Blue vanda orchid. Vanda Orchid: key growing features (23 photos)

Attention: Vanda is an unusually beautiful epiphytic plant belonging to the genus Orchid, considered the queen of orchids. It has bright big flowers and a whole bunch of powerful roots. In nature it grows on trees, can grow on rocks, but not on land.

The evergreen Vanda orchid does not have a clearly defined dormant period., and therefore not so long ago this species began to be planted at home, but it was immediately loved because it blooms several times a year, however, it requires care.

Vandas are monopodial orchids. They do not naturally produce pseudobulbs, as they grow in height rather than expanding in width at the same time. The stem reaches a medium length, and the leaves, which become old, simply gradually die off.

Vanda has a cylindrical stem that is densely covered with girdle or flaccid bright green leathery leaves. The roots are aerial, greenish-gray in color, usually highly developed. Vanda inflorescences are several flowered and multicolored. It all depends on the species, as well as on the plant individually. They can be either oblique or straight, axillary or cruciform.

Peduncles grow from the axils that are located between the leaves. They usually bear from 2 to 15 flowers. According to the rules, at the same time, the color can reach a maximum of 1 to 4 peduncles. This group of orchids is distinguished by the peculiarity of flower development - from the very beginning, when the flowers bloom, they are pale and their size is quite small, but do not worry, after 2-3 days all the flowers will acquire a healthy, rich color and become larger.

The size of the flowers varies greatly, for some species it can reach 15 cm in diameter. The range of colors is quite large: from purple and blue to yellow or red. They can also be pink, blue, brown or white. Flowers can be monochrome or colorful. As for the aroma, not all types have it, but, nevertheless, some of them have wonderful aromas, it all depends on the type.

History of origin

Vanda was officially registered in 1795 by Englishman William Jones, first described this orchid during a trip to Asia. Translated, “Vanda” means “whisper of the wind”; by the way, its leaves were previously used for medicinal purposes against bronchitis.

How is it different from other types?

In addition to its amazing exotic beauty, Vanda is distinguished by the presence of long, powerful, intertwined pendulous roots that are grey-green in color. Their surface has a porous structure and is capable of absorbing moisture not only from grass and tree trunks, but also from the atmosphere.


When it comes to the question of which orchids are Vandas, you will find one that you will like.


An orchid with a vertical stem and numerous roots. The plant itself can reach 1 meter in height. Dense leaves are arranged in two rows. The stem length is 50-60 cm, the raceme is multi-colored. Blue Vanda has large flowers known for their fragrance, their average size is 10 cm in diameter. The color is lavender blue, which often has a darker reticulate pattern.

White (Rhynchostylis coelestis white)

It is very popular precisely because of its color. This species is characterized by its compactness, since it is not so large; its leaves occupy up to 35 cm in spread. However, this species is completely unpretentious. Compared to other Vandas there is not much sun. At the end of the peduncle there is a cluster of flowers, small in size, which compensate for this by their quantity (there are many of them), as well as the presence of a pleasant aroma.

Sandera (Vanda sanderiana)

This beautiful large orchid boasts long, elastic leaves up to 40cm long. Flowers are located at the end of the stem, forming a straight inflorescence, the number of which usually reaches 10 pieces. The color of the flowers is pink and they have a white frame and a yellowish-red lip. Their size is 10-12 cm (diameter).


This is an epiphytic large orchid that has a highly branched long stem with numerous roots. The leaves of this species are waxy, which is what the species name actually looks like. Their length is 15-20 cm and their diameter is 0.5 cm. This Vanda is also characterized by a long peduncle, which usually has 3 to 6 large flowers, their color is usually pink or red.


When and how does it happen?

There is no clearly defined rest period for Vanda and it can bloom all year round, especially in the spring and summer, since at that time it is a long, bright day. On average, flowering lasts 6-8 weeks, but sometimes it can last up to three months. The Vanda flower is an amazing creation of nature, and once you see it, you will want to see it again.

Care before and after flowering

By observing all agrotechnical requirements for flower care, you can expect that Vanda will bloom annually and even more than once. If you are concerned that Vanda is not blooming, it may not be getting enough light, or the difference between day and night temperatures is less than eight degrees, or you may be overfeeding the orchid with nitrogen.

When your Vanda orchid has finished blooming, cut off the flower stalks and keep the roots less wet., soak the roots in a container of warm water once a week. Spraying must also be stopped for a while. If you have such an opportunity, take Vanda out into the garden, hang it on a tree or place it on a balcony or terrace where the conditions are right, and take care of it as before flowering. Fresh air will definitely do her some good.

What to do if the bud does not bloom?

How to make your Vanda bloom? If she does not want to bloom for a long time, it means that she does not like something, there may be little light or the temperature difference between day and night is not maintained, there is only one way to make this flowering - you need to provide Wenda comfortable conditions, and she will thank you.

Step-by-step instructions for care and maintenance

As already mentioned, Vanda is a very finicky plant. Therefore, taking care of them requires knowledge, attention and a little experience.

Step by step we will tell you all the features of caring for the Vanda orchid - what temperature is best to choose for these flowers, what lighting suits them best, how to water the Vanda orchid and how to make it bloom longer and longer. In what substrate and pot is it better to transplant it?

Choosing a landing site

The best place to plant a Vanda orchid is, of course, a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse, but you can also plant this exotic orchid on an apartment window and provide care only where there is plenty of space.

Preparing the soil and pot

If you decide to plant the plant in a substrate, it should be very light and breathable, it may include:

  • large pine bark;
  • coarse sand;
  • perlite;
  • charcoal.

Advice: In general, you can do without a substrate - just hang Wanda in a basket or in a special pot - similar to a sieve due to the large number of holes.


It is enough that the temperature is within 25 degrees, if it is a little higher, do not be afraid, the main thing is that at night it does not fall below 12 degrees. And you need to remember that Wanda can't stand drafts.


The recommended humidity for this flower is 60-80%, and the humidity index should be slightly lower during the day than at night. To increase the humidity level, do not use room spray or place the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay.


In winter, it is best for Wanda to be on a south window Naturally, there will not be enough natural light, so you need to organize additional lighting, and in the summer you will need to shade it - protect it from burns or move it to a western window.


In autumn and winter, you should water once a week (if the days are sunny) or once every ten days (on cloudy days). In summer, water approximately once every 3-4 days, soaking the roots in a bath (20 minutes) or under a warm shower.

All water procedures should be performed only in the morning, and the orchid should be dried in the bathroom, it should be placed in its place without any traces of water. Water for watering the orchid should be at room temperature.

Top dressing

Vanda requires a lot of nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to feed it once a week with mineral fertilizer (only for orchids).


Before replanting the orchid, you need to carefully examine the root system and remove its rotten parts. Repotting is done when many new roots appear and the container in which it is located becomes too small.


Vanda, despite all its exoticism, you can also try to propagate at home. Over time, roots appear in the axils of the leaves of these orchids; it will be necessary to divide the bush - cut out the upper part along with the roots. Immediately treat the cut area with charcoal, let it dry a little and place it in a special substrate for orchids.

Care must be taken very carefully, you can only water with a sprayer once a week, and the normal watering regime is introduced only when our plant begins to grow.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Vandas become infected with fusarium. This is a fungal disease, infection of which occurs when roots and leaves are damaged.

The disease enters the active phase in case of improper care, primarily with watering, during which the green part of the orchid is exposed to humidity and poor lighting. The most vulnerable plants are in autumn and winter with low temperatures and lack of light.

For prevention, it is necessary to remove dry, severely damaged and darkened roots., severely damaged leaves. If a cut appears on the green part of the plant, it should be sprinkled with crushed coal and treated with greenery.

Important: If the leaves start to turn yellow and brown at the base and fall off one by one, then the plant is sick. At the same time, the damaged part of the stem should be immediately removed, the cut should be made 6-7 cm above the upper affected leaf.

You can try to save the crown with the rest of the stem if it is capable of forming roots, i.e. the lower part of the stem above the cut is already sufficiently developed and strengthened. The cut is sprinkled with coal, treated with green and fungicides and protect from getting wet.


Orchids are now incredibly popular and in demand, everyone loves them! Designers constantly use them in floral decoration, flower growers are gradually breeding the most exotic species and are looking for new forms, manufacturers work tirelessly, constantly creating new hybrids. Orchids beautifully decorate and color our entire lives, not just our apartments. Now you know everything about these flowers!

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William Jones, who carefully studied Asia in 1795, was the first to write about the magnificent one called Wanda in his diary. This flower was so magnificent that the scientist compared it with the rustling of the wings of the smallest bird on earth, with the whisper of the wind heard among the huge ones.

Vanda is an epiphytic plant in the orchid family that can be found in the tropical Philippines, southern China, India, Indonesia and Australia. There are about 20 thousand species of this plant in nature.

Amazing beauty is not Wanda's main distinguishing feature.

The orchid blooms for no more than a month and a half, but if grown correctly, it blooms several times a year.

An orchid called “Vanda” is an exotic plant that is not used to growing in our latitudes. Therefore, to make it feel comfortable, you need to put a lot of effort into caring for it.

First, you should learn about some of the features of Vanda:

  1. The orchid is evergreen and does not have a precise dormant period.
  2. It is a demanding flower, the care of which must be at the highest level, otherwise it will not be possible to grow it.
  3. Vanda is very different from other orchids due to its tangled long roots, so it requires being in a place with a controlled microclimate.


Vanda has several representatives of its species, which are especially popular among gardeners. These include:

Home care

Growing a beautiful plant called Vanda is not an easy task.

All instructions must be followed very carefully. In addition, it will not be possible to care for it the same way as other plants. This requires an individual approach.


Wanda loves warmth, so it is advisable that the air is always heated to at least 25 degrees. At temperatures below 20 degrees, the plant begins to feel unwell and can be damaged by various diseases. Temperatures rising above 25 degrees do not affect the growth and well-being of the orchid.


If you need to transplant the vanda into a wider container or change the soil, you should not be afraid of damaging the roots. They are durable, but you still need to water them before the procedure to soften them. In addition, the substrate, which is no longer suitable when moistened, will move away from the roots without damage.

There are cases in which Vanda requires an unplanned transplant. Eg:

  • the substrate was compressed and air began to flow poorly to the roots;
  • the plant was planted in unsuitable soil from the very beginning;
  • the roots are too deep;
  • diseases associated with rotting of the root system.


Wanda needs constant feeding, which is done every week. Fertilizers in the complex are diluted at the rate of 1 gram per liter of water.

There are times when Vanda does not bloom at all. This is directly related to lack of light, low temperatures and overfeeding with nitrogen.

After flowering, the vanda flower stalks are cut off and watering is carried out less frequently, but only once by giving the plant a bath in warm water. Stop spraying.

If possible, it is advisable to take the plant outside, hanging it on a garden tree or on a balcony, and continue appropriate care. Fresh air is very useful for her during this period.


Vanda reproduces by children, which is what its lateral processes are called. Their appearance is rare, even despite proper care of the plant.

The babies are separated after reaching a length of five centimeters. After separating the shoots, sections remain on the orchid, which it is advisable to sprinkle with charcoal. In the first days, the baby should grow in greenhouse conditions with a humidity of at least 85%.

Such indicators are achieved using a humidifier. Plant the sprout in a narrow pot, which will prevent rotting of the root system in the future. The substrate should include coniferous bark and sphagnum moss.

With proper care, the plant can easily reach 20 cm in length; it is during this period that I transplant it into a pot for constant growth. Other types of vanda propagation at home are impossible.

Root extension

If the Vanda orchid is not cared for correctly, the plant loses most of its roots. Fortunately, growing new roots is not difficult.

To begin, remove the vanda from the pot, wash the roots with fungicide and dry well. Damaged roots need to be removed, and the plant should be dipped in a solution that stimulates growth for several minutes.

Then expanded clay is poured into a transparent pot, watered and covered with moss. An orchid is carefully placed in the prepared hole in the center and sprinkled with the same moss. The pot with the plant should be in a warm room with good ventilation.

There is no need to water it, just lightly spray the pot around the edges. If everything is done correctly, after a month the orchid will form new roots.

Diseases and pests

Pests such as whiteflies, aphids, thrips, and mealbugs can damage the magnificent vanda. Upon careful examination of the plant, you can easily notice that it is affected.

In this case, the following is carried out:

The most common diseases are:

  • atrophy that occurs due to lack of moisture and severe overheating;
  • damage to leaves in the form of cracks obtained mechanically, when overfeeding the plant and sunburn;
  • thermal burn that occurs from hot and dry air.

Vanda orchid is a plant that requires special breeding and care. Fulfilling all the necessary requirements, she will decorate the house with her exotic look for a long time.

Vanda Orchid is a popular variety among gardeners. This is an epiphytic plant that grows naturally in China, India, Thailand, that is, where there is high air humidity. The roots of the plant are designed in such a way that they absorb water from the air, thereby protecting the plant from death in the absence of watering.

The Vanda orchid is often used to create bouquets; the stems of the plant are tall, and the cut flowers retain their fresh appearance for up to two weeks. The roots of the plant are long and strong. They are an indicator of the health of the plant, because if the plant starts to get sick, the roots will change their appearance.

Caring for a plant at home is not difficult, but you need to take into account its specifics. Having created ideal conditions, the Vanda orchid will delight you with flowering all year long.

Vanda Orchid

Perhaps there is no person who would not admire the beauty of the vanda orchid, whose luxurious blooms delight not only with bright colors, but also with an exquisite aroma. From two to fifteen flowers can bloom simultaneously on one plant, and their size is not related to their number.

The name of the flower, the first mention of which dates back to 1795, resembles the name of a mysterious stranger, a light whisper of the wind or the subtle rustle of the wings of an exotic butterfly.

Its homeland is tropical thickets stretching across the Philippine Islands, South China, Indonesia and Northern Australia.

Palette of inflorescences

It is very diverse - there are lilac ones, reminiscent of purple, there are orange, white, as if painted with a thin brush with magic paint, yellow, white and other flowers.

  • The plant has long aerial roots, which at home grow up to a meter long, and can be much longer.
  • The leaves of the vanda orchid are long, elongated, belt-shaped, growing symmetrically in relation to each other. It seems as if the gardener spent a long time and diligently making the plant, using a ruler and a protractor, and completed the composition by placing bright flowers on the stem.

This charming creature comes from tropical forests, so it is not easy for her to adapt to the temperate zone, and you must help her with this.

  1. Among the stages of a plant’s life, it is difficult to identify a dormant period; it cannot be said that it is pronounced, so the flower requires regular care and attention.
  2. Vanda is different from other orchids; it is easily recognized by its long, tangled roots, which many prefer not to place in the substrate, but allow them to hang suspended.

The flower cannot be called unpretentious, but if you follow all the care recommendations, you can admire the abundant flowering regardless of the time of year and the air temperature outside the window.


In Europe, they learned about this flower only at the end of the 18th century, thanks to the research of Sir William Jones, a philologist and Indologist, in whose diary “Asian Studies” the vanda was described in detail. The scientist completely borrowed the name from Sanskrit.

  • Long before its arrival in the Old World, this plant was highly valued in its homeland - in Southeast Asia, where healing potions were prepared from the leaves of Vanda chess.
  • And today, Asian medicine continues to use the roots, fruits, flowers and leaves of some species of this orchid to treat tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, and various neuralgia.

Homeland of the orchid

Vanda, or Vanda in Latin, is a genus of plants in the Orchidaceae family.

  1. Indonesia,
  2. Malaysia
  3. northern part of Australia.

The Vanda orchid got its name in India. There are more than 50 species in its genus. However, 80% of all plant hybrids are classified in this genus very conditionally; they are related to vanda.

Vanda orchid refers to monopodial plants. This means that its growth only goes upward, pseudobulbs are not formed, and the lower leaves die off over time.

Types and varieties of orchids

The genus includes about 70 species of epiphytic plants, distributed in the tropics of Asia, India, China and the Philippines.

In addition, there are a huge number of interspecific and intergeneric hybrids in culture, since vandas easily cross both within the genus and with orchids of other genera.

This bright and exotic orchid is used to decorate warm flower beds in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Blue Vanda (Vanda coerulea)

The specific name is translated as “heavenly,” referring to the color of the flowers. Homeland - tropical forests of the Himalayas and Burma.

  1. An epiphytic growing orchid with belt-like leathery leaves arranged in two rows and thick aerial roots.
  2. Inflorescences (12-20 large flowers each) grow from the axils of the leaves, up to 30–60 cm long.
  3. The flowers are large, pale blue, with dark veins, up to 10 cm in diameter. Brightly colored blue and pink forms with a dark reticulation and a rounder, flatter flower have been developed.

A potted culture is preferred, but under conditions of daily spraying and constant high air humidity, the orchid can be kept with completely exposed roots, i.e. in a block culture.

Blue vanda in cultivation requires coolness, as it comes from the mountainous regions of India.

The Wanda family, as well as those close to Ehuante ( Euanthe), Ascocentrum ( Ascent), Rhynhostilis ( Rhynchostilis), Aerides ( Aerides) and their hybrids are fairly common plants, originating from areas of Southeast Asia to Papua New Guinea and Australia.

Most beautifully flowering vandas are quite large plants, so ascocendes are more popular. These are, as a rule, more compact plants with round flowers of regular shape in a wide variety of colors.

Blue Vanda (Vanda coerulescens)

  • China,
  • Burma,
  • Thailand.

The first specimens of which were found in 1837 by the famous botanist Griffiths.

Miniature appearance, leaves collected in a rosette. Blooms in late winter–spring. The inflorescence is multi-flowered, consisting of long-lived fragrant flowers, 3 cm in diameter.

Vanda Suarez, or tender (Vanda suaris)

Homeland - the island of Java.

  1. The stem is 60–90 cm long and bears dark green, strap-shaped leaves arranged in two rows.
  2. Flowering, which is usually abundant, begins in the spring.
  3. The racemose inflorescence consists of 10–12 fragrant flowers with a diameter of 5–7 cm.
  4. Petals and sepals are wavy, white, with purple dots.
  5. The lip is three-lobed, bright pink.

Popular form var. tricolor- the plant is large, up to a meter or more in height, leaves up to 25 cm long and 2–3 cm wide.

  • Peduncle with 5–10 flowers, shorter than the leaves.
  • The flowers are fragrant, star-shaped, white-cream, with spots and stripes of red-brown top, about 7 cm in diameter.

Vanda cristata

The species is distinguished by large, up to 5 cm in diameter, fragrant flowers of yellow or blood-red color.

Vanda the Great (Vanda insignis)

Homeland - Malaysia.

  • A large evergreen plant with a thick stem and hard, elongated leaves.
  • Blooms in summer.
  • The peduncle is 18 cm long and bears a racemose inflorescence consisting of several brownish-yellow long-lived flowers with a diameter of 4–5 cm.
  • The lip is large, round, pink.

At the end of the 20th century. Based on this species, many new hybrids were obtained in Thailand.

Other species grown are:

Vanda javierae - A rare and very spectacular Vanda species recently discovered in the Philippines. The stalk bears about eight white flowers and the lip is also white with pale pink and brown markings at the base.

This is one of the most delightful Vanda species native to the Philippines. Vanda is a warm-mode epiphyte, which is very widely used to create new hybrids.

Multi-flowered racemes consist of large, round-shaped flowers, pinkish or pale purple in color with dark veins and patterns on the lateral sepals.

There is an albino form known as Vanda sanderiana van albata with greenish-white flowers.

Hybrid Vanda orchids

In floriculture practice, preference is given to hybrids with spectacular large flowers, the flowering period of which depends on the species and conditions of detention. This bright and exotic orchid is used to decorate warm flower beds in greenhouses and winter gardens.

The variety became popular at the end of the 20th century. It was obtained by crossing varieties ‘ Donna Rome Sanches' And ' Pat Delight‘ and officially registered in 1994. Since then, the Fuchs variety has been widely used in the process of further hybridization.

  • It and its derivatives are characterized by a peculiar spotting of the petals and lips of flowers.
  • Shades of background color can vary from blue-violet to pink-red.
  1. The variety is distinguished by a variety of colors of rounded flowers.
  2. Monopodial orchids with powerful, white, fleshy roots.
  3. The leaves are elongated, light green, 15–20 cm long.
  4. The peduncle bears a racemose inflorescence 15–25 cm long.

The plant needs regular watering and feeding throughout the year, plenty of light and moderately warm conditions.

A variety of vanda that blooms several times a year.

  • The stem is straight, 45–60 cm high.
  • The leaves are green, belt-shaped, arranged in two rows.
  • The flowers are large, fragrant, purple, with white streaks, collected in racemes of 20–25 pieces.
  • Flowering continues for several months. Plants of this variety require warm and moist conditions.

  1. The leaves are light green, hard, elongated.
  2. The peduncle bears a racemose inflorescence containing 15–25 fragrant bright pink flowers.
  3. These orchids are very light-loving.

A hybrid obtained by crossing two species - Vanda sonderiana And .

  • The leaves are dark green, belt-shaped.
  • Flowering begins at the end of September.
  • Light blue flowers are collected in multi-flowered inflorescences.
  • The diameter of individual flowers is 4–5 cm.
  • It is recommended to keep plants in a wooden basket-box.

Vanda Sansai Blue

An unpretentious orchid hybrid with blue flowers.

The multi-flowered inflorescence remains fresh and fragrant for 4–8 weeks. During flowering, the plant requires abundant moisture and intense artificial lighting.


A brightly colored, beautifully shaped hybrid that inherits these characteristics from Vandasanderiana.

Vanda Monster

The variety was obtained as a result of crossing the species Vanda tassellata and varieties of vanda ‘ Pranerm Ornete'.

  1. The plant is a meter or more tall.
  2. A tall peduncle bearing more than a dozen flowers is recommended to be tied or attached to a support.

Vanda Trikim, synonym of Holcoglossum kirnballianum

Homeland - the territory of Thailand and Burma, where the plant is known as Nued-Pram-Lum-Dum. Motherland Vanda Suavis- Bali.

The variety was obtained as a result of crossing species Vanda Suavis And Vanda Kimballiana.

Unlike the parent species, the variety is characterized by slightly curled petals and a more distinct division of the distal part of the lip into two lobes.

Home care

An orchid is a rather specific plant, and it needs special care, the features of which should be familiarized with before purchasing this exotic flower.

Purchase and transportation

When purchasing, it is best to give preference to those specimens that were grown in our climate, which is unusual and cold for tropical flowers, for several years. The likelihood that such a plant will stay with you is much higher than that of its non-acclimatized “brother.”

Also, if you purchase vanda in the cold season, take care of proper packaging to avoid extremely unwanted hypothermia. This already difficult to care for plant does not need any extra stress.

Location and lighting

The orchid loves sunlight, but it cannot be placed in direct sunlight; for it, diffused light is optimal.

The Vanda orchid loves good lighting, but direct sunlight, which burns its foliage, is contraindicated for it. Daylight at any time of the year must last at least twelve hours, otherwise flowering may not occur.

  1. In autumn and winter, you can place the orchid on the windowsill of a south-facing window, which will provide it with sufficient light. At the beginning of spring, you need to rearrange the plant or create shade for it from the bright spring sun. If this is not done, the leaves will begin to change their original color, and in the future various diseases may appear.
  2. North windows are completely unsuitable for growing Vanda. On them, the plant will experience a lack of light at any time of the year.
  3. The best option for placing a flower is windows on the west or east side. They are sunny enough, but without direct sunlight.

The most suitable combination for growing Vanda orchids: winter and autumn - south, and spring and summer - west and east.

  • You can determine whether the plant has enough light by the color of the leaves; they should be medium green in color.
  • If the foliage has turned dark green, then you need to increase the lighting intensity, this can be done using fluorescent lamps.
  • If the foliage is pale, then there is an excess of light; you need to choose a less lit place for the plant.


It is impossible to say unequivocally about the Vanda orchid that it is a heat-loving or moderately cold plant. Among the representatives of this species there are also those that grow year-round in the warmth and tolerate well the temperature regime of 8-10°C.

The genes of each hybrid have their own relationship to ambient temperature. Some grow better in cool conditions, some in warm conditions. To determine the temperature regime of an orchid, you need to find out at what temperature the plant produces the most leaves, roots or flowers.

It is important not to confuse temperatures that are favorable for growth and temperatures that the plant can simply tolerate.

  • You can create a temperature of +40°C for an orchid, which the plant will simply survive as unfavorable conditions, but will not form new leaves and flowers.
  • Or you can keep an orchid at +24°C and observe an increase in the number of peduncles and leaves.

Based on the results of observations of Vanda orchids, it can be argued that the optimal temperature regime for them is the following:

  1. night temperature not lower than +14°C;
  2. daytime temperature +22 + 28°C.

Dangerous temperatures for plants

If we talk about temperatures that can harm plant health:

  1. minimum permissible temperature +8 +10°C;
  2. maximum temperature +42°C.

The Vanda orchid, like many other plants, is capable of changing its gas exchange when the humidity drops below 70%. Under such conditions, leaf stomata open exclusively at night. It is after the opening of the stomata that the plant’s carbon dioxide exchange process is activated, and after it all other vital processes.

The intensity of carbon dioxide exchange is influenced by the following factors:

  • intensity of sunlight during the day;
  • optimal temperature at night +20 +22°C;
  • good ventilation in the room.

How to water a flower correctly

The watering regime for the Vanda orchid directly depends on the conditions in which the flower is grown. When growing in a substrate, watering is carried out only when the substrate not only dries out, but is completely dry.

Frequent watering can lead to root rotting.

If the plant is grown in a glass vase or in a hanging basket, water it once a week, and in the spring and summer - once every three days.

  • The flower is taken to the bathroom, the doors are closed tightly and watered with a hot shower for several minutes (water temperature 35-40 ºC).
  • Then leave Vanda for 30 minutes until the leaves dry out and return it to its place.
  • Once every two weeks, it is advisable to bathe the roots, immersing them in a basin for 20-30 minutes.

Only the roots should be bathed in water. The flower stems are very sensitive to waterlogging.


When preparing the substrate, you need to remember that Vanda is an epiphyte. And the task of the substrate is to pass air to the roots and remove water from them.

It is not permissible to use garden soil as a substrate.

  1. It is better to prepare a mixture of coal, cork, bark, moss and expanded clay with the addition of perlite.
  2. If this is not possible, you can buy ready-made soil for orchids at a flower shop.
  3. In some cases, it is possible to grow orchids without a substrate.

Vanda orchid can be grown in nets, wicker baskets and wire planters

Top dressing

Since the flower grows without soil, difficulties arise with fertilizing. The plant is very demanding of fertilizer.

Vanda orchid needs feeding once a week.It is carried out by spraying or wiping the leaves with a special solution of fertilizer for orchids and water (it is advisable to use purified water) in an amount of 1/6 of that indicated on the package.

It is also necessary to take into account that the plant requires active feeding only during the period of vigorous growth; in the dormant stage, the amount of feeding is reduced. Orchids are also watered by spraying from a spray bottle.

Selection of containers

Not any container is suitable for growing Vanda orchids.

  • Most often, hanging baskets or pots with side holes into which the plant's roots penetrate are chosen. The epiphyte feels as comfortable as possible in them.
  • Recently, the Vanda orchid in a vase has often been on sale. Moreover, there is no substrate in such a container.
  • Vanda orchid in glass is a great gift idea. You can choose a glass container of any shape for it.

This epiphyte looks ideal in tall and spherical vases, flasks and “glasses”. Unfortunately, orchids that are sold in glass containers with a sealed lid die very quickly.

A Vanda orchid in a vase, the care of which involves regularly inspecting the flower and removing damaged parts, looks very stylish as an element of the interior. A container with a wide base is best suited for growing epiphytes in this way.

  1. An orchid that is constantly in water can quickly rot and die. Therefore, it is better to keep it dry.
  2. The flower is regularly removed from the vase and immersed in water with fertilizer for a while.
  3. Then the plant is dried a little and returned to the container.
  4. Orchids whose green parts are outside the glass container live the longest.


Replanting is not the most pleasant process and is stressful for an orchid, so this should be done in cases where it is really necessary. Reasons for transplantation may be as follows:

  • Plant disease
  • Lack of space in the pot
  • Poor substrate quality

The spring-autumn period of the year is ideal for replanting a beauty orchid. Preparing to move this type of flower is simple and does not require any complicated manipulations.

Watering after moving should not be done. The first 2 weeks are limited to spraying only.

How to grow roots

If not cared for properly, Vanda loses its roots, and everyone needs to know how to build them up.

Often, if not properly cared for, the Vanda orchid loses some of its roots.

  • In order to grow new roots, you need to remove the plant from the pot, rinse the root system with a fungicide solution at a temperature of about thirty degrees and dry.
  • Then you need to remove all damaged roots and place the plant in a growth stimulator solution for ten minutes.
  • Taking a transparent pot, you need to fill it one-third with expanded clay and slightly moisten it.
  • Wet sphagnum moss is laid on top of the drainage layer, in the center of which a depression is made, into which the prepared orchid is placed and covered with moss on top.
  • The container with the plant is placed in a warm and well-ventilated room.
  • The planting can only be moistened by spraying along the edge of the pot.

Under favorable conditions, roots form a month after planting.

How to make a Vanda orchid bloom

The frequency of orchid flowering depends on compliance with certain care rules. In order for a plant to bloom, you should remember 9 important conditions that contribute to this.

Find out the age of the orchid

If you bought a non-flowering plant, and it is in no hurry to please with flower shoots, perhaps it is still too young. Different types of orchids bloom at the age of 1.5 to 3 years.

  1. To determine that an orchid is old enough, you need to count the number of shoots.
  2. An adult plant ready to flower should have from 5 to 8.
  3. If flowers on an orchid appear earlier, this is not always good.

The fact is that a plant that is too young may not have enough strength to recover after flowering, and the orchid may die.

Don't move the pot

Many people know that moving is a real stress for an orchid. But this flower does not like even minor movements. The orchid reacts to its position in relation to the light.

Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange a pot with a plant, it is necessary to place it with the same side to the light source as it was before.

Also, do not move the orchid while watering. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the moment the peduncle appears.

Pay attention to the roots

As you know, orchid roots are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, so it is important to ensure that they have enough light. Since it is not recommended to move the orchid again, it is worth taking care of the roots in advance.

For example, instead of ceramic pots, it is better to use transparent plastic containers with plenty of drainage holes.

  • It is not recommended to use containers with corrugated walls for planting this flower, since its roots tend to grow to uneven surfaces.
  • In addition, sharp edges and elements can injure the root system, which will harm the entire plant as a whole.

Take care of lighting

Sunlight is a very important factor affecting the flowering of an orchid. Without full daylight (10-12 hours a day), these plants will not bloom. Therefore, in autumn and winter, when there is very little natural light, flowers should be illuminated with lamps.

Phytolamps are special lamps designed to illuminate plants: they provide a lot of bright light without drying out the air around the flowers.

  1. If an orchid produces a peduncle in autumn or winter, care should be taken to ensure that it does not die due to the short daylight hours.
  2. Without additional lighting in the dark season, the peduncle may stop developing or dry out.
  3. If it is not possible to illuminate the entire plant, it is enough to provide illumination only for the tip of the peduncle.
  4. The main thing is to make sure that neither it nor the plant itself gets hot.

Ensure acceptable temperature differences

The catalyst for flowering of many types of orchids is a slight difference between day and night temperatures. Therefore, for an orchid to bloom, the temperature at night must be 4-6°C lower than during the day.

Of course, creating such conditions throughout the year can be problematic. But from late spring to early autumn, orchids can be kept outdoors, where the temperature difference is achieved naturally.

In cooler times, when flowers should already live at home, rooms with orchids need to be ventilated. Just do this very carefully, remembering that these plants are very afraid of drafts.

Water your orchid correctly

  1. You need to water the orchid after the soil dries out - this will make it possible to avoid rotting of the roots. These requirements apply both in summer and winter and apply to both children and adult plants.
  2. However, there are some exceptions here. After the orchid has faded, watering should be reduced by about a month.

In nature, after flowering, orchids begin to set seeds, which should scatter in different directions for several kilometers. This is possible only during dry periods, but not during the rainy season.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide the orchid with conditions that are as close to natural as possible - then the flower will grow healthy and bloom often.

Before and during flowering, the orchid requires more intense watering than usual. Further, during the dormant period, specimens with hard leaves and the presence of pseudobulbs should be watered according to the basic principle (after about 10-12 days).

Humidify the air around the plant

Another important condition for flowering is air humidity. If there is not enough of it, the orchid may stop growing or unopened buds and flowers may dry out prematurely.

To increase the humidity in the room where the orchid grows, you can place a plate of water next to the flower. Also, during very dry periods (when the heating is turned on in houses), the plant should be sprayed. Suitable humidity for orchids is 60% and above.

Choose the right fertilizers

  • To feed orchids, it is recommended to use formulations based on phosphorus and potassium, as they stimulate the appearance of flower buds.
  • In addition, the use of such fertilizers ensures that the plant produces healthy and strong flowers.
  • But it’s better not to get carried away with nitrogen-based fertilizing: this element, on the contrary, inhibits the development of flower stalks.

Don't be afraid to "scare" the plant

Sometimes, to make an orchid bloom, it needs to be given a little stress. It happens that all the conditions for flowering are met, but the flower stubbornly refuses to shoot. This sometimes happens because the orchid is doing too well.

In this case, the plant directs all its energy to the growth of green mass. One way to stimulate flowering is to “shock” the orchid a little: reduce watering or move the plant pot to a cooler place.

Rest period

After flowering, the orchid enters a period of rest, when it begins to accumulate strength for a new flowering. Care at this time is no different from care during other periods. The flower still needs good watering, high humidity, sufficient lighting and regular prevention against diseases and pests.

  1. As for fertilizing, their frequency and volume during the rest period should be reduced.
  2. If there is a need to replant an orchid, then the time to do this procedure is now, when the plant no longer blooms.
  3. Replanting is necessary if roots are sticking out of the drainage hole, or the soil dries out quickly after watering. As a rule, the need for this procedure appears after 2-3 years.

Are orchids suitable for cutting?

What could be more beautiful than a bouquet of orchids? But these flowers do not live long, and not every species is suitable for cutting. Let's try to figure out how to extend the life of an epiphytic bouquet and which orchids to choose.

  • Phalaenopsis, cymbidiums and paphiopedilums can stand in a vase and retain freshness and aroma for several weeks (and sometimes even a month).
  • Other orchids risk not standing for even an hour, literally withering before our eyes.

If you purchase cut orchids, look first at the petals and sepals. They should be shiny, as if covered with wax, and hard - then the orchid will last a long time.

How to extend the life of a bouquet of orchids

If the flowers were brought from the store, then their cuts need to be updated.

  1. The stems should be cut at an angle. It is recommended to carry out the procedure under running water.
  2. It is advisable to update sections every 2-3 days.
  3. The water for keeping cut orchids should be soft and clean: you can use boiled or filtered water. It needs to be updated periodically by adding fresh water.

Cut orchids, as well as potted home orchids, are afraid of very high and very low temperatures. It is also recommended to protect them from drafts and bright sun.


Improper care of the Vanda orchid can lead to the onset of illness. This plant is characterized by diseases such as:

spotting. Appears due to excessive moisture and fungal development. Appears as black spots similar to warts. You can fight this disease by correcting the home conditions of keeping the plant, disinfecting the substrate during transplantation and watering with antifungal drugs.

Rot(can be root or fusarium). Abundant moisture in the substrate contributes to the appearance of rot, especially if the days are cool or the flower is in the wrong container. With this disease, the root system and stems rot, the plant turns yellow and if the care does not change, it dies. To control the transplantation, the substrate is disinfected, and the orchid is watered with all the requirements.

Sheet cracks. They appear when the plant is not properly cared for - mechanical damage to the leaves, sudden cooling after watering, sunburn or excessive feeding. There is no point in treating, such damaged sheets are simply removed.

Fusarium wilt. It appears as black spots, slightly pressed and located at the junction of the leaf and stem. A plant with this disease requires special care and treatment with foundationazole.

Viral infection. Appears as spots in the form of rings. It is impossible to heal the plant completely, but if the care is appropriate, the plant can live for many more years.

Sun and heat burn. A burnt part of the leaf may indicate thermal (if the room temperature is too high) or sunburn. It will not be possible to cure the damaged leaves; you just need to correct your shortcomings and improve the care of your orchid.


  • Thrips. When these insects appear, light dots or streaks first appear on the leaves, and then the leaves acquire a silvery color. The flowers also suffer - they become deformed and spots appear on them. The plant is treated with special insecticidal preparations.
  • Scale insects. They can be seen with the naked eye (if you strain your eyes a little) and they look like brown insects. Because of these pests, the flower first loses its color, and then dries out and dies. To combat, the plant is thoroughly washed with a soap solution (it is advisable to use laundry soap) and a solution of insecticides.

To prevent diseases, Wanda requires not only proper care, but also timely removal of yellowed leaves and dry roots.

How to propagate Vanda orchid

Growing this type of plant yourself is simple, but at the same time has its own difficulties. This is often not due to the difficulties of the process, but to the fact that caring for a plant of any age has its own nuances.

You can perform a similar procedure using the following methods:

  • division;
  • cuttings;
  • using pseudobulbs;
  • using seeds or cloning, but propagation of the vanda orchid in this way is used only in laboratory conditions.

Therefore, before carrying out such a manipulation, it is recommended to study in detail the listed methods of plant breeding.

Transplantation by propagation by shoots

This method is the most suitable for Vanda; it is the one most often used by gardeners. This is explained by the fact that this variety has large distances between the nodes of the shoots, making the cuttings easy to separate.

  1. You need to start the propagation procedure with a cut of the shoot growing at the top.
  2. To do this, prepare a sharp knife, which you pre-treat with alcohol to avoid infection.
  3. After finishing the manipulation, be sure to sprinkle the cuts with crushed wood ash, and plant the cutting itself in a separate vessel, while the cut should be completely in the substrate.
  4. When the process of propagating the vanda orchid in this way is over, all that remains is to provide the little “pet” with the right care so that it can fully develop.

Breeding by children

This method is also perfect for this type of plant. It is the simplest, with its help even a novice gardener can grow orchids.

  • To grow a new pet, it is recommended to separate the shoots with extreme caution, but only those that have already formed their own air-type roots.
  • To stimulate their active growth, be sure to fertilize with nitrogen and increase the room temperature.
  • The babies are carefully separated from the “mother” and then planted in a pot with soil.
  • Often, correctly transplanted shoots immediately throw out flower stalks.
  • When propagating vanda orchids, it is necessary to care for them in the same way as for an adult.

It is the methods listed that are suitable for a home plant of this type. After all, vanda is one of the most whimsical flowers, regardless of its variety, it requires special care even during its reproduction.

Therefore, if you want to propagate the Vanda orchid, it is recommended that you first study all the details of care, and then begin to implement a similar process. Follow the rules strictly, then everything will definitely work out.

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home?

An orchid is a talisman for a woman; it will help develop talents and engage in creativity. To ensure that the plant brings you only the best, learn to care for it properly.

Do not allow the flower to wilt or become diseased. It will love its owner and you will have no conflicts in the future. An orchid can even restore youth and health, and most importantly, a good mood.

  • A flower can help you drive negativity out of your home and attract warmth and joy into it.
  • If an enemy shows up in your home, a person who wishes you harm, your orchid will drive him away. No, she will not crawl out of the pot and hit it with roots. But the person will suddenly feel a deterioration in their condition, dizziness, and nausea.

Similar abilities are observed in other “our smaller brothers.” As you know, dogs and cats also very subtly sense negative emotions both of their owner and in relation to him.

Also, one of the unpleasant sensations that an orchid causes is anxiety syndrome. If you or your loved ones feel uneasy in a seemingly relaxed and light atmosphere, look at the windowsill. Perhaps the cause of your condition is blooming with beautiful flowers, innocently bending its petals in your direction?

The color of a flower has a huge impact on its properties. Yes, yes, color is one of the most important properties of a plant that can change the atmosphere in your home. The teachings of Feng Shui also tend to this opinion. A houseplant affects people and the atmosphere in the house in different ways.


The red and purple colors of the orchid help fight laziness. Have you decided to go on a diet? Do you exercise intensely? Or did you decide to declare war on bad habits?

  • Red and purple flowers sharpen your willpower, increase it, help you achieve your goal. As you know, all people tend to start a new life on Monday. Orchids of these colors will help you get rid of the old way of life.

  • Do you have financial problems or feel the need for career fulfillment? Perhaps your professional potential has not been fully developed? Yellow orchids will bring you good luck in this matter.
  • Activity and an active lifestyle are the key to success. If you feel like your energy has dried up, your work productivity is falling, apathy and depression are looming, try making friends with... orange orchids. They will help you find a source of strength and inspiration.

A worse option is also possible: deep depression or prolonged melancholy. As you know, in the modern world it is really very difficult to remain calm and positive thinking. Daily difficulties and problems often unsettle us, this is especially true for the more gentle and sensitive half of humanity - women and girls.

In addition, they are also more dependent on the body’s hormonal levels, so they are more likely to succumb to the negative influence of the external environment and, as a result, become depressed.

Pink flowers They will also help women revive their lost femininity and charm, and young girls will develop these qualities in themselves.

But do not forget that your flowers will bring you pleasant moments only if they feel warmth, tenderness and care from you. Be kind to your pets and they will be kind to you.

The genus of beautiful flowering plants from India, other regions of southern Asia and northern Australia includes more than fifty species. The Vanda orchid became widely known in the century before last, when the first specimens appeared in European greenhouses.

Today, orchids of this genus are among the most popular among indoor plant lovers. The popularity of vanda is simple to explain. Prominent, up to a meter tall plants with elongated linear leaves and racemose inflorescences are quite unpretentious and can bloom several times a year. The inflorescence, which remains decorative for up to 50 days, contains from 10 to 20 flowers. Orchid corollas, depending on the type and variety, can be painted in a variety of colors, but the blue Vanda ones are considered the most valuable. This color, extremely rare for orchids, is also transmitted by plants through crossing, which is actively used in breeding work.

Another feature of the Vanda orchid is its powerful roots, sometimes growing up to 1.5–2 meters. It is with the help of bluish rhizomes covered with a waxy layer that epiphytic species receive the nutrition necessary for growth and flowering.

Vanda orchid care

Like all orchids that come from tropical regions, Vanda does not feel very comfortable indoors and requires the creation of conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

How to grow an orchid indoors? What should be taken into account when caring for and maintaining a guest from the distant Indian tropics?

The best place for such a plant is a greenhouse, but not all flower growers have the opportunity to please the southern beauty this way.

Therefore, when caring for the Vanda orchid at home, take into account that the plant:

  • does not have a long period of rest;
  • receives most of its nutrition not from the soil, but from the atmosphere;
  • needs to maintain the temperature within 20–25 °C with a decrease in the background at night;
  • grows and blooms well at high air humidity;
  • does not like stagnant air, but is afraid of drafts;
  • loves to be under the scattered rays of the sun for 12–14 hours a day.

If, when caring for the Vanda orchid, you do not observe the temperature regime or allow the flower to be kept in dry air, the plant inevitably weakens, the shoots become thinner, the foliage turns yellow, and flowering, if it does occur, is not pleasing with splendor.

It is especially important to maintain humidity of 60–80% and the required length of daylight in winter. To do this, use household humidifiers, regular irrigation of greenery and root systems, as well as artificial lighting of plants.

Since, due to its branched, powerful roots, this type of orchid is most often grown at home without a pot, but in a basket or on a block, irrigation is an important part of caring for the Vanda orchid. The water temperature for such spraying and watering, if the flower is placed in a glass vessel, should be several degrees warmer than the surrounding air.

The specimens, located in transparent tall vases, are regularly watered. To do this, water, purified from salts and other compounds harmful to the flower, is poured into a container with an orchid so as to wet the roots. After 20 minutes, excess water must be drained.

This time is enough to:

  • the plant has received a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • locally increase air humidity;
  • protect roots from rotting during prolonged contact with water.

During the period of active growth, the care of the Vanda orchid includes warm showers, which are carried out in the morning hours, so that after the procedure the leaves and surface of the roots have time to dry.

In winter, the plant needs less moisture, and during the period of formation of flower stalks and opening of buds, on the contrary, the need for moisture increases sharply.

Transplanting and caring for the Vanda orchid

Since this variety does not need a substrate, there is no need to replant the orchid, but the gardener cannot avoid caring for the root system.

The roots need to be regularly inspected, dried or damaged areas should be removed, and care should be taken to ensure that no areas of rot or fungal infections appear.

At home, the Vanda orchid is planted in baskets, lattice containers, or large pieces of bark and moss are used to attach the flower. To further strengthen the plant in the selected container and seal the voids, use wire, steamed bark, charcoal and well-dried sphagnum.

When transferring a plant from one container to another, it is important to be extremely careful with the root system. After transplanting an orchid, it is useful to include foliar feeding with a complex specialized composition in its care. Typically, such procedures for the Vanda orchid are carried out weekly, using a weak solution.

Orchid propagation and care of young plants

You can get new orchid plants by planting daughter rosettes from the mother specimen, which form at the base of the adult flower.

Young plants should be separated from a large bush only when their own roots have formed. During vegetative propagation and care of orchids, all sections must be treated with cinnamon powder or crushed activated carbon. First, the rosettes are planted in shallow baskets with a mixture of charcoal, pieces of bark and sphagnum and the containers are placed in the greenhouse. There, young Vanda grow and actively form roots until the height of the stem reaches 15–18 cm. Now the plant is ready to decorate the room with lush inflorescences.

Almost any time of the year.

These orchids are easy to cross, resulting in numerous hybrids adapted to home cultivation conditions.

Orchids of the genus Vanda are amazingly beautiful perennial herbaceous plants, which belong to the Orchid family.

According to the type of growth, they are classified as monopodial orchids, which have one vertically growing stem and one apical growth point. For representatives of this genus a number of differences and features are characteristic:

  • Numerous powerful, well developed aerial roots grow up to 1 m in length;
  • The stem is cylindrical, can reach a height one or more meters and is completely covered with leaves located in the same plane;
  • Long, leathery, belt-shaped or cylindrical (rolled) leaves are located opposite and have a green or light bluish color. Depending on the type (variety), they reach a length from 25-30 cm to 70, and sometimes up to 1 m. Within 1.5-2 months, with proper care, a healthy plant grows 1 leaf;
  • Flowering shoots are formed in the leaf axils. Depending on the variety, they are erect or drooping, few or many flowers;
  • The flowers, collected in an inflorescence raceme, have a characteristic feature characteristic of Vanda: even after blooming, for several days they continue to grow, increasing in size and acquiring increasingly bright colors. Vandas are often grown for cutting. Cut flowers remain fresh for 2 weeks.

Wanda in the picture.

Vandas do not have a rest period and grow all year round, leaf growth stops only during the flowering period and resumes immediately after it ends. The lifespan of the plant is about 30 years.

Most common colors

Vanda attracts attention with its luxurious inflorescences. Large fragrant flowers come in a variety of colors and shades: purple, violet, white, orange and even blue. The petals of some varieties are covered with a net of a darker tone or bright colored specks.

In nature

The genus Vanda includes 53 species of epiphytic and less commonly terrestrial orchids. Their natural habitat is tropical rainforests of southern China, the Philippines, Thailand, northern Australia and India.

In their natural environment they grows on trees or rocks, anchored by long aerial roots reaching a length of more than 2 m. Dense, densely leafy stems grow to a height of more than three meters.

External characteristics

Vandas can vary greatly in the size and shape of their flowers. Currently, breeding is aimed at obtaining plants of miniature sizes.

Mature plant height

Vandas are large plants, stem height which during home cultivation is about a meter, and for larger representatives - up to 2 m.

Number of leaves

Unlike many other members of the Orchid family, the number of leaves on a stem can reach several dozen, which is determined by the length of the stem. At the same time, the lower leaves age and dry out, and new ones grow at the top.

Maximum peduncle length

One plant can release at a time from one to four flower-bearing arrows, on which from 2 to 15 flowers bloom. Depending on the variety, the size ranges from 30 to 50 cm.

Vanda can produce several flower stalks at once.

Diameter, flower shape

The size and shape of flowers varies greatly among different species and varieties: flower diameter ranges from 4 to 10 cm, some representatives have up to 15 cm.

Most species have broad-leaved petals and regular shaped flowers with a lip characteristic of orchids. A few exceptions include species such as Vanda tricolor and Vanda cristatac with narrow teardrop-shaped petals.

Types and varieties of varieties

Most orchids sold in stores are represented by interspecific and intergeneric hybrids, which are quite well adapted to cultivation in apartment conditions.


This orchid has an erect stem up to 1 m long, covered with strap-shaped leaves ranging from 26 to 40 cm long.

The flowering arrow carries 7-10 flowers, reaching 7 cm in diameter. The petals are drop-shaped, with a speckled reddish-brown pattern, base color white or light cream.

Bloom: October – January, May, June.



Has a highly branched drooping stem up to 2.6 m long and rolled leaves about 20 cm long. The flower-bearing arrow bears 3-6 flowers of a delicate pink shade about 10 cm in size.

The petals are diamond-shaped or oval, with a wavy edge. The middle lobe of the lip is separate, rich purple in color, the lateral lobes are light, at the base they acquire a rich yellow color.

Bloom: October.



A hybrid obtained by selecting the parent species of Vanda blue and. From them he received an unusual colors of all shades of blue and light blue, mesh pattern of petals and resistance to cold(withstands up to +10C), flowers are about 4-6 cm in diameter.

The flowering period is from 4 to 6 weeks. Due to its ease of care, the plant is very popular among gardeners.

Bloom: October – January, May, June.



The most spectacular species, widely used among flower growers. The stem is erect, up to 1 m high, the leaves are dense, with a serrated edge, up to 25 cm long.

The flowering arrow grows up to 0.5 m, inflorescences bear 6-15 flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm. The petals are pale blue, the lip is a darker shade, sometimes with a mesh pattern.

Bloom: from early September to October.


Vandas are quite capricious in growing orchids, requiring daily care:

  • regular ;
  • high air humidity;
  • intense lighting;
  • and most importantly - good aeration of the root system.

Without these conditions, the plant will get sick, which will primarily affect the condition of its leaves and.

Helpful advice! In the summer, it is worth taking Wanda out into the garden, hanging it on a balcony or tree. Such ventilation will benefit her, and she will thank you.


Michael.“My yellow Vanda has been growing for five years; for the first few years it didn’t bloom, apparently I didn’t like something. Now I have chosen the optimal care, and it bloomed with large flowers. This is an extraordinary, very spectacular plant.”

Allah.“I’ve been in love with Wanda for a long time. I already have six of them at home. I tried growing them in different ways: in pots, in vases and plant pots. But 5 years have passed and now they are hanging on the window without any substrate. There are no problems, the air humidity in the apartment is suitable for the roots.”

Olga.“I have many favorite flowers, but Wanda is the most desirable in my collection. It blooms with unusually beautiful flowers, loves a lot of sun and daily care. But it’s worth it to see such beauty every day.”

Oksana.“I first saw Wanda at the neighbors. The plant impressed me so much that I decided to purchase it too. Now I have it growing in a basket, with bare roots. She feels great and makes me very happy.”

Main features of flowering

Various species or varieties, united in the genus Vanda, are characterized by flowering characteristics.


These plants are characterized lack of natural rest period. With proper care, they respond abundantly at any time of the year.

Vanda can bloom at any time of the year.

Duration at home

Depending on lighting conditions Wanda from 1 to 3-4 times a year. depends on the cultivation temperature and is from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.


If you raised Wanda’s baby with your own hands, then with proper care and favorable maintenance it will bloom in 4-6 years.

Is it possible to do it again?

After the orchid has bloomed, but the peduncle remains alive and green, possible re-blooming. Therefore, you should not rush to cut off the peduncle. may happen even three months after the flowers fall.

The meaning of aerial roots

The top of the roots is covered with a thick layer of porous dead cells - velamen, which provides several functions:

  • absorbs and retains moisture from the atmosphere;
  • protects the plant from drought and harmful sun rays.

Unlike many orchids, Vanda’s roots do not have pseudobulbs with a reserve of moisture, so when kept indoors they are more sensitive to air humidity and watering conditions.

Growing in a glass vase

Vanda feels good when cultivated without substrate, this provides the aeration necessary for the roots. For this growing method, you can use a glass vase.

How to plant correctly?

To properly plant a plant in a glass vase, adhere to the following rules:

  • considered the most convenient a low vase with a wide base and a narrower neck. The roots are freely placed in it, and the stem does not break;
  • The roots should be located in the vessel, most of the stem and leaves should be outside the vase.

Attention! A tall, narrow vase has poor air circulation, which can cause the roots to rot. Also, these orchids can be successfully grown without substrate in baskets.


Particular attention when growing in glass watering is given:

  • water is poured for 20-30 minutes, after which it is completely drained;
  • if you leave water in the vase, this will lead to the death of the root system;
  • water the orchid with soft water; for this you can mix tap water with distillate in a 1:1 ratio;
  • In summer, the plant is watered daily, in winter – once a week;
  • must be done once a week;
  • In summer, the plant must be sprayed once every 7 days.

Following these rules will ensure good growth and regular orchid growth.

Useful videos

Brief video description of the Vanda orchid:

Video with some tips for caring for Wanda:

The following video is about Wanda in Glass:

You will learn in detail about the blue Wanda from the following video:

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