Memo about applying for extra-budgetary (paid) places. Budgetary and extra-budgetary funds of institutions: methods of attracting and spending procedures Minimum scores for admission to universities

At the Department of Pediatrics and School Medicine of the FDPO Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov conducts training on a contract (paid) basis for extra-budgetary students working in non-state medical institutions and for students who do not have an employer and want to undergo training on a contract basis without the employer’s request. Payment for training is made in cash or by bank transfer with a receipt. The contract must be drawn up in advance, and payment for training must be made before the start of the planned cycle.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Send scanned documents (diploma of completion of a medical university, diploma of professional retraining, document of completion of internship/residency, specialist certificate, copy of work book) to the email address of the dean of contractual training [email protected] or the Department of Pediatrics and School Medicine of the FDPO. In the SUBJECT line indicate: “For training at the Department of Pediatrics and School Medicine”
  2. After making a positive decision on enrollment in the cycle, the text of the agreement will be sent to you personally or to the email address you specified, which must be signed (if you are far from the city, send the signed document by fax) and a receipt for payment.
  3. After payment, the standard procedure for registration for the cycle takes place on the day the training begins (filling out a questionnaire, applications, submitting documents).

Cost of education:

  • cycle lasting 18 hours - 3,000 rubles
  • cycle lasting 36 hours - 5,000 rubles
  • cycle lasting 72 hours - 6,500 rubles
  • cycle lasting 144 hours - 11,500 rubles
  • cycle lasting 216 hours - 16,000 rubles

Until what date can I conclude a contract for paid training?

For admission to full-time and part-time (evening) forms of study - until August 22. When enrolling in distance learning no later than 10 days before the start of classes. We recommend concluding a contract before the end of August.

Is there a limit on the number of places for off-budget admission?

The admission plan for extra-budgetary places can be found on the Admissions Committee page in the “Information and documents for admission” section.

The off-budget admission plan was developed taking into account the experience of past years and assumes that the number of people wishing to study for a fee should not exceed the provided number of places. If such a situation arises in any of the areas, the places will be redistributed, and everyone who wants to study in extra-budgetary places will be enrolled.

How do I pay for tuition? Completely or in parts?

Payment is made by semester, that is, in two stages. To enroll, you must conclude an agreement and pay half of the annual tuition fee. Payment is made in cash through special terminals installed in the Admissions Office and in all academic buildings of UNN.

Is it possible to pay for tuition using maternity capital funds?

Yes, for this it is necessary to provide the Admissions Committee with a copy of the state certificate for maternity (family) capital when concluding the contract.

Is it possible to pay for training with a bank card?

The preferred method of payment is in cash through special terminals installed in the Admissions Office and in all academic buildings of UNN. In this case, the entire process of drawing up an agreement and paying for tuition takes significantly less time than paying by bank card through the university’s cash desks located in another academic building.
If for some reason you cannot pay for training in cash, you can pay by credit card, but only on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:30.

Is it necessary for parents to be present when concluding a contract?

When concluding a contract for full-time education, the presence of one of the parents and his passport information is required.
To conclude an agreement for part-time (evening) or part-time education, the presence of parents is required if the applicant is under 18 years of age at the time of conclusion of the agreement.

Are there any educational loans available?

Currently, UNN does not have agreements with banks on the provision of educational loans. To pay for training, you can use a consumer loan.

What is “Smart extra-budget”?

The “Smart Extra-Budget” program is a special discount system developed for second-year and subsequent year students studying for a fee, allowing them to receive, renew or extend a discount on education depending on their performance during the academic year.

When do you need to pay for the contract?

Formally, this can be done within seven days from the date of concluding the contract, but since the entire process of concluding a contract and paying for training takes no more than 20 minutes, for the convenience of applicants, we recommend that you sign the contract and pay for training on the same day.

When will the order for enrollment on extra-budgetary funds appear?

Orders for enrollment in extra-budgetary places are formed as a certain number of paid contracts accumulate. All applicants who have concluded contracts and paid for tuition will be enrolled in the university.

Location: Moscow, congress center of the Cosmos hotel complex

About the seminar:

Seminar topic. The seminar will examine legal and organizational issues of financing the activities of institutions, subsidizing services, providing paid services, disposing of the institution’s property, and regulating other additional sources of financing in the current conditions of underfunding of the public sector. Participants are given a personal Certificate about advanced training, certifying participation in the seminar.

Seminar participants. Heads of state and municipal institutions, managers and specialists of financial, legal and economic planning services are invited to participate in the seminar.

Cost of participation.The registration fee for participation of one listener is -27,900 rubles(NDS is not appearing). Payment of the registration fee provides: participation in the seminar, a set of educational and methodological materials, lunches and coffee breaks in the hotel restaurants.


ERSHOVA Tamara Kondratievna– Deputy Head of the Department for Restructuring the Social Services Sector of the Department of Economics, Social Development and Priority Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

BIRYUKOV Alexander Ivanovich– Advisor to the Inspection Department of the Department of Internal Control (Audit) and Performance Assessment of the Federal Treasury.

SOLOVIOVA Lyudmila Alexandrovna– Leading consultant of the Department for the Development of Integrated Solutions of the Budget and Financial Technologies company, head of regional projects in the field of increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures.

KATAEVA Valentina Ivanovna– Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Institute of Social Management of the Russian State Social University.

In the seminar program

New in the legal regulation of the activities of institutions

  • Practice of application of Federal Law No. 83-FZ (as amended as of December 31, 2014).
  • Novels of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation concerning the legal status of institutions and their activities.
  • New developments in the regulation of institutional liability issues.
  • Changes to the Budget Code: main tasks for organizing the budget process for 2015-2016.

Principles for creating lists of state (municipal) services

  • The procedure for creating a register of services financed from budgetary funds.
  • Development and adoption of local acts defining the list and composition of services financed from the budget.
  • Basic (sectoral) and departmental lists of state and municipal services and works (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 151 (as amended as of 06/02/2015).

Formation and financial support of state (municipal) tasks

  • Formation and financial support of state (municipal) tasks (Federal Law No. 252-FZ of July 23, 2013).
  • Assessing the need for the provision of budget services and taking them into account when forming budget expenditures.
  • The procedure for determining standard costs for the provision of state (municipal) services.
  • Methodology for estimating the cost of services.
  • Calculator of the total cost of the service.

Subsidizing services

  • Determining the amount of subsidy.
  • Legal basis and procedure for issuing subsidies to state and municipal institutions.
  • Authorization and control of expenses of institutions whose source of financial support are targeted subsidies.

Legal aspects of the provision of paid services by institutions

  • Conditions for the provision of paid services in the event of their inclusion in the state (municipal) task or the provision of paid services “in excess” of the task.
  • Bringing statutory documents into compliance with current legislation regarding extra-budgetary activities.
  • Regulations on extrabudgetary funds.
  • The procedure for establishing and the methodology for calculating the amount of the fee (tariff) for the provision of a paid service.

Contractual relations in the provision of paid services

  • Agreements with consumers (legal entities and individuals) for the provision of paid services: types and features of agreements, liability for obligations.
  • Typical violations of legislation on the protection of consumer rights when providing paid services.

Using institutional property as an additional source of income

  • The rights of an institution to manage and dispose of the property assigned to it.
  • Ways to generate income from its use.
  • Renting out property: lease agreement, rights and obligations of the lessor and the lessee.
  • Reporting on the use of property: report form, composition of indicators, analysis and interpretation of information.

Features of registration and accounting of extrabudgetary funds

  • Acceptance and processing of cash receipts from additional sources.
  • Distribution of funds received from the provision of paid services: intended and non-intended use.
  • Maintaining separate records of transactions involving the use of extrabudgetary funds.
  • Reports on accepted funds.
  • Taxation of transactions related to raising funds.

Block "Movement"


In the modern world, it is very important to improve your skills. But while engaging in intellectual development, we often forget about our spiritual and physical well-being. Yoga classes help you concentrate on your physical and spiritual state, get to know yourself, reveal your physical and mental abilities and hidden potential.

YOGA FOR CHILDREN (4-8 years old)

Classes are held in a playful way. Children move a lot and actively, pretend to be animals, talk about their feelings and explore their bodies. Yoga classes for children not only strengthen the spine, but also helps the child learn to concentrate.


A sedentary lifestyle often leads to headaches, weakness, malaise, and back pain. Classes on the “Healthy Back” course will help you understand your body and teach you to feel your sensations. Elements from yoga and Pilates are aimed at strengthening the back muscles, combating scoliosis, and recovering from injuries.


By participating in games and play exercises, children master the language of expressive movements and use it to portray diverse characters. The Expressive Movement course helps a child learn to communicate, harmoniously express their experiences, relax and move freely and uninhibitedly.

LEGO block

WEDO (5+)

Training in the program is based on the principle of practical learning: the central place is given to the development of guided models based on the Lego WeDo constructor (first we think, plan, and then create the model). The classes allow us to lay the foundation for the training of future specialists with a technical mindset.

EV3 (12+)

By mastering the LEGO EV3 program, children acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of initial technical design and programming basics. Thanks to this program, the child develops scientific and technical thinking and the creative potential of the individual.

Block “Development of logical thinking”


What prevents you from reading quickly? How to quickly master exam material? How to increase your reading speed by 5 times? Our special course answers these and other questions about effective brain function. In two weeks you will learn effective methods and techniques for speed reading, the secret of memorizing from the first reading, quickly restoring eye function, and regaining concentration in a matter of minutes.

CHESS (5+)

Chess is an ancient board game. Chess lovers believe that it is an art, a sport, and a science. The course helps create conditions for the personal and intellectual development of students through chess classes.


Mental arithmetic is a system for the development of children's intelligence, built on teaching quick mental arithmetic using an unusual method. By mastering this technique, the child develops imagination and logic, trains memory and learns to quickly and easily cope with complex examples in mathematics.


A course of 8 lessons will help your child not only improve his handwriting, but also find his own style of quickly and clearly writing letters. Together we will analyze all handwritten letters into individual elements, learn how to write each of them beautifully and clearly.

Block "Psychology"


Block "Photography"


The photo circle is an opportunity to learn how to frame a frame, set the light, and master portrait photography. At the end of the course, the students will be able to prepare a professional portfolio.


In three months you will get acquainted with the structure of a SLR camera, learn what shutter speed and aperture are, get acquainted with composition, techniques for working with artificial and natural light.

Block “Foreign languages”


It's no secret that a foreign language is best learned in childhood. English language courses are designed for both children and teenagers. Language is mastered in the process of creative tasks, which allows you to simultaneously use different areas of the brain and more reliably consolidate the result. English classes for older children are based on speaking and listening. In a friendly environment, the guys are not afraid to make mistakes and overcome the language barrier much faster.

At the moment, preparation courses for the OGE and preparation for a comprehensive exam are being developed for 4th grade students.

Stay tuned. You can view the schedule of extra-budgetary classes.

In the 11th grade, each student is faced with a choice: either, at the expense of personal time, intensively prepare for the Unified State Exam, really study in order to enroll on a budget, or give free rein to laziness, not study hard on subjects, but in this case forget about free education.

There are many more people who choose the second path. Therefore, this article will be relevant for many who want to get a higher education, but for one reason or another do not have the budget.

How to enroll in a paid department at a university?

Key points to know:

1. You must pass the Unified State Exam with the minimum scores to apply to the university. IMPORTANT! Some universities themselves may set a minimum threshold, for example, 50 points. This means that absolutely all subjects with which a student enters must be written in more than 50, otherwise the documents will simply not be accepted.

Minimum scores for admission to universities:

  • Russian language 36
  • Mathematics (profile) 27
  • Social studies 42
  • Foreign language 22
  • Physics 36
  • Literature 32
  • Story 32
  • Chemistry 36
  • Biology 36
  • Computer Science 40
  • Geography 37

2. The cost of training for the same course in different universities is different. It depends on the level of the university, its location and prestige. In general, you can get an education for 30 thousand a year (an unknown university in a small town) and for 500 thousand (the best universities in Moscow).

On average, the cost of training in large cities is from one hundred to two hundred thousand per year. In some top universities, for example HSE, RANEPA and the like, where tuition is quite expensive, there is a system of discounts from 10 to 80%: if a student received high Unified State Exam scores and finishes the session without C grades, the discount is valid for all years. Support for preferential categories of citizens is also often provided.

3. Competition for paid places is a convention. Indeed, there is a queue even for commerce at prestigious universities, but in fact the student can sign an agreement and pay for tuition even before the start of the first wave (without competition).

How does this happen? The student has received points - they are higher than the minimum threshold established by the university - the student brings the original certificate, consent to enrollment, pays the receipt - that's it!

IMPORTANT! Universities often write on their website “30 paid places”, “50 paid places” and so on, but, as practice shows, universities are ready to accept many more people. Therefore, always check with the admissions committee whether it is possible to conclude an agreement and pay for training - you are unlikely to be refused!

As you can see, paid education is a real opportunity for absolutely everyone who has passed the Unified State Exam more or less passably to receive a higher education and a diploma from a prestigious university. What's the catch? Is it really that simple? Why then study and prepare for the Unified State Exam at all?

Actually, it makes sense. Firstly, studying at a good university is expensive even with discounts, and today you are convinced of this. Secondly, without preparation, many students do not achieve even the required minimum.

Thirdly, a top university is ready to open its doors to a large number of “paying students”, but how many of them will last until the end? By preparing for the Unified State Exam, you accustom yourself to independent work, which is vital for studying at a university.

If you pay for tuition that turns out to be too much for the student, he will drop out after the first session, and the money will be wasted. If you really decide to go on a commercial basis, then once again carefully weigh the pros and cons!

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