How to insulate a house made of expanded clay blocks from the outside. Economical insulation of expanded clay concrete blocks in the house and bathhouse Wall insulation from expanded clay concrete blocks

On the second point, I hope you consulted with a specialist designer, I take the liberty of asserting that everything will be in order, or vice versa, I won’t take it - I’m not a specialist, I just also built my house from KBB.

As for the first point, then the wall pie must be considered, at least on an online calculator and see that the heat transfer coefficient is within the normal range.
probably not 15 and 20 mm but 150 and 200? For some, even 100 is enough, especially if you heat yourself with gas, consider that it’s more profitable for you - it’s better to warm up or spend more gas, in short it depends on heating, if you suddenly decide to heat only with warm floors, then there are only requirements, if only with batteries, then the requirements are smaller.
Styrene through your CBB will not go inside the room, if it evaporates, then outside, on the street and you will not notice this evaporation. Moreover, polystyrene is actively destroyed with the formation of styrene under the influence of light and temperature, you should not be afraid of this in the well masonry, but I personally would not use PPS moldings or cornices indoors.
Mineral wool is also not a gift in terms of ecology - it emits formaldehyde and the dust from it is very harmful.
On this score, choose yourself I will not argue, and so on the forum many copies are broken.
In my opinion, polystyrene is more suitable for you, just watch your builders carefully so that they install it without cold bridges, otherwise it will be very difficult and expensive to get to the insulation to fix the jambs (that's why I chose the ventilation facade, and by the way, in Moscow, in civil engineering, there is a well masonry is prohibited by law).

Look, if you don't mind, below is a screenshot from the calculator... I don't see any particular problems there. And there is still no finishing gypsum plaster inside, finishing. What do you say - maybe, well, nafig, warm up.
I, however, do not feel sorry for the extra 60-70 sput. for warming, I feel sorry for the lungs, my own, wife, child ...

As for the well masonry and the ventilated facade, the only difference is that in the ventilated facade there is a gap of at least 20 mm in the pie, that's all the wisdom. I'm not a real welder, but I think logically - how can well masonry be more dangerous, where the cake is solid, without a gap (although it still exists - the brick is not perfectly even), because in it the lining lies on cotton wool, cotton wool on blocks, all this denser, more rigidly bonded than in a ventilated façade, where the cladding stands separately. This is with regard to the safety of the structure (I read about the collapse of the facing masonry).

As for the essence - the added vent. a gap that contributes to heat preservation - well, I will add it, between expanded clay and facing masonry, 20 mm, I will only improve the situation with this. See screenshot from calculator.

What do you think about the essence of my possible solution?

It is important to ensure proper thermal insulation of the house. This will prevent premature destruction of load-bearing structures and reduce heating costs. There are many products for creating wall fences on the building materials market. All of them have different thermal insulation properties. Further, the question is considered whether it is necessary to insulate expanded clay concrete external walls and how to carry it out.

Characteristics of the material in terms of thermal engineering

The thermal conductivity of a material is highly dependent on its density. Among claydite stones, the following classification can be given:

Comparative characteristics of the thermal insulation properties of various materials

  • structural materials - density 1200 - 1800 kg / m3;
  • structural and heat-insulating - density 500-1000 kg / m3.

The thermal conductivity of structural materials is comparable to ordinary ceramic bricks, therefore, according to thermal engineering, the wall must have a sufficiently large thickness. Structural and heat-insulating types have characteristics similar to "warm" porous ceramics. In this case, the thickness of the walls of the house turns out to be smaller, but for private housing construction it can be further reduced through the use of effective heaters.

Thermal insulation materials

Now manufacturers offer a fairly large range of heat insulators. To protect the walls, you can use:

  • mineral wool (plates and mats);
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • ecowool;
  • "warm" plaster.

The most common of these methods were mineral wool and expanded polystyrenes (polystyrene and polystyrene foam). Their thermal insulation characteristics are approximately equal.

Thermal engineering calculation

When buying blocks, the manufacturer must always indicate their properties. The calculation is the thickness, for its implementation you will need such a characteristic as thermal conductivity. There are two ways to perform this calculation:

  • "manually";
  • using special programs.

Reduced heat transfer resistance of a wall made of expanded clay concrete compared to other materials

It is not difficult to perform an independent calculation, but for a person who does not have a construction education, it can cause difficulties. It is best to use the uncomplicated Teremok program, which works in two modes:

  • calculation of the thickness of one of the layers of the wall structure;
  • checking the resistance to heat transfer, if the thickness is already selected.

To work with the software, you will need the following initial data:

  • thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • block width;
  • thermal conductivity of the insulation;
  • insulation thickness (not needed if the program is being used in the first mode).

Having picked up the values, you can start warming the wall of the house.

Work production technology

First of all, you need to determine which side to fix the material. Insulating a wall of expanded clay concrete blocks from the outside is the most competent solution. It is possible to carry out work from the inside, but only if fixing the heat insulator from the outside causes great inconvenience and leads to an increase in labor and financial costs.

The process of protecting the walls with insulation depends on its type. For different materials, the technology has slight differences, so it is worth considering each of them separately.

Scheme of wall insulation from expanded clay concrete blocks with mineral wool

Mineral wool is attached to a pre-installed frame. Work should be done in the following order:

  • cleaning the surface of the wall;
  • fixing the vapor barrier;
  • frame installation;
  • installation of a heater;
  • waterproofing;
  • finishing of the facade with the provision of an air-ventilated layer, at least 5 cm thick.

The layer is needed to drain condensate from the insulation, which loses its properties when wet.

Styrofoam and foam

The fastening of materials is carried out in the same way. The order of the layers is the same as in the previous case, the only difference is that the installation of the frame and the presence of a ventilated layer are not required. Penoplex is resistant to moisture, so you can do without vapor barrier. Fastening outside the wall of a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out simultaneously in two ways:

  • on a special glue for polystyrene foam;
  • on the dowel.

The scheme of wall insulation from expanded clay concrete blocks with expanded polystyrene

First you should cut the sheets, then try them on in size. After that, glue is applied to the material. Styrofoam should be glued with dressing so that there are no extended vertical seams. As soon as gluing is completed, the thermal insulation outside the house is additionally fixed with plastic dowels.

Question: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Please tell us how best to decorate the outside of a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks (KBB), what kind of facade would be appropriate here, what materials can be used?
Artur Shakarin, Novosibirsk

The answer is Semyon Fiskunov, CJSC Stroy-Alliance, Togliatti.

Answer: Hello Arthur! I will try to answer your question in detail. Moreover, KBB is a fairly popular material, many owners are made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

In the very first place, I would like to ask you a counter question - how thick did you erect the walls of expanded clay concrete? The question is by no means idle.

It depends on your answer whether you will have to insulate your CBB walls, or you can immediately deal with fine exterior finishing and applying a decorative layer.

Wall insulation from KBB

If you built the walls of the house from expanded clay concrete blocks in 1 block (this is 40 cm), then you will have to insulate it. For Novosibirsk and nearby regions, insulation of 150 mm of basalt wool or polystyrene will be sufficient. This will give you a standard indicator for the thermal resistance of enclosing structures R according to the new SNiP.

Ventilated facade on KBB walls

If you have chosen a ventilated facade and, you can mount it in a wooden crate or in the space between steel hangers. I do not recommend you to insulate a house from KBB with polystyrene foam under the ventilation facade.

Why? Because there are several reasons why foam plastic as a heater for a ventilation facade is completely unsuitable:

  1. Styrofoam is a combustible material, it cannot be used in systems with a ventilated facade.
  2. Rodents feel great in such a pie, if you still make foam plastic in the ventilation facade.
  3. The movement of air in the ventilation gap and the moisture removed will eventually turn the foam sheets into a set of individual foam balls. Your insulation will fall down the ventilation gap.

Basalt wool, which you can use, is deprived of these shortcomings in the ventilation facade. You can also use polyurethane foam, resole foam or ecowool.

After installing the battens or hangers and subsequent insulation, you can mount the outer decorative layer on the ventilated facade.

What is suitable in this case for a KBB house:

  • Ceramic tiles
  • Clinker panels
  • Vinyl siding
  • metal siding
  • Fiber cement panels
  • planken
  • Block house

These materials can be formed. How to mount them - look at this site, everything is described in detail.

Wet facade on the walls of the KBB house

If you want to make a wet facade on your house, then after preparing the walls (leveling, filling cracks, removing excess mortar), you can start warming the walls of the house.

You can use basalt wool with a density of 45 or more and facade foam with a density of 25 or more. The wool is mounted on facade dowels, the foam is mounted on glue and additionally on facade dowels.

At the time of installation of the insulation, a facade fiberglass mesh is attached on top of it, which will reinforce the plaster layer. The mesh is fastened with the same facade dowels with "fungi" that hold the insulation on the wall.

After installing the fiberglass mesh, a base primer layer or two-component plaster is applied. Further . Modern facade systems make it possible to keep the plaster layer in a semi-plastic state, which guarantees its long-term operation.

After priming, you can do or paint.

You can use the following decorative coating options:

  • Painting with facade paint
  • Decorative plaster bark beetle
  • Stucco fur coat
  • Decorative smalted plaster

After applying the decorative layer, you can use fixing compositions and facade varnishes. They will protect the decorative layer from contamination and possible destruction.

PS. In no case should you insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete from the inside. Expanded clay concrete is actually a vapor-tight material. Moisture from the premises will be locked between

Today, one of the most popular materials in the construction industry is expanded clay concrete.

A claydite block house can have any architectural style and look attractive both inside and out.

The advantages of expanded clay blocks include:

  • light weight and low load on the foundation (expanded clay weighs half as much as a brick);
  • excellent vapor permeability (walls breathe);
  • high strength;
  • speed of installation;
  • immunity to mold and fungi;
  • low cost.

Features of insulation of expanded clay blocks

Expanded clay blocks occupy one of the leading positions in the construction of the capital. Due to the local climate, minimal insulation can be used.

When insulating a house made of expanded clay from the outside, the main thing is to follow some recommendations:

  • insulating the house outside is much more efficient than inside (dew does not occur inside the premises, the thermal circuit of the house is not disturbed);
  • house insulation using the “wet” or ventilated facade technology saves money (thermal insulation is fixed together with the cladding, which reduces costs and time required for finishing);
  • due to the high vapor permeability of expanded clay blocks, it is better to insulate them with mineral wool (or polystyrene), and not with polystyrene foam.

There are different options for insulating a house from this material from the outside.

The simplest way is "wet", when foam boards or stone wool are glued to the facade. A reinforcing mesh is glued on top, and all this is covered with decorative plaster.

Depending on climatic conditions, such a lining lasts two to five years.

A more expensive and reliable way to insulate a expanded clay house from the outside is a ventilated facade.

It requires quite large material investments, but then it does not need to be repaired and maintained.

Installation is carried out as follows: a crate, insulation is attached to the walls, and then all this is covered with a cladding, which can be siding, clinker bricks, corrugated board, blockhouse, sandwich panels, lining, porcelain stoneware or glass.

Regardless of the chosen cladding, an air gap must remain between it and the insulation.

Warming technology

The main problem that can be encountered when insulating a house made of expanded clay is the possibility of partial collapse of the walls.

Therefore, a lot depends on the type of insulation chosen and the technology of insulation.

First of all, you need to make sure that the walls are stable, calculate the necessary load on the facade. You also need to first consider the thickness of the insulation.

Claydite block walls are three times less dense than a brick facade, so they should not be over-insulated.

I must say that expanded clay itself is a fairly warm material, therefore, if the walls reach a thickness of 70 centimeters, then there is no point in additional insulation.

Warming with mineral wool

Warming of the house with mineral wool is carried out according to the following technology.

First, the facade walls are prepared. When insulating a house from expanded clay, it is very important to clean the surface of dirt and oil.

Then the mineral wool is fixed: a special adhesive solution is applied to the plates and walls, and then the insulation is glued to the facade.

When the glue dries, the plates are additionally fixed to special dowels with wide caps. Then the mineral wool is reinforced with a special mesh.

This allows you to protect the insulation, strengthen the entire structure and reduce further expansion of the facade.

First, the solution is applied to mineral wool slabs, then the mesh is embedded in it.

When the reinforcing mortar hardens, it must be cleaned with a plastic float and you can proceed to the decorative cladding.

Foam insulation

Foam plastic can also be used as a heater for a house made of expanded clay blocks.

Warming is carried out according to the same technology: preparing the walls, cleaning the facade from old plaster, dust and oil, priming, fixing the plates with glue and dowels and reinforcing.

In the case of choosing foam as a heater, two points must be considered:

  1. Since expanded clay is highly vapor permeable, it is necessary to select "breathing" heat-insulating materials;
  2. Rodents love to settle in foam. To prevent this from happening, it must be concreted.

A few more moments

Regardless of which insulation you choose - polystyrene or mineral wool - when using the "ventilated facade" technology, make sure that the birds do not make a nest in the facade, otherwise all the thermal insulation will be pecked and damaged.

It is better to insulate the house from the outside so that the dew point does not move between the inner surface of the walls and the insulation.

This will lead to the accumulation of condensate and serious destruction of expanded clay blocks.

From the inside, it is better to simply plaster them. Then the heat loss through the cracks will disappear.

If you approach the process of external insulation of the house carefully and diligently, you can immediately solve several problems: thermal insulation, sound insulation, heating costs and an attractive exterior.

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Houses built from expanded clay concrete blocks are a budget option in individual construction.

Exterior view of the house from expanded clay concrete blocks

This is due to the low cost and strength of the material. Buildings are much lighter than brick ones - for their construction, invested foundations are used. You can lay the blocks with your own hands. However, often in the first winter, the owners also think about the fact that the walls do not “keep” heat very well. Insulation of walls made of expanded clay concrete wall blocks from the inside or outside becomes a solution to the problem.

Features of blocks and the need for insulation

Seeming at first glance as "warm", expanded clay concrete is actually not such - the thermal conductivity, depending on the amount of filler (expanded clay), ranges from 0.15 to 0.45 W / mGrad. Based on this, in different regions of the country, the thickness of the walls according to GOST is from 40 to 80 cm. There is no need to talk about savings.

Important! Products with low thermal conductivity contain a greater percentage of expanded clay, are fragile and fragile. It is forbidden to build houses higher than two floors of them.

The porous structure contributes to high heat transfer and water absorption (up to 50%;) if the structure is not protected from the effects of climatic conditions.

Thus, a block house must be insulated. Among the advantages of the material, the absence of shrinkage is noted - you can insulate the walls immediately after construction is completed.

Warming methods

It is good if the owner thought about the thermal insulation of the dwelling at the design stage. This expands the choice of insulation and methods of its application.

There are three approaches to thermal insulation of buildings:

  1. Masonry insulation. In this case, the heat insulator is laid between the bearing and facade (finishing) walls.
  2. Installing a layer of thermal insulation on the inner surfaces of the walls during finishing or major repairs of premises.
  3. External installation of insulation on a wall of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Insulation during the construction phase

Blocks are an unsightly option and the outer wall is rarely left unfinished. The laying of the outer layer of finishing bricks can be combined with insulation. In this case, thermal insulation is laid between the bearing and decorative parts of the masonry.

For insulation use:

  • Expanded clay;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Expanded polyurethane foam.

Expanded clay is a natural material obtained by sintering special types of clay. No additives are used in the manufacture. The material at the construction stage is simply poured into the gap between the walls.

Expanded clay, covered between the bearing wall and facade finish

The advantages include environmental friendliness and low price. Among the shortcomings are not the best indicators for thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity.

Expanded polystyrene for construction is of two types. Foamed - a polystyrene familiar to everyone, and extruded - a material known under the names Penoplex, etc.

In terms of thermal conductivity, these materials are the same, but the price of the latter is 2-3 times higher. However, penoplex for laying inside walls is rarely used, since in a place closed from the effects of climatic conditions, it does not have any advantages.

Installation of plates does not cause difficulties - they are simply put between bricks.

The material is environmentally friendly and non-flammable. The foam damping time after the exposure to open fire has ceased is 4 seconds. Toxic styrene from polystyrene is released when the plates are heated to 80 ° C, which is possible only in case of fire. However, the insulation is in a "packed" form, so it is quite safe.

Another option for using foam is filling cavities with granules. This is the same foam, but not in plates, but in the form of balls (in bulk). The price of granules is 2000 rubles. per cubic meter.

It is worth noting that expanded polystyrene foam is produced in 3 types, differing in density PSB-15, 25, 35. The numbers in the marking indicate the approximate mass of a cubic meter of material. The price directly depends on the density - 1500 rubles of density 15 and 3900 rubles. for 35 kg/m 3 . They produce foam plastic with a thickness of 10 to 200 mm. In retail, material with a thickness of 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm is more common. However, plates of any thickness can be ordered from the manufacturer.

Important! Styrofoam with a density index of 15 kg / m3 cannot bear the load, it cannot be plastered, but it is excellent as an inner layer in masonry.

Penoplex is produced with a specific gravity of 35 to 80 kg / m 3. The price of extruded polystyrene is 4500 r / 3, but it has no advantages as an inter-brick layer and is rarely used.

Basalt wool is a modern insulation. Products are produced by sintering rock with the addition of fillers. Environmental friendliness and useful properties make stone wool a popular heater. They are produced in the form of plates with a specific gravity of 30 to 200 kg / m 3. Thermal insulation properties are close to polystyrene, but cotton wool has vapor permeability - the walls will "breathe". When heated, some products may release phenol and formaldehyde, but the use inside sealed walls will not affect the health of residents. Just like polystyrene, the release of toxic substances occurs when heated. Installation consists in laying between layers of bricks.

Basalt wool in masonry

Another option to insulate the masonry is to use polyurethane foam. The material is introduced between the load-bearing and facade walls through the drilled holes, and after hardening it looks like glue-foam. The method is rarely used due to the high cost - it is necessary to use special equipment. It is impossible to make insulation on your own.

The cost of polyurethane foam in sheets is high, so there is no financial benefit for its use.

Thermal insulation of masonry with polyurethane

The advantage of the material is the lowest thermal conductivity, but the cost nullifies all the advantages.

Comparative table of heaters for laying between walls.

Thermal conductivity, W/(m*K)Density, kg / m 3Price, m 3
Expanded clay0,1-0,18 200-400, depending on faction1300-2500, the larger the fraction, the cheaper
Polyfoam PSB-S-150,04 11-12 1500
Styrofoam granules0,045 9-12 2000
Penoplex0,032-0,038 35-70 4800
Basalt wool0,035-0,04 35-200 1700-5200 depending on density
Polyurethane0,019-0,03 50-300 9000-16000,
The average price for insulation with a layer of 50 mm is 500-1600 rubles / m 2

Thermal insulation from the inside

Warming the walls of the house from the inside is an extremely undesirable option. When installing insulation inside the building, the dew point shifts from the walls into the room, the “thermos effect” appears. Condensation may appear on the walls, finishes, for example, wallpaper, get wet and peel off, mold and fungus appear on the walls. Multiple freezing cycles of blocks lead to their destruction - the manufacturer provides 50-220 such freeze-thaw cycles. After reconstruction, the useful area of ​​the premises will decrease by the thickness of the insulation and finishing.

The use of internal thermal insulation is justified in cases where:

  • Completed construction and decoration of the facade;
  • the house is rarely used, the heating is turned off during the absence of the owners. When heating devices are connected, the room warms up quickly, since the brick walls do not warm up. Internal insulation is the best option for cottages and guest houses;
  • it is impossible to make insulation of external walls - for example, a dwelling, in a block building, is located in an apartment building.

Other advantages of this method are:

  • the possibility of carrying out work at any time of the year;
  • there is no need to install scaffolding to work at height.


As an internal insulation, materials with low moisture absorption rates are chosen. For example, mineral wool slabs will not work.

When choosing a technology, it is necessary to provide for gaps between the insulation and the finish. For example, it is desirable to mount drywall or MDF panels on a galvanized profile frame.

Styrofoam insulation indoors

The properties of foam and foam plastic are described above.

Foil polyethylene weighs up to 60 kg / m3, while the thermal conductivity is comparable to foam plastic, about 0.03 W / (m * K). The advantage lies in its property not to absorb moisture and ease of installation on its own. Slightly worse properties without foil layer.

Installation of thermal insulation from the inside

To make thermal insulation of the inner surface of the walls is within the power of any master who knows how to handle power tools.

Action algorithm:

  1. A foil insulation is laid on the surface of the wall, fixing it with dowels. It is important that the caps, dowel-nails are wide - like "fungus".

Foil insulation

Important! Installation of foam is carried out after installing the frame for finishing.

  1. They attach a galvanized profile crate to the wall for finishing with drywall or various modifications of siding. Horizontal distances and vertical distances between lags are selected based on the finishing material. For drywall - according to the size of the sheets, for siding, plastic or MDF panels no more than 50-60 cm between horizontal profiles. Sheets of foam must be included between the profiles "in tightness".
  2. When installing the crate, a gap of 1-2 cm is provided for the insulation after the installation of the finishing material.
  3. Carry out the installation of drywall or siding.
  4. Finished with plaster surface. If you used drywall, or glue the corners on the MDF panels.

Important! When using rolled materials, it is necessary to make an overlap at the junction of the outer walls to the ceiling and internal partitions.

External insulation

To insulate the facades of houses is the best of the proposed options:

  • After finishing, the building acquires a well-groomed appearance;
  • The dew point moves closer to the outside of the block;
  • It is possible to use any type of insulation without the risk of harming the health of residents;
  • Internal premises do not lose useful area;

The disadvantages include:

  • Additional costs for steam and waterproofing;
  • Impossibility of work in the cold season.

Materials for insulation of external walls

The qualities and characteristics of different types of polystyrene, basalt wool and polyurethane are described above. Often, mineral or glass wool is used for insulation, formed into separate sheets or packed in rolls.

The main advantage of these materials is the democratic price. However, saving is not worth it. Mineral wool has a high rate of moisture absorption, shrinks and thins with poor waterproofing, while losing part of the thermal insulation properties.

Mineral wool as a heater for the facade

The disadvantage of glass wool is the difficulty in installation - it is necessary to use skin and respiratory protection due to the small volatile fraction that scatters even when touching the mat.

In terms of thermal conductivity, the materials are inferior to stone wool, moreover, they lose some of their properties over time.

Types of external thermal insulation

There are two fundamentally different ways of conducting external thermal insulation of walls:

  1. Wet. Insulation sheets are glued to the walls and plastered. During operation, thermal insulation is influenced by external weather conditions.
  2. The dry method, or ventilated facade, involves waterproofing the insulation and finishing with panel materials.

wet way

This type of insulation involves the use of foam, foam, stone wool.

Structural composition of the "wet" facade

Action algorithm:

  1. Align the walls, sealing the recesses, the seams between the blocks, removing the influx of the masonry mixture.
  2. They level the walls with plaster in case of poor-quality masonry, treat the surface with a deep penetration primer for outdoor work.
  3. Glue is applied to the surface of the thermal insulation sheets, choosing its type based on the manufacturer's recommendations.

Important! Styrofoam with a density of 15 kg / m3 is not suitable for wet thermal insulation - it is not designed for load. Use material marked PSB-S-25, which involves plastering.

  1. Glue the sheets to the wall surface. After the solution has dried, the insulation is additionally strengthened with dowels with wide caps.
  2. Adhesive plaster is applied in a thin layer on the insulation.
  3. A plaster mesh for outdoor use is laid on the surface of the sheets and melted into the initial layer of glue.
  4. Finishing plaster is carried out, choosing mixtures for external use or, for example, a mixture of "bark beetle".
  5. After drying, paint the surface with facade paints.

Dry way

Such insulation will require the installation of a crate, the use of vapor and waterproofing membranes.

"Dry". Ventilated facade

Work order:

  • Close up the seams in the masonry, remove the remains of the masonry mixture with a pick.
  • Reinforce the vapor barrier layer on the wall.
  • The frame is mounted based on the dimensions of the thermal insulation sheets and the finishing material.
  • Lay sheets of thermal insulation between the crate.
  • A waterproofing membrane is nailed to the frame using slats 10-20 mm thick - they will provide a gap for facade decoration.
  • Install the finish.

In the last year, a new type of building material for facade decoration has appeared - insulated tiles, consisting of two layers.

The outer layer is made of concrete or plastic - it performs a protective and decorative function, imitating wood or stone. The inner layer is foam. Two materials are "tightly" glued together.

Warm tiles for the facade

Installation is carried out on a flat surface, gluing tiles and fixing with dowels. According to the characteristics, the material is close to polystyrene, but does not need external finishing. The price for such a tile is still quite high, from 500 r / m2, which is caused by small production volumes.

Expanded clay walls in the construction of private houses - a profitable solution for individual developers. However, the house will take on a finished look, and inside it will become more comfortable after thermal insulation. An additional plus will be a significant reduction in the cost of heating, which will “beat off” the costs in a few years. Installation of thermal insulation is within the power of any person and with a minimum amount of building skills.

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