Calorie content of millet porridge with milk and butter. Recipe for millet porridge with milk


Millet porridge, dietary properties:

Millet porridge is obtained from millet, which, in turn, is a product of an agricultural grain crop called millet. Millet is one of the cheapest and most accessible grains from which porridge is made, but at the same time, one of the most beneficial for human health. It is quite possible that many have heard about the dietary properties of millet porridge, and many simply and quite often eat this dish without thinking about how healthy it is. Maybe for this reason, those who are overweight or want to keep their figure slim and beautiful are interested in questions - how many calories are in millet porridge, what are the benefits of this dish and what dietary properties does it have. So, what is this porridge useful for:

It goes without saying that many of the beneficial properties of this dish are due to its chemical composition, in other words, to the beneficial substances that it contains. And, by the way, there are a lot of them. Millet is very rich in many macro and microelements necessary for the human body. For example, potassium, iron, fluorine, magnesium, manganese, as well as silicon and copper. It also contains a lot of vitamins. It is worth noting such as B vitamins - B1, B2 and B9, as well as vitamins PP, A and vitamin E.

Many nutritionists recommend millet porridge to their patients who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as a disease such as anemia. After all, this dish, like its original component, millet, is rich in potassium. What else this dish can be useful for is that it has the ability to cleanse the human body of both heavy metal salts and antibiotics.

And regarding the question of how many calories are in millet porridge, then it should be noted that this dish does not allow fat deposits and cholesterol deposits to accumulate in the human body. This property of millet is often used by nutritionists when preparing diets for weight loss. This porridge is very good for diseases of the liver and circulatory system. But it is also well absorbed by the body, and simply delicious.

How to cook delicious millet porridge:

If you want to properly cook a dish that both small and adult family members will appreciate, then you will first have to understand the specifics of choosing cereals. There is unpolished millet on sale, it is also called dranets, which has a bitter aftertaste. When making such cereals, the grain is cleared only of the flower film; it requires more cooking time. And such food is more difficult for the body to digest.

If you buy bright yellow millet, which is also called polished, then cooking will go faster. Dishes made from such cereals are better digestible.

You can also buy crushed grain. However, the porridge from it will not turn out to be an acquired taste: it is very viscous and will not turn out crumbly no matter how much the cook wishes. By the way, you shouldn’t stock up on cereal for future use, no matter how wonderful it is. Because over time, millet begins to become very bitter.

During the production process, millet becomes quite contaminated. It must be washed in cold water until the water becomes clear, sometimes 6-7 times. Rinse the millet for the last time in hot water or scald with boiling water. This will help get rid of the slight millet bitterness.

If you are planning to prepare milk porridge, then first boil the millet until half cooked in a large amount of water. This first water will need to be drained (this operation makes the porridge more tender and helps get rid of bitterness), and the porridge will need to be cooked in milk. The milk should cover the millet by about two fingers, and the porridge should be cooked over low heat until the milk has evaporated and the millet is completely cooked. If you want to get crumbly porridge, then pour the millet into boiling water. If you need liquid porridge, then pour the cereal into cold water, bring to a boil, cook until half cooked, and then still drain the first water and add milk to the porridge.

Millet porridge goes well not only with milk, but also with other dairy products, so you can add yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, and, of course, butter to it. Millet porridge with pumpkin is considered a classic. You can add fried onions and bacon.

How many calories are in millet porridge?

The main dietary property of this product is that it has pronounced lipotropic properties. That is, it prevents the deposition of fat, and besides, this porridge can help remove fat from the human body. This makes it possible for overweight people to use this dish on fasting days and diets. And the calorie content of this product is comparatively not high. Well, how many calories are in millet porridge? Here's how much:

The calorie content of millet porridge is 90 kcal per 100 grams of product

Which, you see, is very little for such a dish as porridge. By the way, the calorie content of dry millet is 343 kcal.

Depending on the cooking method, the number of calories in millet porridge may vary:

Number of calories per hundred grams of product, table:

Now about the nutritional value. Pay attention to this table:

Amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, per hundred grams of product:

How to prepare this dish? Yes, very simple. Here is one of the recipes:

Millet porridge with milk:


  • Millet - one glass
  • Water - two glasses
  • Milk - two glasses
  • Butter - to taste

First of all, the millet must be sorted and washed in hot water until the water becomes clear. Take a pan, add the washed millet, fill it with hot water and put it on the fire. When the water boils, remove the foam, add salt and quickly evaporate the water so that the millet does not have time to boil. Add hot milk and cook over low heat until the porridge thickens. Add oil to the porridge, mix and eat to your health! And don’t let the question of how many calories are in millet porridge bother you. This dish will not spoil your figure.

Porridge is one of the most common and healthy dishes in the daily human diet. Regarding the millet dish, it has been the main and traditional food option for many people for quite a long time.

Millet porridge is a dietary product that is recommended for people watching their weight to include in their diet. This is due not only to the low calorie content, but also to the beneficial properties of the dish.

Quite often, millet porridge is prepared in water. The taste and beneficial properties are completely preserved in this cooking method., the product does not lose its beneficial and nutritional elements.

100 grams of the dish contains approximately 90 kcal, which are quickly absorbed by the body.

This is due to the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in the product, which are easily accepted by the digestive system.

This particular dish recipe is suitable for breakfast, as it can be supplemented with various additives in the form of fruits or fermented milk products.

Even if you are on a diet, It is recommended to add a small amount of vegetable oil to the porridge. It is advisable to use olive oil, as it contains useful components and vitamins.

One hundred grams of millet porridge flavored with vegetable oil will provide 92.86 kcal.

Millet porridge cooked in milk with sugar

One of the main options for preparing millet porridge is to cook it in milk. This method is not only nutritious, but also quite healthy, even if you are on a diet. Compared to the previous option, the calorie content of the dish will not exceed the normal level.

100 grams of dairy dish contains approximately 100-110 kcal.

The energy value of porridge depends on the milk, since the percentage of fat content may vary.

With the use of additives, especially sugar, the calorie content of the dish will be slightly higher. In this version, the dish will contain approximately 120 kcal.

Calorie content of millet porridge with pumpkin cooked in milk

Pumpkin itself is quite a nutritious and healthy product. t. It is often used both as a main and an additional ingredient for various dietary dishes.

In this cooking method, the pumpkin must be peeled and cut into cubes, large or small (as desired). The energy value of this dish also does not reach catastrophic levels.

Millet porridge with various additives

There are other cooking options that are no less nutritious and healthy. For example, quite often dried fruits, mainly prunes, are added to millet porridge.

The calorie content of 100 grams of the dish will be approximately 135 kcal, which is permissible during a diet.

The beneficial properties and elements are preserved during cooking, and the taste becomes more pronounced due to the addition of an additional ingredient.

For those who like to add nuts to their porridge, there is also a dietary option. You can cook the dish with both water and milk, the main thing is add almonds or other type of nuts.

Sometimes and as an additional ingredient, orange is used with pumpkin. The taste of the dish is pronounced, rich and piquant.

You need to use the pulp of pumpkin and orange, you can add a small piece of lemon so that the porridge has a pleasant slight sourness. To prevent the dish from being too high in calories, it is better to avoid sugar and other additives.

In preparing porridge You can also use fresh fruit.

If you are concerned about calorie content, ask about the energy value of this product. Then check the calorie content of the porridge and add to this number the energy value of the fruit that is used as an additional ingredient.

Beneficial properties and harm

Like any dish, porridge has a number of advantages and useful properties. It is recommended to eat millet for breakfast, since it contains a large number of nutritional components that contribute to the production of energy for normal life.

In its composition millet porridge contains the following substances:

  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon;
  • manganese.

These components have a positive effect on strengthening many body systems, and also contribute to the normalization of functions in the functioning of important organs.

It is recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases to include porridge in their diet. Some experts note that the benefit of such a dish is that it helps eliminate many harmful substances, and even antibiotics, from the body.

When consuming porridge, system functions improve, blood vessels are cleared of excess cholesterol, and fat deposits are reduced to a minimum amount.

But the main and main advantage of such a breakfast is that millet contains many amino acids, which the body needs so much for proper functioning. These elements are building materials for skin and muscle cells.

But sometimes even such a “harmless” product as millet porridge can harm a person if he has certain diseases.

Allergic reactions are the first and clear sign that it is better to avoid eating the dish. The presence of gastritis or other gastric diseases is a significant contraindication - the product can cause irritation or negative consequences. Pregnant women should also use millet with caution.

In this case, oatmeal would be a more reliable option than this porridge.

The Chinese were the first to notice that millet provides the human body with everything it needs, and they began to use millet to produce flour. Time passed, and the world learned about millet porridge. In Russia, 200 years ago it was the main dish of peasant food.

With milk and water

Today, not everyone has it on their table; they are eating less of it. We don’t even all know that there is millet bread, but it is still common in the East. But at least once in my life it didn’t hurt to try pies and soups with millet. It is believed that millet porridge is food for children. But it is very tasty and nutritious. Contains vitamins and amino acids so necessary for our body. Milk millet porridge with the addition of raisins and dried apricots is simply delicious. Calorie content in milk is 93 kcal. It is low-calorie, which means it is useful for those who are on a fasting diet. You can give yourself a millet day once a week and lose 1 kilogram within a month. Millet porridge is recommended as a dietary food for people with diabetes and allergy sufferers.

Porridge, like a whisk, cleanses the intestines, removing toxins from it. It is known from school that millet, whose calorie content is 343 kcal, is rich in tryptophan. In the human body, this amino acid, after undergoing a series of transformations, turns into melatonin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves sleep. 100 grams of millet contains 0.12 mg of carotene.

From millet

Cooking millet porridge with milk and water is the same. By the way, on water - 90 kcal. To prepare porridge, take milk or water, as well as millet in a one-to-one ratio to make the porridge crumbly. For a more liquid and viscous consistency, you need to increase the amount of liquid, but in any case, salt, sugar, dried fruits and butter are added to the dish.

As mentioned above, the calorie content of millet porridge with milk and water is almost the same, so it doesn’t matter exactly how to cook it. Millet porridge boils well. From 1 cup of millet you get about 4 servings of porridge.

The cereal is sorted and washed. Then it is scalded with boiling water or filled with water and cooked for about 3 minutes to remove the bitterness that appears when the millet is caked. The amount of milk or water required according to the recipe is poured into the pan, brought to a boil, then the boiled millet is poured in. The porridge is cooked for 10 minutes, washed dried fruits are added to it, and the dish is cooked for another 10 minutes. Butter, salt, and sugar are added to the prepared porridge. Mix and eat the porridge with pleasure, adding to your health. You can add cottage cheese, pumpkin, prunes or nuts when cooking porridge and get delicious new dishes.

Millet in bags

There is an option to purchase millet porridge in bags. It is cooked until done for 10 minutes, then the bag should be placed on a plate to drain the water. Open the bag, place the porridge on a plate, add butter, salt and sugar to taste. The sachet is enough for 2 servings.

Having learned a lot of interesting things about porridge today, you should no longer be concerned about the calorie content of millet porridge with milk and water. Your figure will not deteriorate when eating this dish, but will become slimmer.

Millet is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Its seeds are the well-known millet cereal. In the old days it was called “golden grains” and not only for its bright sunny color, but also for its nutritional properties and benefits for the body. The calorie content of millet porridge is quite low, which makes it a valuable product for those who watch their figure and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Composition and nutritional value of porridge

Millet is a source of vegetable fats and amino acids. It contains a lot of fiber, which promotes proper digestion. The value of this product is that it is able to remove heavy metal salts and accumulated toxins from the body.

Therefore, millet porridge must be included in the diet of people living in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Composition of cereals

Millet contains:

  • Potassium and magnesium, which help strengthen blood vessels and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Copper is an element that smoothes wrinkles and improves skin condition.
  • Silicon – strengthens teeth, hair and joints.
  • Iron is an element that improves the blood formula and is involved in the production of red blood cells.
  • Iodine is a trace element necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • B1 – strengthens the immune system, helps overcome depression.
  • PP is a vitamin that protects the skin and mucous membranes.

BZHU millet porridge

  • Proteins – 4.65 g.
  • Fats – 2.21 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 23, 77 g.

There are several types of millet on sale. There may be white, gray and red grains depending on the variety, but more often in stores we can still see yellow grain.

Millet comes in the following types:

  • Crushed - it is absorbed by the body faster than other types and cooks faster.
  • Dranets - its granules are yellow and shiny. The side dish made from this type of cereal is crumbly. Heavy product for the stomach.
  • Polished grain – this is what you can most often find on sale. The granules have a matte surface. This cereal boils well and is easily digestible.

Millet porridge with milk: calorie content, recipe

Millet porridge cooked with milk contains 103 kcal per 100 g. Traditional preparation:

  • Millet – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 tbsp.
  • Milk – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Oil.

  1. Prepare the millet by washing it well.
  2. Pour boiling water over the cereal and cook over low heat until the liquid boils.
  3. Pour in hot milk, add salt and cook for another 20 minutes.
  4. Season with oil and serve.

Milk porridge will become even tastier if, after pouring milk, you put it in an oven preheated to 180° for an hour.

Millet porridge on water

The calorie content of millet porridge with water is 95 calories per 100 grams. The recipe is quite simple:

  • Millet – 1 tbsp.
  • Water 2 tbsp.
  • Salt.

The cooking process begins with preparing the cereal:

  • Sort the millet thoroughly and rinse in cold water until the water runs clear. Then rinse in hot water. If the cereal has acquired a tart taste, it can be “reanimated” by pouring boiling water during the final soaking. Place the cereal itself in a sieve.
  • Place the prepared millet in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Cook over low heat until done. The water should evaporate.

Salt or sprinkle the finished porridge with sugar as desired and season with oil. You can add cottage cheese, berries or pieces of fruit to it.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

Millet with pumpkin is a good option to diversify your diet with something healthy and tasty.:

  • Pumpkin – 0.5 kg
  • Millet – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 3 tbsp.
  • Milk – 2 tbsp.

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into 2x2 cm cubes. Leave until the juice releases. After this, simmer until soft over low heat.
  2. Prepare the millet, add hot water and simmer over low heat until the liquid evaporates.
  3. Pour in hot milk and leave the boiled cereal on the stove for another 15 minutes.
  4. Mix millet and stewed pumpkin, heat to a boil and serve.

If the porridge does not seem sweet enough, you can use fructose to improve the taste.

Calorie content is 123 kcal per 100 g.

Millet in a slow cooker

Cooking in a slow cooker is quick and convenient, the taste is like in a Russian oven, and the calorie content does not differ from that of porridge cooked in a saucepan - only 95 kcal per 100 g:

  • Millet – 2 tbsp.
  • Water – 4 tbsp.
  • Butter – 30 g.
  • Salt.
  1. Place the prepared cereal into the multicooker bowl and add the remaining ingredients.
  2. Set the “Porridge” or “Grains” mode depending on the equipment model and run the program. After the beep, the porridge is ready.

This side dish can be served with stewed vegetables, fish or meat.

You can cook porridge in a slow cooker in different ways - from crumbly to liquid. It all depends on the amount of water:

  • Crumbly - for a glass of millet, 2 cups of liquid.
  • Viscous - for a glass of millet, 4 glasses of water.
  • Liquid porridge for baby food - 6 cups of liquid per glass of cereal.

Cereals have taken one of the most important places in the healthy nutrition menu. . Millet cereal is one of the five most recommended. Of all the cereals, it is the most traditional for Russia. Millet has a bright yellow color and a crumbly consistency, so it just begs to be served on the table. ! Made from millet, the vitamins and microelements contained in the cereal provide great health benefits.

What are the benefits of millet porridge? Millet is rich in potassium, which strengthens the circulatory system, promotes the removal of toxins and the elasticity of blood vessels, and also has a beneficial effect on the liver. Millet prevents the deposition of fatty tissue, so an effective way to lose weight is to arrange.

Millet is also rich in cobalt, chromium, magnesium and potassium. Its benefits are known for diabetes, cardiovascular and pancreatic diseases, atherosclerosis and liver. Benefits for bones and teeth due to sufficient silicon and fluorine content. Millet helps remove traces of medications from the body. It contains a lot of “slow” carbohydrates, which helps speed up metabolism and, and the benefit of copper is that it improves the elasticity of muscle fibers.

Before cooking, porridge should be rinsed with warm water, otherwise it will become bitter. This is due to the high fat content in millet grains, which quickly oxidizes.

Calorie content

It is almost impossible to gain weight from millet porridge, although it is very filling, it takes a long time to digest, so calories are not stored as fat. With water, porridge becomes a good dietary product; with milk, it has more calories, especially if you season it with butter and sugar.

The calorie content of cereal per 100 grams of dry product is 352.9 kcal.

With milk, pumpkin and butter

Calorie content of millet milk porridge and water with pumpkin and sugar

Millet porridge with pumpkin is prepared with milk and water. Porridge with pumpkin in water and milk, seasoned with butter, contains about 133 kcal/100 grams and will provide energy for the whole morning.

Pumpkin pulp improves the condition of the intestines, and the beneficial substances it contains help the body function.

With meat

Name Quantity fats carbohydrates squirrels Total kcal
Millet 220 gr 7,26 152.46 25,3 776.38
Beef fillet 150 gr 18.6 0 28.35 280.8
Water 480 ml 0 0 0 0
Bulb 100 gr 0 10.4 1.40 47.2
15 ml 14.98 0 0 135
Total calories for 5 servings of 250 grams 970 gr 367.56 kcal 651.44 kcal 220.2 kcal 1240

This delicious meat dish contains only 127 kcal/100g.

Millet porridge with meat is cooked in water or meat broth. TO Asha with meat is a universal dish that is suitable for both a festive table and an everyday menu. To give the best taste and aroma, add spices and herbs to it.

In a slow cooker

The subtleties of cooking millet in a slow cooker depend on what kind of result you want to get. Cooking time is about 40 minutes. A slow cooker requires less water, but if you want to prepare liquid porridge, it will not be as high in calories.

To prepare crumbly porridge, simply cook with water, without milk.

Calorie content of porridge with water in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, porridge with water turns out very tender and tasty, and the calorie content is only 94 kcal/100 grams.

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