What types of water purifying filters are there? Purifying water in an apartment What is the best water filter

Tap water almost never meets the requirements for purity - impurities appear in it one way or another, as a result of which the taste, smell and even transparency change. It is clear that you should not drink water directly from the tap. You can solve the problem by installing a main filter for water purification in the apartment. This device is mounted directly into the pipeline and allows you to purify the entire volume of passing water.

Main filters for cold or hot water are used for the following needs:

  1. Water purification. This is very important, because not everyone can live above a deep well, and drinking water comes to houses, most likely, from the nearest reservoir, river or lake. At the same time, city treatment stations often do not remove carcinogens and heavy metals from water, but only chlorinate, while a number of bacteria resistant to chlorine may remain in the liquid.
  2. Improving the taste of water. Chlorine, rusty metal, hydrogen sulfide - water with completely unexpected tastes can flow from the tap. Naturally, it also changes the quality of food. And purified water allows you to prepare truly delicious dishes.
  3. Softening water to reduce the impact on your skin and hair. After all, contaminated water spoils hair and skin, leads to the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, and destruction of the hair structure. And purified water will not allow all these manifestations to form.
  4. Maintaining the functionality of equipment and plumbing fixtures. If you do not remove solid particles and dirt, then scale appears on boilers, dishwashers, washing machines, and electric kettles.

Different types of devices and how they work

Main filters for water purification for apartments and country houses are classified into:

The main filter for water purification most often works in conjunction with additional devices. Thus, a softener is installed along with a coarse filter, which allows you to normalize the chemical composition of the liquid and prevent the formation of scale in equipment. Reagent-free filters with permanent magnets can act as softeners, the action of which causes salts dissolved in water to precipitate without causing harm to plumbing and other appliances.

AND Only after the coarse cleaning system are fine cleaning devices installed- in this case they will be less susceptible to contamination and the cartridges will have to be changed less often.

Information about this is in a separate article on the site. You will also find a video example there.

Read about the room in another material. Describes how to troubleshoot basic problems.

You can also purchase grain loading equipment. It is a main filter for complex cleaning, allowing to eliminate both chemical and biological contaminants. Externally, it is a large cylinder, the productivity of which ranges from 16-400 liters per minute. Such main water filters for an apartment or a private house are at the same time water softeners and deep cleaning filters. The downside is their large size.

Rules for choosing a suitable filter model

So, in-line water filter - how to choose for cleaning? Keep in mind that in ordinary apartments, as a rule, two lines - with cold and hot water. If we are talking about individual heating systems, then they require devices for purifying cold water.

Important: The main hot water filter is made of materials that are resistant to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. It can also be used on cold water lines, but not vice versa.

To choose main filters for cold or hot water, you must consider:

The mesh filters used are multilayer and fixed in a metal pipe. With its help, water is purified from all large particles (sand or scale), the size of which exceeds 50 microns. It is better to choose a main water filter with flushing - it is able to catch more contaminants. When choosing a mesh filter, you must specify the pipe diameter, on which the fastening will be made, and in accordance with this value, purchase the device.

As for cartridge devices, a mainline mechanical water purification filter is a structure consisting of a flask, a lid and a replaceable cartridge. They are able to catch any small particles - accordingly, the finer the degree of filtration, the more transparent and tastier the output water will be.

The cartridge for main filters for water purification should be regularly change and purchase depending on needs:

  1. BA - to normalize the amount of iron.
  2. BS - for water softening.
  3. With activated carbon - for cleaning from chlorine.
  4. With polyphosphate loading - eliminates lime deposits and protects devices from scale.

The main filter is installed directly into the water main. It is also advisable to install shut-off ball valves and a bypass in the area where water is supplied and drained from the filtering device. The installation location of the cartridge filter must be freely accessible, since the cartridges will have to be replaced regularly. We eliminate the most common faults.

Brief overview of filter manufacturers

Among the popular companies producing high-quality main filters, it is worth noting Honeywell and Aquaphor, New Water and Geyser.

Thus, the Aquaphor company produces a wide range of cartridge main filters - for drinking water, for household appliances (for washing machines or dishwashers), for showers. You can select devices designed for use with cold and hot water, eliminating chemical compounds or only insoluble impurities such as sand or rust.

The German brand Honeywell offers devices of unique quality, designed for ten times the operating pressure in the network. Here you can choose elements for coarse or fine cleaning, and the filter element is a metal mesh enclosed in a highly reliable flask.

Novaya Voda's products are characterized by availability and high quality. The range includes main filters with a separate tap, and the degree of cleaning can be adjusted by installing certain cartridges.

And Geyser filters are high-tech scientific developments, thanks to which filter elements based on ion-exchange polymer were created.

Rough cleaning from insoluble particles - rust, silt, sand and other mechanical contaminants. As a rule, the mesh (steel and polymer) components of the filter elements take care of rough cleaning.

Sorption(absorption). Water passes through a sorbent - most often activated carbon. This method is used primarily to remove active chlorine and unpleasant odors, phenol, toluene, petroleum products, and pesticides.

Ion exchange. Special ion exchange resins (they are small balls and are located in a cartridge or cylinder) remove hardness salts and metal ions by “exchange”: relatively safe sodium ions are released from the resins into the water.

Reverse osmosis. The most effective cleaning method available at home. Water under pressure passes through a semi-permeable membrane that allows the solvent to pass through, but solutes do not. The method is used, for example, for desalination of sea water. This process is slow (in household filters - 20–25 liters per day), so a tank is required for purified water.

Ultraviolet radiation. It destroys most microorganisms in water, but poor microbiological indicators of tap water are still an emergency. UV disinfection is more suitable for your own water supply from a well or borehole. For cleaning to occur, the water must be exposed to a UV lamp for several minutes, so for flow-through filters the use of such a solution is questionable.

Softening. There are filters that are “tailored” specifically for this; they are called softeners. Such filters (and special cartridges) retain hardness salts. For water with low hardness, such purification is pointless.

Deferrization- everything is clear from the name. If you have rusty marks on your plumbing, you definitely should. But a water test may show elevated iron levels even if there are no traces.

Comprehensive cleaning consists of several stages: rough (always), sorption and something special: disinfection, softening, deferrization. There are additional ways to treat water in filters: aeration (oxygen saturation), mineralization, etc.

Flow-through filter under the sink with three stages of cleaning

The simplest: nozzles for faucets and jugs

Faucet attachments

These filters are affordable and easy to install. There are also disadvantages: you have to constantly remove the nozzle so as not to waste filtered water for “technical needs”, for example, washing dishes, especially since filtration is slow. The quality of filtration is average; a more serious system is required to purify water from hardness salts and iron, and the nozzles cope well with chlorine and mechanical impurities. Cartridges need to be changed every one to three months.

Faucet attachment

Jug filters

A jug is an inexpensive option, however, cartridges cost around 100 rubles, and they need to be changed every one to three months - it depends on the resource of the cassette and on the number of “drinkers”. The disadvantages are the low filtration rate and limited amount of water, but the filtration quality is high. You must constantly ensure that there is water in the jug and that the cartridge does not remain dry, and you must also wash the jug frequently. When choosing the jug itself (not the cartridge), you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the price of cartridges compatible with it and their resource;
  • ability to set the cartridge replacement date on the lid;
  • the ergonomics of the jug, for example, when tilted, the lid should not fall.

Filter jug


Dispensers use the same system as jugs: water passes through a cartridge and accumulates in a container - only the reservoir is larger, and the water is poured into the container through a small tap. As a rule, dispenser cartridges have a longer lifespan than jugs, although the manufacturers are the same. This type of filter is suitable for small offices and large families.

Filter dispenser

Filters “next to the sink”

Such filters are also called desktop filters. They do not require complicated installation; they are installed on the table next to the sink and connected to the water supply using an adapter. The disadvantages are the average degree of purification, mainly from mechanical impurities and unpleasant odors, as well as the short life of the cartridge - however, like nozzles and filter jugs.

Filter next to the sink

Filters for washing

Filters under the sink are installed, as a rule, in the kitchen, specifically to obtain highly purified drinking water. A connection is made to the cold water supply pipe, and a separate faucet for filtered water is installed on the sink. But what kind of water will flow from this tap depends on the type of filter - flow-through or reverse osmosis.

In-line filter under the sink

Flow filters

As a rule, they have three replaceable filter cartridges that work together. It is these “three heroes” that stand under the sink. Two of them are responsible for the purification of water from mechanical impurities, chlorine, and heavy metals. And the third is usually “special purpose”: softening, deferrizing, etc. And if the water is very hard or has a very high iron content, the special cartridge can be replaced ahead of schedule: this is convenient. This type of filter has an undeniable advantage: a high flow rate of water, a separate tap, which allows you not to waste it on things other than drinking and eating. Minus - cartridges need to be replaced every two to three months, depending on the number of family members.

Replacing cartridges in the filter under the sink

Reverse osmosis filters

Reverse osmosis systems remove almost everything from water except H2O itself, resulting in practically distilled water. Since drinking such water is not very pleasant (complete demineralization negatively affects the taste and impoverishes the water, since our body is accustomed to receiving some microelements from water), the kit includes a mineralizer cartridge that moderately saturates the purified water with potassium, magnesium, fluorine, and iodine . Membranes do not need to be changed as often as cartridges. Such filters have two disadvantages: the drinking water reservoir takes up space under the sink, and you cannot quickly get a lot of drinking water: for example, to cook a pot of soup. Therefore, there must be a reserve in the tank, and this must be remembered and taken care of.

Osmotic filtration system

Main flow filters

Main filters are installed at the “entrance” of water to an apartment or house; they are needed to purify all the water at once for all water collection points. The main filter provides clean water not only for drinking and cooking, but also for protecting plumbing and household appliances. They remove insoluble impurities (rust and sand) and make the water clearer. When purchasing a main filter of any type, you need to know the diameter of the pipe on which it will be installed; what is the maximum operating temperature for which the filter is designed; number of water points.

Main filters come with low (0.1-0.2 bar) or high (0.4-0.5 bar) hydraulic loss, that is, a decrease in water pressure. On the upper floors the pressure is already low, so for them you need to choose a filter with minimal hydraulic loss. Sometimes main filters are supplemented with pressure gauges.

The optimal technical equipment of the main filter is a pressure reducing valve, which allows you to reduce water flow and fluctuations in inlet pressure, and a check valve, which prevents the backflow of water. Most often, such filters have transparent flasks in which the filter elements are enclosed: this allows you to see the degree of contamination. Depending on the equipment, brand and quality, prices vary: a main filter can cost a thousand or 20 thousand rubles, and it must be installed by a specialist.

Flow-through main complex cartridge filter

Main line mesh filters

These filters mainly retain mechanical pollution; their installation is advisable in houses with old communications. When purchasing, you need to check whether the filter has a backwash system (so-called self-washing filters). The filter element is a stainless steel mesh: the smaller the mesh size, the better (sometimes 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 microns). Often a mesh filter, or coarse filter, is installed on the line in front of the cartridge filter to reduce the load on it and achieve better results.

The water in Russia's public water supply systems is fraught with many surprises. Even in those cities where the authorities declare that the water can be drunk straight from the tap, it is necessary to conduct a water analysis before such experiments. As a rule, it will show that such water has no health benefits and is either neutral or harmful to the human body. The reason for this could be many things - even the most modern city water treatment stations are powerless against outdated water supply systems, and sanitary standards allow such a hardness value that even after one boiling, scale flakes form in the kettle. Looking at this white coating, cloudy or rusty water, and smelling the smell of chlorine, apartment residents often make the simple but wrong choice of buying bottled drinking water. After all, the water in bottles and coolers is often the same as tap water, but it has undergone special purification through filters. A solution arises that will help avoid storing water in plastic containers, avoid carrying bottles from the store to the apartment and simply not overpay for the brand of drinking water - you need to install your own drinking water filter for the apartment and at any time get tasty and healthy tap water kitchen!

What types of apartment filters exist?

Today there are quite a lot of solutions for water purification, which differ in both capital and periodic investments, size, performance, and the need to replace consumables - cartridges or filter media. The most common filters for purifying tap water in an apartment:

  • Filter nozzle for faucet
  • Filter jug
  • Main filter for water supply
  • Flow-through water purification system for the kitchen
  • Reverse osmosis system
  • Compact softeners for water purification for the entire apartment
  • Filters for washing machines and dishwashers
  • Filters for steam generators, ice makers and coffee machines

Drinking water purification

Despite their affordable cost, filter jugs and faucet attachments are gradually losing their popularity - they are being replaced by more productive and economical flow-through and reverse osmosis systems. The short lifespan of cartridges and the low degree of cleaning of jugs make them economically profitable only for a short period of time. And if you need to purify water in an apartment for the whole family, then filtration systems installed under the sink have practically no competitors.

The most popular type of filter for water purification in an apartment is reverse osmosis. This system removes insoluble and suspended particles (rust, sand, silt), nitrates, fluorides, nitrites, pesticides, ammonium salts and other chemical elements. Reverse osmosis is also able to filter out viruses and bacteria, reduce hardness, the amount of iron and active chlorine.

There is a widespread myth about “dead water”, which is obtained after filtration by such systems, however, experts are sure that it is better to use clean water than that which, along with the beneficial mineral composition, contains excesses of heavy metals, fluorides, chlorine and microbiology. There are also reverse osmosis systems with a mineralizer, which partially restores the salt composition of water. It is also worth noting that a person receives most useful microelements from food, and not from water. If you consume fruits, vegetables and dairy products, then reverse osmosis water will only bring benefits. The capacity of the reverse osmosis system is up to 200 liters of clean water per day. After deep cleaning, drinking water is accumulated in a special tank. Therefore, even in the event of an unexpected shutdown, you will have your own supply of drinking water, which comes under its own pressure created by a rubber bulb inside the tank.

Reverse osmosis water is ideal for ice makers and coffee machines, because scale does not form from its use. A nice bonus when installing a reverse osmosis water purification system for an apartment is that it is recommended to use it in irons and steamers - there will no longer be whitish stains on clothes, and the equipment will last much longer. The situation is similar with steam generators and air humidification systems. If you need to purify water from suspended substances, iron and chlorine, but maintain the mineral composition of the water, you should choose a simpler flow-through water purification system. It is worth noting that this is the most inexpensive water filter for washing. This system uses the same purification steps as a reverse osmosis filter, but does not use a reverse osmosis membrane.

After the filters under the sink, the water flows into a separate clean water tap or into a special kitchen faucet with a drinking water tap. Which under-sink water filter is best for your kitchen is up to you to decide; we can offer a wide range of equipment and spare parts, install and service a household water filter. You can buy a water filter for your sink with installation in Ekodar company stores or order a water filter with delivery.

Drinking water vending machine for apartments

A modern replacement for coolers are drinking water dispensers, or simply purifiers. While delivering water to an apartment is quite profitable for business, it is quite an expensive pleasure for residents. In addition to the cost, water for a cooler delivered is often of poor quality, because... bottled without filtration or into unprepared, dirty bottles. Therefore, more and more corporate and private clients are choosing coolers without bottles - purifiers, in which water comes from the central water supply and undergoes high-quality purification through filtration cartridges. There are even models with ultraviolet water disinfection, so that the water gets perfectly clean into your glass!

Tabletop machines, in particular Ecomaster Cube, are especially popular. This innovative development from the English company Waterlogic not only purifies water using cartridge filters, but also disinfects it using a special ultraviolet spiral with Firewall technology. The machine can provide you with unlimited access to cold and hot water. The equipment is equipped with child protection to prevent little fidgets from getting burned.

Soda at home? Easily!

Good news for lovers of carbonated mineral water - the Ecodar company brings to your attention floor-standing machines with a water carbonation function. You can make it like classic carbonated water with carbon dioxide, or you can make a healthy oxygen cocktail. Such a machine takes up less space than a cooler. No bottles are required - the connection is made directly to the water supply line. The water undergoes deep purification through a flow system or a filter with a reverse osmosis membrane.

Stages of water purification in an apartment using reverse osmosis

  • Mechanical purification – preliminary purification of water in the apartment from suspended particles and various insoluble impurities.
  • Sorption filtration - a cartridge filter filled with activated carbon granules, designed to remove active chlorine and its odor, as well as to protect the membrane from chlorine exposure.
  • Carbon block is a monolithic carbon block that removes unpleasant odors and organic compounds.
  • A reverse osmosis membrane is the main filter element that purifies water from toxic metals, fluorides, nitrites, nitrates, various salts, bacteria, viruses and high-molecular components of organic origin.
  • Mineralizer is a special cartridge designed to enrich water with potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, as well as other trace elements and beneficial mineral salts.
  • Post-carbon is an additional purification filter that allows you to significantly improve the taste of water, as well as completely remove organic compounds and odors remaining after the previous stages.

Water purification throughout the apartment

A main flow water filter is installed at the water inlet to the apartment. It is designed to filter large contaminants - sand, rust, dissolved iron. Such filters are often installed for both cold and hot water. As a rule, cartridge filters are made of plastic, however, there are also metal analogues made of stainless steel.

A shower filter in the form of a nozzle is an ineffective way to remove water hardness. The models we tested showed effectiveness within 10-15 times of taking a full shower. After this, the ion-exchange properties of the material ended and the filter cartridge needed to be replaced. The low cost of such a filter is illusory, because The frequency of purchasing filter elements is quite high and it is much more profitable to install a full-fledged softener in the form of a cylinder with ion-exchange resin and automatic control, or a compact cabinet-type softener for an apartment.

Compact bathroom softener Ecodar Compact occupies 1/3 m2, while effectively eliminating the hardness of cold water. Because Hot water leaves its hardness when heated in boilers; when taking a shower, you will receive soft water that is ideal for the human body. Women especially notice the difference - after installing filter softeners in their apartment, their skin no longer feels dry and tight, their hair becomes less brittle and easier to comb. The amount of detergents will also be reduced - soap and shampoos foam much more intensely in soft water. Softener without cartridges - once a month you will need to monitor the level of salt, which is necessary to regenerate the beneficial properties of the ion-exchange filter material.

Buy a filter for water purification in an apartment in Moscow or St. Petersburg

You can purchase water filters for sinks, as well as softener filters for the entire apartment, in Ecodar company stores. Our specialists will select and install a filter for your apartment at a time convenient for you.

Kitchen filters

Household osmosis Platinum Wasser Ultra 7 Bio

A seven-stage water purification system with a separate tap and storage tank, designed to produce drinking water of the highest quality. The main filter element is a semi-permeable membrane that purifies water at the molecular level. The filter is easily installed under the sink. The system is equipped with a tank and a double tap for clean water, which allows you to obtain drinking water from a separate, independent source, both with minerals (for food consumption) and clean water (for coffee machines, steam and ice makers, etc.)

Price: from 13 200

The quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. Boiling makes it relatively safer, but not cleaner. Constantly buying bottled water is inconvenient and unprofitable - a decent amount accumulates over the course of a year. Therefore, many people think about buying a filter for drinking water. They can be different - they are put directly on the tap or installed under the sink, they differ in the number of degrees of cleaning - choosing the right device is not easy. Therefore, we decided to tell you which filter gives the best cleaning results, how to determine the necessary option for turning hard, rusty, unfit for drinking liquid into good quality drinking water. Ten tips will help you make the right choice.

Main selection criteria

How to choose the best filter based on basic parameters?

It is difficult to choose a suitable filter without understanding what task it should perform. Therefore, before going to the store you will have to understand a few points.

  • Degree of water pollution. The worse the water quality, the more powerful the filter is needed. If even visually you notice that the color of the water is cloudy or reddish, pay attention to better systems.
  • Degree of purification. It all depends on your preferences. Most budget filters make water simply drinkable; more expensive systems provide the maximum degree of purification. The composition of the water becomes closer to distilled.
  • Purpose of application. If for use at work it is more convenient to purchase a regular jug, then for an apartment the best option would still be a stationary model.

Types of filters

What type of filter is better to choose?

There are many water filters on the market. They differ in design, quality of purification, size, and volume of water produced. Let's look at their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and you decide for yourself which option to choose.

  • Filter jug. Primitive in design, compact and inexpensive devices. They consist of a 1-2 liter container, a reservoir and a filter located inside. The use is very simple - water is poured into the tank, passes through the filter and flows into the jug. An inexpensive and simple option - you can take it to work, on trips, or use it in an apartment, provided that your water needs are small. This type of device copes well with light stains, but you should not expect deep cleaning from it.
  • Flow filter. More complex systems connected to the water supply. Cheap models purify water only from chlorine and large foreign impurities. Models that use carbon filters also cope with phenol, a bacterial environment. More expensive filters are more effective. Flow models differ in design. There are stationary devices installed under the sink or on a table next to the sink. A separate tap is provided for supplying purified water. Filter attachments are less common. All flow devices are easy to use, compact, and purify water quite effectively. To install them, you do not need to resort to the services of specialists. But there are also disadvantages - a short service life of the filters, high cost of consumables.
  • Multistage systems. The best filters for purifying heavily contaminated water are devices with a reverse osmosis membrane with several stages of purification. They cope well with any foreign impurities or substances. Many models are quite compact in size, like flow filters, and are designed for installation under the sink. The disadvantages include the rather high cost of the devices themselves and consumables, as well as considerable water consumption. For example, to obtain one liter of purified water suitable for drinking, about five liters of the original liquid will be consumed. For apartments with water meters, this option will result in an additional expense item.

Filter manufacturers

Which manufacturers make the best filters?

If you want to get good quality water, you should choose well-known, reputable manufacturers. Several brands are considered the best and most popular.

  1. "Aquaphor". A well-known Russian brand that produces all types of filters. The company offers models in different price categories. A big plus is that replacement cartridges for filter jugs can be purchased even in regular supermarkets. You will find many flow systems of this brand on sale. Some of them use the unique substance Aqualene - our own patented development. Models with reverse osmosis are also available. The brand's products are popular among users due to their good quality and reasonable cost.
  2. "Barrier". Another Russian brand that is a worthy competitor to Aquaphor. The manufacturer offers customers jugs, tabletop filters, under-sink models, and complex reverse osmosis devices. You can choose the best option, taking into account the area of ​​the apartment and the kitchen in particular, your budget and needs. It differs from other companies in its interesting offers - the assortment includes shower filters and children's filters.
  3. Aqualine. A budget but popular brand made in Taiwan. Specializes mainly in flow systems and reverse osmosis models. At a low price, the products are of good quality. The main distinguishing feature is that transparent plastic is used to make the first flask, through which you can visually monitor the degree of filter contamination.

In addition to these three brands, there are other brands that deserve attention - Novaya Voda, Kristal, Atoll, Geyser.


How much do water filters cost, which one is better to choose - expensive or budget?

The cost of a filter device for drinking water depends on the type of design, brand, performance, and set of functions.

  • The price of the simplest jugs starts from about 300 rubles. But here it’s better not to save money and take a slightly more expensive model. For example, “Aquaphor Provence” with the function of purifying free chlorine and softening water.
  • The cost of faucet attachments starts at an average of 1,500 rubles. But here, too, we recommend giving preference to models with optimal cleaning quality. Users speak well of the Breeze filter with the functions of iron removal, water softening and purification from free chlorine.
  • The cheapest desktop dispenser costs about 1,500 rubles. But, again, consider more solid models. The Keosan KS-971 filter is quite popular among users. It costs about 7,000 rubles, but has six stages of purification, the function of deferrization, softening, and mineralization of water.
  • Under-sink filters are more expensive. You can also find very cheap models starting from 500 rubles, but, as a rule, they do not cope with their functions and quickly break down. The cost of reliable and efficient models starts at an average of 5,000 rubles.
  • Reverse osmosis systems provide the highest quality cleaning, but they also cost accordingly. The price of a functional and high-quality filter is at least 6,000 rubles. There are models that cost over 50,000 rubles. The price depends on the brand, set of functions and number of cleaning levels.

Initial water quality

How to choose the best filter based on the initial water quality?

The water that flows from the tap may contain a variety of impurities - harmless and hazardous to health. Therefore, before purchasing a filter, it is advisable to find out the quality and composition of the water. Take the time to take a water sample to a sanitary and epidemiological station or a private laboratory for analysis.

Based on the results obtained, you can already select a filter. Be sure to pay attention to the hardness of the water. For values ​​up to 8 mEq, a conventional flow filter can be installed. If the hardness is higher - up to 8-12 mEq, only a system with reverse osmosis can handle the cleaning. This same system should be preferred if the examination report indicates the presence of organic substances, bacteria, and fungi.

Cleaning method

Which filters are better, which one to choose - absorption, membrane or osmotic?

Modern systems are made up of several types of filters for the most effective water purification. The most commonly used options are:

  • Absorption. A filter element based on an absorbent, the function of which is most often performed by a carbon filter. With use, the quality of cleaning gradually decreases. The filter needs to be changed regularly. If this is not done, after a while it itself will become a source of pollution.
  • Ion exchange. The operating principle is based on the reaction of replacing unacceptable substances with harmless compounds. Such filters are good to use, for example, when calcium salts exceed the norm. A small minus is that the exchange buffer depletes quite quickly.
  • Membrane. The contaminated water is passed through a molecular sieve - microscopic channels in the membrane. Their diameter is so small that it does not exceed the size of a water molecule. All larger molecules and particles cannot penetrate the membrane. Filters are effective and economical to operate.
  • Osmotic. Modern, most effective purification devices using the principle of reverse osmosis. They are distinguished by a high degree of purification, removing all salts, minerals and other foreign substances from water. The downside is the high cost. Compared to flow-through devices, the productivity is very low, so the reverse osmosis filter must be equipped with a storage tank.

Cleaning steps

How many cleaning stages are best to choose?

Different filters have from one to eight stages of cleaning. The more of them, the safer and more pleasant the taste of the water. In multi-stage devices, the first three stages are considered the most important.

  1. Water is purified from mechanical impurities - rust, silt, sand. Particles are retained by porous polypropylene filters. Some of them remove iron dissolved in water already at the first stage.
  2. Heavy metals disappear from the water, and it softens due to ion exchange.
  3. Chlorine, foreign odors, and pesticides are removed by absorption. The general properties of water improve – smell, taste, color. The most common absorbent substance is activated carbon. Some companies produce it from coconut shells, increasing the absorption capacity of the filler by 2-3 times. The addition of silver prevents the development of pathogenic microflora inside the filter.

Subsequent stages depend on the filter model. For example, reverse osmosis, iron removal, water mineralization.

Additional filter properties

What additional properties of filters should I choose - iron removal, mineralization?

Some models provide the possibility of installing additional filters. For example, to enrich water with minerals after treatment with reverse osmosis systems.

  • Additional filters for removing iron. It is advisable to install such a filter only in those areas where its content in the water is high. Excess iron is harmful to health and the condition of household appliances. The water supplied through the central pipelines contains divalent and trivalent iron. Coarse filters can only handle ferric iron. To get rid of ferrous iron, it is necessary to use more complex filling-type devices with multicomponent mixtures. In addition to their main purpose, they eliminate excessive water hardness, manganese, and a number of other compounds.
  • Water mineralization. Reverse osmosis filters “for washing” retain not only harmful compounds, but also useful mineral components. Some models are equipped with an additional mineralization option. If not, then you can install the mineralizer yourself. Just before purchasing a filter, check with the seller whether it is possible to add a mineralizer to the model you have chosen. This is a small plastic device filled with slowly dissolving minerals. They already end up in purified water.

Water consumption

How to choose the best filter based on water consumption calculations?

Before purchasing a device, you need to calculate how much drinking water your family needs per month. Every day a person needs two liters of clean water. To this volume you need to add about another liter, which will be consumed in the form of soup or coffee. That is, one person needs about three liters of water per day. For a family of three people, the average water consumption per month will be about 270 liters. This figure should be compared with the performance of the model and the filter resource.

For example, cartridges for jugs have a small resource - only 250-300 liters. It will require monthly replacement, which is not very economical. Models with the reverse osmosis principle have a longer service life - 3000-8000 liters. At maximum performance, the lifespan of one cartridge is about 30 months. But experts do not recommend using the same filter for more than a year, since it can itself become a source of water pollution, so purchasing devices with a maximum service life also does not make much sense. Choose the golden mean.

Filter fillers

Which filter fillers are better to choose - coal, shungite, zeolite?

The cleaning principle is approximately the same for all filters, but various substances can be used as filler.

  • Activated carbon. It is used very often due to its high level of absorption. It purifies water efficiently and is quite affordable.
  • Zeolite. Quite often used to fill filters. Removes ammonia and other harmful organic compounds from water. A unique natural mineral easily copes with the absorption of salts of heavy metals, chemicals, nitrates, phenols, bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms and radioactive elements.
  • Shungite. This is a rock with powerful cleansing properties. It is considered the optimal filler for removing chlorine and a number of complex organic and organochlorine compounds. Simultaneously with purification, shungite saturates the water with useful microelements, magnesium and calcium salts.

Everyone knows that drinking tap water is contraindicated, since the leaking liquid is heavily contaminated with various impurities. It is better to drink it only after it has undergone additional purification. It is for these purposes that water purification filters exist. But how do you know which water filter is best? Our article is devoted to finding an answer to this question.

From this article you will learn:

    What is the best water filter?

    What types of water filters are there?

    How to choose the best water filter

    How to choose a main water filter

Which water filter is best?

It’s better to say right away that there are no ideal filters that would purify water from absolutely all impurities at once. However, the modern market offers a huge number of options. There are both individual filters and complex solutions that provide high-quality water purification.

In order to figure out which water filter is better, let’s get acquainted with the main characteristics of these devices.

When choosing the water treatment equipment that is best for you, here are some things to consider:

    how safe is the material from which the water filter is made;

    is the water treatment device capable of reducing the concentration of harmful substances during operation;

    Is a water filter capable of preventing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms?

Also, the material from which the water filter is made should not have any foreign “chemical” odor. Moreover, devices connected to the water supply must have a durable and reliable design: modern models, as a rule, use glass-filled plates.

Professionals say that it is better not to skimp on a water filter, since with the help of cheap equipment you will not achieve the required degree of purification, and besides, you can add foreign pollutants to the water.

In order to decide which water filter is best to choose, you should pay attention to:

    Number of cleaning stages– the higher this indicator, the better the quality of water purification.

    Filtration Features– it is necessary to determine which impurities should be purified from water in your case (chlorine, iron, etc.). In order to understand which water filter is best to choose, you should conduct a preliminary study of the composition of the water.

    Mineralizer– quite often it is installed by default, but at the moment its beneficial properties have not been confirmed by science.

    Performance– this property depends on the number of people who will use this equipment. For example, for one or two people a jug-type filter will be sufficient, but for a large family it is better to use a stationary model, since the water in the jug will not have time to settle.

    Confirmation of high level of purification. In the technical data sheet of the equipment you will find information regarding the certification of the filter, and acceptable cleaning standards should also be indicated.

In order to decide which water filter is best to choose for an apartment, check out the ratings of filters, the reputation of companies and the results of examinations of household equipment on the website of Roskontrol of the Russian Federation.

Which water filter is better: TOP-5

The modern Russian market offers five options for water purification devices, and you have to determine which water filter is better. Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Filter jug ​​consisting of two containers. The first is a jug, and the second is the volumetric lid of this jug through which water is poured. This lid is equipped with a replaceable filter in the form of a cylindrical cartridge, through which water flows into the jug.

    Nozzle for water tap. This type of filter is attached directly to the water tap. You can pour purified water into any container.

    Flow filters installed on the sink. In this situation, only a tube is mounted to the water tap, through which water flows into the filter located nearby. Passing through it, the water is purified and exits through a special tap, which is installed in this filter.

    Flow-through filter that is installed under the sink. It is connected directly to the water supply, and a small separate tap is brought to the sink, through which purified water flows. This way you can pour purified water directly into the glass.

    Reverse osmosis system. In this case, only one tap is brought to the sink. And under the sink, the filter itself is installed, as well as an additional container in which higher quality cleaning is carried out.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above water filter models.

Filter jugs

The simplest and cheapest option. These devices are the most popular in our country due to their low cost and mobility. For example, you can easily take a filter jug ​​to your dacha to purify water.

The disadvantages of a water filter jug ​​are limited resource, volume and selection. The first disadvantage is that the water purification filter you purchased will last you no more than a month and a half. After the expiration date indicated on the package, the removable cartridge must be replaced with a new one. However, the life of the cartridge does not depend on a certain period of time, but on how much water you purify with it every day. Therefore, the more liters of water you purify, the more often you will have to change the cartridge.

The volume of this filter is limited by the displacement of the jug. In order to make a large supply of water, you will have to pour it from a jug into another container. Which water filter jug ​​is best to choose? It all depends on the composition of the water. For example, one pitcher-type filter softens water better, another reduces the level of iron in water, etc.

Such filters are not capable of providing a high level of purification. It is better not to use this model for residents of those cities where tap water is highly contaminated.

A water filter jug ​​is suitable for those people who live alone or young families renting an apartment. But for a family consisting of several people and actively consuming clean drinking water, it is better not to use this option.

This type of water filter is not the most popular in the Russian Federation, however, they can still be found on sale. As a rule, these models are produced by foreign companies.

The advantages of this filter are its inexpensive and affordable price and compact size. Thanks to these characteristics, this device is best suited for people who are often on the move. In this case, they can easily transport the filter in any travel bag, and it will also fit most water taps, except those that have a non-standard shape.

Also, these water filters have their disadvantages. Due to their compact size, they contain a small amount of purifying substances, therefore, this leads to a decrease in the degree of water purification. Also, these filter models are characterized by a low level of performance. For example, using this device you can purify no more than half a liter of running water per minute. If the filter cleaning speed is higher, then the quality of cleaning decreases.

The filter installed on the sink is also not very popular in our country. Just like the filter attachment, this model is usually produced by foreign companies.

This model, unlike the above options, has several advantages. This filter is capable of providing deeper water purification and also purifies a larger amount of liquid than previous models.

But we can also highlight disadvantages associated with discomfort. The main inconvenience of this water filter is that during operation it is necessary to connect and disconnect a flexible hose from the tap, through which water enters the filter, and then the purified liquid enters the glass. This water filter is large in size and, as a rule, is not suitable for small kitchens.

This option is best used by family people renting housing. This filter has such qualities as a deep degree of purification, a long service life and a high degree of performance, and does not require complex installation. You can turn off the water filter at any time and move it to another location.

This type of water filter, like a filter jug, is best sold in stores. It consists of fairly voluminous replaceable cartridges, which are fixed to a base installed under the sink. The tap of this device is placed into a hole specially cut in the sink, and the filter is connected directly to the water supply.

This water filter for washing has a number of advantages. The first plus is represented by a fairly large resource, which allows you to replace the nozzles once every 6 months or even a year. Another advantage of this water filter is its deep level of purification. It is better to install a filter equipped with two, three or even four cartridges, each of which is designed to perform its own function. At the same time, the water becomes not only clean, but also enriched with beneficial properties. Moreover, you have the opportunity to collect purified water in any container.

This type of water filter also has its disadvantages, the main one being the lack of mobility. If, if you move, you want to take it with you, then the hole from the special tap will be visible in the sink. In addition, this model of water filter, as well as replacement cartridges for it, are quite expensive.

This type of filter, despite its size and complexity of design, is very popular in Russia. The peculiarity of the reverse osmosis system is that the water is purified not only with conventional filters, but also with the help of a special reverse osmosis membrane, which better purifies the water, helping to eliminate not only various impurities, but even the smallest bacteria and microorganisms.

The main advantage of such water filters is the ideal degree of purification. The water will be filtered from various impurities and dangerous, pathogenic bacteria. This system allows you to use water in its pure form. Another advantage is the long service life of this model. For example, a conventional filter cartridge, also included in this system, must be replaced once a year, and the osmotic membrane will need to be changed no more than once every three years.

The disadvantage of such a system is its high cost; any other model of water filter will cost several times less. Oddly enough, an excessively deep degree of water purification can also be classified as a disadvantage, since the membrane prevents the penetration of not only harmful microorganisms, but also minerals contained in the water.

So you may also incur additional costs for installing a mineralizer and water structurer, which, in turn, are also high in cost. Do not forget that the design of this system is quite voluminous, and you will no longer be able to place a trash can under the sink.

A water filter with a reverse osmosis system is best suited for a wealthy family living in an apartment with a large kitchen or in a private house.

Water treatment kits in our catalog

Main water filter: which one is better?

A very popular model is the in-line water filter. It is installed on water mains. Accordingly, if the house has hot and cold water supply, then two devices will be required.

Using these devices, preliminary water purification is carried out, as well as:

    Chemicals, various bacteria, pesticides and other hazardous substances are removed from water.

    The taste of the water becomes better and, consequently, the taste of the cooked food improves; unpleasant odors and turbidity are eliminated.

    Rigidity softens. Many people complain that tap water dries out their skin. This filter is best suited for hard water.

    The equipment is protected from a variety of contaminants.

Each water treatment device has its own operating principles. And in order to decide which water filter is better, you need to understand which one is most convenient for you to use.

Reinforced plastic, metal and stainless steel are used to make the filter housing. The material is selected depending on the characteristics of the water that needs to be purified. There are various models designed for cold or hot water, and there are also universal devices.

The water in the filter is purified thanks to special cartridges. They need to be changed over time. Fine cleaning involves the use of backfill, which is selected based on the composition of the water.

Main water filters are distinguished:

    Single stage, which are capable of only the weakest level of water purification. In this case, it is necessary to change the cartridge every six months. Remove rust, sand, coarse suspensions and particles.

    Two-stage differ in better quality water purification. The filter has a carbon carbon block and a mechanical barrier built into it. They remove both large particles and organic matter, chlorine and unpleasant odors.

    Three-stage best way to purify water. These filters are equipped with three cartridges - a sediment cartridge, a layer of activated carbon and an ion exchange element that softens the water.

There are main filters for mechanical, chemical, biological and hard water purification.

It is important to know that to purify water at home, it is better not to use chemical purification, since an unpleasant odor may appear, but harmful impurities will remain. This method of water purification is best used for a well.

Many filter elements typically perform a specific type of water purification; it is best to use several stages for a more effective result.

The plumbing systems of private houses and apartments may differ. For an apartment, it is best to choose a water filter with two rust removers - for hot and cold mains; you can also use fine cleaning. To understand which water filter is best to purchase, you should analyze the following characteristics:

    The main device for purifying hot water in the country should have an optimal degree of mechanical cleaning, thanks to which the water will be clear. It is better to give preference to a filter with a fine mesh, which effectively traps contaminants.

    The body type of the “geyser” design can be metal, transparent or matte. The first one is generally best used for hot water to avoid melting plastic materials.

    Hydraulic loss is an important factor, so it is best for an apartment to use a water filter with minimal hydraulic loss. Water flow usually slows down when a filter is installed in the pipeline.

In order to understand which water filter is better, you need to pay attention to the filter module. The cartridge can be equipped with absorption material (activated carbon), silver ions, membrane material and osmotic composition, and is intended for mechanical cleaning only.

This water filter is best suited for wells or boreholes. Each cartridge has its own operating principle, and the result is a completely different composition of water.

Advantages of pipeline water filters:

    the main filter provides all types of filtration, including coarse mechanical, fine ionic, etc.;

    elimination of unpleasant odors - the filter makes the water taste better thanks to the activated carbon contained in the cartridge;

    Most mainline filters provide a deep degree of water purification.

Disadvantages of mainline water filters:

    if the filter does not have backwashing, and a well is used as a water source, then it is necessary to constantly clean the system and water supply;

    As a rule, you have to constantly change filter modules if the water comes from a contaminated well.

Our company Biokit offers a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification to systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

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