Katasonov Sergey. They limit the ability of Russian investors to pretend to be foreign. Where is Sergey Katasonov from House 2

And the 7th convocation from the LDPR party, first deputy chairman of the budget and taxes committee since 2011.

Education and early career

In 1980 he graduated with honors from secondary school No. 50 named after. N. E. Zhukovsky of the city of Orenburg. In 1985 he also graduated with honors from the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

He began his career in 1985 as an assistant and then a senior lecturer at the Department of Livestock Mechanization of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute.

As a student he began his scientific career. He received his first copyright certificates for inventions in his 4th year in 1984.

Has academic degrees: Candidate of Technical Sciences (1989), Doctor of Economic Sciences (2006). Academic titles: associate professor (2004), professor (2008). Author of more than 40 scientific and educational works.

Entrepreneurial activity

From 1992 to 1995 - Deputy Director for Economics of the scientific production and construction association "Poliform". From 1995 to 2006 - General Director of Enterprise SVS LLC (Water Supply Systems).

The main activities of GC "SVS": industrial construction, construction of apartment buildings, public infrastructure facilities. 200 thousand sq.m. commissioned meters of housing, six sports arenas with artificial ice, three sports complexes, a brick factory, more than 50 boiler houses and a central heating station with a capacity of more than 100 MW.

In 2004, he was elected as a deputy of the Orenburg City Council in single-mandate district No. 7. In the City Council, he was the head of the budget group.

In 2004-2006 - head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Orenburg region.

Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region (IV and V convocations)

In 2006, he won the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region. He was nominated by the United Russia party in single-mandate constituency No. 9. He carried out parliamentary activities on a professional permanent basis. He was the chairman of the committee on property, environmental management and construction.

In 2010, he left the United Russia party. In 2011, he won elections in single-mandate district No. 9 to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region. He was nominated by the LDPR party. He carried out parliamentary activities on a permanent professional basis. He was the leader of the LDPR faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region.

Participated in the development and adoption of regional programs to provide land plots with communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction in 2007-2010, modernization of communal infrastructure in 2008-2011, provision of housing for young families in the Orenburg region, development of mortgage lending in 2005-2010 . Oversaw housing and communal services issues related to the creation of a non-profit partnership of management organizations "Orenburg".

In 2007, the regional program “Low-rise housing construction in the Orenburg region “Your Home” for 2007-2011” developed by Sergei Katasonov was adopted. During its implementation, the construction of a low-rise modern village with developed infrastructure “Ecodolie” began. The program was defined as a model and adopted in more than 50 regions of Russia.

In 2007, he initiated a parliamentary investigation into the emergency gas release in Orenburg on the night of June 15-16 and the emergency situation that arose in connection with this, as well as a number of parliamentary hearings on the topic of ecology. After this, the work of large industrial enterprises, including Orenburggazprom LLC, was intensified to introduce a new environmental monitoring system.

He was a member of the UNDP/GEF (UN Development Program/Global Economic Fund) project “Improving the system and mechanisms for managing protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia.” As a result of its implementation, the Orenburg Tarpania project was launched in the Orenburg region.

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (VI and VII convocations)

The expert community assessed the fact that the candidate was removed as a mistake by the authorities.

In the regions, the filtering of representatives of opposition parties continues. A number of candidates who would theoretically have a chance of winning will not be able to take part in the elections, for example, Oksana Dmitrieva in St. Petersburg, Rail Sarbaev in Bashkiria, Sergei Katasonov in the Orenburg region. The tactics used to deal with them are varied: from blocking them at the stage of collecting signatures to initiating criminal cases. Elections of governors thus become referendums on confidence, wrote Nezavisimaya Gazeta political observer Alexei Gorbachev in July.

In March 2015, the regional prosecutor's office, in response to a request from LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, reported that according to law enforcement agencies, State Duma deputy Sergei Katasonov does not have and never has had any criminal cases, charges or convictions; no criminal cases have ever been initiated against him. Family

Parents - Mikhail Ivanovich and Maria Dmitrievna - come from the village of Ratchino, Sharlyk district, Orenburg region. We moved to Orenburg in 1955.

Sergei Katasonov is married. He has two daughters: Ksenia (1991) and Daria (1996). He enjoys golf and horse riding. In his youth he played football professionally.

36 years

a Virgo

Biography of Sergei Katasonov both before and during his stay on the famous television project is replete with various events and exciting incidents. In his thirty-four years, he managed to get married and divorced, achieve considerable success in the military field, travel around our vast homeland, while not forgetting about raising his beautiful daughter.

Sergey was born in one of the northern Russian cities – Thule, this is where his entire adult life passed: his childhood and teenage years. At school, he did not stand out from his peers, he was not an excellent student, but he had a lively mind and ingenuity. Such qualities helped him to enter one of the local, prestigious technical universities at that time without much difficulty. After receiving a higher education, he went to serve in the army. This turned out to be a very useful decision for him, since he managed to achieve considerable heights in his military career - he rose to the rank of senior lieutenant.

Having served, he went to Plesetsk, where he successfully entered the headquarters of the cosmodrome employees and even managed to take part in launching rockets into space. As for his educational activities at the moment, today the man is a student at a famous Moscow university, where he is studying directing. In the future, he plans to seriously engage in creative work, making films based on his own scripts.

On the legendary TV set, Seryozha came to the young beauty in order to snatch her from the tenacious clutches of the insidious villain -. Watching " brownie“Life from the TV screen, the former soldier considered that Andryusha treated the girl dishonestly and disrespectfully, constantly offending her. In reality, everything was somewhat different, and during a personal meeting the failed “ to the rescuer“We were able to make sure that between the young people there are tender and sincere feelings, if not love, then at least infatuation. Out of male solidarity, he decided not to interfere with the established couple, not to disturb their fragile peace.

Fortunately for Sergei, a spectacular brunette beauty with a sonorous name soon appeared on a TV show. The green-eyed beast quickly took possession of the guy’s heart and mind, literally making him fall in love with her from the first second. Their relationship began to develop rapidly, brightly and slightly crazy, spontaneously. They were head over heels in love with each other and couldn't get enough of the time they spent together. However, passion alone will not get you far; gradually it began to subside, fade away, and then the first claims and discontent arose between the lovers.

The wayward Inessa was dissatisfied with the communication of her chosen one with his ex-wife and daughter, and in every possible way prevented a possible family reunion. Seryozha was jealous of his beloved, and, it should be noted, that it was not groundless. He even managed to catch her red-handed, catching her in correspondence with other males.

In view of all these unpleasant events, the team lost faith in this couple, the guys began to be perceived as an ordinary fiction, what “ House 2“has seen a lot over its long history. Shevchuk They repeatedly tried to kick her out at women's votes, but Seryozha always covered her with his chest, taking the blow on himself. The presenters relented and granted immunity to the beauty. But after some time, this trick stopped working, and one spring evening the couple left the construction site forever.

Katasonov Sergei Mikhailovich - State Duma deputy. A former member of United Russia, currently a member of the LDPR party. Well-known public and political figure. Received the titles of Honored Builder of Bashkortostan and Entrepreneur of the Russian Federation. Heads the Mini-Football Federation in the Orenburg Region. First Deputy Chairman for Taxes and Budget.


Katasonov Sergei Mikhailovich was born on May 1, 1963 in Orenburg. His mother, Maria Dmitrievna, and father, Mikhail Ivanovich, were born in the same village (Ratchino), which is located in the Sharlyk region. In 1955, they moved to Orenburg and got a job at a defense engineering plant.

In the 2nd grade, Sergei voluntarily enrolled in a music school, which incredibly surprised his parents. Moreover, Katasonov easily passed the test and was accepted into the educational institution. But Sergei was also attracted to football. His first coach was Kolosov from the Zarya club.


Katasonov Sergei Mikhailovich, whose biography is described in this article, graduated from high school in 1980 with a gold medal. Then he entered an agricultural university, the Faculty of Mechanization. In 1985 he graduated with honors. After a while, he became a candidate of technical sciences and an associate professor at the Orenburg Agrarian University. Defended his doctoral dissertation. He is a professor at the Academy of the Russian Federation on problems of law and order, security and defense.

He began his scientific career as a student. In 1984, in his fourth year, he received authorship for his first inventions. Then he acquired a number of academic degrees:

  • 1989 - became a candidate of technical sciences;
  • 2006 - received a doctorate in economics;
  • 2004 - became an associate professor;
  • 2008 - received the title of professor.

Katasonov wrote over forty educational, methodological manuals and scientific works.


Sergei Mikhailovich began his career in 1985. First, he got a job as an assistant, then as a senior teacher at the department of livestock mechanization at the university, where he received his higher education. From 1992 to 1995, he was deputy head of the Poliform production and construction association. In 1995-2006 worked as the general director of LLC "Enterprise SVS".

Career politician and social activities

Sergei Mikhailovich Katasonov, whose photos are presented in this article, began his political activity in 2004. It was then that he first became a deputy from single-mandate district No. 7 of the Orenburg Council. At first, Sergei Mikhailovich headed the budget group. From 2004 to 2006 he became director of the Representative Office of Bashkortostan in the Orenburg region. Since 2004 - Chairman of the Public Fund for Social Programs.

In 2006, Sergei Mikhailovich Katasonov won the elections from United Russia. He became a deputy on a permanent basis and chairman of the committee on environmental management, property and construction issues. In 2010, he left United Russia and joined the Liberal Democratic Party. In 2011, he ran for election from a new party and won. He was the leader of the faction in the Orenburg region.

In 2007, he headed the local mini-football federation. From the same year until 2010, he participated in housing construction and infrastructure modernization programs. From 2005 to 2011, he was involved in housing and communal services issues and the development of mortgage lending. In 2007, more than 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted Sergei Mikhailovich’s program for low-rise construction.

He took an active part in environmental problems. Introduced new monitoring at some industrial enterprises. Was a member of the UN Development Program regarding the Global Economic Fund. He became the creator and co-author of 68 bills.

Since 2012, Sergei Mikhailovich Katasonov became a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation and first deputy chairman of the Committee on Taxes and Budget. He is a member of the State Duma for reviewing federal expenditures aimed at defense and security. In 2015, he was one of the five deputies from the LDPR party who have a high chance of being re-elected to the State Duma in districts.

Personal life and hobbies

Katasonov Sergei Mikhailovich is married. He has two daughters. The eldest, Ksenia, was born in 1991. The youngest, Daria, was born in 1996. Sergei Mikhailovich loves to play golf. Another hobby is horse riding. The passion for football has remained since my youth. But since Sergei Mikhailovich no longer participates in tournaments, he likes to watch matches from the sidelines.

The birthplace of Sergei Katasonov is the Russian hero city of Tula. After graduating from higher education, the guy went to serve in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. During this period of his life, he managed to visit the Plesetsk cosmodrome and study the specifics of working and launching rockets. Currently, Sergei's field of activity has changed dramatically - he is mastering the profession of director, planning to make television films, and making grandiose plans for the coming years.

The decisive event in Katasonov’s life occurred in 2013 - he divorced a woman whose marriage lasted eight years. The ex-wife herself is raising a joint five-year-old child. However, Sergei sees his daughter very often, gives her gifts for the holidays, and tries to be a good father.

The young man first appeared on the reality show in the spring of 2014. The reason for the arrival of the thirty-year-old senior lieutenant in the reserve was his sympathy for Anna Kruchinina. Tall height and excellent physical build became the key advantages in the guy’s appearance: at that time, Anya was in a relationship with the “pearl” of the project, Andrei Cherkasov, whose short stature did not allow her to parade in society in high heels. Nevertheless, Katasonov is sure that many similar characteristics connect him with Cherkasov. In addition, the guy fully supports the harsh “educational” methods that the brave officer often uses.

Sergei was never able to strike up a relationship with Kruchinina, who soon dropped out of the project. A surprise for all participants in the project was Katasonov’s romance with. The program administration allocated separate apartments for the children, but the lovers’ life together was not so rosy. As a result of one of the votes, Inessa was on the verge of leaving the show, without thinking twice, Sergei announced that he was not going to remain on the project without his girlfriend. To save the couple, Olga Buzova had to make every effort.

Meanwhile, despite all the efforts of the guys to live peacefully, from time to time serious disagreements arose in their relationship, which led to certain consequences. So, after one of the scandals associated with jealousy towards the former family of Sergei Katasonov, the girl decided to leave the project. Surely, fans of this couple expected to see Katasonov broken and suffering due to separation from his beloved. However, in reality everything turned out somewhat differently. No sooner had the door slammed shut after his girlfriend left than the young man began to look for a new passion for himself.

Katasonov’s next lover turned out to be a seductive English teacher who did not leave indifferent any man who happened to take part in the popular TV show. Of all the applicants, Anastasia expressed sympathy for Sergei. She prepared an exquisite dinner especially for him and agreed to go to his room, where they, having gotten rid of microphones and hidden from television cameras, retired for the whole night. However, closer to the morning, the guy admitted to his new girlfriend that she should not count on a serious relationship with him. As it turned out, Sergei Katasonov had serious reasons for this: on that day his ex-wife and their little daughter were supposed to come to the TV program.

Later, Inessa Shevchuk returned to the project at the request of Sergei Katasonov. The couple decided to start a relationship again. The young man admitted to Inessa that he missed her and was ready to leave the project for her sake.

But after Sergei’s next trip to his homeland, it turns out that his daughter knows nothing about her parents’ divorce, as well as the fact that her dad has been living with another aunt for a long time.

14:00 — REGNUM

The State Duma adopted a government bill proposing to clarify the concepts of foreign investment and foreign investor in the first reading at a plenary session on February 22, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM.

According to the current standards, foreign investors have additional benefits and guarantees that encourage them to invest in the Russian economy. However, as the government notes, Russian legal entities often also enjoy preferential conditions for investment. In particular, they use companies registered abroad to match the name of a foreign investor, but the actual investors are citizens of the Russian Federation.

The government proposes to create an effective mechanism that would prevent Russian citizens from unjustifiably taking advantage of foreign investors. To do this, the authors of the initiative want to establish new rules that will determine who exactly can be considered a foreign investor.

For example, the authors of the bill propose not to consider legal entities or organizations that are under the direct or indirect control of citizens or companies of the Russian Federation as foreign investors. In addition, citizens of the Russian Federation who have citizenship of other countries will not be considered foreign investors; they will not be allowed to act as representatives of another jurisdiction.

The government also proposes to provide a clear definition of foreign investment. The authors of the initiative note that this is “an independent and direct investment of funds by a foreign investor.” This definition will avoid investing through trusts or other fiduciary institutions.

The definition of a foreign investor and foreign investment will also appear in industry legislation, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development said during a plenary meeting Oleg Fomichev. However, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil” will specifically stipulate that foreign investors do not have the right to invest in activities related to the use of subsoil plots for exploration and production of minerals in subsoil plots of federal significance.

The authors of the initiative believe that due to such measures, investment activity will improve and the volume of investments in the Russian economy will increase. However, a member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Sergey Katasonov(LDPR) expressed concern that the amount of investment from such innovations will decrease.

“If we talk about the volume of investments that are now formally considered foreign, if some are removed from the concept of foreign investors, then this arithmetically can lead to a short-term period of their reduction. But at the same time, those other investments that will already be considered domestic in Russia will increase by the same amount. Specific assessments, taking into account the complex ownership structure and the difficulty of disclosing the ultimate beneficiary, are impossible to make at the moment,” Fomichev explained during the plenary session.

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