Training company employees “in-house.” Induction and adaptation of new employees

At the moment, many Russian companies do not pay due attention to the adaptation of new personnel. As a rule, this process is neglected due to the desire to save company money or lack of time and other resources. Not surprising, since adaptation costs add up to significant sums.

But, as practice shows, saving on adaptation of new employees results in significantly greater financial losses, and most layoffs occur during this period of time.

This begs the question: how can managers achieve goals if they constantly lack human resources?

Today I would like to reduce adaptation to very simple concepts, under the auspices: anyone can do it. In this article we will look at how to reduce the adaptation period and costs without neglecting quality.

Stages of adaptation of a new employee

Personnel adaptation can be divided into 3 main stages:

1. Familiarization stage.
At this time, the employee compares his goals with the goals of the company, evaluates how well expectations match reality and, as a rule, by the end of the familiarization stage, the employee understands whether the proposed workplace is suitable for him.

Management, in turn, draws a conclusion about the capabilities and potential of the employee, determines the level and volume of further development costs (time, money). As a rule, the i’s are dotted precisely at the stage of internship or probationary period, the period of which, most often, coincides with the familiarization stage.

2. Stage of adaptation.
The adaptation period for a newcomer can last up to a year, the period depends on the influence on the team. The employee learns standards, rules, and adapts to colleagues. The faster you manage to fit into the team, the faster the process is completed.

3. Assimilation stage.
At this stage, we can assume that the specialist has adapted to the team and functionality, is oriented in the tasks and can carry them out, and accepts the established values. As a rule, such employees are already considered full members of the team.

The main goal of the adaptation process is to reduce the organization’s costs due to the following factors:

1. Accelerating the process of a new employee entering the position:
achieving the required work efficiency in the shortest possible time;
reducing the number of possible downtime and errors associated with mastering functional responsibilities.

2. Reducing the level of staff turnover:
reduction in the number of employees who have not completed the probationary period;
reduction in the number of employees leaving the company during the first year of operation.

3. Saving time and resources of personnel involved in adaptation.

4. Create a positive attitude towards work, company and job satisfaction.

We can highlight the TOP 5 reasons for a newcomer to leave during the adaptation period:
1. Does not understand what exactly they want from him (no clear tasks).
2. Does not receive prompt explanations on work, does not know business processes and communication channels.
3. Does not believe in the reality of achieving goals: there are not enough tools to achieve them or simply does not know how to achieve them.
4. Too long and complex training, or complex functionality.
5. Believes that the desired financial level is not achievable.

Knowing the main reasons, the manager can influence them in order to eliminate or reduce the risk of employee leaving. As a rule, the first and fifth reasons are identified at adaptation meetings and closed there, all that remains is to conduct them in a timely manner. We will discuss how other reasons can be influenced in the article below.

When attracting new employees, as a result of turnover or staff expansion, each new employee brings losses instead of the expected profit until he achieves positive results. A lot of time and energy of managers and mentors is devoted to staff training, which could be used to achieve target indicators. In this case, accelerating the adaptation program and minimizing the participation of a living person in the adaptation and training process is one of the ways to optimize the costs of the adaptation process.

Ways to speed up and reduce the cost of adaptation

How to train personnel, get new recruits into battle faster, but not waste a lot of resources?

There are 2 ways to reduce these costs:

1. Reducing the time for assimilation and memorization of information.
2. Reducing the time the company spends on training.

Let's look at each of them and start with the first path.

7 ways to speed up the memorization process

There are simple and basic things, by implementing which you can get a 2-fold improvement in memorizing new information.

1. Infographics and flowcharts.

When perceiving information, a person puts it into pieces, creating a structure or a semantic map. This takes a lot of resources, so it is advisable for the teacher to prepare colorful flowcharts in the form of infographics in advance.

Such preparation will allow you to immediately lay out all the perceived material on the right shelves. Text structured in flowcharts saves the brain resources of a beginner on their own construction. This approach greatly speeds up the memorization of new information and makes it easier. This happens because each semantic unit has a picture attached to it, which activates associative memory.

2. Video materials.

It’s not for nothing that YouTube has become the second search engine in the world after Google. People perceive information better through video, because... it affects a larger number of channels of perception: there is a picture and sound at the same time, and if subtitles are built in, a person will also be able to read. Thus, all attention is completely immersed in the process of perception and it is difficult for extraneous thoughts to interfere with memorization. For example, if a manager's training for new employees lasts 2 hours, video training can reduce this investment to 20 minutes.

3. Cards instead of long texts.

When a company is developing rapidly, new technologies and regulations constantly appear, which need to be trained and implemented into work as soon as possible. Most often, especially if the enterprise is large, multi-page instructions are used. The information in them is important, but how is a large amount of text perceived? As a rule, such instructions do not work. If you cannot avoid long instructions and regulations, you need to make simple, short and informative cards out of them, containing only the essence of the issue.

The cards can be at hand, you can quickly find them, look at them and remember a forgotten nuance. This allows you to avoid mistakes, saving the company money on their elimination. Trainees are not intimidated by short and concise cards, unlike multi-volume regulations, and this reduces turnover during induction.

4. Non-standard questions to which you need to look for an answer.

Which manual will be better remembered: in which you need to find the answer to the question asked, or in which you just need to read and remember? Knowledge acquired independently is remembered better. It is very effective to give the specialist a list of questions and the material in which he must find the answer, ask him to briefly write down the answers, for example, as on Twitter, no more than 144 characters. As practice shows, if a beginner reads a large amount of information, most often he returns with an empty head. And if you give a list of questions, then the information is perceived more consciously, since he lives the answer. This way you can eliminate the need for training: provide material, a list of questions and set aside time to prepare a written answer. Questions can be improved, for example, given the task of finding an answer to the client’s objections.

5. Knowledge base.

The manager can prepare simple and concise answers to frequently asked questions in advance. This will save mentors time and eliminate the dead phone effect. Often mentors convey answers to the newcomer’s questions or convey information to them through the prism of their consciousness, and the result is a dead phone.

The knowledge base allows you to eliminate such an error and provides the ability to access it whenever there is a need to study a topic; a specialist will only need to go to the appropriate folder.

6. Stories.

Stories from the company’s practice contain rules of efficiency: what can be done and what can’t be done. It’s easy to include nuances from corporate culture, morals, and valuable data into stories. After all, it is through stories that people easily and effortlessly remember everything you need. You can tell a story about a client with whom a problem arose due to a lack of knowledge of a rule; talk about how much time and money the manager lost due to a mistake.

It is very effective to add videos to training materials in which colleagues tell their personal stories from life or professional development, then explain how to act based on the mistakes that were made. Thanks to stories, beginners do not have to explain why they should do this and not otherwise. Using this method, the trainee seems to live the stories himself; they seem to become his personal experience.

7. Step-by-step learning when you need to remember a large volume.

When you need to teach a large amount of information, it must be divided into 3-4 stages and each should be given at its own time, and not all at once. Often, in order to fully work in some positions, you need to know a lot of details and specifics. Learning such a volume in one go is a very difficult task.

As practice shows, in order to start work (in the first 2-5 days), an employee does not need all the information, but about 10-20%. Those. the most important and important thing. Further, when he has already gotten used to it, he can be given the main part, i.e. another 50% of the information that will fall on the actions already made by the beginner, mistakes and skills developed in practice.

The remaining 20% ​​of information are subtle details that are not useful very often; they can be given at the third stage of training, for example, after 2-3 weeks of work. Thus, the employee begins to work already in the first days of training and remembers much better. Often 8-12% of applicants reach the end of training; using this method you can increase this number to 46-50% or more.

3 best practices for accelerating learning

1. Chatbots in Telegram.

This is a robot that has prepared commands and reactions to them. There are online designers to organize and configure a bot; all you need to do is put the necessary information in the required order. It's no more difficult than making a PowerPoint presentation. In the telegram bot, you can outline a step-by-step path for the entire internship period for each newcomer. Thus, the role of a mentor can be performed by the telegram bot itself, which will guide the beginner through all the necessary stages, accept reports for each day and give answers from a bank of frequently asked questions. In fact, upon joining the company, a newcomer receives tasks from the chatbot, walks around the company and learns new things, which is also included in the adaptation.

2. Test benches with real user cases and their solutions.

Often, beginners are taught only in theory and are not allowed to take on real tasks, because... they can make a mess. This makes learning not only ineffective, but also uninteresting, which affects the overall result. Using the stand, trainees will be able to solve problems that current employees actually faced. These can be user questions, cases, problems compiled from the most frequently encountered ones. The trainee needs to solve them within a certain time. Using this method, work adaptation can be reduced by 40%. After all, each block of theory can be reinforced with practice by passing a test with typical real questions on this topic from clients.

3. Quests in training – training in a game format.

A quest is a set of riddles; when you solve one, you get the next one. This way you can integrate the entire training system into one big quest. To pass it, the employee will need to find answers to non-standard questions, pass tests, and complete a number of tasks based on cases. Once you think through the mechanics of the quest in detail, you can adapt it to each position.

How to exclude human participation from the employee training process

1. Distance learning

LMS distance learning systems allow you to control the viewing of the required material and will guide the beginner through the desired scenario of the entire learning process. LMS are easily implemented in companies of any size and can significantly reduce the cost of mass training. They help withstand, especially in distributed structures.

2. Step-by-step plan.

It is necessary to write out all the steps in advance, as if creating a map of a treasure island that the trainee will follow independently. Often you have to babysit newbies because they don’t have a clear map of actions, scheduled by hours and minutes. It is important to write where he will find a knowledge base, answers to frequently asked questions and an expert to whom he can turn in a pinch, etc. It is important to take the time to create a step-by-step plan for the intern to receive in the morning and report back to in the evening. Such a map will eliminate the need to invest time in explanations that you can get yourself. Those. will reduce the time to master job responsibilities.

3. Do not hire those who are not capable of learning quickly.

To initially choose more when selecting, you should pay attention to:
- analytic skills;
- desire for self-development;
- responsibility.

The most important thing in this case is analytical skills, they have the greatest impact on the learning outcome and are the easiest to evaluate. With developed numerical and verbal abilities, as a rule, an employee quickly grasps the material and goes into detail. This can be assessed before the interview, for example, using tests (such as CAT) or trial tasks. This allows you to select the cool, most intelligent guys and not waste time during the interview on those who cannot work at the desired pace. If we talk about the desire for self-development, then the other side of the coin can become the effect of an overflowing cup when we hear: “I’m already I know everything.” With such an attitude, it is difficult to build effective work. Well, responsibility is important because the assigned tasks must really be done, and in the allotted time.

The sad thing is that the consequences of the lack of a competent training system are not obvious, they manifest themselves over a long distance, and are difficult to track if you have not concentrated on it in advance.

If you do not solve this problem now, then losses arise:
-for the company, in the form of a decrease in profitability, the lost profit increases;
-for top managers in the form of deterioration of relations with owners, who begin to have questions about work efficiency - they begin to cut positions, invite anti-crisis consultants who create their own rules in the company;
- for the HR service in the form of lowering budgets, increasing requirements for candidates and reducing their salaries.

By working to improve the efficiency of the onboarding process, you will significantly save the company's costs and increase the profitability of the departments in charge.
Of course, ideally it is necessary to apply all the described methods in a complex, but even a separately implemented tool increases efficiency significantly.

The success of any organization depends on the professionalism of its employees. Nowadays, managers no longer ask the question of whether staff need to be trained. Yes, this is a costly expense, but a very important one. First of all, the qualifications of workers will increase, which will meet the requirements of the market, as well as the prospect of career growth and motivation will increase.

5 reasons why you need to train staff

Let's consider five reasons, which confirm the importance of training:

1. If subordinates are now simply coping with the job, then after training they will be able to complete tasks much better and faster.

2. The more experienced the employees, the more options for further growth of the company.

3. It is more profitable to develop an employee than to hire an outside specialist.

4. Interesting training can become the main non-material motivation for employees.

5. The manager will not worry when he goes on vacation, because there will always be a reliable replacement for him.

Disadvantages of staff training: when you should not train employees

  • If there is no confidence in employees, it is likely that after upgrading their skills they will leave for a job that offers better conditions.
  • If the company does not plan to develop, and the skills of employees will increase, they will not be interested in working in such an organization. We figured out the pros and cons of employee training. Now let's get acquainted with the species.

Main types of personnel training

Training, retraining and advanced training are used to train personnel. The type is chosen depending on the goals of the company.

They use various forms and methods of personnel training: short-term, long-term and continuous, group and individual.

Short-term ones will save time and money, long-term ones will bring more benefits to the employee, and continuous ones are aimed at maintaining and developing the professional level of employees - they represent a set of activities.

Individual ones are for one person, and group ones are for a team.

Employee training methods are very diverse:

Methods are divided into active and passive. Knowledge can be acquired both at the workplace and at home.

So that you know how to train employees and get profit from this for your company, we’ll tell you about populartechniques.

Distance education. This format is quite often used in companies. Communication between teacher and student is carried out using the Internet. The student receives material to study and completes assignments. The level of knowledge is determined by testing. The course can be taken anywhere and at any time. The main thing is not to be lazy and complete tasks on time.

Video lessons relate to modern teaching methods: it is convenient to use in organizations. The method does not require finding a teacher or premises. Disadvantages include lack of communication with the lecturer. Video tutorials are good for explaining complex and controversial topics. It is better to see or hear once than to read seven times.

Lectures contain a large amount of information, are conducted for a large audience and in a short period of time. Employers are usually attracted by affordable prices. The disadvantage is the lack of “feedback”.

Seminars involve a limited number of listeners. The quality of teaching depends on the teacher's ability to conduct dialogue. The lecturer conveys theoretical material to the audience and finds out how the listeners learned it.

Trainings. Here, much attention is paid to developing theoretical material with the help of practical tasks. Unlike lectures, trainers give “feedback” to their students.

Using any of these methods, set the right tasks and choose the right solution.

Typical mistakes when training staff

If you are planning to provide employee training, check out typical mistakes and try not to repeat them:

  • The specifics of working in the company are not taken into account, but instead a ready-made course for a successful trainer is selected. As a result, learning efficiency decreases.
  • Few practical examples are used
  • After training, employees do not apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
  • When conducting short-term trainings, the acquired knowledge leaks. So, if employees quit, the course has to be repeated - this time for new employees.

Do not force colleagues to participate in training, but motivate them

How to make employee training more effective

If you are a manager and send an employee for training, discuss with him before starting the course:

  • what questions are important to know the answers to?
  • make a list of these questions;
  • what result do you expect?

After completing the course, find out:

  • what questions the employee received answers to;
  • what knowledge he can apply in his work and how he will do it;
  • when will this happen and what will it lead to.

In other words, it is important that at the next meeting the employee shares new knowledge and explains how it can be used for the benefit of the company.

If an organization is planning corporate training, it is advisable to hold a meeting and talk about the course, goals and expected results. After finishing, sum up the results, make a plan for introducing new knowledge into the work process and monitor the progress of resolving issues.

Training becomes necessary when the work demands of employees increase. It needs to be done regularly. Prospective participants must be motivated to complete the course.

Everyone will benefit. Employees will learn to work in a competitive business, improve the quality of knowledge, labor productivity, and qualifications. The employer will receive a team of specialists that will take the business to a new level.

Enterprises develop effectively based on many factors. One of them is the professional growth of their employees. Therefore, staff training is the key to the success of any company. Thanks to this, the employer has more qualified employees on its staff who perform high-quality work. The employee, having received training, improves his qualifications, which contributes to career advancement.

Why is staff training necessary in an organization?

Training and advanced training implies the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by employees. Often, new technologies appear in organizations and innovative equipment is introduced. They require appropriate qualifications. Personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge will not hinder the development of the organization. Therefore, it is beneficial for the employer to train their employees. According to Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to receive training and additional professional education, as well as undergo an independent assessment of qualifications. For this purpose, a corresponding agreement is concluded between the employer and employee.

Types of personnel training in an organization

For ease of understanding, we present the types of personnel training in the form of a table:

Employees are trained within the organization or outside it. When using the second option, the employee is disconnected from the production process.

Methods of training personnel in the organization

Teaching methods directly depend on the place of study:

  1. Methods of training employees outside the workplace:
    • Lectures – theoretical knowledge is given to employees orally.
    • Conferences and seminars - where discussions and debates are held, employees acquire new knowledge regarding correct behavior, and also learn to think logically.
    • Business games - all participants are given specially assigned roles and specific situations are assigned.
    • Training – during this training, the employee learns the basics of the activity.
    • Simulation – real working conditions are created. The student is given the task of making decisions in individual situations.
    • Self-study – employees study the proposed material themselves.
  2. On-the-job training methods:
    • Copying – a newbie repeats the work of an experienced employee.
    • On-the-job training – the employee receives clear information about working in a new place.
    • Mentoring – an employee is assigned a mentor who monitors the correctness of the work performed.
    • Rotation - an employee is transferred to another area of ​​work for several days to acquire new skills.
    • Complicating the task - first a person is given a simple job, then a more complex one. Each time the tasks are given more and more difficult.

In practice, other methods of on-the-job and on-the-job training can be used. The advantages of the second option are that a person works and in the course of work acquires knowledge and skills.

Forms of personnel training

Personnel training at the enterprise involves the following forms:

  • Experiential or experiential learning - a person learns on his own. However, this happens in some logical order.
  • Guided work - the teacher shows the trainee how to do the work. Then the student, under his guidance, does the work himself.
  • Program learning - the student studies information and answers clearly posed questions.
  • Computer training - the employee independently studies information on the Internet.
  • Active learning by doing - the employee gains knowledge while performing assigned tasks. Let's say participating in a group project.

Training and development of personnel in an organization is effective when its costs are lower than other costs associated with hiring errors.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of staff training

The effectiveness of staff training can be assessed in any of the following ways:

  • Testing after training.
  • Observing the work of a trained employee in the workplace.
  • Observing the reaction of a student employee during the training process.
  • Evaluating effectiveness in the form of a questionnaire.

The assessment criteria must be communicated to the employee before the start of training. After its completion, the results of the certification are reported to the personnel management service.

Order on sending for training

When sending an employee to training events, an order is issued to send the employee to training. It is compiled in any form. However, there are mandatory points that the training order must contain:

  • Company name.
  • Title of the document.
  • Date and order number.
  • Time and date of training.
  • Name of educational institution.
  • Payment order.
  • Signature of the manager and other interested parties.

Order for employee training - sample:

Training at the expense of the employer can be immediately paid for by the organization or compensated to the employee later.

Employee training at the expense of the organization: taxation

According to paragraph 21 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code, amounts for training in licensed institutions for employees are not subject to personal income tax. The same applies to tuition reimbursements. In addition, such amounts are not subject to insurance premiums (Article 422 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Let’s not start the article with truisms and talk about the benefits of employee training. Let’s just accept it as a fact: we need to improve our skills and learn new things, period. Since many people work remotely, let's talk about types of online learning. How to choose worthy courses, what is taught there and how to evaluate whether the study has brought results?

Examples when training is necessary

Imagine one of the following situations arises in your business:

  • you are expanding your staff and do not want to waste time training new employees;
  • you are gaining momentum and feel that the knowledge of your employees is no longer enough;
  • you see that by the quality of service;
  • you have entered into an agreement to sell a new collection of a famous brand: you need to teach managers how to sell it correctly;
  • you want to create the best team;
  • you want to get rid of conflicts in the team.

For each of these problems there is a solution. The main thing is to choose the right direction for online training and get your employees interested in it. You can study via the Internet without additional equipment: all you need is a computer with access to the World Wide Web, some programs (“Skype”, “Hangouts” and others), uninterrupted communication and, of course, finances. Many training centers offer different options for distance learning: group and individual, regular and intensive.

Types of online learning

Group training

  1. Video courses. As a rule, this is a series of training video lessons: employees watch them online, and then communicate with the organizer for understanding, and undergo practical training. For example, the first lesson: . Second lesson: . Lesson three: handling customer objections. Modern video courses are not boring lectures, but bright videos in . Such information is perceived easily and naturally.
  2. Intensives. These are concentrated courses where participants receive a huge amount of information in a short time. Intensive courses are similar to regular courses: they include theory and practice. They usually take place every day - for example, during the working week.
  3. Video conferences, webinars. As a rule, they are devoted to one topic or direction. For example, analysis of cases on increasing sales in online stores, training in specific sales techniques - for example,. A webinar usually lasts no more than an hour or two, an online conference may take longer. The presenter, or speaker, communicates with participants who may be sitting at monitors in different parts of the world. Anyone can ask questions verbally or via messages.
  4. Trainings. They involve purely practical classes: less theory, more “meat”. Often held in the form of a game, a master class, or teamwork. This is a great way to train specific skills and abilities of employees. For example, working out customer objections, exercises on concentration and memory, training in specific sales techniques. Here's an example, a cold calling simulator: sales managers listen and learn from the examples of others what to do and what not to do. After such training, they will answer any question automatically and confidently.

Individual training

If the online store is small and has few employees, it is not practical to pay for group training. Well, if only the most general course is about the basics of an online store. It is better to choose your own format for each employee: for an accountant - modern accounting programs, for a manager - for a designer - work in graphic programs. The only disadvantage of such training: you will not be able to control everyone, therefore - only trust and, of course, further evaluation of the results of the work.

How to prepare employees for training?

If you have an ideal team, sending employees to training will not be difficult. But most often, unfortunately, people are not so motivated and agree to study with dissatisfaction, even though the courses are provided at the expense of the company. We advise you to go through these few steps so that training is not a burden and brings real benefits to the online store.

1. Gather your employees and explain to them why you are purchasing distance learning courses. The explanation “well, it’s just necessary”, “everyone does it, and we will do it”, “because I said so” are not suitable. Be clear about the problem you want to solve with online training and tell employees what they will learn and how it will impact their work. If they are in the know and can offer interesting programs, it’s worth listening.

2. Form a group that will undergo training. Think about what you need first: to train new employees, improve the skills of old-timers, train one person, or simply improve the psychological climate in the team. Based on the goal, assemble a group.

Advice: if the group is large, include both successful workers and outsiders. The secret is simple: the weaker will follow the leaders, and even if at first they were not very eager to undergo training, then they will definitely get involved. Well, if they don’t get involved, draw conclusions about whether you need such amorphous employees at all.

3. Find out if employees have everything they need to start training. This is easy to do in the office: just walk through the offices and inspect the workstations. In addition to a computer and Internet access, take care of a microphone and a webcam: all of this may also be needed. Transfer money to remote employees to purchase the necessary training attributes, if they are not available.

4. Take care of who will replace your employees during the training. If the online store has interns, great, let them try themselves “in the fields.” If not, get on the phone yourself or attract partners. The training is unlikely to last longer than a week - you can handle it.

5. Warn customers on the website that employees are undergoing training and there may be difficulties with feedback. Be sure to apologize at the same time and note that subsequently the quality of service will noticeably improve. In a word, turn a possible negative into a positive.

6. Write down instructions and give them to each employee. For example, how to register on the website of the training organizers, how to enter your username and password, how to enter the program, install Skype, and so on.

7. Go through training yourself along with your employees. Even if you already know a lot, some of the nuances of the same manager’s work are still unfamiliar to you. Joint study will bring you closer to your subordinates and will give you the opportunity to supervise their work later with knowledge of the matter.

How to check if the training was successful?

The most important goal of any course is results. As a manager, you probably want to think that training money was not wasted. So, By what signs can you understand that the training has borne fruit?

1. Sales have increased. If previously managers did not close even half of the deals, now their percentage has become much higher. This is because they have learned and successfully apply them in their work. Simple and logical.

2. The number of satisfied customers has increased. It is possible that quantitative indicators will not increase immediately - pay attention to other criteria. For example, people began to leave more often and excellent service. Draw conclusions - it means your employees have been taught to be more loyal to customers. Or, for example, your programmer took a course and learned how to do it - separate for each product sold. The landing page itself, as we know, does not bring any special sales - but it brings customers to the main site, which means . Look at the statistics, and if traffic has increased significantly, then the result is obvious.

3. Labor productivity has increased. Previously, sellers processed ten orders a day, now - twenty. And all because the team completed the course and now does not waste working time on tea and cookies. Or another situation: the sales department was slowed down by a slow girl who couldn’t keep up with everyone and always found herself lagging behind. After the training, her personal efficiency increased significantly: the employee works faster and is about to become a leader.

4. The training time for beginners has been reduced. When an intern previously came to you, you gave him a mentor who brought him up to date, taught him the intricacies and intricacies of the work. This took a certain amount of time. If a short course in the specifics of operating an online store helped beginners quickly “get into” the specifics of work, then it was not in vain. The opposite situation is also possible: with personal contact with a mentor, training goes faster, because the newcomer who has completed the course constantly asks again and distracts other employees from their work. The conclusion is obvious: mentoring is the best way for your online store.

5. The psychological climate in the company has improved, employees have become more united and friendly. This often happens after group training, which takes place in the form of a game, fun team work. Emotions experienced together bring people together - which is what was needed to be achieved.

6. Satisfaction of training participants. I once went through a training, after which the main thought was “Is that all??” The coach said the most boring things, told truisms and taught our team absolutely nothing new. Needless to say, nothing from the three-day training was implemented into practice. This means that the organization threw money down the drain.

How to avoid falling for scammers

Distance learning courses on the Internet are now seemingly invisible. There are also scammers among them. Check the organizers from all sides so that the money for training does not go to waste.

  1. Don't choose solo coaches(unless, of course, it is Radislav Gandapas), but serious, time-tested companies. They have the necessary certificates and training licenses and impressive work experience. Sofa gurus, as a rule, only have a well-spoken tongue and huge ambitions.
  2. Read reviews on the Internet. Just enter the company name, coach name, contacts or bank details into the search engine and enjoy. If something worries you, it’s better not to get involved and look for a more reliable option.
  3. Make sure that the training conditions are as transparent as possible. Good trainers will tell you how the training will be carried out, how and for what to transfer payment, write out programs for each day, and provide guarantees. If they don’t give any specifics to your questions and get off with loud phrases and slogans, run away.
  4. Check how long the company or coach has been in business. If a website domain or social network page was registered a month ago, and its owner sings sweet songs about years of effective work, it is clear that this is a scammer.
  5. Pay attention to the price. If it is too low, it is clear that something is wrong. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap: - an obvious scam. No coach will work at a loss. At best, your employees will be offered a miracle program or script that “will do everything for them,” at worst, they will simply be abandoned.

And most importantly, don’t stop at just learning! Conduct it regularly: advanced training courses once a year, one-time webinars and trainings every quarter. This way you will strengthen your corporate culture, keep your employees on their toes and, of course, significantly increase their professionalism. Remember: the main thing is consistency!

is a purposeful, organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists and managers.

Under favorable circumstances, personnel training performs the important dual function of making the best use of the employee and motivating him.

Importance continuing education The following main factors confirm:

  • Introduction of new equipment, technology, production of modern goods, growth of communication capabilities;
  • The world is turning into a market with a high level of competition between countries. Countries with modern engineering labor systems and continuing education programs are leading the way in this competition;
  • Continuous and rapid changes in technology and computer science require continuous training of personnel;
  • It is more effective and cost-effective for a company to increase the productivity of existing employees based on their continuous training than to attract new employees.

Learning Objectives from the point of view of the employer and the specialist themselves are significantly different.

Purpose of training from the employer's point of view:
  • organization and formation of management personnel;
  • mastering the ability to identify, understand and solve problems;
  • personnel reproduction;
  • personnel integration;
  • flexible personnel formation;
  • adaptation;
  • introduction of innovations.
Goals of continuing education from the employee’s perspective:
  • maintaining at an appropriate level and improving professional qualifications;
  • acquisition of professional knowledge outside the scope of professional activity;
  • acquiring professional knowledge about suppliers and consumers of products, banks and other organizations influencing the work of the company;
  • development of abilities in the field of production planning and organization.

Training needs assessment

Planning training programs- an integral part of overall planning, along with calculating staffing needs, drawing up recruitment plans, .

Types of personnel training

Vary three types of training: training, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Personnel training- systematic and organized training and production of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, possessing a set of special knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication.

Staff development— training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of communication in connection with increasing requirements for the profession or promotion.

Personnel retraining— training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

Domestic and foreign experience has developed three concepts for training qualified personnel:

  1. Specialized training concept oriented to the present or near future and relevant to the relevant workplace. Such training is effective for a relatively short period of time, but from the employee’s point of view it contributes to job retention and also strengthens self-esteem.
  2. Multidisciplinary training concept is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases the intra-production and non-production mobility of the employee. However, the latter circumstance represents a known risk for the organization where the employee works, since he has the opportunity to choose and is therefore less tied to the corresponding workplace.
  3. The concept of person-centered learning, has the goal of developing human qualities inherent in nature or acquired in practical activities. This concept applies, first of all, to people who have a penchant for scientific research and have the talent of a leader, teacher, etc.
The subject of training is:
  • knowledge— obtaining theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge necessary for an employee to perform his duties in the workplace;
  • skills— the ability to perform the duties assigned to an employee at a specific workplace;
  • skills- a high degree of ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, skills presuppose such a measure of mastery of work when conscious self-control is developed;
  • ways of communication(behavior), the form of a person’s life activity - a set of actions and deeds of an individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, developing a character of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, social relationships, communication skills.

Types and methods of personnel training

How the training will take place - on the job or off the job - is determined mainly by what training methods will be used.

On-the-job training is carried out in a normal work environment: the trainee uses real work tools, equipment, documentation or materials that he will continue to use after completing the training course. In this case, the trained worker is considered as a partially productive worker.

Off-the-job training is carried out outside the workplace, usually using specially simplified training tools and equipment. The trained worker is not considered a productive unit from the moment the training begins; his work begins with the execution of exercises. Off-the-job training can take place on the employer's premises, at a training center attended by employees from several different companies, or at a college.

On-the-job training methods

Teaching methods

Directed acquisition of experience

Systematic planning of on-the-job training, the basis of planning is an individual vocational training plan, which sets out the training objectives

Production instruction

General information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with the new working environment

Change of workplace (rotation)

Gaining knowledge and gaining experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace. As a result of this, over a certain period of time, an idea of ​​the versatility of activities and production tasks is created (special programs for the younger generation of specialists)

Using workers as assistants and trainees

Training and familiarization of the employee with problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks while simultaneously taking on a certain share of responsibility


Collaboration between mentor and student, where the mentor provides continuous, impartial feedback and periodically checks the level of performance of the mentees. The method is effective in cases where something goes wrong or someone does something incorrectly and there is a need to correct this state of affairs. The method can be practiced systematically

Preparation in


Collaboration carried out for educational purposes in project teams created within an enterprise to develop large, time-bound tasks

Some forms of training are only possible on the job, such as job rotation, coaching, and training for types of work that are rarely required during the production process and therefore do not need to be specifically taught off-the-job. On the contrary, theoretical training is unlikely to be effectively implemented in a production environment; the student must attend college, and this is training away from the main place of work.

Professional methods off-the-job training are intended primarily to obtain theoretical knowledge and to teach the ability to behave in accordance with the requirements of the production environment.

Off-the-job training methods

Teaching methods

Characteristic features of the method


Passive teaching method, used to present theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical experience

Programmed training courses

A more active learning method, effective for gaining theoretical knowledge

Conferences, seminars, round tables, excursions, discussions, meetings with management

Active learning method, participation in discussions develops logical thinking and develops ways of behavior in various situations

A method of training management personnel based on independent solving of specific problems from production practice

Modeling of an organizational problem that the group participants (listeners) must solve. Allows you to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, provides for information processing, constructive-critical thinking, development of creativity in decision-making processes

Business games

Learning how to behave in various work situations, during negotiations, and role holders must develop alternative points of view

Daily training in which one instructs or trains another on the fundamentals of his activity through intensive training, demonstration and practical work in order to improve the effectiveness of the activity


The simplest type of training, for which neither an instructor, nor a special room, nor a specific time is required: the student learns where, when and how it is convenient for him, but this requires the consciousness and desire of the student himself to acquire new knowledge

Methods for solving production and economic problems using models

Modeling processes occurring at competing enterprises. Listeners distribute among themselves the roles of competing fictitious organizations. Using input data, students must make appropriate decisions for several stages of production of products or services (production, sales, financing, personnel issues, etc.)

Quality circle “instead of studying”, working group

Young specialists develop specific solutions to the problems of managing an organization, united in working groups. Proposals developed in working groups are transferred to the management of the organization, which reviews the proposals, makes decisions on them and informs the working group about the acceptance or rejection of its proposals

In addition to on- and off-the-job training, a combination of both methods is possible. These forms of training include:

  • experiential or experiential learning - learning through independent work, but in some logical order;
  • demonstration and guided practice— the trainer shows the trainee how to do it, then the trainer gives the opportunity to do it to the employee himself, but under his guidance;
  • programmed learning- a book or machine that “guides” the reader and periodically tests his knowledge by asking questions;
  • computer assisted learning— actually programmed training through interaction with a computer, use of the Internet;
  • action learning- learning by doing, such as participating with others in developing a project or group assignment, or working as a co-worker in another department.

Training of qualified personnel is effective if the costs associated with it will in the future be lower than the organization's costs of increasing labor productivity due to other factors or costs associated with errors in hiring labor. Since determining the results achieved through the training of qualified personnel is associated with certain difficulties, there is an economic efficiency of training in the form of cost reductions that can be accurately calculated. Training of qualified personnel affects important factors of social efficiency. Increasing professional skills has a positive effect on job security, on opportunities for promotion, on the expansion of the external labor market, on the amount of income of the organization, on self-esteem and opportunities for self-realization.

Staff training assessment

By calculating the costs of training and weighing them against the financial benefits to the company of a trained employee, testing the effectiveness of training can be extended to evaluation. However, the ease and accuracy of the assessment varies greatly:

  • the costs of off-the-job training are much easier to estimate than the costs of on-the-job training;
  • the financial benefits of training are much easier to calculate if we are talking about physical rather than mental labor;
  • It is quite easy to estimate the costs of inadequate training, for example, the cost of defects, damaged raw materials, customer complaints, overtime to correct errors;
  • the benefits of training go beyond simply improving operational efficiency;

Significant difficulties may arise when attempting to measure these benefits in financial terms.

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