How to plant a Chinese rose hibiscus cutting. Garden hibiscus propagation by cuttings

A fairly tall plant, hibiscus (resembles a tree), is grown not only in apartments, but also in offices for interior decoration. As a rule, after some time the flower requires rejuvenation. Flower growers have questions about ways to obtain new plants, in particular, how to properly propagate hibiscus from cuttings at home.

Propagation by cuttings

The cutting method is the most popular and quite simple, even a novice gardener can do it. Another important advantage of this method is the fact that hibiscus grown from cuttings will delight you with flowering within a year, while retaining all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant (flower color, its doubleness).

The root system formed by cuttings is stronger and more powerful than those plants that were propagated by other methods, for example, by seeds.


The best time to take cuttings is from April to August. Experienced gardeners recommend rooting in May, since it is in this month that the plant is most active: new cells appear and develop, all metabolic processes proceed at an accelerated pace. If the hibiscus is rooted in the last month of spring, then the probability that the plant will take root will be close to 100%.

The soil

To root the cuttings, peat is used, to which you can add sphagnum moss: peat will give the soil looseness and airiness, and the moss will maintain an optimal level of humidity in the pot.

You can use a mixture of garden soil with river sand and peat in equal proportions. You can also root hibiscus simply in damp coarse sand.

Purchased peat-based soil is also used. The main condition is that the substrate must be light and breathable.

The soil that is poured into a pot for permanent habitat of hibiscus should consist of:

  • 4 parts of turf land;
  • 3 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

As an option: turf soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.


Hibiscus blooms when its roots grow freely in the pot. Therefore, after rooting, you should transplant the indoor flower into a spacious pot.

  1. Material. To root a cutting in the ground, it is important to use transparent plastic containers in order to observe the development of its root system. If there are no special pots, you can use large plastic glasses. But it must be remembered that any container must contain a drainage hole to drain excess moisture.
  2. Size. Most often, for rooting in the ground, flower growers take containers with a volume of 200 to 500 ml, it all depends on the size of the cutting. Its diameter should be close to 9 cm.


Cuttings from hibiscus should only be taken after the plant has flowered. A young, developed shoot with semi-lignified bark is cut obliquely with a clean, sharp knife or pruning shears. The cutting should be about 15 cm long and have 3 to 5 internodes.

The ideal time for formative pruning is early spring. Even before the first buds appear on the bush, you need to cut off the shoots of the previous year. A good cutting should have at least 3 buds. In this case, the chances for rapid rooting and favorable development of the bush are maximum.

The lower leaves from the cuttings are completely removed, and the upper ones, to reduce evaporation, are cut in half, the upper part of the shoot is shortened with a straight cut. The lower part of the cutting is dipped in Kornevin before rooting in the substrate.


Young cuttings are best suited for propagation. To root, place them in water or soil.

In water

If hibiscus is rooted in water, the following recommendations should be followed.

  1. Settled water at room temperature is poured into an opaque container (or dark glass), a little “Kornevin” is added, an activated carbon tablet is added, and the stalk is lowered into the water.
  2. As the water evaporates, it needs to be added. The top of the container with the cutting is covered with a transparent cap (cut plastic bottle, plastic bag) to create an increased level of humidity (80% - 85%), which will facilitate the formation of the root system of the petiole.
  3. From time to time (once every 2 weeks), the greenhouse needs to be ventilated so that the shoots do not rot. The container is placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for rooting is +22°C – +25°C.
  4. After roots 5 cm in size appear (after about 1 month), the young plant can be planted in the ground.

In the ground

When rooting directly in the ground, you will need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. But do not forget that before this you must remove all leaves from the cutting except the top two.

  1. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of a transparent plastic pot, and the rest of the space is filled with soil.
  2. The cutting, pre-treated with Kornevin, is buried 2 cm into the moist soil and lightly pressed down with hands for better fixation.
  3. The container is covered on top with a plastic bag, which is secured with an elastic band, or a plastic bottle, and placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.
  4. The temperature required for a young plant is +22°C – +25°C. You need to water as the soil dries out and systematically ventilate the greenhouse.

    Important! If the inside of the plastic bag is covered with condensation, then it must be carefully removed, shake off the water and placed back on the container with the cutting.

  5. After about 1.5 months, the plant will produce roots, then it can be transplanted into a permanent pot and cared for as an adult plant.

If we compare the two rooting methods, then the preference is always on the side of growing roots in the substrate. Compared to fragile and brittle roots sprouted in water, the root system grown in soil is already adapted to obtaining moisture and nutrition. She is stronger and adapted to the new environment. As a result, such a plant will begin to gain strength and growth faster and release flower buds faster.

In addition, it will be much easier to plant such a plant using the transshipment method. You can also root hibiscus cuttings in a peat tablet. A little drainage is poured into a 300 ml plastic cup, and then a tablet is placed.

Important! It must be filled with boiled water, which will cause the tablet to swell. The cuttings, cut and treated with a growth stimulant, are deepened into the tablet by 2 - 3 cm. The container is covered with a bag on top. As the substrate dries, it needs to be watered.

Once the roots have grown, the plant can be planted in a permanent pot.

Planting a cutting with a peat tablet

Some gardeners prefer to propagate Chinese roses using a peat tablet. Get in advance:

  • 300 ml plastic cups.
  • Tablets with a diameter of at least 40 mm.
  • Expanded clay as drainage.
  • Any root growth stimulator.
  • Natural soil looseners - vermiculite or perlite.
  • In a cellophane bag.

Many lovers of indoor flowers consider propagation by cuttings of Chinese roses using a peat tablet to be the most effective way. Thanks to the balanced composition of essential substances and microelements, the root system develops safely.

  1. Fill the tablet with pre-boiled and cooled water. It will take some time for complete swelling.
  2. The cuttings are cut, slightly dried and treated with a prepared root growth stimulator.
  3. Excess liquid from the tablet is removed, verlimuth is added, and the composition is mixed.
  4. A plastic cup is filled with drainage, and the resulting soil is poured on top.
  5. The cuttings need to be deepened by 2 or 2.5 cm. If the leaves are too large, they are cut with scissors.
  6. Place a plastic bag over the cutting. You need to keep the glass in the light, but the sun's rays should not fall on it.
  7. The bag is removed for ventilation every 2 weeks. Watering - as needed.

The roots appear after 2 or 3 months. Their development can be easily monitored through a transparent cup. Replanting to a new location is possible when the root system has grown well.

Stimulating rooting

You can help the cutting grow roots using folk remedies, as well as specialized preparations. Grandmother's proven remedies include:

  • Willow water. It is enough to place several young willow branches (up to 6 mm thick) in a container with water and wait for their roots to appear in order to obtain the ideal solution for rooting hibiscus cuttings.
  • Honey. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to 1.5 liters of water. The cuttings are soaked in this solution for 12 hours, after which they are placed in clean water, where they will take root as usual.

Knowing how to propagate outdoor hibiscus from cuttings, you can easily root a branch from any bush you like. Potatoes are used to propagate garden (herbal) hibiscus. The ends of the cuttings are stuck into it and buried together with the tuber in the ground. Potato nutrients will nourish the young bush for a long time.

Among the drugs that can be purchased in the store, the following have proven themselves to be effective:

  • Kornerost (heteroauxin) is a phytohormonal agent with high activity. Its use helps not only speed up the process of root formation, but also the survival rate of the cuttings after planting. The working solution is prepared in the following proportion: dilute 50 mg in 1 liter of water. It can be used for soaking cuttings immediately after cutting, as well as for subsequent watering.
  • Kornevin is a biostimulant with the widest spectrum of action. The powder is diluted in a proportion of 5 g per 5 liters of water. The prepared solution is used for soaking cuttings for a day, as well as for watering after planting.
  • Zircon is the safest root formation stimulator, harmless even to bees. Sold in ampoules. According to the instructions, the product is diluted in water and the cuttings are kept in this solution before rooting. In the future, the product can be used for feeding, diluting it in water in a proportion of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

Propagation of hibiscus by seeds

But if you have a desire to conduct a breeding experiment in the hope of getting a new plant variety, then proceed according to the following plan:

  • collect brown hibiscus pods, first spreading film or paper bags under the bush so that the seeds from the ripened pods do not spill onto the ground;
  • remove the seeds from the pods;
  • carry out a test for the viability of seed material: 5-10 seeds, wrapped in a damp paper napkin, place in a plastic bag and close it tightly for 5-7 days.
  • then remove and inspect for swelling or sprouts.

If you find that the seeds have swollen and some have tiny sprouts, then the seed is suitable for sowing. If there are no such signs, you will have to purchase garden hibiscus seeds.

You can buy garden hibiscus seeds at a flower shop, garden pavilion or online.

Place the material suitable for sowing for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator. Fill the tray or container with a damp substrate made from equal parts of peat and sand, place the seeds on its surface at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other and lightly sprinkle with the same substrate. Then cover the container with film and keep it in a bright place at a temperature of about 25 ºC, removing the cover daily to ventilate and remove condensation. Do not let the substrate dry out - spray it with settled warm water from time to time.

Shoots may appear in 2-3 weeks. When the seedlings develop the first pair of true leaves, they are picked out in separate cups. In the future, the plants are cared for like any other seedlings. Garden hibiscus will bloom from seeds in the third year.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Bush garden hibiscus can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. Division is not used to propagate tree varieties of the crop, but for herbaceous varieties this is the fastest and easiest method of propagation.

In early spring, before the sap begins to flow, you need to dig up a three- to four-year-old hibiscus bush with a pitchfork, clear its roots from the soil and use a sharp sterile instrument to divide the bush into parts. As a rule, each trunk is a separate plant, and when dividing old bushes, it is permissible to leave 2-3 trunks in each division.

The sections must be treated with ash or coal powder, after which the cuttings are immediately planted in prepared and well-watered pits, which are covered with nutritious soil. The root area is trampled down and watered abundantly, and after two weeks nitrogen fertilizing is applied to the tree trunk circle. With good care, young plants bloom in the first season.

Grafting a cutting

For vaccinations to be successful, you should consider:

  • use a young Chinese rose plant to graft cuttings;
  • graft into the crown of the plant;
  • there should not be more than 5 scions on one bush;
  • It is recommended to vaccinate in the first summer months.

Grafted plants need to be carefully looked after, provided with a well-lit place and provided with regular feeding.

In winter, grafted hibiscus require additional lighting (about 6 hours per day) so that the grafts do not die off. The use of grafting allows you to obtain several varieties on one plant.

On a note! Is it possible to propagate hibiscus from leaves?? A hibiscus leaf cut and placed in water can produce roots. Planted in the ground it will be green and beautiful in appearance. It is not recommended to use the leaf for propagation: a full-fledged plant will not appear from it.

Experienced gardeners have learned the following lessons from this story:

  1. For propagation, you need to take only mature branches, since the green ones are weaker and can simply rot.
  2. The cut must be treated with a root-forming preparation.
  3. The room temperature should always be maintained between +17 and +27 degrees.
  4. The mixture for planting young plants should be nutritious, light and loose.
  5. To ensure high humidity, it is imperative to make improvised mini-greenhouses.

Cuttings can be carried out year-round, but if this is done in winter, rooting will take longer due to the low activity of vegetative processes. But it is best to grow cuttings in April-May, since this is the most favorable period for this.

Chinese hibiscus is an evergreen ornamental plant reaching a height of about one and a half meters. Its leaves are oval, jagged along the edges, dark green in color and glossy on the outside. Most often, propagation of hibiscus at home is carried out by cuttings.


The genus Hibiscus of the Malvaceae family has hundreds of species. The most popular is the Chinese hibiscus, also known as the Chinese rose. This ornamental plant is very popular for keeping in the house. It is easy to care for and delights others with beautiful bright colors.

The flowers are smooth and double, large, up to 16 centimeters in diameter, of various bright colors in warm shades: pink, orange, red, yellow. The flowering of each flower does not last long - only for a couple of days. However, if the Chinese rose is provided with proper care at home, its flowering period will last from early spring to late autumn.

Young shoots of the Chinese hibiscus growing naturally are edible and can be added to salads, a variety of dyes are produced from the flowers, and the popular Hibiscus tea is created from the dried fruits.

Varieties and types

There are about two hundred copies of different varieties and types of hibiscus.

Interesting hybrid forms are found not only in the regions of China and Indonesia, but also in the greenhouses of modern gardeners.

  1. Terry
    This species is a perennial plant no more than two meters high. It has large milky white flowers that reach a diameter of 15 cm. This beautiful evergreen shrub has bright green, jagged leaves. Each blossoming flower fades the next day. To ensure abundant flowering, the plant requires abundant watering, good lighting and a certain temperature.
  2. Bolotny
    This common species has large flowers - about 12 cm wide. Each flower is decorated with unusual carmine spots at the base of the corolla. This variety is used by many gardeners to create large bushes used as hedges. Such an attractive plant requires a lot of light, warmth and sufficient space for full growth. With proper watering and regular pruning, swamp hibiscus can bloom all year round.
  3. White
    This superb plant from the Malvaceae family is native primarily to the tropical regions of exotic Southeast Asia. This plant is distinguished by large flowers of dazzling white color. Delicate flower leaves are framed by an amazing border around the edge. This long-flowering perennial is well cultivated in many warm regions. This variety is undemanding in terms of soil composition. However, we should not forget about regular drainage.
  4. Variegated
    This modern Cooper look combines shades of red and white varieties. The predominance of certain shades in flower petals directly depends on the acidity of the soil, the temperature and the degree of lighting. This spectacular plant has large flowers with a long pistil. During the period of active growth of variegated hibiscus, it is recommended to fertilize regularly. The pot must match the size of the plant itself.
  5. Red
    This evergreen plant is found not only on the most beautiful islands of the Pacific Ocean, but can also perfectly decorate your garden. This variety is a particularly large bush with large flowers. The lush crown with spreading branches make it especially charming. Red hibiscus propagates well from cuttings.
  6. Chinese
    It is an elegant evergreen shrub. Single axillary flowers are on long stalks. The filaments are fused into a tube. This variety blooms all year round.
  7. Syrian
    Refers to small shrubs. It grows in open ground only in the southernmost regions. This deciduous plant has ovoid alternate leaves and delightful exotic flowers. They can be either simple or terry. Many flower stalks give it the opportunity to bloom throughout the year.
  8. tree-like
    Thanks to its large, brightly colored flowers, this variety is loved by many modern gardeners. It is used to decorate front gardens as a hedge. The diameter of the graceful flowers does not exceed 10 cm. For full flowering, fertile soil and regular abundant watering are required.

Planting and care

To plant this plant, you should choose sufficiently sunny places that are protected from the wind. The planting hole should not be more than 15 liters in volume.

You should first add humus, superphosphate and a handful of bone meal into it. The selected vegetative seedling is placed in a hole along with a root ball of earth.

Hibiscus prefers diffused sunlight without direct rays. Subject to temperature conditions and regular ventilation, it can grow well in a pot on the south side of the house.

In winter, shading is not required. The plant does not like drafts. At temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, it can shed all its leaves. During the growing season and in the presence of flowering, it is recommended to water it abundantly with settled water, making sure that the top layer of soil is not too dry.

Air humidity does not play a special role when growing hibiscus. However, experienced gardeners advise spraying the plant. This procedure is also a preventive measure against destructive spider mites. In spring and summer, the plant can be fed with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers. If necessary, you can replant the bushes at the end of April. However, such a procedure should not be more often than once every three years.


The cutting method is the most popular and quite simple, even a novice gardener can do it. Another important advantage of this method is the fact that hibiscus grown from cuttings will delight you with flowering within a year, while retaining all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant (flower color, its doubleness).

The root system formed by cuttings is stronger and more powerful than those plants that were propagated by other methods, for example, by seeds.


The best time to take cuttings is from April to August. Experienced gardeners recommend rooting in May, since it is in this month that the plant is most active: new cells appear and develop, all metabolic processes proceed at an accelerated pace. If the hibiscus is rooted in the last month of spring, then the probability that the plant will take root will be close to 100%.


To root the cuttings, peat is used, to which you can add sphagnum moss: peat will give the soil looseness and airiness, and the moss will maintain an optimal level of humidity in the pot.

You can use a mixture of garden soil with river sand and peat in equal proportions. You can also root hibiscus simply in damp coarse sand.

Purchased peat-based soil is also used. The main condition is that the substrate must be light and breathable.

The soil that is poured into a pot for permanent habitat of hibiscus should consist of:

  • 4 parts of turf land;
  • 3 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

As an option: turf soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.


Hibiscus blooms when its roots grow freely in the pot. Therefore, after rooting, you should transplant the indoor flower into a spacious pot.

  1. Material. To root a cutting in the ground, it is important to use transparent plastic containers in order to observe the development of its root system. If there are no special pots, you can use large plastic glasses. But it must be remembered that any container must contain a drainage hole to drain excess moisture.
  2. Size. Most often, for rooting in the ground, flower growers take containers with a volume of 200 to 500 ml, it all depends on the size of the cutting. Its diameter should be close to 9 cm.


Cuttings from hibiscus should only be taken after the plant has flowered. A young, developed shoot with semi-lignified bark is cut obliquely with a clean, sharp knife or pruning shears. The cutting should be about 15 cm long and have 3 to 5 internodes.

The lower leaves from the cuttings are completely removed, and the upper ones, to reduce evaporation, are cut in half, the upper part of the shoot is shortened with a straight cut. The lower part of the cutting is dipped in Kornevin before rooting in the substrate.


Young cuttings are best suited for propagation. To root, place them in water or soil.

In water

If hibiscus is rooted in water, the following recommendations should be followed.

  1. Settled water at room temperature is poured into an opaque container (or dark glass), a little “Kornevin” is added, an activated carbon tablet is added, and the stalk is lowered into the water.
  2. As the water evaporates, it needs to be added. The top of the container with the cutting is covered with a transparent cap (cut plastic bottle, plastic bag) to create an increased level of humidity (80% - 85%), which will facilitate the formation of the root system of the petiole.
  3. From time to time (once every 2 weeks), the greenhouse needs to be ventilated so that the shoots do not rot. The container is placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for rooting is +22°C – +25°C.
  4. After roots 5 cm in size appear (after about 1 month), the young plant can be planted in the ground.

In the ground

When rooting directly in the ground, you will need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. But do not forget that before this you must remove all leaves from the cutting except the top two.

  1. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of a transparent plastic pot, and the rest of the space is filled with soil.
  2. The cutting, pre-treated with Kornevin, is buried 2 cm into the moist soil and lightly pressed down with hands for better fixation.
  3. The container is covered on top with a plastic bag, which is secured with an elastic band, or a plastic bottle, and placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.
  4. The temperature required for a young plant is +22°C – +25°C. You need to water as the soil dries out and systematically ventilate the greenhouse.

    Important! If the inside of the plastic bag is covered with condensation, then it must be carefully removed, shake off the water and placed back on the container with the cutting.

  5. After about 1.5 months, the plant will produce roots, then it can be transplanted into a permanent pot and cared for as an adult plant.

If we compare the two rooting methods, then the preference is always on the side of growing roots in the substrate. Compared to fragile and brittle roots sprouted in water, the root system grown in soil is already adapted to obtaining moisture and nutrition. She is stronger and adapted to the new environment. As a result, such a plant will begin to gain strength and growth faster and release flower buds faster.

In addition, it will be much easier to plant such a plant using the transshipment method. You can also root hibiscus cuttings in a peat tablet. A little drainage is poured into a 300 ml plastic cup, and then a tablet is placed.

Important! It must be filled with boiled water, which will cause the tablet to swell. The cuttings, cut and treated with a growth stimulant, are deepened into the tablet by 2 - 3 cm. The container is covered with a bag on top. As the substrate dries, it needs to be watered.

Once the roots have grown, the plant can be planted in a permanent pot.


Caring for a hibiscus that has been transplanted into a permanent container after rooting should be the same as for an adult plant.

  1. Hibiscus is a light-loving plant. It is preferable to place it near a window or other well-lit place.
  2. Recommended temperature in summer – +20°С – +22°С, in winter – +14°С – +16°С.
  3. It is necessary to regularly spray the plant to maintain a high level of humidity. Humidity can also be increased by placing a container of water next to the plant. When spraying from a spray bottle, you must ensure that water does not get on the flowers, otherwise they may become stained and fall off.
  4. The flower loves abundant watering. It should be carried out with settled water at room temperature. The plant should be watered as the top layer of soil dries. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced.
  5. You can fertilize with a solution of water and nitroammophoska (5 - 10 g per 1 liter of water), complex fertilizers from a flower shop (for example, “Biohumus”) are also suitable.

Possible problems

Possible problems that arise during cuttings include the following:

  1. Buds appear, but do not open and soon fall off - insufficient watering; drying out of the soil; lack of nutrients in the soil; low indoor air temperature.
  2. The lower leaves fall off, new leaves grow yellow - increased calcium and chlorine content in the soil; lack of iron and nitrogen; indoor air is too dry; abundant watering with cold water; low temperature.
  3. Lack of flowers when the crown is too lush - an excess of fertilizers containing nitrogen; the flower does not have enough light, the temperature is too high in winter.
  4. Pinkish spots appear on the leaves - lack of light; excess fertilizer.
  5. Leaves wilt and become limp - lack of moisture.
  6. The roots dry out - the soil temperature is too low.
  7. The leaves dry out - the air in the room is too dry; high temperature in winter.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is not easy to propagate at home. In this matter, flower growers usually resort to cuttings. But there are other ways to plant this plant. Today on we will talk about all the methods!

In ancient Egypt, hibiscus was the name for a completely different plant - stockrose. There is undoubtedly an external resemblance between these colors. But the differences in care and reproduction also cannot be ignored. At home, Chinese roses can be propagated in several ways. They differ in terms of rooting and the likelihood of seedlings.

Here's how to propagate Chinese roses at home:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • shoots;
  • layering.

The appropriate propagation method for the plant is chosen based on the age of the flower, time of year and condition of the hibiscus. For example, if one of the branches of a Chinese rose bends towards the ground, then you can try the layering rooting method. And if the bush itself has grown, then it’s time to use the method of cuttings or using shoots.

You can propagate the Chinese rose in different ways.

Planting Chinese roses with cuttings

Cuttings allow you to propagate hibiscus throughout the year. But it is better to carry out this procedure in spring or summer.

An important stage of cuttings is rooting. For this process to be successful, the cuttings must have at least three buds.

Indoor hibiscus is propagated by cuttings at home in the following ways:

  1. Placement in a pot.
  2. Rooting in water.
  3. Using peat tablets.

To carry out these activities, root growth stimulants, polyethylene or film, vermiculite, expanded clay and a planting container may be required.

How to root in water

After watering the plant, all dry and damaged branches are removed from it, and then cuttings 8-12 cm long are cut. They must have at least two buds and strong bark. The buds and lower foliage are removed from the planting material, and the remaining leaves are cut in half. This technique will reduce the amount of evaporated moisture and increase the chances of a strong shoot taking root.

To maintain optimal humidity in the place where hibiscus is grown, rooting cuttings are covered with a cap or polyethylene.

During the entire rooting period, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the container, adding it periodically.

You can expect roots to appear after placing them in water for 3-4 weeks. Only after a sufficient number of them have grown and they have become stronger should the cuttings be transferred to a container with prepared soil. The soil mixture is made from:

  • garden soil with a neutral acid-base reaction with the addition of a handful of clean river sand;
  • leaf and turf soil in a 2:1 ratio with the addition of a handful of river sand.

The container for seedlings is made of ceramic. Its diameter should not exceed 9 cm. Expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles, crushed ceramics or other suitable materials are placed on the bottom of the pot. Fill the soil and only then place the rooted cuttings in it, carefully straightening the roots. After a week, pinch off the top of the plant, stimulating the growth of side shoots

For the first 2 months, the pot with the plant should be kept in a warm and bright place. The air temperature in the room should be within +10-+30 degrees. When there is a lack of light or heat, the plant sheds its leaves.

In a pot

This method of propagating hibiscus at home is similar to rooting with water. To implement it:

  1. Prepare a container for planting with a volume of 200-500 ml, wash it with a solution of laundry soap and pour over boiling water.
  2. Drainage, soil for indoor plants, and then a 2 cm thick layer of river sand are poured into the bottom of the pot.
  3. The cutting should be planted in the center of the pot, watering the soil generously.
  4. Pull the bag over the top and secure it with an elastic band.
  5. The pot is transferred to a bright and warm place.

The soil in the pot is watered as it dries. Roots appear after 2 months. Seedlings obtained in this way are stronger, since they initially absorb all the nutrients from the soil.

With peat tablet

This method of propagating Chinese roses involves growing seedlings in a pot. A peat tablet with a diameter of at least 4 cm is filled with water at room temperature, the cutting is dried and powdered with Kornevin. Then the swollen peat is lightly squeezed out and mixed with vermiculite. Drainage and soil are placed in the rooting container. The cutting is deepened by 2 cm. The container with the sprout is covered with glass or plastic film and placed in a lighted place. To prevent the plant from rotting, it is watered as the soil dries and ventilated once every 2 weeks.

With this cutting method, roots appear after 2.5 months. The plant can then be transplanted into a new pot. Caring for a seedling is the same as for an adult bush.

Reproduction of hibiscus by shoots

In summer, you can propagate a hibiscus bush using stem shoots. At this time of year, their rooting occurs most easily.

To propagate a plant using this method, select a stem with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm, cut it to 15 cm and remove all lower leaves. Next, the shoot is planted in the ground, and the container itself is placed in a well-lit place. Water the pot with seedlings as they dry out with a moderate amount of water.

How to propagate Chinese rose from seeds

A longer, but no less effective method of propagating Chinese roses is seeds. To do this, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Prepare a bowl with universal soil 7-8 cm deep. Pre-treat the soil with agents against infections and pests.
  2. Soak the seeds in a bowl with a liquid that stimulates root growth for 12 hours. Next, treat them with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate and let dry.
  3. Make grooves in the ground, moisten them with water using a spray bottle.
  4. Place the seeds along the grooves without deepening them.
  5. Cover the bowl with film and place it in a well-lit, warm place. Ventilate the greenhouse regularly.
  6. After the first shoots appear, remove the film and plant the sprouts in separate containers.

A Chinese rose grown from seeds blooms only in the 4th year. Therefore, this method of propagation is chosen only when cuttings are impossible.

Is it possible with a leaf?

This method of propagating indoor hibiscus on a windowsill at home is purely decorative. It is impossible to grow a full-fledged plant from leaves. But if you take a sample with a petiole, then such an attempt can give impressive results.

For decorative propagation, it is enough to cut a leaf and place it in water. After it has given root, it can be transplanted into the ground.


Grafting a plant allows you to get flowers of different varieties on one bush. To do this you need:

  • use only young plants;
  • graft into the crown;
  • do not exceed the limit of 5 vaccinations on one flower;
  • carry out the event in June or July.

The grafted plant must be carefully monitored; it should not require light or fertilizer. In winter, grafted hibiscus is illuminated with additional lighting lamps for about 6 hours.


Plant seedlings can be obtained using the layering propagation method. To do this, in the spring, the lower shoot of the hibiscus is bent to the ground and secured in this position until the roots appear.

If all conditions for keeping the Chinese rose are met, the plant will bloom at the end of summer. And it will be possible to root the seedlings in a new place in the fall or next year in the spring.

How to grow hibiscus at home

In order for hibiscus to delight its owner with beautiful and lush flowering all year round, it is important to correctly place the container with the plant in the apartment. The place should be illuminated, but protected from direct sunlight, without drafts. The air temperature in winter should not be lower than +10, and during the entire growing season it should be within +12-+16.

Water the Chinese rose abundantly, moderately in the fall, and in winter reduce the frequency of irrigation by half. The main thing is not to let the earthen ball dry out, otherwise the plant will stop blooming, and its leaves and buds will begin to fall off.

In summer, the plant will require regular spraying and fertilizing (1-2 times a month). Hibiscus does not need nitrogen fertilizers, since they do not affect its growth and flowering at all.

During the first 3 years, the young plant is transplanted into a new deeper and wider pot every year. Further, this procedure is carried out only after 2-3 years.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home is possible in different ways. The main thing is to carry it out according to all the rules and taking into account the needs of the plant itself.

Chinese rose, better known as hibiscus, is a popular indoor and outdoor plant in our country. The most common varieties are herbaceous, tree, and garden (Syrian) hibiscus. A special advantage of the culture is its tendency to reproduce quickly and efficiently at home. If you follow certain rules and recommendations, this procedure will not take much effort and time and will allow you to obtain the required number of plants. Hibiscus is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and grafting.

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    This method of growing hibiscus is simple and effective. Vegetative propagation makes it possible to pass on to the offspring all the cultural characteristics and properties that were inherent in the parent plant.

    To carry out the procedure, planting material is harvested in the second half of winter from the most developed and healthy flowers. It is not recommended to cut green stems, since their propagation is characterized by a low yield of rooted material (up to 90% of cuttings rot). Preference should be given to lignified cuttings.

    The pruning shears or knife must be sharpened and disinfected with alcohol. The cuttings are cut at a curved angle, about 15 cm long, each of them should have 2-3 leaves and several internodes.

    The upper part of the cuttings is removed at a right angle, and the foliage in the lower part of the cutting is cut off to reduce the risk of rotting. The remaining leaves are shortened by a third. After this, the cuttings are placed for several hours in a solution of any root formation stimulator (IMC, Zircon, Epin-Extra) so that only the lower part of the planting material is in the liquid.

    After this, they move directly to rooting, which is usually carried out in one of three ways.

    Rooting in water

    A container with high walls (ideally made of tinted glass) is filled with heated water from the tap, which is infused for about two days so that the chlorine disappears. It is advisable to dissolve a certain amount of bone meal or activated carbon in the liquid. After this, planting material is placed in the water. The container is covered with a plastic bag on top and secured with an elastic band. Instead of a bag, you can use a glass jar.

    The resulting improvised greenhouse is placed in a room, the temperature in which should constantly be kept at about +24 degrees. The structure should be regularly disassembled, ventilating the plants and removing condensation from the bag, which can cause the death of the cuttings.

    Usually, after 1-1.5 months, a significant number of roots form on the lower part of the cuttings. However, such a root system is not yet powerful enough, so planting plants in open ground is postponed until the length of the roots is approximately 5 cm.

    Growing in soil

    In this case, hibiscus propagation takes place in a pot with a volume of about 0.2-0.5 liters. Before starting the procedure, the container is disinfected by rinsing it in boiling water. Then the bottom of the pot is filled with drainage material, which is a mixture of sand, charcoal and crushed brick. It also needs to be disinfected.

    The following materials can be used as soil:

    • store soil;
    • river sand, turf and leaf soil in the ratio (2:1:1).

    In the latter case, potassium permanganate is dissolved in boiling water and poured into the mixture to destroy disease-causing pathogens. The pot is half filled with soil, and wet river sand is poured on top in a 2 cm layer. The cuttings are placed in this substrate at a slight angle.

    Next, the container is covered with a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions and placed in a warm place. Irrigation is carried out as the substrate dries. We should not forget about regular ventilation and removal of condensation. It usually takes about 2 months for the cuttings to take root.

    Peat tablets

    You should first prepare the required number of 300 ml plastic cups. A little expanded clay is placed there as drainage, then a peat tablet is placed in the container and filled with cool boiled water. When the tablet swells, the cuttings are placed inside, deepened by 2 cm. The glass is covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm place, but not in the sun. The care is the same as in the previous two cases.

    The first roots usually appear after 2-3 months - they are visually distinguishable if the cup is transparent. When the root system almost completely fills the container, it is possible to transplant the hibiscus into open ground.

    Propagation by seeds

    In order to grow Chinese roses using this method, preparatory measures should be carried out in advance.

    The seed material is placed in water with the addition of a root formation stimulator 12 hours before. The dosage is indicated on the drug packaging. After this, the seeds should be washed and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    The seed material is placed in a thin layer on the surface of the soil substrate and sprinkled with a small amount of moistened sand on top. After this, the crops should be carefully watered using a spray bottle. The seeds are covered with film and the pot is placed in a room with a constant temperature of about +25 degrees. You should check regularly to ensure that the soil does not dry out or become waterlogged.

    As soon as seedlings appear above the surface of the soil mixture, the box is moved closer to the light source so that the plants do not grow elongated. In this case, it is desirable to reduce the ambient temperature by 2-3 degrees.

    When 2-3 true leaves form on the plants, the seedlings must be picked and planted in lighter soil. In this case, the root system is slightly shortened, and the plant is placed so that the foliage does not come into contact with the surface of the earth. INIn the spring, in March or April, hibiscus can be rooted in open ground.

    Dividing the bush

    Only those plants that produced at least two shoots in the previous season are allowed to reproduce.

    The bush is carefully dug up and removed from the ground so as not to damage the root system. After this, the shoots are separated from each other with a sharp knife so that part of the roots is present on each of them.

    If the stem breaks off, it can be used for propagation provided that roots remain at the base. If the mother plant has 10 or more stems and they are difficult to separate, it is allowed to leave 2-3 shoots on each cutting.

    After this, excessively damaged roots are cut off and the shoots are placed in pre-prepared planting holes. Half a bucket of raw compost or humus is poured into each of them, which is thoroughly mixed with the soil.

    If it is not possible to plant the plants immediately after dividing, it is recommended to pour them with plenty of water and bury them in the old place. Wet cuttings can be wrapped in plastic bags and stored in a cold room. They should be checked daily and, if necessary, additionally moisten the soil. In this state, hibiscus can be stored for about two weeks.

    If after two weeks the petiole remains the same green or falls off, the bud has taken root and the grafting has been successful. If the petiole dries out and does not fall, it means the eye is dead. The structure is disassembled, and the rootstock can be used again for propagation.

    Grafting into cleft

    The rootstock is cut at the required height, and the cut site is split in the center with a sharp knife. A cutting from the propagated plant is placed into the resulting split, which is given a wedge-shaped shape at the base. It is necessary that the cambial layers coincide on at least one side. The breeding site is tightly tied with a rag.

    The procedure is carried out from mid-spring to early autumn, while the rootstock is actively growing. The rootstock and scion must be healthy. Reproduction occurs faster with sufficient lighting levels. After grafting is completed, the hibiscus should be watered.

A suitable propagation method is chosen based on:

  1. plant type;
  2. his age;
  3. state;
  4. season.

The plant is propagated to get another one to decorate the windowsill if:

  • It's great.
  • One of its branches bends close to the ground, which makes propagation by layering possible.
  • It has grown enough to divide the bush or cut a cutting.

When choosing a suitable propagation method for Chinese roses, we focus primarily on the time of year. In other cases, reproduction is abandoned until better times.

This is especially true when a florist, seeing spots on the leaves and noticing small insects, still cuts the cutting and tries to propagate it. His efforts will not be crowned with success. First you need to treat it, wait for it to fully recover, and then reproduce it.

How to propagate a flower at home?

To grow hibiscus, use:

  1. seeds;
  2. divide the bush;
  3. carry out cuttings;
  4. dig in one of the stems.

Below are step-by-step instructions for each method.


Cuttings are the only way to propagate hibiscus, which allows it to be propagated all year round. Cuttings are best accepted in the spring and summer.

  1. The mother plant is watered and then pruned (you can find out more about recommendations on when and how to prune a Chinese rose correctly).
  2. Along with cutting off unsightly shoots, cuttings are cut off - branches with a strong green stem and 2-3 internodes on it.
  3. The lower leaves are torn off to prevent rotting.
  4. Selected cuttings are rooted in water or soil.

By layering

The method when one of the stems is buried is called layering. It is applicable to Chinese rose. During propagation, layering is used:

  • air;
  • ordinary;
  • vertical.

More often, flower growers use conventional layering, since this method reduces damage to the parent plant. Select a branch, which is sprinkled with earth, leaving the top untouched. In the place where the shoot is covered with earth, roots appear.

The ideal time for propagating hibiscus by layering is the beginning of spring. A prerequisite when choosing a suitable shoot: it must be located above the surface or shallow in it. Before propagating the plant in this way, prepare the soil. They dig it up as deep as possible. After digging, peat and sand are poured.

Attention! To propagate hibiscus by layering, the soil must have good water-holding capacity, a drainage layer and an air regime.

  1. The shoot that is about to be bent down is freed from leaves.
  2. Place it on the bottom of a groove dug in advance. If it unbends, secure it with wire arms, and then sprinkle it with earth and water it.
  3. In order for the layering to produce roots faster, watering should be regular as the soil in the pot dries.
  4. At the beginning of autumn, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, the top shoots are cut off so that the new plant has a well-developed root system.

Seed propagation of Chinese roses is a less common and unpopular method, as it is ineffective. When propagating it by seeds, flower growers are faced with a complete loss of the plant’s varietal characteristics. How should those who want to propagate hibiscus in this way proceed at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring?

More information on how to grow hibiscus from seeds at home can be found in.

Dividing the bush

This method is used to propagate hibiscus in the spring.– I half of April. The best time is before young shoots emerge from the replacement buds.

Reference! Chinese rose bushes that had 2 or more stems last season are propagated by division.

When dividing a bush you will need:

  • pruner or saw.

Before use, treat the blade with an alcohol-based solution for disinfection.

  1. Digging up a bush. Cleaning the rhizomes from the soil. No damage to roots;
  2. Separating the trunks from the bush so that each has a few roots. For better separation, use a knife. Sometimes they separate 2-3 bushes at a time, since the bush is large.
  3. Trimming the soaked parts of the roots and planting the trunks in pots with soil. In order for them to take root better, compost or humus is poured into them.
  4. Watering is private, but moderate.

If the grower cannot plant a cutting in the ground, he must water it, put it in a plastic bag and store it for 1-2 weeks in an unheated room.

How to root?

There are 2 ways to root a propagated plant - in water or in soil.

Hibiscus cuttings produce roots in 25-30 days. Fast root formation is guaranteed for those who make a mini-greenhouse or greenhouse from improvised materials. Using a mini-greenhouse, they maintain high humidity and temperature around 22-25⁰C.

In water

  1. To root the cuttings in water, take a dark glass container.
  2. Warm but settled water is poured into it.
  3. Add 2 tablets of activated carbon to it, add a few drops of fertilizer so that the cutting receives the necessary nutrition during root formation.
  4. The container is placed on a well-lit, but not in direct sunlight, windowsill.

Important! A plant with 5-7 cm roots and 1-2 new leaves is transplanted into a pot.

Possible problems and difficulties


Even beginners in floriculture have no difficulty propagating Chinese roses. This plant, whose flowers last only a day, is often propagated by cuttings or layering. By providing the necessary care during and after propagation, a healthy flower is obtained.

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