Layout of small houses for a summer residence. Houses with balconies and terraces: we build ourselves Projects of wooden houses with a veranda and balcony

Balcony - the highlight of the house or unnecessary problems?

In modern architecture, a balcony is not just a familiar attribute, it is rather an integral part of an apartment or hotel room. Balconies are widely in demand, both in residential construction and in office construction. Its presence greatly simplifies and decorates our lives. Each family finds its own purpose for the balcony. This can be either a utility room for storing vegetables during the cold season, or a recreation room. Often offices, workshops, and small winter gardens are set up on the balcony. In general, anything. On the balcony with a beautiful view it is nice to have a cup of morning coffee or a leisurely dinner. But this is in multi-storey buildings. Although, lately, you can increasingly see private houses with balconies, and Russia is no exception. In such a house, it is unlikely that anyone will store potatoes on the balcony, because there is a cellar in the yard. You don't need it for a bicycle either; there's a garage for that. But even in a private home there should be favorite places where you can read a book or, wrapped in a blanket, watch an interesting movie on your laptop.

A balcony is a great blessing in any home. There will always be a good use for it. But in order for this benefit not to turn into a “headache”, its construction requires the right approach. Projects of houses with a balcony allow you to avoid many mistakes during construction and get a high-quality and beautiful result at the end. The peculiarity of the balcony is that this structure protrudes beyond the facade and is supported by beams protruding from the wall. Hence the name “balcony”, which means beam in Old High German (balko). It is in the project that all the necessary information and calculations are included about how thick and what the beams should be made of, how they are attached to the wall, and what load they should withstand. When a new house is being built, it is even easier. It is enough to buy a ready-made house project with a balcony or order an individual one. The house will still be built from scratch, which means that everything will be laid as it should from the very beginning, including the beams for the balcony. It’s worse when you have to attach a balcony to an already finished house. Here you need to calculate everything correctly and do it skillfully so that the balcony turns out strong and the wall is not damaged. Changes will have to be made to the house design to match the actual buildings.

Projects of houses with a balcony will not differ much in price from projects of similar houses without a balcony. After all, the structure is not large, and there will not be so many calculations and diagrams relating to it. The price depends more on the overall size of the house and its complexity. So don’t neglect your balcony project. There is no saving, but problems may arise due to its absence.

Project of a house with a balcony from the company DOM4M

In order for both the house and the balcony to please both the eye and the soul for a long time, designs of houses with a balcony must be purchased from specialists. After all, the design of amateurs and their hack work does not tolerate. The Dom4M company offers a wide selection and high quality of finished projects. The company's employees will help you choose the right design for a house with a balcony. If necessary, it can be adapted to other soil or other building materials. If nothing from the standard projects catches your eye, then you can order an individual design. It will cost more, but you won’t have to adjust your dreams to someone else’s templates. In this case, the specific wishes of the customer will be translated into reality. His task is to explain in detail what he wants. And how to implement it is the concern of the designers. Modern technologies and materials significantly expand the capabilities of architects and builders. So it won’t be difficult for them to make their dream of a private house with a balcony come true.

Modern construction offers a fairly wide selection of materials for the construction of country cottages and summer houses. But, nevertheless, a wooden house with a balcony is a traditional type of building in which you can feel warmth, real coziness and spiritual comfort. Our IC “Izba Mechty” produces and sells high-quality houses made of rounded logs with a balcony in Moscow at affordable prices. Made using the latest technologies from reliable and environmentally friendly materials, they are distinguished by their excellent appearance and functionality. We work on both individual and turnkey projects.

Materials involved in production:

    rounded or chopped log;

    profiled or glued timber.

Advantages of log houses with a balcony:

    External attractiveness. A balcony in a log house adds more sophistication and luxury to the entire appearance of the building. It can be made with vertically or horizontally located logs, balusters and carved railings, chopped or carved elements, with or without glazing. Do you want something special and original? Our company is happy to turn any of your ideas into reality.

    Extra space for your home. Compact or spacious balconies will be an excellent solution for organizing a relaxation area. Here you can put a table with upholstered furniture, flowers in pots or something else.

    In some cases, a balcony structure can be used as a roof for a porch or terrace.

How to find out the cost of a log house with a balcony?

Why is it better to order a project from us?

    In the construction of houses we use only high-quality northern forest.

    We provide a guarantee for all projects of houses made of logs and balconies.

    You get significant cost savings. Unlike intermediaries who constantly raise exorbitant prices for materials and services, our construction company offers reasonable prices for high-quality work and materials. In addition, we give a 10% discount (when ordering construction from us) on subsequent work and structures.

    All design and construction work is carried out by our experienced craftsmen in compliance with the necessary rules and regulations in the shortest possible time.

Take care of your comfort in advance. Order now the construction of a wooden log house with a balcony! And we will do everything to ensure that your wooden house pleases you with its beauty, environmental friendliness and warmth for many years.

Our company also implements the following types of projects

Our company builds houses with balconies. The work is completed within a few weeks. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the catalog, which presents ready-made projects. You can choose the appropriate option based on number of floors, area, size and layout.

Advantages of houses with a balcony

A balcony is an element of the house that can add not only an attractive appearance to the building, but also additional space for the owner’s needs. The architectural detail is performed in different versions and, as a rule, on any floor. You can spend your free time with pleasure on the balcony. For example, do yoga, drink coffee, think about pressing matters, and sometimes sunbathe in the sun. Many people place small tables and wicker chairs on the balcony to relax in comfort. It all depends on the preferences of the residents and guests of the house. You can access the balcony from your office, living room, bedroom or other room, depending on the layout of the building.

Why you should contact us

Opportunity to purchase a reliable house with a balcony. Our company itself can purchase construction materials and deliver them to the site. We have established contacts with trusted suppliers, so we have no doubt about the quality. In addition, specialists with the necessary qualifications build houses with a balcony using modern equipment. All this allows you to create a building that can be used for a long time without much effort and repair costs.

Possibility to order construction according to an individual project. Although we have plenty of ready-made options, we understand that you may want something of your own. In this case, our specialists will listen to your wishes and create a custom-made project.

To use our services and order the construction of a house with a balcony, call the contact number or leave a request for a call back through the form on the website.

Projects of houses with a balcony and a terrace have recently been increasingly chosen by developers because of their functionality and attractive appearance. By installing a terrace, a recreation area is often created that connects the land and the building. In combination with a balcony, such a house acquires a unique image.

Terrace or veranda?

Since installing a terrace allows you to create additional space for recreation and living at relatively low construction costs, different types of this architectural element have become widespread. In fact, the terrace is an open flooring on pre-prepared ground. It can be either attached to the house or separate from it.

The terrace can be composed of different elements. In addition to the flooring itself, it may include fencing and covering. In different projects, the roof covers both the entire area of ​​the terrace and part of it. It’s the same with fencing: it may not exist at all, or only part of the site may be fenced.

In addition to the terrace, our projects also include verandas in wooden houses. A house project made of timber with a balcony and a veranda has the same positive characteristics as similar projects with open areas. What is the difference between a veranda and a terrace? The veranda is an unheated room that is located within the house. A roof and glazing are installed for it and, except for the lack of heating, it is no different from other rooms and can be used for any purpose.

We invite you to look at photos of house designs with a balcony and terrace and choose the one that suits you best.

Times are changing, building materials are improving, and houses with balconies remain one of the most popular options for suburban construction. U timber houses with balconies special aesthetics and energy. They fit perfectly into the countryside landscape and allow you to enjoy magnificent views while sitting comfortably in the fresh air.

Features of the construction of houses with a balcony

  • It is necessary to carefully choose the location for the balcony. If it faces the roadway or rests against a neighbor's window, you are unlikely to use it.
  • A balcony increases the consumption of materials and the cost of construction. When designing, it is necessary to take into account additional heat losses and load on the foundation.
  • The balcony requires strong support. Its base is a load-bearing slab, which is attached to the wall of the house or installed on additional supports.

When designing a house with a balcony, it is extremely important to correctly calculate the load. The design and construction of such a house should only be entrusted to professionals.

Projects of houses with a balcony in “Brusovye Technologies”

All projects presented in this section were developed by the company’s architects and adapted for construction from timber. We offer 1.5- and 2-story houses designed for summer and winter living. Detailed layouts and sketches of facades will help you make your choice.

All prices for projects of houses made of timber with a balcony are relevant and take into account the cost of construction. You choose a design and fill out an application, we prepare the lumber, deliver and assemble the house on the site.

If the catalog does not contain a project that is suitable in size or layout, we are ready to develop it individually. In order for the architects to begin work, send us photos of houses you like and approximate layouts. We are also ready to modify any project from the catalog to suit your requirements. We make simple changes (moving doors, mirroring the project) for free. The cost of more thorough alterations is discussed with the manager.

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