Love horoscope according to zodiac signs.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is preparing to come into its own and give lovers and those looking for their love new, unforgettable experiences. The love horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs will reveal all the secrets and nuances of the approaching year. Anyone who is ready to accept the gift of the proud and wise Rooster will find many tips and discoveries for himself.

Aries have always been distinguished by their ability to think through any situation and make the right decisions. Now several horizons are opening up for them, which will amaze with their brightness and importance. One of them is love, which they look forward to.

Relationship-free signs will meet many interesting people who are ready to stay with them, but such a huge choice will force you to take a closer look at everyone. Do not give hope to people whose advances you will accept, for fear of offending - thereby you will give hope. Learn to tell the truth, even the tough one - this will solve many problems in your life. Choose with your heart, only under this condition will you be happy.

Married Aries will want an explosion of emotions, a surge of feelings and “butterflies in the stomach.” Your significant other will support your emotional rainbow, but don't expect the same enchanting feeling from her. Your intensity of passion is quite enough for two. Sensuality and the desire to give love will begin to weaken by autumn. Flirting with strangers will not lead to anything good - your spouse deserves attention.

Taurus are full of expectations from their loved ones and those around them. They ask in surprise: why don’t they notice me? It's time to take the initiative yourself. The calmness and external tranquility of Taurus actually hides an internal hurricane. Let it come out and be done. You may well show your best side. Free representatives of the signs can easily establish serious, fruitful relationships with the opposite sex, but only if they themselves take the first step. Don't be afraid, the Rooster has a surprise for you.

Taurus, whose marriage lasts more than five years, do not be picky, see in your half self-love and care. Make compromises, give your warmth, and by summer you can experience a new honeymoon. There will be no boundaries to joy and sensuality.

For Geminis, who have plunged into work headlong, it will only be in the fall that they will “get ready for love.” They themselves will understand that in fact they lack this feeling, that the colors have become faded, and fees and salaries are not what they dream of. In the year of the Rooster, autumn for the sign will shine with all the colors of feelings. An easy relationship can easily develop into something more. Trust your intuition. New people come into life to become your destiny, and if they turn out to be not your soul mate, then at least a good friend.

Twins, sealed by marriage, are immersed in worries and work. Only if they look back and pay attention to their spouse will they understand that they need their attention and warmth. Do not lose the thread that connects you, do not fall for adultery - they are nothing compared to what you have already had for many years. The novelty of the relationship will be accepted with gratitude by your half.

Cancers are waiting for the moment when the most important Cancer whistles on the mountain. They choose meticulously, scrupulously search for the best, they are afraid to make a mistake by choosing the one who is now nearby and ready to be with them. Cancers are waiting for the “best”. The rooster will look at their arrogance until the summer and begin to “peck”. This will be understandable when loved ones begin to pay less and less attention, call less often, and do not invite you to visit. Finding a soulmate for Cancer is a special event, which they approach with excessive scrupulousness. Only when he begins to lose the right person will he realize that he cannot see life without him and take an important step.

Family signs will set out in search of a better life. If the relationship has reached a dead end for a long time, you will not stay together in any case. If love is alive in the family, even if it is not noticeable, Cancers will understand this, and harmony in the relationship will be established. Don't rush things, listen to yourself.

Leos bask in the attention of the opposite sex, but do not forget that interest in your person can also be caused by mercantile reasons. Learn to see what is important, check relationships, trust only proven people. Short-term romances or one-time meetings can not only disappoint, but also undermine your health. Already in the spring, free signs can meet the very person on whom you can completely rely.

Family Leos should moderate their egocentrism somewhat, because their significant other needs attention no less than they do. Peace in the family depends on you this year. You will be haunted by temptations, but you will certainly make the right choice.

To achieve happiness, Virgos must finally turn off their rationality. By allowing the situation to develop on its own, without analyzing what is happening, they will see that life itself, in a stormy stream, will bring to their feet so many gifts that they never dreamed of. Trust new people, don't be afraid of mistakes. The love horoscope for 2017 is a great opportunity to read the future from sight. Are you strong and healthy, do you have successful relationships at work, but the long-awaited relationship is not coming? After the New Year holidays, you will be able to see that your choice is near you. Let your loved one mature.

Married Virgos are surrounded by the love and care of their other half; they accept and give their love. Tender relationships will awaken in you on an unprecedented scale. Allow yourself to be more relaxed, offer new things and accept your spouse's suggestions.

Libra in the year of the Fire Rooster will have to balance their inner state before starting a relationship and looking for love. Your insecurity has a destructive effect on others - they cannot form a general impression of you, and therefore they are afraid of a relationship with you. The Rooster gives you the opportunity to look within yourself and see what you really need. The summer of 2017 will be a landmark time for you, and autumn will sound not only with the rustling of leaves, but also with a Mendelssohn waltz, but only if you know exactly what you want, when and how much.

Married Libras are moving into a wonderful phase of the relationship where trust between them is at its maximum, thanks to the fact that you appreciate everything that is given to you. You gratefully accept your partner’s advances and respond with warmth and affection. Look for inspiration in this harmony, share it. Traveling together can become another honeymoon and give a lot of impressions.

Scorpios will be too carried away by attention to themselves, and this can hurt the pride of their loved ones or loved ones. Calmness and moderation in everything is the Scorpio slogan for 2017. Only by becoming more modest, by learning to analyze and calculate moves, will you become interesting to the people you need. Frivolous relationships, light flirting and short-term romances are not what you really need now, don’t deceive yourself. Become a person you can trust, with whom you can share your destiny, and your person, your half, will not be delayed in making a decision. She will definitely choose you.

Family Scorpios are now prone to adultery; they need attention, which is not enough from their husband or wife. They are confident and believe that they are in control of the situation. In fact, you are closer than ever to failure. Your family is not strong now, and your home is not a fortress. The marriage may fall apart “thanks” to your infidelities. Do not assert yourself at the expense of easy relationships, establish a family hearth, do not spare wood for the fire of your feelings, awaken the former romanticism in your heart.

Sagittarians “skim the skin” in relationships with the opposite sex. Their patience, listening skills and sincere interest will produce results. Already in the spring they will be the most desirable brides and grooms. Thanks to their easy-going nature, they are loved by others. The most important thing for Sagittarius is not to follow the lead of those to whom they are not inclined, just so as not to offend them. Choose with your heart, and only what is dear to you.

Family Sagittarians are not selfish by nature, but in the year of the Rooster their emotionality and warmth will play the role of an exploded reactor and awaken new feelings in the family. Unexpected dates with your husband or wife, walks, holidays together. You attract looks like a magnet. It's a wonderful time for your family. Be sure that everything is going as it should, and do not leave the chosen distance.

Capricorns have decided to be independent - they will want to engage in soul-searching, searching for reasons and even truths. You spend too much time on relationship theory, afraid of making mistakes and choosing the wrong person. It's time to start practicing, because if you've locked yourself at home from everyone, the postman won't knock on your door with an invitation to a date. Mistakes are a ladder to experience, and the next step will be successful. Don’t be afraid to open up to new people, try to talk about positive things, don’t complain – after all, people want to see people happy and smiling. Your happiness is just around the corner - in the fall you will consider the right person in your company.

Family Capricorns bury their heads in business, bills, and searching for opportunities for new investments. They forgot about simple human joys. Therefore, you should not be surprised that your significant other is constantly sad and makes constant claims to you. Get out of the circle of worries and spend time with your family.

Aquarius is overwhelmed by the possibilities and cannot make a choice. He is on the Olympus of his sensuality and his self-confidence is off the charts. This, of course, attracts one-day butterflies, who, having looked closely at him, understand that he is not able to examine every specimen right now. The attention to his person is enormous. People come and go, and only closer to autumn, having tuned into a lyrical mood, he will remember several whom he lost “thanks” to his blindness by success. It’s not too late to catch up, the main thing is don’t lose that one, right person.

Family Aquarians do not want to take steps towards a meeting, they want something new and fresh. They are not ready to repair, build, they are surprised by their state of confidence in their own rightness, but they cannot do anything about it. The evidence and common sense of those around them is nothing to them. Autumn will put everything in its place. The main thing is not to break wood that will not be collected in the future. Appreciate your loved ones, otherwise elbow biting courses are where you will be a frequent client in the coming months.


Pisces seek refuge in family and close circle. They were imbued with a desire to be involved in the family hearth. Free signs turn a blind eye to choice - they are ready to marry the first person they meet. Don’t rush things – yours will not leave you. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings - people you have known for a long time will be the only right group to consider for marriage. Don’t rush around, don’t look for love by the packaging, take a closer look at the spiritual qualities of the person with whom you plan to spend your whole life.

Family Pisces idealize their relationships, and often do not see that in reality not everything in the family is as smooth as it seems. Take off your rose-colored glasses, look at the situation without emotions, and objectively assess the situation. If you notice that they are “riding on” you, and they have been riding on you for a long time, it’s not your imagination. Excessive diplomacy sometimes goes beyond the limits, and sometimes you need to be told: yes, you are right. Stand up for your point of view, be a voice, not an echo.

Love horoscope for 2017: Aries.

Venus will be in the same Sign for a long time, promising those born under it that even the most incredible wishes in love will come true throughout the next year. Quite a few Aries will find themselves in a situation, perhaps unusual, when intimate life takes on a primary function, which, in addition to pleasure, causes many additional costs and worries. You will need to draw a number of conclusions, change your mind about your relationships with other individuals who previously seemed reliable and trustworthy. In the coming year, new crises cannot be ruled out in those ongoing relations that were difficult before. There may be significant disputes over property and problems with shared housing. The arrival of Mars in the Sign will make Aries the most attractive to representatives of the other sex from the beginning of this year. During 2017, strong Aries will experience several violent hobbies. Some in March will be able to determine for themselves what is more important – sexuality or a strong long-term relationship.

What may happen in the middle of summer will take away from Aries their usual cynicism about love, and will also add romance. By the central part of autumn they will be able to find a partner with whom they will live a long period of their own existence. For those who are disappointed in their personal lives and are single, the year will bring the start of a new romance, which can very likely develop into a full-fledged marriage. Many Aries may have problems with their old parents, they may be sick or going through difficulties, so you should be tactful and attentive.

Love horoscope for 2017: Taurus.

Life on a personal level promises to be difficult. Many Taurus will find themselves in situations where all the circumstances that have been annoying for a long time come together and deliberately cause trouble. The second half of 2017 will lead to a violent explosion of the emotional plane, when neither Taurus nor the one who acts as his partner will make concessions. It is difficult to predict the end of this process, so it is better to do everything possible in the first half of the year to resolve relationships on the personal front. This topic concerns, first of all, spouses. Taurus will also encounter a difficult situation that has taken shape among their relatives. The gradual alienation that began earlier will continue now, so it is recommended to make concessions so as not to quarrel with everyone at all. It may be necessary to help one of your relatives, and then Taurus will take on many worries.

Romantic adventures are also expected; it will be possible to find exactly the person who will appreciate him. At the beginning of 2017, Mars patronizes all renewed relationships, and in order to lure someone in, a gallant performance will be enough. Such forces should be used carefully, because relationships that have begun briskly may not easily end. In September you can expect the period of the most violent passions of the year, but deep love is formed only towards the very end of the year.

Love horoscope for 2017: Gemini.

Personal life also takes priority over career and work. Once started, an affair in love turns out to be strong, the relationship is serious, and it cannot be ignored. And it will require numerous changes, both internally and externally in behavior. Overcoming all this will be possible only for those who are faithful and loving. You will have to give up selfish desires. The stars suggest that all actions in this direction will be supported, and all sincere associations of people will benefit from help from above. Many will have issues with their children, and this may also require financial as well as moral costs. Geminis who are still single will be able to have a great time and meet someone very interesting who will brighten up their existence. Relationships will not seem so smooth; in March, and even in April, you can expect a real stream of different troubles. Spring in general promises to be difficult, both in already established alliances and within new relationships. We should expect a transformation in relationships with relatives, and initial uncertainty will be felt even in the first month of summer, but in the fall the troubles will become even greater. The end of the year may bring condemnation from others, and something that has been hidden for a long time will appear. It is necessary to show firmness and show courage, and then gradually the difficulties will recede. The year will be filled with love, it will be possible to receive many even crazy desires, and purely friendly relationships may give way to passion. In this regard, April seems to be the most important event of the year.

Love horoscope for 2017: Cancer.

There will be noticeable transformations both at the place of work and in the love sphere. Most people of this Sign will have the chance to both build their own nest and make it larger or more comfortable. In those couples that have been unstable for a long time, they will continue to quarrel, this can lead to separation of property or divorce and related real estate matters. The second half of the year can bring many children's problems that last for a long time - perhaps with both material and moral help. This half of the year will be difficult for lovers, and in December and November the whole situation threatens to lose control, which will lead to the most severe conflicts. After such a scale of quarrels, it will not be possible to do without further claims against each other, which must be taken into account if there is a desire to preserve the relationship.

For Cancer, 2017 will bring many surprises of the sexual type, so there is no talk of boredom. January will provide an opportunity to attract those who are not indifferent to him, and at the start of summer he will need to make difficult choices, because the person who cares will gain freedom. There is no need to rush, because for August the stars have planned something that will lead to a rethinking of the understanding of love in general. A great way to test a relationship is to spend a vacation together and see how complimentary people are to each other.

Love horoscope for 2017: Leo.

The initial half of the year will expand the scope of Leo’s acquaintances; those who remain single and want adventures of a romantic kind can expect to have interesting meetings, flirt and find themselves in a very attractive society. There may be an affair with a newcomer or there will be a chance to make acquaintances on the train. A truly important meeting for fate will occur at the very beginning of the year, either in February, or later, at the end of June or in August. The first half of 2017 may be marked by the fact that Leo will ruin the expectations of his loved ones and will not be able to deliver on what he promised, which will lead to disagreements. The problem in relations between those working with their relatives in the same company may also worsen - here complaints will be inevitable, no matter how things go. In the second half of the year, married couples are expected to find themselves in a particularly difficult situation. All problems will come to the surface at the same time, a huge amount of disagreement and conflicts will become relevant. Redistribution of available property, divorces and division of housing are possible. There may also be a big move between spouses, with a change not of the city, but of the country at once.

However, Leo has the opportunity to make acquaintance with someone whom he can trust, and the whole year will be filled with love, which means a chance to meet someone completely extraordinary. The experience in this person’s life will be different from yours; you will have the opportunity to speak with him in many languages ​​at once. At the end of summer, friendly relations can easily turn into a passionate, rapidly flowing romance, and by December, Leo will have the question of changing their place of residence.

Love horoscope for 2017: Virgo.

Personal relationships are developing unevenly and unstable next year; many problems can be expected at the beginning of the year, in the first month, and then in April, this is the time when relations will become cooler. These months will be the most painful for those whose intimate relationships are mixed with business ones, with issues of earnings and business. A number of married couples may decide to purchase real estate, however, all these issues will be resolved in the summer. From the middle to the end of the year, something will push many Virgos into related conflicts, and troubles will take on the most varied forms. For relatives, the situation may be contrary to all the interests of Virgo, and in another place these same people will need help, and this will be a heavy burden on Virgo. Next year there will be more than enough adventures of the order of flirting or love, as well as various luck. One can assume the need to often make an unexpected and difficult act of choice. From the start of the year, Virgos will have to prepare for a real bacchanalia of love, Mars will attract an unusual person, it may be that someone from the past years will appear, however, this possible romance will need to be carefully considered. April will provide new knowledge about yourself, maybe you will be able to find a path to your happiness. September will easily bring new relationships that will allow many wounds to be healed, although friends may be surprised by Virgo's choice. In general, the year provides many opportunities, but also a significant burden, however, it should be noted that in general everything should turn out quite successfully and with a good outlook for the future.

Love horoscope for 2017: Libra.

Many Libras will spend 2017 searching for a way out of their situation, which in many cases can be considered a dead end. They will become much more decisive, more independent and gain courage. This will affect relationships in marriage and with passions of previous years. The most difficult time period is the end of March and subsequent April. At this time, those born under this Sign will be forced to deal with their own choices; if love can cope with obstacles, one can expect a happy continuation of the relationship. When not, there is no point in being upset in vain, because many different roads will lead to the future. It is quite possible that a completely new love will appear, but it will deal a good blow to the old relationship. The break will be natural, or even completely necessary. Enmity is possible over the fate of the children and the division of property by the beginning of the second half of the year, and this may drag on for a long time. April or August will give those who are single a chance to find their match. In the coming year, true great love and a well-run wedding are very likely for Libra, and in order to find love, you need to go on a trip. By summer you can understand that you should trust the chosen person, and in October you will need to make a decision that changes everything in your life. Of course, we can find a couple not only while traveling, because it is unlikely that we will be able to somehow hide or escape from our own Frtuna, so we need to be ready to meet the one who comes in full readiness.

Love horoscope for 2017: Scorpio.

For most Scorpios, 2017 will be uneven, and those couple relationships that have had difficulties in recent years will suffer the most. It is easy to predict a further deepening of the conflict followed by separation. And the second half of the year will be especially difficult in this regard, because no one in the couple will be inclined to make concessions. Disagreements with relatives can provoke confrontation as early as January, as well as in March, and then towards the end of April. The danger for Scorpio is that a group of his secrets will be revealed, and this will do something terrible to his reputation, which can take away the sympathy of even sincerely close ones, so you need to stay in relationships especially with patience and wisdom. Families that have remained friendly will begin to actively improve their landscaping; positive transactions with the purchase of real estate are not excluded, or they will thoroughly renovate their own homes. In the personal sphere it will be exciting and will bring a lot of intrigue. In winter you will be able to see your “soul mate”, and in the spring happiness will reach its real peak. However, one must refrain from making decisions at the very moment of intense passion. It is advisable to wait until the summer, then it will be possible to evaluate the entire situation adequately and make the right decisions. Mid-autumn can be marked by a proposal of the heart, and a gift that ends the year can completely turn the whole subsequent life upside down.

Love horoscope for 2017: Sagittarius.

The whole year will pass under the rule of love energies. The first half of the year will attract a lot of new faces to Sagittarius, and interesting partners will appear among them who can change his life irreversibly. Lonely people have a chance to diversify their existence and discover an interesting connection. Pleasant hobbies will obviously be in other cities, or perhaps even in other countries, and this will only raise the degree of love and bring the charm of romance to new relationships. Those who have a married partner or just a regular couple may be going through difficult times, a breakup in the relationship may occur, or they may change noticeably. The second half of the year will show how the situation can reach an even greater impasse, since ill-wishers will constantly force their way into the relationship between the two. Slanders and numerous intrigues can destroy personal affairs, as well as professional ones. Sagittarius, who have a family and a calm environment, will spend a lot of effort and finances on helping their offspring, however, these efforts will be pleasant and will affect changes in the fate of the younger generation for the better. But in the spring, true love may appear from one meeting, however, in the spring there will be stabilization and reciprocity, and by the summer Sagittarius will finally understand what he needs from a partner. And these relationships will open up as seemingly friendly ones.

Love horoscope for 2017: Capricorn.

On the part of Capricorns, the year does not promise either smoothness or calm. On the personal front, changes that have already happened before will continue, and many Capricorns will face problems in their own home. When there is instability in relationships with family, there is a danger of divorce or some drastic steps. And from the middle of the year to the end, numerous children's difficulties will arise. Difficulties can also bring multiple financial costs. Since the beginning of 2017, it has not been very favorable for families, and in the second half of the year it gives troubles to lovers. The successful outcome for all situations lies in the area of ​​sincerity of feelings and mutual intention to go together in one direction. You cannot rely on advice or listen to the “opinion of well-wishers”; you must listen to your own heart, it must show you the way. Both December and November will bring the sphere of your personal life to the point where it hangs almost by a thread, and you need to make multiple efforts in order not to break it. The consequences of the breakup will not be at all comforting. And the intimate life of Capricorns in the future, 2017, will mainly be tied to work and business. Thoroughly familiar faces will require the main attention. And this may turn out to be a connection. Which does not oblige you to anything, and which can develop into something more serious. But these same relationships can be so important that September will already be a honeymoon. Naturally, there is no need to rush, and Capricorns are not known for their hasty decisions or lack of common sense, so in the end everything will be very good.

Love horoscope for 2017: Aquarius.

For this Sign, 2017 will bring fundamental sensory transformations and changes in the field of relationships. Those who are lonely can get a chance to meet new acquaintances, which can become the basis for true love. A meeting with Destiny should be expected in the middle of winter, or later, at the beginning of summer or in October. You can meet people among visitors or while driving. For those Aquarians who have a strong family, many challenges are prepared from the second half of 2017. Saturn enters the area of ​​the horoscope responsible for the relationships of partners, which will change all family relationships for the worse. In the sphere of reciprocity between lovers, cooling may fall; communication will require tact and considerable delicacy. Manifestations of selfishness should not be allowed. Only sincere feelings will help maintain relationships. If the course of events is different, a loved one may have bad times in life, and help will be absolutely necessary, which will affect what is happening within the family in a complex way. Therefore, it is necessary to agree to a compromise. For calm Aquarius families, the second half of the year may bring renovations or the purchase of their own home. We must not forget about the possibility of migration to another city, as well as changing the country of residence. 2017 will give Aquarius an extremely exciting sex partner. At the beginning of the year, his communication abilities will improve, he will shine in his environment and gain general sympathy, and this will give him the opportunity to win many hearts and concentrate attention on himself. In April, a powerful attraction will arise on a physical level, and autumn is guaranteed to demonstrate where happiness is located, which cannot be missed.

Love horoscope for 2017: Pisces.

At this time, an unpredictable and very diverse year awaits. A sign that constantly lives in the world of feelings will not experience the easiest period in its existence. With the person closest to you, the relationship will change far from for the best. Attempts to rekindle the fire cannot lead to anything good, so there is no point in grasping at the passing past; it is better to strive for the future and not tie yourself down with unnecessary worries about the impossible. Everything that has been said concerns couples and unions whose mutual sympathies and affairs have already exhausted themselves. Those Pisces who are more stable, with good mutual relationships in the family, are expected to carry out repairs at home or will decide to purchase a home. Children may experience difficulties that can result in significant costs. Separating couples will vigorously sort out the origins and division of property, and by the end of the year they will finally separate completely. Women of the Sign may encounter much more complicated relationships with relatives. Such difficulties will turn out to be more protracted and problematic and can ruin any family relationships for a long time. The actual love relationship promises to be strong and reliable, because the Sign is not ready for really strong changes. If you still have such a readiness, then you can meet love, which will decorate life with a variety of colors. There is no point in rushing events; it will be much better when relationships begin to build slowly and harmoniously. In the fall, during family celebrations, some Pisces will be able to announce their engagement. You can try to find your love by going to a casino or at places where they sell lottery tickets. Fateful meetings can take place in the most unexpected places and under the most unusual circumstances.

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Love horoscope will give you some surprises. Try to overcome your shyness to find the right partner before the end of the year. July and August will be the best months for Aries who decide to tie the knot. If you remain intolerant, immature and impetuous, you risk continuing a series of short-term relationships.

Aries, if you're in a couple, the first half of 2017 can be a roller coaster ride when it comes to emotions. You and your partner need to be more attentive and careful. The family boat may encounter reefs, but by the end of the year the relationship will be calm again.

Overall, the love horoscope predicts that Aries can look forward to a wonderful love life with little turmoil, emotional arguments and mutual irresistible attraction. If you are single, then more than once during the year you will find yourself involved in bright, albeit fleeting, romances. The best partners for Aries in 2017 will be, and. But an unsuccessful alliance can develop with and.

You're facing a bumpy year. You will have to take a lot of measures in order to balance your personal life. You would like to be the center of attraction, but things are not that simple. However, your openness and caring nature will not leave you unnoticed. Potential partners will be intrigued by your independent spirit, which will lead to a peaceful and happy life together.

You should make all decisions wisely and not hastily. From the middle of the year you will gain confidence in your relationships. This year the love horoscope notes good compatibility with, and. It is worth refraining from relationships with, and. It is quite possible that you will get involved in an affair with an old friend or girlfriend.

Feeling that your partner is encroaching on your personal freedom, you may decide to hastily break up, which you will regret later. Try to restrain yourself and meet the person halfway if he is truly dear to you.

Lonely representatives of the Gemini sign will not have to specifically look for someone for themselves; luck will be on their side. Those in relationships will have to make big decisions in early March 2017. And the end of May is the best time for ringing wedding bells. Family life will be calm and happy, but you may be haunted by your partner's past mistakes or affairs. Develop trust so as not to destroy the existing alliance.

The love horoscope recommends that Gemini get rid of old bad habits in relationships and in life, acquiring new useful habits. This will allow you to attract the attention of the opposite sex and become a more desirable partner. Love can come from any direction, so be prepared! You may have to make some painful decisions to achieve harmony in your relationship. In 2017, you can have good compatibility with , and . But this is something you should stay away from.

The love horoscope promises an exciting year for Cancer. You can expect an abundance of love and romance. This will be a period of thrill and pleasure. Your confidence and energy will bring new notes to your relationship. However, one cannot count on a long-term and strong connection. There is a possibility of misunderstandings and family squabbles. Give yourself time to calm down before continuing destructive discussions. But at the same time, try to protect your interests.

Lonely Cancers should find more free time for their personal lives in May, October, and December. During these months, bright romantic adventures will await you at every turn! Pay close attention to the representatives of the sign, and it is with them that the love horoscope promises you better compatibility.

Everything will go according to plan in 2017. You will be full of enthusiasm and determination to achieve your goals, and finding love will be the first item on the list of priorities. The love horoscope indicates that Leo will have great success in his personal life with pleasant surprises and passionate dates. But there is also a downside, some curious people may pry too actively into your personal life, try to protect your partner from such attention.

Be careful - a rash decision can break your loved one's heart. Better add more passion and romance to your relationship, and you will see how your emotional connection with your partner grows stronger day by day.

Single Leos will easily go through all stages of dating, choosing a reliable and bright life partner. If you're in a long-term relationship, it's time to hear the wedding bells and put a ring on your significant other's finger. The best compatibility in 2017 will be with , and , and the worst compatibility with , , and .

Lonely Virgos will have to experience many hobbies and romantic affairs throughout the year, but they will not do without troubles. The love horoscope recommends that you be more flexible in order to make your life romantic and emotionally rich. If you are faced with the need to make difficult decisions, do not rush, show wisdom. 2017 will start on a high note, but by March, confrontation and mutual resentment may be brewing in existing relations.

The forecast for the second half of the year looks more encouraging. If you are single, then you have a high chance of meeting the ideal partner who will shake you up and fill you with optimism. But beware of being possessive, otherwise you risk ruining everything. The love horoscope recommends that you look for a partner among and

Your charisma will surely make someone fall in love with you. However, the love horoscope predicts some turmoil in relationships in 2017. Trying to find true love will lead to confusion and worry. You will be more inclined to give than to receive, and will likely spend a lot of money on gifts and trips to impress your loved one. Such overprotection can bore your partner. And learn to trust, otherwise you will get stuck in quarrels.

Libra, during this period you will meet and courtship, but wedding bells will most likely ring only towards the end of the year. If you are planning a marriage proposal, the ideal month for this would be July, October or December. You may have to work harder during the first half of the year to accumulate the extra savings needed to celebrate your wedding. In general, your personal life will be interesting and voluptuous, and the best companions in this period of time will be

Love horoscope predicts that your own emotional appetite can cause you a lot of pain. Everything will not go as you planned. The year will be generous with quarrels, perhaps you will even decide to leave your roommate. And your ability to remember grievances will only worsen an already tense relationship. Try to look at things more simply to ease the tension in the couple. In 2017, there will be an unexpected meeting with a former lover, which may shake your confidence in your current partner.

And for those Scorpios who are already married, another stage of blissful family life will begin. If you've been dreaming of cuddling a new family member, you can expect it to happen by the end of the year. Work pressure will force you to spend less time with your loved one, but instead of seeing them irritated, you will receive immense moral support throughout the period. Lonely representatives of the sign should pay attention to and

The stars predict that you may fall in love at first sight in 2017. But they won't necessarily reciprocate your feelings. Give your potential soul mate time to realize your worth and uniqueness. You will devote the vast majority of your time to professional growth, but don’t try to give up love because of this! By the middle of the year, particularly pleasant events will occur in your personal life, perhaps marriage or engagement.

Sagittarius, if you are ready to accept obligations and love a person without looking back, then no obstacles will interfere with your happiness. Still, you should be attentive to both your own well-being and the health of your partner, which may deteriorate by the end of the year. If your relationship is shadowed by omissions and difficulties, do not forget that this phase is temporary and will soon come to an end. According to the love horoscope, your best romantic companions in 2017 will be

The constant desire for security will make you worry about relationships for no apparent reason. Your personal life in the coming period will become a series of bright and violent outbursts; every day it will become more and more difficult for you to understand your current partner.

The most suitable pair for you in 2017 is or. You will find ideal understanding with a representative of one of these signs, and your personal life will become smooth and measured. It's time to take a step back from your career ambitions and give more importance to love in your life. If you want to express your feelings and propose, then the best period for this is summer, namely June and July.

The love horoscope warns that you may become too carried away with your newfound partner, ignoring other important family connections. Expenses will seriously increase due to the desire to buy the best for your loved one, and you will probably decide to go on a spontaneous vacation. The key word for you will be “commitment.” You will expect your partner to be perfect and serious when it comes to the relationship. Single Capricorns will be the center of attraction and will undoubtedly attract everyone's attention

There may be some problems in your family in 2017. There is a possibility that you will meet with your ex-partner due to existing unresolved joint affairs. If you encounter difficulties, do not hesitate to discuss them with your loved one, and you will find invaluable support in him. The love horoscope predicts a romantic getaway for you, which will help you take a good break from the problems that haunt you in everyday life.

Aquarius men may feel attracted to older women. On the other hand, women of this sign will be very irritated at times, sabotaging their relationships. It is necessary to notice this problem and work to solve it. Ideal partners in 2017 for Aquarius will be and, with whom absolute mutual understanding can be established. And try to stay away from representatives of your own sign, otherwise relationships with them will be like a challenge.

Since time immemorial, people have turned to the heavenly bodies for knowledge. From them the Greeks learned to predict the weather, find out the time and much more. What else will the stars help us find out? Our horoscope today we will find out what your love horoscope is for the whole of 2017, by zodiac sign, in detail by month.

Love horoscope for Aries

This year will be quite hot for them, because the stars have prepared many unexpected life turns for you: love experiences, passion and romantic evenings - this is your “schedule” for the entire next 2017.

January. The beginning of the year will be a difficult period for all zodiac signs. Try to avoid conflict situations with your significant other.

February. The difficulties in 2017 do not end there (problems at work and with your couple are possible).

March. With the arrival of spring, nature is reborn and your relationships will return to normal, problems will be solved, and most importantly -
maintain the resulting balance.

April. This month will be surprisingly calm. It’s better to dedicate this month to yourself and your life partner.

May. The stars are preparing a surprise for you in the form of an unexpected confession.

June. In general, the whole summer will pass calmly and without any special incidents for you, and there will be no surprises on the personal front.

July. This is the best time to relax with your significant other. Not a third time in vain!

August. For lonely Aries, the last day of summer is the beginning of a new love, but for lonely people the opposite outcome is possible.

September. After a painful breakup, this month will give you a new love or revive an old one.

October. No changes are expected in love affairs. Remember, stability is also good.

November. This will also be relatively calm for you, but get ready for a short test of your feelings.

December. With the arrival of winter, your feelings may cool down, try to prevent this.

Love horoscope for Taurus

In the first half of 2017, Taurus will plunge into a sea of ​​emotions and romance with their soulmate. This year will be a fresh breath of air for your relationship. Well, free Taurus will also not stand aside. Take advantage of the opportunity and start a passionate love affair.

January. As expected, the New Year will be a breath of fresh air for your senses.

February, March, April. These months will be peaceful for you and your significant other.

May. The stars will give you and your attitude a test of strength.

June. Make every effort to save your relationship.

July. There's finally a break in your relationship, it's just what you needed.

August. It is this month that your relationship will flare up with new strength and passion.

September, October, November. The entire fall will be stable, and your relationship will continue to bloom.

December. Listen to the popular saying that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

Love horoscope for Gemini

Dear Gemini, throughout the first six months your mind will be concerned not with love experiences, but with more business-related things, but the second half of 2017 will bring you something new.

January, February, May. These months will be quite ambiguous for your relationship, but they have one thing in common - in the end, your feelings will withstand all the tests.

June. A month of new discoveries. Perhaps you will learn something about your soulmate.

July. Regardless of the nature of the discovery, your feelings will only get stronger from it.

August, September, October. There will be no significant changes in your relationship.

November and December will become new tests in your feelings, but you will pass them.

Love horoscope for Cancers

If you are a free Cancer, then in the first half of 2017 you will be very fickle, switching your attention first to one object of desire, then to another. But by the second half of the year you will have already settled down and plunged into the abyss of feelings.

January and February. For the rest of the winter, your relationship will be short-lived, but the situation will improve with the arrival of spring.

March. March is not the best time for a new relationship (better spend this month on yourself).

April and May. This is just the right time to start looking for your love, but again, all attempts will be in vain.

June, July, August. But it is in the summer that you will find your soul mate. Most likely, it will be a holiday romance with a romantic continuation.

September and October. This is the time for Cancers who have already been in a relationship before. Of course, there will be difficulties, but you will quickly overcome them.

November and December. The rest of the year will pass quite calmly and there will be no new love experiences.

Love horoscope for Leo

All sorts of temptations and temptations will rain down on you, as if from the Horn of Plenty, so be especially vigilant. By the end of 2017, the flames of passion will subside and here you will need to understand yourself and be alone with yourself for a while.

January and February. From the very beginning of this year, many surprises and declarations of love await you, but you won’t have anything serious yet.

March, April and May. But spring is the time of love for Leo. It is at this time that single lions will meet their love.

June. It's a better time to relax together with your significant other.

July and August. Also, you don’t need to stay at home for these 2 months. Spend as much time as possible with your chosen one and or chosen one.

September. The beginning of autumn will bring new sensations to your relationship.

October, November and December. At this time, your relationship with your significant other may worsen, and in order to solve it, you need to understand yourself.

Love horoscope for Virgos

Virgos will be extremely decisive and independent, which will attract many fans in the second half of 2017. However, don't get arrogant.

January and February. For Virgos, the year will start very successfully: many signs of attention and love confessions will make your heart beat faster.

March, April and May. In spring, love passions will subside significantly, but one loyal admirer will show signs of attention to you.

June. It’s better to dedicate this month to yourself: go on vacation, play sports and just need to relax!

July and August. After a long rest, it's time to start a new relationship. Perhaps the fan still has feelings for you?

October, November. It is at the beginning of autumn that it is best to start starting a love relationship.

December. But your significant other's stubbornness and pride can destroy your love union. Therefore, try to quickly resolve or avoid any conflicts altogether.

Love horoscope for Libra

The stars advise you to be a little careful with your feelings, because one wrong choice can cause you great pain. The situation will more or less take shape within a few months, presenting you with a love surprise in the form of a life partner for a long time.

January and February They won't bring you anything new.

March. But in the spring there will be many contenders for your heart. But be careful, the wrong choice will hurt you.

April and May. Unfortunately, your relationship will not last long.

June and July. You will also pass quite calmly. This is the best time to understand yourself.

August. It's time to relax. Perhaps the stars will give you your soul mate. But, be careful. After all, you can easily soak your love from yourself.

September and October. If you still failed to save your previous relationship, then fate will give you a second chance.

November and December. They will pass quite calmly, in a cozy family circle.

Love horoscope for Scorpios

One of the people close to you cuts you to the very heart, leaving a deep scar there that only time will heal. Therefore, be extremely careful and avoid conflict situations with your significant other in 2017.

January and February It will be quite ordinary for you; you will spend the winter holidays with your family.

March, April and May. But starting in spring, problems may begin in your personal Paradise.

June. Be especially careful, because if you fail to maintain the relationship, then your loved one will wound you deep in your heart, and this wound will take a very long time to heal.

July and August. It is best for Scorpios to spend the rest of the summer in splendid isolation. The best way out of any life problem is a long vacation.

September, October and November. You have rested and are ready to get to work with renewed vigor, but the torment of love still haunts you.

December. It is still very difficult for you to get over your painful breakup, therefore, use one simple piece of advice - devote this time to yourself, your loved ones and friends, and time will heal any emotional wounds.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarians just need to be more careful and hide all their hesitations and excessive slowness in a deep closet for a while. There is no need to weigh every decision for a long time.

January, February and March. Sagittarians themselves weigh every decision they make, and they will put the brakes on all love confessions.

April and May. Perhaps, it is at the end of spring that you need to throw away all your carelessness and plunge into the abyss of love. Who knows how this relationship might end?

June, July and August. A star for the whole summer is promised to Sagittarius in love only as your romantic relationship develops.

September, October and November. All these 3 months will not bring any changes to your relationship.

December. It is best to prepare for the New Year holidays with your significant other and celebrate them with a large family circle.

Love horoscope for Capricorns

Be prepared for frequent quarrels with your loved ones. But at the same time, they will help take your feelings to a new level, allowing you to rethink a lot.

January, February and March. In the first months of the new year, be prepared to examine your feelings.

April and May. It is also a rather difficult period in your relationship.

June, July and August. In order to improve your relationship, it is better to spend a good half of the summer with your partner or companion.

September, October and November. As expected, the Stars have prepared something special for Capricorns.

December. After an unexpected confession, your relationship will move to a new level.

Love horoscope for Aquarius

Too many candidates for the role of a soul mate will turn the head of Aquarius, who himself will not yet be ready for a serious relationship, and only in the fall of 2017 will you be ready to take decisive action.

January, February and March. In the first 3 months of this year, there will be many contenders for your heart.

April and May. These will be quite difficult months for you and you will have no time for romantic relationships.

June, July and August. Summer will also be quite stressful for Aquarius, and in its last month you should go somewhere to relax.

September, October. You have gained strength and are ready to go into battle again! But only in October will you be ready to start a long-term relationship.

November and December. By the end of the year, your relationship will finally become stronger and will continue for quite a long period of time.

Love horoscope for Pisces

Pisces, this year is not the most romantic for you, because you will devote yourself to work, having received a long-awaited promotion. But, try to smooth out your absences at work by arranging a romantic surprise for your Fish.

January and February– not the most romantic time for Pisces, as they will receive a long-awaited promotion up the career ladder.

March, April and May. You will also often be busy at work, but don’t forget about your significant other.

June. This month you will have much less work, which means you will be able to devote more time to your relationships.

July or August– the best time for a romantic getaway.

In September you'll be back to work again.

November and December. These 2 months you will have a lot of free time and it is best to spend it with your love of your life.

So we found out what the stars have in store for us, what awaits each sign of the Zodiac in the year of the Fire Rooster for each month next year.

A horoscope allows us to look into the near future and anticipate some changes in our lives. The love horoscope for 2017, the year of the Rooster, is filled with emotions and unexpected moments. Every zodiac sign will have some hope of attracting love this year.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Love will find the owners of this zodiac sign in 2017. Not a single lamb will be left behind. Aries will plunge into an incessant whirlpool of feelings and emotions. They will be overtaken by romantic feelings, red-hot, unbridled passion, a sea of ​​temptations and unheard-of madness. At the beginning of 2017, owners of this sign will have a difficult choice between several worthy contenders for their heart. From June all passions will calm down. The choice will be made, the second half will be chosen. All that remains is to enjoy spending time with each other and not miss your love for the rest of your life.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Already in the middle of winter 2017, passions in Taurus relationships will heat up. Between lovers there will be outbursts of love, storms of emotions, unusual, interesting events. Owners of the zodiac sign Taurus, who have not yet decided on the choice of their other half, will at this time have a loved one, passion for whom will develop into much more than affection or habit. Those people who have already managed to start a family and seal their relationship with marriage will be incredibly lucky. They will dilute gray everyday life with intriguing actions and amazing memories, so to speak, bring fresh breath to already time-tested feelings.

Midsummer will turn Taurus' heads, excite their feelings and push them to search for new emotions. In this summer period, it is dangerous to leave unfree men with this sign for a long time. Intrigues and the desire to learn new things can lure them to the negative side. In order to keep your other half, you need to take the first step towards new impressions and do your best to bring new feelings and emotions into the relationship.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

The beginning of the year promises Gemini not love and relationships, but something else. Do not be upset if your dreams and desires do not coincide with the notes of your destiny. Try to find free time in your far from free life schedule and find your other half. Geminis who are already in a loving relationship are much luckier this winter season. Try not to miss love, keep it. You will have to put effort into this.

Anyone who manages to find a loved one during this time will not be able to have a serious relationship. For long-term love, the second half of the year is perfect, namely the month of September. This fall, work issues will improve, Gemini will no longer be torn between work and home. And they will be able to surrender to love, fill life with bright feelings and devote themselves to building a family.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

In February and March 2017, owners of the Cancer zodiac sign will let fate go to the wind. Serious relationships are not for them. Attention will switch from one person to another, and this relationship cannot be called romantic either. Meetings are fleeting, without any hint of love and fidelity. Cancers will exaggerate their demands and demands on their other half, and hopes for a serious relationship will dissipate like fog. Only from the beginning of the summer of 2017 will all wild relationships stop. Cancers will think about behavior, and they will want to love. Relationships that began in late May or early June will last and become strong, reliable and permanent. They will end with the betrothal of two hearts.

Leo (July 23 - August 21)

For Leo, this year will be abundant and varied. Temptations will come from all sides. There will be more than enough contenders for the hand and heart of Leo. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be dizzy when choosing their other half. The main thing is not to make a mistake in a difficult choice. It will be difficult, but you will have to overcome all difficulties. From October 2017, all simmering love passions will subside. Life will take a calm course. Stability and seriousness of relationships will improve. Leos will have to feel their other half with their hearts, because this fall they will be lucky in finding their beloved person. When you find someone you like, try with all your might to keep him, because it is with him that you will have to spend the rest of your life.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23)

Romantic Virgos will be lucky at the beginning of the year. Their subtle, graceful nature will be able to find and hold a person who matches them. Relationships will develop rapidly. Love will grow stronger every day. Your heart will skip a beat every time you see your loved one. The stars will line up on their life path in the best possible way. Virgo’s decisiveness will endear them to incredibly tender people from July 2017. Representatives of this sign will spend this time in romantic relationships on warm summer evenings. Every moment spent in the arms of a loved one will remain magical. This year will leave Virgos satisfied. There is nothing to regret. People of this zodiac sign form strong couples and families.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Throughout 2017, stars recommend treating people of the opposite sex with caution. It is necessary to control yourself and not break someone’s heart into pieces during the period from February to July. During this period, representatives of this sign are categorically not in the mood for a serious relationship. They are characterized by flirting and playfulness with people of the opposite sex. It will not be possible to immerse yourself in a love relationship. And breaking hearts is not Libra's nature. At this time of year, it is worth devoting yourself to more serious matters, for example, work.

By the end of 2017, Libra may meet their love for life. You should be careful in choosing the person with whom you will spend the rest of your life hand to hand, shoulder to shoulder. Family life and comfort will overtake people born under this sign, and they will no longer want to change anything in their lives.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Throughout 2017, Scorpios will be surrounded by attention and care from the opposite sex. A deficit in love relationships will not be felt either at the beginning of the year or at the end. Scorpios will gain unprecedented charm. This feeling is unusual for this zodiac sign, so you will be drawn to them like a magnet. The surprise and joy of their other halves will know no bounds. The changes in the stars will clearly suit them. The potential in love will go off scale.

Scorpios will reach their maximum apogee this year. But too serious a relationship will quickly become boring. They will be tormented by doubts about their love affairs. The most difficult time for them will be to survive winter and autumn. Bad weather will aggravate mixed feelings and they will have to constantly resist with their negative side. In order to keep the representatives of this sign near them, their soul mates will have to bring a little liveliness and novelty into their serious relationships. Scorpios should be playful and as gentle as possible, because it is no less difficult for their loved ones during this difficult period of life.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

The stars will position Sagittarius throughout 2017 for romantic potential and mood. Slightly flighty representatives of this zodiac sign will become as loyal and sensual as possible. They will spend the whole year in love and tenderness. Carelessness will be replaced by constancy. Both Sagittarius and their lovers will be pleased. Those who have not yet found a serious relationship at the beginning of the year will definitely find their love. There is no doubt about this, because the stars and the line of fate in 2017 are aligned precisely with this life outcome of events.

Those in a couple will strengthen their relationship. Many will legitimize them, start families and have happy marriages. In order for the year to be successful in love relationships, Sagittarius must cast aside all doubts and confusion. Don't hesitate from side to side. It is enough to catch the current and swim along it, without deviating from a straight line, only then love will cover you completely. To prevent your ally from being taken away, you should be a little more decisive. More actions and you will definitely succeed.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

At the beginning of 2017, Capricorns will not be in the mood to build a love relationship. All their time will be taken up by home life. In the winter of this year, they are characterized by thriftiness. A love of cleanliness can develop a quarrel with other halves based on everyday problems and misunderstandings. Capricorns should be discreet towards their family. Make time for your loved ones. Don't focus only on your problems. So you can be alone.

In the middle of the year, Capricorns have the opportunity to diversify their love relationships and take them to a new level. Don't miss it. Perhaps the stars will not give you such a lucky chance again. Do everything possible to revive and sparkle your feelings with renewed vigor. Those Capricorns who are still looking for their soulmate will be lucky. Those who managed to get married before this year should think about the next decisive step, for example, the birth of a child.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Aquarians who enter the new year 2017 alone and without a lover will not have much luck at the beginning of the year. It will not be possible to find your soulmate in winter and spring. There will be meetings that will not be successful. In the summer everything will change. There will be no end to contenders for the heart of Aquarius. The choice will be difficult. But you will have to fulfill it, otherwise you can face the next year alone again. In the fall, love meetings will again not give positive results. Short-term meetings will remain, but it will not be possible to achieve a serious relationship. The stars decided exactly this for representatives of this sign in 2017.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Pisces who are in a serious relationship will not be able to spend much time with their other halves throughout 2017. Your family will be offended by you. You should be patient and try to spend at least weekends together. There will be no end to work. But single Pisces are not planning any love affairs this year. Fate decided to give the owners of this sign a lot of work and little love. At the end of the year, the stars will be disposed towards Pisces differently and they will begin to go on dates, flirt and, undoubtedly, love.

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