How to make a figure from plastic. Plastic molding

Among handicrafts, a material such as plastic is gaining popularity. For sculpting dolls, flowers, jewelry, crafts for children, and so on - you can use this material everywhere. We invite you to take a closer look at it.

What is plastic for modeling?

You can make crafts with your own hands from different materials: wood, fabric, clay, salt dough, wire, beads and so on. Today the most popular materials for modeling are plasticine, salt dough and plastic.

Plastic is, in other words, a very convenient material for modeling. The plastic dries and becomes as strong as plastic. When first used, it resembles very elastic dough or plasticine. You can use it to make toys, crafts, jewelry, decorative elements and much more. Dry the finished craft in air or in the oven.

Advantages of plastic surgery:

  • dries quickly;
  • easy to work with;
  • does not get your hands dirty;
  • does not soften during long work;
  • the finished product does not lose its shape over time;
  • rich color variety;
  • the product can be painted.

Where can I get plastic?

There are many places where you can buy plastic for modeling:

  • creative departments in regular stores;
  • children's stores;
  • online stores for creativity;
  • specialized stores for creativity.

Plastic for DIY modeling is sold in different shades, but it is not cheap.

We do plastic surgery ourselves

If you don't want to go to the store, we offer you an alternative option.

Plastic surgery at home is made as follows:

  1. To get approximately 350 grams of material at the end, you need to take 250 grams (1 cup) of PVA glue, 250 grams of corn starch (if you don’t need a snow-white color, you can use regular starch), one tablespoon of Vaseline and hand cream (the regular low-fat and silicone-free), two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  2. From the dishes and tools, take a bowl in which the ingredients will be mixed, a spoon for stirring, a substrate, a piece of cling film or a bag, a piece of fabric that absorbs moisture well, a plastic spatula.
  3. Pour all the starch into a bowl and pour in glue and Vaseline.
  4. When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, add lemon juice.
  5. Set the microwave to maximum power and place the bowl in it for 30 seconds. Then move everything around and turn the oven back on for half a minute. You can use a gas stove. Then stir the mixture until thickened over low heat.
  6. Lubricate the base with hand cream and place the mixture on it, after removing the top frozen ball. It needs to be thrown away.
  7. Knead the mixture as if you were working with dough. Knead for five minutes until the piece becomes elastic. Help yourself with a spatula. With its help, pieces can be easily scraped off the substrate.
  8. Roll a piece of plastic into a sausage and place it on a cloth to remove excess moisture. Place everything in the refrigerator, as the material will harden when exposed to air.
  9. After a while, remove the fabric and wrap it in film or a bag.

The plastic for sculpting with your own hands is ready!

If you want to make the material multi-colored, then divide the dough into portions and add the desired shade of oil paints, fabric paints or food coloring to each portion.

Simple plastic flowers

There are many types of flowers that a beginner in plastic sculpting can make. For example, violets, cornflowers, peonies, daisies, roses and so on.

Basically, sculpting flowers from plastic is as follows:

  1. Very small balls roll out.
  2. Petals are made from them.
  3. Then the petals are shaped.
  4. The petals are folded together.
  5. The product is baked.

If desired, you can add leaves and stems.

Making dolls

Plastic for sculpting dolls should have a snow-white color or a slightly pinkish tint.


  1. To make a doll, first form all the components from pieces of foil: legs, arms, body, head.
  2. Then roll out the plastic and cover the foil parts with cakes.
  3. You can cover the foil completely, bake the doll, and then leave it like that. Or you can divide the parts in half, take out the foil, and then glue the parts together.
  4. Then all the parts are connected to each other and the doll is painted.

The second way to make a plastic doll:

  1. Make a frame for the doll from wire.
  2. Make a ball of foil on top.
  3. Cover the foil with plastic and form a head.
  4. Then make the arms and legs.
  5. Finally, sculpt the body.
  6. Sculpt all the details: face, fingers and so on.
  7. Bake the doll.

  • In order not to prepare a new portion of plastic every time, you can stock up. The material can be stored for a long time in a tightly closed glass jar or plastic container in the refrigerator. When you want to make something, cut off a small piece from a large stock and send the rest back.
  • It is best to use a plastic board or silicone mat as a substrate. Then the plastic for modeling with your own hands will not stick.
  • At the end of modeling, all tools and the substrate must be thoroughly cleaned so that the remaining plastic does not dry out and migrate to the new product next time.
  • If the craft consists of several parts that need to be joined together, then it is best to use regular PVA glue for this.
  • As additional tools and materials, as your plastic products become more complex, you may need molds (plastic or silicone), sticks (ice cream, lollipop, etc.), pen caps, rulers, rolling pins and much more.

DIY garden crafts can bring you great pleasure. Choose the figure that best suits your character and the design of your garden. Let's try to make garden figurines from cement with our own hands. The process, surprisingly, is not as complicated as it seems. But the result is truly surprising!

See what beautiful flower containers you can make from cement mortar and an old rag. This is truly crafts made from scrap materials!

Decorative openwork ball made of cement.

To work, we need a cement solution - mix a thick solution of 1 part sand, 1 part cement.

We immerse a rope in the solution, it can also be strips from an old T-shirt, etc. We inflate the balloon and prepare a stand for it where it will dry. This could be a regular bucket. We wrap the ball with a rope in cement mortar.

After the solution has dried, use a needle to blow off the ball. All! Our garden art object is ready. Can be painted if desired.

Original crafts for the garden made of cement.

Agree, it looks like dragon eggs)) We will make this from cement.

We take the same balloon and cover it with cement mortar. Here you can add a tablespoon of gypsum to the solution, but you need to work quickly.

After the solution has dried, remove the ball and paint the inside of the egg. You can use it as Easter decor in your country house by making a flower arrangement of primroses in it.

Crafts for the garden. DIY garden gnomes made of cement.

These cute garden gnomes are also very easy to make.

For the gnome we need cement, a metal rod, stocking and rope. We pour the cement solution into the stocking, and insert metal reinforcement into it for strength. By twisting the rope, we form noses and legs. Let's not forget about the beard - this is an additional piece of material under the gnome's nose. Hang the gnome by the top of the cap and leave to dry.

When the cement has dried, remove the gnome and polish the top with a more liquid solution of cement and gypsum. We are waiting for the gnome to dry and we can tint or paint it. Pretty guys, aren't they?

Garden fountain with leaves.

We will not talk about the principles of creating a fountain in the country. This is the topic of a separate article, and you can read about it in detail here. We will make leaves from cement.

We need a fairly large sheet, and with the help of cement, we form a copy of it.

After drying, the sheet can be worked out in more detail and painted.

And you will become, almost free of charge, the owner of such a beautiful fountain.

Original do-it-yourself flower beds.

Are you not a sculptor at all? But believe me, you can make these creative flower containers.

We need a plastic container, foam plastic, reinforcing mesh. We make a cement solution by adding a spoonful of gypsum directly into the palm with the solution and thus form our “sculpture”

But not all of us are fans of modern abstract art. But you can easily make garden crafts in a classic style.

But, because You are not a sculptor yet, you need a template - it could very well be an old doll.

Because If this is not just a decorative garden figurine, but a flower bed in the shape of a girl’s head, then the top part needs to be cut off.

Then the head is painted. To add texture, the template is first painted with dark gray paint. Allow to dry and apply a layer of lighter paint. After drying, apply a layer of even lighter paint with light strokes.

This is a very simple process, and all the examples of this style that you see in the article were made by teenagers in a craft class.

Beautiful crafts for the garden. DIY garden figurines.

For those who liked the process of making concrete crafts, we will also tell you a simply stunning technique for creating garden figurines.

Yes, we will need the old doll again!

First, we strengthen the doll using hot glue and a bamboo sushi stick on a heavy stand. By the way, we can also make it from cement. We cut out angel wings from foam plastic and attach them to the doll with hot glue. Let's give the doll a new dress and, with the help of strokes of hot glue, create a more interesting texture on the wings and hair.

We coat our template with a solution of cement and gypsum. Let's paint.

Now, with the help of old toys, you can make almost any garden figurine yourself.

Cat flower bed.

This cute flowerbed cat is made from a plastic bottle and cement. We will need: cement, sand, plaster, water, large plastic bottle, wire, paint, wooden slats, varnish.

The owner of this cat, Natasha Koneva, will tell us how to make such a funny figurine with her own hands. We cut off a plastic bottle - this container will be our flower garden. To prevent the cement from slipping off the plastic, we tightly wrap it with wire. We knock down a wooden frame from slats. We attach our plastic container to it.

Mix the cement mortar with the consistency of thick sour cream at the rate of 1 part sand, 1 part cement. We will add gypsum only to the finished portion that we have in our hand, because... the solution with gypsum hardens instantly. We work in rubber gloves.

Take a handful of solution in your hand and add a tablespoon of gypsum to it. Knead it in your hands, roll it into a sausage and attach it to the frame. So, step by step, we apply portions of the solution on top of each other, creating the necessary bulges and smoothing the surface.

We sculpt our cat’s face from small balls of solution in much the same way as we sculpted from plasticine in childhood. In order for small parts to hold better, before attaching them to the body, lubricate the surface of the figure with water.

With a damp hand we polish the surface of our garden figurine. To dry, cover the figurine with cellophane for 3-4 days. On the first day, the figure must be periodically additionally moistened with water. After drying, sand the surface with sandpaper.

You can paint such a figurine with water-based paint, enamel, or car paints. After painting, coat the surface with varnish. For the winter, the garden figurine must be removed from the street, because... It may crack due to frost. You might also want to get yourself such a wonderful cat.
The great thing about cement figurines is that they are cheap to make compared to metal or wood garden figurines. You can start with simple garden crafts, which can be no less interesting than some particularly complex ones. You can combine cement with other materials. - for the face of this little garden fairy “Ladybug” we took the head of an old doll.

How to sculpt from plastic?

Some people like to draw, some like to play the guitar, and some like to sculpt beautiful plastic figures. “How is it different from plasticine?” - you ask. In fact, plastic has many advantages over other materials. Firstly, the plastic hardens well, and the figures become very durable and hard. Secondly, unlike, for example, plasticine, plastic has a lot of colors and shades in its assortment. The figures turn out bright and lively. Today we will tell you how to sculpt from plastic.

What you need

Plastic (or plastic) is not ordinary plastic, but so-called polymer plastic (or clay). It is sold in many stores, in the same places where paints, brushes, plasticine and so on are sold.

You can buy a special plastic modeling kit in a store or use available materials, namely:

  • A fairly sharp knife;
  • A knitting needle (or something similar, at least a toothpick);
  • A board (alternatively, you can use an unnecessary kitchen cutting board).

Sculpting process

  1. Wet the plastic and your hands. Throughout the entire process, you will have to do this quite often, so take some kind of ladle, fill it with water and place it next to you. Alternatively, you can use wet wipes for these purposes.
  2. Knead the plastic. If it is too soft and hardly holds its shape, add a little starch or regular flour. If the plastic, on the contrary, is very hard, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil.
  3. Remember the figure you want to sculpt. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. However, to begin with, we recommend that you choose simpler figures. Start sculpting the figurine in the same way as you would do it using plasticine, but taking into account the fact that all the limbs of the figurine (paws, arms, legs, etc.), if any, should be sculpted together with the body from a single piece of plastic . If you sculpt the torso separately and, for example, the arms separately, and then connect them, then there is a high probability that the arms will fall off very soon.
  4. During the sculpting process, you can use a pre-prepared wire frame. Don't be afraid to experiment and use available tools.
  5. When the figurine is ready, it should be made much stronger than before. There are several ways you can do this. We will present two of the most effective ones. The first method: immerse the finished figurine in a saucepan with plain water and bring it to a boil. If the figurine is small, then cook it for about 5-10 minutes. If the figurine is large, it naturally takes longer to cook. The second method of strengthening: preheat the oven to 100 degrees and keep the figurine in it for about 20 minutes. After this, remove the figurine from the oven and let it cool
  6. After strengthening, the figurine can be decorated or decorated with something. You can do this with anything. Paints, varnish, pieces of fabric, beads, etc.

Now you know how to sculpt from plastic. This activity is not only very interesting, but also useful. It develops the creativity and perseverance of any person. Below you can watch several videos that clearly and simply show how to sculpt from plastic.

Everyone is now running around with 3D printers (I also wrote a lot about this - Using a 3D printer in business).

They use this printer to make dentures, teeth, and figurines of famous people, including themselves.

The business is, of course, innovative and interesting. But 3D printers are still too expensive to buy at random (“maybe I’ll make some money”).

Buying this device and hoping that clients will flow to you like a river (ordering your 3D copies) is very risky.

If only because if you earn money solely because you have a 3D printer, any quick person who bought the same 3D printer will compete with you. Especially if it is not just a single entrepreneur, but a far-reaching modern company that can immediately remove all competitors (including you) from its path. How? For example, as the English company selling iMakr printers did. She entered into an agreement with the British Post Office and now anyone can order 3D printing through any post office or through the postal website.

In such a business (when there are as many printers as there are so many competitors), a small entrepreneur will have to show miracles of ingenuity in order to stay afloat.

It’s another matter when the main thing in business is not a soulless machine (device, apparatus), but the human ability to create something original, pleasant, sincere and individual.

Making three-dimensional figures by hand

If you don’t have money for a 3D printer, and you really want to make money on figurines of stars or ordinary people, you can do without it. You can make the same figures from plastic (material similar to plasticine, but hardens in the oven at 110-130 degrees).

It won’t turn out 100% similar, but it won’t be completely soulless.

After all, a 3D product is the same as a three-dimensional photograph - an exact copy of the original, but soulless. Comparing such a product with a hand-made sculpture is like comparing a photograph with a painting.

Yes, a photograph shows the image more accurately, but the painting contains more of the artist’s feelings and personality.

There are, of course, photographs that are more expensive than paintings (you can read How to Sell a Photograph for 4 Million Dollars), but if you average the cost of all photographs and the cost of all paintings, the latter will always outperform the former.

In the program on NTV “We Talk and Show” on December 17, 2014, needlewoman Ekaterina Shardanova spoke (link to video -, watch from the 30th minute), who simply studies the figures of famous people from a photo, and then sculpts them from ordinary plastic. And he sells each one for 40 thousand rubles:

She even gave the figurine to the presenter of the program, Leonid Zakoshansky (with the words that its cost, of course, is lower than 40 thousand rubles):

The needlewoman’s website is

She, of course, is not a person from the street (she studied at the Russian Academy of Painting, Architecture and Sculpture), but there are also gifted handicraftsmen.

When I was 13-14 years old, I met a boy who was great at sculpting cartoon characters out of plasticine. If he had continued his work, perhaps today he would not be a mediocre engineer, but a famous sculptor.

The same Ekaterina Shardakova teaches ordinary people her art (creating plastic figures) and her students succeed without training at the Academy of Arts. Here, for example, is one of these works:

Not necessarily star figures

But you can make simpler figures. For example, these:

This is a wedding cake topper. What is important here is not the resemblance to the original, but the composition itself and the expressed character of the characters.

These figures are also created from plastic. And their creator - a resident of New Zealand - sells them, although not for 40 thousand rubles, but for only 150 dollars (7500 rubles), but he sells them every day to the whole world on (from his page TheRosemarryToppers) and earns an average of $1900-3800 per month (this does not include possible local sales).

Therefore, the entrepreneur does not live by the printer alone. Hands, imagination, skill - this is an asset that does not cost money, but is worth much more.

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Recently, handmade products have been in great demand. Modeling from polymer clay and cold porcelain is very popular; any novice needlewoman can make such crafts with the help of master classes and even without tools. In order for the finished product to be of high quality, it is necessary to follow a certain technique and sequence of actions.

What is polymer clay

This substance was created artificially by a German woman, Fifi Rehbinder, to create heads for handmade dolls. Polymer clay for modeling has a specific herbal smell and contains plasticizers, which give it plasticity. When baked, they are absorbed, the mass hardens and can no longer change its shape. Polymer clay (or plastic) comes in two types: self-hardening and thermoplastic.

The latter requires heat treatment, but you can sculpt anything from it - from small parts to large figures. The self-hardening material dries naturally in the sun, which will take at least a day. If you have not heard about the properties of clay before, then know that after drying, the finished product decreases slightly in size, the surface is uneven, but it can be drilled and processed with a file. This type of material is more suitable for sculpting dolls and other large crafts. The mixture should be stored in closed packaging.

What can you make from polymer clay?

Modeling from polymer clay opens up great scope for imagination. You can make anything from fine jewelry to handmade dolls and figurines. Thanks to the unique properties of plastic, working with it is easy and simple. Some types of thermoplastics can imitate the properties of various natural materials: stone, wood, metal, fabric. For beginners in sculpting, it is better to start with simple techniques and techniques, gradually moving on to more complex ones.


Decorations, costume jewelry, key chains, pendants, souvenirs, and refrigerator magnets are often made from plastic clay. Plastic is non-toxic, so it can be used in games with children. It’s easy to teach a child how to make vegetables, fruits, and simple flowers. More experienced needlewomen sculpt complex items from polymer clay, such as doll heads, arms and legs. The properties of the mass allow you to make crafts as similar and realistic as possible.

Ideas for modeling with polymer clay

Inspiration for creating masterpieces from polymer clay can be drawn from various sources. There are special printed publications on sale that teach such modeling. There you can find a lot of useful information, step-by-step instructions and many craft options. Modern needlewomen find ideas for modeling on the Internet, where there are photo/video instructions with a detailed description of the actions.

How to sculpt from polymer clay

To create with polymer clay, you don’t need any special skills, because the mass is similar to plasticine. In your hands it becomes soft and pliable, ready to create any crafts. To make the product beautiful and durable, choose high-quality material for your creativity. There are many types of polymer clay: Sculpey, Cernit, Viva Pardo, Deco (Japanese), Kato Policlay, Sonnet, Pro, Flower (sold in sets) and others. Most jewelry is created from Decoclay and Fimo clay.


Polymer clay tools can be purchased at any arts and crafts store. Some items can be replaced with improvised materials, but some special tools cannot be done without. Before starting work, you need to prepare for the process. You will need:

  1. Large work surface made of glass or plastic.
  2. PVA glue. It is useful for connecting thermoplastic parts together.
  3. Sharp knives, maybe stationery ones.
  4. Sandpaper to remove roughness.
  5. A piece of suede fabric that adds shine to the finished product.
  6. Toothpicks, rolling pin for rolling.
  7. Cutters are special molds for cutting out figures.
  8. Extruder, rolling pin.

Modeling techniques

There are several popular techniques that are used in creating crafts from different types of plastic:

  1. Smooth transition. The method is to mix two different colors.
  2. Sausage (sape, cane, millefiori). Several layers of different polymer clay are combined, and then the mass is rolled into a roll.
  3. "Kaleidoscope". Multi-layered, using the kaleidoscope technique, the pattern is symmetrical and multi-colored.
  4. Watercolor. A technique for smooth color transitions when sculpting.
  5. Filigree. Complex, requires professional skills and patience.
  6. Salt technology. Salt is used in sculpting to add texture to the creation.
  7. Mika-shift. Creates a 3D effect.
  8. Mokume Gane. It consists of layering several layers of plastic clay of different colors.

Some parts need to be glued together after firing to avoid damage during baking. Use liquid or gel glue for this purpose; it is better if it is fast-acting and will set in 15-20 seconds. This way you will have the opportunity to fit the parts as best as possible to each other. Do not apply glue in strips to avoid smudges, do it in the form of separate droplets.


This process requires certain conditions to be met. The most important thing is to adhere to the baking temperature indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. If you violate this indicator, the product may not bake or change color. It is better to bake the mixture in the oven on a ceramic tile or a regular baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Small parts need to be pricked with a toothpick and placed on a ball of foil, so they are baked better. Flat parts are laid on a flat surface.

Complex crafts can be baked in several stages, for example, if they are made using the filigree technique. Each stage lasts a certain amount of time (from 1 to 15 minutes), and the total duration of the process can take up to half an hour. It is also necessary to remember that in its raw form the material is not toxic, but when heat treated it emits an unpleasant, harmful odor. Follow safety precautions: ensure the room is ventilated, remove food from the kitchen, and wash the oven after firing.


Finished products are coated with a special varnish, which gives them a finished look. There are matte and glossy varnishes; you need to choose them based on the desired effect of your craft. Many plastic manufacturers also make varnishes, so you can purchase products from the same brand. It has a composition that will not fade over time and will not begin to stick to your hands. Some needlewomen varnish their creations with water-based varnishes for wooden floors. The main thing is that they do not contain latex, which is incompatible with thermoplastics.

You can apply the varnish with a brush, but it is better to “put” the product on a toothpick and dip the whole product into the liquid, twisting it around its axis. This way the substance will be distributed evenly and the excess amount will drain off. Next, the toothpick with the craft is inserted into a piece of foam plastic (or other material) and left to dry. If after a while a drop of varnish forms at the bottom, it must be carefully removed. It is necessary to cover the crafts in several layers, drying each of them for a certain amount of time (indicated on the packaging), sometimes this time is several hours.

Safety precautions

Working with any material, even food, has its own safety rules. If you decide to sculpt from plastic, take the following precautions:

  1. After sculpting, be sure to wash your hands with soap, or better yet, wear rubber gloves.
  2. Do not burn the mass in the oven where you cook. If there is no other, and you are forced to do this, wash the oven thoroughly and ventilate well.
  3. Observe the baking temperature, and if the material is burnt, be sure to ventilate the room and wash the oven.

Having prepared all the necessary materials and tools, you can begin to create various masterpieces. Watch a few simple modeling lessons and start with the basics, moving on to complex crafts as you gain specific skills. Over time, this exciting hobby can grow into a small business that brings in a good regular income.


Polymer clay crafts for beginners

For those who have basic knowledge and are starting to work with plastic for the first time, a simple master class on sculpting a refrigerator magnet from polymer clay will help:

  1. Stock up on: self-hardening polymer clay of pink, yellow, white, green, light green colors, a soft magnet, acrylic paints, glue, scissors, toothpick, beads.
  2. Roll small balls from yellow, white, pink polymer clay, form a drop out of them, cut the thick edge into 4-5 pieces with scissors.
  3. Flatten them and give them relief with a toothpick. You will get flowers.
  4. Form droplets from green-colored material, flatten them, and make veins with a toothpick. These will be the leaves.
  5. We make buds: we press stripes on a white droplet, imitating unopened petals. We wrap the bottom of the workpiece with a piece of green mass.
  6. Paint the magnet with paint of a suitable shade and glue the resulting blanks onto it, creating a composition. Complete it with decorative beads. Leave until completely dry.

New Year's crafts

An excellent New Year's gift would be a magic ball made at home from polymer clay:

  1. Prepare: a small transparent spice jar with a screw-on lid, plastic (white, black, red, pink, beige), glitter, glitter, glycerin, vodka, pin, glue.
  2. Roll 2 white balls of different sizes, put them on a pin (thin wire) to make a snowman.
  3. Make indentations for the eyes and insert 2 black balls there. Insert a carrot made of red plastic into the recess for the nose. Draw a smile.
  4. Roll 4 white balls, flatten 2 on one side - these are the legs. From the rest, make elongated droplets - these are hands. Build a snowman.
  5. Roll out 2 thin long sausages from beige and pink polymer clay. Twist them with a rope. Form them into a scarf and hat for a snowman. In the same way, we make a candy in the form of a hook (we use red and white mass), insert it into the hand. Bake.
  6. Coat the inside of the jar lid with waterproof glue, place a snowman in the center, and sprinkle glitter around it.
  7. Pour different medium-sized glitters into a jar, pour 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and vodka, add water, taking into account that the snowman should still fit.
  8. Coat the lid threads with cream, tighten, and let dry. Shake, turn over.


As a decoration, try making a simple “knitted” bracelet for your wrist that imitates real yarn:

  1. You will need: a base for a bracelet, plastic of the desired color, liquid gel plastic, an extruder, a knife.
  2. Place the plastic mass into the extruder and extrude. Take 2 strips and twist them into a rope. Do the same with the other two strips, twisting them in the other direction.
  3. Coat the surface of the base with gel, apply the first tourniquet, cut the required length. Then attach the second tourniquet as tightly as possible to the first one, cut it off.
  4. You will get an imitation of knitting. Repeat the steps until you have knitted the entire bracelet. Do the same on the inside (optional). Bake it.


Modeling toys using thermoplastic is a great pastime with children. Try making a turtle like this:

  1. Stock up on baked polymer mass (blue, light green, pink), a brush and 2 small black beads.
  2. Make 4 large drops from the blue color - this is the preparation of the legs.
  3. From a piece of light green plastic, form a blank in the form of a bell with a recess inside - this is the future shell.
  4. Place the legs side by side with the wide part down and put the shell on top. Using the handle of the brush, holding it vertically, make a depression in front of the future turtle - a place for the head.
  5. We form a head blank: roll a ball and a cylinder out of blue plastic, connect them. You should end up with a head on your neck. Attach it to the body.
  6. Roll pink balls, flatten them, stick them to the shell - these are spots. Make eyes from beads. Roast the turtle.

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