Do-it-yourself multi-gable roof. We make a gable roof with our own hands

Complex roof structures today can often be found in private housing construction. And the sheer complexity of developers does not scare. After all, beauty and presentability are part of social status. Among a small number of types of complex roofs, multi-gable roofs stand out for their originality, because there are a large number of complex elements in its design. But why did this type of roof get such a name.

It's all about the rooms under the roof, which are covered with a separate element that connects to the main roofing system. This element is called a tong. The peculiarity of its design is two slopes without a cornice, resting against the walls of the building. To understand what we are talking about, look at the photo above (a house with a multi-gable roof). The slopes have one contact with other roof elements - these are valleys or ribs. That is, it turns out that this building does not have gables.

If you look at the roofing system from above (if the house is square or rectangular, and its tongs are located against each other), then this will be a cross-shaped structure. In this case, there will be two crosses: the inner one is the valleys, the outer one is the ribs or ridges of the roof. By the way, valleys are those areas in which snow accumulates in large quantities in winter, and garbage in summer.

Features of a multi-gable roof

If you are faced with the task of making a multi-gable roof with your own hands, then you should be aware that its design is a huge number of different elements, the process itself is complicated, so it is usually carried out by professionals. But if you carefully understand the construction technology, then it will be possible to build a multi-gable roof on your own.

The question of the cost of the entire structure is a little apart. It's all about the large number of building materials used. And here, as practice shows, there is no point in saving. The design and calculation carried out by specialists must be strictly observed. You should not do the project and calculations with your own hands, a small inaccuracy can lead to big problems already at the initial stage of building a multi-gable roof. The design of this type of roof must be carried out with great care, taking into account all visible and invisible loads and factors.

If you build a multi-gable roof according to all the rules, then in the end you will get:

  • A stable and reliable roof structure that will perfectly withstand natural loads only due to a balanced truss system.
  • Under the roof, it will be possible to organize several residential and utility rooms. The house will become more functional.
  • This is an attractive appearance, residually original and rarely seen, so there is an opportunity to stand out among the neighbors.

And one unpleasant moment associated with the construction of this structure: a large amount of waste roofing material. Professional craftsmen bring it to a minimum, but if you make a roof with your own hands, then you should immediately be prepared that financial investments will increase.

Do-it-yourself construction of a multi-gable roof

The main load element of the roof is the Mauerlat. In fact, these are beams (minimum section 150x150 mm), which are attached with metal anchors to the walls of the house. To lay the anchor, it is necessary to pour a concrete reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building.

Attention ! The reinforcement of the concrete belt must be continuous.

Rafter legs will rest on the installed Mauerlat. They can be hanging or inclined, everything will depend on the design features of the roofing multi-gable system. Boards with a section of 150x50 mm are usually used as rafters. If the expected loads, confirmed by calculations, are large enough, then instead of boards it will be necessary to use beams with a section of 150x100 mm or double the boards described above.

A ridge beam is laid along the main bearing wall, on which the rafters will be installed with the upper edges. The beam is set exactly in place and supported by supports and jibs. After that, truss elements are installed on it and the Mauerlat. The laying step will depend on the chosen roofing material. If these are heavy types (for example, tiles), then the step between the rafters should be within 60-80 cm. If it is corrugated board or metal tiles, then the step can be increased to 1.0-1.5 m. All the same applies to crates.

The rafters are fastened with metal fasteners using self-tapping screws. By the way, experienced craftsmen make the connection between the elements of a multi-gable roof by cutting, so to speak, in the old fashioned way. The method is complex in execution, requiring considerable experience. Therefore, for those who build a house and a roof with their own hands, it is recommended to use modern fastening technologies.

Attention! When attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat, it is necessary to make a recess in the timber to fit the width of the rafter. And after installation in place, fasten the elements with metal profiles.

On the ridge beam, installation is carried out by simple laying and metal fasteners, as shown in the top photo.

The most difficult stage in the construction of a multi-gable roof with your own hands is the creation of a valley between the roof slopes. By the way, in the same photo it is clearly visible. Firstly, it should be noted that the valley is loaded more than all other elements of the roof, therefore, during its construction, it is necessary to take care of the strength of the material from which it is made. Here, just like with a ridge beam, you can use either a thick beam or double boards.

Secondly, the valley is an inclined inner corner, which is formed by the rafters of two roof slopes. Therefore, the rafters will rest on it. Here it is important to strictly observe the design parameters that are laid down in the multi-gable roof project. This is especially true for the angle along which the slopes are connected to each other. If you look at it, then the valley is, in fact, part of the supporting structure, which includes the ridge and Mauerlat.

Pay attention again to the photo. It clearly shows that another element is installed in the same plane only perpendicular to the ridge beam. This is the so-called run. In fact, this is a fad for an extension, which will form a gable of the roof. The run must be made of the same material as the skate. It will also load. And although the bulk of the rafter legs will rest on the valley, the rafter legs forming the gable will rest on the extension run. By the way, these rafters are called "spiders".

The simplest construction of a multi-gable roof is a roof mounted on a square house. Everything seems to be simple, but this form has its own difficulties in erection. Here it is important to understand how all other elements are connected at one point. There are a lot of subtleties in these knots, especially this applies to docking and fastening. To ensure that each element is firmly fixed, experts suggest using additional stops and supports. In order not to be unfounded, we suggest looking at the photo, where these nodes are shown in full analysis.

Thirdly, with regard to the valley. This is the most vulnerable part of the roofing system. That is why it is so important to carefully seal it. This is usually done in several steps.

  • A metal bar is installed along the crate, covering a part of the elements in width.
  • Waterproofing is laid, often in two layers.
  • Another one exactly the same.

Attention! The crate under the valley should be solid.

This element of a multi-gable roof does not differ in its technological properties from the crates of other forms of roofing. That is, the installation step, the dimensions of the elements, the methods of fastening, and so on are chosen in the same way.

Conclusion on the topic

Making a multi-gable roof with your own hands is not very simple. But if you master the basics of working with carpentry tools and understand what the design scheme is, how the roof elements are installed and fastened, then you can cope with the task without big problems.

The only difference between the multi-gable roof subtypes is the shape of the house itself. That is, the house can be square and rectangular. In the first case, there may be no ridge in the roofing system. It's just that all the slopes will be connected at one top point, as shown in the top photo. So, a house covered with a multi-gable roof is the most original.

Modern suburban construction pleases the eye with a variety of architectural forms. Most often, these are difficult to perform and quite expensive options that surprise with originality and aesthetics. Roof options are also chosen to match the walls being built, today intricate shapes are in fashion, complex in execution and high budget, such as multi-gable ones. Most often, such roofs adorn polygonal or square structures, houses with outbuildings that have a height different from the main building, the attics of which are equipped with original illuminated attics.

Multi-gable roof - features

It is not at all easy to build such roofs, their construction is usually entrusted to specialists: after all, before drawing up a project, it will be necessary to calculate the loads that will affect certain fragments of the structure, and therefore the supports.

The attractive features of a multi-gable roof are:

  • original look, giving the house a resemblance to a fairy-tale castle,
  • practicality, a correctly calculated design that allows storm water to drain quickly and contributes to the descent of the snow cover accumulating during a snowfall,
  • the possibility of long-term operation, reliability and durability,
  • the ability to withstand significant loads, thanks to a well-thought-out truss system,
  • the possibility of effective use of the under-roof space as residential and auxiliary premises.

The main problems that arise when building a house with a multi-gable roof:

  • a complex structure, a do-it-yourself multi-gable roof is erected only if you have building experience or the opportunity to receive detailed advice from professional builders;
  • increased material costs associated with the formation of a large amount of waste when covering numerous bends and slopes.

So, before deciding on the construction of a multi-gable roof, you should consult with experts and think carefully about how economically sound such a decision will be.

Multi-gable roof of houses - what elements does it consist of

The main components of the outer surface of multi-gable roofs are:

  • ribs - inclined and horizontal,
  • inclined planes of slopes,
  • grooves for draining water and melting snow,
  • drains used to carry rain
  • the top of the roof is a ridge,
  • overhangs, which are the edge of the roof, covering the wall of the house and preventing precipitation from falling on it.

Provide a strong frame and create a reliable support for the roof:

  • mauerlat - a beam laid around the perimeter of the entire building, serving as a support for the entire truss system,
  • rafters, which are a thick timber or a paired board made of natural wood,
  • crate, which is the base on which the roofing material is laid and serves to evenly distribute the loads created by this material.

The corners formed at the junction of two slopes are called valleys. Special attention should be paid to the correctness of their construction: since the corners formed at the joints of the slopes will be internal, the load exerted on them will be much greater than on the rest of the roof details. The reliability of the entire roof depends on how well the valleys are built.

To ensure the integrity and completeness of the structure, it will be necessary to install additional diagonal rafters at the intersection of the slopes, this fact greatly complicates the calculation of the multi-gable roof and its construction.

Varieties of multi-string structures

If we talk about the varieties of multi-gable roofs, then they can be:

  • hip, i.e. four-pitched, involving the construction of additional gable walls, complicating the design of the entire truss system;
  • half hip, four forceps, in which two lateral slopes are slightly cut off from a large forceps; if half hips are built in the upper part, then the tongs will protrude from the wall.

What points are taken into account when drafting multi-gable roofs

The option with the construction of a multi-gable roof can be considered justified if the design of the house has a somewhat non-standard solution. In particular, this is an ideal option that will increase the area of ​​​​the attic, create the possibility of equipping living rooms on it.

Often this type of roof is used to complete a square-shaped house, which greatly simplifies the calculation of the roof. If there is a desire to build a roof in the form of four equilateral triangles, then they must necessarily converge with their vertices at one point.

A few tips from the experts:

  1. When constructing a multi-gable roof, you can use ready-made standard projects.
  2. It should not be forgotten that after the construction of such a roof, a large amount of waste roofing materials will remain.
  3. The complication of installation work will be facilitated by the need to install several rafters, in particular, in a hip structure.
  4. The slope angle of the slopes is calculated taking into account the climate in the area, as well as the desire to get one or another amount of under-roof space.
  5. The arrangement of the valleys, along which the bulk of the wastewater will move, will require a careful assembly of the waterproofing system.
  6. In winter, during heavy snowfalls, it may be necessary to clean the roof surface from snow accumulated in the valley area.

Multi-gable roof truss system

The process of building a multi-gable roof is complex and requires the involvement of roofing masters, at least for consultations - after all, during the construction process, high-quality connections of numerous ribs, grooves, valleys will be required, which will require building experience and skill.

Most often, multi-gable roofs are used in projects of private houses of intricate architectural form, with polygonal elements.

Attract developers and the aesthetics of the roof, and its performance. Sometimes the shape of the roof can have such an unusual appearance that it is not easy to recognize it as a multi-gable roof. The simplest version of this type of roof is one whose two slopes intersect at an angle of 90 degrees.

The composition of the truss system of this type of roof includes:

  • beams or girders,
  • rafters,
  • mauerlat, which serves as the base on which the rafters are attached and ensures an even distribution of the loads created by the roof on the walls.

For the construction of Mauerlat and rafters, a wooden beam with a section of 100x150 mm is used, the best material for harvesting such a beam is pine, the recommended moisture content of wood is from 18 to 20%.

The rafter system consists of rafters of two types: layered and hanging. The use of one or another type is due to the design features of a single roof; in some cases, rafters of both types can be used in one design.

At the junction of the slopes of the gable structure, diagonal rafters are used, sprigs are installed on them to support the supports. Since there are quite large loads on the diagonal rafters, the connection of two boards is used to reinforce them.

The upper part of the rafters is connected with girders made of boards or bars; if the structure is not sufficiently rigid, additional intermediate girders are installed.

  1. After completing the assembly of the truss system, the installation of waterproofing should be performed.
  2. The waterproofing film is laid perpendicular to the slope, the overlap during laying must be at least 150 mm.
  3. For reliability, the joints of the film should be connected with adhesive tape.
  4. Be sure to perform waterproofing of the inner corners formed by the slopes - this is the place where the largest mass of wastewater converges.

Upon completion of laying the waterproofing, you can begin to create a counter-lattice from the bars. The installation of roofing material is best done in accordance with the installation instructions that come with it.

Multi-gable roof construction technology

Based on the above, it is easy to conclude that a multi-gable roof is a structure consisting of two or more gable roofs. Actually, this complication of the design and gives the roof a special appeal.

The main stages of the construction of the roof will be:

  • performing calculations for each structural element, taking into account the dimensions and loads that will be placed on them,
  • calculation of the desired section of the rafters and their length,
  • mauerlat laying around the perimeter of the entire building,
  • installation of the main fragments of the structure at the calculated points,
  • fastening the rafter system to the Mauerlat, using pins from reinforcement, steel wire embedded in the masonry, steel studs or nails,
  • assembly of the crate, installation of hydro and vapor barriers,
  • roofing material installation.
  • Roofs are, as you know, flat and pitched. Pitched - architecturally more expressive and, in addition to the protective function, they also have a decorative function. The number, shape and size of the slopes depend entirely on the personal preferences of the owner and the designer's intent, taking into account, of course, climatic conditions and operating requirements.

    Design features: pros and cons

    Multi-gable roof - the design is quite complicated. It is distinguished by the presence of numerous intersections of slopes, at which valleys are formed, the so-called formed internal corners. The valley is considered the most unreliable element. Indeed, the maximum amount of water flows through them, despite the fact that their slope is significantly less than that of the slopes. Snow accumulates there, increasing the load on the roof. Therefore, the valley can be considered the “weak” point of such structures. So, this roof is not only complicated in its structure, but it is also not easy to follow it.

    At the junctions of the roof slopes, ribs are also formed, but, unlike the valleys, they form an external corner.

    A vivid illustration of them is, for example, the place where two slopes in a quadrangular roof are connected.

    The shape of the structure during the construction of this type is either polygonal, the scheme of which is presented below, or square. It can be installed in houses with a complex layout or in attics, for which it is necessary to provide special additional side lighting. For extensions of such buildings, different heights are characteristic.

    However, neither this nor the significant cost, because the complexity of the geometric shape of the structure leads to an increased consumption of material, does not become an obstacle for those who seek to complete their building with an interesting and original accent.

    A multi-gable roof, the drawing of which for many may seem no less complicated, nevertheless, can be erected independently, but subject to strict adherence to the requirements of construction technology

    Multi-gable can combine under a single roof structure a number of roofs that differ in their type and purpose. The complexity of its device lies in the large number of ribs, valleys, grooves. Its spire is more of an artistic character, and it is often used to install towers and domed roofs, emphasizing the architectural style. Two-level coatings and are considered one of the most popular today.

    Rafter device

    The basis of the roof structure is the truss system. Most often it combines diagonal and directed to the corners of the walls. The complexity of such structures lies in the fact that all slopes do not rely on Mauerlats, as usual, but on diagonal legs. That is, the bearing capacity of the structure depends not only on the calculation of the sections of the system elements, but also on the implementation of the connection nodes and the installation of stiffeners.

    The main node is considered to be the joint at one point of the ridges of the same level of different sections of the roof. The ridge beams are connected at a right angle, but, in addition, each of these angles also includes slanting legs, which are the main support for almost all rafters. The strength of this node is increased by installing puffs.

    Slanted rafters are longer than conventional ones, so they are made paired. This technology simultaneously solves several problems:

    • a rafter with a double section is able to withstand an increased load;
    • rallying the boards makes it possible to obtain a continuous beam of greater length;
    • when connecting, the standard size of the parts used is unified.

    It turns out that the same boards can be practically used for diagonal devices as for ordinary ones - and the use of boards of equal height for any type of rafters simplifies the constructive solution of roof nodes. In addition, semi-legs or joists are supported on them, thanks to which the layered supports are able to carry a load that is about one and a half times more than the maximum load for ordinary rafters.

    The leaning of the sprigs on the diagonal leg is performed in two ways:

    • top surface support. A cut is made in the rafters in such a way that half of their section - the upper one - is above the diagonal leg, and the lower one rests on the side surface.
    • Support on the side. The main thing in this case is how well the supporting parts fit. The lower rafter can be more firmly connected to the diagonal leg beam by nailing an additional support boss from the trim.

    The bottom of the sloping supports, usually for landing on a truss, a beam of timber, thrown along intersecting external walls at an angle, a surf or run console, is cut into the horizon and fastened with nails.

    But the diagonal supports located in the valley cannot be supported with a trussed truss.

    A truss truss is a truss structure with two struts installed.

    The fact is that the valley forms the inner corner of the walls, so they must be supported with racks or, in extreme cases, with struts.

    By the way, the installation of roofing in the case of a multi-gable roof begins with the installation of valleys, which are formed at the intersection of mutually perpendicular planes. At the same time, the technology for the execution of this unit depends entirely on the material used as the main one for the roof.

The most bizarre roof structures today can be seen not only on the buildings of historical museums, estates or medieval castles. Increasingly, they are found in private houses and cottages. Developers are ready to offer their clients services for the construction of complex but beautiful structures. Despite the high cost, the demand for them is only growing every year, because their beauty and presentability are indicators of the high social status of the owner.

What it is?

The roof of the house is a multifunctional element. It simultaneously performs technical, operational and aesthetic tasks. The success of its use depends on the high-quality study of all elements, and the unique appearance can make the building especially attractive.

A traditional gable roof with two gables is called a gable roof. If the project provides for the presence of several elements consisting of paired gables or tongs, then it is called multi-gable. Such a structure is considered the most complex due to the presence of a large number of different architectural elements. It is they who make the roof the most attractive and original, capable of giving the image of a medieval castle even to the most ordinary building.

You can create multi-gable roofs for a frame house with your own hands if you follow all the recommendations. Such designs have both their pros and cons, so you need to carefully weigh your choice. Before you should be a scheme of work and a design drawing, as well as examples of finished roofs.

In what cases is it preferable to create roofing floors of this type?

The need to build a complex object may arise in a number of cases:

  • when the roof must be made in the same architectural style as the structure being built;
  • if additional extensions were made to the main building;
  • in the case when the structure of a simple rectangular or square shape is complemented by several gables;
  • if the project provides for the arrangement of recessed balconies or windows on the roof, including dormer windows;
  • if necessary, create side lighting of the attic;
  • in multi-room buildings of a large area with a complex multi-level layout.

Advantages and disadvantages

The roof of this type emphasizes the beauty of the architectural style in which the building was built.

A number of advantages distinguishes it from other types of roofing structures:

  • it has a more original and attractive appearance;
  • differs in reliability and durability;
  • after its construction, it becomes possible to equip an additional room or pantry in the space of the attic formed;
  • the complexity of the design involves the formation of a large number of peculiar stiffeners at the intersection of numerous planes - they help to significantly strengthen the overlap;
  • a balanced rafter system allows you to withstand increased loads, especially in winter;
  • snow does not linger on steep slopes.

Its disadvantages include the following:

  • the high cost of erecting such an object due to the large volume of materials used and the rather high price for them;
  • a significant amount of waste generated during cutting of coatings (especially for metal tiles).
  • a complex device requires competent calculation and a professional approach to installation;
  • high-quality waterproofing is necessary, especially at internal joints;
  • increased load on the valley, especially in winter due to the abundance of precipitation.

Structural features

It is a pitched structure with surfaces inclined towards the outer walls. Thanks to this, a natural runoff of melt and rain water is ensured.

Such a roof consists of many structural elements. Let's consider them.


Roof section located in the same plane. The more complex the design, the more slopes it has.

Gable or pediment

Represents the upper section of the wall, bounded by slopes. A slight difference between gables and pediments is the absence of a cornice in their lower part.

Valley or groove

Structural elements in the form of internal corners formed by joints. From the ends of the valleys are limited to gables or tongs. During operation, this part of the building takes on the largest amount of precipitation. This is where rainwater and snow accumulate.

During construction work, it is she who needs to be given special attention in order to avoid problems associated with the appearance of leaks in the future.

Rib or skate

A horizontal line connecting two slope planes.

Eaves overhang

A hanging section of the roof with a width of 30 cm to 50 cm, the main function of which is to protect against precipitation and ensure effective drainage of water runoff after rain or snow melt.


A structural element that drains water from the roof surface into horizontal downpipes.


The section of the connection of the slopes with the vertical surface of the building.

The angle of inclination of the roof is determined even in the process of its design, depending on several factors:

  • features of climatic conditions;
  • Supplies;
  • architectural features of the building.

In special cases, it can be up to 90 degrees.

The simplest version of a multi-gable roof is two gable structures connected at right angles. If you look at such a structure from above, it will have the shape of a cross. Most often, when developing a project, designers suggest using a similar gable shape on several separate parts of the building at once, with their further merging into a single structure. This approach allows you to create original structures that give the entire structure an attractive appearance.

The device and installation of the truss frame

The truss system of a multi-gable roof has a rather complex device. It often contains a combination of inclined and hanging supports. Therefore, the utmost attention should be paid to the accuracy of calculations of their cross section, as well as the installation of the necessary stiffeners.

Its main elements include:

  • Mauerlat;
  • rafters;
  • beams.

Mauerlat performs the most important task of distributing the load from the roof to the walls of the building. For its production, a bar with a length of 1000mm to 1500mm with a section of 100x150mm or 150x150mm is used. Mauerlat must be firmly attached to a special reinforced belt, which is being erected even during the construction of the wall box. This is done so that the forces from the rafters cannot push the walls apart. Only after the Mauerlat is securely fixed, the installation of the rafter legs begins.

Depending on the presence of additional supports, inclined or hanging rafters are installed. For their manufacture, exactly the same timber is used as for the Mauerlat. A skate is also made from it, which serves as a connecting element of the upper parts of the rafters.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to install additional intermediate runs in the form of horizontal beams between the supporting structure and the crate. They reduce the load from the coating, evenly distributing it in the truss system, and also add rigidity to the crate.

Brief step-by-step instructions for construction

Installation of a multi-gable structure must be carried out in strict accordance with the design documentation.

All work is carried out in stages.

  • Climatic data are collected that are typical for the region of the facility under construction. This information is taken into account when carrying out technical calculations and developing the project.
  • Object design and calculation. Careful preliminary calculation of all components of the roof is best left to experienced professionals. In addition, it is necessary to determine in advance the types and volumes of materials that will be used in construction.
  • Mauerlat is laid along the perimeter of the building.
  • Vertical support posts are installed and horizontal beams are mounted - runs that form a ridge.

  • Installation of the main and additional supports forming the transitions of the planes.
  • Racks and rafters are reinforced with rafter legs or struts. They help to evenly distribute the load, and also do not allow structures to sag.
  • The elements are connected using metal fasteners - plates, brackets, threaded studs or anchors. To strengthen the connection of the boards, wooden bosses are used.
  • From above (along the rafters) a crate is laid in the form of horizontal slats.

The choice of lathing depends on the type of roofing. If it is intended to use a soft roof, then solid flooring is preferable. When using rigid materials or profiled metal products, the crate is made sparse.

Waterproofing and protection of attic spaces from heat loss

Rolled waterproofing is laid in overlapping strips and perpendicular to the direction of the roof slope. Be sure to make an overlap with a width of at least 15 cm. The joints of the strips are glued together using a special adhesive tape or construction tape. Particular attention is paid to the valleys, as they take on the largest amount of rain or melt water, therefore they are the most vulnerable place.

If the work on the installation of the waterproofing layer was performed in violation of the technology or poor-quality materials were used, this can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the under-roof area, as a result of which the thermal insulation deteriorates significantly, and the wooden parts of the roof may rot.

It should be noted that traditional waterproofing products in the form of roofing felt or glassine can no longer provide a long service life and strength. They do not fully comply with modern standards of environmental cleanliness and safety. Therefore, membrane materials are becoming more widespread. In addition to their main function, they are able to significantly reduce heat loss by increasing the thickness of the insulation to the full height of the rafters.

The construction of a multi-gable roof implies the formation of an attic space, spacious enough to equip residential or utility rooms in it. Therefore, the roof must be well insulated and isolated from the ingress of excess moisture into it. Mineral wool insulation is ideal for this. They prevent the appearance of "cold zones" in which condensation may form. Among the features, it is worth noting a particularly soft structure that allows the use of this material in hard-to-reach areas.

To date, houses with a multi-gable roof have become quite common. The buildings have an original design. What does the name of the roof structure mean, let's try to figure it out.

Typical project of a cottage with a multi-gable roof

Installation of a multi-gable roof is carried out not only in order to protect the building from various climatic and weather phenomena. It can be installed on those that need additional lighting, or on houses with a complex layout.

An example of a complex house layout that uses a multi-gable roof

A multi-gable roof can be simple and have only two slopes, or it can be multi-pitched and have several slopes. In most cases, the latter type is characterized by a cruciform shape on the surface of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

There are several characteristics of a multi-gable roof that have a positive effect on its technical properties.

Despite the large number of advantages of a multi-gable roof, there are also some of its disadvantages.

Note. Before building this type of roof for a house, you must initially assess your financial capabilities, since it is the most expensive.

If a four-pitched multi-gable roof is being drafted, then it is necessary to take into account the means for insulating and insulating the structure in the consumables.

Recommendations for drawing up a building plan with a multi-gable roof

First, it is possible with the help of modern computer programs. There is nothing difficult in this. The most important thing in the process of work to consider:

Secondly, it is necessary to know what elements the roof consists of and the features of the construction of its truss system.

Next, you need to correctly distribute the load of the supporting rafters and beams on the walls of the house. They are a guarantee of the stability of the roof structure to the effects of wind and other climatic phenomena.
Note. This is ensured by the frequency of installation of rafters and beams. The smaller the distance between them, the higher the strength of the roof.

To eliminate problems in the construction of the roof, it is necessary to draft it in accordance with the established standards of SNiP. After all, the loads can be constant or variable. And all of them are taken into account in the works.

Rafter connection diagram

What can you build houses with a multi-gable roof from?

It is worth considering that this type of roof has a rather significant load on the structure. It is for this reason that experts recommend building a roof only for a house from:

  • bricks;
  • shell rock;
  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete.

These materials are endowed with certain indicators of strength and reliability, and buildings of any number of storeys can be built from them.
In some cases, wood is also used:

  • profiled timber;
  • rounded beam.

In this case, houses must have large parameters and a huge number of load-bearing structures in order to withstand the load of the roof.

Note. It happens that a project of one house is immediately drawn up, in which, in the process of work, the type of roof is changed.

All this creates additional loads not taken into account by architects. In order for the structure to serve for another long period of time, it is necessary to carry out a series of works aimed at strengthening it.

In most cases, the reinforcing system of the foundation of the house is initially thought out. Ditches are dug along the perimeter of the already made base, and concrete mortar is poured using reinforcement. As for load-bearing walls, they can be reinforced at their joints with similar materials, or you can use special ready-made metal structures that are quite simply and quickly mounted on both external and internal corners of the building.

Components of a multi-gable roof

In order to correctly draft such a roof structure, you need to know what exactly it consists of.
So, in the construction of a multi-gable roof there are the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • crate;
  • slope slopes;
  • rafters;
  • endova;
  • horizontal and inclined ribs;
  • skate;
  • overhangs.

In addition, drains are also used for high-quality drainage of water from the roof surface and grooves.

Project of a house with an original design of a multi-gable roof

Endows are special connections of two slopes on the roof.

Mauerlat - the base of the roof, which is constructed from a profiled beam of large diameter on the surface of the walls of the building. It is on it that a frame of wooden rafters and inclined beams is mounted.

Varieties of a multi-gable roof

At the moment, this type of roof can be:

  1. Complete. It is characterized by the fact that the roof is based on the walls of the building. That is, the wall of the house acts as the front of the roof.
  2. Incomplete. This is the case when the front is an integral part of the roof and is constructed during the installation of the roof from similar materials.

Drawing of an incomplete multi-gable roof

Advice. It is best to opt for a full-fledged multi-gable roof. It will be more reliable and durable.

In addition, the room under it can be used to equip an office or bedroom.
Buildings with such a roof can have an unlimited number of floors. The most important thing is that the building material can withstand all the loads. As a rule, one-story houses with a mansard roof are erected in suburban areas. Roof windows can be easily mounted on the slopes of a multi-gable roof.

It is also worth considering that you need to rationally use the extra space. For example, several bedrooms are easily accommodated under a four-gable roof. It all depends on the size of the house.

Multi-gable roof truss system

Mauerlat ensures the correct distribution of the load on the load-bearing walls of the house. For its construction, bars of 15x15 cm or 15x10 cm should be used. Their length should be up to 1.5 m. The rafters are assembled from boards with sections of 15x5 m.

Note. It is worth considering that the rafters can be inclined or hanging.

Their choice depends on the availability of additional supports. Although each type can be used simultaneously in the manufacture of roofing.

Where the slopes of the multi-gable roof are connected, diagonal and inclined rafter legs are mounted. Short supporting legs are attached to them in the process of work.

Various designs of multi-gable roofs

Important. Due to the fact that the main load will be directed to the diagonal rafters, they must be strengthened.

For this, boards of the same size are used, which are attached to each other.
At the top, the rafters are connected by a ridge. It is made independently from timber or boards. You can buy a ready-made product of this type.

Already on the installed rafters, a crate of wooden boards is mounted. Their size can be any.
Advice. To increase the strength and reliability of the roof structure, it is necessary to make batten cells no larger than 50x50 cm.

If the front of the roof is being built simultaneously with the roof frame, then it needs to be ennobled with wooden boards.

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