Original design of a summer cottage: ideas with photos. Original ideas for a do-it-yourself dacha - unique master classes, tips on arrangement, fresh photos of new items Design of a country plot

For many, a dacha is not only a place where tomatoes and cucumbers grow, it is a living corner where people want to come not to work in the garden beds, but to relax in nature. Well, since we love spending time there, we must definitely develop a landscape design for our summer cottage and do everything ourselves.

Determining the purpose

If you decide to take this issue seriously and landscape design for you is not just a beautiful phrase, you must independently or with the help of specialists imagine the design of a personal plot. It doesn’t matter how many acres the dacha occupies - 20 or just 4, the first step in any case will be design.

The process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, you must carefully plan everything and create certain areas: for growing vegetables and fruit and berry trees, a place to relax, flower beds, a playground, maybe an artificial pond or a mini fountain, a bathhouse, a gazebo.

This is especially true for a small area, where you need to design everything so that you can compactly accommodate the most necessary objects for you. Let's say you can do without a pool, but decide that you simply need an outdoor shower. It is possible that you do not have enough space for a separate gazebo, but you will definitely want to allocate an area for a small orchard.

Therefore, it is better to immediately determine what should be in your dacha first and foremost, and what you can do without.

Choosing a style

Whatever direction you choose, you will be cozier and more comfortable at the dacha if you yourself took part in arranging every corner of it, and before that you carefully thought through where and what will be located and in what style to combine it.

Regular style assumes the presence of one center, relative to which all other objects are placed in a clear order. A distinctive feature of this direction is strict geometry. Flower beds are placed symmetrically, lawns, trees and shrubs are neatly trimmed. The main elements are fountains and sculptures. All this requires not only considerable investment, but also space where all this can be harmoniously arranged, so this option is not suitable for everyone.

One of the natural, harmonious, pleasing to the eye styles can be called landscape. If you have chosen it, you have every chance to experiment and show your imagination. You can place alpine slides and rockeries on your site. A small stream will fit into the overall picture and will not require too much effort to create.

Among the plants, coniferous trees, perennial shrubs and flowers will look great.

It's easy to stick to a rustic style too. A wooden fence, wicker furniture, a haystack or a bundle of firewood are used as decoration. Despite the simplicity, there is also room for imagination to run wild. You can build a flower bed in the form of a cart with daisies or cornflowers and even place a figurine of a donkey or horse nearby. You can place baskets of flowers near the house.

If you want a more austere and restrained decor, choose Japanese and Mediterranean style, where stone is the main material for creating compositions. In both cases, you need to take care of a small body of water. It will be a natural addition to your yard.

If you want to add bright colors and unusual elements, choose an exotic or oriental design style. But in most cases, on a summer cottage there is no need to strictly adhere to a certain direction.

The main thing is that everything you build and create is useful, convenient and pleasing to the eye.

How to zone?

It is in your power to make the area cozy. If you are the owner of ten acres, then this space is quite enough to organize everything wisely, build all the necessary buildings, make beds, plant trees and arrange a recreation area.

Schematically draw on a piece of paper where you will have a vegetable garden, what space you will allocate for fruit and berry trees and shrubs, in what area you will place outbuildings, and where there will be a gazebo for tea drinking. But you shouldn’t forget about design elements - beautiful flower beds and maybe even garden figurines that will add personality to your site.

When planning, take into account your interests - whether you are going to do more vegetable growing or whether you will use the dacha more often for recreation. Consider the composition of the soil, as well as where there is more shade and where there is more sunlight.

If you have children, do not forget to allocate space for games, as well as design a playground or a fairy-tale town.


Those who plan to be very active in home harvesting will allocate most of it to beds, greenhouses and shrubs. You need to make sure that there is enough light in that place; you also need to think about how you will ensure regular and timely watering of your future crop. It will be more convenient if the water source is located next to the beds. A plastic watering device will be very useful. In this case, the area for the recreation area will be reduced. But nevertheless, you can arrange a flower bed, a small gazebo and place a bench with a table nearby.

Or you can increase the recreation area by reducing the garden. You can plant a bed with strawberries, place several raspberry bushes and a small flower bed here. Plant some greenery in another place, and next to it a few more pieces of berries. Whatever you come up with, the main thing is that it is convenient for you, first of all.

Vertical gardening will bring beauty and benefit to your summer cottage. With its help, you can decorate a wall or fence, create shade in a gazebo, or surround a bench with coolness using greenery. Grapes, hops, and sweet peas are best suited for this purpose. But clematis is considered a favorite in this area. The variety of shades and shapes of this plant allows you to choose what suits you. It grows so well that its foliage can not only protect from sunlight, but also protect from rain. You can place other plants next to it, and they will look great.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flowers serve as the main decoration of the dacha. They delight us with their colors from early spring to late autumn. And what could be more pleasant and exciting than making a flowerbed with your own hands, choosing seeds, planting flowers. All this beauty is not so difficult to do with your own hands. If we settled on flower beds, we need to think about where they will be located, what shape and size they will be.

More often annual plants are planted in the flowerbed and less often perennials. At the dacha they rarely use regular flower beds, which need to be carefully worked on, planting certain types of flowers in a strict order so as not to disturb the pattern. An irregular club does not require such scrupulous preparation, but it is no less pleasing to the eye. Different types of flowers can coexist here, including those that bloom at different times.

Some people prefer to plant only roses in their yard, but of different varieties, which also looks very beautiful.

Flower beds can be decorated in different ways, depending on the area of ​​the site and your desires. If you want to delimit space or make some accents, you can create borders or mixborders.

Rabatka - flower garden in the shape of a ribbon, which can be run, for example, along a garden path. More often, several types of plants are selected and planted in strips or in the form of geometric shapes.

A mixborder can simultaneously contain many different species in any order, blooming at different times.

Flower borders are also used. They can be used to fence any area, this will give a finished look to the composition.

Rockeries are becoming more and more popular. With the help of stones, small bushes and flowers you can create very beautiful compositions that will look natural and stylish. If possible, it's a good idea to place a small stream or even a waterfall there.

It is not necessary to create a front garden or rose garden at your dacha. If there is not much space, it is quite possible to plant flowers in containers or place flowerpots near the house. They will not take up much space, but will enliven the local area. Moreover, absolutely any things can be used as containers, as your imagination tells you.

Nowadays, many gardeners use perennials such as hostas in their gardens. This plant has large beautiful leaves that look very impressive. You just need to take into account that they love moisture and shade. You need to choose a place for them carefully, since the plant does not require replanting for twenty years. And if you choose the right place, no special care will be required. For many species, it is enough to receive sunlight for two hours a day.

There is only one caveat: the more variegated and brighter the hosta leaves, the more sun it needs.


Another decoration of the site will be the lawn. In order to properly equip it, you need to be well prepared. First, we calculate the area to determine how much seeds and fertilizers we need. And, of course, we will need a rake, a shovel, a seeder, a lawn mower, and a rammer with a wide base.

We dig up the area, fertilize it, level it well, and compact it. All this is done to ensure that the lawn is perfectly smooth. Next, distribute the seeds evenly over the area, preferably using a seeder. Upon completion of the work, the area must be covered with geofabric until the first shoots.

The lawn field needs to be watered and mowed as soon as the grass grows more than ten centimeters.


It’s good if there is room in the dacha for both fruit trees and decorative ones.

If we want to collect ripe, tasty fruits and get vitamins, we need to take into account all the nuances. You will decide which fruit trees to plant depending on your preferences, but when purchasing seedlings, be sure to check what kind of care an apricot or peach, an apple tree or a pear requires.

Coniferous trees will add a decorative component to the design of the site. This is the best option. In addition to the fact that these species are beautiful, they will delight you with greenery in winter. You can use them to create a hedge that will give you the desired shade in the heat.

Their range is amazing, but many people’s favorites are pine, spruce, thuja, and juniper. If you are planning to create compositions from thuja, study this tree well, since there are many types of it, each differing from the other in both size and crown shape. The choice will depend on what effect you need.

Decorating with shrubs

Some people cannot imagine a dacha without cucumbers and apple trees, while others strive to improve their dacha area with the help of ornamental shrubs. And that's right. After all, nothing pleases us more in spring and summer than greenery and the aroma of their flowers.

Now the choice of shrubs is very large. Barberry surprises with its color range. Depending on the variety, it can be green, yellow, violet, purple. Many people like the mountain ash because the leaves change color depending on the month. At first, the pinkish tint turns into green, and by autumn it becomes golden. Lilac gives a charming aroma, and the variety of types allows you to choose the one you like best.

All gardeners, without exception, want flowering shrubs to please the eye even in cold weather. Frost-resistant perennials include yew, turf, juniper, and viburnum.

Fruit bushes can not only bring benefits, but also become a decoration of the garden. A hedge made of gooseberries, raspberries, and currants will look good. Sea buckthorn and rose hips will look especially advantageous with their bright berries.

Since perennial plants will delight you for many years, you need to carefully choose the place where they will grow. Shade-loving animals should not be placed in sunny meadows, and those who need light should not be placed in the shade. Those for which wind is contraindicated should be protected by planting next to coniferous trees.

When creating compositions, take into account what month each shrub blooms, so that all plants do not bloom at the same time, but delight you in spring, summer and autumn, gaining color one after another.


Nowadays, you can increasingly see high metal or stone fences even in dachas. Maybe they serve as reliable protection, but we certainly cannot say that they decorate the house. Meanwhile, there are many ways to fence your area in such a way that it fits into the overall style and becomes part of the design.

Anyone can build a wooden fence who knows how to hold a hammer and a hacksaw in his hands. It is enough to show a little imagination, and your fence will become the highlight of your site. You can, for example, use bright paints and paint it in different colors.

If you choose a picket fence, you can sharpen the top parts and decorate them. Such a cheerful fence made of “colored pencils” will look original. Concrete blocks can be decorated using textured plaster, resulting in the appearance of stone or brickwork.

Nothing decorates a dacha plot like a hedge. When decorating it, trim the crown of shrubs and trees to get the desired shape. You can make a hedge from different trees and shrubs, depending on how tall you need. If more than one and a half meters, thuja, juniper, spruce, and cherry plum are suitable. For medium height, use honeysuckle or lilac. If the function of the hedge is only to delimit zones, you can plant currants, barberries, and boxwood.

A hedge decorated with climbing plants also looks very nice. This is easy to do; just plant any vines nearby.

Currently, fences are increasingly being made from corrugated sheets. By themselves they look a bit boring. But you can also decorate them, for example, using airbrushing or using stencils. If you have artistic abilities, you can draw pictures yourself. If you use special high-quality paints, the fence will last you a long time.


You will have to work hard to arrange any body of water in your dacha, be it a fountain, stream or pond. But if you study the theory well, it is possible to put your knowledge into practice.

But first we need to find a place where our structure will look harmonious. A good place is near the gazebo, terrace, in the depths of the garden, where you can relax and admire the fruits of your labor.

The design of the pond should be combined with the overall style. If you choose Japanese, then the decoration for your pond will be stones of different sizes and conifers.

On an open lawn next to flower beds, a round pond will look harmonious.

Choose a place for the pond so that it receives sunlight for five to six hours a day.

The size depends on the area of ​​your site and how much space your other buildings and plantings take up. If you plan to introduce fish into a pond, its depth should be at least one and a half meters. You can simplify your task and buy a ready-made tank designed specifically for this purpose.

You can also build a stream on your summer cottage, but for this you will need a pump. It is thanks to him that the artificial movement of water will be carried out. First you need to dig a ditch, compact the soil well, and then cover it with film or concrete. In addition, a groove is dug where the hose will be located. You can purchase special equipment that is designed for arranging reservoirs. This will simplify the task of building a pond or stream.

The final stage will be the design of the bottom and coastal zone. Larger stones and small pebbles need to be placed at the bottom. The shore can also be decorated with stones and plants that love moisture can be planted. Ferns, bergenia, juniper, and marsh iris are suitable.


No matter how much effort, time and money you invest in arranging your dacha, its design will not look complete without the design of garden paths. They make the area look well-groomed. In addition, they are needed for convenience, and it does not matter what the path is made of - simple squares of concrete or expensive paving slabs.

Paths made of natural stone look expensive and stylish. They will last a very long time. Warmth and homeliness emanate from the wooden paths. But in order for them to retain their appearance as long as possible, they need to be coated with varnish or special impregnation.

Brick paths will also look very harmonious, especially if you have a brick house. You need to use a sidewalk one, and not one that is intended for building a home.

Paving stones allow you to experiment, you can create patterns from it. Only you will have such a path. Gravel paths will look great in the depths of the garden, near ponds and flower beds.

It’s not difficult to make concrete paths by purchasing slabs of this material at hardware stores.

Or you can make concrete tiles using shapes - these can be triangles, squares, or rhombuses.


The final touch of coziness, comfort and individuality of your site is lighting. Lanterns at the gate, at the entrance to the house and on the veranda are not only decoration, but functional lighting. It is more pleasant to walk along garden paths if they are lit. A light near a pond will add some mystery to your garden at night. You can also experiment with lighting design, as with other design elements, and then you will be able to achieve the uniqueness of your little corner of paradise.

Festive lighting gives room for imagination. You can decorate trees, windows, figurines. These days it’s easy to turn the garden into a magical forest.

Decoration of the vegetable garden

You can decorate not only your garden, but also your vegetable garden in an original and tasteful way. In this case, of course, it is important to correctly distribute where and what will grow.

Arranging a vegetable garden can be just as exciting for you than garden landscape design. After all, you don’t have to dig up ordinary boring beds to grow vegetables. There are many possibilities to design them beautifully and originally.

Imagine the beds in the form of geometric shapes. Cabbage will be in the square, tomatoes will be in the triangles, and cucumbers will be in the diamonds. Even caring for vegetables will be easier and more enjoyable.

The garden will sparkle with new colors if you plant flowers around the perimeter of the vegetables - marigolds, nasturtiums, marigolds. You can decorate low hedges with a height of no more than thirty centimeters, the effect will be simply amazing.

Even just painting the boards that enclose the beds is not a difficult task. And the colors - orange, blue, green, yellow - will create your mood.

You can plant vegetables in containers. Such mini-vegetable gardens will decorate your site. You can put mint, parsley, rosemary, cumin, dill, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and small peppers in them. Guests will definitely appreciate your creative approach to garden design.

I never thought that a dacha or garden plot is just a garden and a vegetable garden, that is, only a place for fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables. But it’s very interesting to create a garden plot design with your own hands. The photo gallery of photographs of fellow gardeners, which you will see below, was collected gradually. First, I saved the design ideas I liked most on my computer. And then the idea came to arrange all this as a separate page on the website - in case it would be useful to others. Look at the photos for examples of landscape design of summer cottages.

But, nevertheless, I still haven’t thought much about the design of my dacha. I kept putting off decorating the garden plot “for later.” I planted potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, there were a few flowers...

But then I saw this photo (below) in one of our group’s albums on Odnoklassniki and gasped - how beautiful! I realized that garden design with my own hands is quite an achievable task. Moreover, garden design or country house design for the poor can be simple, but very beautiful, even sophisticated.

With the advent of my granddaughter, I realized that the dacha should also be a place for shared recreation. The first steps towards this were refreshing the appearance of the country house, laying a new concrete garden path and installing a mini sports complex -. But I’m not yet “ripe” to present to your court a photo of my summer cottage. There is no system - after all, there was no design plan as such either... But the dream of having a beautiful garden plot remains... Photos of more experienced gardeners are a great help on the way to the dream...

Successful layout of a garden plot (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory):

What can be done when there are no special skills of a landscape designer? Special literature suggests that the design of a garden plot, any one, should begin with a plan. First it matures in the head, and then it begins to come to life.

This is, of course, the ideal option. But, if you already have a ready-made plot, this is not a reason to abandon the design of the garden plot.

In general, of course, a garden, a vegetable garden, their design should be associated with something pleasant. I always wanted to have my own house, to have a courtyard around the house, so that I could admire flowers and plants while relaxing, that is, to have an aesthetically designed area next to the house. And in the back of the yard let there be dill, parsley and other garden delights.

But... I don’t have a house, I only have a dacha. It is located 10-15 minutes walk from my house, so I go there almost every day. The dacha for me is an outlet, a place where I relax, even working in the garden. I think that any summer resident acquires a plot not only to fulfill the family food program, but also for recreation.

House area in early spring

I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to have a place at the dacha or in the courtyard of my own house or cottage where I would like to sit comfortably, relax, and experience pleasure from what I see. So that you can say “the eye is resting.”

A house, a vegetable garden, a garden... On their acres, everyone is free to place everything that will help them have fun. Here, everyone is their own boss, choosing the design and style of decorating their dacha or plot of land near their home. Everything that you arrange, plant, will one way or another reflect your inner world, whether you want it or not.

Successful design of an artificial reservoir

For example, I really liked the ideas of my fellow Internet friends on the design of the garden part of the site and the flower bed. Now I’ll introduce you to what they came up with! Perhaps you will take something into your piggy bank...

One of them arrived in Kuban relatively recently. But I liked her garden design.

Photo by Anna Pasechnik from the station. Settlements of the Krasnodar Territory)

What do you think of this option for raised beds?

Everything is ready - planting soon!

In Kuban, the indigenous people had not made raised beds before. At least, they didn’t do it during my childhood and youth. And in the middle zone, northern regions, this is a common practice. Sometimes this is due to poor soil or a cold climate, when a raised bed helps to hold good, nutritious soil in one place, accumulate and conserve heat. It is physically easier to process, plant, and sow, since you don’t have to bend so low to such a bed when planting seedlings or pulling out weeds.

By the way, a high bed is easier to keep without weeds. If it is done according to all the rules, there will be few or even none at all.

I can’t unequivocally advise everyone who lives in Kuban to make raised beds, because, firstly, I myself don’t have such experience, and, secondly, something tells me that it’s not for nothing that they didn’t make raised beds in Kuban before .

Our land is fertile - there is no need to import soil from afar. And then, it’s hot here. The soil in high beds, if it is not regularly watered, will dry out faster and it will be easier to gain high temperature from the sun, that is, we have high beds, if they are in an open area, they need to be shaded with something. This should be a shadow from an artificial “shade” (curtains, canopies, awnings, fences) or natural - shadow from trees, shadow from several rows of tall corn or sunflowers.

For example, like in the picture below. There is a canopy stretched over the tomato bed. And although there are no raised beds in this photo, all Kuban gardeners now have a need to shelter plants from the scorching sun.

The beauty of garden beds

But this is my opinion - the opinion of a person who has not experienced in practice what raised beds are, and my theoretical conclusions “cannot be applied to the case.” If you have experience, please share it in the comments.

In any case, high beds are no longer uncommon in Kuban. You can’t brush aside this experience; on the contrary, you need to take a closer look - what if there is a rational grain in all this.

Under certain conditions, raised beds can exist and make life easier for gardeners in the Kuban. And what these conditions are, I think we will all decide collectively - by trial and error. Time will show!…

I came across this idea - to plant raspberries in a bed insulated with slate, it is also raised.

High bed for raspberries (photo by Elena Polovnikova from the village of Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)

Well, maybe this is a good idea! Raspberries have a feature that owners of small plots may not like - they grow in all directions, where they should and shouldn’t. And such a fence will not allow her to act without permission!

The fact that raised beds can decorate, organize a vegetable garden, and add their own touch to the design of a garden or vegetable garden, I think, does not raise any doubts in anyone’s mind.

And this is what traditional garden beds look like! I think it's beautiful too! This is also design - everyone has their own personality.

Tomato heaven
Beautiful pea beds
Garden classics - carrots and onions
Elegant lettuce bed Salad geometry

And the flower beds! There is generally room for imagination! This is not only a place for flowers - it is a state of mind, it is, perhaps, the main decoration of a house or site.

Do-it-yourself garden beds - there’s nothing complicated about it. Look at the successful flower garden layout of my other online friend!

Beauty is in the clarity of the lines of a flower garden - good at any time of the year (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

But, really, nothing complicated! But that's the beauty of it! The flower garden pleases the eye in different seasons! Have you noticed that I only have exclamation marks?... Admire! But don’t forget to “wind it up” either!

Lush beginning of summer (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)
“Young” alpine slide - it will be beautiful!
Successful design of an alpine slide
Shady corner of the garden (photo by Valery))) - KUBAN RUS)
Yucca in the center of an alpine hill And the fence doesn’t seem so boring anymore...
Triangular flowerbed
Designing a path in the garden
“Gvozdichny” stream (photo by Elena Nadtochiy from Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory)
Flowerbed in the center of a shady courtyard (photo by Lidia Martynova from Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory) Hostas and heucheras decorated the area behind the house, where the sun rarely hits (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar region)
Roses are the main decoration of the fence (photo by Olga Shestakova from Temryuk, Krasnodar Territory)

Good luck to you! We are waiting for new gardeners and gardeners to join our VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Google+ groups! We are waiting for new photos! Your garden design ideas are interesting not only to you! The photo gallery needs to be updated!

Today, a dacha is not just a garden with a house. Nowadays, the dacha is becoming a place for summer holidays. And any vacation implies a beautiful and cozy environment, so that everything around us pleases our eyes.

Therefore, in recent years, the fashion for creative design of one’s summer cottage has been gaining more and more momentum. Moreover, decorating flower beds is not the only possible direction for improving your dacha. There are a huge number of photos with ideas for giving. But the M.Art company offers only modern types of landscaping using the latest technologies.

You can and should decorate the territory of your dacha using available materials: old things, unused furniture, parts from cars, and the like.

Thus, you will not only get rid of trash and decorate your dacha, but also get pleasure and satisfaction from the work done.

We will tell you in detail below about the best ideas for a DIY garden.

Craft ideas

When decorating a site using available materials, your main assistant should be your imagination. For example, plastic bottles can become both original flower beds and guiding paths.

In addition, it is easy to create animals and birds from bottles and decorate your territory with them. Ordinary stones are also a good material for decoration. They are often used to frame your own pond.

Car tires have long been the best flower beds, but now they have learned to make swans and other animals from them.

Ideas for children's play areas

A dacha is a family place, and if so, it is necessary to provide recreation not only for adults, but also for children. The best thing for children is their own play area.

If you have large trees growing on your site, they are well suited for creating a swing. Creating sandboxes, treehouses and slides: here is a partial list of interesting ideas for a garden in a children's play area.

Original fence

If a person is first judged by his clothes, then dachas are judged by his fence. And the more unusual the idea of ​​​​decorating a fence, the greater the impression will be made on the guests.

You don't need anything fancy to give your fence its own personality: just paint and imagination.

By cutting out stencils of pictures and then transferring them to the fence, you can achieve impressive results. Any picture made to scale can be a stencil; it’s just a matter of your taste and patience in coloring.

A flowerbed is the best decoration for a garden

One of the oldest, but never out of fashion, country decor solutions are flower beds. An original flowerbed contains not only an unusual container (be it a tire, a cart wheel, a jug or a homemade container of a non-standard shape), but also the flowers that grow on it.

Therefore, it is necessary that the color of the flowerbed be one composition with the planted flowers.

In addition, the flowers themselves show how they are cared for and serve as an indicator of the diligence of the summer resident and his love for his garden.

An original idea for a summer cottage is stuffed animals. Very few summer residents use them due to the stereotype of their use as scarecrows. However, if you use original decor in creating a scarecrow and do not limit yourself to the standard figure of a scarecrow, you will get a very unusual and eye-catching country decoration.

Pay attention!

Decoration of a vacation spot

In the summer, when you come to your dacha, you don’t want to hunch over in the garden, but relax in the fresh air. Therefore, the more comfortable and beautiful you decorate a place for relaxation on the site, the more pleasant it will be to be there.

You can place a lot of things in the recreation area, for example, your own pond. It’s not difficult to make, just dig a hole the size of it, cover it with material that does not allow water to pass through (polyethylene will do), and decorate it beautifully with stones on the sides, then fill it with water - the pond is ready!

Also now they often set up barbecue areas and gazebos at their dachas, and you can hang a hammock from a tree. Garden tiles for transitions greatly change the impression of ordinary walks around the site.

Some people prefer active recreation. For them, the installation of sports equipment at the dacha will be very much to their liking - you can install a horizontal bar, parallel bars and rings - we will get a mini-gym in the fresh air.

How to decorate your site is up to you. With a lot of imagination and due perseverance, a summer cottage plot is quite capable of even becoming John Tolkien’s “hobby hole”! Or another fabulous corner, good luck!

Photos of ideas for a do-it-yourself garden

Pay attention!

The idea of ​​improving a summer cottage excites most owners of their own land. The article talks about choosing design ideas and preparing for transformation - creating a plan and developing a concept. You will get acquainted with popular, subtle and original techniques for decorating a site, combining aesthetics and functionality.

An important condition is a combination of aesthetics and comfort Source mebel-go.ru

Design: where to start

For different owners, country life has different contents. Some people plunge headlong into the fascinating world of greenhouses, beds and seedlings, while others arrange gatherings with family and meetings with friends. In any case, a suburban area is a place of peace and relaxation from the bustle of the city, so the owners strive to make their territory as cozy and comfortable as possible.

You can design a plot at your dacha yourself or (if you don’t have enough time or inspiration) invite a landscape design specialist. An experienced professional will be able to assess the capabilities of the land plot and offer the most practical or original option, depending on what effect you want to achieve. In any case, decorating work begins with the following stages:

    Preparing a plan. All existing objects are put on the plan, from buildings and paths to flower beds and beds. Any site is initially divided into several functional zones; Usually there is a residential area, a utility area, a garden and a vegetable garden, and a recreation area. A plan with zoning will help you see and evaluate the possibilities of the space.

You can’t do without a preliminary plan Source pinterest.ph

    Plan addition. You need to think about what you want to add to your possessions. These can be ornamental trees, a lawn and flower garden, garden buildings (a gazebo or swing), paths and fences. A well-thought-out recreation area with a stove or barbecue, an unusual hedge or an artificial pond can decorate the area.

    Accounting for Constraints. Limitations are mainly related to the size of the plot. Thus, if there is a shortage of free space (a plot of no more than 6 acres), it is recommended to abandon the high fence, voluminous shrubs and lush flower beds, which visually reduce the space. On a plot of 6-10 acres in size, tall trees and a small pool will not look alien. The space of a larger plot does not impose restrictions on imagination - here you can organize a pond with a bridge and a mini-waterfall.

Recreation area near the mini-pond Source yandex.kz

Choosing a design: basic techniques

An important step is choosing a design style. As a rule, the design style is set by a residential building. If the house is wooden (or decorated to look like wood), the so-called rural styles - country or Provence - are suitable for decorating the site. If the house is made of stone, you can build a garden around it in a geometric (French) or romantic English style. You don't have to be afraid of experiments; Zoning techniques will make the design aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. The following techniques can be interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage:

    Lawn. A neat lawn with flower beds and a path in front of the main facade is a win-win design method, favored in many countries. A grass lawn requires regular maintenance; Usually a seed lawn is designed (from a mixture of 3-4 cereal grasses). If you don't want to wait for the grass to grow, you can lay a rolled lawn; the lawn will be immediately thick and smooth.

A well-groomed lawn is the pride of the owners Source agronomwiki.ru

    Vertical gardening. This decoration technique requires climbing plants and support, which can be a wide variety of objects: building walls, lamp posts, trees and drainpipes. Decorative supports in the form of various trellises, arches and garden screens are widely used. There is an alternative technique for vertical gardening using cascades of potted plants.

Vertical gardening Source pinterest.com

    Trees and shrubs. Depending on the preferences of the owners, ornamental or fruit plants predominate. In any case, when selecting flora, it is necessary to take into account several factors: microclimate, topography, lighting, soil composition. For good plant development, their compatibility is also important. The easiest to care for and therefore the most popular are conifers (spruce, thuja) and many shrubs (hawthorn, lilac, cotoneaster, jasmine). If there are trees of a suitable size on the site, you can decorate the garden with a hammock or swing.

Conifers in a dacha landscape Source stroykadoma.org

landscape work service

    Flower beds (beds). An innumerable number of options for decorating a summer cottage, requiring painstaking care, but allowing you to experiment. In general, flower beds can be divided into two directions: regular (beds and flower borders with a clear geometric shape) and landscape (plants planted without apparent order). The flower garden can also be located in an unexpected place, for example, in a flowerpot on a stone fence.

Cascade flower bed Source gd-home.com

    Alpine slide. A rock garden is a fragment of a mountain landscape; in the landscape of a suburban area, it usually looks like a small hill with a flower bed and stones of heterogeneous texture (slate, limestone, granite). Among the ideas for decorating a summer cottage, an alpine hill is considered one of the most picturesque, especially in combination with a small stream or cascade of water. Coniferous, perennial and bulbous plants are selected for planting: dwarf spruce and pine, alpine poppy, crocuses and tulips.

Corner of Switzerland - Alpine slide Source sv.dikidaycare.com

    Garden structures. A proven way to decorate an area and turn it into a comfortable place to relax is to construct various buildings. The most popular element of garden architecture is the gazebo, which can be of any style, size and material. Other decorative structures such as arches, pergolas and belvederes, which are especially spectacular when surrounded by weaving plants, are no longer a luxury.

Classic of the genre - flower pergola Source pinterest.com.au

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing small architectural forms. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Reservoirs. There are many ways to decorate your area with a water feature. When choosing, you can focus on the general idea - for an alpine slide, a waterfall (multi-level cascade) or a stream is suitable; for a landscape style, you should choose a picturesque pond. On a site decorated in a regular style, a fountain made of natural or artificial stone will look good. A stylish fountain or spring can become a central element of garden design.

Cascade Falls Source bwncy.com

    Garden sculpture. Few people are able to resist the temptation and not decorate their garden with at least a small figure or sculptural group. A well-placed sculpture completes the garden composition; placed in an unexpected place can create a mood. When choosing a figure, take into account the compatibility of the styles of sculpture and garden - funny gnomes will look ridiculous next to a Japanese rock garden.

Cute little things Source eatandwrite.com

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services for small architectural forms. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Implicit techniques for decorating a summer cottage

In the process of transforming a site, it is possible and necessary to use opportunities that are usually not paid much attention to; these include the following techniques:

    Changing the shape of garden paths. In most cases, the path is made straight, leaving only a utilitarian purpose. At the same time, a curved path can emphasize the style of landscape design and become an important decorative element. A wide variety of (sometimes unexpected) materials are used for coating; the main condition is that the path must be in harmony with the surroundings without losing functionality.

Video description

About landscape design ideas in the following video:

    Lighting. An effective design technique that is often underestimated. At the same time, landscape lighting can not only bring a lot of benefits in the evening, but also transform a summer cottage, the design of which will only benefit from thoughtful placement of lamps. It is conventionally divided into functional (lighting the entrance to a house, porch or staircase) and decorative, which creates accents and mood. With lighting you can decorate almost any detail of the site - paths, steps, flower beds, trees, alpine hills. The lighting of a fountain, pool or decorative pond looks especially impressive.

Lighting changes everything Source mlcgroup.co.nz

    Green fences. On any site there is at least one fence, which may well serve as a decorative element. To create boundaries within the site, you can use low and medium-sized hedges, which can be grown from cotoneaster or barberry. If you need a high fence that protects from prying eyes, pay attention to conifers, juniper, thuja or fir.

Video description

About gabion fences in the following video:

Design of zones

In country landscaping, ideas that combine beauty and practical use are especially valued. Successful ideas also include zoning the area, thanks to which the owners receive a thoughtfully arranged territory. The following types of zones are found on the dacha plot:

    BBQ area. A conventional name for a place where you can gather with your family (or a cheerful group of friends), have a feast or tea party. The site, as a rule, is equipped with a gazebo or canopy, and inside (if the building is large enough) a stove, grill or barbecue is installed. The easiest way to decorate a barbecue area in a country house is in the style of a residential building. A design in the style of a chalet (house in the mountains), Provence (French countryside) or with elements of oriental style will help create a warm atmosphere.

Modern style barbecue area Source pinterest.ru

    Recreation area. Any secluded corner of your garden can become a cozy and relaxing place to relax (if space allows, there can be several of them). Any design is suitable - it can be a comfortable terrace, a decorative bench surrounded by rose bushes, a miniature openwork gazebo or a lawn hidden from prying eyes, where you can meditate or just sunbathe without interference. The main thing is that such a place brings pleasure to the owners.

Terrace for relaxation Source hgtv.com

    Dining area. If there is no space for a full-fledged gazebo and barbecue area in the country (or there is no need to build them), a dining area becomes an alternative option. It can be improvised, when a table and chairs are placed under a shady tree. If the owners approach the issue of relaxation responsibly, then they arrange a small terrace next to the house (often under a canopy or awning). The dining area is decorated in a classic or one of the rural styles (Provence or Mediterranean patio). Hedges and flower arrangements, wooden or rattan furniture will look appropriate.

Here you can have lunch and relax Source shadefxcanopies.com

    Playground. Specially equipped places for games in summer cottages are rare; at best, a children's playground looks like a small lawn with a swing. However, even in conditions of limited space, you can allocate space for a sandbox, a small inflatable pool or a slide; There are many accessories, swings and play sets on the market, decorated in bright colors.

Video description

About coniferous plants in the country in the following video:

Original ideas for a summer cottage

Most of the ideas for decorating a garden and summer cottage are implemented in a landscape style, which is unpretentious and does not require significant financial investments. Trees, flowers, paths and other landscape details look relaxed and natural; The owners have endless possibilities for experimentation. Supporters of less traditional solutions in the design of their dacha can be guided by other ideas and implement one of the following options:

    Rock garden. Ideal for areas with problematic soil. Creating a Buddhist wonder will require some expenses, but the rock garden will create an atmosphere of relaxation, and the recreation area will acquire oriental sophistication.

Rock garden Source linkuj.me

    Hanging Garden. A garden or lawn on the roof is a rare solution that should be taken care of at the planning stage of the house.

    French garden. A garden in a classical (regular) style, which is sometimes called royal (alluding to the famous gardens of Versailles). To recreate the atmosphere, you will have to create a hedge, carefully trim the bushes and lawn, arrange the paths and flower beds strictly symmetrically. It is very good if the composition has a center - a fountain, a house or a well-groomed flowerbed, surrounded by wrought-iron benches.

Strict symmetry is a sign of a regular style Source landshaftt.ru

    Dry stream. An original element that can add completeness to the landscape. The idea, which penetrated the Russian expanses from Japan, has taken root well in many areas. A dry stream, equipped according to all the rules, looks like a space formed by natural forces, and this is where its main charm lies. It will fit into the design of any garden, and at the same time it can play an important role of drainage.

Dry stream Source dimaspratama20.com

    Terraced garden. In areas with complex terrain, a unique opportunity arises to implement the most original ideas. You can terrace and create a multi-level garden in any style.

Recreation area on the slope Source iconicrenovations.ca

    Garden with ornamental grasses. Ornamental grasses are still a rare guest in the country, although the situation is gradually beginning to change. Today there are about two hundred species of garden cereals, many of which are extremely beautiful. Cereals can transform any composition; They decorate recreation areas and alpine slides, frame the edges of paths and ponds, and are planted in combination with other plants.

Ornamental grasses in garden design Source apexhose.com

    Oriental style garden. If you have a romantic pond of natural shape, the recreation area located next to it should be decorated in an oriental style. An openwork gazebo, a small bridge (not necessarily over the water), carved lanterns and stone sculptures will help create the mood.

Japanese style garden Source gardensite.space


Modern man spends most of his time in the bosom of civilization, surrounded by artificial materials and forms. Therefore, every year the connection with nature becomes more and more valuable, and more and more people acquire their own corner, allowing them to take a break from the city rhythm and recuperate. That is why the landscape design of a summer cottage, which allows you to turn a boring area into a paradise, is becoming more and more relevant. Landscape design specialists will help you choose an individual design style for your summer cottage, offer a lot of non-standard ideas, and make your garden area harmonious and comfortable.

Since the times of the USSR, many have equated the concepts of dacha and vegetable garden, but this is not entirely true. A dacha is, first of all, a place for rest and relaxation, and only then beds with cucumbers and tomatoes. Considering this, the design of the site and the house itself is of great importance. Therefore, decorating a summer cottage with your own hands is a very responsible task.

Preparing for the transformation of a summer cottage

Before starting revolutionary changes in the design of a summer cottage, you should carefully consider the layout of the space. Planning recommendations depend on the area of ​​the site.

T So, for small plots (no more than 6 acres), experts advise taking into account that:

  • if there is a shortage of territory, a high fence will only add a feeling of crampedness, so it is better to get by with a small one around the perimeter of the site;

  • It's better to avoid the pool;
  • It is not recommended to use straight paths like an arrow; it is better to make them curved.

Pay attention!
Scientists have proven that smooth curved lines affect a person on a subconscious level and blur the line between civilization and wild nature.
Broken paths, on the contrary, emphasize this line.

Decorating a house on a summer cottage with an area of ​​6 to 10 acres no longer imposes so many restrictions on the summer resident:

  • the fence can be anything;
  • It is also better to move tall trees and outbuildings to the northern part;
  • device is allowed .

If the area of ​​the plot exceeds 12 acres, then there are no restrictions on registration. If desired, you can even organize a pond and a mini-waterfall in the depths of the site.

Often, in addition to the area, the elongated shape of the site also acts as a limiter. There are often cases when there are only a few meters of free space between the wall of the house and the fence, and it is empty.

The designer’s task in this case is to divert attention from excessive “elongation”.

This can be achieved with a set of simple techniques:

  • near the fence, lay a path paved with natural stone (or imitation);
  • on the ground near the house, plant an unusual, lush bush in the center - it will be a kind of anchor of the composition;
  • simpler plants are planted around it;
  • the rest is planted with unobtrusive flowers of small height.

Basic techniques for decorating a summer cottage

There are a great many ways to design a summer cottage, so universal instructions are simply impossible.

However, there are several techniques that can be used in almost any design method:

  • as a rule, landscape design uses curved paths made of natural stone (or its imitation);

  • any area is fenced, so the fence should also be considered as a decorative element;
  • it is important to properly illuminate the area, highlight advantageous places in the dark;
  • proper design of the landscape of a summer cottage is impossible without the correct selection of plants;

Country houses made from block containers usually look boring, and to decorate them it is not necessary to sheathe the building with any building material.
You can get out of this situation at minimal cost by planting climbing vines around the walls of your house.

  • Small sculptures and figurines of gnomes, for example, will help add a sense of completeness;
  • gazebos and pavilions covered with ivy also look great on the site;

  • if the budget allows, then a small pond or waterfall is also appropriate.

We begin the transformation of the summer cottage

Some design techniques can make a serious hole in the budget of an ordinary summer resident. But, if you approach this matter with imagination, you can get an excellent result at minimal cost.

Proper planning is the key to success

To plan the design of a summer cottage, you can use special programs. Although, you can do it the old fashioned way - draw a section on a sheet of paper in a box to scale and manually select the location of the main elements.

It is not necessary to create landscape ideas for decorating a summer cottage with your own hands; you can familiarize yourself with ready-made diagrams on our website or combine several ready-made ideas.

It is important to choose the right types of plants. The garden should not amaze a person with its diversity; it is better to opt for a laconic design. Variegation and brightness are allowed, but it must be localized within the flowerbed; such “bright blots” will only enliven the area.

Coniferous plants can be used as hedge elements. This may not be a hedge in the usual sense of the word, but rather an imitation of it. Small green cones planted along garden paths will fit perfectly into the overall concept of the space.

How to make a garden path?

Using natural stone to lay out paths on a site is very expensive and simply illogical. To do this, you can use ready-made plastic forms that are simply filled with concrete, the shape of the finished elements resembles natural stone, the price of such a solution is low.

The work is carried out in this order:

  • The turf is removed along the perimeter of the future path and the soil is compacted. If the soil is weak, then it is permissible to use a backfill made from a mixture of cement and sand;

  • concrete solution is being prepared, it is recommended to use fine crushed stone (no more than 5 mm);
  • then the cells of the form are filled with concrete mixture, the surface is smoothed with a trowel (you can slightly moisten the surface to make it smoother);

  • the form is transferred and the process is repeated.

Pay attention!
The length of the form is small, so it is better to purchase several of these forms, otherwise the process will take a long time.

Lighting and installation of sculptures

Figurines of animals and fairy-tale creatures can complement the design of a summer cottage.

As for sculptures, they can be divided into several types:

  • classic (marble or stone) - suitable only for large areas, emphasizing the status of the owner;

  • contemporary art - the material can be anything, even polyurethane foam and wire;
  • wooden sculptures, for example, an animal figure made from tree roots;

  • decorative figurines (garden gnomes) that give a fairy-tale atmosphere to the site.

Classic figures look good near fountains or as the center of a complex composition. Other types of sculptures are usually placed in the depths of the garden - their task is to create the right mood in a person.

As for lighting, installing wiring and organizing light from DC sources is too expensive an option; you may need to rent a diesel generator for your dacha. Moreover, there is simply no need to flood the area with bright light. It is enough to place solar-powered lamps along the garden paths; they will be recharged during the day, and at night they will illuminate the area advantageously.

How to save money when registering a site

To do this you need to have a mere little – you need a vivid imagination. Even ordinary things that, at first glance, belong in a landfill can turn into decoration for a summer cottage.

An old car, or rather the frame from it, can become an original flowerbed; old tires can be used for the same purpose. And you can try to turn worthless musical instruments into a small fountain.

The main thing is not to turn your site into a landfill. The main goal is still beauty, and not maximum savings.

Summing up

Decorating a summer cottage is a feasible task for any summer resident. Of course, the skills of an architect and designer will be required, but by following basic landscape design techniques, you can achieve an excellent result. The feeling of beauty is not alien to anyone, which means that any summer cottage can become a magnificent example of landscape design.

The video in this article reveals the main tricks from the arsenal of landscape designers.

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