What vitamins are contained in lamb? Lamb: benefits and harm to the body

Lamb dishes are common in the countries of Central Asia, Mongolia and the Caucasus. Asians, Mongols and Caucasians came up with the idea of ​​adding lamb to pilaf, khoshan, beshbarmak, tushpara and using it to prepare shish kebab or manti. According to popular belief, regular consumption of lamb promotes good health and longevity.

Lamb is the meat of young lambs and lambs slaughtered at the age of one month. The taste of sheep meat depends on the age of the animal. There are several types of lamb:

  • meat of dairy lambs (animal up to two months old, fed with mother's milk),
  • meat of young sheep (aged from 3 months to 1 year)
  • lamb (animal aged 12 months or older).

The first and second types of meat are also called lamb. Lamb meat is used in cooking because it is more nutritious and tastes better than the meat of an adult. Lamb is suitable for preparing meat sauces, gravies and as an independent dish.

The calorie content and amount of nutrients in lamb differ depending on the category (fatness) of the meat. Thus, 100 g of category I lamb contains 209 kcal, and category II lamb with the same weight will be 166 kcal. Despite its lower energy value, category II lamb contains 1.5 times more useful elements than category I meat.

Below is the composition of meat per 100 grams.

Lamb I category


  • B1 - 0.08 mg;
  • B2 - 0.14 mg,
  • PP - 3.80 mg;


  • sodium - 80.00 mg;
  • potassium - 270.00 mg;
  • calcium - 9.00 mg;
  • magnesium - 20.00 mg;
  • phosphorus - 168.00 mg.

Lamb II category


  • B1 - 0.09 mg;
  • B2 - 0.16 mg,
  • PP - 4.10 mg;


  • sodium - 101.00 mg;
  • potassium - 345.00 mg;
  • calcium - 11.00 mg;
  • magnesium - 25.00 mg;
  • phosphorus - 190.00 mg.

Lamb is valued not only for the vitamins and microelements included in its chemical composition. Lamb meat is a source of animal protein (16 g) and fat (15 g).

Beneficial properties of lamb

The balanced composition of lamb makes it a healthy meat delicacy. The healing properties of sheep meat apply to men and women.

Forms nerve cells in the fetus

The benefit of lamb for pregnant women lies in folic acid, which controls the formation of nerve cells in the embryo.

Reduces symptoms of colds

Lamb will benefit not only the adult body. Lamb fat is used to prepare decoctions and compresses to treat colds in children. Folk remedies based on lamb fat are effective as they improve the child’s condition with bronchitis and sore throat. Often lamb fat is rubbed onto parts of the baby’s body, and then covered with a warm blanket.

Suitable for dieting

If your diet allows the consumption of meat, then you can safely eat 100 g of lamb per day. Anyone watching their figure should give preference to category II lamb, since it is lower in calories.

There is 2 times less fat in lamb meat than in pork tenderloin. In addition, lamb contains little cholesterol (2 times less than beef and 4 times less than pork). This feature of lamb allows it to be consumed by people with diabetes and overweight.

Prevents the occurrence of caries

Lamb is rich in fluoride, which improves the condition of teeth and helps fight caries. Lamb also contains calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel. Regular consumption of lamb helps maintain dental health.

Normalizes stomach function

Lamb has a positive effect on the pancreas. Lecithin contained in meat stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Broths prepared with lamb are useful for people with hypoacid gastritis.

Increases hemoglobin levels

Thanks to the iron contained in lamb, hemoglobin levels increase. Regular consumption of sheep meat will be a good prevention of anemia.

Harm and contraindications of lamb

Having considered the beneficial properties of lamb, we will also mention the harm that unreasonable consumption of meat can cause. Contraindications for avoiding lamb include:

  • obesity of the 2-4th degree (lamb meat is high in calories and contains a high percentage of fat, therefore it is forbidden to be consumed by overweight persons);
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver (lamb increases acidity and complicates digestion, which has a detrimental effect on organ diseases);
  • gout, arthritis of the joints (lamb contains bacteria that aggravate bone diseases);
  • atherosclerosis (cholesterol in lamb makes it dangerous for people suffering from vascular disease).

Lamb occupies a leading position among all the available varieties of meat. This is not surprising; high nutritional value and unforgettable taste favorably emphasize the advantages of lamb. Not everyone knows how to properly cook this type of meat, but true adherents will not prefer any other to it. It is for them that today we will talk about the beneficial and harmful qualities of lamb.

Composition of lamb

Meat contains a lot of rare vitamin B12, which must be supplied to the human body through food. Lamb is not deprived of retinol, thiamine, and beta-carotene.

Of the mineral compounds, iron, sulfur, zinc, manganese, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and copper are of great benefit. Young lamb meat accumulates all the same vitamins and minerals, but in addition it is also dietary.

Lamb is an environmentally friendly product, since sheep eat only grain, hay and grass. It is a mistake to believe that there is no protein in an animal’s diet. It comes along with the grass when the sheep eats grasshoppers, snails, and worms.

Lamb meat contains vitamin D in large quantities. It is needed for the formation of bone tissue and the prevention of rickets in children. Lamb is used to treat ailments related to the heart muscle.

Benefits of lamb

  1. The product contains proteins that are in an easily digestible form. They quickly saturate the body with energy, retain this feeling for a long time, and promote the formation of muscle fibers and bones. Without protein, the body quickly becomes depleted, and a person constantly suffers from chronic fatigue.
  2. Interestingly, meat contains less fat than protein. This makes lamb a dietary product that is included in the diet of overweight and obese people. The ability of meat to increase metabolism is used for weight loss. In addition, lamb contains virtually no cholesterol, thereby not leading to the development of atherosclerosis.
  3. Young lamb meat has a low calorie content - about 134 Kcal. per serving weighing 100 g. If you care about proper nutrition, lamb should definitely be included in your diet. It is quickly absorbed, does not burden the stomach, and does not ferment in the intestines.
  4. For people who naturally have low hemoglobin levels, lamb meat is a must. It accumulates a lot of iron, which also prevents anemia (anemia) in adults and children. During the menstrual cycle, lamb will help girls avoid dizziness that appears due to a decrease in hemoglobin.
  5. The product contains a lot of fluoride. This mineral compound is responsible for the strength of teeth and enamel in particular. Lamb prevents the development of caries, fights bad breath, which appeared against the background of stomach problems.
  6. Meat should be included in the diet of people who are prone to developing diabetes. Lamb controls the secretion of gastric juice, facilitating the activity of the pancreas. Lamb meat promotes the outflow of bile, improving liver function.
  7. If you have gastritis with low acidity, you need to consume broth made from young lamb meat. The product contains heart vitamins such as magnesium and potassium. These mineral compounds increase blood circulation and are needed to prevent stroke.
  8. For varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and atherosclerosis, you should eat lamb meat for up to a year. It contains virtually no cholesterol; such a product will clean blood channels and tighten vascular walls.
  9. Interestingly, lamb meat soaked in vinegar is applied to the site of a rabid dog bite. Such a piece will prevent the harmful effects of bacteria on the body. When a snake bite occurs, it is necessary to apply a fresh piece of meat to prevent the poison from spreading into the deeper layers of tissue.
  10. The product contains vitamins from group B, which are necessary for the human central nervous system. These substances support the psycho-emotional environment, prevent the development of depression and apathy, and normalize sleep.
  11. Rare folic acid is necessary for pregnant girls so that the baby in the womb is formed in accordance with the term. When breastfeeding, lamb enhances lactation.

  1. To say goodbye to extra pounds, you need to reduce the number of calories consumed per day. In this case, you don’t always need to resort to extreme measures and give up your favorite foods. You shouldn’t force your body with mono-diet once again.
  2. Nutritionists recommend replacing fatty foods with low-calorie foods. To lose weight, you don't have to give up meat completely. Such products contain microelements and active substances necessary for the body. Lamb is a dietary meat, so it will help normalize weight.
  3. For weight loss, raw materials cut from the back of the animal are suitable. This meat has the least amount of fat and a high percentage of beneficial enzymes. In order for lamb to bring maximum benefits to the body, it must be boiled or stewed.
  4. Boiled meat contains a minimum amount of calories, while the taste remains quite pleasant. This method of preparing lamb allows you to preserve many useful elements in the raw material. The product makes an excellent dietary broth. Fried meat can also be eaten in small quantities, it will have less benefit.

The benefits of lamb for children

  1. Preschool children have an unformed digestive system. Therefore, most products may simply not be digested and cause a number of troubles. In this case, lamb can be given to children after 6 years of age.
  2. You should not prepare various dishes based on such meat for children; the gastrointestinal tract is not able to cope with such a task. Keep in mind that at first lamb can be given to children only in small quantities.
  3. Any meat in a weak body can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, take this procedure seriously. The best solution would be to consult with a pediatrician in advance.

  1. If you overuse meat, significant harm can be caused to your body. Lamb in this case is no exception. Raw materials are relatively difficult to digest in the intestines, some enzymes are deposited in the form of waste. As a result, sclerosis, obesity and inflammatory processes of bone tissue develop.
  2. Lamb contains a small amount of cholesterol, but the presence of heavy fats negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes are difficult to partially digest. This meat does not contain carbohydrates at all. Oversaturation with fats and proteins may not have the best effect on your overall health.
  3. It is important to know in what conditions the animal was kept. What was he fed, and were there any diseases? Meat should not contain GMOs and various carcinogens. Not every seller will tell the whole truth about the product, keep this in mind. Try to buy meat from friends.
  4. Lamb is strictly prohibited for consumption if you have gastritis with high acidity, ulcers, liver, gallbladder or kidney pathologies. Meat is contraindicated when diagnosing gout, arthritis and hypertension.
  5. Elderly people should use the product with extreme caution. Try to eat young lamb. This meat is safer and contains less fat. Do not give this product to children under 5 years of age.
  6. In some cases, experts recommend giving lamb meat to babies. This product will help the musculoskeletal system develop properly. Young meat can also be eaten during pregnancy.

Lamb can be beneficial to the body if it is completely natural. Consuming meat in moderation will have a positive effect on the health of children, the elderly, pregnant women and the lactation period. If possible, purchase raw materials from farms and small towns. The animal must be kept in free conditions.

Video: about the benefits of lamb

Lamb is a high-calorie product. It contains a large amount of proteins, micro- and macroelements, minerals, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, PP. In terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, lamb is not inferior to beef, and in terms of iron content, it exceeds pork by 30%.

Lamb is recommended for consumption by older people; the meat of young animals is suitable for feeding children, as it contains a lot of fluoride. Lamb stimulates the pancreas, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, due to the low cholesterol content in lamb fat.

Table 1 - Nutritional value of lamb

Continuation of table 2

Table 3 - Minerals of lamb

Iron (Fe)

Calcium (Ca)

Cobalt (Co)

Magnesium (Mg)

Manganese (Mn)

Molybdenum (Mo)

Sodium (Na)

Nickel (Ni)

Tin (Sn)

Phosphorus (P)

1.2Changing the properties of lamb before processing

Post-mortem changes in meat. The changes that occur in the carcass of an animal after its slaughter can be divided into three stages: rigor mortis, ripening and deterioration (rotting, molding, tanning).

Rigor mortis. Immediately after slaughter, the muscles of meat (fresh) are relaxed, have high water-retaining and moisture-absorbing abilities, therefore, after heat treatment, the meat has a delicate texture, although its specific taste and aroma are not very pronounced. After some time (2-3 hours after slaughter), the muscles thicken, become stiff, and their water-retaining and moisture-absorbing abilities sharply decrease. The culinary properties of the meat also change: after cooking, it remains tough, without a characteristic taste and aroma, and the broth turns cloudy. The time of onset and duration of rigor mortis depend on many factors, and primarily on the condition of the animal before slaughter and the temperature of the room in which the carcass is located. Meat obtained from lean and tired animals contains less glycogen and more lactic acid, so the process of rigor mortis occurs faster and lasts a shorter time. The increased temperature of the room in which the meat carcass is located affects the process of rigor mortis in the same way. Thus, cattle meat at a temperature of 0°C is in the stage of rigor mortis for 2 days, and at a temperature of 16-18°C - for a day. Maturing of meat. This is the process of gradual softening of muscle tissue. Ripe meat has high culinary qualities: when boiled, it is tender, juicy, with a characteristic taste and aroma; the broth obtained by cooking such meat is clear and aromatic. When ripened, muscle tissue relaxes and again acquires the ability to retain and absorb moisture, so ripened meat, both raw and cooked, is tender and juicy. During the ripening process, nitrogenous extractive substances accumulate, which improve the taste and aroma of meat.

Meat ripening occurs 18-24 hours after the animal is slaughtered. The duration of ripening depends on the type of slaughtered cattle, gender, age, fatness, and also on the storage temperature of the meat. The meat of cattle, males, old and well-fed animals takes longer to mature. As the temperature rises, the rate of meat ripening increases, but at the same time there is a danger of spoilage. Lamb meat ripens: at 0°C for 8.

Mutton is the meat of a slaughtered ram, lamb or sheep. Moreover, not just any sheep’s meat can be eaten. The most delicious, tender and low-calorie meat is lamb meat, especially that which was fed only on mother’s milk.

But it is advisable to slaughter adult animals before they reach two years of age, then there is still a chance to get tasty, nutritious meat. In older individuals, the meat will be tough, with an unpleasant specific odor.

Among other types of meat, lamb is considered the lowest in calories and the healthiest in its composition.

For example, it contains almost 30% less fat than pork. But it is much richer in iron content than other types of meat.


A conclusion about the beneficial properties of lamb can be made by looking at what vitamins and microelements are included in its composition. These are almost all the main useful substances - B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus and others.

Lamb also contains a large amount of easily digestible proteins, which makes this meat especially nutritious.

The amount of fat in this meat is even lower than protein, and therefore it practically does not contain cholesterol that is harmful to the human body.

At the same time, lamb is quite low in calories. Especially young lamb meat, which can contain only 135 calories. Therefore, this food product can rightfully be called dietary. And it deserves the attention of those people who care about proper nutrition.

Iron-rich lamb will be useful for people with low hemoglobin levels and iron deficiency anemia; it has a good effect on blood composition.

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, and can even help prevent caries. After all, it contains a sufficient amount of fluoride, which is beneficial for dental tissue.

It is good to eat lamb meat for people with pancreatic diseases. It regulates the production of gastric juice and can prevent the serious disease diabetes mellitus.

Since the meat itself is a rather heavy product, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can use broths made from it. So, lamb broth will be useful for gastritis and low acidity.

If other types of meat are not harmless for people with poor vascular condition and atherosclerosis, then lamb is even useful. It can be eaten in moderation. It is better if it is young lamb meat, because it has very little cholesterol.

Potassium, sodium and magnesium contained in lamb have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, so this meat is useful for people with heart disease.

This meat has several other unusual beneficial properties. For example, burnt lamb is useful for scorpion or snake bites. It will help prevent the poison from spreading into the human body.

But lamb with wine will help with rabid dog bites, preventing harmful effects on humans.

Rich in protein, B vitamins and various macro- and microelements, this product, when consumed regularly but in moderation, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. But it is not used in cosmetology.


Without undue modesty, lamb can be called a highly nutritious product. It contains a large amount of proteins and fats, which cover almost a third of the daily requirement.

Nutrient Daily norm/g Quantity per 100 g of product Percentage of Daily Value
Squirrels 81 16,3 20,1
Fats 54 15,3 28,3
Carbohydrates 202 0 0
Saturated fatty acids 12 9 75
Monounsaturated fatty acids 25 9 36
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2 1,5 75

Vitamins and minerals

Types and amounts of vitamins contained in 100 grams of lamb:

Vitamin and its chemical name Contents per 100 g of product
A (carotene (retinol)) 0 0
B1 (thiamine) 0.08 mg 5,3
B2 (riboflavin) 0.1 mg 5,6
B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.5 mg 10
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.4 mg 20
B9 (folic acid) 8 mg 2
B12 (cobalamins) 2 mg 66,7
C (ascorbic acid) 0 0
D (calciferol) 0 0
E (tocopherol) 0.5 mg 3,3
N (biotin) 3 mg 6
K (phylloquinone) 0 0
R (rutin) 0 0
PP (nicotinic acid) 5.2058 mg 26
L (motilmothionine) 0 0

It is rare to find a product with such a rich content of B vitamins and nicotinic acid as lamb.

Types and amounts of macro- and microelements contained in 100 grams of lamb:

Type of trace element Contents per 100 g of product Percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance
Bor 0 0
Vanadium 0 0
Iron 2 mg 11,1
Iodine 7 mg 4,7
Potassium 270 mg 10,8
Calcium 3 mg 0,3
Cobalt 7 mg 70
Silicon 0 0
Magnesium 18 mg 4,5
Manganese 0.035 mg 1,8
Copper 180 mg 18
Molybdenum 12 17,1
Sodium 80 mg 6,2
Selenium 0 0
Sulfur 230 mg 23
Phosphorus 178 mg 22,3
Fluorine 63 mg 1,6
Chlorine 60 mg 2,6
Cholesterol 0 0
Kholin 70 14
Chromium 10 20
Zinc 3 mg 25

From the table data we see how rich lamb is in cobalt, iron, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, potassium and other elements. In addition, it contains almost all useful substances, even in smaller quantities.

Everything about the benefits of lamb meat becomes clear; you just have to see its chemical composition and find out the nutritional value. But this product should not be abused, since it is quite difficult to digest, and its waste is eliminated from the body for quite a long time.

Meat and animal fats are essential for the human body. This is determined by nature itself. The fact is that there are essential amino acids that are not produced by the body itself, but enter it exclusively with meat foods. Including lamb. Meat is a source of protein, without which the existence of a living organism is impossible. The chemical composition of lamb is similar to pork. However, the benefits of lamb are more significant.

Chemical composition of lamb

First, it is a source of vitamin B12, which is missing in some other foods. Lamb also contains vitamins A, B1, sulfur, chlorine, manganese, beta-carotene, zinc, and a lot of iron. The nutritional properties of lamb allow it to be considered a dietary product, especially Sheep eat only products of plant origin. This is mainly fresh grass, hay, grain. Therefore, their meat is the cleanest. However, it would be wrong to assume that sheep do not consume animal protein at all. Along with grass, they, like cows, eat snails, slugs, worms, and grasshoppers. Purely plant foods are not able to provide the entire range of substances necessary for the body. Including vitamin D, which is found only in animal fats. And its deficiency can contribute to the development of rickets in children. And in adults, it provokes disturbances in calcium-phosphorus metabolism. This can lead to heart disease.

Nutritional properties of lamb

Lamb fat is easily digestible and, like meat, has high taste. It is not for nothing that lamb dishes are widely used in the East, in the republics of Asia and the Caucasus. The variety of types of pilaf, kebabs, and recipes for preparing other dishes has gained wide popularity. Anyone can order them not only in a restaurant, but also cook them themselves using meat. Lamb, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in this article, will undoubtedly be useful to many people.

Medicinal properties of lamb

This meat is used not only for cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. For colds, a compress of lamb fat or drinking hot milk with it added at night helps a lot. This product is also effective for treating colds in infants. They lubricate the palms, feet and chest with it at night, and wrap the child warmly. By morning, as a rule, the disease subsides. Lamb has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and reduces abdominal pain. The fluoride it contains is indispensable in the treatment of caries. The effect of lamb on the male body is also important. Thanks to zinc, men produce testosterone, which has a positive effect on the nervous system - helps to withstand stress. In addition, this meat improves potency. Therefore, the benefits of lamb for men are undeniable.

A person who eats meat at least once a week does not experience an increase in blood cholesterol. Normal blood circulation ensures the trouble-free operation of any organ. This is the meaning and value of lamb.

Harmful properties of lamb

However, every product, in addition to useful ones, unfortunately also contains substances harmful to the body. Lamb is no exception. Its benefits and harms depend on how correctly the meat is prepared and consumed. There are diseases for which eating lamb is contraindicated. These are gastritis, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, and stomach. If a person has high acidity, then when eating meat it will become even higher. As a result, the mucous membrane and walls of the stomach will be corroded.

Protein foods increase the secretion of gastric juice. A high protein content in meat (if overeated) threatens a person with obesity and causes allergies. Indulging in dishes made from lamb meat leads to the accumulation of cholesterol. It has been found that bones may harbor bacteria that cause progressive arthritis. It is undesirable for children and the elderly to consume lamb. Low iodine content in it can lead to disruption of the thyroid gland. It is especially harmful to eat lamb liver, despite the fact that it contains vitamin A. In addition to it, uric acid is present in the liver. And it is very dangerous for gout, kidney stones and gall bladder.

The right choice

If there are beneficial properties, lamb, the benefits and harms of which are described, should not be consumed by humans beyond measure. Does a person need food made from lamb meat? The question is meaningless. Do you need fats of sheep origin? Undoubtedly they are needed. Because both meat and fats contain biologically active substances necessary for the body. You just have to remember that any food should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

Overeating entails a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs: the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, blood vessels and everything that a person lives with. You should be careful and attentive to the use of broths and meat dishes according to any recipe. For their preparation, you should use only fresh products, without any foreign smell or color. Lamb, the benefits and harms of which, as a rule, depend on the person himself, his attitude towards his body and health, is a very tasty product.

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