How Vitaly Milonov ended up in politics, who is required to be checked by a psychiatrist. Vitaly Milonov

Investigators were asked to send the deputy for a psychiatric check. The reason for this was the statement of the St. Petersburg lawmaker about the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral, which, according to the author of the complaint, could also cost Milonov a criminal punishment. How the author of the law banning gay propaganda ended up in the State Duma, for which they tried to punish him earlier and why they decided to check for adequacy - in the material.

On Sunday, February 12, Vitaly Milonov said that the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg are opposed to the transfer of Isaac to the use of the Russian Orthodox Church only for the sake of political PR. In general, Christians survived despite the fact that their ancestors "boiled us in cauldrons and gave us to be torn to pieces by beasts," he added. Milonov's former colleague in the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly the next day to bring him to justice for inciting national hatred and enmity, but first send him to a psychological and psychiatric examination.

In November 2016, it was not Milonov himself who paid a fine for extremism, but a Chuvash activist who reposted a photo of a deputy in a T-shirt with the banned slogan “Orthodoxy or Death.” The legislator himself during his political career was brought to justice only on Twitter - account blocking for statements about American democratic hell.

From the Red River to the State Duma

43-year-old Vitaly Milonov, a state administrator by education, began his political career in the northern capital in the 90s. Then he joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia, which was led by a politician and a human rights activist. Almost 25 years later, he is critical of them: “Unprincipled opportunists. I would not like to talk much about them: they are rather part of the harsh past of our Russia.”

After that, Milonov worked for more than five years as an assistant to a State Duma deputy - a “young padawan”, as himself in this status of a politician. First - at, the initiator of the creation of the organization "Young Christian Democrats", which was then headed by Milonov, and then at. About her, unlike Salye and Ponomarev, the politician speaks with sympathy, calling her a patriot and "deep down a believer."

After the murder of Starovoitova, Milonov became an assistant to the senator, then a deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. Before Milonov himself was elected to the legislature of the northern capital, he worked as a deputy of the Dachnoye municipality and the head of the administration of the Krasnenkaya Rechka district.

Despite all the ambiguity of the initiatives and statements that Milonov became famous for while working in the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, he not only received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, but also easily ended up in the State Duma again. And this time - in the role of a deputy. The tireless lawmaker and fighter for the purity of morals went through the preliminary voting procedure, after which he became a candidate from the party in the Duma elections. In EP, it was considered natural that a bright party member defeated an opponent with extensive experience in the State Duma apparatus. Fame in the city played into the hands of Milonov, the secretary of the General Council of the United Russia explained: “There is nothing surprising in Milonov’s victory, since the boundaries of district 218 include territories from which Milonov is elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.”

Aspen stake in LGBT and no sex before marriage

Milonov did not limit himself to the scale of the city in his legislative initiatives. In 2012, a law proposed by him to ban gay propaganda was adopted at the city level, a year later a similar document appeared at the federal level. Representatives of sexual minorities and their defenders, including world stars, for example, from Milonov got it repeatedly. “I heard that at the concerts of this tour she pulled off her pants - we don’t need this here,” the parliamentarian said. He criticized for LGBT propaganda and the singer. From the performance of the Austrian singer Tom Neuwirth, known under the pseudonym, Milonov decided to insure himself in advance and sent a proposal to the Minister of Culture to ban his (her) tour.

In general, the lawmaker believes, “an aspen stake must be hammered into this entire LGBT activism.” “There has been too much of it. They undeservedly attract a lot of attention,” he said, commenting on the idea of ​​holding a gay pride parade on Airborne Forces Day.

The ban on gay propaganda is just one step towards securing traditional values ​​among Milonov's proposals concerning the private life of Russians. Repeatedly, his attention was attracted by the reality show "Dom-2". He even volunteered to personally teach its participants a moral lesson. “I am sure that after talking with me, many of them will become normal Orthodox hipsters. After all, our Savior Christ also did not come to kings, but to alcoholics and prostitutes, ”Milonov. The parliamentarian also considered the Western cult TV series Game of Thrones to be harmful to traditional values, where every tenth character, in his opinion, is a “sexual deviant”. True, the deputy has not seen a single series of TV shows.

Milonov tried to fight immorality both on a small scale - by an initiative to introduce a ban on walking around St. Petersburg in shorts and swimsuits, and on a large scale - by proposing to ban sexual intercourse before marriage.

Having become a State Duma deputy, Milonov lowered the degree a little: on the eve of Valentine's Day, he called for a ban on only erotic media. By the way, the holiday of all lovers, celebrated today, like Halloween, the politician also proposed to ban.

United Russia encourages its colleagues to observe the moral foundations. In December, he introduced a bill to the lower house of parliament that would ban alcoholics and drug addicts from entering the civil service. At the plenary sessions of the State Duma, Milonov closely follows the speeches of those present and notices their mistakes: he pointed out to the TV presenter that it was not appropriate to call husbands and suitors partners. And Milonov also made a radical proposal for the deputies: to amend the regulations prohibiting "talking for half a day."

Emotional outbursts with deputy status

Milonov's sharp attacks and unexpected initiatives do not always go unanswered. In the fall of 2014, then still the head of the St. Petersburg branch, she prepared a lawsuit against her colleague demanding that he be brought to civil and criminal liability, including for extremism and insulting the authorities. Shortly before this, Milonov demanded that Dmitrieva voluntarily surrender her mandate as a State Duma deputy and generally leave politics, since the head of the St. Petersburg Right-wing Russians is allegedly a representative of the “fifth column” and is engaged in “creating hysteria” around the topic of gubernatorial elections.

Local representatives of the United Russia called the accusations unfounded. The details of the consideration of the claim were not separately reported, and Dmitrieva has now left both the State Duma and the Just Russia party.

Industry organizations and business do not enter into conflict with Milonov, but only delicately express bewilderment. As, for example, in - in connection with the idea of ​​a deputy to develop rules of conduct for Russians abroad. “In the case of our citizens, this is excessive work, and it would make sense to do something more useful,” said the director of ATOR

In the party, the ardor of a politician is treated almost calmly, his words are explained by private opinion and they try not to inflate problems. “As for the emotional outburst of Vitaly Milonov, this is exclusively his personal initiative,” the EP said after he called on the former SR to join the Duma majority party. “If he has his own pocket party, he can invite her there.”

And yet, just in case, the party members did not send Milonov to establish international contacts. Last fall, he was not on the list of United Russia candidates for the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE). Although the danger was not great: the Duma members still do not plan to work in PACE.

However, there is hope that the deputy will become a power lawmaker. After the St. Petersburg parliamentarian Kovalev demanded that Milonov be checked by a psychiatrist, the fighter for morality promised to choose expressions more carefully. “Probably, thanks to this, I will be able to express myself even more accurately, although much more accurately,” Milonov told

If he fulfills his promise, the politician who has passed to the State Duma will find a worthy replacement. While Kovalev and Milonov were arguing on the pages of the media, the St. Petersburg deputy proposed to legalize sorcerers and magicians, and at the same time promised his colleagues real stars from the sky - for high-quality lawmaking.

Name: Milonov Vitaly Valentinovich. Date of birth: January 23, 1974. Place of birth: Leningrad, USSR.


One of the most famous and odious deputies of the State Duma of the 7th convocation was born in Leningrad, in the family of a naval officer. Valentin Nikolayevich served in the Northern Fleet.

The mother of the future politician, Tatyana Evgenievna, was a primary school teacher. Vitaly Valentinovich has an older brother. The difference between the children is significant - 13 years old, the mother gave birth to her second son when she was 37. The parents of the youngest offspring loved and spoiled.

My brother had an exotic hobby that turned into a profession. He became a serpentologist and worked at the zoo. And as a child, he often brought his wards to a communal apartment. If they ran away, the tenants experienced very unpleasant moments, climbing onto stools, until the young biologist drove the snakes into place.

Vitaly, when he grew up, was not carried away by exotics, but he keeps a dog, several cats and even a rabbit.


Vitaly Milonov did not shine at school, he studied for one triple. After graduation, he was going to the Naval Technical School, like his father. However, health did not allow. Poor academic performance did not allow him to enter the Leningrad State University - Milonov wanted to study at the philological faculty.

However, as a result, Milonov nevertheless received higher education, and not just anywhere, but at the North-Western Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, having mastered the specialty "state and municipal administration." It happened in 2006, when the politician was already 32 years old. However, as evil tongues say, at that time, almost all officials who had not yet attended to a diploma of higher education were strongly recommended to somehow get additional knowledge.

But Milonov received not only a secular, but also a spiritual education. According to media reports, he graduated from the St. Tikhon Orthodox University, and also entered the St. Petersburg Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, he could not finish it - apparently, active legislative activity interfered. In the summer of 2017, the seminarian, and part-time State Duma deputy, was expelled because he missed the session. Not released in the State Duma. Milonov promised to continue his studies at one of the educational institutions located in Moscow, but it is not known whether he did this.

However, given some of the features of Milonov, maybe it's for the best.

Education - alternative version

The portrait, it would seem, is clear - until 2006, Milonov was a dropout without a higher education, but with an active life position. However, on the site dedicated to the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 1998, completely different information is given. According to the publication, in 1994, when Milonov was only 20 years old, he graduated from the Hawaiian Pacific University, having mastered the specialty "politics and economics", a year later - the Robert Schuman Institute in Hungary. The student took an internship in the parliaments and administrations of the governments of a number of countries in Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific region

Two buildings of the first educational institution are located in Honolulu and Hawaii Loa, the second university is in Budapest. How Milonov managed to study in different parts of the world at the same time is unclear. In addition, according to the same biography, from 1991 to 1997 he served as Secretary for International Relations of the Christian Democratic Union, and from 1993 to 1995 he was an assistant to State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky.

Either Milonov is hiding from the public a great discovery worthy of the Nobel Prize - how to be in three places at the same time, or that the young activist somewhat embellished reality in order to please voters. The second version is supported by the fact that in the future, studies in Europe and the USA are not listed in Milonov's biographies.

Christian Democrat

Now it is hard to believe that Vitaly Milonov was not only not born Orthodox, but also began his path in Christianity not with the Russian Orthodox Church. At the age of 17, he gained faith in God and became a Baptist. Then the Protestants, inspired by the religious freedom that had come in the country, actively preached wherever possible.

A young man who did not enter a university almost immediately found himself in politics. In 1991, before reaching the age of majority, he joined the ranks of the activists of the Free Democratic Party of Russia. In an interview, Milonov also said that he worked as a freelance district inspector in the police.

Then, either in 1993 or in 1994, Milonov became an assistant to State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky. He headed the Russian Union of Christian Democrats, and Milonov, in turn, combined assistance to the people's choice with chairmanship of the Young Christian Democrats public organization, created under the RCDU.

The first stage in Milonov's political career ended tragically - Vitaly Savitsky died in a car accident during the election campaign to the State Duma of the second convocation in December 1995.

Taken as a betrayal

In 1997, Milonov joined the team of Galina Starovoitova. She liked the young man, she even recommended that he be nominated for the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from the Northern Capital association.

However, at that time Milonov did not receive a deputy mandate. Two weeks before the elections scheduled for December 6, 1998, Galina Starovoitova was killed in the entrance of her own house. And her protégé, before the second round of elections to the Legislative Assembly, withdrew his candidacy in favor of his rival, Vadim Tyulpanov, who represented the bloc of supporters of the then governor of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Yakovlev. Tulipov passed, and subsequently Milonov became his assistant.

Former associates of Milonov perceived his departure to Tyulpanov as a betrayal of the memory of the murdered Galina Starovoitova.

Then, in 1998, Milonov converted to Orthodoxy, as if putting an end to the previous period of his life associated with political and religious protest. Now he is a member of United Russia and serves as a sexton in one of the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Deputy of different levels

Milonov became Vadim Tyulpanov's assistant in 1999. And in 2004, he finally received the first deputy mandate in his life - the municipal council of the Dachnoye municipality.

In 2005, Vitaly Valentinovich headed the local administration of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipality. There he remained for two years. However, Milonov's practical activities did not seem to be very attractive.

In March 2007, he was for the first time elected as a deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly of the fourth convocation on the list of United Russia. At first, he headed the standing commission on the structure of state power, local self-government and administrative-territorial structure, and was a member of the budget and finance committee. In December 2009, he became chairman of the Legislation Committee.

The first four years of Vitaly Milonov in the Legislative Assembly is not marked by anything special. Milonov became famous all over the country in 2011, when he was again elected to the parliament of St. Petersburg.

Why not ban the rainbow?

In 2011, St. Petersburg adopted a law on administrative responsibility for promoting homosexuality and pedophilia among minors. Milonov's bill caused a wave of discussions.

The opponents of the legislative initiative were not only representatives of LBGT organizations. Grigory Yavlinsky sharply criticized the initiative - in his opinion, the concept of propaganda is not disclosed in the law, and if we are talking about calls to commit acts of a sexual nature against children and adolescents, then there is already a criminal article for this. “And the deputies actually propose to replace the punishment with a fine of 1,000 rubles, which simply unties the hands of the criminals,” the politician noted.

Among the supporters of the bill, the most striking, perhaps, was the deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, Elena Babich. “On City Day, the face of Peter the Great and a bright rainbow hang all over St. Petersburg. What a rainbow when it's a global gay symbol? And all over the city we have a kindergarten “Rainbow”, a pharmacy “Rainbow”, ”the deputy was indignant.

It did not come to the prohibition of the rainbow in the city on the Neva. However, the law was adopted with a creak. Representatives of the Yabloko, A Just Russia and even the LDPR parties voted against (Milonov, commenting on the position of the Liberal Democratic Party, hinted that the matter was in the leader - they say, at one time Vladimir Zhirinovsky lit up in a gay club, and "some the Liberal Democratic Party has a skeleton in the closet on this subject”).

The law has perplexed not only Russian human rights activists, but also representatives of European countries and the United States. Their reaction was sharply negative. But the Russian senators liked it. With the approval of the decision of the St. Petersburg deputies, the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, responded.

On June 11, 2013, a law banning "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors" was adopted by the State Duma.


One of the authors of the federal bill, Elena Mizulina, specifically explained that if a child independently seeks information about non-traditional relationships, because he needs it, this is not considered propaganda. Including the existence of the Internet project "Children-404", which brought together teenagers with non-traditional sexual orientation, who anonymously share their stories and impressions, is not propaganda.

However, since October 2013, Milonov has repeatedly applied to the relevant authorities with a demand to close the Children-404 Internet project and bring its founder, Elena Klimova, to justice. His efforts were partially crowned with success - on January 23, 2015, the Dzerzhinsky Court of Nizhny Tagil imposed an administrative penalty on Elena in the form of a fine of 50 thousand rubles (a year earlier, the court did not find an administrative offense in her actions).

On September 21, 2015, Roskomnadzor blocked the Children-404. LGBT teenagers" on the social network "VKontakte". The administration of the social network obeyed the decision of the supervisory authority. Subsequently, a new page was created.


The bills, which caused the widest public outcry and the most severe criticism, followed with enviable regularity. They said that from the moment Milonov came to the city parliament, scandalous initiatives belonged to him in 99 percent out of a hundred.

“Now, after high-profile laws, it’s not comme il faut to propose gray initiatives,” Milonov once said. And he managed to maintain attention to himself quite well. Under the law on the ban on gay propaganda, he tried to bring Rammstein, Madonna and Lady Gaga to justice, which was unsuccessful, but gave the case an additional resonance - even those who were not interested in the bill itself started talking about Milonov.

“Sonnomar Vitalik,” as Milonov’s colleagues in the Legislative Assembly called him, wore a T-shirt “Orthodoxy or Death”, demanded a ban on smoking hookahs, teaching Darwin’s theory in schools, conducting sex education classes and doing free abortions. He proposed creating a moral police of Cossacks and believers in the city on the Neva, endowing embryos with civil rights and checking public appeals to childfree for extremism.

Putin and the Church in Priority

In 2012, a whole campaign was launched in St. Petersburg. The initiative group demanded to deprive Milonov of his deputy mandate so that the city would not dishonor him.

“The image of the capital of homophobia and obscurantism, which has recently become attached to St. Petersburg, causes obvious damage to the reputation of the city and humiliates the self-esteem of Petersburgers, for whom the European title of St. Petersburg is the foundation of their love for their native city,” explained one of the initiators of the collection signatures on the website Daniil Grachev.

The resignation of the deputy "due to the loss of voters' confidence" was also demanded by the residents of the district from which Milonov was elected, arguing that the people's choice does not protect their interests and, in particular, lobbies the interests of the developer of the microdistrict.

An open letter with a request to remove Vitaly Milonov from the Legislative Assembly collected the signatures of Russian pop and sports stars, including Dima Bilan, Philip Kirkorov, Evgeni Plushenko, Yana Rudkovskaya, Nikolai Baskov and Valeria.

Milonov himself then said that he would leave the city parliament only if Putin or the church asked him, having clearly outlined his priorities. He left only four years later - to the federal parliament. Milonov became a deputy of the State Duma of the 7th convocation from the United Russia party in the 218th Southern single-mandate constituency of St. Petersburg.

Married to Eva

Milonov met his wife in 1996. Eva Aleksandrovna Liburkina was born in 1977. I met my future husband when I was studying at LSU. The girl was an activist of the Young Christian Democrats movement, which was headed by Milonov.

It is also known that in 2008-2011 Liburkina was a voting member of the St. Petersburg Electoral Commission. However, now Eva Alexandrovna is not up to a career - there are five children in the family, and three are adopted.

His own daughter, Marta, was born in 2009, son Nikolai in 2012. And then little Peter, Evdokia and Ilya appeared in the family. At first, the couple wanted to limit themselves to one child, but in the end they took three.

The adoption of Milonov was prompted by the law of Dima Yakovlev. Oddly enough, the politician known for his ultra-conservative views not only has nothing to do with him, but also does not approve of him too much, calling him very cruel. But the law, in his opinion, stopped the conveyor for the sale of children from orphanages.

Milonov claims that his adopted children and the adopted children of his acquaintances were given false diagnoses in order to give them up for adoption to foreign citizens under this pretext. There was a certain adoption agency where foreigners were charged 20 thousand dollars for a child, and the agency’s specialists, in turn, paid the money of the orphanage employees “in order to discharge the child with the correct diagnosis.”

Milonov learned about the existence of the system by accident, when it turned out that the diagnosis of hepatitis C, made to one of his sons, was false. And he reacted - "many heads flew." However, when asked by a journalist why there was no federal scandal and no arrests of the perpetrators, he replied that he did not think that this should be discussed publicly.

Almost a second home

The fierce patriot Milonov spends his holidays in Cyprus every year. Journalists write that this is almost his second home, and this is true. Milonov is a member of the parish of one of the Cypriot churches, is well acquainted with the local metropolitan, and for many years, in his own words, has been “closely connected” with the Cypriot church.

The media write that Alexander Liburkin, the father of Milonov's wife, bought the villa on the island. For what income, it is not very clear - he is a simple employee in the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipality. Milonov himself reacted simply - there is a declaration, look at the property there. And who I stay with is none of your business, I have the right to privacy.


According to the declaration, Milonov earned more than 2.8 million rubles in 2016. His wife brought almost 38 thousand rubles to the family piggy bank. Milonov does not even have his own apartment - the document lists only two large land plots and some unfinished object. The Milonovs have two cars and two motorcycles. In the use of the family - an apartment of 42 meters (and how do they all fit in it?)

Milonov innocently complains to journalists that it is difficult to raise children not only morally, but also financially. The golden days of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly are over. There, the deputy met once a week and kept the entire salary for himself, without worrying about assistants - they received 50-60 rubles each. But in Moscow we have to share. And they sit in the State Duma for three whole days, sometimes until ten in the evening. How to raise children in such conditions?

And you won’t get support from your colleagues - you once told the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin that a mother of many children is entitled to experience, and he answered - your decision was to have many children. “How does the tongue turn to say so?” Milonov is indignant. But for some reason, no bill on this matter is proposed.

Obscurantist or PR man?

Most of Milonov's extravagant legislative initiatives are met with hostility both by society and by colleagues in the deputy corps. They are called delusional, and Milonov himself is called obscurantist, homophobe, clown. Quite regularly, the statements of the deputy are asked to check for extremism.

Here is the last high-profile proposal no one appreciated. In 2017, Milonov proposed to ban children under 14 from using social networks, registering there only with a passport - no fictitious names! – and take other prohibitive measures to protect the younger generation from the pernicious influence of the Internet. When two attacks on schools took place in early 2018, the deputy took advantage of the situation and proposed a new option, allowing children to use social networks, but only with the permission of parents and guardians.

Milonov was once again accused of incompetence, populism, and the desire to restrict freedom. And in self-promotion - because, as many believe, Milonov is simply making a name for himself, using any convenient informational occasions and hot topics.

One way or another, Milonov continues legislative activity in the State Duma, now and then exciting his fellow citizens with new initiatives.

Member of the faction of the political party "United Russia".

Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

Vitaly Milonov was born on January 23, 1974 in St. Petersburg. His parents: naval officer Valentin Nikolaevich and primary school teacher Tatyana Evgenievna, who doted on their son, since he was late, the only one and very desirable. Spoiled by the attention of his parents in childhood, Vitaly was a naughty boy, preferring a yard company to studying at school, therefore he did not excel in academic performance and was a “triple student”.

At the end of the school, Milonov wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and intended to enter the Military Engineering Technical School. His plans to become a military man were unsuccessful - Vitaly was not taken to an educational institution for health reasons. After that, the young man entered the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Philology. But this attempt to get a higher education also turned out to be a failure, as he was expelled from the university due to poor academic performance.

Only in 2005, Milonov graduated from the North-Western Institute of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, where he studied at the Faculty of Public Administration. Later he became a student of the correspondence department of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University.

The political career of Vitaly Milonov began in the early 90s. Then he joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia, whose co-chairs at that moment were the well-known Russian oppositionists Lev Ponomarev and Marina Salie. At the same moment, to the surprise of his family, in which the spirit of atheism reigned, the aspiring politician showed interest in religion, began to attend meetings of the Evangelical Church.

Soon, his activities were noticed by State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky, who in 1994 made Milonov his assistant, thereby giving him a "ticket" to the world of politics. In the same period, Vitaly Valentinovich created the Young Christian Democrats movement, at the head of which he showed remarkable activity and loudly declared himself in the political world. A few years later, he was noticed by the leader of the democratic movement in St. Petersburg, State Duma deputy and well-known human rights activist Galina Starovoitova, who took Milonov into her team and became his so-called “godmother” in his political career.

In 1998, at the suggestion of Starovoitova, Vitaly Valentinovich submitted his candidacy for elections to the St. Petersburg parliament, but just a few days before the vote, he abandoned the fight for a deputy mandate in favor of Vadim Tyulpanov from the Unity party, which was the main rival of the Democratic Party. Milonov's colleagues regarded this act as a betrayal, but this did not change the opinion of the novice politician, who, having given the vacant post to his main competitor Tyulpanov, became his assistant and already in 2004 began to move up the career ladder in the ranks of the United Russia party.

In 2007, Vitaly Valentinovich was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation. He served as chairman of the standing commission on the structure of state power, local self-government and administrative-territorial structure, was a member of the budget and finance committee.

In 2009, the politician headed the standing committee on legislation and at the same time became a member of the parish council of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow, and regularly participates in worship. In 2011 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. For his activities, he was awarded the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth", the medal of St. Peter the Apostle II degree.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Milonov Vitaly Valentinovich was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from the constituency 0218, Yuzhny - the city of St. Petersburg. Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. The date of commencement of powers is September 18, 2016.

Vitaly Milonov is one of the most extravagant politicians in Russia, famous for his high-profile bills, causing a strong reaction in society. He considers himself a “political hipster” and a fighter for Orthodox values, but many see him as a banal political careerist who, using the image of an ultra-conservative, is trying to break through to political heights.

Childhood and youth

Milonov Vitaly Valentinovich was born on January 23, 1974 in the cultural capital of Russia. Parents, naval officer Valentin Nikolaevich and primary school teacher Tatyana Evgenievna, doted on the late, only and very desirable son. The spoiled future deputy was a naughty boy in his childhood, preferring a yard company to studying at school, therefore he did not differ in high academic performance and was a three-year-old.

After graduating from school, Milonov wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and intended to enter the Military Engineering Technical School. But plans to become a military man were unsuccessful - Vitaly Valentinovich was not taken to an educational institution for health reasons.

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Politician Vitaly Milonov

After that, the future lawmaker entered the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Philology. However, this attempt to get a higher education also turned out to be a failure, as he was expelled from the university due to low academic performance.

Only in 2006, Milonov graduated from the Northwestern Institute of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, where he studied at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration. Later he became a student of the correspondence department of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University.


The political page of the biography of Vitaly Milonov opened in the early 90s. Then he joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia, whose co-chairs at that moment were Russian oppositionists Lev Ponomarev and Marina Salie. At the same moment, to the surprise of the family, in which the spirit of atheism reigned, the aspiring politician showed an interest in religion and began to attend the meetings of the Evangelical Church.

In 1998, at the suggestion of Vitaly Valentinovich, he submitted his candidacy for elections to the St. Petersburg parliament, but just a few days before the vote, he abandoned the fight for a deputy mandate in favor of the Unity party, which was considered the main rival of the Democratic Party. Colleagues regarded Milonov's act as a betrayal, but this did not change the position of the novice politician.

In 2007, Milonov joined the ranks of the deputies of the legislative assembly of St. Petersburg, where he took leadership positions in various committees. Vitaly Valentinovich was elected chairman of the standing commission on the structure of state power, administrative-territorial structure and local self-government, and also received membership in the budget and finance committee.

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Vitaly Milonov in a church cassock

In 2016, the Petersburger received the mandate of a deputy of the State Duma and joined the committee on international affairs. The election was preceded by a scandal that erupted because of Vitaly's words that colleagues in the Legislative Assembly were preventing the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the ROC for the sake of PR.

At the same time, he described a picture in which the ancestors of Christians “boiled us in cauldrons and gave us to be torn to pieces by beasts.” Moreover, a colorful man (height - 180 cm) in a gilded cassock organized a "protective" religious procession around the temple.


Vitaly Milonov became widely known in 2011, after the initiation of the law on homosexuality and pedophilia, which was approved and adopted by deputies, but caused a mixed reaction not only in Russian society, but also abroad. According to this law, the deputy unsuccessfully tried to bring to justice Lady Gaga, and a group that decided to come to the Northern capital of Russia and hold their shows in support of gay communities.

A political scientist and journalist, in an interview with an Islamic figure on the information and analytical Youtube portal “True,” said that Milonov himself was gay in his youth. They say that all of St. Petersburg knew about it, and now Vitaly represents the interests of the "blue lobby", deliberately distorting the topic.

In 2012, Milonov called for a ban on the teaching of Darwinian theory in schools, as he considers the concept of "evolution" stupid, because man occurred by the will of God. In the same period, the politician put forward another high-profile bill, proposing to grant the rights of citizens to embryos, which his colleagues called a "crazy idea."

The parliamentarian also actively opposes the international Eurovision Song Contest, which, in his opinion, promotes homosexuality, and groundlessly initiates a ban on free abortions in Russia. Vitaly Valentinovich, in addition, is a bright fighter against illegal migration and illegal accounts on the Web containing false information.

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Vitaly Milonov in 2019

In 2017, the deputy applied to the federal Ministry of Health with the initiative to license the activities of sex shops and sell products only on prescription. Another idea of ​​Milonov is to introduce a code of conduct for Russian tourists traveling outside the country.

Previously, he offered to arrest for 15 days musicians whose work uses obscene language, people who take selfies on subway rails or make statements with negative connotations. In this regard, it would be nice to restore the institution of censorship in the country. Hearing the compositions of the rapper Noize MC and the performer, Vitaly from modern performers is experimental in psychiatric hospitals.

Petersburg Legislative Assembly deputy Vitaly Milonov wants to check if the fingerprint scanner on the new iPhone 5s is transmitting the collected data to US intelligence agencies. We remembered what other objects or phenomena aroused suspicion in Milonov

Moscow. 23 September. website - Vitaly Milonov, Chairman of the Committee on Legislation of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, to test the principle of the fingerprint scanner on the new iPhone. He fears that the fingerprints from the 5s will be in the US intelligence database.

This is far from the first high-profile statement by Vitaly Milonov, who gained the greatest fame as the author of the law on propaganda of homosexuality among minors.

We offer a selection of the 10 most famous confrontations of Vitaly Milonov.

1. Milonov vs. Madonna

The concert of the American singer Madonna caused dissatisfaction with Milonov as one of the authors of the law on propaganda of homosexuality among minors. During the performance, the performer urged gays not to be afraid, showed a poster with rainbow colors and showed her buttocks. The deputy himself did not turn to the police - this was done by the parents of the children who attended Madonna's concert. As a result, the claim was dismissed.

2. Milonov vs. Lady Gaga

In December 2012, the American singer Lady Gaga, known not only as a singer, but also as an ardent fighter against homophobia, performed in St. Petersburg. Her concert was marked 12+, but according to the laws existing in Russia, only police officers can check documents. However, according to Milonov, there were also younger children at the concert. And the singer herself, according to the deputy, "called for fighting for equality and freedom, as well as respecting any minorities and remaining yourself, despite your sexual affiliation, thereby promoting entry into the LGBT community." The prosecutor's office was unable to conduct an examination of the concert, so an electronic recording medium is needed for verification, but such does not exist. Numerous concert videos on YouTube are not suitable for examination.

3. Milonov against soda

In the summer of 2013, Vitaly Milonov took the initiative to ban the import, production and sale of food, "in which the content of trans-fatty acids with their mass fraction in the product exceeds 2%." In this category, first of all, there would be products of fast food restaurants.

In addition, he noted the danger of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol carbonated drinks. They contain sugar, its substitutes and flavoring substances, which Milonov classified as harmful products. The deputy proposed to indicate on the bottles with these drinks that the contents can be dangerous for human health.

4. Milonov against video filming in the subway

The deputy was one of the initiators of the ban on video and photography in the St. Petersburg metro. In his opinion, the subway is an object of civil defense and requires increased safety standards. This idea did not find understanding with the governor of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, who demanded that this norm be canceled.

5. Milonov against migrants

Deputy Milonov and his colleagues proposed tougher penalties for companies that employ illegal migrants. For example, to prevent them from public procurement and increase income tax.

And in order to more effectively monitor the observance of law and order by visitors, Vitaly Milonov proposed organizing migration patrols in St. Petersburg.

6. Milonov against abortion

In 2012, Milonov proposed equalizing the rights of the embryo and the human and banning abortions. "We must make it clear that the term "embryo" cannot be used. It has legal capacity, which is the basis of the rule of law. People are not always healthy, cheerful, athletic gymnasts. Some do not breathe, are in a coma, etc. But they are also people Why, then, are we talking about abortions as some kind of cosmetic surgery? The child hasn't done anything yet, and they are already killing him," the deputy said.

The Petersburg Parliament rejected these amendments.

7. Milonov vs. MTV

When the MTV Russia channel still existed, MP Milonov did not like him very much. "I believe that there should not be such a channel, they have crossed all the boundaries of what is permitted," the deputy said. In his opinion, most of the programs broadcast on MTV are distinguished by vulgarity and baseness of morals, which negatively affects the audience. At the same time, Milonov used to watch this channel with pleasure: "There was great music, funny cartoons, not to be compared with what is now."

8. Milonov against rallies

Deputy Milonov was one of the initiators of amendments to the city legislation concerning the holding of rallies. In particular, the new law establishes restrictions on the places where rallies and meetings can be held (for example, rallies cannot be held on Palace and St. Isaac's Squares). The minimum distance from the venue of the rally to the buildings of public authorities, hospitals and schools should be at least 50 meters. It is worth noting that the governor of St. Petersburg Poltavchenko supported this law.

Milonov also wanted to amend federal legislation. He suggested coordinating rallies with religious organizations if street actions take place near buildings belonging to these organizations.

9. Milonov vs. Darwin

Deputy Milonov is also known for his statements against the teaching of Darwin's theory in schools, noting the lack of proof of evolution and the divine origin of man.

The deputy calls the theory of evolution "the theory of the goose and the pig" and will not tell his children about it.

10. Milonov against paper

Being the chairman of the Committee on Legislation of the Parliament of St. Petersburg, Vitaly Milonov noticed that the deputies spend too much paper, and the document flow is organized inefficiently. To save money and time, he suggested converting the entire document flow of the chamber into electronic form, and using tablet computers for work.

"It's a shame (paper workflow. - IF)! Now I have my documents sorted out. There are about two and a half packs on my desk. And I haven't read everything," Milonov was indignant.

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