How to make a septic tank from tires with your own hands. Sewerage from car tires and its structure Do-it-yourself sump from tires

First of all, we need to figure out a place to install a tire septic tank for our bathhouse. Here are a few minimum requirements that must be strictly met:

  • the distance from the septic tank to the well or water well must be at least 20 m, and at least 15, and only if the soil has low filtering capacity;
  • a distance from the house of at least 3 m - to prevent adverse effects on the foundation;
  • the slope of the drain pipe should be within 2 - 3°;
  • the drain pipe must be at least 110 mm;
  • when the depth of the pipe is small (and for such diameters this is permissible), in places of intensive passage (travel) reinforced concrete or metal ladders resting on the mainland soil are laid above it.

The cesspool can have one well or two, depending on the amount of expected drainage.

Practice shows that for drainage of wastewater from the kitchen and shower stall, if 3 to 4 people live in a house, one drainage well with a diameter of 1 m and a depth of 3 m is sufficient.

Selection of tires for septic tanks and other materials

It is desirable that they be of large diameter and maximum width - from heavy vehicles - there are enough of them at truck tire shops. The quantity depends on the width of the tires. It is desirable that their total height be 2 - 2.5 m. For the upper part you will need 2 - 3 slopes of smaller diameter, but harder.

If you plan to make a septic tank with overflow into the second (third) well, then increase the number of tires according to the task.

You will also need about 1 cube of coarse crushed stone, half a cube of fatty clay, sand, a steel pipe with a diameter of 100 - 120 mm, and a sewer manhole assembly. It wouldn’t hurt to have scraps of a half-inch polypropylene pipe 15–20 cm long in quantities of 3 or 4 pieces. at each joint between the slopes located below the drain pipe.

If you are planning a septic tank with an overflow, then you will need a reinforced concrete paving slab with dimensions larger than the internal diameter of the top tire, which will need to close the receiving well, and a piece of geomembrane (or a material replacing it) with dimensions larger than the diameter of the top tires by approximately 100 mm.

To cut tires, you may need a powerful sharp knife, a grinder with a circle for metal 125 - 150 mm and (or) a jigsaw with a file for the same material, a screwdriver, and self-tapping screws.

The procedure for performing work on installing a septic tank

First of all, we suggest watching a video that shows the sequence of work. Of the large number of similar video materials, it - in our opinion - contains the smallest number of errors made when installing such septic tanks, but still, it is not without them. From the description you will see what they are.


1. Prepare large diameter slopes for installation. To do this, we cut off parts of the beads on all of them, except for the top one, on which smaller-diameter tires will be placed, and the bottom one, which is installed on the drainage layer. We leave one side of them uncut.

This will not only slightly increase the useful volume of the pit, but will also prevent sediment from accumulating in the recesses of the slopes.

2. We lay the tire in the intended location of the septic tank and mark the hole with an indentation of 10 - 15 cm from its edge. They will be needed to install a drainage layer around the column of tires. If you plan to overflow, step back at least a meter from the main well and do the same.

3. The depth of the pit should be at least 2, but preferably up to 3 m, if the level of upper groundwater allows. The total height of the tires (with spacers made of tubes) + drainage bedding made of crushed stone 200 - 300 mm will partially correct it. The head of the sewer hatch installed on the top tire should protrude 3–10 cm above the ground surface.

4. If you decide to install an additional drainage pipe, then drill a hole for it with a drill with a diameter 8–10 cm larger than the diameter of this pipe.

It would be a good idea to lower it down to a meter into the ground, and leave the upper edge at a height that does not reach the level of the drain pipe by 20 - 30 cm. This will enhance the drainage of the pit during sudden short-term fillings. In the part of the pipe entering the ground and on top - 20 - 30 cm from the edge, it is necessary to drill perforation holes. The distance between the pipe and the recess must be carefully compacted with crushed stone of a larger fraction than the perforation holes in it.

5. At the bottom of the pit, lay a drainage layer of coarse crushed stone (200–300 mm) on a 3–5 cm sand cushion.

We do not recommend using broken bricks and similar materials - they will get wet and collapse, which will lead to subsidence of the structure and poor drainage.

6. Lay the bottom slope with the uncut side down. We screw the pipe cuttings onto it with self-tapping screws and, before continuing to lay the tires, carefully compact the gap between it and the edge of the pit with crushed stone. Its fraction must be larger than the diameter of the installed tubes. We continue laying the remaining slopes and adding crushed stone to a level just below (1 slope) the drain pipe.

Instead of tubes, you can make slits in the tires, but in a place slightly higher than shown in the photo or at the bottom of the tires, so that the crushed stone does not fall inside the well.

Holes can simply be drilled along the outer surface of the tires. You can also cut strips from scraps of the sides and screw them with self-tapping screws between the slopes, providing the necessary drainage gap.

7. Having determined the location of the drain pipe, we cut a hole for it in the slope.

If you plan to install a second well, we make a hole at a slightly lower (3–5 cm) level and under it. In any case, even if you don’t build it, we recommend cutting the hole and closing it from the outside with a piece of tire bead using self-tapping screws. What if you need it? Then you can make an overflow well at any time and, by removing this plug, connect it to the system. Here we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the overflow intake pipe, as shown in the diagram in the first section of the article, has a small L-shaped drop for collecting waste water not from its very surface.

This is the last slope that we wedge with crushed stone. It must have an uncut top bead, because it is necessary to install tires of a smaller diameter on it and sprinkle them with clay.

The drainage should not reach the level of the drain pipe. Even if the additional drainage pipe cannot cope with them, then the only option is to overflow into the second well. In this case, you can not place a hatch on the receiving well, but cover it with a reinforced concrete slab, which in turn is covered with a geomembrane and covered with soil. In this case, the next point of our instructions will need to be completed on the overflow well. Excess liquid from it can be used for irrigation.

8. A plastic sewer hatch is installed on the upper slope and a clay castle is placed around it, as well as around the upper tires. You can also concrete the top, but, in our opinion, this is unnecessary.

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Many summer residents, arriving at their site, stay there overnight or spend the entire vacation caring for their garden. And the presence of an autonomous sewage system makes their life much easier, bringing them at least to some extent closer to urban conditions.

Making a sewer system from tires is not difficult and requires virtually no financial costs, while installing a modern sewer system is expensive.

Old car tires can be a good budget option for constructing a small septic tank or cesspool if the volume of wastewater is small, which happens when people live at the dacha non-permanently. In addition, the installation of sewerage from tires does not require special knowledge and skills in construction.

Advantages of a septic tank made from tires and its disadvantages

The most important advantage of such a septic tank is:

  • almost zero cost, unlike other types of septic tanks;
  • Tires from any vehicle can be used;
  • Easy installation that can be done by one person.

The disadvantages of a septic tank made from tires include:

  • the fragility of such a structure, no more than 10-15 years; unreliable sealing due to the mobility of tires;

  • the appearance of unpleasant odors, which can only be eliminated by installing a drain pipe;
  • Repair of such a septic tank is almost never carried out, as well as dismantling, due to its uselessness.

How to dig a sewer

First of all, you need to find out at what level the groundwater is located in your area. To do this, near the house, at a distance of about one meter, you should dig a hole 1.5 m deep. If no puddles of water have formed at the bottom, you can safely begin building an autonomous sewer system.

You can buy old car tires at any car service center. It is better to choose larger diameter tires from tractors or heavy-duty vehicles. In this case, the volume of your septic tank will increase. The number of tires is calculated based on the depth of soil freezing in your area. It is necessary that the depth of the pit for sewage from car tires be below the freezing level of the soil. This is done if you plan to use your septic tank in the winter, even periodically.

Secondly, after the car tires are already on your site, you need to choose a place for the future septic tank.

Remember that it should be located no closer than 25-30 meters from sources of drinking water - wells, boreholes, as well as from a river, lake or pond.

The location of a cesspool or septic tank made from tires, however, like any other, is influenced by the direction of the winds in your area. It is necessary to locate the septic tank in the direction from which the unpleasant odor will not be carried by the wind into the living space.

Having chosen a place, they decide how to dig the sewer - manually or hire a small excavator. It's all about time and the presence of men's hands. You can dig by hand, but it will take longer than digging a hole with an excavator. And hiring equipment will require some financial investment. The choice is, of course, yours.

When the hole is dug, several holes are drilled in its bottom with a garden drill, into which two perforated special pipes up to 4 meters long are inserted.

This is explained by the fact that water from the septic tank will go into the soil, where it self-purifies.

The bottom of the pit is cleaned, giving it a flat surface, and a layer of gravel or crushed stone 15-20 cm high is poured. Pipes inserted into the drilled holes should protrude 60-70 cm above the level of the bottom of the pit, and their top should be covered with polypropylene mesh so that solid sewage waste did not enter the pipes.

Before laying tires, you need to trim all the edges that are turned inward so that solid fecal waste does not accumulate in these places. Trimming tires can be done using a hacksaw or jigsaw.

Towards the dug hole, you still need to dig a trench into which the sewer pipe will be laid, leading from the country house from the plumbing fixtures - sink, toilet, shower or bathtub. The trench must be dug while respecting the slope from the house to the septic tank. The slope should be such that wastewater can flow by gravity into the septic tank.

This is followed by the installation of sewerage from car tires. The cut tires are stacked on top of each other, after laying liquid sealant between them.

The top tire should protrude somewhat from the surface of the soil.

The space between the walls of the pit and the tires is backfilled after the sealant has hardened. The excess soil remaining after backfilling can be used for other needs.

When backfilling, you can put coarse gravel between the car tires and the walls of the pit, which will not allow the soil to silt and will become an extra outlet for wastewater through the cracks that invariably form between the tires, no matter how they are sealed.

The top car tire is covered with a cover made of polypropylene, metal sheet or other material resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

To get rid of the unpleasant odor, the septic tank is equipped with a fan exhaust pipe, which should rise above the septic tank.

The length of the hood depends on:

  • places where the septic tank is located,
  • prevailing winds in a given area.

The closer the septic tank is to a residential building, the higher the exhaust pipe should be.

The top of the septic tank can be decorated with ground cover plants; their growth does not require a lot of soil; they can grow practically on stones. And you can lift the lid to check the level of the sewer directly with the plants.

Equipping your home with all the benefits of civilization is the main task of a good owner. Fortunately, now there is every opportunity to supply electricity to a residential building and organize a water supply. But centralized sewerage is not available everywhere. If you have enough funds, you can purchase a ready-made factory septic tank or build it, for example, from concrete rings. In cases where finances are not going very well, folk craftsmen come to the rescue and come up with the idea of ​​making a septic tank from tires with their own hands. This is a very good idea, but only suitable for a house with a small number of residents.

To people who are not particularly knowledgeable, it may seem that a cesspool and a septic tank are different names for the same sewerage structure. This is fundamentally wrong. A septic tank, unlike a cesspool, is a more modern and modernized type of sewage system.

It consists of two interconnected tanks. Wastewater flows through the sewer pipe into the first - storage. Primary cleaning occurs in it: large particles settle to the bottom and cleansing bacteria begin to process them. The second tank, which is usually slightly smaller than the first, receives partially purified wastewater, where the work of bacteria continues. Approximately 95% of the total volume entering the septic tank is ultimately discharged as clean water.

If you compare all the characteristics of a cesspool and a septic tank, the indisputable advantage of a septic sewer system will become clear and obvious. It shows much greater efficiency.

Advantages of a septic tank made from car tires

  • Availability and abundance of material. You can save up old tires yourself or ask for them at the nearest tire shop. They will be willingly given away, because service station employees will have fewer problems with tire disposal.
  • Remarkable performance. If you calculate everything correctly and take a responsible approach to the construction of a homemade septic tank from tires, then you can achieve even greater efficiency than some factory-made ones.
  • Low cost. The construction of a sewer well from tires can be completely free of charge if you assemble the tires yourself and do not involve hired workers in the excavation work.
  • Easy to install. To install many factory-made septic tanks, you have to use more than one extra pair of hands, and do-it-yourself sewerage from tires is so easy to install that you can do everything without anyone’s help.

Disadvantages of a septic tank made from tires

  • This sewerage structure is not suitable for use in houses inhabited by more than 3 people.
  • In winter, using a tire septic tank is difficult, because despite careful insulation, the tire material still freezes and the contents of such a well are not processed by bacteria.
  • No matter what size tires are installed, their contents will have to be pumped out at least once a quarter.
  • Twice a year it is necessary to inspect the connections between the tires in order to identify leaks in time and seal the joints.
  • The service life of such a country septic tank made from tires, even with careful care and careful operation, is no more than 15 years.
  • If you do not install a vent pipe, an unpleasant odor may occasionally appear from under the septic tank lid.
  • It is not recommended to overhaul a septic tank made from old car tires with your own hands, therefore, if the tire material is corroded, it is necessary to redo everything again.

If all the pros and cons are weighed and a decision is made in favor of building a sewerage system from tires, you can get to work.

You can learn about storm drainage from. What are its functions and what types does it come in?

We also have material on how to make it.

Location requirements

  • It is better to place the sewage system in a private house made of tires on the leeward side of the house. This simple technique will allow you to protect yourself from “enjoying” unpleasant odors coming from under the sewer cover.
  • In order not to worry about overcrowding of the drain, it is better to initially install tires with the largest possible diameter and in the amount of 5-7 pieces. In this case, even if three people live permanently in the house, the volume of the septic tank will be sufficient.
  • While digging holes for each of the tanks, it is necessary to periodically check the diameter with one tire so as not to gradually narrow.
  • When excavating, it is most convenient to use two different shovels with long handles. The bayonet type is designed for loosening the earth, and the scoop type is for removing loosened soil from the hole.
  • A tire septic tank can be connected not only to sewer lines from the house, but also from an outdoor washbasin or outdoor shower.
  • The inner rim of tires must be cut off so that unprocessed dirt and debris do not accumulate in the curves.
  • It is best to use plastic “clamps” to secure tires. They are not prone to moisture damage and are fairly easy to attach.
  • The ventilation pipe should rise slightly above the septic tank lid (at least 60 cm). The closer the tanks are to residential buildings, the higher the pipe should be.
  • For convenience, you can make an inspection window in the lid of the septic tank and cover it with a piece of thick rubber. This will make it much easier to control how full the containers are.
  • To insulate a septic tank, before filling with sand or crushed stone, tires can be wrapped in roofing felt or thick polyethylene. The same technique is used if there is even the slightest risk of untreated wastewater getting into groundwater.
  • Experienced owners recommend planting some kind of moisture-loving tree near the tanks: weeping willow, alder or broom. The plant will absorb all excess water.

Do-it-yourself tire septic tank video

In this section you can watch a video on the topic of our article.

A do-it-yourself septic tank made from tires is an excellent replacement for a standard sewer system if there are no conditions for installing communications. This is a simple and practical option that is easy to build without major expense or effort. Next, we will consider in detail the entire arrangement process and give valuable advice.

Many people mistakenly believe that a septic tank and a cesspool are the same thing, since all the contents have to be pumped out. However, this is not so - the differences are significant. It is a reservoir that needs to be emptied as it fills. A septic tank is a system in which biological wastewater treatment occurs. Yes, it also needs to be cleaned from time to time, but much less often than a cesspool.

Septic tank on a summer cottage

The septic tank system consists of two sealed tanks that are connected to each other. The first tank receives wastewater from the sewer system - this is the primary treatment zone in which large particles of contaminants settle. This is where bacteria “work” and clean the drains. All impurities remain at the bottom, while the purified water reaches the overflow located in the upper part and enters the second tank, which has a larger volume than the first chamber. True, you will still have to download some of the contents.

If you decide to make a septic tank, but do not have free funds, you can make a structure from car tires. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a sewer system. The advantages of a septic tank made from tires are as follows.

  • Almost zero cost. You can keep your old tires, or you can buy them for next to nothing at any service station.
  • Easy to install. If the installation of some types of septic tanks is impossible without the involvement of special equipment and builders, then in this case the installation can be easily carried out by one person.
  • Excellent performance for a DIY design.

Tire septic tank

But, unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. The main ones include the fact that septic tanks made of this material are designed to serve a small family of up to three people. If your house has more residents, it is better to choose a different sewerage option. Also, tires are not the best material for use in winter. No matter how you insulate them, they will still freeze, which can cause the entire sewer system to freeze.

Another disadvantage is the frequent pumping out (at least once a quarter) of the contents. It is worth mentioning that this design does not have very good tightness. Therefore, once every six months, you should definitely check the joints for gaps and leaks, and, if necessary, carry out additional sealing. The fragility of the structure is also considered one of its disadvantages. It must be said that there is simply no point in repairing such a septic tank in the event of serious damage - it is better to find new tires and arrange everything anew, or from other materials (barrels, European cups, bricks).

There are more negative aspects to a tire septic tank than positive ones, but in some cases, when there is no other option, and an autonomous sewage system is urgently needed, this type of septic tank can save the situation. Therefore, information on how to make a sewer system in a private house from tires will be of interest even to those who do not intend to build one - you never know, it will come in handy one day.

Before we begin construction, we need to decide on the size and number of tires we will need. To do this, you need to calculate the approximate volume of the primary chamber of the structure, which directly depends on the number of people living in the house. According to experts, one person spends approximately 200 liters of water per day (for washing, cooking, washing).

Multiply this figure by the number of people living in the house, and you will get the required volume, which, if necessary, can be slightly adjusted upward, taking into account the use of various household appliances and the arrival of guests. Using a mathematical formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder, it is easy to calculate the height of the septic tank, and only then the required number of tires depending on their size and height.

Here is the formula: V = π r2h, where:

  • V – volume of the septic tank;
  • r2 – tire radius;
  • π – constant value equal to 3.14;
  • h – tire height.

Formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder

The next step is placement of the septic tank. Here you can’t do without expert advice:

  • The structure must be placed at a sufficient distance from sources of drinking water (at least 20 m if there is clay soil on the site, and about 50 m if there is sandy soil).
  • There must be at least 10 m from the sewer to the residential building.
  • It is necessary to provide for the possibility of pumping out the contents from the septic tank, for which it is necessary to ensure the possibility of access by a sewer truck.
  • We should not forget about the comfort of our neighbors - you should not place the septic tank too close to their property.

Simple instructions for beginners - we will make a septic tank in one day

Let's look at simple instructions for setting up a septic tank from tires on your site:


Step 1: Support Profile

So, the first thing we do is mark the perimeter of the bathroom to install the wall profile, which will be installed before other complete fasteners. We make marks on each wall with an equal distance from the floor. Attention! You need to measure exactly from the floor, since the ceiling can be laid crookedly, and this is exactly what should be hidden with the help of a suspended structure. Therefore, it is important that all areas of the coating below are at the same height. Next, we use coated thread to mark a line along each wall and screw the profiles using screws.

Step 2: Attach the hangers

The next step will require you to make accurate calculations. For each stringer, the length of which can vary from 3 to 4 meters (if necessary, you can saw off the excess), the hangers must be positioned on the same line. In this case, the distance between them can be about 120 centimeters, as well as between the rows. Based on this, we make markings, drill holes in the ceiling, insert plastic dowels into them and screw the hangers with screws through special eyelets. Using adjusting springs, we adjust all the spokes so that their hooks, on which the stringers are suspended, are at the same level and always higher than the wall profile.

Step 3: Installation of the suspended structure

Now all that remains is to pass the hanger hooks through special grooves in the stringers, after which we carefully adjust the entire system again using a level. Be sure to cut the traverses so that there is a distance of about 5 millimeters from their ends to the walls. Next, we begin to snap the slats, but before that we need to make sure that the panels will lie on the shelves of the wall profiles with almost no gaps. You need to start assembling the casing from the edge. At the same stage, we lay wires behind the structure and install lamps.

Now you know how to install a septic tank on your property. Let's give some more useful recommendations.

To protect yourself from the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer, install a septic tank on the leeward side of the house.

When digging a hole, it is best to use two shovels with different handles: a bayonet shovel for loosening the soil and a scoop shovel for removing soil from the hole. Also arm yourself with a crowbar, which will help you if the soil in the area turns out to be rocky.

For convenience, make a small viewing window in the septic tank hatch, which can be covered with a piece of rubber. This makes it much more convenient to control the filling level of the septic tank. We also recommend that you wrap the tires in several layers of roofing material before filling in the crushed stone. This will allow you to insulate the septic tank (for use in winter), and will also protect the environment from untreated wastewater.

For everyone, the expression “well-maintained home” means housing in which it is cozy and comfortable. The latter circumstance is, first of all, ensured by the presence of sewerage. However, conditions for the arrangement of communications are not created everywhere. In this case, you have to resort to very unusual solutions, which are expressed in the construction of a septic tank from tires.

This version of the sewer system is quite practical and simple; it allows you to provide the house with a sewer system. However, it should be understood that it is not intended for impressive volumes of wastewater, so it should be chosen only if the sewerage system will be used by a limited number of people.

Difference from cesspool

You should not assume that a septic tank, the dimensions of which will be mentioned below, and a cesspool are one and the same. The similarity here is expressed only in the fact that these systems have to be pumped out from time to time. But the cesspool is a regular tank that is emptied as it is filled. But a septic tank is a whole system with which you can provide biological treatment of sewage. This design also provides for the need for pumping, however, owners will resort to such manipulations much less often than in the case of a cesspool.

Operating principle

The system consists of tanks that are connected to each other. Sewage enters the first compartment from the sewer pipe. Primary cleaning takes place here, where large particles settle to the bottom. At this stage, bacteria begin their work. The initially purified liquid reaches the overflow zone, which is located in the upper part. From there, the water enters the second compartment, which should have a more impressive volume. Bacteria continue to work actively here, but this happens more intensively.

Rules for arranging a septic tank

If you decide to build a septic tank from tires, then you should adhere to certain rules. For example, it is important to choose the location of the future structure. It is necessary to deepen the system in such a way that there is a distance of 1 m or more between the bottom of the structure and the upper groundwater level. It is necessary to remove the septic tank from the drinking water intake by 50 m, as for sandy soils. If we are talking about clay soil, then this parameter should be 20 m or more.

What is important to remember

It is important to provide access to the septic tank for the sewer truck. The system must be removed 5 m or more from the house. The structure is arranged in such a way that its level is located below the water intake, towards the natural slope of the landscape. It is important to connect it to the pipe so that it does not suffer from the cold. To do this, it is laid below the soil freezing line. You can supplement the communications with a protective box, which will protect the product from mechanical damage and eliminate the unpleasant consequences of temperature changes.

Work technology

If you decide to build a septic tank made of tires, then it is important to decide not only the location of the structure, but also decide what its volume will be. According to the rules, this parameter should be three times the amount of daily waste. This will allow you to find out what the dimensions of the septic tank are. So, the depth of the structure is usually equal to seven tires.

Taking into account the fact that tires can be very different, the volume of the structure can be changed. First you need to do the marking. To do this, the tire is laid on the ground. Afterwards, markings should be made on it. Having retreated some distance, you need to lay the next tire, which will be intended for the second container. It may have a more impressive diameter, because the volume of the second compartment should be larger. This product should also be marked.

At the next stage, you can begin excavation work by digging holes for both containers. When arranging the bottom, you must make sure that it does not allow impurities into the soil. The surface for this is concreted. An alternative solution is a clay plug; its width is equal to the limit of 20 to 25 cm.

When setting up a tire septic tank, you must prepare the tires. To do this, use a jigsaw to remove their upper part. After installation, such parts form a well with smooth walls, this will prevent stagnation of sewage. Now you can start laying the tires.

To ensure a strong connection, the products are pierced and tied with wire. The resulting joints should be coated with sealant. Between the wells you need to install a transition pipe, which will be located 2/3 from the bottom. A hole should be cut for the pipe. In the upper part of the first compartment you need to make a hole for the sewer pipe that will go from the house.

Work methodology

At the next stage, you can lay the pipe between two wells. To do this, you should use one that is fixed inside. To fill the hole, you can use soil or sand, the first of which was removed when digging. These manipulations should be carried out with utmost care so as not to damage the structure. Wells should be covered with lids so that the material at their base does not rot. At this stage, we can consider that the structure is ready for operation.

Before going to a private house, you should evaluate the merits of the option described above. Other advantages include ease of installation and low cost. However, this design also has its drawbacks; they are expressed in a rather limited volume of wastewater that the system will be able to process. Among other things, when using such a structure, there is a rather high risk of soil contamination by runoff, because when installing tires it is impossible to achieve complete tightness.

Before you make a septic tank in a private house using the described technology, you must understand that such systems belong to the class of septic tanks and therefore provide for pumping out the accumulated liquid. In some cases, summer residents are attempting to construct a three-chamber septic tank made from tires. But, despite the fact that this is technically possible, tires cannot be called the best material for such structures. They are unable to be effective at work. Among other things, interconnected tires may move during seasonal temperature fluctuations, which will further compromise the tightness of the compartments.

How to avoid mistakes

Quite often, home craftsmen, after completing the work, realize that with some experience many mistakes could have been avoided. Thus, if you decide to build a septic tank from tires with your own hands, then it is better to locate it at home. This technique will allow you to protect yourself from unpleasant odors that will come from under the sewer cover.

In order not to worry about the compartment being overcrowded, it is better to install tires with the largest possible diameter. In this case, if three people live permanently in the house, the septic tank will cope with its functions. When digging a hole for tanks, it is recommended to check the diameter with a tire so as not to narrow the formed well.

When building a septic tank from tires with your own hands, you should stock up on two shovels that will have long handles. For loosening the soil, a bayonet type of tool is suitable, while for extracting loosened soil it is better to use a shovel. The septic tank can be connected not only from the house, but also communications from the summer shower, as well as an outdoor washbasin.

When preparing tires, it is better to cut off the inner rim, otherwise debris and dirt will accumulate in the curves. When making a septic tank for a bathhouse from tires, it is better to connect the latter with plastic clamps, which are not exposed to the negative effects of moisture and are quite easy to install.

It is recommended to supplement the system with a ventilation pipe. It should rise 60 cm above the lid. The closer the compartments are to the residential structure, the higher the pipe should be made. In order to ensure the ability to monitor the fullness of the container, an inspection window should be made in the lid of the septic tank, which is covered with thick rubber.

You must first draw up a diagram of a septic tank made from tires. It will involve the presence of an insulating layer, which is laid before backfilling with crushed stone or sand. If you also decide to thermally insulate the structure, then the tires should be wrapped in thick polyethylene or roofing felt. This technique is also relevant if untreated wastewater may enter the groundwater. As practice shows, it is better to plant a moisture-loving tree near the tanks, it can be:

  • alder;
  • weeping willow;
  • broom

This way you will rid the soil of excess water.

For reference

A septic tank made from a set of tires from passenger cars will be operated with the expectation that settled water will flow into the ground. Therefore, for the second compartment, using a drill, you should make a hole by inserting plastic into it. It is covered with crushed stone to a depth of 10 cm so that water can pass through without obstacles.

When making a septic tank for a summer house with your own hands, inside the second tank you must install a pipe so that it rises 1 m. It is covered with a fine mesh on top, and covered with sand and crushed stone around it. However, if the soil absorbs water fairly well, then the second compartment will have a sufficient filter bottom.


When making holes in tanks, you must remember that the pipe should go into the first compartment slightly higher than it comes out of it. This will allow for overflow. When making a septic tank for a summer house with your own hands, you will need to insert the pipe into the first container, and then fill the edges of the hole with sand and crushed stone. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the structure. When looking for a sewer cover, you need to choose a product made from a material that is not subject to damage or rotting. As practice shows, dense plastic will be the best option.

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