Stove mastery. Advice from an experienced craftsman to a novice stove maker

Basement waterproofing

The basement is the space between the main walls and the foundation. In most cases, this part of the building is built from brick, which absorbs moisture very well. Moisture from the soil destroys the brick plinth, so it is very important to protect it with waterproofing materials.

Why is a water barrier between the foundation and the brickwork of the basement necessary?

The main purpose of waterproofing between the brickwork and the foundation is to prevent the capillary rise of moisture and protect the main structural elements from destruction. There are several reasons why waterproofing is simply necessary.

Freezing and destruction of walls

If you do not isolate the junction line between the brick and the concrete foundation, then moisture from the concrete will get into the pores of the brick. In winter, when freezing, the volume of moisture increases and the brick is destroyed from the inside. Several cycles of freezing and thawing make the brickwork less durable, so over time, cracks appear in the basement walls.

Efflorescence on the surface

Groundwater is characterized by a high content of salts, and the lack of waterproofing allows them to penetrate from the foundation into the brickwork. Periodic increases and decreases in temperature cause the growth of salt crystals inside the brick, and during the process of wetting and drying, salt deposits come out on the surface of the brickwork. Efflorescence not only spoils the appearance of the building, but also has a destructive effect on the material. As a result, the building structure is deformed.

Increased humidity inside the building

The lack of waterproofing between the foundation and the brick plinth causes moisture to enter the main walls of the house. In this case, the humidity in the premises increases, a damp smell appears and living becomes uncomfortable. In addition, the interior decoration deteriorates, which leads to unplanned repairs.

The appearance of fungus and mold

Constant dampness and wet walls are a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Mold and mildew on walls may be perceived as a visual nuisance, but they can also cause serious health problems. Their spores enter the respiratory tract and cause decreased immunity and acute respiratory diseases.

Waterproofing brick plinth

To protect the base made of brick, vertical and horizontal waterproofing is used.

Vertical waterproofing

In this case, moisture-proof materials are applied to the side surfaces of the upper part of the foundation, the plinth and the lower rows of brickwork of the main wall. This allows you to protect the joining seams between these parts of the structure from moisture penetration.

Vertical protection is performed in several ways:

  • Coloring. Previously we wrote about. Such waterproofing involves applying special varnishes or paints to the surface. The advantage of this method is the simplicity of the work and high-quality surface protection, despite the thin layer of moisture-resistant material. There are also disadvantages to such waterproofing, such as regular updating of the waterproofing due to the short service life of this method.
  • Coating waterproofing. This method involves the use of thick bitumen compositions, solutions based on liquid glass or special cement-containing mixtures. They are applied to the surface in a layer, the thickness of which is selected individually. As a result, a moisture-resistant membrane or impenetrable crust is formed on the surface.
  • Impregnating waterproofing. In this case, solutions based on liquid polymers or synthetic resins are used, which are able to penetrate deep into the structure of the brick. Getting into the pores of the building material, the composition crystallizes and creates a reliable barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture. In this case, an additional protective film is formed on the surface of the material. The penetration of such waterproofing into the material reaches 20-25 cm. The advantage of moisture-resistant impregnation is the neat appearance of the surface, which avoids additional finishing of the base.
  • Roll waterproofing. The popularity of this method is at a high level, which is explained by the presence of some advantageous points. Among them, reliability and durability are of great importance. Read a detailed article with step-by-step instructions on how to...

Horizontal waterproofing

The main function of horizontal protection is to prevent capillary penetration of moisture from the foundation to the base and from the base to the main walls.

In most cases, roofing felt is used for this purpose. The material is laid in two layers with an overlap of 10-15 cm, and three methods are used:

  • Sheets of waterproofing material are laid on the horizontal surface of the plinth or foundation and pressed in several places with heavy objects so that the material is not blown away by gusts of wind.
  • Sheets of roofing felt are glued to the surface with bitumen mastic or molten bitumen.
  • The surface of the roofing material is heated with a gas burner, as a result of which the bitumen layer melts. Then the canvases are glued to the protected surface and glued together.

Waterproofing with bitumen

Bitumen can be called the cheapest and most reliable waterproofing material. To protect the brickwork of the plinth with its help, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The surface to be treated is leveled and cleaned as much as possible.
  2. Pieces of bitumen are heated in a large container and brought to a fluid consistency.
  3. Using a brush or roller, apply molten bitumen to the surface of the foundation or brick plinth.
  4. For greater reliability, the waterproofing material is applied several times.

Application of liquid rubber

The advantage of this waterproofing material is its high-quality adhesion to the protected surface. After treatment, a continuous, seamless layer is formed on the surface, providing a high degree of protection.

Processing is performed in the following order:

  • The surface is well cleaned.
  • Apply a layer of deep penetration primer.
  • Apply the waterproofing material using a spatula or roller.

Ways to eliminate possible errors

Very often, novice developers neglect waterproofing between the foundation and the brickwork of the basement, but after a while this mistake has to be corrected. There are two ways to solve the problem, one of which is expensive, but simpler. Another method does not require large investments, but its implementation takes quite a long time.

In the first case, the areas between the foundation and the brickwork of the base are injected with a special composition that penetrates deep into pores, microcracks and voids. The result is a reliable waterproof barrier. For such waterproofing, do the following:

  1. At a slight slope, special channels are drilled to a depth of more than half of the brickwork.
  2. Cement-polymer mixtures or sealing gel-like masses are introduced under pressure into the resulting holes.

Another method involves partial dismantling of the masonry at the junction of the foundation and the plinth. To implement it, do the following:

  1. In one of the areas, a small fragment of brickwork is removed.
  2. A waterproofing fiberglass layer is laid on the surface of the foundation.
  3. Return the removed bricks to their place.
  4. Fill the seams with masonry mortar.
  5. Work on the next section will begin in approximately 20 days.

Building a house requires a lot of effort, patience and attention at every stage. Waterproofing the brickwork of the plinth helps maintain the aesthetic appearance of the external surface and protect the plinth and main walls of the building from the damaging effects of moisture.

After finishing the base of the house, you should also think about protecting the cladding itself, because water will certainly accumulate on the protruding part, which will lead to the gradual destruction of the structure. The basement ebb will help protect this part of the building.

Types of socles

Scheme of a protruding plinth in a wooden house

In relation to the external walls, the plinth can be protruding, recessed, or be in the same plane with them. The most reliable - sinking base. The building box hanging over it perfectly protects the waterproofing layer laid between the base and the walls. But from an aesthetic point of view, this option is not the most successful, and therefore is used relatively infrequently by architects. A more popular solution is arrangement of facades flush with the plinth. However, in this case, the outer edge of the waterproofing material remains open.

The most common option is houses (especially wooden cottages) with protruding plinth. However, in this case, the base is least protected from temperature changes, rain and snow, which have a destructive effect on this structural element of the building. That is why the horizontal plane protruding beyond the outer wall must be covered with ebb, which removes atmospheric moisture from the base.

What can you use to make an “umbrella” for a plinth?

If the house is covered with vinyl siding, the base is protected with the same material as the facade. More precisely, they use a special element - vinyl plinth. Its width can be different - 4, 5, 7, 10 cm, but almost all companies have the same color - white, which, of course, somewhat limits the design possibilities when using such products. The cost of plastic castings 3.6-3.8 m long is 150 rubles.

To protect the base of wooden houses, they are often used metal castings. They are made from cold-rolled galvanized steel with one of the polymer coatings - polyester, pural, plastisol, PVP. Castings 2 m long and 7 cm wide coated with pural will cost 200-380 rubles, with plastisol - 420 rubles. Pural, according to experts, is the most resistant to mechanical damage and fading.

The base of timber or log houses is sometimes finished with wooden planks, replacing traditional materials with them. However, it should be borne in mind that no matter what compositions such tides are treated with, they will not last more than 5-6 years. Alas, wood and moisture are not allies, but enemies

If the roof is made of copper, you can use this material for the basement flashing. Such products are made only to order and cost an average of 1,500 rubles/linear. m.

If the walls of the house are plastered, fully or partially (only the base) lined with artificial stone, then the optimal solution would be to use low tide made of artificial stone. Such elements allow you to both protect the base and properly design the façade. Similar products are available from a number of companies. They have the surface of rough crushed stone and are available in different colors (white, sand, light brown, dark brown). Dimensions of the ebb: length 62.5 cm, width 4.5 cm. Price - 270 rubles / piece.

Waterproofing the basement is one of the most important activities that can be carried out both during the construction of a house and after its completion. The basement part is a kind of connecting link between the foundation and the rest of the building's structures. Therefore, its strength, stability and immunity to various influences will determine the durability and reliability of all house structures. During the operation of the building, in particular, with the help of the plinth, the interior is protected from moisture penetration.

It should be noted that it is the outer part that is most exposed to moisture and is therefore very vulnerable. The base takes on the effects of high water, groundwater, rain and other precipitation. Between the foundation and the upper structure of the building there must be a reliable waterproofing and thermal insulation layer. This is exactly how you want your home. Additionally, it is recommended to organize drainage of the site.

For the best protection of structures from water (in addition to the insulation itself), it is recommended to make a drainage system.

Types of insulation

In order to reliably protect the base from moisture, it should be taken into account that the structures will have to be protected in two planes at once:

  • Vertical. It is necessary to apply moisture-proof material to the outside of the walls.
  • Horizontally. Moisture-proof materials are laid between the foundation and the outer part of the basement.

Horizontal waterproofing of the basement floor from the outside will prevent moisture from penetrating into the interior of the house. The waterproofing device in this case involves the use of rolled materials, among which roofing felt and roofing felt are more popular. It is best to choose roofing felt, because roofing felt cannot provide long-term protection of the basement floor from moisture penetration.

Modern roofing felt offered on the market is quite effective. It is made from bitumen, so it is excellent for waterproofing the outside of a building and between the foundation and walls of a house.

Vertical waterproofing is more variable than horizontal, therefore (depending on operating conditions and other factors) you can choose a more suitable option:

  1. Bitumen mastics and analogues. Thick liquid mastic allows you to create powerful protection on the outside (on the outside of the basement floor) that will have excellent performance and performance characteristics. Of course, there is no need to talk about the strength of the material here, because hardened mastic is easily subjected to mechanical stress. Experts recommend preferring liquid glass.
  2. To paint the base, you can use special protective varnishes, which are affordable and easy to apply. These varnishes have no other advantages.
  3. Using synthetic resin or liquid polymer waterproofing materials, you can create a more or less high-quality waterproofing layer. But if effective drainage of the site is not provided, these materials will remain useless.
  4. The outside of the base can also be covered with rolled materials. In principle, this is a good option, but again a lot will depend on the operating conditions.

When choosing the type of waterproofing, you need to take into account what materials the basement floor is built from, as well as what building materials are supposed to be used in the future for finishing. Horizontal waterproofing of the base deserves special attention.

Penetrating waterproofing

Operating principle of penetrating insulation.

The main advantage of penetrating waterproofing is that it penetrates quite deeply into the thickness of concrete. The mixture will gradually move through miniature cracks into the concrete, clogging all capillaries and pores through which moisture can flow. In addition, penetrating waterproofing enters into a chemical reaction with the concrete itself, becoming “one” with it.

Penetrating waterproofing will significantly increase the strength of concrete (the manufacturer notes that the strength increases by about 20-30%). In addition, concrete becomes inert to chemical attack.

The work technology is as follows:

  • Penetrating insulation is presented in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted in water and the resulting mixture stirred to the required thickness.
  • The mixture is applied to the wet concrete surface.
  • It should be applied layer by layer. It is recommended to use special synthetic brushes for this.
  • Treatment of the basement floor with these materials from the outside is allowed only when the outside temperature is positive.

Roll waterproofing

Roll waterproofing (also bitumen, polymer, synthetic) is applied to all basement structures of the building. As a rule, the outer parts of the walls are covered with 2-3 layers of rolled waterproofing for reliability. If the building is located in an area where there is a high groundwater level or active high water, it is recommended to make 4-5 layers of waterproofing to eliminate the possibility of moisture penetrating inside the house.

Sticker of roll material.

Roll insulation for the base is glued overlapping, so the protection of the foundation from moisture in this case is at an extremely high level. Additionally, all joints can be covered with liquid waterproofing, which will provide a very high result.

Rolled waterproofing is not resistant to mechanical stress, so it is recommended to additionally protect it.
Despite the use of waterproofing, good drainage of the site is necessary if the groundwater is located high enough.

Coating waterproofing

Waterproofing the base from the inside is now practically impossible without the use of coating waterproofing materials. But they can be applied to both internal and external surfaces. If the waterproofing mastic is applied from the outside, the possibility of moisture penetrating into the room will be eliminated.

Bitumen mastic.

Today you can choose one of several popular coating materials: cement-polymer mastics, bitumen, polymer-bitumen compositions.

Bitumen mastics are more affordable in terms of price, but cannot boast of durability. The time they retain their properties is about 5 years, after which, due to exposure to low temperatures, the waterproofing layer will begin to collapse.

Modern coating waterproofing, represented by cement-polymer and polymer-bitumen compositions, has good resistance to negative temperatures, but when applying mixtures it will be necessary to provide additional protection from external physical influence. This type of insulation is applied in layers. In this case, high-quality drainage of the site is also recommended. Then the protection of the base will be at a very high level.

Protecting a brick plinth from water

It is recommended to consult with specialists regarding the use of certain materials in specific climatic conditions.

Let us note once again that in any case, when installing high-quality waterproofing, effective drainage of the area is necessary. It is drainage and its entire system that guarantees the absence of large volumes of water in the area around the house.

Roll, coating and penetrating waterproofing, drainage and high-quality performance of all work are the main components of high-quality protection of the basement from moisture penetration.

The brick material is capable of absorbing moisture. When constructing a brick plinth, the danger is posed by moisture in the soil, so the issue of the need to create waterproofing is very relevant. There are a number of methods for creating protection for the base from moisture, which are quite accessible for independent implementation.

The need for waterproofing

In most cases, circumstances develop in such a way that during the construction of the foundation it turns out that it is impossible to do without reliable protection of the house from moisture. The following factors force you to think about the need to waterproof a brick base:

  • location of groundwater at a high horizon;
  • construction is carried out in a lowland, which is associated with the risk of precipitation accumulation;
  • the presence of a body of water nearby;
  • rainy climate;
  • significant temperature changes in winter;
  • The house has a basement.

Important: If the house is equipped with a basement, then waterproofing must be carried out more carefully. Only if the basement is dry can it be used for its intended purpose without damaging the structure of the entire building.

Protecting the basement from moisture is a mandatory measure, regardless of how high the floor is and what it is intended for. As a result, the following goals are achieved:

  • the period between repairs increases and the operational life of the entire structure increases;
  • The development of fungi and mold is not allowed;
  • There is the possibility of year-round use of the premises located at the basement level.
Brick base needs waterproofing

The structure of the brick is characterized by hygroscopicity and a tendency to crack formation. Without reliable protection of the surface of the material, moisture will move through capillaries to the walls, where it will continue its path, destroying the structure. In this case, favorable conditions arise for the development of mold, the fight against which, as a rule, does not give a positive effect. None of the facing materials can withstand the effects of microorganisms, so the interior will be irrevocably damaged. In addition, bacteria negatively affect human health and render things and clothing unusable.

Options for protecting the base from moisture

In order to create a barrier to the movement of groundwater in the brickwork of the basement, vertical and horizontal waterproofing is used. The first of them is constructed by applying the coating vertically; when constructing the second, the material is laid horizontally. With their correct combination, the maximum effect of protective measures is achieved.

Moisture protection of a brick plinth

Horizontal protection

Waterproofing material

To prevent the development of destructive processes from the effects of moisture on the base, two layers of waterproofing are installed using roofing felt or roofing felt. In this case, a characteristic mistake may be made: the insulation is installed before laying the wall of the house, that is, the possibility of moisture penetrating into the wall is excluded, and the base remains exposed to groundwater. In such conditions, it very quickly becomes unusable.

To prevent this from happening, you should not cut costs by saving materials. It is recommended that waterproofing work be carried out in two areas. The first of them is located at a height of 200 mm relative to the blind area, and the second is located on top of the base.

Atmospheric precipitation occurs periodically, and the damage it causes is not comparable to the damage caused by ground moisture. Experts do not insist on the construction of waterproofing along the base, but consider this measure desirable.

Blind area

Brick is a quality material

To eliminate the possibility of moisture penetrating into the brick base, drainage is constructed followed by the construction of a blind area, which is located around the perimeter of the house. Its design should provide for a slight slope of about 2-3°, directed away from the house. The width of the blind area is 700-800 mm. It is desirable that this value be 200 mm larger than the cornice. This will prevent erosion of the soil in the immediate vicinity of the house.

When constructing a blind area, increased demands are placed on the place where it joins the plinth, since there is a high risk of cracks forming. This occurs due to shrinkage of the blind area on compacted soil. Suitable sealing materials based on urethane and thiokol.

External waterproofing

Types of vertical insulation

It is advisable to waterproof the basement during the construction process. Otherwise, inconvenience and problems cannot be avoided when carrying out work in a building that is in use.
The outside of the base must be protected from moisture.
A waterproof layer can be obtained using coating, adhesive, painting or penetrating waterproofing.


Creating a general waterproofing of the outer part of the foundation with a plinth is the optimal solution for creating comprehensive protection. For this purpose, the use of liquid rubber or bitumen-polymer emulsion is recommended.

Liquid rubber is characterized by good adhesion to surfaces made of any material. The result will be a coating in the form of a monolith, eliminating the formation of seams along the entire height. It penetrates into the cracks and pores of the brick and makes them waterproof. The high elastic qualities of the material prevent the integrity of the coating from being compromised even if cracks occur in the foundation.
If it is necessary to organize the protection of large areas, a spraying method is used, which requires the use of special equipment. In case of small volumes of work, work is carried out manually. This material is considered the best for creating waterproofing of brickwork.

Bitumen is a widely used material. The technology of its application consists in repeated application of the material to the surface to be treated. Such protection is effective when constructing on dry ground and will last a maximum of three years. It has a limited service life and after its expiration it cracks and fails. However, the use of bitumen can significantly reduce the cost of waterproofing construction. It can be applied both inside and outside.

If the economic side of waterproofing construction is not the main one, then the best option is to create a protective layer of liquid glass. This material retains its properties over time. The use of such coating is optimal for construction on wet soils.

Defects may appear on the coating in the form of swelling, peeling or cracks caused by shrinkage. To eliminate them, they resort to cutting down, stripping and applying a new layer of water-repellent mixture.

Waterproofing works


To create this type of waterproofing, materials supplied in rolls or sheets are used. These include glass insulation, hydroisol and a number of roofing felts, which are applied by fusing.

Wall protection can be done with rolled roofing felt. Its price differs little from the cost of bitumen, but the material is quite reliable. Application of roofing material requires the creation of a smooth and dry surface. Heated bitumen is laid in overlapping layers on the prepared surface.

Applying hot mixtures implies the need to maintain a certain temperature regime. If overheated, bitumen loses its viscosity, which causes ruptures, cracks and swelling of the material.

The material used for adhesive waterproofing can be multilayer membranes, the application of which can be carried out without any difficulties. To do this, using a burner, the insulator is heated and pressed with force against the surface of the wall of the brick base. After this, using a roller, the membrane is smoothed. The material is able to provide reliable protection against moisture and prevent the formation of cracks.

Violation of technology during surface preparation also leads to the occurrence of defects. In case of ruptures and cracks, the area is cleaned, mastic is applied and a strip of rolled material is glued. If there is swelling, a cross-shaped cut is made, the water is removed, and the edges are glued again using mastic. A patch of the same material is installed over this area. In case of punctures or ruptures of the insulator surface, the sealing occurs using overlays with a configuration corresponding to the form of damage.

Painting room

This waterproofing of the base serves as reliable protection against erosion processes, prevents surface spalling and prevents the formation of small cracks. The cost of the material and the ease of installation of the protection made this type of moisture protection very popular. A short service life is the main disadvantage of such compounds.

The work technology includes careful preparation of the walls with mandatory subsequent drying. The presence of cracks, holes and seams is not allowed. A sealant is used to remove them. After this, insulating material is applied in 2-6 layers.

Reinforcing mesh or fabric must be used at joints and corners. At the end of the preparatory stage, the surface is primed using a mastic with suitable properties. To obtain the required effect, it is necessary to carry out the entire complex of work described above.

Careless preparatory work can lead to the formation of drips, blisters, and cracks. A damp surface can also cause them to occur. Elimination of defects is carried out by cleaning the damage and reapplying the selected coating.

Ready base

Penetrating waterproofing

There are often situations where the basement room has been flooded. In these cases, the most effective way to waterproof a brick plinth is to use penetrating compounds. Due to their properties, these materials penetrate deeply into the brick, where they crystallize, which prevents water from entering the pores.

The technology for applying a protective composition can be carried out using the following methods:

Injectable. To create a cut-off waterproofing, first drilling is carried out over the entire surface area of ​​the holes in a checkerboard pattern. Their depth should be 2/3 of the width of the masonry, diameter - 25-32 mm, pitch - 250 mm. Then the mixture is introduced under pressure into the resulting cavities.

Plug shirt. In this case, the top layer of the masonry is removed by cutting down, the seams are unstitched, and then filled with material that is not subject to cracking. Next, plaster is applied, which contains penetrating substances. Finally, penetrating waterproofing is applied according to the manufacturer's instructions.


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