Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal from work. Congratulations on leaving work - poems, prose, SMS

If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
Give up, you'll lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
Get it right, you're the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs
You will write about it!

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Wish from colleagues with dismissal

Here you are exhausted! As they say, do not be sad about what did not come true, but smile at what will come true ahead. Dismissal is not a reason for sadness, it is a reason to dream and create your own happiness, we, your colleagues, want to wish you! Do not lose optimism, diligence and faith in yourself. And then everything will surely come true for you!

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Retirement wishes

First, I wish you not to hang your nose. There is still a better place than this! Secondly, I wish not to forget the team. The team with which the working week imperceptibly flew by, with people from which it happened to be so fun to spend the weekend. And, of course, I wish you good luck and success in your search for a new job.

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Wish to the retiring

Going forward, do not look back at what you left behind. Remember that there is always something better ahead. So, when you quit your old job, know that you are opening up roads that were previously closed. So it's more fun to drive your ship on the sea of ​​life. And don't be discouraged when you quit your job!

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Wishes and congratulations to the departing

To leave, to leave the team and the workplace, is a little sad, because how much good is connected with all this. But since the share fell to leave, you should not hang your nose. All the changes now are only for the better, and there will also be a cozy workplace and a new, friendly team! We sincerely wish those who leave today great success and conquer new heights.

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Wish to the outgoing head of the enterprise

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May good luck always be with you
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with all your heart!
We wish you in a new place
Be successful, grow in your career!
And we hope you don't forget
Our close-knit team!

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Wishes for a departing employee

You are leaving us for free swimming. We would like to wish you that on your way you do not meet evil colleague sharks, financial shoals and reefs, vile and evil pirate bosses. May the sun of luck always shine on you and a fair wind blow, carrying you to promotions.

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A poem wishing colleagues from a retiring

Well, guys, I'm leaving
I'm fine with layoffs!
But I sincerely feel sorry for our team,
After all, I've gotten used to it over the years!
Work successfully and, of course, together,
Call if you need anything
And you still don't forget about me
And if you want - visit!
I will be happy to meet anyone
I will always find a word for everyone!
And I'll treat you to tea, or maybe something stronger,
And we will all live - great!

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Regardless of the challenges you face in your workplace, when you decide to quit, it can be difficult for you to say goodbye to your co-workers. Try to make the most of your breakup by making your breakup heartfelt and inclusive. You may need to contact some of your former colleagues in the future, so you need to say goodbye to them with tact and grace. Whether you say goodbye in person or via email, it shouldn't be stressful for you.


personal farewell

    Announce your departure well in advance. You don't have to do this on your last day at work, as it may seem rude or indecent to many. Try to make sure that all your colleagues know about your departure before you no longer appear in the office.

    • In most cases, you must submit your resignation letter 2 weeks in advance (unless otherwise specified in your contract).
    • After submitting the application, you can inform your colleagues about the departure. Announce this when appropriate, but be sure to advance, and not on your last working day.
  1. Say goodbye on the eve of the last day of work. Say goodbye on the penultimate day to give your colleagues some time to process the fact that you are leaving. The time before departure day will also give you a chance to finish all your projects without a flood of colleagues wanting to say goodbye to you.

    • After you've announced that you're leaving, chances are your colleagues will stop by to say goodbye from time to time. In this regard, parting can be made easier if you have completed all your tasks.
  2. Meet people one on one. Pack your things early so you have time to say goodbye to your colleagues individually. This may give you a sense of the end of working together, because this will be the last time you meet as colleagues.

    Be brief. Say goodbye to colleagues like a pro. There is no need to make a long speech. Tell colleagues that you enjoyed working with them, that you wish them well, and that you will contact them.

    • If your colleague quits, don't take too much time to say goodbye, as other colleagues may also come to say goodbye to him. Even if you are upset by the fact that this particular employee is leaving, keep your emotions to yourself.
    • Just tell him, “Mark! I enjoyed working with you. You are a good person. Let me know how you're doing, okay?"
  3. Maintain a positive attitude. If you've been suspended or fired, it can be difficult for you not to lose your temper when saying goodbye to co-workers. However, you should try to remain calm in order to present yourself in the most professional light possible. Even if you're upset, stay calm and be brief.

    Invite your close colleagues to a farewell meeting after work. Most likely, among your colleagues you have friends, enemies and people to whom you are indifferent, so you should not invite everyone in a row.

    • For a farewell meeting after work, invite only the closest colleagues who have become your friends. At such a meeting, you will be able to speak with them more frankly and establish closer ties for the future.

Sending a farewell email

  1. Make your corporate letter comprehensive. If you're saying goodbye to colleagues in a department or company and you can't say goodbye to each of them, kindly thank them. You should include people you don't know personally, as it's ethically correct to do so. The letter might include something like:

    • Dear colleagues! As you may have heard, I am leaving my post tomorrow (state your position). I want to say that it was a great pleasure to work with all of you. I would like to stay in touch; You can contact me at (your email) or at (your LinkedIn profile). Thanks for the time we worked together. Sincerely, (your name).
  2. Maintain a positive tone. You could write about the difficulties associated with your job (especially if you were fired). However, it's best to maintain a positive tone in order to present yourself in the best possible light. A positive attitude will make you more likely to communicate with colleagues in the future.

    • It's always good to end on a positive note, so try to be positive about the company (as much as possible). This is especially important if you are sending a letter to your manager.
  3. Write a short and meaningful letter. There is no need to disclose the real reason for your departure. If your colleagues have questions, ask them to contact you directly. In the letter, simply indicate that you are moving forward and have decided to try yourself in a different position.

  4. Enter your contact details. The farewell letter should end with your contact details. Be clear about your mobile phone number, email address, and Linkedin account address. However, do not share your personal contact information if you are not comfortable with it.

    • You can also select multiple colleagues to share personal contact information with.
  5. Read the letter before sending it to make sure that it is free of errors, that it is grammatically correct, and that the tone of the letter is friendly and positive.

    • Make sure you include everything you wanted in your email.
    • You can read your email aloud to identify the unpleasant (or embarrassing, or ugly) moments.
  6. Speak face-to-face with colleagues close to you. It's generally rude to tell your friends you're leaving by email. Try to say goodbye to them in person or at least by phone.

    • If you are unable to meet close colleagues in person, send them personal letters. Provide them with personal contact information so you can stay connected outside of the office.
    • A personal email might include something like: “Dear (name of colleague of the author), as you may have heard, I am leaving this company tomorrow. It was a pleasure to work with you and I will miss your positive energy. I would like to stay in touch and I hope that we can meet outside of the office. You can contact me on my phone (number) or on (your email). Thanks for the time we worked together. Sincerely, (your name)."

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

  1. Don't make false promises. If you have no intention or desire to stay in touch with a certain colleague, do not make false promises about future meetings. You will be considered an insincere and deceitful person. Be sincere and honest - if you do not want to communicate with someone from the employees after your dismissal, do not do it or promise to do so (remember that no one is forcing you to do this!).

    • If you think your intentions to keep in touch with some colleagues offend others, keep your plans to yourself. It doesn't have to go around every corner about how you'll be interacting with certain employees even after you're gone.

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!

Once this happens,
So, so be it.
Who suddenly leaves work -
Don't go to work.
You can lie down in the morning
On the bed and then
Do not rush, do not scatter -
Low start and sharp at seven.
It's all in the past
We congratulate you on this.
It will be difficult at first
After all, habit is superior to us.
You will find yourself in another
Things that matter to people.
Yes, you can visit us
Let's drink some tea.
Congratulations on deciding
Our age is complex, not simple.
You were in a hurry to find yourself
Well, we are for you - a mountain!
Let's sum it all up
Sending congratulations!

We accompany you
And we wish, loving:
At work, so good luck
And solve problems in the family!
Save a lot of money
And in love, contentment to live!
A whole year to plow with might and main,
To rest on the sea!
And earthly love to you,
Warm, gentle and dear!
Team for cognac,
Gives warm congratulations!

Leaving work - joy or misfortune?
It's not for us to judge this...
And I just wish you happiness
Always remember one thing:
What is family, friends, colleagues.
We will never forget
Our career successes
We will remember you forever!

The hour of parting has come
We sat down together at the table,
It will be sad without you
The family is falling apart!
You were a friend - what you need,
We are not happy to part
We wish you good luck
Kiss you hot!
So that without us you are not sad,
So that you live even cooler!
To drink cognac
Goodbye - congratulations!

Congratulations on your relief!
Your worries are at the door
Let's celebrate joyfully
Your departure from this job!
Do not be sad and do not be sad -
Stage passed already
Hurry up with the spirit, gather
To work "to your liking"!

Here is the end of the work
The rumble of a worker is silent somewhere ...
But why should we be sad?
After all, she is not a wolf at all.
Will wait in another place for us,
Won't run away
In the meantime, we grab two hundred
For a free life!

Congratulations on leaving your job!
Now - a new life ahead.
You are now just a pilot
Aircraft named "life".
Let it now be true, successful
The new route chosen today.
Let any problems, tasks
Resolved easily, without confusion!

You slammed the door from work
And walking proudly
The boss took your eyes off
Washing men's tears.
He couldn't hold you
And now he bites his elbows
And be angry with yourself
After all, the genius is gone, he understands ...
A genius after a couple of days
Relaxing and taking a hot bath
In any will come from the door,
To prove everything again - by deeds.

You are now a free boy
You are a free man.
We sincerely wish
Relax for a lifetime!
Get creative
Look for new thoughts
To work new
Could sparkle with ideas!
May you not know loans
Let there be more time
So that in a new team
Grow to the award!

Many new impressions

The beginning of new experiences
And don't be sad about the past
We congratulate you
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, ours will congratulate
At the end of it.

You gave strength to the work,
They honestly deserved to rest,
So leaving work
Better than a holiday, Saturday.
Rest well
Walk with your soul
Get off you again
Don't get up for work.

Few notice this.
Leaving work is a dubious happiness.
But you should still celebrate.
You changed your life overnight.
Now everything will be from scratch
New horizons will open.
Get some rest, you're so tired.
Your happiness lies in changing jobs.

You worked side by side with us
For several years and winters,
And now you've already enjoyed
And happy now with others.
You aim to go higher
So keep our congratulations:
Let the poet write about you
A couple of important and significant lines.

No more worries
Get up early in the morning
And hurry up quickly from work,
To indulge in rest.
Congratulations on your resignation
That is, with an indefinite vacation!
There will be changes in favor
For health, that's for sure!

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!
After all, honestly, only loving,
Were happy to fill up with work!
But the farewell breeze blew,
And you, like an autumn leaf, swirling,
Reading this farewell congratulation
You're leaving after serving with us so much.

"Seven feet under the keel! Favorable wind!
And I'm unemployed now.
So that I do not return, my former director
He locked the door behind me.
I just don't know what to wish for myself!
Should I go and drink some wine?
I love wine. Although, no! I wish
So that the wife does not drink!

Today is such a beautiful day
And, seeing your eyes clean, clear
The gift of speech can be lost
But we have come not to be silent!
We wish you, sun
Always win the fight
The same bright, kind to be,
And don't go with the flow!
We wish you many ideas
Family, your home, a crowd of children,
(or - "Love, raise your children")
And so that you, a good person,
Don't forget us - your colleagues!

Colleagues, are you ready?
Farewell to say a word!?
'Cause deep down I know
That you are not happy about parting!
I wish you happy stay
And I promise to remember you!

Days pass, years fly by.
You stay young.
You don't age an ounce
You don't feel gray.
And that's why you stayed young
That heart and soul did not give up,
Don't stop believing in yourself
I didn’t forget my friends, and the doors,
which you open to them,
Always friendly, hospitable,
Just like you, you are the best in the world!
And you know it best
What happens in life
Dreams don't come true right away
Problems are sharply covered,
But only friends whom you will not forget in heart and soul,
They will understand you, they will always support you, because these are the same people,
Who will not be abandoned in trouble, just like you,
Without asking, they will always support and help,
Show the right path
They serve as a strong foundation.
Your hour will come and you will reach
That which he aspired to strongly,
And in the days of dawn and success
Your business will be fine!

May good luck always be with you
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with all your heart!
We wish you in a new place
Be successful, grow in your career!
And we hope you don't forget
Our close-knit team!

You leave work
That was your choice.
And new worries
So be ready for them.
. We need change -
It's so boring to live without them.
I wish you luck
And don't be sad at all!

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!
After all, honestly, only loving,
Were happy to fill up with work!
But the farewell breeze blew,
And you, like an autumn leaf, swirling,
Reading this farewell greeting
You're leaving, having served with us so much

And no bonuses, no benefits
Couldn't hold you
You quit your job
They chose to be free.
We understand, a valuable frame
The house and family was chosen,
More importantly, no doubt
For those who live in love!

Achievements are waiting for you ahead,
Many new impressions
Leaving work, starting a new path,
The beginning of new experiences
And don't be sad about the past
We congratulate you
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, our congratulations
At the end of it.

If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
Give up, you'll lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
Get it right, you're the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs
You will write about it!

You're quitting, what a pity you're quitting.
All paths are now open to you.
Now you lie in bed to your heart's content,
After all, you can't go to work.
We wish you fragrance flowers
And a million untrodden roads.
Well, good luck with your endeavors.
And a purse full to the brim.

If change in life is always for the better,
Do not regret anything, there will be happiness in the future.
After all, you are a wonderful worker, you have nothing to be sad,
You will have a rest and in a new place you will surprise with work.

And we also wish - you do not forget about us,
We will remain friends, so you visit us.
We wish you happiness, it will be - just know
Congratulations on your new job soon!

You are our dear colleague, we respect you very much.
And today, as a team, with a slight sadness, we see off.
You were an example for us, a good friend and support,
Infecting daily with optimism and enthusiasm.
Your kind smile warmed me with warmth.
You are leaving guided by a guiding star.
We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult your path may be.
You don't forget us. We won't forget you either!

Today you leave our team,
To rush to new shores.
You leave us alone to work,
And therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you incredible luck
To solve effectively and easily
Fate, sometimes difficult, tasks
And to flourish in a new place!

Cool wishes for a colleague upon dismissal

You decided to leave us, well - good luck in everything.
Without you, we will have to solve problems here.
We will remember you as a team.
Your site is tough, it's not for the lazy.
Finally, we wish you happiness
You can keep it, that's for sure.
If anything, grab the tail, hug - and that's it,
Warm on your chest, but look - do not brag,
It's better to just share it, because it is
If you start giving people away, it will come back three times.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change,
Guiding star, let him lead boldly through life.
There will be a new job, interesting, cool.
And with a huge salary, to rest in Hawaii.

There will be good bosses and will appreciate what they deserve
And it will be more likely to advance up the career ladder.
In general, like this: you should not be sad, you need to keep your nose up,
Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

Are you leaving colleague? Well, a tablecloth path!
After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “The road to dinner is a spoon.”
It can be seen somewhere looked after a decent place?
Don't be angry, this is a joke. We sincerely wish you
The sky is peaceful, health and, of course, good luck,
Fighting mood and great love to boot.
To live and work with enthusiasm, inspiration.
You, colleague, can do anything, even the sea is knee-deep.

Today we will follow
We are on a good path to you,
We are here alone now to plow,
But don't forget us!

Come visit more often -
For tea and just like that!
We wish you to get
More new goodies!

Wish to a colleague upon dismissal in prose

It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave and we stay. You leave not because it is bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. Let in life you meet only good people who will help, appreciate, teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Well, it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will surely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of. The main thing is not to regret anything and move only forward, towards new horizons!

Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are eternally grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause. You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Greet and see him off with a grateful smile. Live long in love and happiness!

Colleague! Let your dismissal be the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, real prosperity, amazing benefits!

Wishes to a retiring colleague in your own words

You're about to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear from you. We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to seek, to go forward, to strive for the ideal. Let all barriers part before you and all doors open. We sincerely wish you this.

It's very sad to part. There are many joint working days, successful start, achievements left behind. We will sincerely miss you. But we believe that everything will be great for you: an interesting new job, a good salary and career advancement. And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck!

Dear colleague, we would like to find such words for you that they will be remembered for a long time. You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious fruitful work. Seeing you off, our team wishes you good unbreakable health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and longevity in the Caucasus!

Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. So, you are waiting for unexplored horizons and, possibly, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. May these changes be positive!

Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal

Breaking up with you is hard. After all, today a mentor and a friend, an experienced worker and just a good person are leaving the team. But, your desire is the law, and no one can forbid you to meet a better life. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the life of each of us.
Good luck in your endeavors
success ahead.
Like this, and not otherwise -
Have a good trip!

In life, sometimes you have to make difficult life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them. It is not a pity to leave, but we must hope and believe that the best is ahead: new prospects, friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words, the beginning of a new interesting life.
Let change into your life
Sometimes it's hard sometimes
But always be brave in life
And fate will smile again!

We, your colleagues, part with you with regret. You have been a model of diligence and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help fellow workers. Many thanks to you from the whole team! We dedicate a few lines of poetry to you:

Thank you to our friendly team.
Let neither thorns nor thunderstorms stand in your way.
You are friends: a fair wind, a clear hello to the sun.
We sincerely wish you good health and long life!

Colleague, with the dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always waiting for your visit!

You have a close-knit team
Wishing you nice days
Great new vistas
Colleagues, like us, good!

We are in the process of layoffs at work. And many write farewell letters. I wonder if it is necessary to write them at all, or is it better to leave silently in English? Although the letters received are positive:

1 Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today is my last working day in the Delta...
During the time spent in this friendly team, I learned a lot, found new friends, acquired invaluable professional skills.
I think that in the future I will hardly find such close-knit and sympathetic people. That's what made working at Delta enjoyable for me. Come to work and finish it with a smile.
I wish the company and all employees well-being and prosperity. I will be proud to work with you.

With best wishes.
2 Dear friends, beloved colleagues!

Today is my last working day at Delta Telecom CJSC… Literally 20 minutes ago I signed my last connection contract and served my last client…

Somehow this "last moment" reminded me of October 2007, when I was preparing and reading my last newscast on the radio station "Love Radio". Then it seemed to me that something broke inside me, abruptly ceased to exist ...

But as time and recent events in my life have shown, everything and everything is returning: your colleagues who have become best friends during your work, old contacts and connections that have turned into new exciting prospects in your life during your absence, good deeds that have returned to you and become for you a real gift of Life.

Friends, I am grateful to you for the experience and the lessons that I learned from communicating with each of you, for the time we were together, for the work that we did together, for the holidays that we arranged together! I am convinced that no economic crisis can be compared with an intangible, spiritual crisis - after all, the inner emptiness of a person is much more tragic than a slightly empty wallet ...

I wish you to love and be loved, sincerely do good deeds and receive only good in return, believe in your dream and not give up. In a word, be and remain happy people! And about the economy, one thing can be said: "It will not always be like this"!

I am glad that I worked next to you and, honestly, I will miss you! See you soon!

With sincere goodbyes

3Dear Colleagues…

So my last day of work in the Delta came to an end.

Thank you for the warm welcome when I first arrived.
Thank you for the friendly and warm atmosphere during work, understanding and Respect.

I was very pleased to work in our company and in your company.

I believe, regardless of the ups and downs of life, good luck will always accompany you. Let it be.


4 Dear friends!
Very little time is left before the completion of my work at Delta Telecom. I spent these happy years surrounded by professionals in their field, with a sense of family warmth and gratitude in my heart.
Working in the Delta Telecom team was a great honor for me.
Separately, I want to thank: Svetlana Kashtanova for her trust and the opportunity to work in a company that is a leader in the telecommunications market; Ekaterina Komkova for understanding and participation in solving problems of employees; Mikhail Gulyaev for creating a trusting climate in the team; Svetlana Zholobova for polls, statistics and grapes; Tatyana Vashchenkova for favorite contracts; Larisa Marutkina for her contribution to the development of my professional personality. I also want to mention everyone and everyone with whom fate brought me together in Delta Telecom.
Thank you very much for your understanding, support, and excellent collaboration!
Delta Telecom will forever remain in my heart as an important part of my life. I'm leaving the company, but I remain in the team. Now as a reliable client.
I wish the company prosperity, and all of you - professional, career growth, new successes, family well-being, personal happiness and harmony!

5 Goodbye, Delta!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

My last day of work at Skylink is over. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support, understanding and cooperation! It was a pleasure for me to work together with a team of real professionals in their field, people with a capital letter and, as it turned out, with real friends!

So sometimes it happens that the paths of life diverge, with someone for a while, with someone forever. But I am sure that friends always go with you through life, every minute, regardless of whether they are next to you now or not.

I want to wish you all good luck, health, prosperity and true friends! Let all desires turn into goals, and correctly set goals, as you know, are always achieved!

I say to each of you: "Goodbye!".

6. Dear colleagues!

My last working day, or rather night, has come to an end.

I want to say goodbye and express my sincere gratitude to everyone with whom I had to work and communicate, for their invariably friendly attitude, constant willingness to help, patience and delicacy.

I wish our (now your) company prosperity, and health to all of you and each individually,
always good mood and "fulfillment of all dreams"!

Good luck to you!

Soon I will write the same letter.

What else to read