How to calculate the consumption of timber for a house. Calculator for calculating the cost of a log house with siding, slab prefabricated monolithic foundation, wood-beam floor, ondulin roof

Builders of various professions are faced with the task of finding out how many timber of a particular size are contained in a cube. It has to be solved when constructing wooden houses, installing rafter roofs, installing foundation formwork, etc. To facilitate the routine process of calculating cubic capacity, in this article we provide ready-made tables of the amount of timber in a cube of popular sections, and also suggest using an online calculator and familiarizing yourself with the formulas and general calculation procedure.

Calculation of timber cubic capacity

Initial data

The length and dimensions of the edges (section) of lumber are used as initial data in the calculation. Requirements for their values ​​are established by GOST 24454-80 “Softwood lumber. Dimensions".

Based on this document, it is possible to present a table of standard timber sizes that are most in demand on the market.

Calculation of the amount of timber in a cube

Simple mathematical calculations will help you calculate how many pieces of timber there will be in 1 cube. Starting from determining the volume of any geometric figure by multiplying the lengths of its three sides, we obtain the final formula:

N = 1 / (L*h*b), where

N – required amount of timber per 1 m3, pieces;

L – beam length, m;

Do not forget that dimensions are usually indicated in mm (for example, 150 × 150 × 6000), and before performing the calculation they must be converted to meters by dividing each value by 1000.

Important! The final value of the amount of timber in one cube may turn out to be a fractional number. Timber trading centers and warehouses usually round it down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, if you need more than 1 m 3 of lumber, then request the calculation of the quantity using the formula, and not by multiplying the volume in cubic meters by the quantity in a cube, so as not to overpay for rounding.

Calculation of timber volume in m 3 based on a known number of pieces

This problem often arises if you know exactly the required amount of lumber in pieces, and the seller sells it, guided only by the volume in cubic meters. There is nothing easier than performing this transformation!

It is enough to simply multiply the values ​​of all three sizes (length and two sides - do not forget to convert from millimeters to meters), obtaining the volume (in m 3) of 1 bar, and then multiply the resulting value by the required number of pieces.

In the form of a formula, this calculation can be described as follows:

V = N*L*h*b, where

V – required volume of timber, m3

N – known number of bars, pieces;

L – beam length, m;

h, b – dimensions of the edges (section) of lumber, m.

Timber calculation calculators

For your convenience, you can carry out any of the above calculations written in formulas online on our website by selecting the appropriate calculator.

Cubed timber calculator

Timber cubic capacity calculator by piece

Ready-made tables for the amount of timber in a cube

For the common values ​​of lengths (4 and 6 meters) and sections of edged lumber, cube tables have been developed that allow you to quickly and without calculations determine and compare how many pieces of timber will be in 1 cubic meter for a particular standard size.

How many timber 6 meters long in a cube: table

Beam size, mm
50×100×6000 33,33 33
50×150×6000 22,22 22
100×100×6000 16,67 16
100×150×6000 11,11 11
100×200×6000 8,33 8
150×150×6000 7,41 7
150×200×6000 5,55 5
200×200×6000 4,17 4
200×250×6000 3,33 3
250×250×6000 2,67 2

How much timber 4 meters long in a cube: table

Beam size, mm Number of pieces in 1 m 3 (without rounding) Whole number of pieces in 1 m3
50×100×4000 49,99 ]}50
50×150×4000 33,33 33
100×100×4000 24,99 25
100×150×4000 16,66 16
100×200×4000 12,49 12
150×150×4000 11,11 11
150×200×4000 8,33 8
200×200×4000 6,24 6
200×250×4000 5,00 5
250×250×4000 4,00 4

Features of using calculations when purchasing

So, having determined the required quantity or volume of timber in any convenient way, you also need to take care of the safety factor. The mathematical calculation model does not take into account possible curvatures of surfaces and other factors, as a result of which the actual laying of stacks of lumber does not ensure an ideal fit of the products to each other.

If the actual dimensions are smaller or there are easily visible visual curvatures of the surfaces, then the safety factor should be about 20%, and also calculate how much timber you need based on the measurements taken. We recommend using our online calculator and then forcing the seller to release the goods according to the cubic capacity calculated in this way, taking into account real, not nominal dimensions.

All project cards on our website have a detailed description and approximate cost of the finished house. But you can calculate the timber for a house or bathhouse using a calculator by changing the thickness of the walls or making other adjustments. To use the calculator, select the following options:

  • type of building (house or bathhouse);
  • complete set (turnkey or shrink);
  • log house project (select from our catalogue);
  • beam section (90x140 mm, 140x140 mm or 190x140 mm);
  • foundation design (pile-screw, strip, etc.);
  • ceiling height (number of wall crowns);
  • type of interior decoration (lining, block house, etc.);
  • type of external finishing (lining, block house, etc.);
  • insulation of floors and roofs (knauf, rockwool of various thicknesses).

You also need to fill in the fields: type of windows, roofing material and other data. Our calculator for calculating timber will help you solve the main construction issue - how much will the finished log house cost?

There is a lot of talk about the fact that they have a lot of advantages. The characteristic features of the material in question are the correctness of shape and usefulness for the general living space. That is why the most important component for a correctly built house is a normalized calculation of the amount of material required. You can calculate the amount of timber per house yourself, without consulting specialists.

Of course, you should not avoid the advice of professionals, as they will be able to establish indicators in a short time and with incredible accuracy. To make the calculations correctly, you need to determine the required volumes and find out how many components you need to take per square meter.

Thanks to the final results obtained, you can easily navigate the price range and future expenses.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

To make the calculation process more convenient, you need to use some list of simple tools:

  1. Regular pencil;
  2. A piece of paper;
  3. Calculator;
  4. Roulette.

It is important to know that the indicators given in this article are approximate. Therefore, for specific construction it is worth using your own data.

The most accurate pictures are compiled during the planning period and the availability of a final design for the future structure.

  1. Measuring the entire perimeter of the future building;
  2. Multiplying the perimeter by the floor height of the house;
  3. Multiplying the purchased numbers by the thickness of the material used;
  4. The resulting total number of cubes is the indicator necessary for the construction.

If, in addition to the walls, the construction of internal partitions is planned, it is necessary to take this factor into account when calculating. If necessary, obtain indicators not in cubic meters, they can be easily converted into units.

The specific moment is determined by dividing the total volume by the volume of a unit of production.

Counting example

Suppose you need to install a one-story structure with dimensions of five by seven cubic meters. In addition to this, you need to install a partition together with. The total ceiling height is equal to three meters. As for the pediment, it also consists of direct timber.

When performing the activity, a tree with a cross-section of 150 * 150 millimeters is used. In this case, the calculations will be as follows:

  1. 33 meters/(5+7)*2+5 – this is the immediate perimeter together with partitions;
  2. 33*3*0.15 = 15 square meters - these are the total volumes of the wall surfaces of the first floor;
  3. 5*3*0.15=2.25 square meters – pediment volumes.

Having received all the above indicators, it is necessary to summarize. In the case under consideration, it is shown that 17.25 square meters of material are required for wall surfaces.

This is all taking into account window openings, doorways, beams and, of course, ceilings. It is important to remember that components should be purchased with a small margin.

To summarize, the total cubic footage is equal to 25 square meters.

Dimensions of required materials

Quite significant parameters are thermal conductivity properties and, naturally, thickness. When producing a summer house or cottage necessary for regular living there, it is better to use materials of different thicknesses.

In the case of a summer country house, width and thickness, in principle, do not matter much. Here it is possible to use materials with a cross-section of 100 * 100 millimeters. In the case of a cottage, you should pay attention to beams with a section width of more than 150 millimeters. Of course, additional thermal insulation of wall openings is also required.

The specific number of elements required for the construction process depends on the thickness parameters. If you want to save on the purchased material, you need to remember about the not entirely high-quality thermal effect obtained in the future.

To build an insulated building, you need to use timber with a thickness of approximately fifty centimeters.

A similar result can be obtained when using sections of 150 * 150 millimeters, as well as insulation of ten or fifteen centimeters.

Having come close to your cherished goal - to build a wooden house, you should familiarize yourself with the quality characteristics and procedure for calculating timber. Selecting high-quality lumber that meets construction standards and correctly determining the required quantity is the primary task of a difficult path.

Types and purpose of timber

Housing construction is carried out using glued or profiled timber. The quality characteristics of the product depend on the production process of the material. The source of profiled timber is coniferous trees. Depending on the size and purpose of the building, 3 main options for standard timber are used:

  • a summer cottage or bathhouse is built from material with a cross-section of 100/100 mm;
  • for medium-sized permanent housing, products with a cross-section of 150/150 mm are suitable;
  • Cottages or houses of impressive size are built from 200/200 mm timber.

The length of the product is usually 6 m. It is possible to individually order material with non-standard dimensions. The front side of the beam can be arched or straight. Products are processed on machines with subsequent grinding of one side. Its location inside the home allows you to avoid subsequent wall finishing. The presence of spikes at the end of the beam provides an increase in the level of protection from moisture and cold of the future building, and also facilitates the process of its construction. Having completed the installation stage of the log house, it is given time to settle for shrinkage for a year. Pre-drying the timber in specially equipped chambers allows you to speed up the process by several months.

The production of laminated veneer lumber is significantly different:

  • The log is pre-cut into pieces called lamellas.
  • The boards are processed on planing equipment and placed in a drying chamber, where, under gentle conditions, the moisture content of the material is reduced to 10%.
  • The material is re-planed, sorted and glued into timber using special waterproof compounds using hydraulic equipment.

Note! Laying the boards opposite to the cross-section of the fibers relative to the adjacent product increases the strength of the finished material and resistance to rotting processes. These actions bring laminated veneer lumber to a leading position in terms of strength relative to profiled products.

It is possible to improve the strength indicator by using profiled larch material, but this significantly increases the cost of consumables. In glued materials, there is an option when one larch lamella is combined with less expensive species during pressing. This trick allows you to improve the quality characteristics of laminated veneer lumber with a slight increase in its cost.

What other differences are observed in the material with different production methods?

  • The glued version is characterized by humidity around 10%. Preliminary drying of the profiled product makes it possible to reduce the indicator to the level of 20%, which is the reason for the increase in construction time due to the longer shrinkage of the finished log house. However, a solid product is not subject to cracking, and with the glued production method there is a risk of minor cracks.
  • Focusing on the significant difference in cost (profiled products are almost half the price of their glued counterpart), do not forget about subsequent finishing. The lamellas are often left without additional processing, while they try to hide the profiled material with additional decor.
  • Delving deeper into the issue of environmental safety, it is worth noting that profiled timber is completely harmless. The owner can independently select special impregnations that provide protection against rotting and fire. The connection of the lamellas is carried out through the use of an adhesive composition, the quality and safety of which lies solely on the conscience of the manufacturer. Therefore, there is a possibility of chemical fumes that have a negative impact on the condition of residents.

As can be seen from the description, each of the materials has significant advantages and certain disadvantages. Only the owner of the upcoming construction project can decide on the best option.

Methodology for calculating material for building a house

When designing housing made of timber, it is worth considering its standard dimensions in order to minimize the amount of waste. In addition to the material for the log house, material will be needed for the pediment, partitions, floor and ceiling beams.

Basic calculation formula

Calculation of timber cubic capacity uses the following parameters:

  • Section of timber. For the house, they mainly use 150/150 mm timber; the additional use of insulation makes it possible to provide comfortable conditions for permanent residence in central Russia.
  • Housing dimensions: height and width, houses, number of partitions, rafters, floor and ceiling beams.

Let's say for a one-story house 6x9 with a room height of 3 m and one partition you will need:

  • We determine the perimeter: (6+9)x2 + 6 = 36 m;
  • We calculate the total area: 36x3=108 m;
  • Required timber volume: 108x0.15=16.2 m3.

Some amount of material is saved by cutting out door and window openings. However, when purchasing, the volume of timber is always rounded up, taking into account the likelihood of defective products.

Calculation of volume for floor and ceiling beams

The amount of material required for beams, joists and other elements directly depends on the size of the house and the type of rafter system. For ceiling and floor beams, 100/150 mm timber is sufficient. Referring to the dimensions of the future structure described above, calculating the amount of timber for the floor and ceiling separately includes the following steps:

  • With a distance between beams of 1 m, the number of products: 9/1-1=8 pieces;
  • With a standard length of 6 m, you need: 8x6 = 48 m of timber;
  • We determine the volume: 0.1x0.15x48=0.72 m 3 ;

Taking into account rounding, in general, 1 m 3 of material will be required for the floor and ceiling beams.

Rafter system

In suburban housing, a gable roof is mainly used. It is important to design the slope correctly: a small angle will cause snow retention; if the roof is too high, the wind load will increase. It is optimal to stay at 45 degrees. The recommended pitch between the rafters is 0.6 m, the timber is taken with a cross-section of 100/150 mm. More frequent pitches allow smaller thicknesses to be used. So:

  • Using the Pythagorean formula, we determine the length of the rafter leg, based on the width of the house 6 m. It is equal to 4.2 m; the triangle will take 8.4 m of material.
  • Taking into account the length of the future housing, the number of triangles: 9:0.6-1=14 pieces;
  • Total length of material: 8.4x14=117.6 m;
  • Volume of material with a cross section of 100/150 mm: 117.6x0.1x0.15=1.76 m3.

Don’t forget to make a supply of material taking into account possible waste. The easiest way to check the accuracy of your calculations is to use an online calculator. A more accurate answer can be obtained from the developer. Some companies provide cost estimation services for free.

Building a house from timber opens up a lot of advantages for its owner, the main one of which is the environmental friendliness of the chosen material. The construction of a house is preceded by the process of calculation and selection of material, which we will talk about further.

House made of timber - varieties and advantages

Making houses from timber is becoming increasingly popular. Since this material is harmless and even beneficial to health. Living in a house made of wood has a beneficial effect on well-being. Because wood is able to regulate the optimal level of humidity in the room.

To make timber, solid wood is used, from which rectangular beams are cut. The most commonly used material is coniferous trees. Since they are distinguished by the highest level of resin content, which makes the material more durable and prevents it from rotting, thereby increasing its service life.

There are two types of timber:

  • regular type;
  • profiled.

The standard type of timber is a timber with a square or rectangular cross-section. The procedure for making profiled timber is more complex, as it requires cutting out locks, grooves and ridges. This timber is more convenient to connect and the room that is made from it has the highest thermal insulation characteristics.

In relation to the structure and technology of timber production, the material is distinguished:

  • whole;
  • glued type.

To produce the first version of timber, the presence of solid trees is required, from which the timber is cut. To produce laminated veneer lumber, you need boards of a certain size, which are glued and pressed together. For additional resistance before rotting, antiseptics are applied to the boards and then joined together using resin. This type of timber is more resistant to cracking, but is not fireproof enough. It is possible to produce laminated veneer lumber using various types of wood, for example, spruce and pine. During the gluing process, the main thing is to prevent the fibrous parts of the boards from matching each other, since the timber, in this case, becomes less durable.

In addition, in the process of manufacturing laminated veneer lumber, boards with defects are not used, but replaced with new ones.

The most important and undeniable quality of any type of timber is its environmental friendliness. Since solid wood is used for its production, which has all the beneficial properties of natural wood. If we compare laminated veneer lumber and solid lumber, the second option is more environmentally friendly, since the resins used for gluing laminated veneer lumber emit toxic substances in small quantities.

Although in architectural terms, the use of laminated veneer lumber is more convenient. Since with its help it is possible to construct buildings of any shape. The standard length of laminated veneer lumber is 6 m, but there are cases when logs reach a length of 15 m.

A house made of profiled timber allows you to hide communications by cutting out special niches. A building in the manufacturing process of which glued laminated timber is used is more fire resistant, since during its manufacture each of the boards is impregnated with fire-resistant mixtures, which make it non-flammable.

Among the disadvantages of making a house from timber are:

  • if the material is not dried properly, it is not able to perform all its functions efficiently;
  • requires constant application of impregnations that improve its quality characteristics, otherwise the wood begins to rot and deteriorate;
  • Glued laminated timber has a very high cost, which is its big disadvantage, although it is fully justified by the complexity of its manufacture and durability in operation.

How to calculate timber: features of the procedure

When purchasing timber, its cost is measured in cumobeters. Therefore, this unit is also used for calculation of laminated timber or edged boards. To determine the amount of material needed, you should first know its size. For example, with a width of 15 cm, a length of 6 m, and a thickness of 10 cm, the number of logs is determined by dividing one cubic meter by the volume of the timber. One cubic meter of this timber contains 11 logs.

Calculating the amount of timber per house involves determining the materials for its various sections.

The ceiling and floor beams are calculated first. When building a house on unstable soil, it is advisable to replace the floor on beams with a monolithic base. Otherwise, the use of wood is recommended. The standard size of ceiling and floor beams is 10x15 cm. The spacing of their installation is no more than one meter. To ensure maximum strength, the beams should be cut into each other in a vertical position. To calculate the total length and number of beams required, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • Divide the total length of the house by the step of laying the beams, and then subtract 1.

For example, if a house is 6 m long and 5 m wide, with a laying step of 1 m, the beams are calculated as follows: 5/1-1 = 4 pieces.

Beams are available in a standard length of 600 cm, which matches the length of the house.

The next stage is calculating the cubic capacity of the timber for the construction of the rafter system. We offer an example of a calculation option for a straight gable roof. In this case, the installation pitch of the rafters is 600 mm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees. To make the rafters, a material with a cross-section of 10-15 cm is used. Please note that as the angle of inclination increases, the amount of snow that accumulates on the roof in winter decreases, and the load on the building decreases, although the stability of the roof against the wind also becomes less. Therefore, for regions with increased windiness, it is recommended to construct a roof with a low angle of inclination, and in places with a large amount of precipitation in the form of snow, it is better to give preference to a roof with a high level of inclination.

In order to equip the rafter system, you must first install two rafter legs, and then fix them with a beam. Next, the rafters are installed.

If the run of the house is 1000 cm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees, then in order to calculate the length of the rafter leg it is necessary to calculate the sum of the legs squared. This value will be 424 cm. To construct each triangle, you will need to purchase 850 cm of material.

To calculate the number of triangles, divide the total length of the roof, which is 1000 cm, by the laying step - 60 cm, and subtract one, you get 16 pieces. Now we multiply the number of triangles by their length - 16*850=13600 cm. In addition, we should not forget about the run, which is 1000 cm; we add it to the main value and we get 145 m of wood. If the cross-section of the beam is 5x15 cm, then to calculate the number of cubic meters, you need 145 * 0.15 m * 0.5 = 10.9 cubic meters.

Calculation of the load of timber on the surface of walls, gables and internal partitions is carried out in relation to the building design. When carrying out calculations, one should proceed from one approach to calculating the material for internal partitions and walls. All elements should be converted into geometric shapes and, based on the formulas for each, their area should be determined. If there are openings in the form of windows and walls, their area should be determined. Subtract the area of ​​the opening from the pre-calculated area of ​​the wall, multiply the resulting value by the thickness of the wall and you will get the volume of material that will be needed to build the wall. Having calculated the value for each of the walls, summarize the results.

Calculation of the strength of a timber depends on its weight, which is influenced by the species and humidity. The latter value is determined by the percentage of water in the tree. The humidity value determines the quality of drying and storage conditions of the material.

Dry wood is a material that has been dried under technological conditions or stored in warm and dry rooms for a long period of time.

Raw wood is a tree that has begun to dry out. If the material contains equilibrium moisture, then it is classified as air-dry wood. When the material is stored in conditions of high humidity, it takes the form of wet or freshly cut wood.

The construction of a house using timber is easier to carry out calculations compared to houses made of logs. In addition, the use of timber opens up a large number of options for finishing both the interior and exterior of the building.

In relation to the cross-section of the beam, materials are distinguished: 12x12, 15x10, 18x18, 20x15, 15x15, 10x10, 14x14. The most optimal size of timber for building a house is 15x15 cm. Since this particular type of timber has an acceptable cost and high thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, this beam is easy to install and simple to operate.

The use of profiled timber with such a cross-section will allow you to build an excellent house that will serve its owner for many years. The only drawback of this timber is its high cost, so when calculating profiled timber, you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake and not spend a lot of money.

To correctly calculate the amount of material with which you need to build a house, use the formula:

A*B*C=amount of timber

A is the length of the wall;

B - wall height;

C is the thickness of the material.

For example, for the construction of a house whose length is 8 m and width is 6, using timber with a section of 15x15, calculations are carried out according to the formula: 2(6+8) = 28 m - the perimeter value. The height of the wall is three meters, so this value is multiplied by the perimeter, we get 54 m. Now we multiply the obtained result by the cross-section of the beam, which is 0.15 m, we get 8.1 cubic meters. Consequently, this will be the amount of timber required to build a house.

How much timber is needed to build a house?

Factors on which the amount of timber for a house depends:

  • type of timber used in the construction process;
  • the amount of timber in one cubic meter;
  • house design.

To calculate the amount of timber for the external and internal walls, use the algorithm:

1. Calculation of the perimeter of the building.

2. Multiply this value by the total height.

3. Multiplying the result by the cross-section of the beam.

4. The amount per cubic meter of material required to construct the building is obtained.

During the calculations, attention should be paid to the fact that the construction of the first crown will require more material, since its width must be increased. In this calculation algorithm, this condition is not taken into account, therefore, to calculate the timber of the first crown, a separate formula must be applied.

The cross-section of the beam for the first crown should be chosen larger than the main one, since it is this crown that is load-bearing and takes on the entire load from the building. In addition, it requires additional treatment using machine oil or an antiseptic solution.

When the calculation of the beam for bending is completed, the procedure for determining the number of pieces of timber to build a house follows. This value will help save time in the process of purchasing material. In addition, in this way it will be possible to avoid fraudulent actions on the part of the seller.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic values ​​​​of the quantities of timber in one cubic meter, taking into account the length of the material of 6 m:

  • 10x10 cm approximately consists of 16.6 pieces;
  • 10x15 cm - 11 pieces;
  • 15x15 - 7 pieces;
  • 10x20 - 8 pieces;
  • 15x20 - 5.5 pieces;
  • 20x20 - 4 pieces.

To determine the amount of timber in pieces, the total value, for example, 14 cubic meters, should be divided by the volume of one piece of timber per cube. To calculate this number, you will need to divide the cross-section of the timber by the number of pieces in one cube. For a standard timber size of 15x15 cm, this is 0.13. 14/0.13=107.6 pieces.

When setting the number of pieces needed to construct a building, there is no need to accurately measure each cubic meter when purchasing material. It is enough to count the material piece by piece.

The height and width of the timber play an important role in the construction and operation of the building. In higher beams, the inter-crown seams are reduced and the construction procedure is accelerated. When choosing the optimal width, the need for permanent or temporary residence in the house is taken into account. The minimum thickness of timber recommended for the construction of a building in which people will permanently live is 20 cm. In this case, to improve thermal insulation, foam plastic or mineral wool is used, laid in a layer of 10 cm. If you plan to build a bathhouse, then the thickness of the layer should be increased to 16 cm.

In the process of building a country house, in which people will live only in the summer, it is enough to purchase timber with a cross-section of 10x10 cm.

When calculating a stepped beam, an important factor is the preliminary design of the building. It is on the project that both the external and internal appearance of the house, the number of walls, doors and windows are displayed.

There are several options for obtaining a project:

  • making it yourself;
  • ordering from specialists;
  • online shopping;
  • purchase of a project;
  • use of a ready-made project.

To independently create a house project, you need special skills in working with drawings. For its preparation, the climate in which the house is located, the soil on which it is based and other factors are important.

Therefore, the most correct decision would be to hire specialists who are able to take into account all the individual characteristics of the site.

Remember that when calculating timber for building a house, it is better to buy material with a small supply than to stop construction work due to its shortage.

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