National Award “Civil Initiative”. The library is a sociocultural center in a small town Working with sponsors: partnerships


Uniqueness of the project

The activities of the carriage building plant in developing the city's infrastructure acquired great significance among the Tikhvin community. After the launch of TVSZ JSC, one of the social projects implemented by the enterprise in 2013 in Tikhvin was the creation of a modern library - a sociocultural center. The basis of the project, at the invitation of TVSZ JSC, was developed by the team of the Russian State Library for Youth (Moscow), later specialists from the largest libraries in St. Petersburg took part in the project (Central Library named after M.Yu. Lermontov, City Public Library named after Mayakovsky).

On the eve of the opening, the city held an online competition “Name for a new library”, as a result of which the library got a name - “Taffy”, the literary pseudonym of the most famous Russian writer of the last century, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lokhvitskaya, whose childhood and youth were associated with Tikhvin.

The main event in the library life of the Tikhvin region in 2015 was the opening of a new Library - the Teffi sociocultural center on the basis of the Tikhvin Centralized Library System. The project received support from the administration of the Tikhvin district and the government of the Leningrad region and became an example of public-private partnership: the municipality provided premises for a library; The regional and district leadership jointly purchased new publications, repaired the facade and roof, and updated the infrastructure around the library. The total area of ​​the Teffi BSC is about 800 square meters.

The newly created Library - sociocultural center "Teffi" meets all modern requirements: premises equipped with furniture and equipment that meet aesthetic and ergonomic standards, comprehensive automation and computerization of all information and library-bibliographic processes, the latest computer equipment, high-speed Internet, free access to the fund of electronic resources.

The approximate volume of investment by TVSZ JSC in the project amounted to about 40 million rubles. The duration of the project is 2 years.

The library's collection currently contains about 15 thousand copies of books, the vast majority of which were purchased in 2015, as well as a selection of newspapers and magazines. The liters electronic library is available to readers; an agreement has been concluded to provide users with access to the holdings of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin.

The library is equipped with modern RFID equipment. Books are issued using electronic means of accounting and control. Readers received electronic library cards. Each open book book received a special RFID tag (chip) containing all the information about the book, which made book distribution automated. This technology allows not only to quickly serve users, but also provides prompt answers to a wide variety of questions: whether a specific book was issued or not, to whom it was issued, return period. Anti-theft gates at the exit protect against the removal of unregistered books. Free WiFi is available throughout the library.

Thanks to JSC TVSZ, the Library has created all the conditions for holding concerts, performances, meetings with interesting people, master classes, organizing clubs and interest groups, training sessions, conferences, round tables, seminars and other events ranging from 2-3 to several dozen people. There are: a conference room equipped with a modern media system with a projector, and two rooms for a more intimate visit - a training room and a room for master classes, equipped with projectors and educational boards. The youth hall has created comfortable conditions for informal communication, board games, and small concerts. In the literary lounge you can drink coffee and spend time with friends or a business meeting. On the ground floor there is a children's room with games, children's books and a TV. While the child is playing, parents can read a newspaper or magazine in the adjacent periodicals room.

The investor paid special attention to the barrier-free environment. The library has all the necessary conditions for users with disabilities. A ramp, a special toilet, and an interstair lift are equipped for wheelchair users. A specialized magnifying glass and audio books are available for the visually impaired. Shelves with books are conveniently located.

However, despite the attractiveness of the premises, it was necessary to create a certain microclimate of trust, ideology, professionalism and creativity in the library. This task faced the deputy heads of the library and specialists called upon to help in this undoubtedly necessary matter. The library team continues to develop for more than a year: work is underway with applicants for the position of director of the center, psychologists, and trainings with the team as a whole. It is a competent personnel policy and a democratic management style that helps achieve diverse goals.

Six months after the opening, the Teffi BSC holds several dozen different events a month. An average of 200 people visit the library every day, and the number of users is growing as the Centre's popularity grows. BSC is interesting to citizens of all ages, but today it is especially popular among teenagers and young people.

Library mission

The mission of the Teffi BSC, which has become a center for intellectual leisure, solving social problems of the population related to career and education, supporting the self-realization of different groups of the population, while being safe and comfortable, is to unite the local community of citizens. The most important component of the mission is to introduce city residents to reading, attract to the book.

All employees of the Center strive to form a kind of “community” - a society of readers and visitors with an active lifestyle, a broad outlook, and the ability to help each other in solving important social, career, educational and other problems. For example, a community of teachers is currently being created in the library, striving to actualize the socialization of the most vulnerable segments of the population: children from families in difficult life situations are taught English for free in the form of an elective, deaf-mute adults and teenagers communicate and learn to work on a computer. We hope there will be others. The Center’s employees are developing special programs for the library’s existing partners, for example, educational “lessons of kindness” were conducted for the Tradi Rehabilitation Center for children and adolescents with disabilities and the Tikhvin Orphanage.

However, we also host commercial events. This is not about renting premises and equipment. Namely about paid, specially prepared events. The fact is that the specifics of a small city do not always inform residents of the correct attitudes towards rest and leisure habits. We give the opportunity to class groups, families and other communities of people to find out that intellectual, cultural, socially adequate pastime exists in small towns (at the same time, we attract visitors with competitive prices and availability of services, a wide choice of forms compared to other city institutions). An example of such events were the children’s holiday “Intellectual Birthday” and “Poetry Evening for Teacher’s Day” prepared and carried out by our specialists, initiated by grateful students.

The following halls work comprehensively for each of the library’s areas of activity:

  • Lobby area - universal hall, storage room, periodicals hall, children's and youth halls, local history and regional studies halls, computer library;
  • Classroom - conference room, computer library, room for literature in foreign languages ​​and regional studies;
  • Psychologist's office (there is a full-time psychologist at the Teffi BSC) - youth and children's rooms, periodicals room, "literary cafe";
  • Conference hall, classroom, children's and youth halls, “literary cafe”;
  • Hall for master classes, conference room, training room; psychologist's office.

Attracting specialists from various fields of activity to work in the library

Currently, more than half of the specialists without specialized library education work in the library: director, social services manager, teachers, IT specialist. According to the job description - librarians, in fact - each of them performs functions corresponding to education and previous work experience. However, specialists from various fields did not come to the library because they were not in demand in their professional environment. The motivation for employment was the following:

  • Material - stable salary, bonuses from the library’s commercial activities, paid business trips;
  • Intangible - a creative atmosphere, comfortable working conditions, friendly staff, opportunities for training and personal growth, loyal and democratic management, respect for individuality, working in a unique institution, gaining experience in socio-cultural activities, socialization in a new place of residence and much more.

During the design and commissioning of the center, a lot of work was done to attract and select personnel. Managers tried to select the most suitable applicants. The selection criteria were:

  • focus on results;
  • experience;
  • initiative;
  • creativity;
  • uniqueness of a specialist in the labor market;
  • ability and desire to work in a group;
  • optimism.

Hiring was preceded by several interviews, including communication with a psychologist and investor representatives, creative tasks and trial events.

After the opening of the center, direct activities began, during which the need for supervision emerged. The function of establishing contact between work process agents was taken over by the psychologist “Taffy”. In the realities of everyday work and multitasking of each employee (constant processing of new literature, creating new records in the electronic catalog, working with the collection, with documentation and reporting, establishing internal library processes, conducting negotiations at various levels, preparing and holding events), it is impossible to overestimate the importance of a competent supervisor - a liaison between employees and the manager. The presence of such a specialist makes the institution more productive.

I would especially like to note the position of management, which maintains an atmosphere of trust and understanding in the team. In addition, the creators of the library took care of uniform distinctive signs for employees: branded scarves, badges, which not only help to distinguish them among visitors, but also create a sense of involvement in a common cause, collectivism, and contribute to the emergence of a “feeling of comradeship” and mutual assistance. It is not for nothing that our Center is gradually becoming a place of attraction for young specialists.

Promoting the library among young people

Library specialists find affordable means of promoting the library among young (under 35 years old) and advanced potential readers. BSC "Teffi" establishes interaction with users via the Internet. We actively cooperate with those who come to us for help, and are grateful for their caring and responsible attitude to work, to the promotion of reading and cultural leisure.

At the moment, the library-sociocultural center “Teffi” actively uses the following channels to communicate with real and potential readers and visitors:

Children of middle and high school age are the quickest to catch new trends and they are the ones who are attracted by everything bright, creative, unusual, so they are always the first to react to changes and the first to arrive. However, our target audience is working youth who will not go to study in another city and in the future will bring their children to the library. This segment of the population has the least time free from work and household chores, and the least time for entertainment, so they are interested in spending it wisely. We offer board games for them: “Munchkin”, “Carcassonne”, “Colonizers”, “Mafia”, “Cluedo” and others. Young mothers do not have enough time to read in the library, and it is not always convenient to come to borrow or return books - we will help them register in the liters application. It makes it possible to keep a book always at hand, without burdening yourself with additional responsibilities and accessing it from any electronic device. Young mothers often have interesting hobbies - we help them design creative exhibitions.

A small town has its own specifics: there is not much competition, but it is difficult for residents to rebuild their usual way of life; It is difficult to find personal space, a secluded place, without prying prying eyes, but word of mouth works in favor of effective institutions. Teffi library specialists try to take into account and apply all these features to optimize the work with the reader.

One of the most successful ways to attract new readers and increase the loyalty of existing ones is to join the library to world, international, all-Russian and other projects, for example, in 2016, the Teffi BSC became a platform for projects that had not previously been implemented in Tikhvin. Residents of the city and region this year were able to take part in the “Total Dictation” and “Library Night”. The Teffi team plans to expand project activities, developing their ideas.

Working with sponsors: partnerships

It was said earlier that the project was partly financed by investors, after the launch we continue to work together. The ICT group of companies represented by TVSZ JSC continues to support us to this day, because quite a lot has already been done:

  • development of a package of design documentation;
  • financing the major renovation of the interior of the building allocated for the library;
  • cosmetic renovation of premises in accordance with the design project;
  • purchase of furniture: standard and specialized library furniture;
  • acquisition of specialized library equipment and software;
  • purchase of computer and media equipment;
  • landscaping and lighting of the surrounding area;
  • inviting specialists to train library staff in the skills of promoting the institution in the reading and public environment, such as A. Purnik (RGBM, Moscow), L.G. Paskhina (former director of the House of Books, St. Petersburg), team building was carried out by V. Sazonov (TIG LLC, St. Petersburg).

The administration of JSC Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant shows interest in the current life and problems of Teffi, providing constant assistance and support in resolving emerging issues.

The management and employees of Teffi do not stop at the agreements reached and are constantly looking for interested companies and individual entrepreneurs. Usually, within the framework of contracts, we interact on mutually beneficial terms. For example, we talk about a sponsor in a group on a social network for a month, and he provides gifts to the winners of a quiz - another “plus” of working on social networks. Thus, you can count not only on “goodies” for active readers (certificates for goods and services, branded handmade jewelry), but also on purchasing the necessary “software” and materials for master classes (expensive consumables: for example, polymer clay ). I would also like to talk about friendly relations: we are never shy about establishing them, and being the first to make contact. What we get in return: interesting guests at round tables, positive examples for guys undergoing career guidance, etc.

The Teffi Center is currently working with schools and kindergartens, contact has been established with secondary educational institutions of the city, industrial enterprises, medium and small businesses. We introduce advertising as a paid information service, find organizations interested in holding events on our territory, and organize team building events on a contractual basis, looking for reasons and ways to cooperate with commercial organizations in the leisure sector.

In conditions of market competition, we are forced to work without yielding to commercial structures. The basis of our activities is work “for love”, according to vocation and for results. Together we can solve the problem of insufficient attention to books: by attracting people to libraries in a variety of ways, we pave the way for reading interest, literacy and, ultimately, culture.

The rural school was, is and will be an important component of the educational system. It is designed to promote in every possible way the preservation and development of national traditions, moral values, and the growth of the unique potential of national culture. In Russia, the rural school occupies a special place, primarily due to the role that is traditionally assigned to it in the social life of the village.

Changes in priorities in education and the transition to a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards pose new challenges for educational organizations. Graduates of rural schools compete on equal terms with urban schoolchildren when entering higher and secondary educational institutions. Like their urban peers, they must be able to quickly adapt to dynamically changing socio-economic conditions, feel the need to participate in the public life of their immediate social environment, have an active life position, build life plans taking into account specific socio-historical, political and economic realities, have stable motivation for highly productive work in various fields of activity.

The new educational order of society will become realistically feasible if the rural school learns to make maximum use not only of its own potential, but also of the personnel and material potential of social partners (rural House of Culture, library, FAP, rural administration). One of the promising models of such interaction may be a sociocultural center.

The sociocultural center is an educational organization that integrates a secondary school, a House of Culture, a rural library, a rural medical center and implements preschool and general education programs, additional education programs and has an extensive network of extracurricular activities in the additional education system (music, sports, art, etc.), as well as material a base that allows the use of modern technologies in the process of education and upbringing.

The proposed innovative model of a sociocultural center is a socio-pedagogical, socio-cultural system created to provide more complete education and diversified development of children and youth, as well as to involve adults in the educational and educational processes.

Unlike a traditional school, a rural sociocultural center unites everyone who is directly involved in the issues of childhood, youth, family, social work: school, family, kindergarten, cultural center, library, first aid station, rural settlement administration, industrial enterprises.

The sociocultural center, based on the pooling of educational resources, creates favorable opportunities for the disclosure and development of the abilities of each individual, his self-determination in new socio-economic conditions.

The most important task of the model being implemented is to protect the interests of children, youth, and families; in this regard, the sociocultural center creates a system of social and pedagogical activities in the village, helps to overcome existing contradictions between family and school and psychological barriers between adults and children.

Traditionally, a characteristic feature of the rural way of life is the upbringing of children “with the whole world”; the care of the child’s development lies on the shoulders of not only parents, relatives or school teachers, but also the rural community as a whole. Our child is naturally connected with his fellow villagers by thousands of threads that seem to “permeate” his being and influence the formation of his worldview, intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical qualities.

The rural sociocultural center is called upon to take care of the future of the village, since it is impossible to prepare the younger generation for life and work without a clear understanding of the prospects for the development of the village and the education of the people who live in it. In this regard, a system of educational and cultural activities is being built, aimed at the development of the individual and its successful self-realization. Of particular importance is the task of preparing the personality of a modern village resident - a person with a broad outlook, a cultural, zealous owner, ready to work successfully in new economic conditions, an active citizen capable of radical transformations of social life in the village.

Therefore, the administration and teachers of our school analyzed the development potential of the school, and as a result, the following problems were identified:

· The legal and regulatory framework for the school's activities has not been fully developed.

· Relations with social partners are not formalized by agreements.

· The school's innovative activities are not systematic.

· Insufficient level of proficiency of all teaching staff in modern educational technologies (information and communication, portfolio technology, project method, collaborative learning).

· The range of educational services within the framework of additional education that a school can offer is limited by the capabilities of the school’s teaching staff.

· Due to the small number of classes, there is no healthy intellectual competition, which poses a problem for motivating students to participate in the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. Extracurricular work in subjects is not sufficiently focused on preparing students for Olympiads.

· The work of student self-government bodies is ineffective, the activity of students in the work of children's public organizations and associations is low.

· Insufficient level of medical care for students.

· The material base of educational laboratories is outdated.

· The classrooms are insufficiently equipped with multimedia equipment.

· The number of sponsors with whom effective cooperation has been established is small.

Based on the identified problems, the following tasks were set:

1. Bring the school's regulatory framework into compliance with Federal Law-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Conclude cooperation agreements with social partners.

3. Ensure optimal proficiency levels for all teachers modern educational technologies (information and communication, portfolio technology, project method, collaborative learning) and participation in innovative activities.

4. Involve social partners (rural House of Culture, rural library, FAP) for the development of a system of additional education

5. To focus extracurricular work in subjects on preparing students for Olympiads, to develop individual development trajectories for gifted children.

6. To intensify the work of student self-government bodies through the participation of students in the public life of the immediate social environment, to create conditions for self-determination and self-realization in the social spheres of residence: in the family, team, village, district, region, Russia.

7. Organize a health-saving educational environment, taking into account the individual health characteristics of students.

8. Update the material base of educational laboratories, library collection of electronic educational resources, methodological, fiction and periodicals, equip classrooms with multimedia equipment, including through attracted sponsorship funds.

9. Plan the activities of the sociocultural center based on the existing experience of cooperation with social partners and attract the personnel, material and technical potential of society to expand the educational environment.

Solving these problems is possible by integrating the cultural and educational resources available in the village and creating a sociocultural center, which can become a favorable environment for the development of the individuality of a rural child. Thus, purpose creation of a sociocultural center, is the formation by means of joint work of the school and social partners of the educational environment for the intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative and physical development of the personality of pupils and students.

The activities of the sociocultural center are based on the following ideas:

· The sociocultural center allows you to open the doors of an educational institution to all citizens of the village who need self-development and self-realization.

· The sociocultural center provides social and pedagogical assistance to families and children.

· The sociocultural center gives village residents access to a variety of modern information, including the Internet, and makes it possible to create their own media (radio, newspaper) on the basis of a general education institution.

· The sociocultural center helps unite village residents into rural communities to solve educational, cultural, charitable, educational, ethnocultural and other problems and promotes the inclusion of rural citizens, including children, in the public life of the school and village.

· The sociocultural center helps create a system of health-improving activities with various categories of the rural population and introduce a significant part of children and youth to physical education and sports.

· The sociocultural center provides an opportunity to implement an integrated approach to the development of artistic abilities and the formation of aesthetic tastes of children, youth and adults. The joint efforts of teachers, parents, and children create an aesthetically attractive educational and cultural environment. One of the main tasks of the educational process is the joint improvement of the surrounding space, including the improvement of the school, the village and its surroundings.

· The sociocultural center focuses on organizing the most significant systemic activities to study the history and traditions of their school, small and large Motherland, to perpetuate the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

· The sociocultural center allows us to unite speakers of our native language and traditions and to introduce the younger generation to the study, preservation and development of folk culture and the population.

The educational environment of the sociocultural center will develop based on the following principles :

1) The principle of conformity with nature assumes that education must be consistent with the general laws of development of nature and man as its integral part. This principle requires that the content, methods and forms of education, the style of interaction between teachers and students take into account the need for certain gender and age differentiation, up to individualization, take into account the child’s health status and his physical potential.

2) The principle of cultural conformity . It lies in the fact that education should open the door to world culture for a child through comprehension of the values ​​and norms of a particular national culture. This principle requires the introduction of a person to the various values ​​of the culture of an ethnic group, society, and civilization as a whole. The content, methods and forms of education will be culturally appropriate only if they reflect the cultural values ​​inherent not only in the Russian ethnic group, but also in the society of the native village, its various social groups and take into account established local cultural traditions. Moreover, rural schools are largely characterized by careful preservation of culture and folk traditions.

3) Systematic principle requires considering the school as a system, all elements of which are not just connected, but are in close interaction and interdependence, this is the continuity of levels of education, knowledge, complexity in their assimilation, this is a system of social partnership relations of all organizations interested in educating the future generation.

4) The principle of the activity approach in the organization of the educational process. The activity-based approach creates conditions that contribute to the liberation of creative potential in each child and the development of his needs and abilities in transforming the environment and himself; it allows building the educational process not on a passive - contemplative note, but in the form of dialogue and creatively for both the teacher and and for the child.

The school as a sociocultural center must ensure the availability of all levels (preschool, primary, basic general, additional) education in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the student and regardless of his social and financial status. It can ensure the organization of a health-preserving environment and become a center for promoting a healthy lifestyle in rural areas.

We will be able to improve the quality of education through the development of a unified logic for preschool, primary, basic education, pre-vocational training, additional education, as well as the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process.

On the basis of the sociocultural center, the educational process will be organized not as a unidirectional transfer of experience and value judgments from the older generation to the younger, but as the interaction and cooperation of adults and children in the sphere of their shared existence. Education in this understanding is aimed at developing in a growing person the ability to solve life problems and make life choices in a moral way. Education is focused on developing in an individual a reflective, creative, moral attitude towards his own life in relation to the lives of other people.

The work of the sociocultural center will help coordinate the actions of all parties involved in the educational process to successfully solve the assigned tasks.

Thus, the school-sociocultural center provides an opportunity to maximize the abilities of each student, to form a physically healthy, creatively thinking, spiritually rich personality, possessing solid basic knowledge, oriented towards high moral values, integrated into the system of national and world culture, and subsequently capable of participating in the development of society.

The library in the context of culture

UDC 021 BBK 78.30


© V. L. Benin, R. A. Gilmiyanova, 2011

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M. Akmully 450077, Ufa, st. October Revolution, 3a

The functions of culture and the essence of sociocultural space are considered, the role and place of the library as a sociocultural institution in the formation of a person’s national and cultural identity is shown.

Key words: functions of culture, sociocultural space, social communications, ethnicity, nation, national culture, national book.

The functions of the culture and the essence of the social and cultural environment are treated, the role and place of a library as a social and cultural institution in forming the national-cultural identity of a personality are shown.

Key words: functions of the culture, social and cultural environment, social communications, nation, national culture, national book.

The human world is the world of culture. In its original meaning (“cultivated”), culture is opposed to “nature” - natural, “wild” and means everything that distinguishes man from nature, distinguishes the artificial from the natural. Culture includes not only the material and spiritual values ​​accumulated by people, but also ways of increasing them. A caveat should be made here. “Ways to increase them” are last on our list for reasons of style, but not in importance. In terms of importance, they have no equal. Firstly, because “material and spiritual values” are nothing more than the result of human activity. Secondly, because it is precisely the “methods of their multiplication” - manual, mechanized, computerized - that determine the historical types of culture. Therefore, it will not be a mistake if we define culture as the mastered and material experience of human life.

Functions of culture

Culture arises together with people and undergoes historical changes together with them. The first layer of culture - the emergence of language and speech - served as the dividing line that once and for all separated the animal world from the human world, the biological world from the social world.

Society, by creating artificial nature, simultaneously creates people who are capable of

consume the culture encrypted in it. This is how the culture of society reveals its dual nature. On the one hand, it is fossilized forms of activity, fixed in objects, on the other, mental forms of activity, fixed in the minds of people.

Hidden in the functions of culture is the role it plays in the life of society. A person is formed only as a result of his involvement in culture through education, and therefore the human-creative function can be called the main function of culture. The remaining functions flow from it and are determined by it - the transfer of social experience, regulatory, value and symbolic functions. By connecting older and younger people into a single stream of history, culture acts as a real connection between generations, passing on social experience from one to another. From each time, culture selects those grains of social experience that have lasting significance. Thanks to this selection, each new generation receives, as it were, a concentrated experience of the past. But culture not only introduces a person to the achievements of previous generations accumulated in experience. At the same time, it quite strictly limits all types of his social and personal activities, regulating them accordingly, which is where its regulatory function is manifested. The next function of culture is symbolic. Humanity records and transmits accumulated experience in the form of certain signs. So, for physics, chemistry, mathematics

specific sign systems are formulas, for music - notes, for language - words, letters and hieroglyphs, for librarianship - codes of information retrieval languages, for example, BBK, UDC, DKD. Mastering a culture is impossible without mastering its sign systems. Finally, the last of the main functions of culture is value. It is closely related to the regulatory function, because it forms in a person certain attitudes and value orientations, according to which he either accepts or rejects what he has learned, seen and heard. It is the value function of culture that gives a person the opportunity to independently evaluate everything that he encounters in life, that is, it makes his personality unique. Of course, the described functions of culture do not exist side by side. They actively interact, because there is no more erroneous idea of ​​culture than viewing it as static and unchangeable. Culture is always a process. It is in eternal change, dynamics, development.

The essence of sociocultural space

The term “sociocultural space” means a certain socially developed (and not just geographical) space for the distribution of a specific area of ​​culture. The essence of the sociocultural approach to it, in this case, can be perceived through the concept of P. Sorokin, who believed that the structure of sociocultural interaction includes three inseparable components: the personality as the subject of interaction; society as a set of interacting individuals with sociocultural relations and processes and culture as a set of meanings, values ​​and norms that interacting individuals possess, and a set of carriers that objectify, socialize and reveal these meanings.

The relationship between culture and space, mediated by the activities of subjects, gives rise to a special reality, which can be designated by the concept of “socio-cultural activity”. There are two approaches to defining the essence of space. The first assumes the presence of clearly defined boundaries (external and internal), which can change over time. This is a geographical space that is formed by various factors, for example, the requirements of the administrative-territorial structure of the state, and has fixed boundaries. The second approach involves the establishment of an economic, political, legal, cultural and national space that has not the boundaries of territories, but the boundaries of eco-

nomic, political, legal, cultural and national interests.

The subject-spatial environment surrounds a person throughout his life. Human interaction with surrounding objects is directly or indirectly mediated by space. As A.V. Babaeva notes, “the internal reflection of this interaction has the character of spatial images; in them, in one way or another, the basic categories of culture are recorded and stored.” Artifacts and cultural phenomena exist in space in which the movement of cultural meanings takes place.

A person is immersed in the cultural space around him. In many ways, this is what creates a person. Through spatial forms of perception, he actively masters and transforms the world. “When mastering space,” notes N. A. Simbirtseva, “the individual masters norms and roles. By gaining experience in everyday life, receiving information about various aspects of social life, a person is formed as a person adequate to society.”

It is spatial representations that create a common worldview, on the basis of which a general picture of the world arises. Each era creates its own cultural space, the filling of which with spiritual content is carried out by man. The problem of cultural space is interdisciplinary in nature. It is closely connected with the geographical, political, economic, regional, ethnic characteristics of the territory where a particular population lives - the bearer of a certain culture (cultures).

Closest to the concept of “cultural space” is the category of culture. Consideration of this category seems difficult, since it is difficult to give it one comprehensive definition. The multiplicity of its interpretations testifies not only to the active appeal of scientists to cultural problems, but also to the objective complexity and versatility of this phenomenon. We will rely on the information-semiotic model of culture. In accordance with this approach, culture is viewed as a world of artifacts - products of human activity; the world of signs (codes), with the help of which social information is preserved, accumulated and transmitted in time and space in human society; the world of meanings that a person puts into his creations and actions.

Information as a product of reflection in consciousness of the objective world as a whole or its elementary units has the ideal property of conveying the content and meaning of what is known. The material carrier of the meaning of information has become

there is a sign. The most common sign system is language. Through meanings, uniqueness, individuality, and uniqueness of the individual are manifested. A person draws meaning from culture and imparts it to his life. Meanings exist not so much as a fragment of the ideal world, but as actions and communications. How “the movement of meanings in social time and space” defines the essence of social communication A. V. Sokolov. But meanings belong not to material, but to ideal reality, therefore their movement cannot be traced “in the earth’s atmosphere” or measured with an ultra-precise chronometer. They are fixed not by material, but by ideal “tools”. Such “ideal tools” are the concepts of “social space” and “social time”.

Social space is “a system of social relations between them that is intuitively felt by people.” The dissemination of meanings in social space means their perception by people who are in certain social relationships with the communicator. A. V. Sokolov calls social time the intuitive feeling of social life experienced by contemporaries and depending on the intensity of social changes. Meanings moving in social time and space from the communicator (sender of the message) to the recipient (recipient of the message) represent, in his opinion, knowledge, stimuli, emotions. In order for social communication to begin, a person must determine and realize his meanings, that is, translate them into the content of the communication message.

From the point of view of the semiotic approach, texts are encoded social information created for circulation in society. “Being the main channels for transmitting culture, texts contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, since the polysemy inherent in the structure of the text allows them to adapt to the changing sociocultural context.” The text reflects the actual experience of the world, its actual state, attributable to man and not in any situation opposed to him. Being in the text is given as participation in the world. And since the text becomes the material equivalent of human essence, the equivalence between man, culture and sociality is accordingly established. Social relations that form a person in the process of socialization pass through the act of objectification into the objective world of culture.

Sociocultural space, according to I.V. Kolinko, is “an important aspect of the formation

development of a model of the world, which has the characteristics of extension and structure, coexistence and interaction, coordination of cultural elements and semantic content of the structural organization. The category “sociocultural space” appears as a bunch of concepts, which turns it into a universal general sociological category and includes economic, political, pedagogical, physical, tourist, etc. spaces.” Sociocultural space is the space for the dissemination of ideas and views, languages ​​and traditions, beliefs and norms. Human exploration of space for survival has brought a certain understanding of the cardinal directions, comprehension of the place, understanding of the distant and the near. “The sociocultural space has a special configuration and territorial extent. It outlines the contours of cultural centers and peripheries, capitals and provinces, urban and rural settlements." The “geometry” of sociocultural space also has a certain specificity. It is characterized not only by external contours, but also by what is located inside the spiritual world of the individual. The “pulsation” of this internal spiritual space of a person often determines the main vectors of his self-realization in various spheres of life.

Analyzing the features of the sociocultural space, B. G. Mosalev notes that in this space various cultural traditions, patterns, cultural meanings, values, and innovations live and interact with each other. “The spatial aspect of cultural diversity appears on the scale of humanity, society, nation, region, and various social communities.” O. V. Estrina and N. V. Dulina define sociocultural space as a specific spatio-temporal integrity, which is the result of the genesis and functioning of culture in conjunction with social parameters. A.V. Sokolov defines sociocultural space as a material-spatial formation located in natural geographic space as a living environment, formed by cultural flows emanating from all sociocultural institutions and also including socially unorganized cultural activities of people.

Thus, the sociocultural space is structured quite complexly. It contains not only regulatory and legal information resources that reflect the goals and interests of government authorities in the formation of cultural policy, but also information resources that reflect the existence of all

subsystems of culture, including non-institutional ones. These include: the space of macro- and microsocieties; information and sign space; cultural values ​​arising as a result of purposeful activities for the development of various layers of culture; various subcultures; social cultural institutions (libraries, museums, theaters, other cultural and leisure institutions); human resources potential; material and technical infrastructure of cultural and art institutions.

Libraries as a component of sociocultural space

As already noted, sociocultural space is structured into a number of fields (subspaces) that determine the features of its functioning as a whole. One of the important elements is the information space. The information space of society is always communicative, therefore this concept is close to the concept of “communicative space”. Having emerged and developed simultaneously with oral communication (words), the information space has become one of the conditions for the success of human transformative activity and the formation of the sociocultural space of a particular region or era. The recording of social information on a material medium with the help of signs gave birth to a document. “A document can be considered semantic information created by a person specifically to ensure social communication and recorded in any way on any medium.”

At a certain stage of development of the sociocultural space, the need arose for the emergence of an intermediary between the document and the consumer, which was caused by the increase in the number of documents as a trend in the development of civilization. A special sociocultural institution - the library - became such an intermediary.

Based on the structural-functional approach, Yu. N. Stolyarov defined the library as the structural unity of four components: document, subscriber, staff (librarian) and material and technical base. Only “the inextricable fusion of all these elements gives rise to the library as a social institution and ensures the possibility of its successful functioning in society.” Based on the essence of the library, it can be argued that the goals of the library’s existence are set by the information space. The purpose of the library’s existence follows from its involvement in various types of activities, therefore it is legitimate to consider the library as a tool for satisfying

addressing the information needs of readers in various types of activities. From this follows the essence of the library as a social institution.

The library reflects the life of society, its needs for one or another social communication, since it exists with it in the same cultural space. “The library is a cultural institution that connects the past and the present, the conscious and the unconscious, the physical and the spiritual, and also reproduces everyday life in its various manifestations.”

The specifics of the library space are determined by library and information activities and their cultural meanings. According to the concept of V. P. Leonov, library space can be considered as a complex system that includes many elements: values ​​and traditions, material objects, interaction between staff and users, libraries and society. This understanding allows us to take into account the most diverse aspects of the library's activities.

“Library and cultural space,” writes S. A. Ezova, “is the territory of the library and all the places where it implements its contacts with users, where library events are held.” It consists of a set of cultural meanings embedded in the material and technical base of the library; document resources; works of art (paintings, prints, antiques, etc.); flora (flowers, winter garden); museum exhibits; fauna (aquarium, living area); handicrafts, various crafts; architectural monuments on the territory of the library; spiritual values: knowledge, skills, tastes, interests of librarians and readers.

Relations between subjects of library and information activities - bearers of cultural meanings - are realized in the social space of library activities, therefore their totality, according to S. A. Ezova, can be represented as a socio-library space in which there are social relations between the librarian and readers of different social groups; between readers of different social groups; in the library staff as a small social group; librarian with the public; librarian with representatives of different social groups and subcultures.

The movement of cultural meanings through communication occurs in the communicative space and is also determined by the specifics of a particular activity. The library and communication space includes the exchange of cultural meanings between the library and government authorities at various levels; reli-

religious institutions; other libraries; bodies and cultural institutions (other than libraries); organizations and institutions (except cultural institutions); media; sponsors, patrons, volunteers; colleagues in the library; readers (interpersonal communication).

We can talk about the library and communication space on the scale of the state, a specific region, or any local area. The library participates in the formation of the sociocultural space of the territory and is included in interinstitutional relations. Library activities aimed at upbringing, education, development of the reader’s personality and carried out by specific professional means of library work will not have high results if it is limited only to the library.

Ethnicity, nation and library in the sociocultural space

The formation and development of personality occurs in the sociocultural space. This process, called enculturation, can be considered as the appropriation by an individual of the values ​​of a historically specific sociocultural space.

People are social creatures, and therefore unite in various types of agglomerations - families, clans, communities, corporations and other social structures. There is another community that unites people through their culture and history - nationality or ethnicity. Ethnicity is not directly related to the state. Ethnicity is often a component of several nations, that is, nations can be multiethnic. The terminological dictionary “Culture and Education” defines “people” as “a large group of people connected mainly by their place of residence: a simple crowd and residents of an entire state. In science, the term “people” is used in two main meanings: 1) in the socio-political sense - layers and classes of society that at a given historical stage are involved in one way or another in solving problems of social development; 2) in the ethnic sense - to designate all historically established types of ethnic communities: tribes, nationalities and nations, that is, in the meaning of ethnos." The concept of “ethnicity” means a stable human community, united by a common origin, a circle of marriage ties, a behavioral pattern, language and culture, and aware of its commonality. Ethnic groups have a biosocial nature, which means their biological and social origin at the same time.

The difficulty of analyzing these concepts lies in their ambiguity, since the meanings of the words “ethnic group”, “people”, “nation” intersect, and in some contexts turn out to be almost identical. Let us turn to examples of the interpretation of the term “ethnic group” in Russian literature. In the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary, the term we are interested in is defined as follows: “Ethnicity, ethnic community - a historically established group of people who have a common identity and self-name (ethnonym), a common origin and culture (most often language).” The terms “ethnic group” and “ethnic community” are completely identified here.

A more detailed idea of ​​\u200b\u200bethnos is given in the study of a prominent specialist on this issue, Academician Yu. Bromley, who noted that the concept of “ethnos” and “ethnic community” in scientific language replace the everyday concept of “people”. In the concept of “ethnos,” science must reflect some specific properties of the named type of human community, and Yu. Bromley points out the general features of these properties. Among them he lists stability and visibility. An ethnologist compiles a list of characteristic properties of an ethnos on the basis of concepts available in the literature: “Thus, some authors name language and culture as the main characteristics of this genus; others add territory and ethnic identity to this; Still others point, in addition, to the peculiarities of mental make-up; the fourth also include among the ethnic characteristics community of origin and state affiliation; fifths see the essence of an ethnos in the characteristics of mental stereotypes.”

A short and therefore simplified way to discuss the entire proposed set of characteristics of an ethnic group can be as follows. Starting from attempts at theoretical reconstruction of an ethnos, we will have in mind those meanings that are determined by the context of use of the term “ethnic group,” as opposed to the use of the more general and less defined term “people.” In this case, we can agree that ethnology, when defining an ethnos, does not use any political characteristics and does not include them among its essential characteristics. Ethnic characteristics indicate the cultural, historical and anthropological origin of a particular social community. Having analyzed the above definitions of the term “ethnos”, let us take as a basis the definition of L. N. Gumilyov: ““Ethnos” is a historically established stable collection of people in a certain territory, which has common features: stable characteristics of culture and psychological make-up, as well as the consciousness of its unity and differences from other similar ones

formations fixed in self-name.

The signs of an ethnic group that distinguish it from other ethnic groups are language, folk art, customs, rituals, traditions, norms of behavior, habits, that is, what forms an ethnic culture that has a style specific to it.”

Ethnic culture acts as the structure-forming basis of an ethnos, ensuring its integrity and ability for autonomous sustainable development. Within the framework of ethnic culture, ethnic self-awareness and historical memory are formed, the ability to perceive one’s own world as unique and inimitable, the desire to preserve this world through a system of traditions.

In the New and subsequent times, the concept of “nation” acquired great importance for the life and self-awareness of peoples. In the ideas inherent in the formational approach, a nation is the highest stage of development of ethnic communities, corresponding to the conditions of an industrial society. B. Anderson proposed a radical explanation of the concept of “nation”: “A nation is an imaginary political community, and imaginary as necessarily limited and sovereign.” This means that any community that is not based on direct interpersonal contacts is an imaginary community. But man generally lives in an imaginary world, his imagination creates reality. Therefore, a nation is a real community. After all, despite the inequality and contradictions within it, belonging to a nation gives rise to real “horizontal comradeship.”

A variant of the civil concept of a nation is the territorial concept. Here, a nation is “a population having a common name, possessing a historical territory, common myths and historical memory, possessing a common economy, culture and representing common rights and duties for its members.” In contrast, the ethnic concept of the nation "seeks to substitute customs and dialects for the legal codes and institutions that form the cement of the territorial nation."

Historians have refused to recognize the nation as its social naturalness, arguing that a nation is an artificially created, imaginary community, a man-made tradition, within the framework of which and for the benefit of which political power, universal education, and mass communications are exercised.

According to V.S. Khaziev, in the twentieth century. nations moved from the category of “social reality” to the category of historical memory. Nations do not disappear from human history completely. They stop

to be as existing social phenomena and continue to exist in people, in new social life as spirit, as historical memory, as part of our individual soul, our worldview, our “I”.

Each nation differs only in its inherent combination and correlation of temperament, type of thinking and worldview. “The uniqueness of the inner world of a nation, the stability of its internal makeup,” notes F. Fayzullin, “which organizes the information received in a certain way, is the value of any nation as a biosocial community of people and at the same time a cultural phenomenon.”

We will adhere to the interpretation of the nation as a civil community. Therefore, a nation can be considered as a collection of citizens of one state, that is, a territorial-political community; an artificially created, imaginary community, a tradition created by man, within the framework of which and for the benefit of which political power, universal education, and mass communications are exercised. The most important condition for the formation of national identity, according to S. N. Ikonnikova, is the attitude towards cultural space. The space that actually exists in the coordinate system is closely connected with mental space, reflecting the originality and uniqueness of a particular national culture.

“National culture” is a term used to define the symbols, beliefs, values, norms and patterns of behavior that characterize the human community in a particular country or state. According to D. Held, D. Goldblatt, E. McGrew, D. Perraton, the social prerequisites for the emergence of national cultures can be considered the growth of power and importance of the state, which is increasingly intertwined with society, an increase in literacy in all classes, which facilitated inter-class communication, and the destruction of class differentiation of society, the dominance of national socio-cultural standards.

In a homogeneous (linguistically and ethnically) state there can be one national culture. However, most countries have several different national cultures. As a specific feature of national culture, A.V. Kostina and T.M. Gudima highlight the presence of writing, which allows recording significant amounts of information and ensuring the circulation of values, meanings and meanings within a given culture. Mastering the codes of national culture does not occur automatically in the process of life.

activities of the individual, both within the framework of ethnic culture, and carried out in the process of education. The appearance of a book in the culture of a particular people indicates its entry into a new stage of development - the stage of nation formation. Fixed primarily in a symbolic form, national culture acquires the ability to live and accumulate not so much in the natural memory of the people, but in artificially created repositories - collections, archives, libraries, etc. Consequently, the national book is the element that stores, accumulates and reflects the uniqueness of national culture serves as a means of familiarizing oneself with one’s own and other national cultures and generating new knowledge. The national book functions in a certain ethnocultural environment, being an organic part of a particular national culture. “The existence of a national book,” according to V.V. Dobrovolsky, “constantly depends on the nature of the interaction of cultures.”

Issues of studying the national book were raised in the works of N. F. Averina, I. V. Gudovshchikova, A. N. Verevkina, E. A. Dinershtein, A. G. Karimullin, V. E. Leonchikov, M. V. Mashkova , A. S. Mylnikova, G. D. Frolova. Nevertheless, in modern bibliology, the problem of defining the concept of “national book” still remains relevant. Difficulties in defining the concept of “national book” are due to the complexity of the object being defined, which is a synthesis of the material and spiritual, with their inherent national characteristics. In domestic scientific and social thought, it is the book, the library, that invariably appears as a symbol of traditional culture and at the same time as a means of “resurrecting national memory, salvation, enlightenment of the human race”, capable of “helping to resurrect those values ​​that distinguish a single archetype of humanity”, reconstructing “as a certain integrity the socio-cultural the space in which our ancestors lived and worked."

Another property gives libraries special significance: “The uniqueness of libraries as a social institution is that they have a comprehensive positive impact on culture, science, and education. The special mission of Russian libraries is to ensure the preservation of the historical and cultural memory of the people and strengthen the common cultural space." The IFLA Multicultural Library Manifesto (2008) notes that by supporting cultural and linguistic diversity, libraries ensure both the provision of information in accessible languages ​​to all users without discrimination and the provision of services that

designed specifically for cultural and linguistic groups. Thus, it can be argued that the library and communication space is part of the sociocultural space, the movement of cultural meanings in which is aimed at satisfying the various information needs of readers, regardless of their specific type of activity and other essential characteristics of the individual, thereby acquiring cultural national self-identity.


1. Anderson B. Imagined communities. Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism -M. : Kanon-Press-C: Kuchkovo Pole, 2001. - 288 p.

2. Babaeva A. V. Man in the urban cultural space // Philosophy of the twentieth century: schools and concepts: scientific. conf. to the 60th anniversary of philosophy. fak. St. Petersburg State University, November 21. 2000 - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg. Philosopher o-vo, 2001. - pp. 26-28.

3. Large Russian encyclopedic dictionary. -M. : Bolshaya Ross. Encycl., 2003. - 1888 p.

4. Bromley Yu. V. Essays on the theory of ethnos. - M.: Nauka, 1983. - 412 p.

5. Gachev G. D. National images of the world. - M.: Cosmo-Psycho-Logos, 1994. - 480 p.

6. Global transformations: politics, economics, culture / D. Held [et al.]. - M.: Praxis, 2004. -576 p.

7. Gumilyov A. N. Ethnosphere: history of people and history of nature. - M.: Ecopress, 1993. - 365 p.

8. Ezova S. A. Discourse about library space // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 5-10.

9. Estrina O. V., Dulina N. V. Sociocultural space: definition of the concept // Man. Culture. Society. - Volgograd, 2007. - Issue. 5. -S. 13-15.

10. Ikonnikova S. N. History of cultural theories. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2005. - 474 p.

11. Kolinko I. V. Sociological foundations of the development of sociocultural space [Electronic resource]. - URL: (access date: 10/12/2009).

12. Kostina A.V., Gudima T.M. Cultural policy of modern Russia: the relationship between ethnic and national. - M.: Publishing house LKI, 2007. - 238 p.

13. Culture and education: terminol. words / comp. V. L. Benin. - Ufa: BSPU Publishing House, 2008. - 206 p.

14. Leonov V.P. Library space: library symphony. - M.: Nauka, 2003. - 123 p.

15. IFLA Manifesto on a Multicultural Library // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2008. - No. 7. - P. 5-9.

16. Matlina S. G. “Understand the internal excess of space...” // Public library: ways of innovative development / S. G. Matlina. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2009. - pp. 100-107.

17. Mosalev B. G. Sociocultural diversity: experience of holistic comprehension. - M.: MGUK, 1998. - 261 p.

18. Nations and ethnic groups in the modern world: dictionary-reference book. - 2nd ed., add. - St. Petersburg. : Petropolis, 2007. - 378 p.

19. National book: interpretation of the concept: scientific seminar at the Russian State Library // Library Science. - 2000. - No. 2. -S. 54-61.

20. Nikonorova E. V. Memory of Russia as a cultural value: preservation and actualization // Library Science. - 2001. - No. 5. - P. 8-9.

22. Simbirtseva N. A. Cultural space as a factor in personality formation // Man in the world of culture. - Ekaterinburg, 2008. - pp. 182-193.

23. Sokolov A.V. Metatheory of social communication. - St. Petersburg. : Ross. national b-ka, 2001. - 352 p.

24. Sokolov A.V. The phenomenon of social and cultural activity. - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2003.

25. Sorokin P. A. Man. Civilization. Society. -M. : Politizdat, 1992. - 543 p.

26. Stolyarov Yu. N. Library: structural-functional approach. - M.: Book, 1981. - 270 p.

27. Stolyarov Yu. N. Ontological and metonymic meanings of the concepts of information // Libraries and associates

tions in a changing world: new technologies and new forms of cooperation: tr. international conf. "Crimea - 2001". - M., 2001. - T. 1. - P. 277-281.

28. Surtaev V. Ya. Sociocultural space as a resource for the formation of information culture of the individual [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://confifap. cpic. ru/upload/2006/reports/tezis_689. doc (access date: 10/08/2009).

29. Faizullin F. National values ​​and modern orientations of the modern generation // Vatan-dash. - 2009. - No. 1. - P. 3-10.

30. Khaziev V. S. Truths of being and knowledge. - Ufa: Ki-tap, 2007. - 288 p.

31. Hobsbawm E. Nations and nationalism after 1780 - St. Petersburg. : Aletheia, 1998. - 305 p.

32. Shcherbakova I. V. Sociocultural space of the text: conceptual foundations and comparative approach: dis. ...cand. Philosopher Sci. - Saratov, 2004. - 162 p.

The material was received by the editor on August 2, 2010.

Head of the Department of Cultural Studies, Honored Education Worker

A school library and a general education institution are a single sociocultural space

The “Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” provides the following interpretation of the term sociocultural - determined by social and cultural reasons.

The reason that connects the school and the school library is the upbringing and education of students.

The activities of any library are considered in three main qualities: as an information and educational center, a cultural and educational center and a center for spiritual and interpersonal communication. At all times, the library has been a cultural institution. And today I would like to dwell on a very important point that distinguishes the school library as a structural unit of a general education institution - this is its cultural function. In the Regulations “On the Library of a General Educational Institution,” the main functions of a school library are defined as educational, informational, and cultural. The library at school is a special environment for education, nurturing the culture of the reader’s personality. How can one not recall the words of Claude Helvetius: “Nothing shapes personality more than the environment.” Therefore, in a school library, the most important task is to educate a person capable of creating and creating culture. The library contains all the main sociocultural wealth in the form of printed materials: books, anthologies, magazines, newspapers. The task of libraries is to introduce the reader to this information. An important role is played by the library's interior and service system. Now let’s turn to the diagram that shows the main components of the reader’s personality culture:

Knowledge of the rules of behavior in a public place; Knowledge of general etiquette rules; Knowledge of the rules for using the library; Ability to work with library search systems; The ability to correctly and competently formulate your request; Communication culture; Reading culture (children's reading is one of the components of the prospects of spirituality, intelligence, culture of a people, a nation, a society..) It is indisputable that the basis for nurturing a reading culture is laid in the school library. First of all, for this it is necessary to create an information environment in the library. And despite such a small and atypical room, our school library has something that should correspond to this concept: decorated book exhibitions for significant and memorable dates; new literature, both for children and adult readers; permanent exhibitions “For you, teachers”, on local history “Land, mine, Yugoria”. Open access shelves are colorfully decorated on a variety of topics for all age categories: primary school, middle school, high school students, and adult readers. There are not only books on the shelves, but also newspapers and magazines. For the “Week of Children's and Youth Books” an exhibition “The Miracle whose name is a book” is being organized, thematic shelves “Today we are writers”, “We write books ourselves”. We must pay tribute to the fact that readers pay attention to the fact that another new exhibition has been created, that new books have appeared, and the selection “New Magazines and Newspapers” is very popular among children of all ages. Readers eagerly await new arrivals, coming to the library almost every break. There are those who read every issue of a certain publication, for example, very popular magazines: “Friend” for dog and cat lovers; “Misha”, “Model Designer””, So, by what methods do we cultivate the reader’s personality culture? Daily recommendation conversations and conversations about reading with readers of all ages when visiting the library (dialogue between reader and librarian)

The school library creates informal relationships with its readers, which compares favorably with more formal connections between teacher and student, which allows the reader to relax, because the library is not only a point for issuing documents or information, but also a place where you can come to take a break and talk with the librarian ( I would especially like to highlight the 5th grades, 6th grades) The function of the library as a center of spiritual communication is also inherent in the school library.

“Dedication to Reading” – for 1st grade students;

Conversation and excursion in the school library for 1st grade students. This is very important, because this is their first library where they go independently and choose publications. Sometimes children are interested in the very process of visiting the library, choosing books on open access shelves. Experience shows how important it is to introduce a child to the rules of using the library in the first grade.

Conversation “Reader Culture”. According to the library's work plan, such a conversation is held annually for 5th grade students during class hours. In each class we chose someone responsible for library work, our assistants. We invite them to come to the library in their free time, if they wish, and we give them a variety of feasible assignments. We have a huge number of assistants. One of the areas of work with classroom librarians is to conduct reviews of children's magazines and newspapers in classrooms. It is possible to achieve certain results only in the cooperation of interested subject teachers, class teachers and librarians, since it is simply physically impossible for librarians to reach everyone at once. I can give positive examples of introducing students to the library through subject teachers: 5-v, Vershinin A.A. – literature teacher Romanenko E.V. – physics teacher. parallel to 6th grades (I’ll talk about them a little later). Class teachers of 9th grade (Romanova A.A., 9th (Kamalova F.P.), 9th grade (Kiselyova E.V.). The most frequent visitors are students (9th E and 9th D) classes). System of library lessons “Fundamentals of information culture.” What do they give us? Library and bibliographic knowledge is a necessary part of reading culture. All students must receive the necessary minimum knowledge about the library, books, and learn to work with reference literature and periodicals. Creative lessons, practical classes, acquaintance with the best publications for children - all this introduces every child to the library, since the need to prepare for homework, work in practical classes on each topic creates conditions under which a child must visit the library for a specific purpose. Topics such as educational, fiction, reference literature, children's magazines and newspapers, book structure, and the history of libraries visually introduce students to specific publications. Ultimately, we will educate a literate, cultured reader who knows how to behave with dignity in any library. After all, today a student is a reader of a school library, and tomorrow - a child’s library, a college, university, scientific library, and the basis for working in a library at a different level will be the knowledge and skills acquired in the school library.

The famous Russian literary critic, columnist Konstantin Milchin and publisher, publicist Boris Kupriyanov visited the Humanitarian Center-Library named after the Polev family for the first time. They came to Irkutsk through the Volnoye Delo Foundation, which supports programs in the fields of healthcare, education, and culture.

“Konstantin Milchin and Boris Kupriyanov are experts in the first open competition for grants to support libraries “Biblio Space,” or the library as a sociocultural center of the local community,” which we held this year,” said Ekaterina Svetlichnaya, Director of Communications and International Projects of the Foundation. - 581 applications from 61 regions of Russia were submitted, 28 applications reached the semi-finals, 22 applications became finalists and received funding for their projects. But, to our great regret, none of the applications from Irkutsk or the Irkutsk region reached either the semifinals or the finals. The competition was objective and strict, each application was reviewed by two experts. The winning projects were those that received the maximum number of points from experts. The competition was all-Russian, but we would like to invest more resources in “our” regions, where the Basic Element group of companies operates. This competition will become one of the foundation’s calling cards and will become an annual event. Therefore, our task in Irkutsk is to get to know the libraries, our applicants who will apply for participation in the future. Despite the fact that applicants from the Irkutsk region did not win this competition, we ourselves came to you. And the competition experts - experts in library and book science - will give the same lectures in Irkutsk as they did to our semi-finalists, whom we gathered in Moscow.”

Boris Kupriyanov’s conversation with Irkutsk readers, librarians, cultural workers, and publishers at the Humanitarian Center was devoted to the topic “Library as a sociocultural institution.” Member of the jury of the National Literary Award "Big Book", co-founder of the bookstore of intellectual literature "Phalanster" (Moscow), Boris Kupriyanov was at the origins of the Moscow City Library Center. The strategy for the development of MGLC developed by him is based on the involvement of district libraries in the social and cultural life of the city. “We studied how the library and the city interact, how the city and the library interact, a person interacts with a book, a city interacts with a book,” said B. Kupriyanov. - The most interesting thing is that the problem of libraries exists all over the world, except for China, Singapore, and India, where the value of the library is unshakable. We were especially interested in the experience of Scandinavia and Great Britain, because it was noticed: the more northern the country, the more important the functions of libraries, the better the libraries.”

B. Kupriyanov said that now in the capital’s municipal libraries, a little less than a month passes from the publication of a book to the appearance on the shelf: “Previously, libraries bought books themselves at auction, and not from the publishing house. And between the publication of the publication and its appearance in the library, 11 months passed. Now it’s a month, for this a unified processing system is being introduced, a universal record is being sent, now this is the fastest system in Russia.”

The name of the editor of the cultural department of the Russian Reporter magazine, Konstantin Milchin, is familiar to readers of the weekly Book Review, the magazines Foreign Literature, Time Out, and listeners of the morning program on NTV. Literary critic K. Milchin shared how not to miss information about new book releases in today's news flow.

“I think the library is a place where you can talk about books. The paradox is that readers have no one to discuss this with: reading only at first glance seems to be an individual process. And a librarian is such a unique person with whom you can talk about books if you are left alone in your traditional society, and in this sense, information about new products and trends is a very important part of your work. And even if you can’t get new products now, you should know about them.”

Konstantin Milchin told us what sources today can tell us what to read.

When saying goodbye, Boris Kupriyanov and Konstantin Milchin said the following: “Be faithful to your service. What you do is service. There are very few such services left in Russia; you perform liturgy every day, every day when you come to work, attracting children and adults to read. Thank you very much!”

What else to read