in equal quantities and add sand. An indoor tree should be watered regularly, but in moderation; do not overfill the flowerpot. Warm water is used for irrigation.

How much fertilizer does the myrtle houseplant require: cultivation and care during feeding, are there any special features? The fact is that feeding depends on what result the grower expects. If you need to achieve good flowering, you can, for example, use fertilizer with phosphorus, and fertilizing with nitrogen is suitable for growing a small ornamental tree. Whatever the gardener’s choice, the main thing is not to forget to feed the myrtle flower once a week.

Replanting woody shrubs

Woody shrubs should be replanted as needed, and this should be done carefully and carefully.

During this important procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk does not sink into the ground along with the roots; it is recommended to leave it on the surface of the flowerpot. While the deciduous beauty is young, you can replant it once a year, but try not to overdo it, because very large flowerpots will not do the tree any good. Also, it is necessary to remember that the flower is replanted in the spring before it begins to bloom.

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle needs pruning in order to achieve a beautiful shape. This foliage flower will be pleasing to the eye in any case, but if you give it the desired look with trimming, it will look unique. If you trim the top of the flower, it will decorate the interior of the room in the form of a bush, but if you trim the side parts, the myrtle will stretch upward like a slender tree. Here it is recommended to remember the following: a woody plant is pruned when the trunk is already strong, and this procedure must be carried out in the spring.

You can pinch the deciduous beauty as needed in order to increase the density of the crowns. The myrtle will become fuller and healthier after pinching, but it is not recommended to do this too often, as the tree may lose the density of flowering. Experienced flower growers know that procedures of this kind should be carried out in moderation, taking into account all the subtleties of the issue of myrtle vulgaris: care at home, because each plant loves an individual approach.

Myrtle tree propagation

In nature, there are two ways to propagate myrtle: from seeds and using cuttings. Both methods require quite a lot of attention and care. The grower propagates by cuttings twice a year; to do this, it is necessary to remove them from the myrtle and plant them for rooting in peat with sand. The cuttings are covered with a bag to retain moisture, and after a month, when the roots grow, they can be planted in a small flowerpot. This myrtle blooms already in the third year of its growth.

For seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil from peat and sand, distribute them evenly on the surface, sprinkle a thin layer of earth on top and cover with film. It is recommended to place this soil in a well-lit place and water it regularly. After about 2 weeks, when the seedlings have two leaves, they can be transplanted into small flowerpots. This myrtle will begin to bloom in the fifth year of life.

What threatens myrtle?

Is myrtle healthy: diseases and treatment, what should you be wary of and how to properly protect a woody plant? Flower growers definitely need to know what myrtle diseases are in order to prevent their occurrence. The most common scourge is aphids, very unpleasant spider mites, and scale insects. These, as well as similar myrtle pests, can manifest themselves if the flower is not provided with good lighting and proper watering is not observed. Treatment is carried out with insecticides; it is also recommended to spray the beautiful myrtle with water, paying special attention to the underside of the foliage.

Every gardener who can boast of a gorgeous myrtle plant in his collection is incredibly proud of it, because this flower carries many useful nuances. We can talk forever about the symbolism, history and beauty of this leafy favorite, but it’s better to just enjoy the sight of it in your home! Lots of useful information in the article:

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