How to lay linoleum with a rectangular pattern. Is it possible to lay new linoleum on the old one? Glue for laying linoleum is of three types

Linoleum is a practical and externally attractive flooring that is found in houses, apartments, cottages, offices, shopping centers, public institutions ... Almost everywhere. How to lay linoleum, how to do it right - read on.

On what basis

Even when choosing a floor covering, the question arises of what to lay linoleum on. Is it necessary to prepare the base and if so, how seriously. The answer is simple: linoleum can be laid on any base. The main thing is that it be even, strong and clean. Preparation takes place and can be easy and quick if the ground is even. In this case, the floor is simply cleaned and dried. If the floor is with potholes, large irregularities, preparation takes longer. For correction, a screed or self-leveling mixtures can be used, a dry screed with sheet building material (plywood, OSB, MDF boards) is also used. It all depends on the type of foundation.

Concrete and wood floor

You can easily lay linoleum on a concrete floor. In general, there may be drops on the surface, the main thing is that they are not local - small and deep pits and tubercles are excluded. Changes can be, but smooth. If there are significant irregularities, before laying linoleum, it is better to fill in the leveling screed.

Lay this finish on a flat wooden floor. Many people think that under it the wood will rot. If the wood is dry, without signs of infection with fungi and mold, then nothing will happen to it. With proper installation, an airtight layer is obtained, so that moisture does not penetrate inside. If there are seams, they are welded, so that moisture penetration into them is unlikely. To prevent water from getting under, choose wide models and press them well to the floor. A more reliable way is to lay a self-adhesive sealing tape under the linoleum around the perimeter.

If the boardwalk itself is made correctly, with normal ventilation, then there is nothing for it to rot. If you are very worried, before laying linoleum, treat the floor with antiseptics.

If there are noticeable gaps in the plank floor, they will be visible on the floor after a while. If they are small, they can be puttied, using grinding to level the surface. Sometimes the floorboards buckle, rising slightly at the edges. Sanding such a floor will not work - a lot of nails. In this case, or if the gaps are too large, it is recommended to put sheet material on top of the boards - plywood, OSB, MDF. They are good because they do not have a very large thermal expansion, and the OSB does not yet absorb moisture (you can take moisture-resistant plywood), and this is important in wet rooms (in the kitchen, for example).

And fiberboard as a base for linoleum is not a very good option - with increasing humidity, they swell, fiberboard goes in waves. After drying, the original form is not restored, so that the linoleum laid on top is hunched and wrinkled.

Before laying linoleum, you need to lay or. This is necessary if the plank floor "plays", the boards sag. If you lay the coating immediately on the boards, it will crack in the places of deflection, and quite soon. And this means - the replacement of the flooring, and there may be problems with the boards - moisture can seep into the cracks.

That's what "with a run-up of seams" means

When laying any sheet material for leveling the floor under linoleum, it is laid with a run-out of seams - so that they do not match (like brickwork). Small seams are left between the sheets, which are then filled with elastic (non-hardening) mastic.

Is it possible to put new linoleum on the old coating

We must say right away that it is advisable to remove the old coating before laying linoleum. But this can be problematic and then flooring is allowed on top of an existing one. True, only if the old floor is even or irregularities can be repaired. New linoleum is placed on the old one, on tiles, on parquet. If there are defects in the base - chips, dents, protrusions - they are eliminated, sealed with putty, cut off, the seams between the tiles are rubbed so that the surface is even.

Lay linoleum on parquet, tile or other linoleum. But only under one condition - the base must be even

With old linoleum, as with a substrate, there are usually no problems. If there are bumps, they are pierced, filled with glue, the cracks are smeared with a repair compound - cold welding for type “C” linoleum or sealant. When laying new linoleum on the old one, there may be another problem - it will turn out too soft and significant depressions can form under the legs of the furniture.

On parquet, as well as on a plank floor, it is advisable to lay a substrate of sheet material - the planks can also “walk”, tearing the coating.

Glue or not

Before laying linoleum, you need to decide whether you will glue it or not. There is an opinion that it is not necessary to glue it in houses and apartments. It is pressed against skirting boards, furniture, large appliances, etc. All this "holds" him in place. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It usually works on hard semi-commercial and commercial types of coating, and does not work on softer household ones.

It's a matter of thermal expansion. In summer, when it's hot, linoleum expands "creeping out" from under furniture and appliances. In autumn, it shrinks to its previous size, but does not return under furniture. Waves and bumps form. Therefore, the majority agrees that it is necessary to fix it.

If you don't glue it, it might look like this

Just keep in mind that linoleum either does not need to be glued at all, or glued completely. Glue in some places - almost guaranteed to get humps and swellings after a while.

What to glue

Before laying linoleum, you need to figure out how to glue it. If the room is small, household linoleum is laid in one piece on a smooth base (sheet material, old linoleum, etc.), you can fix it with double-sided tape. It is fixed securely, but due to thermal expansion, humps can form between the adhesive tapes. Therefore, if you glue linoleum, then glue it.

There are two types of adhesives:

The first option is more familiar to us, but when changing the coating, we have to suffer for a long time, tearing off the coating and glue residue from the base. The fixation holds “on shift” no less reliably, but allows you to calmly re-lay it several times (from 5 to 8, depending on the composition).


Fixings are used for laying residential and semi-commercial linoleum. If we talk about the price per liter, then fixing is much more expensive. But her consumption is much less (100-180 g / square), so gluing one square meter will be cheaper. From all points of view, this is the best option. Here are a few normal fixers you can work with:

There are other manufacturers, new products appear every day. But, before buying, carefully read the instructions. See what can be used on your base, with your type of coverage.

Adhesive for linoleum

Definitely do not use glue with a solvent (neoprene). Technologies have changed so that such glue gives a color change (red spots appear). Only marmoleum (material based on natural ingredients) can be glued with this glue.

If you decide to use glue, here are brands that give good results:

If you need to save money, household linoleum “with pile”, on a jute or foam base, can be glued to PVA or Bustilat M. If it is placed on concrete, screed or other similar coating, first the glue is diluted with water (1 to 1), the surface is primed with this composition (possibly twice). After that, PVA or Bustilat is applied and the coating is rolled “wet”.

How to glue the joints of linoleum

To connect the joints of linoleum there is a special glue. It is called "cold welding for linoleum". These are small tubes with a sharp nose, which the composition is filled directly into the joint. It does not so much glue as it dissolves adjacent areas of the coating, creating an airtight seam.

There are two types of cold welding for linoleum:

When laying linoleum, of course, type A is used. Pay attention to the instructions for use. There are different types, they require different drying times.

If you haven’t worked with cold welding for linoleum joints before, practice on scraps beforehand. When you work out the technology, and understand what and how to do, you can start gluing joints indoors.

Another point: the glue for connecting the joints of linoleum emits harmful substances until it polymerizes. Therefore, windows and doors are opened in the room, providing ventilation. It is better to work with gloves, and a respirator will not hurt.

How to lay linoleum with your own hands

In order for self-laid linoleum to please the eye, not swell and wrinkle, it is necessary to complete several mandatory points. The first is related to the preparation of the foundation. You already know that it should; but be even. In addition, it must be dry and clean. No dust, no greasy or other stains. We collect everything with a vacuum cleaner, remove stains with a suitable agent, dry everything thoroughly. We do all this carefully: dust impairs adhesion to the base, debris particles will eventually come through the coating.

The second prerequisite: before laying linoleum, it must be “aged” for some time in a straightened state. Preferably on site. It is rolled out, left for at least 2 days, but better - for 5-7 days. So he straightens out, takes "working" dimensions. After that, you can start cutting.

How to crop

Let's start with how to cut linoleum. There are two options - a knife and scissors. Both of them can work normally, they just have to be sharp.

It is more convenient for someone to use a clerical knife, but a shoemaker's or a sharply sharpened kitchen knife is also suitable, although there are special ones. They have a retractable blade, like utility knives, but the handle is curved and the blade hardly bends.

On a clerical knife, the protrusions that hold the blade must be iron. In this case, the blade is more elastic and there is less chance that the cut will go to the side. That's precisely because the blade can "lead" some craftsmen prefer powerful scissors. To make it easier to cut, they make an incision, and then, without making cutting movements, they simply rip the coating along the intended line.

Now about where to cut. Roll out the linoleum so that it goes a little on the walls. If there are several canvases, an overlap of at least 5 cm is made at the junction. If there is a pattern, lay out the canvases in such a way as to achieve a match. Then the junction will not be noticeable.

Linoleum is cut in the corner, the joint remains overlapped and cut off after gluing the main part. The canvas is pressed to the floor, cut off with a knife or scissors. Please note that if work is carried out in a cool room, in summer the coating from high temperatures will increase in size. If you cut the canvas close to the wall, in the summer a roller forms near the baseboards. Then, at lower temperatures, it can stretch, but in the summer it spoils the look. Therefore, when cutting, step back from the wall about 1 cm.

Glue to the base

If you decide to lay linoleum without gluing, it is usually fixed along the baseboards with double-sided tape. The same material is glued in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe doors. In this case, turn off the edges, stick adhesive tape on the base. We return the edges to their place, carefully level the coating. After making sure that it lies evenly, without distortions and waves, remove the protective tape from the adhesive tape and glue the coating.

If you work with glue, you act a little differently. We twist the coating to half the length. The composition is applied to the floor (strictly according to the instructions). If there is a joint, a strip about 35 cm wide without glue is left on both sides of it. After waiting for the time set according to the instructions, the linoleum is rolled out again, pressed well.

According to the technology, a pressure roller is required - a heavy cylinder (about 50 kg in weight), movably fixed on the handle, which squeezes out air and presses the coating to the base, ensuring good bonding. If there is no roller, they take a plastic trowel, which is used when and everything is pressed well with it. You can use a board wrapped in felt or felt, or something similar.

Then glue the other side. If the canvas was laid in one piece, we can assume that the laying of linoleum is over. It remains to fix the plinth. If there are joints, we continue.

Seam processing

If there are two or more canvases, the seams will need to be processed. There is a simple way - take a T-shaped metal bar and fix it at the junction (attached to self-tapping screws or dowels, depending on the type of base). The method is not very aesthetic, but reliable. This is exactly what they do if two pieces of linoleum with different colors are joined under the door.

A more aesthetic way is to use "cold welding for linoleum" glue. First you need to cut off the excess material at the junction. We take a metal ruler (a level or a rule will do), apply it at the junction, cut both sheets with a knife along it, remove the extra strips. It is very important to cut through both canvases at once. In this case, if the pattern is chosen correctly, the connection is imperceptible, since the two canvases match perfectly. If the base under the linoleum is hard, you can put something soft under the joint - a piece of felt, linoleum, etc. Then it will be easier to cut both canvases at a time.

We turn away the non-glued parts of the coating along the seam, apply glue, wait, if necessary, for time according to the instructions, glue the coating in place, roll it with a roller. We wait for the time required for the glue to dry (according to the instructions).

Next, we take cold welding for linoleum joints and wide masking tape. We glue the junction with this adhesive tape, then, with a clerical knife, cut it along the junction. This is necessary to protect the coating from accidental ingress of the composition. It is reactive and will melt the coating, leaving an unsightly stain. The next steps are:

If everything is done correctly, the joint is almost invisible. While it is not necessary to test it - several hours are required for the final polymerization. But that's all. Linoleum is laid and you know how to lay it with your own hands.

Linoleum has gained great popularity for a long time and, despite the emergence of new coatings, continues to be in demand. It can be laid on different bases, one of the most popular is concrete. The advantage of concrete is its solidity and even surface, which facilitates the laying of the material.

We select and purchase material - 3 classes of linoleum

The service life of the floor depends on the quality of the flooring material. When choosing linoleum, consider the load that the coating will experience, temperature and humidity levels. Linoleum qualifies for three classes: household, semi-commercial and commercial. The thicker the material, the stronger and more durable it is. Household is used for residential premises in an apartment and a house, where there is a low intensity of movement.

Semi-commercial lay in offices, schools, medical institutions and other premises with low and medium traffic. The coating experiences the greatest load in shops, hotels, commercial centers, therefore the most durable type is used - commercial. When choosing a color, take into account the following recommendations:

  • when buying material for several rooms, choose a coating in one color scheme, this will visually make the rooms more spacious;
  • in a small room, a coating with a small pattern is suitable;
  • buy material with a margin, especially if you have to customize the pattern: the material should be at least 10 cm larger in length and width.

Concrete is a material that conducts heat well, so even at a comfortable room temperature, it remains cold. In order for the floor to be warm, you need to choose an advising coating. Linoleum is produced without a base and with a fabric, felt or foam base.

If you use a single-layer linoleum floor with a concrete base in living rooms, you will additionally have to purchase a substrate or make a dry screed from fiberboard, plywood or similar materials, and these are extra costs. Optimal for living rooms is linoleum with a felt base. Felt acts as a heat insulator and a substrate: thanks to its soft structure, it hides minor surface irregularities. The material with a fabric base attracts with its characteristics and low price.

Before buying linoleum, we measure the dimensions of the premises and choose the installation method in order to calculate the amount of material. When buying a coating, we pay attention to the pattern, since overspending is possible when fitting the pattern. Ask to pick up glue and mastic for the selected linoleum. It is advisable to purchase materials from one manufacturer, this will make it possible to get the best result.

Properly prepared base is the key to high-quality coverage

Before laying, you need to prepare the base. To do this, remove the old coating, prying it with a spatula and removing it in pieces. If something could not be removed with a spatula, for example, the remains of mastic or glue, we clean them with a metal brush. Having finished the dismantling work, we evaluate the surface.

Linoleum is an elastic material, therefore, if there are irregularities and roughness on the floor surface, all imperfections will be visible on the coating. In addition, linoleum on an uneven surface stretches and loses its performance, instead of lasting 5-7 years, it will only work for a couple of years. Therefore, laying at home requires a perfectly even base, which can be done with a cement screed or restore the concrete pavement.

  • Leveling with mixtures

For leveling, we prepare a mater, a grouting spatula, a building level, a long rail or a metal profile. You can use cement-sand mortars or polymeric self-leveling mixtures. As a result, you should get a perfectly flat concrete base.

Working with a cement screed is more laborious compared to self-leveling mortars, which are applied in a layer of 2 mm and dry in half a day. Before you start working with cement mortar, you need to mark a plane that will serve as a guide for alignment. On one wall we draw a horizontal line and continue to work, moving perpendicularly along the walls. As a result, we get a flat surface along the walls.

Next, visually select a square with a side of 50 cm on the floor, fill it with cement mortar. We level the solution with a spatula and trowel, checking the evenness with a building level. When the surface is leveled, in the end, we smooth the surface again with a trowel so that there are no roughness and voids. Next, fill in the next square in the same way, referring to the line on the wall and checking the evenness with a level. Thus, we fill the entire floor. We let the concrete harden, it takes several days.

  • Restoration of the concrete base

If the concrete base has small defects, they can be corrected with cement mortar. We prepare a small amount of cement screed from sand, cement and polymer additives. We put the solution in a bowl or container that is convenient for work. In order for the mixture to hold firmly on the old base, before applying it, we inspect the defective areas, remove broken and loose layers. Using a trowel and spatula, we apply the mixture to the concrete base so that it completely fills all the cracks and voids, level it from above. After the procedure, the floor must dry well so that a facing coating can be laid on it.

Laying technology - we act according to the rules

Before laying the coating, we clean the concrete base from debris and dust with our own hands, it is better to wash it. Let the surface dry well and proceed to work. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 18 degrees, the humidity of the air should not be higher than 68%. We lay a waterproofing material on top of the concrete, for example, a plastic film, this will make the floor warmer, increase soundproofing characteristics and increase the life of the floor. We lay the sheets of film overlapping so that they overlap each other by 20-25 cm, the film should overlap the wall by 5-6 cm.

For laying linoleum, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • putty knife;
  • roller;
  • brushes;
  • sharp knife or cutter;
  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • ruler;
  • plinth;
  • door slats;
  • corners;
  • double sided tape;
  • mastic or glue;
  • primer.

We lay out the stale linoleum on the floor with an overlap on the walls of about 8 cm. If the room is of non-standard dimensions, cutting the material becomes more difficult. To make it easier to work, you must first draw a plan on paper on how to properly lay linoleum. Then, using a tape measure and a marker, transfer the dimensions to the canvas.

Then we cut off everything superfluous, leaving a distance of 0.5-1 cm between the wall and the edge of the coating for the compensation gap necessary for thermal expansion.

To make an accurate cut, we bend the edge of the linoleum and make marks on the reverse side with a pencil or marker, then draw a line with a ruler and cut along it. We make diagonal cuts in the corners. If there are niches, we measure them out, make a cut with an allowance. In the places of the protrusions, we make cuts diagonally and cut out pieces in the linoleum that correspond to the size of the protrusion. Under the pipes we cut holes in the same way. If there are columns or ledges in the room that require curly cutting, we cut out patterns from cardboard, according to which it is more convenient to cut the material.

When cutting linoleum, you do not have to worry about the accuracy of the edges, if they turn out to be uneven, we will cover them with skirting boards. If it is necessary to join several pieces, we overlap them 2-3 cm, while making sure that the pattern matches. When pre-cutting the coating, we make sure that the material fits as tightly as possible to the walls, so you should not make large allowances. After cutting, we smooth the facing material with a roller from the center to the edges, leave it in this form for several days so that the folds and waves even out. The next steps depend on the chosen installation method.

Styling methods - which one is better for you to use?

If we lay linoleum in a room with furniture and low traffic, then additional fixation of the material is not necessary, it is enough to fix it around the perimeter with skirting boards, and in doorways with threshold strips.

In other situations, you must choose one of the installation methods:

  • fix on tape;
  • stick with mastic or glue.

The first method is used for small rooms where people often go, and if the material is not too rough. The process consists in creating a kind of grid of adhesive tape on the floor with a step of half a meter. On this mesh we will glue the material. Tape will help to fix the coating better. First, we glue the adhesive tape to the concrete base without removing the top protective film. Then we spread the coating, we work alternately with each half. We bend one half of the linoleum, remove the protective film from the tape and carefully lay the canvas, pressing the material to the floor with our hands and using a roller. We carry out the same procedure with the second half of the coating. Alternative option: first glue the tape mesh onto the linoleum, then remove the protection and press the coating tightly to the floor.

A more time-consuming option is laying linoleum on rubber-bitumen mastic. Using this method reliably fixes the coating and significantly extends its service life. The adhesive base is rubber-bitumen mastic, it has good adhesion to the floor, practically does not contain harmful substances. It is more suitable for fabric-based material. For a coating with a foam base, choose Bustilat or dispersion adhesive.

Before using the mastic, we apply a primer to the floor and to the coating. On thin linoleum we apply a layer about 0.5 mm thick, on rough - 0.9 mm.

Before performing work, we twist the linoleum into a roll with a pattern inside. So it is convenient to apply the adhesive on the inside of the material. To avoid problems during installation, we lay the linoleum roll close to the wall. Apply mastic with neat strokes to the surface of the coating, gradually unwinding the roll. The glued coating is leveled with a roller. Make sure that air does not get under the cover. If this happens, put something heavy on the place where the air has collected and expel the air with a roller. To join the material, we take special scissors that can cut both adjacent layers. When finished fitting, we fasten the seams with special glue or mastic. After finishing laying the coating, let the surface dry. This usually takes about two days.

You can use glue instead of mastic. It can be of two types, depending on the method of gluing: for fixing or solid. The first type is easier to apply, it is consumed less. The following types of glue are offered on the market:

  • one- and two-component;
  • water dispersion;
  • on solvent;
  • polyurethane;
  • for fixation.

Glue for continuous gluing is applied to the entire surface of the floor, for fixing - pointwise and around the perimeter. Bituminous mastics are very popular due to their high strength and moisture resistance. Their use is especially important in large rooms. Using bituminous mastic, you can protect the coating from the negative effects of moisture and level the concrete base, if it has minor defects, in order to obtain an even flooring.

We make high-quality joints - we get a beautiful floor

To obtain a high-quality coating from linoleum, knowledge of laying technology is not enough, if a roll is used narrower than the width of the room, then several strips of material have to be laid and joints welded. There are two methods of welding: cold and hot. The first method is more accessible, as it does not require a special tool and a lot of time. To work, you need masking tape, a long bar, special glue and a sharp knife. The gluing algorithm is a sequence of steps:

  1. 1. We overlap the linoleum sheets.
  2. 2. Having attached the bar, we draw a line along which we will cut the canvas.
  3. 3. Next, we make a cut along the drawn line.
  4. 4. Having removed the cut strips, we dock the canvases.
  5. 5. Glue masking tape along the cut, cut a gap in it along the docking line.
  6. 6. Pour glue into the resulting gap.
  7. 7. When the glue dries, remove the tape.

Hot welding takes more time, requires precision and accuracy, but as a result, the seams become invisible, and the service life of the coating is extended. The procedure requires special equipment for welding and a polymer cord. We join the edges of the canvases so that the pattern matches. We put the cord in the welding machine and heat it up to 300 degrees. We start work from the wall, moving towards the middle of the room. The melted cord is poured into the gap between the canvases. When the material hardens, cut off the excess with a sickle-shaped knife or other sharp tool. We get a tight inconspicuous seam.

You started a renovation in your apartment, bought all the necessary materials and realized that calling installers to fix everything in its place is now an unaffordable luxury for you? It doesn’t matter, because you can do most of the work on installing materials on walls, floors and even ceilings with your own hands! Today we will tell you about how to lay linoleum on your own. By following our tips and instructions, you will be able to repair the floor without much difficulty.

Linoleum is one of the cheapest floor coverings. However, despite its low cost, this material has a lot of positive characteristics. Also, its pleasant appearance speaks in favor of linoleum, some canvases have a “parquet-like” pattern.

The linoleum floor does not burn, is not afraid of water and is very easy to clean. It can be stellit in absolutely any room, but it shows itself best in the kitchen and in the corridor, because these rooms are most prone to pollution.

The first step is to choose the right material. There are no special rules here. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the thickness of the linoleum sheet, because the thicker such a coating, the more resistant to wear the floor will be. Experienced craftsmen do not recommend using canvases thinner than 3 mm.

Next, you measure the length of the walls and find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, on the basis of which you calculate the number of rolls. Quantity sq. meters of material should be slightly larger than you calculated as allowances are made during installation.

After the linoleum is purchased, it is necessary to remove all furniture and other items from the room that may interfere with the repair. If there are cabinets in the room that you can’t handle moving on your own, then ask your friends for help. You should not cut the flooring to the shape of the furniture, leaving the areas under it uncovered, because in this case you will not be able to make further rearrangements.

Now you just have to prepare the following tools:

  • Wide and narrow paint spatula;
  • Special glue;
  • roller;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Scissors.

This, perhaps, is all the preparatory work common to floors of different types. Further laying of linoleum will be slightly different.

How can you lay linoleum on glue with your own hands

There are several ways to lay linoleum, it is best to put such material on glue. In this case, the coating will hold on tighter and will last you much longer.

There are only two options for how to put linoleum on glue:

  1. Coating with adhesive composition of the entire surface of the base. For such work, a roller or notched trowel and a special adhesive are used, it can be one-component, two-component, water-dispersion, polyurethane, or solvent-based.
  2. To fix linoleum, glue is applied in drops in some places. In this case, you can use double-sided tape or special glue for fixing.

Since there are a lot of types of linoleum, there are special adhesives for use in one case or another. To lay a sheet on a heat-insulating base, a dispersion adhesive is used, which is applied to the floor with a layer about 0.7 mm thick. For fabric-based materials, dispersion adhesive is also used, but the thickness of its layer should not exceed 0.5 mm.

To cover the concrete floor with linoleum, a special bituminous mastic is used. It provides better grip and longer material life.

Linoleum is glued as follows:

  1. First you need to cut the linoleum in the shape of the room. If you cover the entire floor with one sheet, then you need to let it lie down for a couple of days in expanded form. After the material has straightened, it must be cut so that its edges do not reach the wall of one centimeter. This is necessary, the linoleum did not rest against the wall when you lay it and stretch it.
  2. Half of the linoleum lying on the floor rolls into a roll. The floor under it is smeared with glue, after which the canvas unfolds.
  3. The same must be done with the second half.
  4. Then the glued linoleum must be rolled with a roller and left to dry completely.

If you use several linoleum sheets to decorate a room, then they overlap each other. After that, one tightly rises and is smeared with glue, the same must be done with another piece of material. At the junction, you need to make a cut and remove all unnecessary trimmings. With this gluing, the seam between the parts of the linoleum is perfectly even.

How to properly lay linoleum in an apartment without using glue

A simpler, but less reliable way of laying linoleum is to lay it without the use of glue. This option is acceptable if you use a solid linoleum sheet for finishing the floor. However, if you decide to cover the floor with such material without the help of glue, then you should know that in any case there is a risk of wrinkles appearing on the coating.

When installing linoleum on the floor, the temperature in the room should not fall below 18 degrees. It is also necessary that the humidity of the air does not exceed 68%.

If you decide to lay linoleum without using glue, then you need to mark and cut off the linoleum as accurately as possible. Only in this case, the canvas can be placed correctly.

How to cut linoleum correctly:

  1. It is necessary to spread the linoleum sheet and let it lie down for several days.
  2. Linoleum is laid in the room in such a way that a uniform overlap is formed on each wall.
  3. If the room in which you are making repairs has external corners, then you need to start trimming the linoleum from them. First of all, it is necessary to cut the linoleum in this place so that the overlap on each side of the corner is equal to the overlaps on the wall, so that the canvas lays down at the junction of the sides of the corner, it is necessary to make an incision. You should not cut the corner, as they say “by eye”, so that the material lies flat in such corners, you need to draw two parallel lines: the first is from the beginning of the wall to the beginning of the corner, and the second is from the outer part of the corner to the perpendicular wall. The same must be done on the other side.
  4. Now you can proceed to the final trimming of linoleum. To do this, you need to bend the canvas against the wall and use a ruler to measure such a distance from it that when you cut off the excess, there is a gap of 0.5 cm between the edge of the linoleum and the wall. Put a dot in this place, continue to measure the same distance further around the room. Connect all the dots with a line and cut off excess strips of material.

After completing all the above steps, you can cut the linoleum perfectly evenly. If you are going to put several strips of linoleum in the room, then we advise you to refuse the glueless method. However, it is possible to join pieces of material using cold welding. To do this, use a special glue, instructions for its use are usually written on the package.

Description: how to lay linoleum on a concrete floor yourself

A very important step in the repair is the preparation of surfaces. Laying linoleum on a poorly prepared floor is a useless job that will soon have to be redone.

Basically, the floors in the apartments are of two types: concrete and wood (fiberboard, chipboard). The first option often requires a new screed, which will even out all the old flaws.

Preparing a concrete floor for the installation of linoleum requires care and responsibility, but you can handle it yourself. First of all, you need to remove the old finishing material. Try not to leave any dried glue, debris, or dust on the concrete floor.

Now you need to inspect the floor for irregularities. If there are only small depressions and bulges on the surface, then you will be able to level it with a metal spatula and cement plaster.

If the shape of the floor does not meet the standards, and it is not possible to remove irregularities with a simple method, you will have to change the strategy and re-fill the floor. We can write a lot about a variety of screed methods, but it is easiest to work with self-levelling floors. These mixtures allow you to make the most even surface, in addition, they dry quickly enough.

Professionals do not advise laying linoleum immediately on a concrete floor, in which case sufficient thermal insulation will not be provided to the room. It is better to close the concrete with a special cork substrate.

It is also worth paying attention to the characteristics of the linoleum itself. For a concrete base, it is necessary to choose a material with a heat-insulating felt or foam layer. Linoleum is also divided into types.

Types of linoleum:

  1. Commercial linoleum is suitable for use in public areas;
  2. Household linoleum can be used for finishing residential apartments;
  3. Semi-commercial linoleum combines the positive properties of the first and second types.

How to lay linoleum on plywood

Another option for linoleum is its lining on plywood. Such wooden sheets are used if it is necessary to improve the thermal insulation of the floor or to strengthen old boards. In the first case (if the surface is concrete), you can use plywood up to 1 cm thick, if you want to prepare a wooden floor, then choose a material no thinner than 1.5 cm.

A word on how to lay plywood sheets on a wood floor:

  1. Loose boards must be tightened to the base boards with self-tapping screws;
  2. The settled lags must be knocked out with wedges;
  3. Replace the collapsed parts of the old floor with new boards;
  4. Sand all knots and ridges on the tree;
  5. Separate the sheets of plywood. At least two pieces, and attach them to the floor with a slight offset from each other.

How to lay linoleum (video)

Linoleum is one of the most inexpensive flooring materials. Many consider it unsafe, and in the case of low-quality products, this is true. However, conscientious manufacturers have long abandoned the addition of harmful substances to linoleum, so do not hesitate to send the seller for a quality certificate.

If you need to update the floor surface, then laying linoleum is considered the best option. This material is the easiest to quickly repair the floor. High-quality types of linoleum sometimes cannot even be distinguished from a laminate, they are so hard, having a small ribbed surface, resembling a real tree. How to properly lay linoleum in a room so that it lasts as long as possible? Let's try to figure this out.

Preparatory work

No matter what gender, it must be aligned. Many neglect this rule and lay linoleum on curved boards, hoping that everything will be fine. However, everything happens differently and irregularities appear on the canvas, and if you walk on such a floor, you will have to constantly stumble.

If there are cracks on the screed, they should be repaired with a cement mortar and sanded. All defects must be leveled. If the concrete is in very poor condition, it is recommended to make a new floor screed and level the top with a self-leveling mortar.

If it is necessary to level the wooden floor in the room, then this is done with the help of glue, sheathing with plywood sheets, putty, scraping and other methods. If such a floor is in very poor condition, then it is necessary put new boards on joists or raise the level of the floor with a screed.

Many people are interested in this question: is it possible to put a new one on the old linoleum? Opinions differ in this case, but experts strongly recommend removing all old floor coverings completely, and then laying new linoleum, parquet, laminate or carpet.

To measure the required amount of material, draw a room plan with all the necessary dimensions and calculate from the drawing. It is advisable to take the canvas along the width of the room in order to avoid unnecessary joints. Buy material should be with a margin, given the docking of the drawings.

How to lay linoleum in the apartment?

To independently lay linoleum in a room, you need spread the canvas on a flat floor. It is best that he lie down for several days and take shape, and also sit around the room. The canvas should lie slightly with an overlap on the walls, especially with uneven walls.

If the walls are perfectly even, then the linoleum is laid on one side along the wall with an indent of one centimeter, and the other three sides are cut. This is necessary because of possible size fluctuations as a result of temperature changes. The gap should then hide under the baseboard, and it will not be noticeable.

How to properly lay linoleum with a repeating pattern in several stripes? To do this, the sheets are adjusted around the perimeter and combined with each other. If you want to lay more than two strips, then align joints first, and then - a drawing in the doorway, if the same coating is laid in the next room.

After laying the linoleum overlap, it is necessary to bend and make notes with a pencil. All marks are then connected with one line, and the excess is cut off. Care must be taken when fitting the edges, because in the event of an error, the joint can no longer be hidden, and it will always be visible.

To cut off excess linoleum in the outer corners, it is necessary to cut a preliminary piece with a margin of three centimeters, after which it is cut along the wall. It is imperative to measure the distance between the walls at the end and beginning of the corner, otherwise a gap may occur.

Floor fixing

If the room more than 25 square meters, then linoleum should be glued to the floor, for small rooms this is not necessary. First, the surface is primed, after which mastic is applied to the floor with a notched trowel and linoleum is applied, smoothing its surface with a rubber roller or trowel, eliminating excess air.

Seam welding

Such The process is done in two ways:

  • Hot welding - used most often for commercial linoleum. To do this, take a heating element and a filler cord. The joints and the cord are heated to a soft state and pressed, thus forming a strong connection.
  • Cold welding is considered the simplest method, for which a special glue is used, which, when exposed to linoleum, begins to soften its structure, contributing to gluing the joints. Such a connection is based on a chemical reaction, and as soon as the solvent evaporates, it becomes very strong.

Glue for laying linoleum is of three types:

Cold welding process

In order for the joints to weld well, it is necessary get connection without gap. If the sides are not cut off, then they are perfectly even. But if you need to connect two segments, then it is much more difficult to do this. To do this, the sheets must be laid on top of each other with an overlap of 5 cm and an incision should be made in the middle of two layers at once. To make the line even, make a preliminary markup and cut it with a sharp layer along a metal ruler.

Masking tape is glued over the seam so that the coating does not accidentally spoil with a solvent. At the junction, the adhesive tape is carefully cut with a knife. After that, glue is poured into the seam with a layer of 3 - 4 mm, so that adjacent sheets are also welded. After 15 minutes, the adhesive tape is removed, and the glue finally dries out in two hours. Thus, a fairly strong connection is obtained.

Installation of skirting boards

After you have laid linoleum in the apartment on your own and welded the seams, it remains attach floor tiles. It is much more practical and cheaper to use plastic PVC skirting boards with a cable channel for wires, the installation of which is quite simple. For a more aesthetic look, skirting boards should be chosen from MDF or wood, because in this case they will look rich. In addition, wooden skirting boards are unusually narrow and tall.

Plastic baseboards are considered the most popular, and you can find special parts for them designed for joining and decorating corners.

It is best to start installing skirting boards from any corner of the longest wall. Small trimmings should be left for stroking small walls. It is necessary to detach the decorative insert covering the cable channel and fix the inner corner to the end. The plinth with the corner put on is applied to the corner of the wall so that it stood straight and rested against the wall. Now the plinth should be attached to the wall through the recesses in the cable channel, using dowels or self-tapping screws for this. For a stronger connection, it is fixed in increments of 25 cm. If the walls are brick or concrete, then it is necessary to drill holes for the dowels in advance.

To tightly attach the second plinth, it is necessary to fasten the connecting element to the end of the first and move them. In the same way, the plinth is fixed to the wall and further along the entire length of the room. If this trim needs to be cut, then do it with a hacksaw.

It remains only to hide the wires inside and fix the decorative strip in place. Between rooms in the doorway preferably fasten the metal bracket so that the transition of materials is not visible.

How to lay linoleum in a room with furniture?

Sometimes a situation happens that it is necessary to change the linoleum in a room with built-in furniture, which cannot be disassembled and put back together. Her bottom may not be removable. In this case, if the old linoleum lies fairly evenly, then the new canvas can be laid on top. If it is torn in places, but not much, and swollen, then this area is cut out and glue patches on top.

Thus, in order to lay linoleum on your own, you do not need any special knowledge and skills, since this is done quite simply, and you can do this work alone. The main thing is not to rush anywhere and think carefully about the whole process before cutting off an extra piece of canvas.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose and lay linoleum correctly so that it will serve you for many years.

The cost of linoleum depends on the manufacturer's brand and wear resistance class. Many buyers do not take into account the wear resistance factor of the material. Buying a seemingly beautiful and inexpensive linoleum, after some time they get a worn oilcloth instead of a floor. To have an idea about the ratio of price, appearance and wear resistance class of linoleum, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some samples of this material.
Inexpensive linoleum is characterized by low wear resistance, poor pattern and lack of a base, this material is more like a plastic film than a floor covering. But if you decide to save money and use cheap linoleum, then take a look at the following options:

"Oak Polaris"

    • Linoleum "Oak Polaris", wear resistance class 21, price: 232 rubles per square meter.

    • Linoleum "Casablanca", wear resistance class 21, price: 295 rubles per square meter.

Linoleum in the middle price segment, most often used in the repair of residential premises. Due to its affordable price, beautiful colors and more or less good wear resistance, this linoleum is very popular. Below are the options for linoleum at an average price:

“Oak Springfield”
  • Linoleum "Oak Springfield", wear resistance class 31, price: 550 rubles per square meter.

  • Linoleum "Baron", wear resistance class 31, price: 638 rubles per square meter.

The highest quality and beautiful linoleum is expensive. But if you think about it, the money spent today will pay off in the future. Due to the increased wear resistance, expensive linoleum will not require replacement for a very long time. Below are options for expensive linoleum:

"Oak Stirlig"
  • Linoleum "Oak Stirlig", wear resistance class 32, price; 698 rubles per square meter.

“Acczent Timber PRO Tobago 5”
  • Linoleum "Acczent Timber PRO Tobago 5", wear resistance class 43, price: 818 rubles per square meter.

As you understand, the price range for linoleum starts from two hundred to a thousand rubles per square meter.

Preparatory work

Regardless of what kind of floor you currently have, concrete or wood, it is imperative to level it. Many people neglect this step and lay linoleum on curved boards “as is”, thinking that everything will be fine and this is temporary. However, as practice shows, then the canvas takes the form of irregularities, and you will stumble forever on such a floor.

If there are cracks in the screed, repair them with cement mortar and sand. All recesses and bulges must be leveled with the surface. If the condition of the concrete is too bad, then it is better to make a new floor screed, and level it with a self-leveling mortar on top.

Leveling the floor with plywood sheets.

Some are wondering: is it possible to put a new linoleum on the old one? Opinions differ: some are sure that they do this and nothing bad will happen. The main thing is to remove the baseboards and smooth out the old linoleum without bubbles. However, experts recommend completely removing all old flooring before installing linoleum, laminate, parquet, or carpet.

To measure the required amount of material, it is best to draw a room plan with dimensions and calculate according to the drawing. It is recommended to take the canvas across the width of the room so as not to make unnecessary joints. Buy material with a margin, given the docking of the drawings.

As for the installation method, for rooms less than 25 square meters. m. It is not necessary to glue linoleum, you can fix it with skirting boards.

How to lay and cut linoleum

Now we will tell you how to properly lay linoleum with your own hands.

    • To do this, spread the canvas around the room on a clean and even floor. It is highly desirable to let him lie down for a couple of days so that he takes shape, this is necessary for the shrinkage of linoleum. The canvas should lie slightly overlapped on the walls, especially if they are not very even.
    • If you are sure that the walls are even, then on one side you can put linoleum with an indent of 1 cm along the wall, and cut the other three sides. This is done for possible fluctuations in size, this happens due to temperature changes. The gap will then be hidden by the plinth, and it will not be visible.
    • Now let's figure out how to lay linoleum with a repeating pattern in several stripes. In this case, in addition to fitting the sheets around the perimeter, you also need to combine them with each other. When you lay more than two strips, the joints are combined first, and then the pattern in the doorway (if the next room has the same coating). Also note that the pattern runs parallel to the walls, otherwise it will turn out ugly.

Advice! If you are gluing several sheets to the floor, be sure to place them perpendicular to the window so that the joint line is towards the light. If you do not do this, the room will look divided, and the seam will be conspicuous. When laying a continuous canvas throughout the room, its location does not matter.

How to lay linoleum against the wall
  • After laying, bend back the linoleum overlaps and make marks with a pencil. Then connect all the marks with one line and cut off the excess. If you bought Tarkett linoleum, this step will be easier, since even cuts can be made according to the finished markings on the back. Be careful when fitting the edges: if you make a mistake, the joint cannot be hidden later - it will always be visible.
  • It is better to cut off excess linoleum for external corners in two steps, especially if you have little experience: first cut off a preliminary piece with a margin of a couple of centimeters, and then cut along the wall. Be sure to measure the distance between the walls at the beginning and end of the corner at such corners, sometimes they are not straight, and then you may have a gap.

Floor fixing

As we have already said, for large rooms over 25 sq. m. you will need to glue the linoleum to the floor, and for small rooms this is not necessary.

Pre-prime the surface before gluing linoleum. Then, with a notched trowel, apply the mastic to the floor and apply the linoleum, smoothing the surface with a rubber roller or trowel to squeeze out the air. It is not necessary to apply glue over the entire area, it is enough to glue the perimeter of the room.

You can see how to lay linoleum with your own hands in this video:

Seam welding

We figured out how to properly lay linoleum, and now you can start joining the seams.

Seam welding can be done in two ways.

Hot seam welding
  • Hot welding - mainly used for commercial linoleum. This requires a heating element (most often a special soldering iron) and a filler cord. The joints and the cord are heated to a soft state and pressed, forming a strong connection. This welding method is well suited for long seams with increased room load.
  • Cold welding of linoleum is a simpler method; a special glue is used for it, which, acting on the linoleum, softens its structure and allows the joints to be glued together. The connection is based on a chemical reaction, after the solvent evaporates, it becomes strong and neat. No additional equipment, except for special glue, is required, so it is best to use this method for repairs in an apartment.

Glue for linoleum is of three types:

  1. Type A - for welding minimum gaps. It has a liquid consistency to penetrate well into small cracks. Usually this type of glue is used for laying a new coating.
  2. Type C - for welding seams with a gap of up to 2 mm. Has a thicker consistency to fill the seam or make repairs.
  3. Type T - designed for welding felt-based linoleum.

Cold joint welding technology

    • For high-quality welding of joints, try to get a connection with almost no gap. If you haven't cut off the sides, they will be perfectly straight and should not be difficult to do. However, if you want to connect two segments, it will be more difficult to do this. To do this, lay sheets with an overlap of about 5 cm on top of each other, and cut two layers at once in the middle. To get a straight line, make a preliminary marking and make an incision with a sharp knife along a metal ruler.
    • Apply painter's tape over the seam to prevent accidental damage to the finish with the solvent. With a knife, carefully cut the tape at the junction.
    • Now you can pour glue into the seam. To do this, gently run a tube of glue with a needle nozzle along the seam, evenly filling it. A layer of 3-4 mm will be enough to penetrate and weld adjacent sheets.

Cold welding seams.

Note! If you accidentally drip glue on the surface of the linoleum, do not remove it immediately, otherwise the pattern may smear. It is better to wait until it is completely dry and scrape it off with a sharp knife.

Installation of skirting boards

Now you know how to properly lay linoleum with your own hands and weld the seams, the last step remains - fixing floor skirting boards.

It is easier, cheaper and more practical to use plastic PVC skirting boards with a cable channel for wires. There you can hide the wires dangling under your feet, their installation is quite simple. If you want a more pleasing appearance, then choose wood or MDF skirting boards, they look more ornate. In addition, wooden skirting boards can have models of an unusual narrow and high shape.

We will talk about installing plastic skirting boards, as they are more popular. On sale for them you can find special parts for joining and decorating corners.

      • Start installing the skirting board from any corner of the longest wall. Leave small trimmings for stroking small walls.
      • Detach the decorative insert that covers the cable channel.

Installation of a plinth with a cable channel.
      • Fasten the inner corner to the end.
      • Attach the skirting board with the angled corner to the corner of the wall so that it rests against the wall and stands straight.
      • Now you can screw the plinth to the wall. To do this, use self-tapping screws or dowels to screw it through the recess in the cable channel. So that it does not move away from the wall, it is best to fix it in increments of 25 cm. If the walls are concrete or brick, pre-drill holes for the dowels.
      • For the second skirting butt, attach the connecting element to the end of the first, and slide them.
      • In the same way, we fix the plinth to the wall and do this along the entire length of the room.

Docking elements of a plastic plinth.
      • If you need to cut PVC plinth, this can easily be done with a hacksaw. When measuring, take into account the width of the connecting and corner elements and cut off a shorter length so that the skirting board fits into the details.
      • Now it remains only to hide the wires inside and fix the decorative strip in place. In the doorway between the rooms, it is best to fix a metal threshold to hide the transition of materials.


This is how the technology of laying linoleum on the floor at home looks like. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated about it, it can be done alone, using the standard set of tools that every home has. The main rule here is to take your time and think carefully before cutting off an extra piece.

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