Which zodiac sign is suitable for which stone. How to recognize your stone

If you choose stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they are able to have a beneficial effect on their owners. Minerals will not only attract good luck and make a person successful, but also heal if you use talismans correctly and wear them every day. Some stones are able to strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases. For others, the action is aimed at finding a soul mate. Still others protect from negative energy. Talismans, which are selected according to the signs of the Zodiac, have a special effect on a person. But you can not use inappropriate minerals, as they, on the contrary, can harm their owner.

If you choose stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, then they are able to have a beneficial effect on their owners.

If you choose gems according to the signs of the zodiac, then they will perform the following functions:

  • make a person invulnerable to various diseases;
  • prevent the impact of negative energy on its owner;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • give strength, energy, make more active and vigorous;
  • get rid of blues, apathy, depression;
  • help in the development of innate abilities and talents;
  • bring more positive emotions to life;
  • enhance intuition;
  • will have a positive effect on personal life;
  • will make you successful in the affairs in which the person is engaged.

All this applies not only to precious stones, but also to semi-precious and ornamental ones. The main thing is that they are natural, not artificial. Otherwise, they simply won't help. Synthetic ones do not contain the energy that was produced during the formation of the breed. It contains only energy from its manufacturer, and it certainly will not be able to significantly influence its new owner, and it will not be a talisman. When choosing minerals according to the signs of the Zodiac, you will need a special table, where valid options are prescribed for each sign.

When choosing which stone is suitable as an amulet, amulet or talisman, it is important not to harm a person. If the choice is made incorrectly, then this will immediately make itself felt:

  1. A person constantly feels discomfort and anxiety, there is no sense of harmony.
  2. There is a breakdown, weakness. Apathy develops.
  3. A person develops an antipathy towards a stone, even if the decoration is very beautiful, expensive and exquisite. Constantly tormented by the desire to get rid of it as soon as possible.

You can not buy ornamental, semi-precious and precious stone in pawnshops. They may be stolen. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the mineral is already someone's talisman, and he will begin to take revenge for the fact that he was taken away from the former owner. For a new person, he will no longer become an amulet; rather, on the contrary, he will call various troubles on his head.

Experts do not advise buying stones that have defects. These can be various inclusions, cracks, spots, scratches - evidence that the mineral had previously taken the blow of negative energy, protecting its owner. Because of this, unexpected cracks appear. Further wearing such jewelry is prohibited.

If the ring is constantly slipping off your finger, then it is best not to wear it. The same applies to cases when beads and necklaces crumble - the talisman is chosen incorrectly.

You can not wear several types of stones on the body at the same time. They just start fighting with each other.

It must be borne in mind that the stone will not immediately begin to act. Of course, if a person was presented with it, then he will definitely manifest himself as a talisman from the very first contacts with a person. But if a person acquired it for himself, then he will have to be patient, since the mineral must get used to the owner, determine his energy. It will be a long time before he finally starts to help his owner.

Stones for Aries, Taurus and Gemini

When choosing a stone for Aries according to the sign of the Zodiac, it is best to turn your attention to diamonds. This option is the best. Diamond is a symbol of a strong man, a winner. The name of the gem comes from the Greek word, which translates as "indestructible." Not surprisingly, the diamond is perfect for Aries. He will make him not only very successful, but also bring victory in various areas of life. In addition, the diamond is able to prevent outbursts of rage and anger.

Another Aries fit amethyst. It will get rid of negative energy, calm the person. Aries will no longer be so quick-tempered and will begin to make informed decisions in different situations. In addition, sapphire, jasper, rock crystal are suitable for Aries. You can wear turquoise, carnelian, citrine and agate.

Stones by zodiac signs (video)

When choosing stones according to the horoscope for Taurus, you need to pay attention to those that can cope with human shortcomings. For example, an emerald will make him wiser and more attentive. He will help him achieve his goals. In addition, Taurus will become more cheerful and cheerful. Chrysoprase is perfect for a stone body. It will make a person more decisive, help in undertakings, protect against failures. Taurus is also suitable for chalcedony. It helps to cope with emotional and psychological stress. In addition, if you choose semi-precious stones according to the sign of the Zodiac, then aventurine is perfect for Taurus. It is also recommended to wear rose quartz, sapphire, agate and onyx.

Agate is great for Gemini. It will make a person prudent, add more stability to life. It smooths out the shortcomings of a person, makes him more calm. In addition, the mineral will help creative individuals find new directions for work, and it has a positive effect on fantasy. You can also use alexandrite. He will protect the nervous system of Gemini, will smooth out contradictions. To achieve what they want, Gemini needs to keep beryl with them. Topaz, citrine, sapphire are also suitable. Tiger's eye, carnelian and pomegranate are useful.

Gallery: stones according to the signs of the zodiac (50 photos)

Talismans for Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra

If you need to find talismans for Cancer, then it is best to pay attention to pearls of any shade. He is able to develop human talents, attract good luck. He adds Cancers to mindfulness and makes them more insightful. Cancer women will help find a husband. Emerald is also suitable for stones. It will help in controlling emotions, even the strongest ones, relieve melancholy, make a person cheerful, relieve stiffness, attract wealth. Cancers are advised to have a cat's eye with them - this is a strong amulet that will make a person strong and successful, protect them from the action of negative energy. It is also recommended to have a moonstone, gray aventurine, greener aquamarine and chrysoprase as a talisman.

If you need to choose zodiac stones for Leo, then it is best to pay attention to amber. It is believed that it will bring good luck only to Leo, since this sign is ruled by the Sun, and amber is considered just a "solar" stone. In addition to attracting good luck, it relieves insomnia, eliminates the effects of severe stress, and treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Chrysolite is also great. He will help selfish Leos improve relationships with other people. Topaz will help make friends with the management of the company where the person works, make the person financially secure. In addition, the stone will help to figure out who the person is the enemy. Golden-colored quartz, a grant of red tones and rock crystal are also suitable. You can wear carnelian, opal, onyx, sardonyx, zircon.

For Virgo, chrysolite is recommended as a talisman. It will make a person more attractive in the eyes of society. In addition, this stone will help in educating a person, will contribute to his intellectual development, and will constantly influence that he gains knowledge in new areas. It is also recommended to have jasper with you. These natural stones will help you make friends with the people around you. In the family, they will maintain harmony and peace. Virgos will behave more tolerantly, despite the fact that previously they preferred to constantly criticize everything. Jade is perfect for Virgos. This stone will make its owner wiser, strengthen his fortitude. If heated and used as a compress, it cures some ailments. In addition, carnelian, diamond, chalcedony, sapphire, emerald are suitable for Virgos. It is recommended to wear jadeite, onyx, rock crystal.

For Libra, it is best to choose aquamarine. It will make a person more calm, relieve drastic changes in mood. Previously, aquamarine was given to brides so that there would be fidelity in the family on both sides. You can use lapis lazuli. It is a symbol of sincerity. He will help the virgins to clarify the mind, to cause some kind of insight. This stone helps a person stay young for a long time, as it improves metabolism. It is recommended to have a rainbow opal with you. It helps to reveal talents, strengthen the nervous system and get rich. Tourmaline is suitable for Libra, as it eliminates sudden changes in character. You can also wear citrine, morion, chrysolite. As talismans - jade and amethyst.

Birthstones for Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Choosing natural stones for the signs of the Zodiac, aquamarine can be presented to Scorpions. This amulet will keep the family. It cools passion, gives confidence and fidelity. Strengthens the nervous system. Pomegranate is also suitable as a talisman for Scorpions. It is considered a stone of honesty and has strong healing properties. It is recommended for Scorpios to wear black opal. He will restore calm, relieve strong emotions.

Suitable bloodstone, aquamarine, tourmaline, coral. Tiger's eye and alexandrite are also considered amulets for Scorpions.

When choosing gems for Sagittarius, it is recommended to pay attention to turquoise. It will help to achieve material well-being and a certain high social position. Yellow topaz also helps them to get rich, and it also cures some diseases. It is a good help in making decisions. Chrysolite will prevent wrong actions, relieve problems with the eyes and blood.

Ruby is best suited as a talisman for Capricorns. It is worth choosing pendants, then a person will become respected in society. In addition, the stone protects against diseases and various problems. A person with such a talisman will be a real winner. By the way, onyx has the same property. It will give the person more power. Malachite is ideal for Capricorns. It will improve health. For Capricorns, it is worth choosing all opaque stones that are black.

Amethyst is best suited for Aquarius. It will attract good luck, prevent hangovers and diseases. By the way, by its shade you can determine what the weather will be like in the future. Aquarius, he will help restore strength, relieve melancholy. It is recommended to wear jewelry with zircon. It will make a person smarter. Of the stones Aquarius is suitable for hyacinth - a type of zircon. The stone is great for those who are fond of travel.

Aquamarine is suitable for fish as an amulet. It will make a person more courageous, help restore justice, take care of other people, and protect Pisces from big expenses. You can also wear pearls. It will protect you from negative energy. Amethyst will return sincere feelings, help you find a soul mate. Blue sapphire, emerald, alexandrite are also suitable.

How to wear stones (video)


When choosing a talisman for a person, it is imperative to know which stones are suitable for the sign of the Zodiac. There are minerals that are universal. They are suitable for almost all people, but they will help someone more. This is to be guided by when choosing a talisman, depending on the sign of the Zodiac.

Attention, only TODAY!

It is realistic for each person to find his own talisman stone, which will protect him from various troubles and misfortunes, attracting joy, wealth, success and other positive events into the life of his owner.

Knowing the date of birth of a person, as well as the year of his birth, will help in choosing an amulet stone, and the help of a professional astrologer is often required. But you can try to determine your talisman stone by date of birth and zodiac sign and name yourself. You can read further on how to do this.

In total, there are four main ways to select a patron stone by the date of birth, namely:

  • taking into account the month of birth;
  • given the number;
  • taking into account the full date, represented by the day, month and year;
  • according to the sign of the zodiac.

Amulet by month of birth

  • born in January - shows the purchase of jewelry with, and;
  • those whose month of birth is February - products with, hyacinths, are suitable;
  • if the month of your birth is March, you should choose rubies and;
  • those born in April are patronized by diamonds, and;
  • May birthdays - jewelry options with emerald, agate, and are suitable;
  • born in June - make a purchase of jewelry with pearls, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony and aquamarine;
  • July birthdays - rubies, carnelian, turquoise, and aventurines will help to establish life;
  • those whose month of birth - August - will have their magical help chrysolites, alexandrites, sardonyxes, carnelians, rubies and;
  • those born in September should take a closer look at sapphires, sardonyx, chrysolites, agates and smoky ones;
  • those whose birth month is October are patronized by tourmalines, opals, aquamarines, beryls, and garnets;
  • people born in November should give their choice in favor of topazes, pearls, and chrysolites;
  • December birthdays are patronized by turquoise, heliotropes, rubies, chrysoprase, and.

Birthday stone

This is the second way to choose your patron mineral based on birth number alone.

  • if you were born on the first, tenth, nineteenth and twenty-eighth, corals, opals, topazes and rubies will be suitable amulet stones for you;
  • born on the second, eleventh, twentieth and twenty-ninth numbers - you should count on the mystical support of the cat's eye, opal, pearl and tiger's eye;
  • birthdays of the third, twelfth, twenty-first and thirtieth numbers - amethysts, emeralds, corals and topazes act as patron gems;
  • if you celebrate your birthday on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st, aquamarines, diamonds, garnets, opals and sapphires will help you harmonize your life;
  • born in the fifth, fourteenth and twenty-third numbers - you need to wear products with diamonds, light sapphires and zircons;
  • those who celebrate their birth in the sixth, fifteenth and twenty-fourth numbers are patronized by aquamarines, beryls, emeralds, green opals and;
  • for those who celebrate birth on the seventh, sixteenth and twenty-fifth, pearls, moonstones and tiger-eyed opals will be of the greatest help;
  • birthdays of the eighth, seventeenth and twenty-sixth numbers - it is worth stopping at lapis lazuli, opals and sapphires;
  • born on the ninth, eighteenth and twenty-seventh - garnets, corals, rubies and red opals will help.

Stone talisman by date of birth

It has long been no secret to anyone that numbers have a huge impact on human life. And, of course, the most important number is the date of birth. In this case, it is important to consider not the combination of numbers itself, but to reduce them to a single digit. Next, we'll look at how to do this.

2+6+1+2+1+9+9+4 = 34. It turns out a two-digit number that must be turned into a single-digit number: 34 = 3+4 = 7. So your birth number is seven.

Each of the numbers from 0 to 9 is patronized by certain precious or semi-precious minerals.

  • for "units" - invigorating aventurines are suitable, as well as carnelian giving an ardent mutual feeling;
  • “two” - pearls will help to fully show their inner potential, and thanks to the moonstone () such people will become more self-confident;
  • for "triples" - jewelry with turquoise and chrysolites is suitable (for a great mood);
  • "fours" - it is worth buying sapphires and nephrites in order to protect yourself from evil and become more successful;
  • "fives" - they can safely rely on emeralds that charge with wisdom and tiger eyes that get rid of pathological jealousy;
  • “sixes” - products with agates are suitable, which are able to protect against ill-wishers, as well as;
  • "sevens" - they will help them stay cool, and rubies will give the necessary vitality;
  • "eights" - onyx will be able to help make the right choice, and grenades - will strengthen warm friendly feelings;
  • for "nines" - topazes are suitable (protect from trouble), and rock crystal crystals (give wisdom and save from passions);
  • "zero" - it occurs in very rare cases, but still occurs. Zero symbolizes emptiness, mystery and boundless space.

Precious stones-patrons of those people who correspond to zero will be extremely rare red diamonds. They have absorbed the properties of diamonds and rubies, will make their owner more courageous, protect against damage and serious pathologies, and also make them more successful in life. Rare, revealing magical abilities and majorites, which give love and family happiness, are also suitable for these people.

Amulet according to the sign of the zodiac

Each zodiac constellation has its own talisman stones.

  • for Aries - diamonds, amethysts, garnets, pearls, rubies and chrysolites are most suitable;
  • Taurus - they can gain mystical support using emeralds, onyxes, rubies, sapphires and topazes;
  • Gemini - it is shown to use jewelry with amethysts, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, chrysolite and citrine;
  • Crayfish - can count on the patronage of amethysts, pearls, emeralds, rubies, topazes and chrysolites;
  • Lions - astrologically they correspond to garnets, emeralds, rubies, topazes, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Virgos - you should pay attention to jewelry with diamonds, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Libra - they are magically helped by jewelry with a diamond, amethyst, emerald, chrysolite and citrine;
  • Scorpions - can count on the patronage of amethysts, garnets, rubies, sapphires and topazes;
  • Sagittarius - need the mystical support of amethysts, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, topazes and chrysolites;
  • - astrologers recommend buying jewelry with amethyst, garnet, and ruby;
  • Aquarians - should use the magic of amethysts, garnets, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and citrines;
  • Pisces - it is recommended to wear amethysts, aquamarines, pearls, sapphires and chrysolites.

Diamonds - symbolize innocence, fortitude and courage, help solve problems.

Emeralds - personified with happy love, make a person more successful in life.

Sapphires - symbolize fidelity, chastity and modesty, are able to attract happiness and joy into your life.

Rubies are associated with power and passionate love.

Pearls - symbolize love and devotion.

Aquamarines - are the gems of "lovers", are able to protect family happiness, attract good luck in a person's life.

Amethysts - symbolize peace of mind.

Topazes are personified with eternal friendship.

Grenades - symbolize stability.

Chrysolites - act as amulets, bringing peace and balance.

Rauchtopazes - these mystical gems will relieve a person of pain and stress factors, they also calm the nervous system.

Citrines are responsible for good luck and good mood.

You can learn more useful information from the following video:

This article discusses in detail the question of which stone suits which sign of the Zodiac. Natural stones act as amulets, talismans and amulets for their sign. Following fashion without considering these subtleties can hurt yourself.

To figure out which stone suits which zodiac sign, let's pay attention to the colors of the seasons. After all, harmony is important in everything. Spring signs should avoid the autumn palette, frosty tones of winter are not recommended for summer, etc. Now consider each sign separately.

Ornamental, semi-precious and precious stones according to the sign of the Zodiac


Spring has come into its own, so all the delicate shades of greenery are appropriate (turquoise, quartz-hairy, amazonite, uvarovite, emerald), spring sun (citrine, pyrite, sapphire, heliodor), transparent clean air (rock crystal and diamond), the colors of the elements Fire (pyrope, ruby, fire opal, coral, carnelian).


The element of Earth has left its mark. Taurus is suitable for stones that originate deep in the bowels of the earth. So, this zodiac constellation is suitable: agate, carnelian, amazonite, opal, lapis lazuli, diamond, sapphire, turquoise, onyx, emerald, jasper, chalcedony.


Careless Gemini is called to prudence by the following minerals: amethyst, pyrite, rock crystal, yellow diamond, almandine, pearls, sapphire, agate, emerald.

Dreamy and vulnerable Cancers will be protected and will not be offended: aquamarine, emerald, pearls, beryl, uvarovite, jadeite, lapis lazuli and malachite.

To appease vanity and pride, to be a leader and manage people, to distinguish flattery from a sincere compliment to Leo will help: diamond, amber, heliodor, quartz-hairy, malachite, carnelian, opal, emerald, chrysolite.


A sign of purity and purity, an autumn sign, the element of the Earth. Autumn colors, woody tones. Peace and quiet, and gossip, pure love and devotion in the Virgo family are guaranteed by: agate, jasper, corals, rock crystal, opal, malachite, rhodonite, ruby, epidote, amber.


Tranquility craves all his life this sign of Air. Libra sometimes lacks prudence and constancy, they often go on about their desires and whims. Save prudence, find peace and good luck will help them: amethyst, labrador, citrine, rock crystal, diamond, sapphire, jasper.


The element of Water, a sign of late autumn, a constellation of fatal passions. Here, strong and dangerous stones of dark tones are appropriate, as nowhere else: hematite, corals, black pearls, labrador, ruby, hairy quartz, opal.


Fortitude, control over emotions and determination - all this Sagittarius will be helped to achieve by the following almandine, corals, obsidian, ruby, pyrope, jasper, lapis lazuli, epidote.


A very self-sufficient sign of the elements of the Earth, which, however, lacks the ability to bring the work begun to the end. Strong stones of dark tones and stones of the fire element are suitable: hematite, serpentine, labradorite, black pearls, malachite, onyx, uvarovite.


Speaking about which stone suits which sign of the Zodiac, it should be noted that none of the minerals can do much harm to Aquarius. Although the fiery representatives of fossils are not particularly suitable for him. Amethyst, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, pearls, jade, jadeite, obsidian, chrysoprase, chrysolite, chalcedony, topaz, sapphire, hematite, opal, will help to energize this winter sign of the element of Air, protect it from slander and gossip, develop its abilities and intuition, citrine, pyrite, emerald, malachite.


Aquamarine, pearl, emerald, moonstone, topaz, chrysolite, epidote, opal will help protect touchy Pisces, the sign of the Water element, as well as help them meet and keep their love.

On a note

It should be taken into account which stone is suitable for which sign of the Zodiac, since unsuitable minerals can harm many signs. Also, beware of minerals donated by people you don't trust. Stolen stones can greatly ruin the life. Signs of the Zodiac, whose representatives are evil, materialistic and cruel, will also not see anything good from these natural amulets. Be kind and merciful, then Nature herself in pieces of minerals will help you and protect you!

Hello! As promised, today you will find information on how to find your talisman stone. We will help you identify your amulet by name, date of birth or zodiac sign. You will also learn why stones are considered the best talismans and protectors. Interesting? Subscribe to our blog and dive into the wonderful world of jewelry mystery.

What is a talisman for you? For some, this is a lucky coin that is carried in a pocket, purse or ... ahem .. under the heel of a shoe. Any thing you choose can be a talisman, because even faith in its protective and magical properties will surely give you strength and energy. But the best amulet will be a precious or semi-precious stone!

Astrologer Irina's advice:

“Before you know your stone, decide on your goal: a talisman or an amulet? The first attracts good luck and helps to achieve success in your goals. But the amulet protects its owner from an evil look and averts misfortune. Moreover, the amulet restrains the negative thoughts of its owner if he wants to harm the enemy. Any stone can show its properties as a talisman and an amulet. The main thing is to make the right choice and sincerely believe in magical properties.

How to find out your stone by date of birth?

There are several options for choosing a stone: by season, month, exact date. Let's consider in more detail.

Season of the year.

born spring, gemstones such as emerald, green diamond, amethyst, pink topaz and peridot are perfect.

Summer people need the strong protection that garnet, ruby, zircon, chrysoberyl and pink topaz can give them.

To those who were born autumn, you can opt for, garnet, sapphire, adamant and chrysolite.

born winter most often they have a strong character and increased activity, but sometimes they lack personal success. Amulets and talismans made of turquoise, crystal, quartz, diamond, sapphire and moonstone can overcome this problem.

Month of birth.

How to choose your stone by month of birth? Our plate will help you choose a good luck talisman or a protective amulet. The main thing is to believe in the stone, ask him for help and treat him without ridicule.

It is interesting!
The great commander Alexander the Great always wore a hematite ring on his hand. It was believed that it was he who brought good luck in battles. The warrior did not part with his talisman for a second, because he contributed to haste and victories in battles. Evil enemies sent beautiful girls in order to steal the ring, but Alexander the Great was on the alert, and not a single beauty managed to complete what they started.

Exact date of birth.

Everyone can find out which stone is suitable for a person by date of birth using this plate.

If you doubt your correct choice of a talisman stone, we advise you to contact a professional astrologer who will determine the right amulet by your name, zodiac sign, date of birth and other factors.

Stone talisman for health.

Are you often sick and looking for your health stone?

We have selected for you options for amulets that can help get rid of the disease.

Our subscriber Galina shares her opinion:

“..I have heard that people who wear certain stones get health problems or, on the contrary, get rid of ailments ...”

Yes it's true. After all, stones can both heal and harm. Therefore, you need to be very detailed in choosing your amulet.

A talisman made of wood, plastic or metal must be properly charged. Without this procedure, magical properties will not be observed in a thing. But the stone itself is charged from the person who wears it. The most important thing is to believe in the amulet, treat it with kindness. If you don't like the stone, it's definitely not your protector. A subtle relationship should appear between the owner and his amulet. If you notice the positive effect of the stone, do not forget to thank him.

Stone talisman according to the horoscope.

A stolen talisman will not bring anything good, but a purchased one can be charged for several years.

The best amulet is sincerely donated or inherited with a long history.

Inna writes:
“At one time I tried to wear a bracelet made of hematite, they advised it to normalize blood pressure. But I didn't notice the effect. And there I perceive stones as a beautiful decoration. I read about stones according to the signs of the zodiac, but did not apply them in practice.

We can assume that you wore this bracelet for a short time. And yes, the most popular choice of a talisman is by horoscope.

Exactly a year ago, we discussed how. It is described in more detail in our article, and today we will briefly recall the essence.

Protect yourself from the evil eye, bring success, find the right solution or improve your health - what is your goal?

Olga shares with us:

“Of course, I think that the stones still have some magical, energetic and healing abilities, because it is not in vain that there is a whole science about this, lithotherapy! But, even more, I believe in people who carry good or bad energy in themselves, in people who, by the power of their thoughts and faith in their goal, achieve certain desired results, whether it concerns health or well-being - it doesn’t matter. And if with a stone amulet, a talisman, it is easier for a person, then why not! It is important what meaning a person puts into this, if he blindly believes only in the power of the stone and hopes for his help, while doing nothing, I think the result will be appropriate!

Stones named.

On the Internet, there are many free and not very =) programs for calculating a talisman stone by a person's full name. There is a slightly simplified version, which we will tell you about today.

Future parents are very attentive to the choice of a name, because it is not just a combination of letters, but also a symbol of success in life. The name determines character traits, carries its moments in fate.

Someone calls according to the church calendar, or according to family tradition. Sometimes it happens that a person cannot live with his name so much that when he receives a passport at the age of 16, he turns into Elena from Natalya, for example.

You can choose a talisman by name yourself. It can be either a precious stone: diamond, garnet or opal, or semi-precious.

How to choose a stone by a female name?

Agatha - heliodorVioletta - spinelKarina - chrysoliteNatalia - malachiteTatyana - rauchtopaz
Ada - blue topazGalina - aventurineCarolina - citrineNelly - berylUlyana - garnet rhodolite
Alevtina - chrysoliteHelena - zirconKira - zirconNina - jasperFaina - hairy quartz
Alexandra - cat's eyeDarina - chrysoberylClaudia - amberNonna - coralEdita - pomegranate
Alina - rose quartzDaria - citrineClara - chrysopraseOksana - chrysoliteEleanor - ruby
Alice - lapis lazuliDiana - golden topazChristina - onyxOlesya - opalElvira - pearl
Allah - turquoiseEva - rubyXenia - golden topazOlga - carnelianElsa - heliodor
Albina - mother of pearlEvgenia - jadeiteLarisa - black agatePolina - jadeEmilia - turquoise
Amalia - topazEvdokia - corundum alexandriteLydia - malachitePraskovya - amberEmma - rhodonite
Anastasia - obsidianEkaterina - pearlLily - rhodoniteRaisa - moonstoneJulia - lapis lazuli
Angela - OpalElena - tiger eyeLouise - spinelRegina - golden topazYana - jasper
Anna - hematiteElizabeth - carnelianLove is turquoiseRimma - cat's eyeYaroslavna - emerald
Antonina - rauchtopazJeanne - HawkeyeLyudmila - white agateRose - citrine
Bella - topazZinaida - pomegranateMaya - rubySvetlana - rock crystal
Bronislava - opalZoya - emeraldMargarita - amberSeraphim - red spinel
Valentine - amberYvette - sapphireMarina - chrysoliteSnezhanna - pearl
Valeria - amethystIsabella - topazMaria - amethystSophia - amber
Barbara - malachiteInga - pearlMaryana - emeraldStanislav - coral
Vasilisa - garnet rhodoliteInna - pomegranateMilena - aquamarineStella - topaz
Veronica - sapphireIrina - pearlMuse - agateTaisiya - pomegranate
Victoria - coral Hope - rose quartzTamara - sapphire

How to choose a stone by a male name?

Abram - sapphireGabriel - pomegranateHippolyte - chrysolitePavel - opalPhilip - Opal
Alexander - rauchtopazGennady - rock crystalCyril - amethystPeter - rauchtopazFoma - malachite
Alexey - chrysopraseGeorge - amethystKlim - pomegranatePlato - pomegranateEdward - sapphire
Anatoly - black agateGerman - malachiteConstantine - hematiteProkhor - olivineEmil - mother of pearl
Andrew - onyxGleb - black agateKuzma - zirconRobert - sapphireJulian - turquoise
Anton - amethystGregory - coralLaurel - chrysoliteRodion - rock crystalYuri - jade
Arkady - topazDanila - rock crystalLeo - sapphireRoman - obsidianJacob - chrysolite
Artem - turquoiseDemyan - chrysoliteLeonid - citrineRostislav - citrineYaroslav - sapphire
Boris - pomegranateDenis - spinelLuca - rose quartzRuslan - topaz
Bronislav - rubyDmitry - adventurousMakar - pomegranateSamson - zircon
Vadim - zirconEugene - chrysoliteMaxim - emeraldSvyatoslav - pomegranate
Valentine - citrineEgor - zirconMark - rhinestoneSemyon - aquamarine
Valery - garnet rhodoliteElisha - topazMatvey - sapphireSeraphim - chrysolite
Vasily - aquamarineEremey - spinelMichael - aquamarineSergey - spinel
Benjamin - onyxYefim - tourmalineNazar - rubyTaras - rauchtopaz
Victor - olivineIvan - corundum alexandriteNahum - emeraldTimothy - citrine
Vitaly - emeraldIgnat - black agateNestor - topazTimur - amber
Vladimir - carnelianIgor - malachiteNikita - citrineTryphon - olivine
Vladislav - rose quartzIlya - obsidianNikifor - heliodorTrofim - pomegranate
Vsevolod - blue topazInnocent - serpentineNicholas - alexandriteFedor - pomegranate
Vyacheslav - sapphireJoseph - OpalOleg - pomegranateFelix - ruby

Since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and amulets from minerals that bring good luck and protect against adversity.

Nature fascinates with its beauty, generously endowing with outlandish gifts. One of the most luxurious gifts are precious and semi-precious stones. A scattering of gems from the bowels of the earth surprises with its magnificence and magical power. Therefore, since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and amulets from minerals, bringing good luck, protecting from adversity. The choice of a magical assistant cannot be accidental. The sages believed that God himself placed semi-precious and precious stones according to the signs of the Zodiac; Apparently, for this reason, we tend to seek protection from gems, using their natural power to attract well-being, improve health, and reveal creative and professional potential.

How to choose a talisman

When the energy of a person and a stone coincides, new facets open up, miracles happen. The talisman in every possible way protects the owner, attracts good and good luck. In order for an amulet or amulet to really work, it must fit according to the horoscope, this is the most effective and centuries-old criterion for choosing a talisman stone.

For an amulet or amulet to really work, it must fit according to the horoscope

There are many criteria for choosing amulets. There are many subtleties: a person's age, gender, date, and even the exact time of birth. The most effective method for selecting a talisman stone is the table of minerals belonging to the Zodiac sign. An erroneously chosen amulet can not only not help, but also bring trouble. When choosing precious or semi-precious stones as magical protectors, you should know the characteristics of the mineral, and also follow some rules:

  • Catch feelings. Esotericists believe that an incorrectly selected gem will make itself felt. A person can feel discomfort, lack of energy connection with him.
  • Do not buy jewelry with stones in pawnshops.

A pawnshop can often sell stolen items, which can lead to misfortune.

You can’t buy jewelry with stones in pawnshops: stolen items will bring bad luck

The best talisman is one made by one's own hands or by the hands of a loved one, as well as jewelry handed down by inheritance.

It is inherent in jewelry to absorb the positive energy of the family, becoming a powerful amulet for a person.

  • When buying or receiving talisman stones as a gift, you should carefully examine them for cracks, chips, dark spots, foreign inclusions. Such stones can harbor negative energy.

Having chosen a talisman, one should not simultaneously decorate oneself with “variegated” gems, stones by their nature can “conflict” with each other. You should also not acquire a cobblestone, because a talisman is a miniature, elegant, often hidden from prying eyes, an object that has magical, healing properties. Often people are faced with the fact that a crack suddenly formed on the stone without the slightest intervention. This may mean that the talisman took the "blow" on itself, protecting the owner. You need to be able to pick up jewelry inlaid with gems. Innate taste and knowledge will help in this. The science that studies the interaction of precious, semi-precious stones and signs of the Zodiac originated in antiquity, however, the correspondence table is still used today. Jewelers, creating collections of jewelry in the form of amulets and amulets, are accustomed to using a description of the stone, its properties and disposition to the signs of the Zodiac.

Zodiac signs and gems

Ornamental stones are often used to make their own collections of hand made jewelry. Craftswomen should know that amulets can have power only if the material is natural. Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing the best sides and protecting from negativity. Artificial gems do not have power, but perform only a decorative function.

Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing the best sides and protecting from negativity

To choose jewelry for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, you should know exactly which stones are suitable for the signs of the Zodiac. Everything is decided by the merging of two energies - natural and human. The temperament of the owner of the amulet, his strengths and weaknesses are also important. There are various types of precious gems. To "hit the bull's-eye", you need to navigate the basics of a difficult science, understanding the essence of the meanings of stones according to the signs of the Zodiac.


Active, energetic, honest, courageous, but often aggressive, straightforward. The sign is patronized by such a precious stone as a diamond. He gives Aries calmness, prudence, helps to find compromises, cools their "hot heads". Magical talismans that are suitable for Aries are garnet, emerald, ruby, moon amethyst. Choice features:

What stones should Aries avoid? Malachite, opal, chrysolite, aventurine are gems that will not fit the zodiac sign.


Soft and unsophisticated natures, admirers of beauty and harmony in everything, idealists. It is not easy for such people to pick up gifts, but they will be able to appreciate jewelry with precious stones inlay.

What gemstones patronize Taurus? Sapphire, opal, emerald are the main stones of the Zodiac. For women, turquoise will be an ideal talisman, and black agate will help men realize themselves in the professional field.

For Taurus women, turquoise will be an ideal talisman.

Taurus are secretive, they often lack sociability. Sardonyx will help correct the situation by giving the owner a gift of eloquence. What stones can the sign of Taurus choose for themselves? It is best to choose by decades:

Ruby, pearl and amber are energetically incompatible with Taurus.


People born under this sign are unique in that they can successfully perform several tasks at the same time. To replenish the wasted strength, they need talismans-stones. For the fair sex, a radiant emerald or a magical moonstone will be an ideal “helper”. Men should choose alexandrite as an amulet. He will show them the shortest path to achieving the goal, calm and create harmony.

Gemini men should choose alexandrite as an amulet, which will indicate the shortest path to achieving the goal.

There is an important nuance: it is better for a Gemini man to remove alexandrite before going to bed. Another stone energetically associated with this sign is beryl. Such a talisman can be presented to a male careerist.

Beryl is suitable for Gemini-careerists

But citrine is suitable for owners of an analytical mindset, will help develop oratorical talent and increase communication skills. For young Gemini girls, there are several special charms:

From wearing onyx, black opal, ruby ​​and diamond, without exception, all representatives of this sign should definitely refuse.


Cancers are sensitive, imaginative, but very vulnerable, irritable and inert. All the shortcomings and weaknesses will help correctly selected stones according to the sign of the Zodiac. Each decade has its own gems:

The most powerful female talisman for Cancer will be heliotrope earrings. A beautiful jewelry with magical properties will help in resolving difficult situations and gaining family well-being.

The most powerful female talisman for Cancer will be heliotrope earrings


Lions do not hold energy and generosity. They strive for glory, honor, are somewhat selfish, as it should be for royalty.

To achieve success, Lions need to develop tact and discretion in themselves, avoiding haste, excessive excitement. Talisman stones will help to strengthen the positive aspects, reduce the activity of negative traits.

There are several tips for choosing:

Representatives of the royal sign, starting a new path of personal life or career, are indispensable for heliodor, it is called the stone of the first step.


Prone to criticism, overly pragmatic Virgos need magical helpers. It is difficult to overestimate the value of stones for Virgos, because they help to reveal such natural qualities as reasonableness and consistency, to develop a range of interests. The Best Minerals for Virgos:

  • emerald - will help maintain the harmony of family relationships;
  • jade - develops the gift of justice, gives sharpness of mind;
  • sapphire is a talisman that disperses melancholy.

For doubting, insecure male Virgos, lapis lazuli will be an excellent talisman, and jasper will help to avoid financial losses. Virgos should avoid such stones as ruby, tourmaline, obsidian.


Peace-loving and benevolent Libra often lacks self-confidence, the ability to face facts. Amethyst, quartz or diamond will help develop these qualities. The choice of a talisman should be done based on the date of birth:

Libra women need to give diamonds. This is a symbol of strength, purity and reliability, because it is these traits that representatives of this sign should develop.

Libra women need to be given diamonds that represent purity and strength


Scorpios are prone to conflict, they should develop the ability to forgive and be able to find compromises. It is especially important to acquire a talisman for a Scorpio woman. It should be a crystal with a transparent structure such as jasper, tiger's eye and serpentine. The main mascot for Scorpio women is opal. He will enhance the natural attractiveness, create a strong shield around his mistress, preventing energy depletion.

Opal will enhance the natural attractiveness of a Scorpio woman

For men, these stones are suitable:

Among Scorpios, there are often people with psychic abilities. Alexandrite will help develop them.


These people strive to learn something new, they are authoritative, smart. Sagittarians should develop tact and self-discipline. Talisman stones for representatives of this sign are divided into male and female:


People born under the sign of Capricorn are persistent, patient, and can reach unprecedented heights. Talisman stones will help them achieve success.

Onyx is the main patron of the sign, a talisman against sudden death. He will teach you to read the thoughts of his opponents, will bring the respect of the team. This is a natural indicator: if the gem changes shade, this is a signal of danger.

Onyx - the main patron of Capricorns, a talisman against sudden death

Other talisman stones:

Forbidden stones for Capricorns are citrine, emerald and pearls.


The sign has practically no flaws. These are originals and altruists, daredevils and strategists. The weaknesses of the character include abstraction, sometimes arrogance. The main keeper of peace and good luck for Aquarius is amethyst. It protects the family hearth, health and success of its owner. Other patrons of the mark are:

Ruby, carnelian and bloody jasper are considered unfavorable for Aquarius.


Impulsive, sympathetic and sacrificial, Pisces often needs protection. Amulets for this sign will be stones, whose properties will help to suppress character flaws and weaken the negative influence. Auspicious Gems:

Danger for Pisces are energetic, active minerals with a thick dark color.

The only exception is jet, which will save you from dark dreams. You should also avoid jewelry with jasper, serpentine, lapis lazuli and hematite.

Dark-colored stones are usually not suitable for Pisces, but jet will protect you from dark dreams.

For a gemstone to become a friend, helper and protector, intuition is important when choosing a talisman. But no less power is the value of a gem, the interpretation of its properties. This is what determines the influence of natural energy on a person. The main rule for the signs of the Zodiac is to take care of the chosen talisman, amulet or amulet, putting it on, think only about the good, believe in its natural power.

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