Manti with meat and potatoes. Manti with minced meat and potatoes Potato manti in a pressure cooker

Step-by-step recipes for preparing delicious manti with potatoes as well as mushrooms, meat and soy mince

2018-06-24 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

4 gr.


36 gr.

203 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for manti with potatoes

Traditional manti are prepared with meat, but they are no less tasty; they are made with various vegetables. The recipe with potatoes is especially popular. Such manti can be prepared during fasting, if you do not use butter.


  • 250 ml purified water;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 550 g high-grade flour;
  • onion;
  • pepper and salt;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • chicken egg.

Step-by-step recipe for manti with potatoes

Beat the egg into a cup of water and whisk the mixture with a whisk or fork. Add salt to taste. Add sifted flour in small portions, stirring constantly. Knead into a smooth, tight dough. Leave it to rest for 20 minutes, covered with a towel.

Peel, wash and finely chop raw potatoes. Finely chop the peeled onion. Combine potatoes with onions, add salt and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly.

Roll out the dough not too thin. Cut out circles of the same diameter. Place potato filling on each piece. Place a piece of butter on top. Pinch the opposite edges in the center to create four corners. Connect them too.

Pour water into the steamer pan and boil. Grease the grates with oil and place manti on them. Place them over a pan of boiling water. Cover tightly and cook over medium heat for forty minutes.

Place the finished manti on a flat dish and pour over the melted butter. Cut the potatoes into as small cubes as possible so that they have time to cook.

Option 2. Quick recipe for manti with potatoes

Manti stuffed with potatoes is easy to prepare. They can be served for lunch or dinner. The dough made with milk turns out very tender and kneads quickly. In this recipe, the filling is made from mashed potatoes.


  • one raw egg;
  • 700 g mashed potatoes;
  • a glass of homemade milk;
  • 850 g wheat flour;
  • 7 g rock salt;
  • 20 ml lean oil.

How to quickly cook manti with potatoes

Peel and wash the potatoes. Place it in a saucepan with water. Lightly salt and boil until soft. Drain the broth. Add a little milk and a piece of butter to the potatoes. Puree the vegetable with a masher. The puree should not be liquid.

Pour milk into a wide container. Beat the egg into it, add salt and beat with a kitchen whisk. Add vegetable oil. Sift flour into the liquid mixture in portions, kneading the elastic dough. We divide it into small pieces.

Roll out the dough pieces into a thin circle. Place a spoonful of chilled mashed potatoes in the middle. We pinch the opposite ends in the center and connect the corners. Pour water into the steamer pan and place it on the fire. Grease the grates with oil and place manti on them. Place over a saucepan of boiling water, cover with a lid and cook for 25 minutes. Place the finished manti on a plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs and pour over sour cream.

The filling will be even tastier if you add onions fried until golden brown to the puree. Manti can be served with garlic or tomato sauce.

Option 3. Manti with potatoes and mushrooms

The potato filling turns out to be satisfying, and the mushrooms will add juiciness and flavor to it. Manti made with thin dough and potato and mushroom filling is a filling, tasty and juicy dish that is ideal for a family dinner.


  • half stack purified water;
  • two stacks high-grade flour;
  • egg;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 200 g champignons.

How to cook

Combine flour with salt and strain through a sieve. Make a funnel in the middle and crack the egg into it. Pour in water and knead into a smooth, elastic dough. Wrap it in film or place a bag. Place in the refrigerator.

Peel the champignons, wash and dry. Grind the mushrooms through a meat grinder, or chop using a blender. Peel the potatoes. Wash the tubers and chop them into small cubes. Combine minced mushrooms with potatoes. Season with spices and salt. Stir.

Knead the dough again and roll it into a not too thin layer. Cut out circles of the same diameter. Place the potato and mushroom filling in the middle of each circle. Connect opposite sides in the center. Connect the ends. Place a steamer pan with water on the fire and boil. Grease the grates with oil. Place manti on them and place over the pan. Cover tightly and cook for about an hour.

The taste of the filling can be even more interesting and richer if the mushrooms are pre-fried. Wild mushrooms must first be boiled until tender.

Option 4. Manti with potatoes and meat

Potatoes go well with meat. The filling made from these ingredients turns out to be satisfying, and at the same time not too greasy.


  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • three stacks flour;
  • 100 ml purified water;
  • two eggs;
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • 120 ml milk;
  • two onions;
  • half a kilogram of ground beef;
  • 250 g potatoes.

Step by step recipe

Sift the flour into a suitable container, add salt and beat in the eggs. Add milk little by little and knead into a smooth, dense dough. Leave it to rest, wrapped in film.

Place ground beef in a bowl. Peel the onion and grind through a meat grinder. Combine with minced meat. Peel the potatoes, wash and finely chop. Add to the rest of the ingredients. Pepper, salt and stir.

Roll out the dough into a thin flat cake. Cut out identical circles. Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each and form manti to your liking. Pour water into the steamer pan. Put it on the fire and boil. Pour vegetable oil into a small bowl. Dip each manti into it and place it on the racks. Place them over the pan and cook for forty minutes.

The filling for manti can be prepared from minced pork, mixed or chicken. The dish will cook faster if you grate the potatoes, squeeze them and add them to the minced meat.

Option 5. Manti with potatoes and soy mince

An excellent option for Lenten manti with potatoes. Soy minced meat will make the filling juicy and satisfying.


  • 5 ml vegetable oil;
  • 60 g flour;
  • a slice of garlic;
  • 20 ml purified water;
  • 30 g carrots;
  • 150 g potatoes;
  • 25 g onion;
  • 15 g soy mince;
  • 5 g soy sauce.

How to cook

From warm water, vegetable oil, flour and salt, knead an elastic, dense dough. Leave it to rest, covered with a bowl.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and boil until tender. Drain the broth. Mash the vegetable and cool. Place the soy mince in boiling salted water and cook for ten minutes. Place on a sieve, cool and squeeze lightly. Add to mashed potatoes and stir.

Peel the onion. Finely chop it and fry until transparent. Add grated peeled carrots and continue sautéing until soft. Squeeze the garlic, pour in soy sauce and pepper. Stir and simmer for five minutes.

Make a kobaska from the dough. Divide it into pieces. Roll each one out so that the edges are as thin as possible. Lay out the filling and form the manti in any way convenient for you. Boil water in a pressure cooker pan. Grease the grates with oil and place manti on them. Place over the pan and cook for about forty minutes.

If you don’t have a double boiler or a manty pan, you can use a colander and a regular saucepan. This amount of ingredients is for one serving.


  • raw egg – 1 pc;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • salt – 7 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 20 grams;
  • wheat flour – 850 grams;
  • mashed potatoes – 600-700 grams.

How to cook manti with potatoes recipe with photo:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the filling. Boil the potatoes until completely crisp and turn them into puree. It is very important not to make the puree liquid. Add everything according to the rules: butter, milk, egg.

2. Then you need to do the dough. To do this, pour milk into an empty, capacious container and break the egg. Add salt. Gently beat the resulting mass with a kitchen whisk.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl with all ingredients. This ingredient can be considered the highlight of the dough, because it will give a certain elasticity to the finished mass and allow you to mold the manti into the desired shape.

4. Slowly sift the flour into the bowl with the liquid mixture.

After prolonged kneading, you should get an elastic dough.

5. Divide the dough into pieces. The weight of the pieces should be approximately 50-60 grams. Manti can be made in different ways. Since the dough is practically non-sticky, the pieces can be kneaded into flat cakes with your fingers, and a tablespoon of mashed potatoes can be placed in the center.

Lift the edges of the dough up and mold the edges with your hands. You will get bags.

You can simply roll out the dough into a layer and cut it into rectangles. Place the filling in the middle. Connect the side parts of the dough with your fingers at the top of the filling, making something similar to an “envelope”.

A rectangle should form with the filling inside, then connect the ends of this figure with your fingers on both sides, on the sides.

Steam potato manti for 25 minutes.

6. Serve delicious manti with potatoes with sour cream, herbs and a salad of fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!!!

We hope that this simple recipe will take its rightful place in your culinary collection. It is worth noting that adding additional ingredients to the filling instantly changes the taste of the finished product. For example, fried onions. Mix it with mashed potatoes and get a simple but surprisingly tasty filling that can also be used in manti. It will be even tastier if you use mushrooms. There are plenty of options. Experiment and surprise your loved ones every day.

It has always been believed that manti is a delicious food that quickly satisfies hunger. They are served in cafes, restaurants and canteens. Can also be purchased frozen at the store with added flavorings. But it’s better to cook it yourself, here you will be completely sure that they contain natural meat and not soy.

The filling of manti varies. Many people add cabbage, some add cabbage. Well, we will cook with potatoes. It gives an amazing taste and the dish with it turns out especially soft. Minced meat can be made from any meat: beef, pork or lamb. Therefore, whichever you prefer, cook from that. If you want to make it quickly, you can grind it in a meat grinder using large attachments.

But I advise you to finely chop the meat or cut it finely with a knife, otherwise you can cook huge ones instead of manti.

Manti with potatoes can be eaten both cold and hot. This dish will still remain a good appetizer for a holiday or everyday table. Can be served with any sauce. But my family and I prefer sour cream. Preparing the sauce couldn’t be easier; you will need: herbs, garlic and any seasonings. We cut all the ingredients, add some salt and add to the sour cream. Let it brew for at least 1 hour.


For the test.

  • Water – 2 glasses.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Flour – 800 – 900 gr.
  • Salt – 40 gr.

For minced meat.

  • Pork meat – 700 gr.
  • Onion – 700 gr.
  • Lard – 300 gr.
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Black pepper - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Zira – 1 teaspoon.

1. Make a well in well-sifted flour and drive the eggs into it.

Advice: we sow the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen and the excess lumps are removed.

2. Mix the salt in the water (with a whisk or spoon) until completely dissolved and pour it into the dough.

3. Mix well until it becomes thick and dense. First we knead with a spoon, then by hand.

4. Make a ball from the finished mixture, wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 30 - 40 minutes. This is done so that the gluten swells under the influence of water and the dough becomes easier to mold.

5. While the dough is resting, prepare the minced meat. Cut the meat into small cubes.

6. We do the same with lard.

7. Chop the onion very finely.

Advice: always try to add a lot of onions to the minced manti in equal proportions as well as meat, then they will be much juicier.

8. Cut the potatoes into cubes and mix all the ingredients, adding salt, seasoning (jeera), black pepper. Let it brew for 30 minutes.

9. We begin to sculpt manti. We tear off a small piece of the dough, press it in flour so that when rolling it does not stick to the table. Roll with a rolling pin and cut into square cakes 1 – 2 mm thick and approximately 10*10 cm wide.

10. Place minced meat on them.

11. When wrapping, first pinch all the corners together.

12. Then glue the edges to each other.

13. Connect the corners and the manti are ready.

14. Grease the sheets in the manti cookers with vegetable oil and place the manti on them. Steam for 40 minutes. Then take it out and serve with sour cream sauce.

Bon appetit!

This is not a very ordinary manti recipe. These are manti without any meat. The filling includes only potatoes and onions. I tried these manti once in an oriental cafe and fell in love with them. Now, when making regular manti, I make sure to make several of these manti for my beloved.

Although my husband likes them too. These are very tasty manti. For me, they are perhaps even tastier than with meat. Today, my friend, originally from Georgia (half Georgian), came to visit me on these manti. She was delighted with them and tried such manti for the first time. At the same time, I prepared manti with meat, which she also liked. After the meal, I asked her a question about which manti she liked best. And what did she answer me?) - “I’m ashamed to admit, but with potatoes! I’m not the only one!) Well, now about the recipe.
First, make the dumpling dough. Mix eggs, water and salt and mix with flour. It is better to add flour not all at once, but to bring the dough to the desired consistency.

The amount of flour indicated is approximate. You need to flour the dough so that the dough is quite tight, but elastic. So that the dough can be rolled out as thin as possible without tearing it.

Cover the dough (or in a bag) and leave to rest. At this time, prepare the filling.
Cut 5 medium potatoes into small cubes.

Grind three medium-sized onions in a blender to a paste. You can add more onions, but not less. If you don’t have a blender, you can simply chop it as finely as possible.

Then add salt, suneli hops, black pepper to taste. If there are spices specifically for potatoes, then you can add them too. And pour 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the filling (even unrefined oil is possible, it’s a matter of taste). And mix everything.

Now we begin to sculpt manti. Grease steamer bowls with vegetable oil. Roll out a small piece of dough in the shape of a circle (or square, as it turns out) as thin as possible, the size of a saucer.

Place the filling in the middle (about 1.5-2 tablespoons). And top the filling with a small piece of butter. Butter is very friendly with potatoes).

Place the finished manti into the steamer bowl.
When all the manti are molded, we set them to steam. I add spices to the water in the steamer for more flavor.

After 40 minutes, the manti with potatoes are ready. Delicious).

Serve plain or with greens). I advise that when you make regular manti, make a few of these to try. Perhaps there will be a new addition to my regiment of manti and potato lovers.

Cooking time: PT01H20M 1 h 20 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 20 rub.

There are a huge number of dishes made from thin dough with filling: these are Russian dumplings, and Mongolian poses, and Chinese jiaozi, and Georgian khinkali, and manti. Manti is a meat dish of Asian cuisine, which is a kind of dough pie with meat filling. For the filling, lamb, beef or pork minced meat or minced meat is used. Lard and onions are added to the filling. In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, potatoes or pumpkin cut into small cubes are added to the filling. The dough for manti is made unleavened: flour, salt, water. And to give elasticity you need to add an egg to the dough. Manti must be sealed in such a way that juice does not leak out of them during cooking. We suggest you prepare manti with potatoes and meat.

Manti with potatoes and meat step by step photo recipe

how to cook manti with potatoes


  • minced pork - 500 g;
  • raw potatoes - 1 tuber;
  • onion - 250 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • ground allspice black pepper - 0.5 small spoon;
  • premium flour - 450 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

Knead the manti dough: flour, eggs, water, salt. Wrap it in cling film and set it aside while you prepare the filling. The filling will be minced pork.

To make the filling tasty and juicy, onions are added to the minced meat. Chop the peeled onion.

Cut one medium-sized peeled potato into small cubes.

Add chopped onions and potato cubes to the minced meat in a bowl.

The only spices used are ground pepper and salt. Mix the filling.

Cut a small piece from the dough, roll it out thinly on a board, cut into squares with a side of about 8-10 cm. Cover the rest of the dough so that it does not dry out.

Place minced meat in the center of the dough squares.

There are many original ways to sculpt manti. One way is to connect opposite sides of the square first.

Then the other two opposite ends are connected.

It turns out, as it were, an envelope.

And now the two ends are connected together.

Prepared manti can be steamed in a special pan - a manty pan, a double boiler or a slow cooker. The pallets need to be greased with oil and manti should be placed on them.

Place the tray, in this case, in a multicooker, pour water into the bowl, close the lid, set the “Steam” mode, set the time to 35 minutes. After the beep, the manta rays are ready.

Carefully remove them from the tray so as not to tear the dough. Manti should be served hot immediately. You can sprinkle them with ground black pepper. Horseradish goes well with manti - an appetizer made from tomatoes, horseradish, garlic, or any sauce, vegetables, sour cream.

Manti with meat and potatoes: preparation - Gantsevskaya Inna, recipe and photo by the author.

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