Canadian technology for the construction of frame houses. Canadian frame house, construction technology Projects of Canadian houses made of timber

We have all heard that today houses built using frame technology have appeared on the construction market. Since this technology is very common in Canada, the term “Canadian house” appeared. What is actually meant by this name, how does Canadian technology differ from other frame construction, what features does it have and is it worth implementing in Russian realities? What is the price of such buildings?

How to build without breaking technology?

In the construction of frame houses, the most important thing is adherence to technology. Unfortunately, in our realities, it is very difficult to fully comply with all the technology. The thing is that Canadian houses are positioned in our country as the cheapest and most economical housing, the quality of which is no lower than stone ones.

Seeing the direct benefit and the opportunity to save money, critical thinking is turned off, which should remind people that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, and the stingy pays twice. As a result, having spared money, we get a house of low quality, which will become distorted in 5 years.

To avoid this, construction technology must be carefully followed. What is it? In the factory, special panels are created from special OSB-3 boards and expanded polystyrene according to drawings. The dimensions are carefully verified and correspond to the dimensions of your home project. Projects must have dimensions of all elements marked. If you want a quality home, Canadian technology must be fully observed.

Find out why such country houses have become popular.

Installation technology - quality guarantee

The pre-prepared foundation is tied with a strapping board or timber (read how to do this correctly here), and the floor is initially installed. The floor of a Canadian house also basically has panels that connect to each other. The joints are thoroughly foamed, and after joining they are fastened at an angle with self-tapping screws. Read more about how to make a harness in our article.

After installing the floor, the construction of walls begins. The frame is not installed, since the factory panels are, in fact, a ready-made wall that only needs to be installed vertically and fixed. For this purpose we use 220 mm self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

When the walls are installed, we foam them on top. The polystyrene foam in the panels does not reach the very top, leaving room for the strapping board. We install the top frame on the foam around the perimeter of all the walls and also strengthen it with self-tapping screws.

The next stage is the installation of floor beams. In frame houses using Canadian technology, they are made in such a way that they have a good strength threshold. Additionally, they are attached to the floor beams. Panel gables are also connected by parallel load-bearing beams. These gables are the load-bearing elements of a gable roof.

Installation of a roof using Canadian technology begins with the installation of the main ridge beam. Its bevels should be made at the angle of the roof slope. Intermediate beams and purlins prevent the roof from sagging under the weight of snow. These girder beams are cut into each gable slope between the ridge beam and the walls parallel to it. The wall panels should not rest directly on the walls, but on support beams. Despite the fact that the roof is a rather complex element of the house, it is assembled by 3-4 workers in 2 days. A panel roof is quite functional, and you can do without additional insulation. The flat surface is ideal for any roofing work.

Installing windows and doors in panels is no different from installing them in other materials. Please note that the gaps above window and door frames in frame houses are kept to a minimum.

Houses using Canadian technology are ready for finishing almost immediately after installation. You can use wallpaper, painting or any other finishing materials based on your preferences. Exterior decoration also has no restrictions. Use paint, siding, wood, stone - any material you like.

Finished house designs with a description of the finishing can be changed at the request of the customer.

How do buildings behave in our climate?

Climate plays a big role in the operation of any home, but when it comes to wooden houses, this is doubly true. Is the technology for constructing so-called frame frames different in Europe, America, Canada and Russia? And why is Canadian technology so popular in our country? Today, Canadian technology is put to use in frame houses.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the climate has always been taken into account when constructing frame houses. Huge America, which builds such housing in different climatic zones, has different standards for each climate. A frame house built in California will be different from a frame house built using Canadian Minnesota technology. Everything is taken into account - the percentage of moisture in the wood, the degree of permeability of building membranes, and the performance of insulation. The Russian market is in good order. There is not such a variety of materials, unfortunately, so you often have to use “what you have.”

As for Canada specifically, their technology suits us perfectly. Firstly, we have a very similar climate over most of the territory. They have snowy and cold winters, rainy summers - everything is like ours. Therefore, it was the Canadian technology of building houses that took root in Russia.

Given the technology, these houses have shown themselves to be very good. They are warm in winter, cool in summer (when installing a ventilation system), heat up quickly and retain heat, saving energy. And their price is ideal in relation to the quality.

If you don’t know whether to build it yourself or order a ready-made house from a developer, read the following information.

The most common mistakes and consequences

If you encounter unscrupulous developers, you risk getting a low-quality home. How to avoid disappointment and build a cheap Canadian house? All attention to detail.

  1. Pay attention to the materials. Price should play a secondary role. It has been said many times that wood must be well dried, and not just lying in a warehouse, but in factory conditions, when the moisture evaporates evenly. Then the timber and board are not deformed or twisted. Rarely does anyone have the opportunity to check each board for evenness, as a result of which bad wood will produce defects of up to 30%. Where will you put such wood? You cannot build with it, as it will create gaps that may increase even more over time. The emerging cold bridges will make the house colder. Uneven temperatures will cause condensation to form and moisture to accumulate in certain places. And there it’s just a stone’s throw from mold and mildew. And this is already a big step towards the destruction of the house.
  2. Construction technology. Good builders achieve perfect fit of all elements to each other, as well as high-quality fixation. The timber can be fastened with nails, self-tapping screws, using corners and other consumables. When building a house using frame technology, any board, even the shortest one, is fixed in at least 2 places. Long beams must be fixed at a distance of at least 1.5 meters between the screws. It is better to foam any joints. The cracks must be removed using jute, polystyrene foam or other material.
  3. Ventilation. A Canadian home is like a thermos, so to create a comfortable atmosphere it is necessary to use a ventilation system. Artificial ventilation is expensive, and not everyone can afford to install it in their home. Therefore, ask the developer how the problem was solved in your case. It is possible that there are ventilation gaps between the polystyrene foam panels, which significantly improve the quality of the house. Lack of ventilation is a big minus in the house.
  4. Defect in production. Rarely, but sometimes factory panels are defective. This may be uneven filling of the space between the OSB insulation or uneven cutting of the slab. But most often there is some non-compliance with the dimensions given in the project. This is fraught with warping of the walls or roof in the future.

And of course, we must separately talk about such a mistake as trying to save where it is impossible to save. We are talking about cheap Chinese materials. This is especially true for synthetic materials, the price of which can be 20% lower. Cheap Chinese materials often emit harmful substances that can not only worsen the well-being of people in such a house, but also cause dangerous diseases such as skin cancer and bronchial asthma. Use only materials that are approved for residential use in Europe.

Pros of Canadian buildings

Canadian technology is often the only option the middle class can afford. What are the advantages of such construction?

  1. Saving money. The price is almost 2 times lower than stone buildings.
  2. Fast installation.
  3. A small number of workers to build a house.
  4. The versatility of slabs for finishing.
  5. Warmth and good atmosphere in the house.
  6. Energy savings and cheap maintenance. The service price is 30% lower.
  7. Simple repair.
  8. Possibility to complete the house at any time.
  9. There is no need to install a heavy and expensive foundation.
  10. Large selection, including standard projects, economy housing.
  11. Projects may differ in original architectural solutions.
  12. Can be built on any type of soil.
  13. Ease of communication, lighting, etc.

Read about other advantages of wooden buildings.

Cost of finished housing

If price plays a major role for you when choosing the material from which your house will be made, pay attention to Canadian construction technologies. If you order a turnkey house, the price can range from 600,000 rubles to 2.5 million rubles. The price will depend on the size of your building, the number of floors, the complexity of the roof, the number of windows, doors, the presence of a terrace and other nuances. In general, the price of a house for 4 people will be about 1 million rubles.

Great competition between development companies has led to the fact that everyone can choose projects at a suitable price, and a loan or installment plan will make the purchase more convenient. If you have very little money, pay attention to standard projects, which are absolutely no worse than individual ones. You can also choose something from economy class housing. Canadian technology allows you to get such a house for 500-800 thousand rubles.

The most interesting video

In terms of climate, this country, located on the North American continent, is close to Russia. Accordingly, the Canadian technology for constructing frame houses, which demonstrates high energy efficiency, is also applicable in our conditions. In the USSR, similar construction methods were developed after the Great Patriotic War in 1947.

Due to the national mentality, the proposed innovations did not take root in our country. Recently, the situation has changed and for a number of reasons there has been interest in this method of construction and production of components. Canadian house construction technology, what is it and what are its main advantages? By the way, 4/5 of the total low-rise housing stock in the world and primarily in developed countries consists of just such buildings.

Popularity of frame construction

Houses of this type are widespread in all developed countries, where climatic conditions are similar to those in Russia. In our country, frame construction has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years, due to the following reasons:

  • The construction time for such housing is much shorter than when using other materials and construction technologies. Thus, it takes 3-4 months to build a turnkey frame house, and at least one year for a brick house. In addition, work in the first case can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • The customer has the opportunity to choose: the technical and economic characteristics of a frame house are directly dependent on its purpose:

    Country houses are intended for seasonal living mainly in the warm season they have a low cost. Such buildings belong to the “economy” category and are installed on a concrete foundation (screw, tubular or ready-made concrete blocks). They are supplied in a minimal configuration and are built from inexpensive materials.

    Houses for permanent (year-round) residence are built on a monolithic foundation and with high-quality insulation. The best construction and finishing materials are used. Such buildings have the parameters of a permanent structure, at the same time, they are much cheaper than houses made of brick, timber or logs and are much warmer.

  • In frame buildings, it is possible to install utility lines and electrical networks inside building structures. This allows you to improve the quality and decorative properties of the finish. In log, brick or timber buildings, this method of laying pipes and cables requires significant labor costs and significant financial investments.
  • Frame houses, due to their significantly lower mass, do not need powerful foundations such as those required for stone buildings. Accordingly, this allows us to reduce the time and overall cost of construction.
  • Frame houses can have almost any architectural form and style. An extensive range of finishing materials allows you to imitate brickwork, timber or logs. If you do not know in advance that the building was built using frame technology, it is extremely difficult to determine this by appearance.
  • Experts' forecast, taking into account the difficulties in the economy: such buildings have good prospects in our country.

Description of construction technology
frame houses

The essence of this construction method is to distribute the main functions of the wall structure between its different elements. For their manufacture, materials with the most suitable properties for this purpose are used:

  • The role of the supporting structure is performed by a frame made of wooden beams.
  • As an enclosing element, boards made of OSB boards or plywood and plasterboard for interior decoration are used.
  • The voids in the frame are filled with different types of insulation, which also serves as a soundproofing layer.

The construction of buildings using Canadian technology involves the installation of a load-bearing frame, which is sheathed on the outside with OSB sheets. This design, with a minimum amount of material, provides a maximum margin of safety for the building. The elements mutually reinforce each other, resulting in a unified system.

The technology for constructing Canadian wooden houses has been adapted to the conditions of our country. The construction of low-rise energy-efficient buildings with a load-bearing frame made of wood is carried out in accordance with a set of rules
SP 31-105-2002. This document regulates design issues taking into account climatic and geological conditions.

The regulatory act defines the requirements for materials and structures and establishes the following technology for assembling a frame house using Canadian technology:

  • Layout of the land plot and marking of the pit for the foundation and basement.
  • Laying the foundation, installing drainage for groundwater and supplying external utilities. To reduce the cost of a country house, a columnar foundation can be used instead of a strip reinforced concrete foundation.
  • Manufacturing and assembly of the roof frame of the above-ground part of the house and the rafter system.
  • Insulation of external building structures.
  • Installation of a hydro- and windproof membrane on the outside of the supporting frame.
  • External walls are sheathed on the outside with OSB boards to increase the rigidity of the load-bearing structure.
  • Laying utilities for water supply and sewerage systems, ventilation, heating and electrical wiring.
  • Installation of sound insulation in interfloor ceilings and interior partitions.
  • A vapor barrier is installed on the internal surfaces of external walls.
  • Covering load-bearing building structures of walls and ceilings with OSB panels.
  • Installation of windows and entrance doors.
  • Walls and ceilings are covered with plasterboard sheets; moisture-resistant gypsum board panels are used in bathrooms and bathrooms.
  • Installation of gypsum plasterboard sheets on the internal surfaces of walls, if it is planned to finish with wallpaper or by applying plaster.
  • Laying sheets of plywood on the subfloor.
  • Cleaning of premises using the chosen method.

Work on the construction of a frame house is completed by landscaping the area adjacent to the house and pouring concrete blind areas. When constructing a building, it is necessary to ensure proper storage conditions for materials and exclude the possibility of their moisture during precipitation. To do this, it is necessary to provide a canopy or cover the timber with plastic film.

Construction Materials:
list and basic requirements

Achieving high performance of a frame house is possible only by using high-quality materials that meet the requirements of the set of rules SP 31-105-2002:

  • In inexpensive houses for seasonal living, unplaned timber with natural moisture is often used. This material is prone to deformation during drying and the formation of mold and mildew.
  • When constructing houses for year-round use, planed timber, mainly chamber-dried, is used. This material does not have the disadvantages described above and its use guarantees the durability of the structure.
  • When constructing non-residential buildings, the load-bearing structure can be made of steel profiles. For these purposes, LTSC is usually used.
  • Polymer, mineral and natural materials are used as insulation:

    The first type includes polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam; they are characterized by low specific gravity, retain their shape well and have exceptionally low thermal conductivity. The main disadvantage is toxicity when burned and ease of damage by mice, which gnaw passages in it and make nests.

    Waste local raw materials are usually used as natural insulation materials. This can be either crushed compressed straw or materials based on recycled cellulose. The disadvantages of this material include high specific gravity and hygroscopicity.

    Mineral wool of the URSA type in rolls is not durable and settles quickly. The first three types of thermal insulation materials are usually used in the construction of frame houses for seasonal living. This is done in order to reduce their cost as much as possible.

    Slab insulation made from basalt fiber is free of this flaw. They are highly fire resistant and are non-flammable material. This thermal insulation material is used in the construction of frame houses for year-round use.

  • External wall cladding is usually carried out with OSB, plywood or cement-bonded particle boards, followed by decorative plaster or siding. Sheets of moisture-resistant OSB-3, with which the frame is sheathed both on the outside and on the inside, have proven themselves to be the best. This helps to increase the rigidity of the building. Economy-class houses are often finished with lining directly on the frame, which greatly reduces their strength.
  • The inside of vertical building structures is finished with plasterboard or natural clapboard boards. These materials are environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
  • The use of high-quality materials that meet the requirements of regulatory documents ensures the building's durability and high performance properties.

Advantages and features of the technology
frame construction

The main function of a residential building is to create comfortable living conditions for people. To assess the advantages of buildings of the described design, their technical, economic and environmental characteristics should also be taken into account. The Canadian house construction technology discussed in the article has certain pros and cons, knowledge of which is necessary to make a conscious choice.

Its advantages include the following:

  • Relatively low cost of buildings. Availability of a frame house for seasonal living for people with average and lower incomes. Its cost is almost one and a half times lower than that of a building made of profiled timber. Frame houses for year-round use are more than half the price of a brick house.
  • Short construction time for frame houses - from one and a half months.
  • Superior energy efficiency. The heat transfer resistance coefficient of the walls of a frame house of standard thickness is 8 times higher than ceramic brick and more than 50 times higher than monolithic reinforced concrete.
  • The thin thickness of the walls ensures an increase in the internal area of ​​the premises.
  • The possibility of using a lightweight foundation allows you to reduce the cost of excavation work.
  • Excellent soundproofing properties of building structures.
  • Hidden installation of utilities facilitates wall finishing and improves its quality.
  • The house does not shrink after construction. This allows finishing work to be carried out immediately.
  • Possibility of construction at any time of the year.
  • Implementation of almost any architectural solutions.
  • When constructing a frame house, heavy construction equipment is not used, which reduces costs and does not disturb the landscape of the site.
  • The use of 3D frame technology allows you to create structures with an increased level of strength, energy efficiency and fire safety.
  • The service life of a frame house built using Canadian technology using high-quality materials and complying with standards is at least 70 years.
  • In frame houses, redevelopment is possible at minimal financial costs.

At the same time, Canadian frame houses have a number of features, knowledge of which will allow the customer to avoid big problems in the future:

  • The possibility of unscrupulous contractors using substandard materials; in particular, inexpensive oriented strand boards OSB with a high level of formaldehyde emissions can be used. The mentioned compound has a pronounced carcinogenic effect. To eliminate this effect, you should use high-quality OSB boards that comply with European environmental safety standards E1.
  • To reduce the cost of construction, it is possible to construct a frame from unplaned lumber of natural moisture. In this case, the quality and service life of the building are significantly reduced. In houses for year-round use, the use of such lumber is unacceptable.
  • Internal partitions and ceilings must have sound insulation.
  • It is advisable to immediately lay hidden utility lines at the stage of building a house, since after construction is completed, installing utility lines in a hidden way is quite difficult and costly.
  • When using flammable insulation, a high level of fire hazard remains. To increase the resistance of a building to fire, instead of polystyrene foam, you should choose basalt insulation and finishing materials belonging to the NG group.


First of all, it should be noted that the architecture of Canadian houses is dominated by simplicity, conciseness and, most importantly, functionality - this is all from practical Canadians. As throughout the world, economy and convenience are highly valued in Canada. In the designs of Canadian houses, first of all, the requirements of future residents, their tastes and wishes must be taken into account. The goal of designing a country house in the Canadian style is to build a modern, environmentally friendly, warm and comfortable home for a Russian customer.


In general, the technical and economic parameters and energy efficiency indicators of frame houses allow them to take their rightful place in the suburban housing segment. Such buildings have good prospects in the conditions of our country. The Russian National Energy Saving Program involves the construction of frame houses as social housing.

Our company "DEKARD" carries out the construction of houses exclusively for year-round use. Thanks to the use of patented 3D frame technology, we build country houses of increased strength, energy efficiency and fire safety. The use of modern construction techniques and high-quality building materials allows us to create comfortable housing, free of any disadvantages.

Due to the speed of construction, country houses using Canadian technology are widely in demand on the country real estate market, especially since they can be simply ordered on a turnkey basis. This construction method is very common in Canada, which is what gives houses built using this technology their name. Well, since the climatic conditions of Canada are close to domestic ones, the methods of constructing suburban housing developed and tested in this country are relevant for Russian buyers. What houses can look like using Canadian technology: projects, prices, photos in our article.

A small frame house built using Canadian technology Source

Canadian houses: a little history

The first frame buildings were known in Europe during the early Middle Ages. In those days, the structure was based on a system of posts and beams with braces located diagonally. The space between the parts of this frame structure was filled with stone, bricks or clay.

Colonists who came to Canada and the United States from Europe used this technology, which allowed them to create houses at any time of the year in a short time. To protect against the harsh weather conditions of Canada, the walls of the houses were covered with boards on the outside and inside, and the voids were filled with any available material. Most often a mixture of clay, straw, sand and stone was used.

Houses in old European cities are “distant ancestors” of modern frame technology Source

Thus, the basis for creating houses using Canadian technology even in those days was the prototype of insulated panels, with the help of which it was possible to build a high-quality warm house in the shortest possible time. Modern technology of “Canadian houses”, adapted for harsh climatic conditions, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of modern Canadian houses

A frame house using this technology is built from panels covered with OSB (a material made from wood chips impregnated with polymer resins) and insulated with polystyrene foam. The dimensions of the panels are selected individually, taking into account the size of the finished building. Insulated panels are ready-made wall elements that are fixed on a pre-built foundation. After this, the installation of floors, roofs, as well as doors and windows occurs.

  • The main advantage of the technology is the speed and ease of building a house. Installation work does not require the involvement of specialized equipment and a large team of builders; on average, a house is erected within 2-3 months.
  • A frame structure using Canadian technology will cost about half the price of a full-fledged brick house, while the functional characteristics of both buildings are similar.

Facing brick in the design of a frame house Source

  • Lightweight panels do not require the construction of a powerful foundation, so they can be built on areas with any terrain.
  • Expanded polystyrene, filling the space between the panels, has high insulating properties. Therefore, the finished building does not require additional sound insulation and insulation.
  • Unlike dwellings made from beams or logs, Canadian wooden houses allow installation of utilities inside the panels themselves. Thus, finished living spaces look more aesthetically pleasing, and less time and effort is spent on installation.
  • Wooden panels at the base of the frame create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.
  • The lightweight wall material allows you to choose various methods of exterior finishing of the finished building: decorative brick, plaster, boards - all this is available to owners of frame houses built using Canadian technology.
  • Thanks to the production of custom-made panels, the finished structure can have almost any architectural form.

Video description

More about the advantages of Canadian houses in the video:

Disadvantages of building a house using Canadian technology

Despite many obvious advantages, houses using Canadian technology have a number of features and limitations, due to which they are not suitable for all owners of suburban areas. The main feature of the technology is the limitations on the dimensions of the finished building. The height of each floor should not exceed 3 meters, there can be a maximum of 3.

The compactness of Canadian houses does not affect their functionality and pleasant appearance Source

The environmental friendliness of the finished building may raise questions due to the abundance of polymer resins impregnating the product. However, this is a question of the integrity of the manufacturers of such structures - if the panels are made in compliance with the technology, then they comply with all environmental safety standards.

The characteristics of a finished residential building, in addition to the quality of the material, are also determined by the professionalism of the team of workers. If the contractor’s integrity combines with high-quality components and finishing according to all the rules, then a Canadian house is a comfortable and durable home.

Features of the components of frame houses

Regardless of the technology chosen, the construction of a house using Canadian technology will be carried out in several stages. When choosing a material for each element, it is necessary to take into account its functional characteristics.


A common option for building frame structures is a strip foundation, which is a concrete structure immersed in the ground by about 50 cm, the height above the ground is 20-30 cm. With correct calculations, a strip foundation allows you to erect a residential building on various types of soil, including swampy and mobile ones. The main disadvantage of such a foundation is the inability to carry out a global redevelopment of the house over time.

Ready-made strip-column foundation “in cross-section” Source

Screw foundations can be sunk to a considerable depth, which makes it possible to use them to create a foundation for a house on difficult soils. The main disadvantage is that noticeable shrinkage of the structure is likely, especially if there are errors in calculations or violation of technology. As a result, finishing work will have to wait for some time after completion of construction work. In addition, there is no need to think about either the basement or the ground floor in such a house.

Screw foundation made of metal piles Source

The most reliable option is a slab foundation, which is a flat reinforced concrete “pillow” on which the structure is erected. Due to its high cost, it is usually not used when building prefabricated houses using Canadian technology, but on sandstone or when there is an abundance of groundwater, this may be the only possible option.

Schematic diagram of creating a slab foundation Source

Most often, the cost of the foundation is calculated separately from other work on the construction of a frame house. Experienced specialists will help the customer choose the optimal type of foundation depending on the characteristics of the building and the surface on which it will be built.

Floor covering

The future floor is based on floors made of wooden beams, which are placed on the foundation of the house. Most often, slabs made to order along with materials for the walls of the house are used to cover the ground floor. Installation of this part of the house is carried out immediately after preparing the foundation; the joints of the slabs are carefully treated with sealant. The next layer consists of insulation and vapor barrier materials. After this, a finishing coating, for example, laminate, is placed on the finished “rough” floor.

Subfloor with insulation, prepared for finishing Source

The floor on the second and third floors is constructed in the same way, while the amount of insulation and vapor barrier material used is less than for covering the first floor. Soundproofing materials come to the fore here, ensuring comfortable living.

The basis of the structure on the second floor is the floors, on which the subfloor, insulating materials, slabs and finishing (for example, linoleum) are located.

Material for house walls

Regardless of the architectural design, Canadian frame houses are based on SIP panels, which are particle boards with a layer of insulation. As a rule, such elements are installed without an additional frame, but at the customer’s request, the house can be further strengthened.

Appearance of high-quality SIP panels in stock Source

If necessary, thermal insulation boards made of mineral wool are added between the frame elements.

The outside walls are covered with film to protect against the penetration of moisture and wind.

The construction of houses using Canadian technology involves the use of various facing materials: siding, facade panels made of composite materials, porcelain stoneware and stone tiles, plaster or wooden boards. At the same time, depending on the chosen option, the facing materials will be attached to the wall surface differently.

Modern materials help create any exterior decoration Source

Regardless of the type of finish chosen, it is necessary to consider ventilation gaps, which help free air circulation and prevent moisture accumulation. Thus, the final wall thickness consists of the panel, internal and external finishes, as well as the technological gap.

Roof of a Canadian house

The chosen shape and materials for the roof of a house depend entirely on the amount of precipitation, climate, and wind intensity.

The main material for the roof is SIP panels placed on wooden rafters (strong beams that form the slopes of the future roof). If necessary, additional thermal insulation is fixed to the panel.

After this, the roofing material is selected. The most common option is a metal profile - sheets of various shapes that protect the roof from external influences. For the comfort of residents, such material must be equipped with sound insulation so that the sound of rain is heard less.

An alternative option is soft bitumen shingles, which are lighter and easier to install.

The choice of roof shape is limited by the average amount of precipitation and the taste preferences of the customer. For example, budget houses most often have a standard gable roof. It prevents water retention, neutralizing the possibility of leaks, and also allows you to equip a spacious attic space.

Laconic house with a gable roof Source

Multi-pitched roofs look more original and allow the implementation of complex architectural solutions. The main disadvantage of this option is the complexity, and, as a result, the high cost of installation work.

Book and film by Larry Hohn "The Very Efficient Carpenter"

Reliable and easy-to-install SIP panels, which are easy to install without additional construction equipment, allow you to create a home with your own hands.

The book and film by carpenter Larry Hohn, “The Very Efficient Carpenter,” describes in detail the process of building a frame house using Canadian technology. Each chapter of the book and episode of the film is devoted to the components of the house: floors, walls, roof, as well as self-construction of the stairs. At the beginning of the video, the process of calculating the required amount of building materials is described, the necessary tools are mentioned, and the progress of the work itself is shown in detail.

Video description

Film by Larry Hohn:

The work of the master shows that the construction of a durable building requires not only experience and skill, but also the selection of materials with the necessary technical characteristics. Unfortunately, when creating a home, “there are no small details.” For example, an incorrectly created foundation or a violation of roof insulation technology leads to premature destruction of the house.

The process of constructing a frame house Source

Larry Hohn's step-by-step video guide complements the book and also allows you to follow all the nuances of the house construction process in order to fully evaluate the quality of the construction team's work. This will avoid serious mistakes in construction.

Any projects of Canadian houses and cottages can be built on a turnkey basis. This service is provided by qualified specialists working using approved technologies. The progress of construction should be monitored to check the quality of the work, but at the same time, it is better to entrust the calculation of materials and the subtleties of the process to professionals.

Video description

The general progress of construction is shown in the video:

Consequences of technological errors during the construction of a building

The main mistake when building a house is inappropriate savings. SIP panels are based on wood, so it is strongly recommended to pay attention to their quality. Damp, improperly dried or rotten wood means future gaps in the walls, drafts and rapid destruction of the house.

All joints in the finished structure must be adjacent to each other as closely as possible; all gaps must be treated with sealant and construction foam. This will avoid unnecessary “cold bridges” (places of penetration of rain and wind), which contribute to the destruction of the house.


A finished house made of SIP panels, treated with sealant: the seams are tightly adjacent to each other Source

Tightly fitting panels require the installation of additional ventilation, as well as the use of artificial gaps. Before starting work, you should ask the builders exactly how the house will be ventilated.

The quality of the factory-made panels themselves should be checked before installing the building. As a rule, high-quality SIP panels have smooth edges, regular shape and uniform color. It is strongly recommended not to purchase cheap Chinese-made stoves that are not adapted to harsh weather conditions.

Popular Canadian house designs

The most common house designs using Canadian technology are one-story, one-story with an attic, standard two-story, and also houses with a garage.

A traditional one-story house with a large porch and a gable roof is the best option for a small family. Finishing with plaster and wood panels, as well as laconic forms create a complete look of the building. The absence of large windows and a glazed veranda will save on heating the building.

One-story house with a porch and large windows Source

The original architecture of a one-story building with an attic is created thanks to the irregular shape of the windows. The gable roof used in the architectural design prevents moisture accumulation and protects the roof from leaks. A glazed porch is a miniature analogue of a summer veranda.

The porch of a two-story house is adjacent to the end wall Source:

The combination of a small terrace, stone finishing and plaster gives the two-story house solidity and good quality. At the same time, the architectural solution is very compact and budget-friendly: the gable roof is easy to install, heating costs are kept to a minimum thanks to the open porch and terrace on the second floor.

A solid two-story house with large windows and a terrace Source

Cladding with natural stone and brick is a sure way to add exclusivity and reliability to an affordable and laconic home. Small attic windows, originally decorated chimneys and a modest porch give the building a complete look. An organically built-in garage with small windows can be used as an outbuilding.

Two-story house with attic and built-in garage Source

Video description

Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of a house where it is absolutely not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not only save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind of reasonable saving).

What to choose - comparison of prices

Houses using Canadian technology, built by qualified specialists using high-quality materials, are an excellent option for suburban housing. Ordering a turnkey frame house ensures that many technical nuances are taken into account, allowing you to create a durable structure. To simplify the choice, below are prices from developers for Canadian turnkey houses:

7.5x8.8 from 5.1 million ₽ 7.5x9.8 from 5.3 million ₽ 8.4x9.9 from 5.9 million ₽
8.65х9.75 from 5.3 million ₽ 8х13 from 6.4 million ₽ 11.8x10 from 7.2 million ₽
6x6 from 2.9 million ₽ 6x8 from 4.2 million ₽ 6x8 from 3.7 million ₽
8x8 from 4.1 million ₽ 9.5x10 from 4.9 million ₽ 8x10 from 4.6 million ₽

It appeared back in the 17th century, but changed over time, as new, more universal building materials appeared.

Project of a house with a veranda, made using Canadian construction technology

Today they offer a large number of different designs and stylistic designs. There are developments and buildings that resemble a mansion. . Depending on the design and exterior finishing materials used, they can be given the appearance of any style: from classic to minimalist.

The principle of constructing frame frames has been preserved since the 17th century. The wall filling has undergone a significant change due to the emergence of new materials.

Initially, in Canada and America, multilayer wood (plywood) was used as a load-bearing wall material.

It has now been replaced by oriented strand board, known by the acronym OSB.

Diagram of a two-story building made using Canadian technology

Mineral materials, polystyrene foam, and polystyrene foam are used as insulation materials, which replaced compacted straw and grain waste.
consist of the following elements:

Low thermal conductivity of materials ensures minimal losses. The low specific weight of the structural elements reduces the load on.

Project of a house with an attic and a balcony

Buildings can be installed on a lightweight structure, which reduces costs.

Features of construction technology from SIP panels

The main condition for constructing a frame is low humidity of the wood. Material with a high degree of humidity dries out and becomes deformed, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the geometry of the structure.

The process of building a house from SIP panels

According to technical conditions, a house using Canadian technology is built only from dry wood with a humidity of less than 20%. Under natural conditions, the drying process lasts from several months to a year, depending on the breed. It is stored, making spacers from bars, for air circulation.
Under forced drying conditions, the process occurs faster. Wood can first be machined.

Read also

Houses made of calibrated logs

Drawing of a building made of panels on a columnar foundation

They are kept in natural conditions for 10–14 days, then kept in drying chambers for two weeks. Such wood is on average 25% more expensive, but it is a reliable building material.

All elements of wooden structures are impregnated with fire retardants to protect against fire. Antiseptics that prevent the formation of fungus, mold, and the appearance of wood-boring insects.

The process of constructing the second floor of the cottage

SIP panels

The infill slabs of the frame are manufactured in factories, and ready-made blocks are installed on site.
There are three construction methods:

When building a house, you must comply with all the components of the technology for constructing a frame building. The structure will last a long time if the “pie” of panels is assembled correctly.
It consists of the following layers:

For certain types of exterior finishing it is necessary to provide ventilation.

Advantages of houses

The advantages of frame frames include high thermal insulation rates (from 0.03 to 0.05 W/mGdC), affordable price (within $200 per sq. m.). Buildings are erected within 2–3 weeks.
The benefits also include:

These qualities make frame technology one of the leading in the construction segment.
Watch a video review of house projects built using Canadian technology.

How to build a one-story frame house

Design is the first stage in the construction of houses using Canadian technology. You can take a standard project, adapting it to the specific conditions of the site and personal wishes.

Project of a one-story frame house

Construction stages:

Frame wall arrangement diagram
  1. . Depending on design calculations, soil characteristics, groundwater depth, type.
  2. The binding is made with a width from 25° to 400 mm, from 50 mm boards, in one or two layers.

    Foundation piping design

  3. Then the main racks are set up. For this, timber 40 x 40 mm, 40 x 50 mm is used.

    Rack installation process

  4. Transverse stiffeners are mounted from boards from 120 to 180 mm.

    Drawing with dimensions of the frame wall device

  5. The racks of the internal walls are installed, most often they use a board with a width of 120 mm.
  6. Install the ceiling. First, the logs are installed with the rib side (board 200 x 40; 200 x 50 mm). Then the ceiling is sewn up with slats.

    Overlapping devices for frame structures

  7. The last stage of installation is .

    The process of installing the roof of a frame house

When the frame is ready, SIP panels are mounted to it. The wiring is laid inside the frame in a corrugated sleeve. Communications are also installed there.

In recent years, the share of frame houses developed using Canadian technology in Russian construction has increased. Subsequently, they were improved by craftsmen from Germany, Finland, and Sweden, who made various additions based on the climate conditions in a particular country.

Canadian frame houses are built in the form of a multi-layer pie. First, a frame is made of timber, and then special panels, which consist of several layers, are fixed to this structure. The insulating material is placed between two layers made of chipboard.

Siding, clapboard or false beams are then sewn onto the panels, with a special film placed underneath them, thanks to which the structure is protected from the negative effects of the environment and temperature changes.

Benefits of Canadian technology solutions

Houses using Canadian technology are usually chosen by middle class people. What are the advantages of this type of construction?

  • The buildings are erected at economically advantageous prices. Each of the frame-based buildings costs half as much as the brick version.
  • The building is erected quickly in comparison with other technological solutions.
  • The presence of warmth and a good atmosphere in the house.
  • Energy costs are saved.
  • Maintenance of the building is cheaper compared to stone houses.
  • Ease of repair work.
  • There is no need to install a heavy and expensive foundation.
  • Possibility of a large choice. The house can be built according to a standard design and economy class style.
  • Originality of architectural solutions.
  • Construction can be carried out on any site.
  • Communication can be done simply.
  • If necessary, a building created using Canadian technology can also be quickly dismantled and installed in a new location. Which is a clear advantage of such frame buildings.

Negative points

Unfortunately, building houses using Canadian technology also has some negative sides. If the structure is assembled incorrectly, you may encounter high heat losses. But the house should provide ventilation so that the thermal insulation layers do not rot.

When assembling the structure, attention should be paid to the choice of material. The raw materials must be dry. If you ignore this, mold and cracks may appear, as a result of which the structure may completely collapse.

Frame houses have lower sound insulation than buildings with denser materials. But if during assembly you install an additional layer of material that prevents the appearance of sound and noise, then this negative point is completely eliminated.

Stages of building houses based on Canadian technologies

Before construction begins, you can view photos of houses, the construction of which is carried out using a variety of technologies, including Canadian ones.

Having decided on the design of the future building, it is necessary to develop a project. You can draw it yourself or seek help from people knowledgeable in this area. Having received a project for a Canadian house, you should purchase all the building materials necessary for construction.

After clearing the area allocated for construction from various debris, grass and bushes, you should work on the base site, which will serve as the basis for the rest of the structure. The foundation and floor act as the base platform.

Initially, it is necessary to arrange a rough version of the floor. The structure is made from the cheapest materials, which are unedged boards. You need to know that the walls and floors in Canadian-style houses are made from the same type of wood.

To ensure the stability and reliability of the frame structure during construction, special reinforcement is laid and a concrete foundation is poured. A few weeks after pouring the foundation, it is necessary to lay boards that will help indicate the location of walls and rooms in the future structure.

To prevent rotting, the wood should be treated with antiseptic agents. A layer of roofing material and insulation should be placed between the foundation and the boards. The boards are reinforced with special anchor bolts.

After the floor is made, you can begin to build the walls, checking their levelness using a level. If you do not comply with this, then there may be a distortion of the design in the future.

First, the lower trim is constructed in the form of a beam, which has special grooves. Vertical boards about 2.7 meters high are measured and sawn. Then steel pins are inserted into the locations of the racks. Assemble the frame from the corner. The bars are inserted into the dowels and then secured with temporary jibs. The installation of intermediate bars is carried out similarly.

At the next stage, the top trim is carried out. To do this, it is necessary to use similar bars with grooves, which are used in the process of lower strapping. The top trim is fixed with nails.

After the frame is made, the temporary jibs are dismantled and replaced with permanent ones. This will help give the structure additional strength and relieve part of the load.

Then the ceiling beams are fastened. They are made from bars measuring 5 by 15 cm. There should be a half-meter distance between the beams. Make sure that the beams and racks placed vertically do not coincide. A beam should be installed in the house as a support in place of the partition between the rooms.

Rafters are installed on top of the frame. Their role is played by boards with a thickness of 5 cm and a width of 10 cm. Then the lathing should be laid at an angle of 45-50 degrees.

The rafters are fastened with 15 cm nails. To make the structure durable, a ridge board is placed on the central rafters. At the next stage, the sheathing is performed, followed by laying roofing material on it. Then roofing material in the form of slate or tiles should be laid on its surface. Slate nails help with fastening.

In the future, it’s worth taking care of the outer wall cladding. Initially, take the boards and cut them depending on the size of the frame. The back wall is sheathed last.

Attaching the first board starts from the bottom. A board is attached to each of the posts with 5 cm nails. It is worth making sure that the connections and grooves fit tightly. After the entire frame is sheathed, it is worth using a sealant to protect it from the negative influence of the environment.

If all precautions are strictly observed at each stage, a high-quality house will quickly be obtained. You can build it yourself or with the help of professionals. In any case, it is worth reviewing all the pros and cons of the designs in order to avoid unpleasant moments in the future.

Photos of Canadian houses

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