Write an essay on the topic of space. Why space exploration is important for each of us

Space exploration

Definition 1

Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer space using space technology.

The development of large rocket engines and liquid fuels in the early twentieth century provided a practical perspective on space exploration.

Current indications for space exploration include scientific progress, and the ability to ensure the future survival of humanity. There are also important political and ethical issues associated with space exploration.

Note 1

The beginning of space exploration was caused by the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States of America.

Subsequently, Competition changed to cooperation, as can be seen in the example of the International Space Station. Since the early 90s of the twentieth century, individuals have become interested in space tourism. Large government companies have begun working on space exploration for manned missions to the Moon and possibly the planet Mars.

Problems associated with space exploration

  • It is much more expensive to perform certain tasks by people than if the same tasks were performed by robots or machines. People need large spacecraft that are capable of preserving life in the harsh conditions of outer space. A number of scientists believe that some tasks that require human intervention do not outweigh the enormous costs of sending people into space.
  • Some people also have moral objections to the enormous costs of space programs. They say it would be of great benefit if part of the money spent on space missions was spent on fighting disease and hunger in the world. However, compared to other expensive projects such as military activities, space exploration receives a very small percentage of the total budgets of countries pursuing space programs.
  • Besides, why spend so much time and money to learn something new about Mars or any other planet when we know so little about our own planet? We must learn more about the Earth and the ocean before we spend time and money on space exploration.
  • According to modern data, there are about $3000$ tons of space debris in near space, which is approximately $1$% of the mass of the entire upper atmosphere. Growing space debris poses a serious threat to space stations and human missions.
  • Modern chemical engines are ineffective for flights to the distant planets of our solar system. In the future, it is planned to use spaceships with nuclear and thermonuclear engines.

In general, public opinion supports space exploration, perhaps due to ignorance of the problems that accompany exploration.

The future of space exploration

The idea of ​​using high-level automated systems for spaceflight has become a desirable goal for space agencies around the world. Such systems are believed to offer advantages such as lower cost as well as the ability to explore depths of space.

Space colonization is the concept of permanent autonomous (self-sufficient) human settlements in areas beyond Earth. The first such colonization is the permanent presence of humans in space, such as on the International Space Station. Colonization of the Universe is one of the main themes of former science fiction and modern science.

While most people think of colonies on the Moon and Mars, others argue that the first colonies may be in Earth's orbit. Several groups from NASA and other institutions are studying the possibility of creating orbital colonies.

At the time of the lunar landing in 1969, many sincerely believed that by the beginning of the 21st century, space travel would become commonplace, and earthlings would begin to fly to other planets. Unfortunately, this future has not yet arrived, and people have begun to doubt whether we even need this space travel. Maybe the moon is enough? However, space exploration continues to provide us with invaluable information in the fields of medicine, mining and security. And, of course, progress in the study of outer space has an inspiring effect on humanity!

1. Protection from a possible collision with an asteroid

If we don't want to end up like the dinosaurs, we need to protect ourselves from the threat of a collision with a large asteroid. As a rule, about once every 10 thousand years, some celestial body the size of a football field threatens to crash into the Earth, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the planet. We really should be wary of such “guests” with a diameter of at least 100 meters. The collision will raise a dust storm, destroy forests and fields, and doom those who survive to starvation. Special space programs are aimed at identifying a dangerous object long before it approaches the Earth and knocking it off its trajectory.

2. The possibility of new great discoveries

A considerable number of various gadgets, materials and technologies were originally developed for space programs, but later they found their application on Earth. We all know about freeze-dried products and have been using them for a long time. In the 1960s, scientists developed a special plastic coated with a reflective metal coating. When used in the production of conventional blankets, it retains up to 80% of a person’s body heat. Another valuable innovation is nitinol, a flexible but resilient alloy created for satellite production. Dental braces are now made from this material.

3. Contribution to medicine and healthcare

Space exploration has led to many medical innovations for earthly use: for example, a method of injecting anti-cancer drugs directly into a tumor, equipment with which a nurse can perform an ultrasound and instantly transmit data to a doctor thousands of kilometers away, and a mechanical manipulator arm that performs complex actions inside the MRI machine. Pharmaceutical developments in the field of protecting astronauts from loss of bone and muscle mass in microgravity conditions have led to the creation of drugs for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Moreover, these drugs were easier to test in space, since astronauts lose about 1.5% of bone mass per month, and an elderly woman on Earth loses 1.5% per year.

4. Space exploration inspires humanity to new achievements

If we want to create a world in which our children aspire to become scientists and engineers, rather than reality TV hosts, movie stars or financial tycoons, then space exploration is a very inspiring process. It's time to ask the growing generation the question: "Who wants to be an aerospace engineer and design a vehicle that can enter the thin atmosphere of Mars?"

5. We need raw materials from space

There is gold, silver, platinum and other valuable metals in outer space. Some international companies are already thinking about mining asteroids, so it is possible that the profession of a space miner will appear in the near future. The Moon, for example, is a possible "supplier" of helium-3 (used for MRI and considered as a possible fuel for nuclear power plants). On Earth, this substance costs up to 5 thousand dollars per liter. The moon is also considered a potential source of rare earth elements such as europium and tantalum, which are in high demand for use in electronics, solar cells and other modern devices.

6. Space exploration may help answer a very important question.

We all believe that there is life somewhere in space. In addition, many believe that aliens have already visited our planet. However, we still have not received any signals from distant civilizations. That's why scientists searching for extraterrestrial civilizations are ready to deploy orbital observatories, for example, the James Webb Space Telescope. This satellite is scheduled for launch in 2018, and with its help it will be possible to search for life in the atmospheres of distant planets outside our solar system based on chemical signatures. And this is just the beginning.

7. People have a natural desire for exploration.

Our primitive ancestors, originally from East Africa, settled throughout the planet, and since then, humanity has never stopped the process of moving. We always want to explore and experience something new and unknown, whether it's a short jaunt to the moon as a tourist, or a long interstellar journey spanning multiple generations. Several years ago, a NASA executive articulated the distinction between the “understandable reasons” and the “real reasons” for space exploration. The understandable reasons are questions of economic and technological advantage, while the real reasons include concepts such as curiosity and the desire to leave a mark.

8. Humanity will probably have to colonize outer space to survive.

We've learned how to send satellites into space, which helps us monitor and combat Earth's pressing problems, including wildfires, oil spills, and depleted aquifers. However, a significant increase in population, banal greed and unjustified frivolity regarding environmental consequences have already caused serious damage to our planet. Scientists believe that the Earth has a “carrying load” of 8 to 16 billion, and there are already more than 7 billion of us. Perhaps it’s time for humanity to prepare to explore other planets for life.

Cool! 36

People have always thought a lot about what awaits us there, among the stars: many films and books are devoted to space exploration, but there are even more that ask: are we alone in the universe?

In fact, this is one of the most important questions in the world - is there anyone else in space like us humans, or are we the only race of intelligent beings in the entire universe. Even scientists, the smartest people on our planet, cannot come to one simple answer - there are many different opinions.

The Universe is very large, its exact size is not known to anyone, and due to our not very developed technologies, we can only use the methods available to us to study it. One of them is radio signals. If we receive such a signal and decipher it, it will definitely mean that we are not alone in the universe.

And scientists actually heard such a signal - using the Big Ear radio telescope. This signal is called "Wow" because Dr. Eyman, who recorded it, circled it with a red pen and wrote the word "Wow" in the margin. He was very surprised - and for good reason. This signal was most likely sent by some other civilization, which also has not mastered space very well, but already knows how radio works. The signal came from the constellation Sagittarius - maybe our future friends live there.

Space is almost completely unexplored by humanity - and I think that after all, we are not alone. Recently, scientists discovered a new planetary system, in which there were as many as seven planets similar to our Earth. Yes, aliens don’t live there, although maybe we haven’t studied them very well yet, and there is still intelligent life there, even if it’s the same as we had in the days of cavemen. But a person will someday fly to these planets - which means there are other worlds in which creatures similar to us could appear.

Some scientists say that there are no aliens because they have not yet contacted us. But in general, technology on our planet is also poorly developed, and there was also the danger that we would all die from nuclear weapons, which are dangerous not only for those who use them. It has very dire consequences. What if our closest space neighbors also fought, but died after using nuclear bombs? Or no one has arrived yet, because we live, for example, in a part of space where no one flies. In Russia we have huge taiga forests, in which people also live, but they are difficult to get to. Who knows, what if the Earth is located in the area of ​​such a cosmic “taiga”?

But it’s still better to hope that we will meet other intelligent species. Who knows, maybe aliens are already living among us, like in Men in Black, or watching us from afar. They are probably waiting for us to become kinder, stop fighting and start living as one big family with our entire planet, so that they can fly in and offer us friendship and peace.

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Space is infinity...

Everyone loves to look at the stars! I don't know a single person who wouldn't like to do this. Living twinkling lights will fascinate anyone. Peering into the starry sky, everyone wants to find there some answer to their question. The night sky is a big mystery. When I look at him, I feel an impulse, a desire for something.

Even in ancient times, people were very interested in the question: “What is there, above, behind the clouds?” And without special devices they managed to somehow study, recognize, reason and guess about what the Sun and Moon are. Many of the ancient people thought that the cosmos was a deity. They gave names to the planets, worshiped them and made sacrifices.

For a long time, humanity has been on its way to conquering outer space. First there were attempts to borrow wings from birds, then they came up with an aeronautical apparatus. Later, thanks to the development of science, airplanes and spaceships were built.

Every year on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. Thisdate set to commemorate first flight man into outer space.

In our time of high technology, scientists every day observe space, other planets and stars. In the last century alone, many discoveries have been made. Today we know about our native galaxy - the Milky Way, about the solar system, all its planets and the place of our Earth in the system, how meteorites and comets, stars and planets are formed. We must try to unravel what the Universe is to the end! I would like to believe that besides our Earth, there is another planet on which intelligent beings live.

It’s not for nothing that people have been noticing strange flying objects and glows in the sky since ancient times. It is possible that these aliens want to find contact with us, to study our civilization, culture and way of life. Anomalous phenomena and mysterious crop circles, weren’t it our brothers in mind who left us messages that no one can decipher to this day? What if, when we look through a telescope and observe space, someone is also watching us?

In any case, we still have to learn many more interesting secrets of the Universe.

Everything unknown attracts you. That is why the starry sky attracted people so much. For a long time, inquisitive minds have tried to unravel the riddle of the universe, to study space, the universe. Many scientists paid with their lives for their work, as religion and science went separately. However, subsequent generations did not abandon their attempts to explore the mysteries of the heavens.

For many centuries, humanity's interest in the sky has not dried up. The very first explorers of the starry sky were astrologers. They were engaged in predicting fate based on the position of the stars; today they are called astrologers. Science moved forward, a new branch of knowledge appeared - astronomy, which studied celestial bodies.

With the invention of new equipment - the telescope, people learned that the sun is a star, the Moon is a satellite of the Earth and that the Earth is not the only planet. For a long time, space flight was a fantasy. Works of fiction about the cherished dream of progressive humanity were published, scientists worked tirelessly to develop aircraft. And already at the beginning of the 20th century, the first rocket capable of overcoming gravity was designed.

But, unfortunately, such an important invention was left without due attention due to world wars, which significantly interfered with the development of astronautics. The dream was still a dream.

As developing countries recovered from the effects of war, space exploration continued. The famous Soviet scientist Sergei Korolev created and launched the first artificial Earth satellite. This event became a worldwide sensation, and soon people started thinking about sending a living creature into space.

The first visitors to outer space were our faithful friends - dogs. And only then did they decide to send a person beyond the Earth. April 12, 1961 will forever go down in history as the day the dream of all mankind came true. Yuri Gagarin became the first person to open the road to space. After which he became an idol throughout the world, and today everyone knows the name of this great man.

The great powers began to compete in space exploration and a few years later the famous American Neil Armstrong entered the territory of the Moon, the whole world followed his first steps. And finally, the dream came true, today flights into space have become regular. There is even an opportunity to visit space as a tourist. Projects are being created to build hotels in Earth's orbit and it seems that very soon science fiction will become reality.

Source: www.sdamna5.ru

People are just grains of sand in a vast and vast space. Our whole life, all our affairs, problems and joys, ups and downs happen on one small ball, lonely rotating around a star. We still don’t know much about space; years, centuries, millennia will pass and this long beautiful road to space will open for humanity. I really want to believe that this will be the case.

When Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time in world history on the Vostok spacecraft, the world shook. This very great event for humanity is a significant attempt by man to pave his way into space.

Today the world has become completely different. The International Space Station, with its brave astronauts on board, orbits the Earth 16 times a day. Space agencies of different countries very often launch near-Earth satellites, and the SpaceX company plans to deliver a person to Mars by 2026!

We do not cease to improve our knowledge about space and the development of technologies, and someday this knowledge will reach levels that humanity cannot even dream of now. We do not have the opportunity to fly to the nearest stars, we even have difficulty going beyond the boundaries of our native Solar systems. The infinitely long and beautiful road to space is still closed to us.

To send the necessary rockets into low-Earth orbit, a lot of money is needed, which is why the further development of astronautics in general depends on money. I think that we need to look for inexpensive and at the same time quite practical ways to launch space rockets and shuttles. It is a pity that the eternal problem of all humanity - lack of funds - has also affected space issues.

I really want to believe that there are smart and inventive people on our planet, thanks to whom we can learn about what the cosmos is hiding today.

We will definitely overcome all problems, be it the level of technology development, price or something completely different; there can be a great many obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. Now, of course, we still lack the highest level of development of astronautics, but I believe that the brilliant minds of humanity will someday be able to open for us a real and long-awaited road to space.

Source: snipeclass.ru

On a clear summer night, looking into the starry sky, a person involuntarily freezes before the grandeur and beauty of space. The real depth of the sky is accessible to man precisely at night, when countless scatterings of stars, mysterious and distant, shine in the darkness.

Since ancient times, man has tried to explain what is behind the clouds, why the stars shine, why they fall from the sky. The world above a person’s head appears huge and requires study, just like the world under his feet.

Most of the ancients considered the cosmos to be a deity and gave their own names to the planets and stars. People made hypotheses about what this heavenly world was like. They endowed celestial bodies with human qualities; it seemed to them that everything in the world revolved around the Earth.

So, now the versions about a flat earth, a turtle and three elephants seem funny to us. Today we know about the place of our Earth in the solar system, and all its planets. Scientists-astronomers can look into distant millions of world years and know where comets and meteorites come from. It is no longer a secret how stars and planets form and how they die.

They have even begun to implement a program for the exploration of neighboring planets. Remember how the whole world watched the recruitment of volunteers for the Mars exploration space program Mars One? Despite the fact that there would be no opportunity to return, more than ten thousand people wanted to become pioneers. I think this is just the beginning of humanity’s space odyssey.

And who knows, perhaps after a while a person will be able to fly on vacation to another planet with the same ease as to another state.

There have always been and are skeptical people who do not understand the value of why people explore space. They keep trying to prove that this is just a waste of taxpayers' money and that the research is not really needed. However, if the most ardent skeptic begins to study the issue in detail, then, most likely, he will understand everything very soon. The fact is that much of what is already an integral part of life today became possible thanks to space research.

Let's look at the most common reasons why people explore space.
Most of us don’t even realize that the most common things around us are used only thanks to space programs. Why do people explore space? Information about the weather, telephone conversations on a mobile phone, satellite television and so on - all this has been achieved with space exploration. Navigators in cars, airplanes and ships receive information directly from there.


Other planets moving around the Sun with the Earth have huge quantities of various minerals and substances that can be very useful for earthlings. For example, on Mars they are located almost at its surface. In addition, in places where there is no atmosphere, nuclear bombs can be developed openly. It is possible to extract silicon and helium-3 from the Moon, which will be widely in demand in electronics and energy. Asteroids and comets that fly near the Earth contain huge amounts of metals and ice on their surface. Gas giants can become a source of hydrogen. Energy in space is practically infinite. This is one of the main reasons why people explore space. The photo, which is a projection of Mars, clearly illustrates the planet's wealth of minerals.

Nickel, gold, tungsten, platinum - this is just a small list of what distant Mars is rich in.

Transferring environmentally harmful production beyond the Earth's borders

People are producing more and more, especially in recent decades. Not all industry is environmentally friendly. And the prospects that it will slow down in the future are zero. Waste plastic, household chemicals, metal and other artificial substances pollute nature, which will not be able to process them on its own for a long time. People's living space is shrinking. At the same time, if it is possible to establish production on others, the problem of ecological existence on Earth will be solved. This is another important reason why people explore space (the photo below shows the process of exploring distant spaces).


This aspect includes both the prospect of settlement on other planets and the increase in earthly space suitable for human life. Referring to the previous point, that is, the possibility of moving production off the planet, we can conclude that if it is implemented, the territory on Earth that is currently polluted by current and former production facilities will be cleaned up. In addition, the likelihood of developing new territories that are currently inaccessible increases.


Here the dependence of one on the other is directly proportional. The higher the level of development of science, the more space will probably be explored. And vice versa, the deeper you go, the more scientific discoveries will appear. And not far off is the development of the following spheres of people’s life.


By developing an industry such as space exploration, states will not only be able to compete with each other, as was the case in recent years between the USSR and the United States. Why do people explore space? Whatever the reasons for this, such a grandiose and very expensive study will require people to consolidate, put aside rivalries and ambitions as outdated and irrelevant, and together solve new super-tasks. In the near future, this will involve the involvement of many talents and minds capable of increasingly developing astronautics. In the future, a lot of jobs will appear, which will improve the living conditions of many earthlings. In an even more distant future, when people will be able to extract minerals on other planets, there will be a smoothing out of the uneven distribution of natural resources on Earth, when the south is slightly deprived of them.

Why else do people explore space?

So that there are no surprises

It is known that there were global cold snaps on Earth, which ended disastrously for all living things. Well, if we imagine that humanity will be able to move, for example, to a giant self-governing one in the event of a threat of catastrophe, then it will gain a chance to survive in difficult times and then return to Earth, and maybe explore the expanses of the Universe or find shelter and a new planet for its habitat . This is why people explore space.

1st class

More recently, one could only read about extraterrestrial possibilities in science fiction literature. But modern children already learn in secondary school why people explore space. The 1st grade already knows, having completed presentation lessons, about the main tasks of this industry, and children themselves can tell their parents about them.

From school, having become interested in a global topic, a child is able to expand his horizons, and, immersing himself in studying the issue and reading relevant literature, develop and learn about the world around him.

Why do people explore space? For children, grandchildren and other generations following us, for the further development of humanity!

Flight to Mars

Manned flights with further colonization to other planets are no longer science fiction. These are very realistic plans. And they will be implemented not in centuries, but in a matter of years. We are recruiting volunteers for a one-way flight. People understand that they most likely will not see their native Earth again. But, nevertheless, they decide to take this step. The number of applicants ready to go to Mars is not decreasing. The first volunteers will be sent as early as 2030. And then it is planned to send new groups there every two years.

Large supplies of food and water are collected on spaceships, as well as everything necessary for growing food far from their home planet, on Mars.

Many hypotheses have been put forward about how people will behave far from Earth, including the development of mutations and significant changes in body size. But these risks do not stop the daredevils, and they are ready to go on a long journey.

On April 12 every year the Russian people celebrate Cosmonautics Day in commemoration of the first space flight in the world which was made by Russian citizen. Here are three main dates in the history of space exploration.

October 4 in 1957 the Soviet Union sends the first satellite in the world into space.

April 12 in 1961 the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin goes into space and makes one orbit round the Earth in his spaceship Vostok-1.

July 21 in 1969 the American astronauts Armstrong and Alidrin land on the Moon.

Since Yuri Gagarin’s flight, Russian space science and engineering have come a long way. According to space experts in the US and Europe Russian takes the lead in almost all space exploration. Russian has launched more than 2300 space vehicles designed to perform a variety of functions. Unmanned satellites have been of great significance in the exploration and peaceful use of outer space. They help us learn more about the relations between processes occurring on the sun and near the earth and study the structure of the upper atmosphere. These satellites are provided with scientific equipment for space navigation of civil aviation and ship, as well as exploration of the World Ocean, the earth’s surface and it’s natural resources.

Russia is known to carry out many orbital manned flights involving over 80 cosmonauts, many of them having flown several times. It is well known that Russian cosmonauts hold the record for the longest time in space (L. Kizim has worked 375 days) and for continuous stay in space (V. Titov and M. Manarov - 365 days). When the 170 million horse power carrier-rocket called “Energia” was successfully tasted in 1987, Russian has gone far ahead of the United States in the space competition. Russian experts believe “Energia” to be able to take explorers to the Moon or bring back to the Earth satellites that went out of operation.


On April 12 of every year, the Russian people celebrate Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the world's first space flight by a Russian citizen. Here are three main dates in the history of space exploration.

On April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flies into space and makes one orbit around the Earth on the Vostok-1 spacecraft.

Since Yuri Gagarin's flight, Russian space science and technology have come a long way. According to space experts in the US and Europe, the Russians are leading in almost all space research. The Russians have launched more than 2,300 spacecraft designed to perform various functions. Unmanned satellites have been of great importance in the exploration and peaceful use of outer space. They help us learn more about the relationships between processes occurring on the Sun and in near-Earth space and study the structure of the upper atmosphere. These satellites are equipped with scientific equipment for space navigation of civil aviation and ships, as well as for the study of the World Ocean, the earth's surface and its natural resources.

Russia is known for performing many orbital manned flights with over 80 astronauts, many of them flying multiple times. It is well known that Russian cosmonauts hold the record for the longest stay in space (L. Kizim worked 375 days) and the longest stay in space (V. Titov and M. Manarov - 365 days). When the 170 million horsepower Energia launch vehicle was successfully tested in 1987, the Russians were far ahead of the United States in the space competition. Russian experts believe that Energia has the ability to conduct research on the Moon or return satellites that have failed to return to Earth.

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