“how to reduce your expenses without saving. How can you save your family budget?

Any financial endeavors, such as budgeting, saving, saving money, often end before they begin, because... Without control of your spending, all your money simply “flows through your fingers.” Money, in truth, is like water – fluid matter. If you don’t control your expenses, they flow away without a trace.

Where to begin?

“The simplest” - because you will quickly get tired of a complex system and will always forget to follow it. “At hand” - so as not to remember and forget to take into account expenses and do it instantly - noted the expense and forgot. And “in cash” - because. Therefore, by leaving only cash, we will get instant savings, and it will be much easier for us to control one source of spending rather than 2-3 or more.

Envelope Method

I recommend starting with the super simple and “granny” Envelope Method. Don't let the primitiveness and lack of modernity of this method scare you. In fact, it is one of the most effective on the planet. Find out how it works and print it in the inserts for it.

Excel tables

A huge number of people keep their income and expenses in Excel spreadsheets. Excel is good because it allows you to see and count many numbers on one “sheet”. This is a fantastically useful tool for planning, but less useful for controlling expenses because in Excel we work with numbers, not real money.

Pros:- simplicity and accessibility - maintaining such a table does not require complex skills; Excel is available in a free online version and in Google docs.
— you work with a large number of numbers at the same time and can see your expenses in any “sections” — dozens of categories of expenses, by month, etc.

— Excel requires a fairly large screen and is not convenient on smartphones. Therefore, most likely this method is suitable for working on a computer and cannot be called “always at hand”
— it is based on numbers, not money. In Excel, you work with numbers and our brains don't connect those numbers to real money.
— you reflect expenses after making purchases. And an effective control system must provide control before you spend money.

Banks, piggy banks, etc.

In addition to envelopes, money can be placed in transparent jars, cylinders, bottles, vessels or boxes. At the same time, like envelopes, these banks are signed so that the money from each bank goes strictly for specific purposes.

Pros:you visually see how much money is added, subtracted and left in each jar.

Minuses:You can't carry these cans with you. As a result, most decisions about whether to buy or not to buy are made spontaneously, and money is taken out of the bank after the purchase.

Separate bank accounts

Bank accounts are usually free. You decide how many expense categories you want to control (food, clothing, entertainment, etc.), and name these accounts (in almost any online bank you can assign your own names to accounts) according to the expense categories (“food”, “clothing”, etc.).

Pros:you divide the money and clearly see how much you spent and on what in which category.

Minuses:we spend 30 percent or more more money when we pay with cards or electronic money. In addition, paying for many purchases from bank accounts is difficult or impossible. In this case, you will have two control systems - one for bank accounts, the other for cash, and this complicates the task.

Debit cards

Similar to the previous method. You can open several of the simplest and cheapest debit cards at the bank. Next, you deposit (transfer) your monthly limit for each category into these accounts and spend money on the appropriate categories from these accounts.

Pros: The convenience lies in the fact that the costs are divided into different flows. You can easily top up money within one bank, keep track of purchases and pay for them online.

Minuses: Not all expenses can be paid with cards; you need to carry several cards with you and not get confused with them. The cards may not be free. Well, again, we spend electronic money, which means we spend 30-40% more than when we pay in cash.

Smartphone applications


A huge plus is that smartphone is always at hand. You can instantly reflect purchases in the application, immediately see your balance and history for each expense item. Some applications are capable of sending various notifications with reminders. Everything is very clear and convenient.


The downside is the same as with many other systems. We “work” with numbers, not money, and we don’t feel “pain” when we reflect on spending.

Give yourself a daily allowance

You calculate how much money you would like to spend per day and give yourself the same amount every day, leaving all the other money and cards at home or in a bank account.

- you won't spend more money than you have.
- super simplicity - no need to count, mark, write down or remember anything.


this method works very poorly with variable costs, i.e. those expenses that change from month to month or occur irregularly or spontaneously.
— you don’t see how much money you spend on certain categories, and this is very useful information.
- you have a desire and temptation to spend the remaining money from the limit before the end of the day.

Virtual “envelopes”

There are applications, at least in English, that allow you to imitate real envelopes and create virtual ones. This option is similar to opening separate bank accounts.

Pros:no need to carry cards and envelopes with you.

- again, this method is not tied to real money.
— n nothing prevents you from getting into the red. Again, we are spending not money, but numbers.


Carry with you an ordinary notebook, where you can keep records of different categories of expenses on separate pages.

Pros: mega simple

- you will have to, everywhere and always, carry a notepad and pen with you,
- it’s not always convenient to write down

Method 20/30/50

I call this method “for the lazy”. Every month you distribute 20 of all the money that comes into the house for savings, 50% goes to living expenses (housing, utilities (50 ways to save on it), food, basic clothing, transportation, etc.) and 30% goes to life. style, i.e. for lifestyle expenses. Such expenses can be cafes, restaurants, beautiful and numerous clothes and shoes, trips, parties, gifts - in general, everything that makes your life happy.

This is a very simplified model and does not take into account that the family may be in a position where these proportions should be completely different for some time.

For example, during accelerated debt repayment, which can take from several months to several years, you need to pause savings and reduce lifestyle expenses to an absolute minimum, then you need to repay all debts (possibly except the mortgage), and only after that, restore the proportion to 20/30/50.

However, it is better to use this control method than none at all.


As you can see, I have presented ways to control budgets and expenses that are quite simple and accessible to everyone. Choose the one you like and the one that will work. You can choose your method - the main thing is that it works. And remember, the best tracking system shows you, in real time, how much money you have left, by category or expense item before the way you shop.

Share your methods

What cost control methods do you know? send me to .

May be useful

If, in addition to how to ✔ control your expenses, you are interested in: ✔ how to reduce your expenses without deteriorating your usual lifestyle (about 200 ideas), ✔ how to make a Family Budget and stick to it, ✔ how to quickly repay loans and debts and ✔ much much another thing - you may be interested in my video course, in which I, in the format of video lectures (9 modules, 15 video lessons), in detail and with examples, cover each topic and show what and how to do.

Or you may be interested in its shorter and cheaper version with 3 (out of 9) key modules (budgeting, accelerated debt repayment and goal setting)

👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa - an expert on family finances.



Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish

Based on your request, these examples may contain crude language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial language.

Translation of "minimize costs" in French

Other translations

The Tribunal seeks minimize costs on courier services, and strictly controls their use; j) maintenance and repair of office equipment.

Le Tribunal applique une politique très stricte tendant à limiter au maximum le recours aux services de messagerie; j) Entretien du matériel de bureau.

Tendant à limiter au maximum le recours aux services de messagerie; j) Entretien du matériel de bureau.">

As part of these efforts, UNPA continues to review contractual arrangements with philatelic resellers and distribution agents in an effort to minimize costs for basic infrastructure.

Dans le cadre de ces efforts, elle continue d"examiner les accords contractuels qu"elle a passés avec les négociants et distributeurs de timbres, cherchant ainsi à réduire les coûts d"infrastructure de base.

Ainsi à réduire les coûts d"infrastructure de base.">

I would like to assure the Security Council that, as required by paragraph 22 of resolution 1284, every effort is being made to minimize costs on the activities of the United Nations related to the implementation of resolution 986.

Je voudrais assurer le Conseil de sécurité que tout est mis en oeuvre, conformément au paragraphe 22 de la résolution 1284 en vue de réduire au maximum le coût des activités des Nations Unies associées à l"application de la résolution 986.

Réduire au maximum le coût des activités des Nations Unies associées à l"application de la résolution 986.">

The initiative expects governments to implement policies and actions through creative multi-stakeholder partnerships and innovative financing methods to minimize costs schools associated with Internet access, or make this access free.

Il est prévu que les gouvernements mettent en œuvre les politiques et mesures défendues par cette initiative au moyen de multipartenariats inventifs et de solutions financières novatrices visant à réduire au maximum les coûts supportés par lesétablissements scolaires.

à réduire au maximum les coûts supportés par les établissements scolaires.">

Suggest an example

Other results

Such agreements effectively promote the interest of each country in the activities of the center and allow minimize operational expenses.

Ces arrangements ont eu un effet décisif du point de vue de l"appropriation des activités par les pays concernés et ont, en même temps, permis de réduire au minimum les dépenses de fonctionnement.

Réduire au minimum les dépenses de fonctionnement.">

In addition, if a project is found to be not producing the desired results, the Department should abandon it so that minimize unjustified expenses.

S"il s"avère qu"un projet ne donne pas les résultats souhaités, le Département doit l"abandonner sans délai pour reduire au minimum le gaspillage de entrainé.

Reduire au minimum le gaspillage de resources entrainé.">

Other ministers said it was important minimize administrative expenses and ensure that maximum resources are allocated to the intended purpose of any partnership and to avoid the creation of unnecessary bureaucracy.

D"autres intervenants ont rappelé qu"il importait de controller au maximum les frais administratifs, et de faire en sorte que le plus de ressources possible soit consacré aux objectifs déclarés des partenariats, sans création de bureaucratie inutile.

Contrôler au maximum les frais administratifs, et de faire en sorte que le plus de ressources possible soit consacré aux objectifs déclarés des partenariats, sans création de bureaucratie inutile.">

Working in countries affected by such disasters, the Order's employees purchase local goods to minimize transport expenses and help strengthen local economies, which provides a powerful boost to efforts to mobilize self-help.

Dans les pays touches, l"Ordre achète localement des marchandises pour limiter les frames de transport et renforcer l"économie locale, donnant ainsi un élan soutenu à l"auto-assistance.

Limiter les frais de transport et renforcer l"économie locale, donnant ainsi un élan soutenu à l"auto-assistance.">

Where tax exemption for assistance programs is being considered, countries should ensure that minimize administrative expenses and opportunities for fraud.

Dans les cas où une exonération fiscale de ces opérations est envisagée, les pays sont encouragés à utiliser des mécanismes réduisant au minimum les tâches administratives et les possibilités de fraude.

Réduisant au minimum les tâches administratives et les possibilités de fraude.">

In conclusion, the Nigerian delegation reiterates the need to improve the working methods of the Ad Hoc Committee, which should focus on a limited number of topics and minimize unjustified expenses to study issues dealt with by other United Nations bodies.

Enfin, la délégation nigériane rappelle qu"il est nécessaire de simplifier les méthodes de travail du Comité spécial, qui devrait se centerer sur des questions moins nombreuses et sur des sujets dont s"occupent déjà d"autres organes des Nations Unies.

éviter de gaspiller ses ressources sur des sujets dont s"occupent déjà d"autres organes des Nations Unies.">

This solution involved a sampling design using fewer groups to organize the survey in such a way that minimize any additional expenses arising in connection with travel, etc.

Les problèmes techniques qu"il a fallu résoudre car ils sortent du cadre du present document.">

She assured the Executive Board that UNFPA would make every effort to minimize impact on programs expenses to ensure safety and security.

La Directrice exécutive adjointe a assuré le Conseil d"administration que le FNUAP ferait tout son possible pour reduire au minimum l"incidence des frais de securité sur les programmes.

Reduire au minimum l"incidence des frais de securité sur les programmes.">

Are you trying to run a business and spend minimal money? Here is a list of 12 valuable tips that successful entrepreneurs have used over the years to launch and grow their companies at minimal cost. You can review this list and then determine which strategies you can use in your new venture.

Instead of paying for advice on legal, accounting, finance or other key business issues, use your mentors and advisors. Most people in your firm have skills that can help you save money—you just have to find them and uncover them. They will be able to provide you with valuable advice and guidance.

2. Free consulting services.

Many organizations, local small business development centers, offer free advice and training. Take advantage of the services of free specialists.

3. Barter or trade.

Barter is the exchange of one thing for another. This has been an effective way of doing business for centuries. In recent years, barter has emerged as a reliable strategy for sourcing goods, trading services, preserving cash, moving inventory, and identifying excess production capacity. The International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA) helps match companies interested in exchanging goods and services.

4. Incentives.

Your team members will often work for fair or deferred payments, bonuses, and not just salary. This will help you reduce costs during the startup and early development stages of your business. Don’t think that if you don’t give specialists their well-deserved bonuses, you can save money. Ultimately, this will result in the professional leaving your company.

5. Partnership with suppliers.

The right suppliers will save you a lot of time and money: they can provide high-quality materials, help with product development, offer timely delivery and extended payment terms. Many supplier companies offer 30 to 90 days of trade credit - this is the best business credit you can get.

6. Partnerships with clients.

Partnering with clients during your new project launch is a great cost-saving strategy. Select a few key customers and offer them deals they can't refuse: discounted prices, special packaging, strong support and the like.

In exchange for these deals, ask for long-term commitments to purchase your products. And whenever possible, get customers to pay early—ideally, even before you deliver your products or services.

7. Outsourcing.

Outsourcing is a multi-billion dollar industry. You can find outsourcing partners to get almost any product or service you need. Outsourcing turns what would normally be a fixed cost into a variable cost because you only use the service when you need it.

8. Distributors, company representatives and partners.

Most industries have distributors, manufacturer representatives and partners who will sell your products through existing distribution channels, which can be extensive. Choose a more convenient way to sell and purchase goods and use it. But be prepared to turn to a different strategy at the right time to cut costs. Naturally, the best option would be to work directly with manufacturers and clients themselves, rather than intermediaries. This is a great way to quickly build sales and save money because you don't pay the affiliate until your products sell.

9. Put on sale.

Use a commission sales program where you need to hire a team. This will attract people who truly believe in you, your products and your purpose. It also conserves cash and keeps expenses low.

10. Loan, rent, purchase, use.

Find ways to use other people's resources, free equipment, or offices to supplement your own. Borrow rather than rent whenever possible; rent rather than buy; and buy used items rather than new ones. Some industries have excellent equipment that has already been used. It is available for an amount several times less than the cost of a new one, and at the same time is not inferior in quality. Also, search for bankrupt companies that are selling property at auction to see if you can get what you need inexpensively.

11. Use free software.

Although the law requires you to install only licensed software, there are many legal, free or low-cost programs and services available on the Internet. Various programs will help you manage your finances, plan your projects, track your clients, and much more. You can also take advantage of free trial periods (demo versions) for most business software. This gives you the opportunity to try the app for free for 30 days or more to see if you really need it.

12. Minimize expenses.

You have personal and business expenses—keep them to a minimum, especially if you're starting a new business or expanding your enterprise. This is not the time to buy a new home or car. The longer you can keep yourself from spending big, the better. Likewise, don't accept any ongoing business expenses unless they are essentially necessary.

Living with a minimum of expenses is possible, it all depends on your attitude and approach to it. The point is that living without many things can be liberating rather than depriving. For those who have to cut costs too harshly, for those who travel frequently for work or for themselves, and for those who simply need less than they currently have, this article will be a great help. In it you can find ways to achieve a lifestyle in which little is enough for you.


Part 1

The right attitude

    Direct your thoughts in the right direction. You need the right attitude - without it you will not be able to live frugally, and the small amount of money that you have will be spent trying to distract yourself from thoughts about how much you lack to be happy. With the right attitude, you will behave like many millionaires do, you will be able to save and live happily, productively and without shame. Spending less than you earn (or better yet, much less), investing wisely (buying things that are reliable rather than flashy and expensive), and remaining financially independent (don't brag about the wealth you have) is a surefire way to stand on your own. feet through life.

    • View frugal living as a new opportunity or even an adventure. Even if you don’t like all this, there will still be benefits - during this time you will be able to save money, which will simplify your life in the future.
    • Cherish simplicity as a way of life. Read the article on how to simplify your life for more ideas.
  1. Make the most of your situation. Whatever your reasons for downshifting or your age, see it as an opportunity to find balance in your life. This may be an opportunity for you to reconnect with people you had little or no time for in your previous life, such as family or friends. It may also be a chance to get back into the fold of your church (or other organization).

    Stay on budget And be economical . If you budget, make sure you do it correctly. If not, then believe me - you need a budget. There's a reason to start thinking about any purchase, big or small - will it fit into your monthly budget if you make it? The easiest way to budget is in an app like Mint or Level Money. With their help, you can track your expenses and see exactly where and how much money you spent. This will allow you to understand where you can save money.

    • Don't feel like your budget is tying your hands. It gives you a certain amount of freedom, but helps you keep yourself in line during times of recklessness, and it can even save you from bad habits. For example, you won't need to spend money to calm down. You no longer need to buy ready-made food instead of preparing it yourself at home. You will not allow someone to lure you into the gym when you can do sports outside.
  2. Find a way to make money, including through your skills. If you don't have a job or don't want one on principle, look for ways to make money by working for yourself. Or exchange services with others so as not to waste money.

    • Grow vegetables to sell.
    • Brew soap, create cosmetics, jewelry, etc. and sell at the craft market.
    • Offer services for tree trimming, grass mowing, training, cleaning, car washing at a decent price.
    • Look through thrift stores for items you can sell online. Some people are so good at this that they make a living by reselling goods.

    Part 2

    Living cheaper is real
    1. Try to reduce the amount on your utility bills. Of course, we are not at all hinting that in order to save light or gas you need to live in the dark and cold, not at all! Just a few changes, and you will live with almost the same comfort and less terrible figures on your utility bills. If you have autonomous heating, then in the cold months turn it on to the minimum comfortable temperature and dress warmly at home - this will help you save on heating costs.

      Try to use less water. It is enough to change just a few of your habits - and now you are no longer surprised what kind of pipe you were able to pour so much water into. For example, you can turn on the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. You can even take a naval shower: turn on the water to wet your skin and wash off the soap suds, but wash without water.

      Spend less on your health. It is possible that health expenses eat up quite a significant part of your budget. However, not everything is so hopeless here - with the help of simple measures you can significantly reduce expenses in this category without putting your health at risk. Eg:

      Eat seasonal foods . Seasonal products will always be cheaper than imported ones, because their price does not include transportation costs. Plus they are usually fresher.

      • Visit markets and supermarkets closer to closing time. You'll be able to catch discounts or pick up items that are destined for discarding as vendors need to sell their inventory before closing. Read to find out more details.
      • In supermarkets, check the bakery, meat and produce departments for evening specials. Many packaged foods, such as take-out salads, will be cheaper in the evening. The store is interested in making room for the next day's groceries.
      • Grow your own food if you have a permanent home for at least a season. Even using a shared garden bed can be a great way to provide yourself with healthy, fresh food and meet new friends.
    2. Don't shop every week. Do it smart: shop when your supplies are almost running low. Buy things that spoil, such as milk and bread, but otherwise take your time and eat everything in your refrigerator.

      • Alternatively, just don't go shopping one week a month. You will need to live on what you have in your kitchen for a whole week. For many people, this time turns out to be very productive and rich in new recipes!
      • Use coupons and discounts to reduce your food costs.
      • Drink tap water. Water is the healthiest and cheapest drink. Install a filter on the tap if tap water does not meet your purity requirements; This is a great investment even on a modest budget.
    3. Find cheaper accommodation. It's entirely possible to live in a place where you have to pay very little, if anything at all! It is even possible that you will be paid a little extra! If you want to live in your own home, rented or purchased with a mortgage), choose a modest-sized home. It will have to be cleaned less, there will be less space that needs to be furnished. In other words, it will be easier for you to maintain it.

      • Consider moving to a cheaper area. Look for such places in your city - but try not to move too far from your work. If this option is not for you, but you yourself are not tied to your place of work, then you can decide on more global changes - for example, move to the suburbs or even to another city (provided, of course, that life there is really cheaper). You can find suitable cities on the Internet.

    Part 3

    We minimize individual expenses
    1. Put things in order. You already have quite a lot of things, put them in order. If you've had to save money because you quit your job or moved, you may feel resentful and dissatisfied. Such emotions will not play into your hands, so watch your emotional background. Look at this as an opportunity to find out the true value of things and get rid of everything that bothers you. For those who choose to live a life of little to no spending, the experience doesn't have to be too emotionally difficult. Perhaps you've already mentally said goodbye to everything in your closets, and now you just need to implement everything... and move on. If you don't have anything extra, just read on.

      • See if you can sell something instead of just throwing it away. If you don't have the energy or time to sell these items online, try holding an auction at home. The easiest way to sell things online is not to sell each item separately, but to sell them all together. This way you will earn less than if you sold everything separately, but even so you will earn more than if you just threw away everything you don’t need.
      • Donate all unnecessary items to charity.
    2. Try to spend less money on phone calls. For example, you can refuse some services or change your provider altogether. You will be surprised that you can still live a wonderful life without certain services that were previously considered indispensable. Look among the cellular and telephone operators in your region for the one whose services cost the least (preferably less than what you pay for a phone now).

      • You may need to lower your limits and turn off automatic app updates.
      • If it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with the costs of a cutting-edge smartphone, it makes sense to buy yourself a simpler phone.
    3. Switch to a cheaper cable TV plan or give up this service altogether. It often turns out that people pay for something they don’t use. Save money by upgrading to a basic plan or skipping TV altogether in favor of online services like Netflix.

    4. Give up the car. There are quite a few types of public transport. Again, in an emergency, it will be much easier and cheaper to just hail a taxi than to maintain a car. Walk and cycle as much as possible (you'll keep fit), and check local train, bus, subway and ferry timetables.

      • If you live in a rural area or suburb, then it makes sense to think about either reducing the number of cars you own, or sharing a car with colleagues or neighbors to save money.
    5. Dress well. Your financial situation is not an excuse, you should still present yourself with dignity. The task of “looking good” can be solved with very little expense... that is, expense. Second-hand stores are great, where you can always find affordable and high-quality clothes. Gone are the days when it was considered shameful to buy things second-hand, now it is considered acceptable. This will allow you to save money and find great items at very affordable prices.

      • Try to keep your wardrobe to an absolute minimum. Keep only what you wear regularly and what you absolutely need.
    6. Look for free and cheap entertainment. There are so many options to suit every taste that even searching for them can be a fun experience in itself. You can attend free concerts, you can walk around the city or go on a hike, ride a bike, visit a museum or library, free sales where you can learn something, you can ride a ferry, go for a walk in areas of your city where you haven't been yet. Also think about:

      • Running, swimming, playing tennis in the local park - all this is almost free and fun. Equipment can be found in second-hand stores.
      • You can make your neighborhood more beautiful by helping with landscaping or creating decorations out of trash.
      • Even an ordinary activity, like going grocery shopping with your family, can be turned into an exciting adventure.

    Part 4

    Travel: free or practically free
    1. Try to find a travel-related job for yourself. Many vacancies involve travel, either at the company’s expense or simply with significant discounts. However, such work will also imply great responsibility. On the Internet you will find many sites with relevant vacancies. Search by job title or something else and read carefully. The options may be as follows:

      • You can work on yachts, driving them to the desired point in the world to the owners, and you can also become a member of the yacht crew
      • You can become a courier delivering goods from hand to hand using international flights
      • You can become a crew member of a container ship (hard work!)
      • You can become a guide for tourists (eco routes, historical tours and all that)
      • You can start ferrying cars
      • You can go teach your language in another country.

What else to read