How to install an outdoor toilet correctly. Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: analysis of technology and all the nuances of self-construction

The theater begins with a coat rack, and the dacha begins with a toilet. A wooden toilet is an important detail of a dacha; this building should be thought out at the initial stage of construction. The toilet is the first building; a summer resident cannot do without it. Only after the construction of this object does a gazebo, bathhouse, or country house appear. Modern wooden toilets can be built by a novice builder. This object is a full-fledged construction structure; during its construction it is important to comply with the rules and regulations. The initial stage involves developing a sketch, choosing a location, materials, and calculating project costs.

Wooden toilet cubicle: where to install

In our country, there are special sanitary rules and regulations governing the construction of wooden toilets in summer cottages. In addition to personal interests, the wishes of neighbors are also taken into account. When choosing a convenient location for a cesspool, you need to consider the following rules:

  1. There should not be a distance of less than 25 meters between the toilet and the well (neighbor’s or your own). In this case, no impurities will get into the well water.
  2. The toilet does not need to be installed in the middle of the summer cottage.
  3. There should be at least a meter between the boundaries of the site and the toilet house. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in litigation.
  4. On a sloping site, the construction of a wooden toilet is carried out in a low place, then there will be no unfavorable odors.
  5. To clean the cesspool, you need to organize the access of a sewage truck.


The construction of a wooden toilet begins with markings and drawings. The dimensions of the toilet elements are determined taking into account the dimensions of those who live on the site. The classic version is one and a half by two meters. There is no need to build a foundation for a wooden model; you can limit yourself to four support pillars or bricks laid around the perimeter. When marking, it is important to clearly make the corners and dig holes in them half a meter by one meter. Wooden posts should be wrapped in roofing felt to prolong their life.

The strapping is performed at the level of the roof and the chair. Checking the verticality of the pillars and the horizontality of the longitudinal supports is checked with a building level. Vertical slopes on the walls are a way to strengthen the structure. Additionally, a frame is needed for a podium - a seat; it is attached to the main frame. To periodically remove waste, a rear door is needed. The longitudinal beams are placed with a slight slope towards the rear wall, protecting the structure from precipitation. The frame is sheathed with boards that fit tightly to each other, their thickness is 20-25 mm. You can use boards for the roof; the waterproofing layer can be made from roofing felt. The seat is covered with boards, painted, and a hole is made. The lid can be a stationary or folding version. Place containers of 20-30 liters under the toilet seat, and next to it - a container with sawdust or peat. Additionally, you can hang a hand washbasin. A fecal pump with a grinder for the toilet, which will greatly facilitate the operation of the toilet, will not be superfluous. Read about fecal pumps with grinding.

The final stage is the construction of the door. You can hang it on 2-3 hinges, and attach a wooden or metal latch to close it. The window is made under the roof on the side of the water door.

In the video - a do-it-yourself country wooden toilet:

With shower

You can build a shower cabin at your summer cottage with your own hands. The best option is to purchase a ready-made garden shower. placed near a water source, a clapboard house is built under it. If desired, you can additionally make a small window. If there is running water on the site, you can install a shower stall.

With cesspool

A cesspool is an opportunity to make one in a short period of time, without unnecessary material costs. You can dig a hole if you know the level of groundwater. To obtain compost, you can add peat and sawdust. You can clean the cesspool yourself, doing this after 3-4 years. For ease of cleaning, you can make a special cover on the side of the toilet - an outlet. Sealing the pit is a way to protect the soil from feces. Ventilation helps eliminate unpleasant odors; a plastic pipe is used for its arrangement. One end of it is located in the cesspool, the second is discharged through the wall or toilet lid. Cesspools can be sealed and have a filter bottom. The cost of construction and operation of a sealed structure will be more expensive, since you will have to call a sewer truck. Waste for a pit, which has a filter bottom below, but such a toilet can pollute the surrounding area, which is prohibited by sanitary standards.

With shower for the cottage

After working on a plot of land, you want to wash off the dirt and dust. A country shower easily copes with such tasks. To equip it, you will need a water supply: a well or a container with water, a pump. Ready-made module: shower, utility unit and toilet - the possibility of compact placement of these objects. Manufacturers offer 100 and 200 liter tanks and water heating. The size of the finished block is three by three and two meters. For an additional amount, you can order the interior decoration of the toilet with eurolining, install an acrylic tray, and decorate the shower compartment with plastic lining.

Installation of wooden toilets in the country

As a toilet, consider:

  • a classic wooden “house” with a cesspool;
  • powder - closet;
  • backlash - closet

The first model is a simple and common type. To implement the project, it is necessary to find a place on the site, 25 meters away from the source of drinking water, where groundwater lies no deeper than 3.5 meters. The pit for the toilet measures 1 meter by 1 meter and is 2-3 meters deep. For strength and convenience, it is laid out in rings of concrete. The walls are caulked and plastered. In spacious areas, after 2-4 years you can fill up the hole and move the toilet to a new place. After 5-8 years, real black soil forms in the cesspool. To prevent odor from appearing in the toilet, the lid must fit tightly; the house must be ventilated.

A plastic pipe placed in a hole and brought out onto the roof is a variant of the simplest ventilation.

Backlash - a closet is similar to a model with a cesspool. The pit is sealed; it is made outside the country house. They clean it with a sewer machine. Backlash - a closet is ideal for areas located near highways. The arrangement begins with a hole. It should be sloping towards the installation of the hatch. After waterproofing, the concrete solution is poured into the walls. A hatch with a wooden cover, as well as a metal cover, is placed above the cesspool. There should be a layer of thermal insulation between them. A modern toilet is installed as a podium in such a toilet. Read about a country shower, with heating and a changing room.

A powder closet does not involve the arrangement of a pit. Instead, a container is used; it is emptied when filled. The waste is mixed with sawdust, peat, soil, and hay located nearby. The toilet requires a ventilation device.


  • autonomy of the degree of occurrence of groundwater;
  • independence of location of wells

You can use a regular dry closet as a powder closet.


It’s hard to imagine a summer cottage without buildings, especially without a toilet. The size is selected so that you can use it without problems. Common parameters: depth – meter, width – 1.5 meters, height – 2.2 meters. At the request of the owners, it is possible to increase the size of the toilet. For interior cladding, you can use metal profiles, clapboards, or slabs.

Ready-made wooden toilets for a summer residence: price

How much does a wooden toilet cost for a country house? What is the average price of a toilet made of natural wood? On average, such a model will cost you 10-12 thousand rubles. For about the same money you can install a toilet, using the services of specialists, you will be able to save time.

Toilet cabin for a summer house made of shalevka with a seat. Cost – 8600 rub.

How to build it yourself

You can build a separate toilet house yourself. The materials for construction will be boards, remnants of construction timber, and roofing felt. Construction will not require significant time and material costs. It is important to comply with the rules and regulations existing in our country during the construction process.
When building a wooden toilet at your dacha, you will need: nails, screws, a saw, a level, a hammer. Before starting work, find out how deep the groundwater is in the area. If they are located above 2.5 meters, you will not be able to make the usual type of cesspool on the site. The only way out of this situation will be the installation of an insulated ready-made septic tank. Read about country toilets without a cesspool in.

Do-it-yourself wooden country shower and toilet

A typical toilet has the following components:

  • casing, pit (septic tank),
  • seat with a special hole,
  • frame,
  • interior decoration,
  • door,
  • window,

Algorithm for creating a wooden toilet on your own.

  1. The first stage consists of digging a cesspool.
  2. Next, you need to make a frame from timber and cover it with decorative materials.
  3. Then they lay the floor and cut a hole in the seat.
  4. The base of the toilet is prepared for installation on the pit.
  5. They are setting up the cabin.
  6. The roof is being installed.
  7. Install the window and door.
  8. Carry out external and internal finishing (optional).

The life of a modern person is not possible without communications, but a wooden country toilet is still relevant and in demand. This choice can easily be explained by the simplicity of its construction and maintenance. In addition to garden plots, such toilets are also installed on construction sites. Environmental friendliness, reliability, functionality - qualities inherent in this design.

Among the alternative options is the purchase and installation of ready-made dry closets. In this case, you will get rid of the additional hassle associated with cleaning the cesspool. These include: purchasing special chemical liquids, monitoring the filling indicator, and periodically emptying the contents.

The first building that appears on a summer cottage is not a house or a shed for equipment, but an outdoor toilet. You can’t do without this simple construction within a few hours of appearing at the dacha. But before you ask the question: “How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands?” and to start building a structure, albeit temporary, but not the simplest one, you need to thoroughly study your own site and understand where it is better to build a toilet, and what design it will be.

And only then you can look for drawings, prepare building materials and take up the tool.

Which toilet is better for a summer house?

Even on a well-equipped site where there is a house, many summer residents prefer to have both an outdoor and indoor bathroom.

  • A toilet in the house is indispensable at night and in bad weather. You can’t do without it if the dacha is used year-round.
  • An outdoor toilet for a dacha is very convenient in the midst of garden work, allowing you to quickly relieve yourself and not bring dirt into the house.

Types of outdoor toilets

  1. A toilet with a simple pit cesspool. When the pit is full, the house is moved to another place, or cleaning can be done using vacuum trucks.
  2. The backlash closet also has a cesspool, but here it is sealed and can only be cleaned using a special machine.
  3. applicable where aquifers are located nearby. Here, instead of a pit, there is a container for collecting feces under the toilet seat. Filling with dry peat or sawdust after each use helps prevent the smell.
  4. Country toilets that use biological additives or chemicals can be installed both outdoors and in the house.

Making a toilet in the country with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing, when choosing its device, is to take into account the groundwater level under the site. If the water layers here are deeper than two and a half meters, then you can safely build a toilet of any design. Otherwise, a toilet with any cesspool may turn out to be a dangerous structure.

Rules for placing a toilet in a summer cottage

Before starting construction of a toilet in a country house, it is important to decide on its location, taking into account the existing restrictions, which, first of all, relate to structures with cesspools.

And here, in addition to the groundwater level, attention should be paid to:

  • to reservoirs, wells or other sources of water was at least 25 m;
  • to or shower located on the site, at least 8 m;
  • the toilet was located below the water intake point;
  • the distance to the house, cellar or basement was at least 12 m;
  • to trees - 4 m, and to fruit bushes and fences at least a meter;
  • a car could drive up to the cesspool, the pumping hose most often having a length of 7 m.

When choosing a location, take into account the prevailing direction of the wind and the location of the toilet door, so as not to annoy neighbors or loved ones with unpleasant odors and other awkward moments.

With your own hands

Setting up a toilet will not be difficult if the summer resident has even basic skills in working with various building materials and tools. You need to start building a toilet in your dacha by selecting a drawing or developing it yourself. The easiest way is to calculate and build a toilet without a cesspool. There will be no need for the construction of a foundation or the inevitable excavation work.

The dimensions of the toilet house are selected so that the structure is convenient to use.

The most common version of a country toilet has:

  • width from one and a half meters,
  • depth of at least a meter,
  • the height at the highest point is at least 2.2 meters.

If desired, the dimensions can be increased.

Drawings of a country toilet

You can use one of the ready-made drawings that are now available on the Internet, the main thing is that the toilet for the dacha in the photo is accurately calculated, fits in size and fits into the selected area. If you have the necessary preparation, you can carry out the calculation yourself.

What is the best way to make a toilet?

Although the most popular are wooden toilets for dachas, along with boards, other materials are also used for cladding dacha toilets. This includes metal siding and slate, multi-layer plywood and other materials; toilets are also built from brick.

Asking the question: “What is the best way to make a toilet at the dacha?”, many summer residents choose sheet materials that allow them to reduce the time for covering the frame. However, it is much more comfortable to be in a wooden toilet house, since wood breathes, exchanging air and removing excess moisture. However, it should be remembered that all wooden parts, and especially those in contact with moisture, must be treated with a special impregnation.

Toilet foundation

A country toilet most often does not require the construction of a large-scale foundation, since the structure itself is made of fairly lightweight building materials. It is worth pouring a foundation for a toilet only when constructing it from bricks or blocks, as well as when constructing a concrete pit.

Both wooden beams and concrete structures are used for supports, which are more durable due to their resistance to humidity, temperature and other environmental influences.

  • First, the construction site is marked, defining the corners of the toilet house.
  • Then, asbestos-cement pipes of suitable diameter coated with bitumen mastic are dug into these points to a depth of 50 cm. The depth depends on the design of the toilet for the dacha and the characteristics of the soil.
  • Then the pipes are filled one third with concrete, which is carefully compacted.
  • Now pillars made of wood, concrete or angle are inserted into the pipes, and mortar is added again to give the structure strength. These pillars can serve as vertical guides for the frame, which means their location should be verified using a level or plumb line.

If the supports on which the frame will stand are made of blocks or bricks, then before installing them you need to remove a 30-centimeter layer of soil and compact this base. Additionally, the bottom can be compacted using sand backfill, on top of which concrete blocks are installed, or a brick base is made.

Toilet frame

It is easy to make a frame for a toilet in the country with your own hands from timber no thinner than 50x50 mm or metal corners.

In a traditional toilet design, the frame consists of:

  • four vertical supports performing a load-bearing function;
  • roof trim and at the level where the toilet seat is supposed to be made;
  • frame for the doorway;
  • diagonal ties on the back wall and on the sides of the toilet.

Already at the stage of constructing the frame, it is important to calculate the height of the toilet seat. To do this, you need to mark the level of the future floor, and then count up 40 cm, taking into account the thickness of the strapping.

Roof for toilet

The roof is made from any available materials, for example, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. With wooden sheathing, the roof is made of roofing felt or other material that provides reliable protection from moisture. The roof can be gable or single-pitch, the main thing is that it is reliable and does not retain moisture. We must not forget about the hole for the ventilation pipe, which is sealed to prevent leaks.

In a summer cottage toilet, a ventilation pipe is removed from under the floor level, from a pit or a container for collecting feces. Moreover, it should be higher than the level of the roof of the toilet house.

Toilet wall paneling

The next stage of building a toilet in the country is to cover the constructed frame. At this stage, you can choose any of the materials you like. More often you can see wooden toilets for summer cottages - such structures are convenient, practical and quite durable. When using wood for sheathing, it is better to take boards from 15 to 25 mm thick, which are tightly fitted and attached to the frame. To prevent moisture from leaking in, it is better to place the boards vertically.

Seat and floor

When calculating a toilet seat, it is important not only not to make a mistake with its height, but also to make a hole at a comfortable distance from the edge. The frame of the toilet seat is carefully sheathed with boards and treated with sandpaper and painted. It is convenient to make the lid of the toilet seat on hinges.

Toilet door

The door in a wooden toilet for a summer house is made of the same material as the walls. The structure is hung on hinges, the number of which depends on the weight and size of the structure. Any closing mechanism, be it a hook, latch, latch or other device, is mounted both on the outside and on the inside.

Another door is made on the back wall. It can be used to remove a container with waste or to immerse the hose of a sewer truck.

To provide at least a small but natural light, a window is cut above the door.

When construction is completed, drainage needs to be done around the house, especially if the garden toilet is located above a cesspool.

Video: building a country toilet with your own hands

A toilet is a building that is simply mandatory in a country house. Often, it is from this building that the arrangement of the purchased plot begins. At first, you can do without a bathhouse, and without a gazebo, and even without a house or at least a shed for storing equipment, but you can’t do without a toilet.

In order to spend time comfortably in the countryside, you definitely need to take up the construction of a toilet, and you can do all the work yourself. The instructions for creating such a strategically important facility for a given site provide, first of all, for choosing a location.

Choosing an area for construction

Of course, everyone has the right to decide for themselves where to start construction of such a specific facility, but there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions that must be taken into account when choosing the location of the toilet:

  • Strict rules regulate the minimum permissible distance between water from which is used for domestic needs. The construction site must be at least 25 m away from water intake sources;

When choosing a site, you should take into account not only your own interests and the location of your well, but also take into account the interests of your neighbors and take into account the location of wells on their sites.

  • Naturally, the arrangement of such a room is not carried out in the center of the site. Try to choose a more modest, remote location for such construction. It is also prohibited to place a toilet on the very border of the site; you must step back at least 1 meter from it;
  • If the area is uneven and there is some height difference, then the toilet should be located in a low area;
  • Also take into account the wind rose in order to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the area;
  • For ease of use, consider in advance the convenience of driving the sewer truck directly to the cesspool in order to clean it, because you still have to do this periodically.

Main types of toilets for summer cottages

Differences in the design of such buildings lead to the existence of a certain classification of toilets, which do not provide for the possibility of connecting to a central sewerage system. At the same time, the technology for constructing any of them is not particularly difficult and will not take much time.

You can handle the following types of construction yourself:

  1. Pit toilet;

Based on these types of structures, many modifications were invented and built, differing in appearance, design, and building materials used, which can seriously affect such parameters as price.

The choice of one type of structure or another depends primarily on the level of groundwater in the area.

Advice. If this level is only 3.5 m and higher, then only a powder closet can be installed on the site.
If the water level is much lower, then your choice is not limited.

Construction with cesspool

Among our compatriots, this type of design has become most widespread. The operation of such a toilet is as simple as possible and consists of accumulating waste in a cesspool dug specifically for this purpose.

If the pit is filled to 2/3 of its height, it is cleaned manually or mechanically, or the structure is preserved and the toilet itself is moved to a new location, and the filled pit for the country toilet is covered with earth.

Arrangement of the pit

The construction of a country toilet begins with:

  • A hole is dug for a country toilet in the shape of a square with a side of one meter and a depth of two;
  • The bottom and walls of the dug hole must be strengthened. Concrete rings for a toilet in a country house, brickwork or stone masonry can serve as such reinforcement; it is also possible to use wooden logs or boards. The bottom is covered with a layer of crushed stone, which is compacted thoroughly;

Advice. If you are concerned about the tightness of the bottom of the pit, you can concrete it or line it with bricks.

  • Next, the pit is sealed by caulking and plastering; this is necessary to ensure that waste does not penetrate into groundwater.

Building a wooden toilet

In fact, the answer to the question of how much a toilet costs for a summer house directly depends only on the materials chosen for construction. In order to save money, most summer residents choose wood for this. The construction process itself is based on the following questions:

What shape should the toilet be? Typically, the frame of a garden toilet has a rectangular or square shape.
What type of foundation should I choose? The optimal base option for such a structure is a columnar foundation for a toilet in the country. The construction of the foundation consists of laying a brick pillar under each corner of the building. Ruberoid is laid on top of the pillars, which will become a waterproofing layer.
How to make a frame? The frame structure is made of beams, which are pre-coated with primers and painted in order to protect them from rotting processes. Assembling the frame consists of the following steps:
  • After processing, the beams are fastened together and installed on the prepared foundation;
  • Vertical beams are installed on the base, strictly checking their verticality in level; Racks are installed on which the doors will subsequently be hung;
  • Beams are installed that protrude along the perimeter of the structure, necessary for the construction of the roof;
  • The seat frame is constructed directly above the pit.
What is the roof made of? The roofing material most often used is the same roofing material, which is covered with a sheet of slate on top.
How to cover a toilet in a country house? Often, wood, lining, siding, etc. are chosen as the material for covering the toilet.

Advice. For more accurate and high-quality fastening of vertical beams to the base, metal plates and bolts are used.

To make it easier to use the toilet at night, lighting should be provided, for which electricity is supplied to the building. If there is no electricity, you can be helped out by a service such as renting a diesel generator for your dacha. For daytime lighting, a window should be cut in the trim above the door itself.

The shape of this window can be any, but often holes are cut out in strict geometry or in the shape of a heart.


A toilet is a structure that is certainly associated with the occurrence of unpleasant odors. In order to minimize this side effect of this type of structure, professionals recommend equipping the seat with a tight-fitting lid; in addition, a hood in the country toilet would also be useful.

To arrange ventilation, the following actions must be performed:

  1. The sewer plastic pipe is attached to the rear wall of the building using clamps so that one end is buried 1 dm into the cesspool;
  2. The other end of the pipe is led out through a hole made in the roof;

Advice. The ventilation pipe should rise above the roof by approximately 0.2 m.

  1. The entry and exit points of the pipe must be carefully sealed, and in order to increase traction, a deflector attachment should be installed on the head of the pipe.

Country backlash closet

This type of design is the optimal answer to the question of how to install a toilet in a country house if there is no sewage system. A backlash closet is a structure that is an intermediate option between a cesspool and an industrial septic tank and is perfectly used in structures such as country houses made of block containers, wood or stone. This type of toilet requires the presence of a sealed container.

Cleaning a cesspool of this design is carried out only with specialized equipment, so you should not choose a backlash closet if there is no company providing such services near your site.

Powder closet outside the city

This type of construction is as simple as possible because it does not require digging a cesspool. The functions of such a pit are performed by a specialized container or barrel for a toilet in a country house, which is placed directly under the toilet seat, and when filled, is simply taken out.

To ensure partial removal of the unpleasant aroma in such a structure, a box with sawdust, soil, peat or dry straw is placed next to the toilet seat. These materials can be used to powder waste after each visit to this facility.


As you have already understood, anyone who is at least a little familiar with construction can build a toilet in their own dacha. And if you are not a builder, then if you wish, you can learn everything on your own if you devote enough time and attention to it, and do the work carefully. And the video in this article will tell you even more about construction technology.

Great article 0

If you decide to make a country toilet with your own hands, then this article is just for you. We will look at everything you need to know: from choosing the right location to installing a cesspool and constructing a wooden structure. You just need to follow the recommendations from the review to get the job done easily.

How to organize work

To make a country toilet, you don’t have to be a builder or carpenter. The structure is simple, so its construction can be done by anyone. But there are a number of nuances, failure to comply with which can lead to many problems, so first of all you need to understand the installation rules. Only after this can you start working.

How to choose a place

First of all, you need to choose the correct location of the country toilet.

There are several rules to remember when determining the construction site:

  • The distance from the toilet to the source of drinking water must be at least 25 meters. Ideally, the further away the well is located, the better. You cannot place the structure closer, especially if your groundwater is located close to the surface;
  • It is better to locate the structure no closer than 5 m from the house. This is due both to sanitary standards and to the fact that if it is located close, unpleasant odors will penetrate the house, especially in the summer when the windows are open. It is also advisable to take into account the prevailing wind direction in your region, so that if possible, place the toilet on the leeward side;

  • You should also maintain a distance from the fence, the minimum distance is 1 m. If you place the structure closely, your neighbors may sue you and you will have to move the structure;
  • When deciding where to put the toilet, do not forget to take into account the level of the site. It is necessary to install the building so that it is not located in the highest place. But it is also undesirable to build in lowlands, especially if there is water on your site in the spring.

If you have a closed cesspool, then do not forget to provide a place for the access of a sewage truck. Otherwise, situations often arise where the car simply cannot drive up.

Materials and tools

To build a frame toilet with a cesspool, you need a simple set of materials. All necessary components are presented in table form for clarity.

Material Recommendations for selection
Wood block The frame of the structure will be constructed from it. It is better to take options with a cross-section of 40x40 mm or larger to ensure strength and reliability. Pine is most often used, its price is low, and its reliability is quite sufficient for our work.
Board To cover the structure, boards with a thickness of 32 millimeters or more are used. If desired, the outside surfaces can be sheathed with a block house or imitation timber. But you can get by with a cheap board, especially if you want to carry out the process at minimal cost
Roofing material For these purposes, you can use slate, metal tiles, flexible roofing and any other suitable material. Some use regular roofing felt that is attached to a board or oriented strand board deck.
Material for cesspool Simply digging a hole and leaving it like that is extremely undesirable: the walls may settle over time, and your toilet will fall or fail. For the pit, you can use tires from trucks or tractors, you can lay out the walls of brick, or you can make it from concrete rings (special sewer options of reduced diameter are sold)
Pipe for ventilation It is best to use a regular sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm for these purposes. Its quantity depends on the height of the structure

As for the tools, you need the following set:

  • Hacksaw or power tool for cutting wood. You can get by with the manual option, it’s much cheaper;
  • Shovel for digging a cesspool;
  • If you are laying brick, you will need a trowel and a container for preparing the mortar;
  • You can assemble the structure either using nails (you need a hammer) or self-tapping screws (you need a screwdriver). I prefer the second option for its reliability;

  • A tape measure with a pencil, a square and a level will help you take accurate measurements and assemble an even structure.

Digging a cesspool

This part of the work, despite its simplicity, takes a lot of effort, so it is better to dig a hole not by yourself, but with 1-2 assistants, so that you can rest alternately.

The workflow consists of the following steps:

  • The configuration of the future pit is determined. If you use wheels or rings, you will need a round shaped recess. If the walls are made of brick, then you can make a square version with a side of 100-120 cm. It is important to decide what type of pit it will be; if the groundwater is close to the surface, then it is better to make it a closed type so that waste does not fall into the soil ;
  • The surface is marked and work begins. It is better to remove the top fertile layer of soil separately to use it in the garden. Next, the soil is selected and either removed or evenly scattered to raise the level of the site or level out the holes on the site;

  • The depth is usually about 2 meters. There is no need to do more. After the pit is ready, it is worth leveling the bottom and adjusting the walls, if necessary;

  • If the walls are made of brick, it is better to make them square. Drawing a circle is much more difficult, but putting straight sides is easier. You don’t need perfect masonry quality, the main thing is to securely fasten the elements to the mortar and make the walls more or less even. You can leave holes in the bottom for drainage;

  • Tire installation is even easier. They are carefully placed on top of each other and aligned. There is no need to secure them additionally. You can make a slot in the upper element so that you can then insert a hose to pump out the cesspool;

  • If concrete rings are used, it is better to install them using a lift. Most often, two rings are used, the depth is exactly two meters;

  • If necessary, the bottom is concreted. Everything is simple here: the soil is leveled, a 10 cm sand cushion is poured and compacted. A mortar 5 cm thick is poured on top;
  • If you have an open option, then a drainage layer is poured onto the bottom. Everything is easy here: you take crushed stone of the middle fraction and distribute it in a layer of 20-30 cm over the surface.

Construction of a house

Now let's figure out how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands.

The process is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Before building a toilet, draw up a design with all the dimensions. This will greatly simplify the workflow, because you will know all the parameters of each element. In addition, when you clearly imagine the end result, the assembly is much faster and easier;

  • Materials are prepared according to the drawing. The bars are cut into pieces of the required size. If you have a pitched roof, then the front pillars should be 20 cm higher than the rear pillars; this is the simplest roofing option;
  • First of all, the base is assembled. The most important thing here is to make the structure level; to do this, be sure to check the diagonals before fastening all the elements. This is the easiest way to control the geometry and eliminate distortions. It is best to fasten the parts with self-tapping screws;

To ensure the best reliability, it is advisable to treat the lower part with mining or other protective compound.

  • The base is installed on the soil. The easiest way is to use 4 concrete blocks, which will prevent contact of wooden surfaces with the ground and will become a reliable support for the structure. I do not recommend pouring a foundation; the blocks do an excellent job as a foundation;

  • Vertical posts are attached. The easiest way to work is to use metal mounting angles; with their help you will quickly and securely connect the elements. When attaching, it is important to control the verticality of the posts using a level. If necessary, you can additionally fix the block with temporary braces;

  • A toilet seat is being built. Everything is simple here: a frame is made from a block, 40 cm high and at least 50 cm wide. There are no special requirements, the main thing is to ensure the rigidity of the structure. For this part of the structure, the same block is used as for the racks;

  • Roof supports and door frame are attached. As for the bars on the roof, they must have a projection of 20 cm to cover the walls from precipitation. For doors, a reinforcing leaf is made according to the size of the future canvas. How it all looks when assembled is clearly shown in the photo below;

  • The walls are covered with boards. Everything is simple here, the main thing is to cut the material to size. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws or nails. It is better to use an edged board so that there are no gaps in the structure. The toilet is still an outdoor one, and it is undesirable for the wind to blow there;

  • The door is assembled and installed. A simple design is used, which consists of a board, two lintels and one or two braces to ensure reliability. Moreover, it is better to first assemble the structure, and then evenly cut off the upper and lower parts. The cloth is attached to the toilet frame with hinges, which can be purchased at any hardware store;

  • The ventilation pipe is easiest to install from the back. It should be at least 20 cm higher than the roof and lower into the hole by about 15 cm. To improve ventilation and protection from precipitation, a deflector is attached to the top.

After construction, do not forget to treat the structure with a protective compound. You can use both paint and impregnations, which do not hide the structure of the wood, but reliably protect the surface from moisture and pests. Painting must be renewed at least once every 3 years; this will extend the service life of the structure by at least twice.

Construction of a powder closet

If the groundwater level in the area is very high or there are other restrictions on the construction of a cesspool, then it is easier to build a powder closet. It is also called a peat toilet due to the fact that peat is used as a filler when used.

The design is in many ways similar to the usual version, but there are also differences, which we will discuss below:

  • First of all, you need to make a diagram of the future structure. It is similar to the option described above, but in it the house is placed not on a pit, but on a base of concrete blocks installed on the ground;

  • The house can be assembled anywhere and placed where you need it. It is better to make a floor in the toilet so that you can place the bucket not on the ground, but on the flooring. When determining the size, do not forget that there should be a bucket of peat nearby. This is why such toilets are usually wider than standard ones;

  • The height of the pedestal depends on the size of the bucket or container that will be used. Decide on this aspect first, and then get to work. It often turns out that after assembly it turns out that the bucket does not fit and you have to adapt, although if you foresee this in advance, then problems can be avoided;
  • Consider how the container will be removed. You can make a folding toilet seat, or you can build doors in the back wall to take the bucket out from the street. There is not much difference, choose what is more convenient for you.


Using this review, you can easily build a country toilet. All stages are described in great detail, and the video in this article clearly shows the important points of the workflow to make it even easier for you to understand the topic. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below.

August 5, 2016
Specialization: master of interior and exterior finishing (plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate, etc.). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, the renovation of an apartment or house was done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

By and large, you can simply provide drawings on how to build a toilet in a country house with your own hands, but I don’t think this is correct, since the principle of arranging a latrine will be omitted. The fact is that no matter how beautiful and durable the architectural structure on top is, 90% of it depends on the arrangement of the sewerage system below.

Therefore, I want to focus your attention on the entire complex, point out the most common mistakes and invite you to watch the video in this article.

Four main mistakes made during construction

Now I want to draw your attention to four points that are often neglected, and since it is best to equip a toilet in a country house well, take them into account when installing and designing:

  1. As you understand, the latrine is by default a source of unpleasant odors, as well as wastewater that can pollute the environment. Despite a whole range of measures that can be used to cancel such consequences (filters, ventilation), there are certain requirements for the distance of the sewerage system from other objects. In your case, three aspects are especially important - distance from water sources, roads and the neighbor's fence - pay attention to the schematic drawing above.
  2. The second mistake can be called neglect of the foundation, more precisely, its strength, on which the architectural structure is installed. You've probably seen lopsided toilets that are scary to go into! So, this is precisely the consequence of this error.
  3. Following the principle “so that it doesn’t go to waste,” some install regular toilets on the street, not country toilets.. There is practically nothing there to wash them off with (the stored container of water is too small for this purpose), as a result of which unsanitary conditions develop.
  4. And finally, the fourth mistake is neglecting the sheathing- we are not talking about beauty, but about the density of the wall, where there are no drafts. The presence of drafts can lead to dire consequences for your health!

Arrangement of a country toilet

Pit and base

1 - toilet; 2 - beams; 3 - storage tanks; 4 - pipes

Explanation. The top diagram shows the principle of arranging a toilet with. But we are mainly interested here in the location of the beams on the pit for the foundation of a higher structure.

So, you can attach a toilet and shower room to the house or install it autonomously - in any case, you will need a storage tank for wastewater, or a connection to a centralized sewerage system.

I will not explain in detail the structure of the septic tank, since this is a separate topic, although we will touch on it briefly, in any case we will have a pit. As with any other container, the main requirements here are capacity and strength (so that the walls do not collapse).

Again, if you do not concrete it or use masonry, then the main attention should be paid to the density of the soil, which determines the likelihood of a landslide. The most durable can be called alumina, as in the photo above, but, nevertheless, this does not guarantee complete stability of the beams. Therefore, when installing beams, they must extend beyond the edges by at least half a meter, and if necessary, if the soil is soft, a meter or more.

Of course, the best option here would be a storage tank (concrete or brick plastered) with a lid, which, in fact, will be the basis for installing the toilet. Here you can already vary:

  • leave it as a cesspool;
  • or use it as the first settling compartment for a septic tank, although its price, of course, is higher than that of a regular pit.

The most important thing is that the lid will simultaneously serve as an excellent foundation for the higher structure, but the container itself is installed on a sand and crushed stone cushion so that there is no tilting or subsidence.

Wooden toilet

I want to repeat once again that I am not going to offer you a building according to specific dimensions, since this does not make sense due to the differences in conditions and needs. But you will understand how to build the same structure with a brick shower, because the principle itself is important here, not the material.

We continue to consider the topic of how to properly build a toilet and move on to the premises of the superior architectural structure itself. Let's say that you have a pit ready, and you put tarred wooden beams on it, and perhaps even concrete or metal profiles, which is even better.

Now it is important for us that the floor does not end up on the same level with the ground - raise it by at least 15-20 cm - this will significantly increase its service life, as it will reduce the likelihood of rotting.

Now regarding the geometric parameters of the structure as a container - a comfortable height from floor to ceiling should be about 200 cm, and the optimal perimeter is about 140x140 cm.

These figures are calculated for almost everyone, but you, of course, can increase such parameters. I simply do not recommend making them smaller, so as not to create a feeling of discomfort.

As for ventilation, it is best if in the back of the pit, behind the toilet, you embed a PVC ventilation pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and a height of 50 cm above the roof of the building itself. In fact, it can be any other pipe, even a brick pipe.

However, PVC is not only convenient, but also economical. Please note that if there is a residential building nearby (closer than 4-5m), then the pipe, naturally, should be higher than it, so that the smell does not penetrate into the room through the windows.

Now let's pay attention to the roof - it is usually either gable or single-pitch. From a technological point of view, there is no difference, but from a technical point of view, the amount of work increases.

In addition, if there are no special claims to architectural individuality, then it is best to use only one slope - you will not only save labor costs, but you will use much less materials.

Try to close it tightly - use false strips or at least pieces of rubber to do this, securing them around the perimeter of the door leaf. This will protect the inside from snow. And if you use such a toilet in winter, it will be much warmer there.


You can undoubtedly build a wooden or even brick toilet with your own hands - it’s quite simple. For a sample, you can take one of the drawings from this article and substitute your dimensions. If you have interesting suggestions, write about it in the comments.

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