Is it possible to kill with a look? Energy attack - remote eye strike

Ecology of life: The human gaze has enormous power. His gestures, gait, and facial features can tell a lot about a person and his character, but I think hardly anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his gaze. A look can say a lot about a person’s inner world.

Eyes are clearer than words,
Words sometimes only obscure the meaning...
And the look... Well, will it deceive?
Someone who can read it.

A person's gaze has enormous power. His gestures, gait, and facial features can tell a lot about a person and his character, but I think hardly anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his gaze. A look can say a lot about a person’s inner world.

It has long been noted that a person can influence those around him with his gaze. A look can convey the whole gamut of feelings - love, hatred, contempt, regret, gratitude..... It is no coincidence that there are such expressions as “caress with a glance”, “goosebumps from a glance”, “admiring glance”, “arrogant glance”.

From all this the conclusion involuntarily suggests itself: the look has energy.

The gaze is a powerful force with which you can blind, charm, control and manipulate people. With a glance you can subjugate yourself, with a glance you can neutralize the hostile intentions of a person or an animal.

If you look closely at a person for a while, he will definitely feel it. Scientists decided to test this ability to feel someone else's gaze on them experimentally.

The experiment, in which 100 people took part, was carried out as follows. A person was seated in the center of the room, and a second person was seated behind him so that the subject could not see him. And this second one had to periodically look intently at the person sitting in front of him. If the subject felt the gaze, he spoke about it. The results were stunning. In 95 cases, people felt another person's gaze directed at them.

History has brought to us the names of famous personalities who had a special, magical look that people could not withstand and looked away. Caligula, Ivan the Terrible, Paul I, Hitler, Stalin possessed a heavy, bewitching gaze, which made many feel uneasy.

There are cases in history when people killed with the power of their gaze. In this way, members of the caste of hired killers that existed in Alexandria in the pre-Christian period dealt with undesirables. The look of a man who lived in Sicily in the mid-19th century had a similar feature.

The gaze of a person in a state of extreme emotional excitement, in a state of passion, is extremely dangerous. They knew about this in ancient times. That's why people were blindfolded before execution. By the way, the executioners who carried out the death sentence died very early, as a rule, before reaching the age of 40.

How do representatives of modern science feel about all this?

Research in the field of telepathy and biological radio communication was carried out by the Soviet scientist Kazhinsky (1890-1962). He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics.

The Nobel laureate in the field of physiology and medicine, Ronald Ross (1857-1932), shared the same opinion. The scientist conducted a series of experiments during which subjects were asked to use their gaze to influence a tiny magnetic needle suspended on a silk thread. And many managed to turn the needle with their eyes.

In 1989, Soviet scientists conducted a somewhat unusual experiment for those years, the purpose of which was to test the paranormal abilities of Anna Lokhatkina, a well-known healer in those years. She was asked to use her gaze to influence a laser beam passing through a hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, a gray haze appeared in the cylinder, and a few minutes later the laser beam simply disappeared. It was at this moment that the device used to constantly monitor the healer’s eyes recorded a short-term sharp dilation of the woman’s pupils.

Based on a number of experiments and studies, a version was put forward that the main channel for transmitting eye energy is the pupil.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that the size of the pupils was associated with vitality: A person who is full of life has larger pupils than an old or seriously ill person. The pupils dilate when a person has a need for information, which is why they are dilated in children.

The pupils dilate at times of danger or stress, when a person needs as much information as possible to make a decision. The pupils narrow in a tired person who has lost interest in life, which also indirectly confirms the version that energy is transmitted through the pupil - the narrowing of the pupil prevents the outflow of energy reserves from the body.

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Today in this area there are more assumptions and hypotheses than proven facts. One we can say with confidence - a person’s gaze, which is one of the main means of communication between people, can have both a beneficial effect and cause enormous and sometimes irreparable harm. published

Since time immemorial, eyes have been credited with a mysterious power: people with a heavy, piercing gaze were feared, and for good reason: the gaze unfolded a spiral along the so-called rays of vision.
Here is an incident that happened today. An amazing phenomenon was demonstrated to scientists by a young Spaniard, Monica Tejada. Under the gaze of her blue eyes... metal objects bend. The researchers placed a steel wire in a sealed glass vessel. But this did not stop Monica from bending the solid thread into the silhouette of a dinosaur with an open mouth. At the time of such work, the devices recorded an increase in body temperature and a decrease in blood pressure. This combination baffled doctors. In addition, the electroencephalograph showed biocurrents characteristic of the sleeper.
It has long been known that people are able to react to someone else’s gaze staring at their back. Scientists from the American University of Quiz decided to conduct an experiment to see how often there are people who, according to this popular belief, are able to feel a hostile gaze on themselves. More than a hundred volunteers took part in the experiment. Each of them was seated in the middle of the room. At some point, a man with “piercing” eyes stared at the back of his head. As soon as the subject felt the gaze, he immediately let the researchers know about it. When the results of the experiment were summed up, it turned out that 95 percent of the people who took part in the experiment almost immediately felt a characteristic pressure on the back of their heads.
Someone else's piercing gaze not only creates unpleasant sensations. The philosopher Thomas Aquinas came to the conclusion that, due to strong mental stress, changes occur in human organs. Moreover, they are mainly associated with the eyes, which seem to charge the air from a distance with a special radiation. Later, in 1553, the famous European scientist Cornelius Agrippa wrote in his work “Occult Philosophy”: “In Illyria and among the Tari-balls there are women who they kill all those whom they look at in anger. Also, the women who inhabit Rhodes change everything for the worse through their gaze."
In addition to general statements about the terrible effects of the eyes, there are also specific eyewitness accounts of this phenomenon. In the 80s of the 19th century, on the island of Sicily, they talked about one resident of the city of Messina, whose eyes had destructive powers. With a casual glance without any intent, he could kill a person. But one day he saw a mirror in a store window and looked into it for a long time. And soon after that, he fell ill and died: the mirror reflected and returned to him his own “killer” look.
And here is a case of the death of several people in the theater described by the English magazine “Light” in 1890: “In the era of the Second Empire, on the stage of the Imperial Opera in Paris, the favorite of the public was the singer Massol. In private life, this man was distinguished by a gloomy character and had a repulsive appearance. Especially everyone was struck by the unpleasant sparkle of his eyes. His mental abilities were very limited, but his voice was extremely musical, so that Massol enjoyed success; many French aristocrats found an almost demonic charm in his singing.
In the premiere production of Halévy's opera "King Charles the Sixth" there was the role of Massol. Particularly suited to him, and especially impressively, he performed the aria “Curse” - the audience often demanded a repetition. One day at a performance a strange and inexplicable incident occurred. Massol sang “The Damnation” with his eyes raised to the ceiling, and before the noise of applause died down, the driver, who was moving the scenery above during the aria, fell. When they rushed to his aid, he was already dead. This incident had such a painful effect on the artists and spectators that the opera was not performed for a long time.
After some time it was resumed, and Massol had to take part in the play again. The memory of the unexpected death of the involuntary listener was apparently still too fresh, and this time, while performing the aria, the singer did not dare to raise his eyes. But at some point his gaze accidentally lingered on the bandmaster - the latter almost immediately felt ill and died on the third day from an unusual nervous attack.
Several months passed before the Parisian public could hear the opera again; When the fatal aria was announced, everyone expected a new misfortune in fear.
Massol was advised to sing while looking at a pre-designated empty box. He agreed. Later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting businessman from Marseilles, who was late for the start of the performance and arrived just in time for The Damnation. A few days later, Paris was shocked by the news of his sudden death. After this, the opera was permanently removed from the repertoire, and Massol left the stage in 1858."
Unexpected deaths from a heavy gaze also occurred in Russia. Moreover, not only people suffered, but also birds and animals.
Here, for example, is the story “told by Ivan Kupchinsky, who studied anomalous phenomena back at the end of the 19th century. When he was vacationing in the Crimea, he drew attention to a man who, passing by chickens swarming in the dust, always either covered his eyes with his palm or simply turned away .
- Why are you acting so strange? - asked Kupchinsky.
-You don’t know what kind of eyes I have? All I have to do is look closely at a bird and it falls dead. Would you like to try it? Please. But with an agreement: you will pay the owner for the bird killed by my gaze. Choose any one.
Kupchinsky pointed to the fastest one. The man looked at her intently, and a minute later the dead chicken was already lying in the dust.
Here's another case. This time, the kids suffered from an unkind look. Agnia Mikhailovna P. from Stavropol told about him: “It was right after the war in Chkalov. It was a hungry time, and we kept a goat for milk. She brought us two wonderful kids and a female goat. One day When they were not even a month old, guests came to us. The little goat slept all evening in the kitchen behind the stove. And her brothers entertained us: they jumped all over the room, we laughed until we cried. In the morning we found them both dead. , the goat, remained alive. Having learned about this, my friend, who was visiting us that evening, admitted to me: “It’s probably my fault. I know that my eyes make children cry. But I didn’t know about animals.”
...At a meeting, the boss reprimanded his subordinate too rudely. He remained silent, but “stared,” as one of the employees later put it, with his gaze at his offender. The boss suddenly fell head on the table and wheezed. The ambulance that arrived pronounced him dead. The pathologist was perplexed: “For no reason at all, my heart suddenly stopped beating. It was as if someone had stopped it, like a pendulum from a clock.” Police Colonel Vasily Cherny investigated this unusual case. No matter which representative of official medicine he turned to, he always received the same answer: “The facts of murder by sight are unknown to science.”
But researchers who have been studying bioenergy problems for a long time were not surprised by what happened. They suggested that the cause of death was a powerful bioenergetic impulse from the man's eyes, which destroyed nerve cells in the brain of his boss. There is nothing extraordinary about this. Many peoples have long believed that the gaze of a person standing on the verge of death carries within it a colossal emotional force that can harm the one to whom it is directed. This, by the way, explains the ancient custom of blindfolding those sentenced to death.
How can people with piercing eyes influence animals and inflict mortal wounds on them with an “imaginary” knife?
Doctor of Medical Sciences Viktor Yakovlev believes that there is a special form of energy attack - a remote strike with the eyes. It is popularly called "black eye". True, according to the scientist’s observations, the prevailing opinion about the magical power of people with dark irises is unfounded. Gaze strikes are performed equally well by both dark-eyed and light-eyed people. The effect depends only on the degree of proficiency in the energy strike technique and the emotional state of the person.

News edited ricci - 14-03-2012, 13:11

Consider the consequences and prepare for the response. A sinister look is meant to be noticed. He must embarrass the target and make him feel guilty. But, unfortunately, this can lead to confrontation. Your target may ask you what went wrong. It is unlikely that you will want to continue a conversation with this person if the conversation has already begun to irritate you. Moreover, the target may take your ominous gaze as a challenge and try to start a fight.

  • Prepare an escape route in advance if you intend to avoid an unpleasant conversation. You should not look at a person angrily if you are standing in the same line or in a class with him. It is better to strike him with an ominous look when you are already leaving the room. This way the enemy will not be able to put you in a hopeless position.
  • Prepare an answer in advance in case the person still wants to talk to you. You can end the conversation with a simple “nothing,” but this will not give the interlocutor an answer to the question of why he angered you.

Think about the target and its motive. As a rule, an ominous look is personal in nature. It has both psychological and physical effects, but does not work very well on random passers-by who have done nothing wrong to you. Therefore, you need to keep someone as a target in your imagination. If there is no one in sight, then you should look for the person who has offended you in some way. Jealousy is one of the most common reasons for an angry look.

  • Your target could be a stranger who has annoyed you by, for example, ordering the last cupcake, singing too loudly and out of tune, or refusing to soothe his child's too loud screaming.
  • Also, a person whom you have known for a long time can act as a target because you dislike him for his external manifestations and his character. This could be a brother or even a teacher’s pet who never makes mistakes.
  • Choose the right moment. It depends on who exactly was chosen as a target. Since a menacing look is designed specifically to be noticed, you need to wait until the target does something that annoys you. For example:

    • If you don't know the person, wait for them to annoy you by, say, taking the last cupcake you were desperate for.
    • If you know your target, you can give him an angry look after any little thing. Let's say she sneezed or straightened her hair.
  • Focus on past and present grievances to gather all your energy. An ominous gaze is not just a gaze that needs to be directed in a certain way. Your target should feel anger and hatred coming from you. Chances are you've already thought about something she did wrong (such as annoying singing). If you want to demonstrate to someone you know how unpleasant he is to you, then you should concentrate on past grievances in order to collect all this negative energy:

    • Think about all the unceremonious things he has done in the past. Think about the injustice that occurred: while he was avoiding the dress code, you were fined even for a shirt that slipped out from under your trousers when you bent over to take something out of your backpack.
    • If you can't remember past grievances, think about topics that upset or anger you, such as discrimination, politics, violence, and the like.
    • Focus your attention on the event that really angered you. The more fresh the event is in your memory, the stronger your feelings will be.
  • Support the received energy and thoughts. Once you begin to manage negative emotions, learn to hold on to them. You need to keep that anger in your head while you pierce the person with your gaze.

    • If you're having trouble conserving energy, imagine that your target has an unfortunate experience, such as dropping her cupcake (frosting side down) on the dirty floor.
  • Make a relaxed expression and remain calm. Quiet anger is more terrifying than out-of-control rage. Don't grumble angrily, snap or frown angrily. This does not frighten, but only deprives the gaze of the necessary strength.

    • In this case, you need to squint or, on the contrary, open your eyes wide. It is advisable to draw the curve of your lips into a straight line, as if you had tasted something bitter.
  • Stare at the person until they notice you and make eye contact. It may not happen quickly. But don't give up. Continue to gaze intently at the person without moving your eyes away. Eventually, the person will “feel” someone else’s gaze on them and turn around to look at you.

    Recent research by scientists has shown that human eyes have a powerful bioenergetic effect.

    Victims of the great singer

    One day, my friend, retired police colonel Vladimir V., who worked in the police for a long time, told me an interesting story,” Igor Vinokurov, a researcher of anomalous phenomena and the author of many books about miracles, tells me. - In one of the Moscow research institutes, the head of the leading department, distinguished by his quarrelsome character and disrespect for his colleagues, suddenly died. Once again he made some harsh and offensive remark to his subordinate. He remained silent, but looked at the offender so that he suddenly fell head on the table and wheezed. The arriving ambulance doctors confirmed death, but could not understand its cause: the boss was absolutely healthy.

    The pathologist who performed the autopsy privately told my friend that he had the impression that it was as if someone had taken the deceased’s heart and stopped it, like a pendulum on a clock. The investigator immediately suspected that this “someone” was a subordinate offended by the boss, whose gaze made such an unpleasant impression that even the seasoned operative had goosebumps crawling down his back.

    The power of a deadly look has been known for a long time. One of the most sensational cases occurred at the beginning of the last century in Paris. At that time, the singer Massol, who was distinguished by his gloomy character and heavy gaze from under his overhanging eyebrows, enjoyed great success on the stage of the Italian Imperial Opera. Once, when he sang the aria “The Damnation” from Halevi’s opera with his eyes raised to the ceiling, the driver who was moving the scenery above fell right onto the stage and died on the spot. Another time, during a performance, the singer accidentally glanced at the conductor. He almost immediately felt ill and died on the third day from an unusual nervous attack. For the third time, Massol was advised to sing while looking at the empty box. But later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseille, who was late for the start of the performance. He died the next day. After this, the opera was forever excluded from the repertoire, and Massol left the stage.

    Indian yogis and Tibetan magicians, as a result of long training, acquire a gift called “vasitva,” that is, the ability to tame and even kill wild animals. And experienced trainers claim that an animal can be stopped with just one glance, without resorting to verbal commands.

    From the KP archive

    The ability of the famous psychic Roza Kuleshova to see objects at a distance of three meters with her eyes closed and to read letters in sealed envelopes confirms that the gaze can be penetrating, distant and pass even through opaque objects.

    The historian notes that Leo Tolstoy’s gaze “translated” through his interlocutor, like an X-ray, while Joseph Stalin’s gaze forced him to lower his eyes and paralyze the will. There are people who can even influence photographic film with the power of their gaze. One of the most famous is the American Ted Sirius. In the presence of a special commission, he looked intently at the photograph, memorized it and turned his gaze to the photographic plate. When the film was developed, a vague and blurry image similar to the original was discovered. Later, specialists observed similar phenomena in people suffering from severe visual hallucinations.

    Secrets of the Witch

    To reveal the secret of the evil eye, Igor Vinokurov decided to find the witch and find out “industrial secrets” from her. In a remote village near Vladimir, he found grandmother Tamara, about whom there were rumors that she was causing damage. Contrary to ideas about scary witches, Baba Tamara looked like a good fairy from children's fairy tales: a round face, a snub nose, kind blue eyes.

    It’s easy to cause damage,” she said. - You need to vividly, in the smallest detail, imagine the “object” as sick or dead, and then, when you meet, look closely at it, mentally sending curses to it.

    Using the recommendations of the witch, the researchers decided to repeat the experiment in laboratory conditions. The role of the “sorcerer” was performed by Doctor of Physical Sciences, bioenergy therapist Oleg Dubov. He acted with the power of thought on distilled water in a sealed ampoule. Physical measurements were amazing: the mobility of water molecules increased and its electrical conductivity increased.

    The scientist spoke about the technology of his “witchcraft” as follows: “First, I tried to “shake up” the oxygen atoms. I imagined their cores as fireflies with electron sparkles orbiting around them. Imagining that a silvery stream was flowing from the top of my head along my spine and then to my fingertips, I directed it towards these firefly nuclei. And they themselves, overflowing with energy, began to repel electrons and throw them out of orbit.”

    "Corrupted" people

    In the old days, when the power of the gaze was taken very seriously, a list of diseases caused by the evil eye was even compiled. Adults are affected by thinness, tumors, paralysis, convulsions, blindness, gluttony or impotence. And for children - insomnia, nausea, headaches, epileptic seizures, consumption. People who have been damaged begin to experience unconscious fear even before the first signs of illness appear. Later, they are given away by a yellowish or gray complexion, then they begin to experience stomach pain and constantly vomit. In children, the first symptoms of the evil eye were considered to be sudden pallor, uneven pulse, fever, sweating and lack of appetite.

    Eyes emit rays

    Can a glance really destroy your health and even kill you?

    Of course,” confirmed the director of the Institute of Information Wave Technologies, Vladimir Hokkanen. - Numerous experiments in many scientific laboratories around the world have proven that the gaze has a powerful bioenergetic effect. The eyes emit radiation in the millimeter wave range of extremely high frequencies and are therefore capable of influencing others. For example, many of us are able to physically feel the gaze of a passerby walking behind us. Experiments have shown that during such “hypnosis sessions” our electrocutaneous resistance changes.

    Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Hrant Demirchoglyan agreed with this:

    Research by ophthalmologists has shown that the eye, like any unique optoelectronic system, can work not only to receive a signal, but also to emit it. After all, the very shape of the eyeball and retina, reminiscent of a parabolic mirror, confirms the possibility of backward radiation from the eyes of the so-called “rays of vision”. The return radiation coming from the eyes is short-wave and therefore can be penetrating, like X-rays or laser radiation. It can affect the central nervous system, the brain and the functioning of the entire body. It is known that there are points on the iris of the eye that are responsible for the functioning of all internal organs. This is used in iridology. If it is proven that the rays coming from the eyes are of the same nature as a laser, then we will have to believe in the existence of heroes of science fiction stories who can incinerate a person with a glance.

    Has it ever occurred to you how a person could survive in a world ruled by force, where the most significant, weighty argument in the dispute for the right to exist was a mighty fang and a sharp tooth, but not at all wit? Perhaps some skill once helped people, now completely forgotten?..

    An acquaintance of mine once told the story of his then future father’s unsuccessful matchmaking with the daughter of the famous tamer V. Durov at the beginning of the 20th century.
    The young people were introduced at some dinner party, and, as was customary then, she invited him to the house. He arrived at the appointed time and sat down to drink tea. The conversation flowed freely about this and that, occasionally interrupted by the animals darting around the trainer’s house. But what annoyed the youth most of all was the crow, which darted around the room with wild cawing.
    “And damn you!” - the trainer’s daughter finally couldn’t stand it and threw a special look at the crow.
    Ta-clap on the floor with your paws up...

    My friend’s father, who witnessed this scene, decided not to stay in the house for long after this. At the first opportunity, I picked up my hat and was like that...
    And this is far from the only evidence of the power of a killer female gaze. Back in 1553, the famous European scientist Cornelius Agrippa wrote in his work “Occult Science”: “In Tartary, Illyria and the Tariballs there are women who kill all those whom they look at in anger. Also, the women who inhabit Rhodes change everything for the worse through their gaze.”

    Another phenomenon of this kind was observed in Paris during the era of the second empire. In those days, the singer Massol, who was distinguished by a special, unpleasant shine in his eyes, enjoyed great success on stage.

    Once, when, as always, he was singing an aria from Halevi’s opera “The Damnation” with his eyes raised to the ceiling, the driver who was moving the scenery above fell right on the stage and died. The next time, while performing, the singer accidentally glanced at the bandmaster - and he almost immediately felt ill and died on the third day from an unusual nervous attack. For the third time, Massol was advised to sing while looking at the empty box. But later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseille, who was late for the start of the performance. Needless to say, he died the next day. After this, Massol left the stage.

    In the middle of the 19th century, one of the residents of Palermo, Sicily, had a similar gift. All he had to do was look intently at a person, and he began to waste away by leaps and bounds. After a couple of days, death occurred. But the owner of the deadly gaze himself never looked in the mirror.

    Desperate heads did not fail to take advantage of this. They waylaid a scary man in an alley, threw a bag over his head and dragged him into a room where they had previously hung mirrors on all the walls. They tore the bag off the man who was caught, and everyone ran out of the room, locking the door. The man saw his reflection, and his own gaze killed him. Thus, the residents of Palermo got rid of the terrible killer.

    At the end of the 19th century, an official from England, Karsten, who served in the colonial administration of India, came across local savages while hunting an elephant. They wanted to take someone else's trophy for themselves, but Karsten, despite the warnings of his frightened servants, harshly stopped the savages by beating one of them. The beaten savage had no intention of running away, he remained in place and looked intently into Karsten’s eyes.

    This look immediately made him feel sick, a strong disgust washed over him, and he kicked the savage aside. Then this state quickly passed, and in the evening Karsten laughed at the stupid fears of his superstitious servants. However, the next evening, his hand, with which he then beat that savage, began to hurt greatly. And a day later he fell ill altogether: some terrible weakness overcame his whole body. Carsten was examined by doctors, but no illness could be determined. His condition quickly deteriorated: first he lost his appetite, insomnia began, followed by severe pain, and his tongue was lost. A week later he died.

    There are people whose gaze is simply impossible to withstand. For example, . His contemporaries noted the amazing quality of his eyes. One got the impression that it was possible to drown in them and lose one’s own self. No one could look into his eyes for a long time. People got confused and looked away.

    Joseph Stalin had a similar gift. Those who communicated with him closely described his gaze as snakelike. This is exactly how Stalin looked at people, trying to understand their inner essence. At the same time, the formidable ruler did not tolerate it when his interlocutor averted his eyes. He viewed this as insincerity, which indicated dark thoughts.

    There is evidence that the human eye also affects animals. Indian yogis and Tibetan magicians, as a result of long training, acquire a gift called “vasitva,” that is, the ability to tame and even kill wild animals. And experienced trainers assure that an animal can be stopped with just one look, without using verbal commands.

    Is it really possible to kill with a glance, or at least to seriously harm - to jinx it, as they said in the old days?
    “To reveal the secret of the evil eye, I decided to find the witch and find out her “production secrets,” said another friend of mine, a researcher of the unknown, Sergei Demkin. - In the village of Balmyshevo in the Vladimir region, I found grandmother Tamara, about whom there were rumors that she cast spells on cattle, and sometimes on people. The mechanism for casting the evil eye turned out to be very simple. It is necessary to imagine the “object” as sick or dead as clearly as possible, in all details, and then, upon meeting, look closely at it, mentally sending it all imagined illnesses and misfortunes.

    Using the recommendations of the village witch, we wanted to repeat the experiment in laboratory conditions. The role of the “sorcerer” was played by Oleg Dobrovolsky, a healer, bioenergetic therapist, and former physicist who worked at the Kurchatov Institute for thirty years. It affected the water in the sealed ampoule. The result of the experiment was amazing: the mobility of water molecules increased and its electrical conductivity increased.”

    The scientist’s technology of “witchcraft” was not much different from the manipulations of a witch. Oleg first tried to “shake up” the oxygen atoms. “I imagined their nuclei in the form of small fireflies,” he said, “around which sparkles—electrons—revolve. Imagining that a silvery stream was flowing from the top of my head along my spine and then to my fingertips, I directed it towards these firefly nuclei. And they themselves, overflowing with energy, began to repel electrons and throw them out of orbit.”

    So, it turns out that it is no coincidence that the founder of medical science, Avicenna, wrote about bad gas. And the famous philosopher, Saint Thomas Aquinas, concluded that due to strong mental stress, the eyes emit a special light that seems to charge the air from a distance.

    Moreover, recent work by the director of the Institute of Information Wave Technologies V. Hokkanen has shown that some human organs, including the eyes, emit radiation in the millimeter wave range and therefore can affect surrounding objects.

    * * *
    The young Spanish woman Monica Tejada, from the city of Caceres, has wonderful black hair and blue eyes. However, it is not her appearance that she is famous throughout the country.
    Monica picks up a tightly sealed glass flask with a metal tape inside. He glares at her. And she suddenly begins to wriggle slowly, like a sleepy snake, twisting into a spiral. Tejada takes his eyes off the flask for a second, then continues to stare at it again. The spiral comes to life again, the tape returns to its original state.

    The Spanish flu was repeatedly studied by doctors, including psychiatrists. She is considered to be completely healthy and highly intelligent. It was noted that during remote exposure to metal, her body temperature increases and blood pressure drops. In this case, the sensor records the pattern of brain currents characteristic of a person who is sleeping.

    Monica Tejada considers herself the “spiritual sister” of the famous American Uri Geller, who has paranormal abilities, including the art of telekinesis. Although, unlike the Spanish woman, Uri prefers to “work” with keys to apartments and cars. Once in Miami, he was interviewed by three skeptical reporters at once. The conversation dragged on steadily, and then suddenly Geller rose sharply from his chair.
    "Eat! - he exclaimed solemnly. - Look at your keys...”
    The journalists, confused, took the keys out of their pockets and made sure that the metal keys were bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

    But Uri Geller considered experiments with keys to be nothing more than fun for himself. Somehow, by force of will, he managed to stop the cable car. After this, he began to fear that his abilities could be used by force to harm someone. “Many are afraid of me,” he shared his worries with journalists. “They think: if he can stop the cable car, won’t he or someone else get it into his head to do something worse...” And he categorically added that he would never undertake such experiments.

    There are countless examples of telekinesis (or parakinesis) in our country. Some of the most striking were the experiments conducted more than a quarter of a century ago by a major specialist in the field of psychology, a Moscow scientist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor V. Pushkin. He investigated a person of unusual abilities - B. Ermolaev.

    ...In the middle of the empty room there was a table, on it there was a tennis ball, a matchbox, and pencils. Ermolaev approached the table and, holding out his hand, froze. A minute passed, then another - and then objects began to move on their own.
    Ermolaev could hold an object between his palms, and then gradually spread his hands, causing the ball or box to hover in the air.

    Professor Pushkin then published a hypothesis about the nature of telekinesis. Or rather, two. At first, he shared the theory that a person's ability to move objects at a distance was associated with static electricity in the human body. But later he moved away from this hypothesis and became interested in the assumption of the scientist A. Dubov that living systems are capable of generating and receiving gravitational waves. The phenomenon was called biogravity.

    Of course, this is not the gravity in the Universe that we know about. The main difference between human-generated gravity is its fragility, capriciousness, and sudden fluctuations. A scientific definition of the phenomenon was proposed: autogravity.
    Pushkin believed that autogravity materially ensures human mental activity. Here is what he said on this matter: “...Man lives among objects of varying degrees of organization. And in order to perceive these objects, in order to build their models in the head, he must bend space in accordance with the curvature of the cognizable objects. This is how human autogravity arises.”
    But Professor Pushkin died, and research gradually curtailed (at least judging by the open press).

    Our brain and our eyes have the ability to create a second reality.
    More than a century ago, it was discovered that the internal image being represented could be photographed. Sometimes it was enough to glance into the lens of the camera and press the shutter, and “psychographs” and “photographs of thought” appeared in the picture. Such experiments, for example, were carried out at the end of the 19th century by Edison Jr. and the English doctor Rogers. And the Japanese Furukai and the American Ted Serayes made their living with such spectacular performances.

    “Try somehow,” says Professor Karnelyukhin, “to peer intently at some object and then abruptly remove it... For some time it will still obsessively stand before your eyes. In fact, it is not immediately erased from the retina and memory. In science this is called "after-image". Using complex geometric optics, it can be captured on film. Modern technology is capable of obtaining a sharp and high-quality image of even your sleep, if the rays reflected from the fundus of the eye ultimately focus on the photo layer.”

    I hope that not much time will pass - and we will be able to prove and show people what amazing abilities our “mirrors of the soul” have.
    Although, there is another point of view on this problem. “We should not hastily assert the correlation between telekinesis and the phenomenal abilities of the eyes and glances,” its supporters believe. - Suffice it to recall the experiments conducted by the famous French biologist Remy Chauvin. Teenage children, imagining “balls flying out of a jar,” used their will to slow down and speed up the process of radioactive decay. It doesn’t matter whether they influenced the alpha particle itself or the Geiger counter - the fact is that their eyes had nothing to do with it. The entire course of the experiment speaks of some kind of radiation that is not narrowly directed, but, on the contrary, “wide-ranging.”

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