How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard. How to learn to type quickly on a touch keyboard

Today, almost everyone needs the ability to quickly and competently type on a keyboard. But how to learn this? Many people who want to learn the techniques and techniques of high-speed typing go to courses, trainings, and spend money (often quite a lot) on a variety of simulators and lessons. In fact, there is no need to shell out money for advertised training materials. You can learn to type quickly and competently with both hands on your own and absolutely free.

Below we will look at free speed typing training programs, discuss techniques and give tips for quickly acquiring this valuable skill. But first, a little information about the benefits this skill gives a person.

Why learn speed typing with two hands?

The first and main benefit is a reduction in time costs. This skill is invaluable for people who type large texts every day. The simplest example: fast printing will increase productivity, and then the earnings of a copywriter. This skill is equally useful for writers, editors, executives in a wide variety of fields - in general, for everyone who deals with letters and numbers.

Also, the ability to type quickly will allow you to type text more rhythmically, and this will significantly reduce fatigue from prolonged work. Moreover, when your fingers begin to “fly” freely over the letters, and the text is typed as if by magic, this helps you enjoy the process.

Attention! For job seekers, the ability to type quickly will serve as a trump card that will help them get ahead of competitors and get a coveted place or position.

Another advantage of fast typing is the ability to keep up with your thoughts. This is very important for those who create texts. Why? Because sometimes interesting thoughts are lost in that split second when a person is looking for the right key on the keyboard.

And the skill of fast typing will help you take care of your eye health. Because vision is overstrained when, during work, the eyes run from the monitor to the keyboard and back.

Methods for learning speed typing on a keyboard

Basic rules for touch typing:

  1. The first thing you need to do is remember the layout of the keys. Here's an exercise that will help. For 10–15 seconds, look at one of the rows of the keyboard on which the letters “live.” It is best to remember row by row from top to bottom. After time has passed, take a piece of paper and try to write down on it the order in which the signs are located. Repeat the action for each row for as long as necessary to memorize. The goal will be achieved when the set of letters begins to be reproduced automatically in the mind or on a piece of paper.
  2. The second stage of training is typing the alphabet on the keyboard in order, from a to z. You need to repeat this exercise until it works out at a good speed and without errors.

Advice. Choosing the right tool for those learning to touch type is also important. An ergonomic keyboard is ideal, on which the buttons are divided in two, for each of the palms. But a simply curved keyboard will do.

The correct posture is also very important, which, in principle, differs little from the ideal posture of a student at a desk. Don't hunch over, sit too close or too far, or cross your legs. Your back should be straight to help maintain good posture.

Today, many people type quickly enough with several fingers - and believe that this is enough. However, touch typing with ten fingers is much faster. Therefore, when learning to speed type on your own, you need to try to use all your fingers.

Many quick typing programs “assign” their own keys to each individual finger. This helps a lot, although it is a little difficult at first. But when the adaptation period passes, the two-finger printing method is forgotten. It is important to avoid returning to the previous style of typing.

When starting to learn the skill of touch typing, it is better not to rush. It is clear that speed is of paramount importance, but haste creates typos - and time is wasted editing them. Therefore, it is much more important to practice regularly and develop rhythmic typing.

How to type with ten fingers?

Touch typing is, roughly speaking, typing with all your fingers without looking at the keyboard. The brushes rest on the buttons in a special way. Their bases should be placed on the front edge of the keyboard or laptop case. The hands need to be bent as if there were balls in your hands.

You will need to get used to the correct placement of your hands.

The arrangement of letters on the keyboard is not at all random. It is based on determining the frequency of key use. And this principle is designed specifically for the touch typing method!

On any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in 6 rows. The top one, with hot keys, is rarely used. Some people love the next “digital” series, and some don’t. “Those who don’t like” the upper numbers can use the side block instead, located to the right of the main one.

The classic way to place your fingers on the keyboard looks like this:

  • Right hand. The little finger is on the letter “F”, the ring finger is on “D”, the middle finger is above the letter “L”, the index finger is above the letter “O”;
    Left hand. The little finger is on the letter “F”, the ring finger is above the “Y”, the middle finger is on the “B”, the index finger is on the letter “A”;
    Both thumbs are on the spacebar.

At first, to control the placement of your hands, you should always “catch” the letters “O” and “A” with your index fingers. Gradually your fingers will get used to it, and the need for support will disappear. This will be a transition to a qualitatively new level of skill.

How to remember all the buttons on the keyboard? This is a long process of hard training for each finger. You should start with the index finger of the right hand, then move to the index finger of the left hand, then to the right middle one - and so on to both little fingers. You can try to type texts right away, but this may increase your learning time. The ideal material for training is the “dictionaries” for each finger, which are equipped with all keyboard simulators.

Also, during the learning process, it is important to monitor the rhythm of typing and the correct striking technique of the fingers. The first point is all clear, but what kind of striking technique is this? It's simple: your fingers should touch the keys easily and quickly, and then immediately return to their place.

What programs can help?

  1. "Stamina" is a free simulator that helps you master ten-finger typing.
  2. “Solo on the keyboard” - developed by an employee of the Department of Journalism of Moscow State University, it helps you learn quickly and easily.
  3. VerseQ is a very popular touch typing training program. Its developers promise that the skill will be developed from scratch in fifteen hours of training.

The touch typing technique is based on the fact that a set of keys is defined for any finger. All learning this skill is simply a process of developing muscle memory with your fingers. Therefore, in order to be able to quickly and without errors type text with both hands, you need to really want it and work hard.

How to learn to type quickly: video

Welcome to the blog. From this article you will learn how to learn how to quickly touch-type on a keyboard, who needs it and why. Every person, without exception, knows that working with a computer is carried out not only for entertainment, but also for performing various tasks. Thus, almost all office workers working in serious and large companies type text while looking at the computer screen, and not at their fingers “flying” across the keyboard.

Many people wonder how this can be? Is it possible for a person to type without fear of making a mistake in the typed text? Yes, this is quite possible, and further we will give detailed answers to the question, how can you learn to type quickly on a computer?

How to improve your typing speed?

If you think that the interaction with the keyboard in your case leaves much to be desired, then one effective tool will help you, which is called the “touch typing method”. Many beginners in the field of speed typing make the same mistake - they simply sit for hours at the computer, entering various texts, while trying not to look at their hands. Needless to say that such an activity gives absolutely no effect?

If you want to learn how to quickly operate the keyboard, then the so-called touch typing will help you with this. This is a method that even turned “hopeless” beginners into real pros in the field of speed typing.

Touch typing - what is this method?

This method of typing has been known since those times when computers were not even heard of - since the end of the 18th century. At first, no one thought that the ten-finger printing method could have its own methodology - everyone learned this as they could and wanted. However, this technique began to produce positive results only when all the keys began to “submit” to specific fingers. This approach greatly facilitated the process of learning touch typing techniques.

This method was called ten-finger for the reason that during typing, absolutely all the fingers of the hands are involved, even the little fingers, which, it would seem, are of little use in this matter. Do you find it difficult to learn this typing technique? This is wrong! And pretty soon you will see that quickly typing on the keyboard with both hands, despite your fingers, is easy and simple.

Touch Typing Basics

The touch typing method on a computer keyboard operates according to certain principles that must be taken into account. If you don't follow these rules, you will only waste time and achieve nothing. Here are the main principles of this technique.

  1. Distribute the keyboard keys among your fingers, if necessary, writing down all combinations on a piece of paper. You can even mark the keys with colorful stickers, making similar colored marks on your nails (for the initial stage of learning, this is a very good idea).
  2. When typing characters, it is strictly forbidden to look at the keyboard. This is the main mistake of beginners, and it is for this reason that many “students” lose patience and do not complete the stage of learning to touch-type on a keyboard.

On a note. You must be prepared for the fact that this technique will require a lot of effort and patience from you. At first, you will make a lot of mistakes and typos that you will have to constantly correct. However, over time, you will begin to develop a habit, which will soon develop into an acquired reflex. This way, no matter what keyboard you are working with, your fingers will press the right keys themselves.

The main advantages of speed printing

Touch typing has a number of advantages, and these are what make it as popular as it is today. Here are its main advantages:

  • the ability to type up to 500 characters in 60 seconds;
  • the ability to maintain the health of the cervical vertebrae, since their constant flexion and extension while switching attention from the keyboard to the monitor can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • avoiding rapid eye fatigue, which occurs when constantly moving the gaze from the screen to the keys;
  • reduction in general fatigue.

As you can see, touch typing on the keyboard is not only convenient, but also very useful. However, remember: do not violate the rules described above, otherwise you will have to come to terms with the fact that this technique will remain inaccessible to you.

Basics of teaching touch typing on the keyboard

The ten-finger touch typing method can be mastered if you follow certain recommendations. In this case, the location of each finger plays an important role, so the learning process must be taken seriously and as responsibly as possible. The main aspects of this technique will be outlined below.

General rules for typing letters

The position of the hands on the keys when touch typing is the same for all languages, which greatly simplifies the task. All rows are taken into account except the auxiliary one, which is located at the highest point of the keyboard (function buttons marked F). You must be able to operate all other keys.

The main rows for high-speed typing on the keyboard are those where the letters are located, as well as the buttons:

  • Alt (on both sides of the keyboard);
  • Enter;
  • space.

These are the main rows that you should distribute between all 10 fingers on your hands. To learn how to type quickly on a keyboard using this scheme, you need to start small. That is, study the first letter combinations (4 first and 4 last letters of the 4th row), and then start typing words using them. Gradually, you will gain experience that will allow you in the future to hold your hands correctly on the keyboard, namely at a distance of a few millimeters from the keys.

How to master the auxiliary keys?

So, you have learned how to quickly deal with a set of reference (letter) keys, and now it’s time to deal with the auxiliary row. This will be a little more difficult, since learning to type without looking at the keyboard is not as easy in this case as in the previous version.

Now we are talking about all the other keys, except for the function keys, which are located at the very top of the keyboard. Now let's take turns.

  1. The Backspace and Enter keys must be pressed exclusively with the right little finger.
  2. The Shift and Ctrl buttons are located on both sides of the keyboard and are also controlled by the little fingers of both hands.
  3. Tab is pressed with the left little finger.
  4. The Alt keys are pressed with your thumbs, as is the space bar.

As you can see, the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer is not a very complicated, but somewhat labor-intensive technique. However, when you fully master it, working on the computer will be easier and more enjoyable for you.

How to remember the main keys?

To quickly type on the keyboard, it is important to remember the location of the main buttons - letters and numbers. The main load is taken by the index fingers of both hands, since it is with them that you will press 6 keys (A, O, I, M, P, P and those nearby). If you look at the keyboard, you will see that all these letters are in close proximity to each other. And those located on the sides of them also fall under the control of the index fingers.

To remember the location of the basic letters, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • You need to learn the keys gradually, starting with the thumb of the right hand, then the left;
  • Then we operate with the middle fingers, naturally, also in turn;
  • then come the ring fingers;
  • the final stage is the distribution of keys between the little fingers.

That's the whole simple science, thanks to which, after a certain period of time, you will be able to bring all your actions when working with a computer keyboard to automaticity. To speed up this process, you can use a special touch typing program. With the help of such online simulators, you can not only quickly master the rules of fast typing, but also get great pleasure from the lessons. And this already significantly increases your chances of success.

Programs for teaching touch typing

How to learn to quickly type on a keyboard using a special simulator? In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, and understanding the principle of operation of such software is quite simple. Let's look at the most popular and effective simulators for teaching speed typing.

  • Keyboard solo

This is one of the most famous simulators for training typing on the keyboard. The program can be downloaded for free and installed on your computer, but it will be a trial version, so you will have to pay to use all its features.

  • Stamina

Stamina is a simulator that is popular because it teaches speed typing gradually. You can set the text you want to print yourself and start practicing.

This touch typing simulator allows you to train not only beginners, but also increase the efficiency of people who already have certain speed typing skills.

  • Touch Typing Study

This is an online touch typing trainer that is quite simple and easy to use. The site has several keyboard layouts (languages), including even Latin. At any moment you can get a hint, which is especially important and useful for beginners.

This online touch typing simulator consists of 15 lessons, which make up a complete training course. At the same time, working in the system is so interesting and exciting that you won’t even notice how time has flown by, and you have already acquired the necessary skills.

If you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, do not put off this lesson “for later.” Everything is not as difficult and scary as many people think, and the knowledge and skills gained in the modern world (the world of Internet technologies!) will definitely come in handy!

Nowadays, almost every person would benefit from learning how to type quickly on a keyboard. This will help, first of all, in work, since almost all workplaces are equipped with computers. You can master fast printing techniques on your own, you just need to follow certain instructions. By fast typing here we mean “touch” typing, that is, a method in which a person does not look at the keyboard when typing.

There will be no disadvantages after learning touch typing. You'll spend your time practicing how to type correctly, but once you've mastered the material, all that's left to do is reap the rewards. There are many professions that require fast typing skills. But even if your work does not require high typing speed, this skill will in any case become your advantage.

After learning this technique, you will develop the skill of rhythmically entering text. You'll also enjoy the work you do better because you'll be less tired of the keyboard.

In addition, your eyes may become less tired, since looking from the monitor to the buttons can be tiring.

It is known that the ten-finger touch typing method was developed by American court stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin in 1988. Before him, people used the sighted eight-finger method when typing on typewriters.

Edgar McGurrin has proven in practice the superiority of his development. And for more than a century, fast typing training for secretaries and other professions who need fast typing has been carried out using the technique he invented, which has significantly increased labor productivity.

Basic rules for fast printing

Modern keyboards are designed specifically for the ten-finger method. In this case, a specific finger is “assigned” to each key.

Initially, the fingers are positioned as follows:

  • left hand: the little finger is above “F”, the ring finger is above “Y”, the middle finger is “B”, and the index finger is above “A”;
  • right hand: index finger over “O”, middle finger over “L”, ring finger over the “D” key, little finger over the letter “F”;
  • the thumbs are above the space bar.

The picture shows the color scheme for attaching fingers to the keys. To allow you to blindly control the placement of your hands, there are small ridges on the O and A keys that you can feel with your fingers.

It is necessary to work on each finger in order to assign automatic actions to it. For example, first we blindly practice pressing the left little finger on all “its” keys, then the right little finger, etc.

For the spacebar, the following rule is used: we press it with the thumb of the hand that was not used when the previous key was pressed.

When you strike a key, not only your finger, but also your entire hand should work. The hand returns to its original position after each blow. Thus, the printing process consists of abrupt rhythmic strokes. If you paid attention to the work of professional secretaries, for example, in some old movie, then most likely, this is how she typed.

You can practice well on special simulators, a list of which is given at the end of the article.


Try to memorize the location of the keys on your keyboard and then write them down in the correct order on a piece of paper. For simplicity, try to memorize just 1 row of the keyboard.

Try, without looking at the keyboard, to type all the letters of the alphabet from “A” to “Z” one by one. Use the ten-finger method described above.

The following tips will help you improve your typing speed:

  • A keyboard that is curved or broken in the center is considered more convenient and ergonomic. This arrangement of keys will allow your hands and fingers to be less tired.
  • Watch your posture and posture. The back should be straight, the arms should be lowered and relaxed, and should be located approximately in the middle of the abdomen (not at the level of the navel or chest).
  • Practice. The speed at which results are obtained depends on the volume of training.
  • Don't try to simplify your work: don't look at the keyboard and use all ten fingers.

Keyboard trainers

There are several free keyboard simulators that will help you master fast touch typing.


It is no longer possible to imagine your life without a computer. At home, people prefer the Internet instead of real communication, and at work, all documents must be printed. The ability to do this quickly to save your precious time is priceless. Understand how to learn to type on a computer.

Rules for fast typing on the keyboard

The most popular method of fast typing is touch typing, that is, the person does not look at the keys, but only at the monitor. This type of printing has long been used by secretaries and typists who had to type large and small texts for their bosses and others. Considering that touch typing has been around for over 100 years, there are some basic rules on how to quickly learn to type on a keyboard:

  • only straight posture, while the back should be relaxed;
  • It is forbidden to even glance at the keyboard;
  • when typing, you need to use all your fingers;
  • the last phalanges of the thumbs of both hands should lie exclusively on the space bar.

Methods for learning to quickly type on a keyboard

There are several different ways to quickly learn to type on the keyboard. The best option is to enroll in courses at an educational institution, where you will be supervised by an experienced teacher and given useful advice. If you don’t want to attend classes, you will have to be patient and persevering to study at home. Only you will have to correct your own mistakes. For learning at home, there are a lot of programs and online services that make it possible to master the skill of touch typing from anywhere in the world.

Blind typing method - ten-finger typing

It is easy to guess from the name of the printing method that all fingers of both hands are involved in the process. In addition, looking at the keyboard while learning is prohibited, and then there is simply no need. The brain is able to remember where which finger is placed and which key it is responsible for. The most convenient way to develop such memory is with the help of a special ergonomic keyboard, which has a special wrist rest, and the keys are separated by empty space, and the boundaries of the work of the right and left hands are indicated. Important points:

Finger placement

The most important thing to remember when learning how to type quickly on the keyboard is the correct position. There is a specific set of keys for each finger. It’s not for nothing that the arrangement of letters has not changed over the years. This is because it is designed specifically for the daily work of a typist using the touch printing method. So, how to correctly position your fingers on the keys:

  • the right hand – the little finger – lies on the “g” key, the ring finger – “d”, the middle one – “l”, the index finger – “o”;
  • left hand – the little finger is located at the “f” key, the ring finger is “s”, the middle finger is “v”, the index finger is “a”;
  • the thumbs are responsible for the space bar.

Each hand needs to be trained separately. The main thing is not to rush, because in this matter it is very important to bring the result to perfection. Otherwise, you will have to check your texts later and spend a lot of time correcting typos. You can practice using special dictionaries that offer texts for touch typing - from the simplest to the most complex.

Hitting technique

When you press a key, it happens automatically. Nobody thinks about how to hit them correctly. However, according to the rules, it is necessary to do this in the following way: firstly, not only the fingers, but the entire hand are involved, and secondly, the pressure occurs with a sharp blow, and then the finger returns to its original position. The spacebar should be pressed with the edge of your thumb, not the pad of your thumb.

Print rhythm

The more you maintain the same rhythm of finger strikes during training, the sooner this process will become more automated. In some cases, it may seem that you can type some key combinations much faster than others, but you should not do this. The rhythm of touch typing should remain the same throughout the entire process.

Tutorials for fast typing on the keyboard

To the question of how you can quickly learn to type on a keyboard, many answers have already been invented. Some are recognized as really effective in teaching fast typing. These training programs will help you learn everything from scratch. A typical software product is designed for the average student and consists of separate blocks of lessons with intermediate monitoring of results. In addition, you do not have to attend courses outside of home, because such training is designed for independent and regular:

  • Stamina. An excellent program that will quickly teach you how to type without looking at the keyboard. It was developed back in 2000, then modified several times, brought almost to perfection. All lessons are structured in such a way that you need to take them only in the sequence in which they are offered. If you try to learn touch typing using this program, you will definitely achieve results. The main advantage is that the program is absolutely free.
  • SOLO. The program for teaching fast typing “Solo” was written by V.V. Shahidzhanyan, a teacher at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. According to him, this method is the simplest and most correct for grasping the basic skills of a difficult process. You can find and download it on the Internet or buy it on the official website and start training at any time.
  • VerseQ. The creators of the VerseQ program claim that this is one of the best options for quickly learning how to type on a keyboard. According to their calculations, the average person who wants to master the touch typing method will be able to do this after just an hour of training. After 8-15 hours of training, the typing speed and quality can be compared to a typist school graduate.

Online services

In addition to training programs, you can also find online services. They offer playful ways to learn how to touch-type. The advantages of these services are that you can practice on any device that has a keyboard without installing a program. Several online learning options are popular today:

  1. Clavogons. So far the most popular game for teaching touch typing. Go online at any time and start training. The game is played as a competition among users, so you will always be motivated to move forward to overtake your opponents. You will see the results of your and other people's victories in a special list.
  2. All 10. Convenient online trainer for self-learning touch typing. The program’s website describes in detail all the tips not only on finger placement, but also on posture, rhythm of strikes, and so on. Just by visiting the site, you will receive a lot of useful information, and then you can immediately use it for training.
  3. Time Speed. Another online way to learn to type without looking at the prompts. The creators claim that literally in the first lesson the student will see the first results. With each new workout, the typing speed increases, and as a result, any articles, letters, etc. printed in minutes. If only I had enough inspiration!
  4. VerseQ online. Online version of the above program. Allows you to learn typing from anywhere on the planet at any time, and besides, compete with other students and show your skills. Those with a competitive spirit will definitely enjoy it, and learning this way will be much more interesting.

Video tutorial: how to type text on a computer

Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

One of the most important tasks of a blogger, webmaster, and even more so a copywriter or rewriter is learn to type quickly on the keyboard. High typing speed can significantly reduce the working day of a person who spends most of his time typing texts. The sooner you learn to quickly type on the keyboard, the sooner you will realize the beauty of touch typing.

The training, as a rule, does not last long, but in order to complete it you need to fully understand the need for fast typing and naturally “gather all your willpower into a fist”! But, as it turned out, not everyone succeeds in doing this. Therefore, if you are not ready to pull yourself together and spend a week or two on intense exercise, then you are better off not even starting, as you will be wasting your time.

What can help us in learning

To begin with, we recommend choosing the most convenient and effective program as an assistant. This could be the popular SOLO program (favorite of office workers), Stamina, TypingDr or VerseQ. Of course, there are other options, including online services, but we have listed the main ones. It is very important not to make a mistake in choosing a program, otherwise your desire to quickly type on the keyboard will fade away sooner than you learn the basics of touch typing letters and numbers. Objectively speaking, each program has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to download each of them, install it on your computer and try to work with it. But, as we have already said, not everyone has the patience to go through this path, much less start it all over again 4 times in order to be able to evaluate each of the proposed programs - there certainly isn’t enough strength. Therefore, we decided to do something different and immediately choose the VerseQ product, even if it is somewhat subjective, but most of the people who tried this program liked it and even many of them learned to quickly type on the keyboard, and for free!

We cannot recommend the famous “Solo”, since, in our personal opinion, it has already outlived its usefulness; today there are much more effective ways to learn to type on a computer. The main disadvantage of this program regarding VerseQ, again in our opinion, is that it is mainly aimed at office workers who are literally required to learn the computer keyboard anyway. But for an ordinary user who just wants to quickly communicate on ICQ, Skype or on the VKontakte social network (for example), the program will be absolutely useless! The point is that training should take place in an easy and relaxed manner. It should not last for hours and should not drag on for months, as happens with classes at Solo.

VerseQ helps you memorize not individual letters on the keyboard, but entire chords (letter combinations), which makes it possible to apply skills immediately after the first lessons. You won't have to go crazy with multiple clicks of the same letters. In addition, the visual design of the program will help create a rather pleasant atmosphere when learning to type letters with all the fingers of both hands.

Operating principles of the simulator for fast blind typing

The essence of the VerseQ simulator is quite simple - a line of letters or letter combinations (chords) appears on the screen in front of you, which you need to repeat from the keyboard. By pressing the first letter or key, the program will begin to keep statistics, recording your typing speed, rhythm and the number of mistakes made.

After typing the entire line, you will be shown statistics (skill, tempo, rhythm and number of errors). Having studied it, you can continue to study further - type the next line. However, it will be different, since it is generated automatically, but takes into account your past mistakes, that is, if you make mistakes in certain letters or combinations, the system will arrange the letter series in such a way that you will learn well and be able to correct your own mistakes. When the shortcomings in your typing are eliminated, the program will continue to complicate the learning levels for you in accordance with the language characteristics.

Now let's move on to direct recommendations for speed typing on the keyboard.

What to do when you can’t learn to touch type on the keyboard?

Often, people trying to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard have a problem with the fact that they cannot learn anything from the training: they forget where to put their fingers, which keys are assigned to which finger, they get tired quickly and generally cannot withstand the minimum load from learning . If you have similar symptoms, and you consider yourself a relatively healthy person, with a good memory and no serious stressful situations in your life, then in this case you urgently need to pay attention to your sleep. Since it is he who is responsible for the efficiency of the brain, as well as (no less important) for the functioning of the nervous system.

Therefore, if you want to get a quick effect from exercise, then first of all you must enter a normal daily routine, namely, sleep as much time as your body requires. It is best to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00, since after this time biological rhythms enter into completely different phrases, and a person’s temperature drops by an average of 0.6 degrees, which is what the body needs for the deep sleep phase. If you miss this moment - going to bed later, you thereby do not have time to enter this phase, which provides the brain and nervous system with better rest, and therefore your sleep will last longer, and you will get worse sleep.

And if you think this is a joke, you are deeply mistaken! This tip can greatly not only help you learn to type on the keyboard faster, but also achieve success in other matters.

So, you yourself have already realized that there are no difficulties as such on the way to learning how to type quickly and blindly on the keyboard. It is enough to launch the virtual simulator several times a day and type according to the rules all those letters that the program shows us. But we would like to add that in addition to this, you will also need to remember to practice, because it is not enough just to type those letter combinations that the program offers, we also need to type entire sentences - with punctuation marks, capital letters, paragraphs, etc. . We, of course, could advise you to simply reprint any article from a newspaper into a Word document, but we will not do this, since we ourselves know that this is as boring as practicing day after day on any virtual simulator for fingers Instead, we recommend that you do something different: start communicating intensively on your favorite forums, ICQ, Skype, social networks, etc. In other words, combine business with pleasure. After all, communication, as a rule, consists of short messages that need to be written at an active pace. In this way, you will quickly develop the habit of writing faster, and, of course, correctly, otherwise you will not be understood.

At first, this practice will seem a little difficult to you, because writing quickly and according to the rules is difficult, but in the future you will be very grateful for this practice. We do not recommend practicing on documents or abstracts, where speed, absence of errors and time are really important.

Another way to practice is to participate in various services like Here you can organize virtual, group competitions in the form of speed typing letters using the blind method. However, instead of the character, a racing car appears, which moves at the same speed with which you can type. That is, on the one hand, it is a game, and on the other, it is a very effective online simulator that helps you learn to type letters very quickly.

If you cannot get rid of the habit of looking at the keyboard, then take opaque tape and cover all the keys on your keyboard; this situation will simply force you to remember all the rules and tips that you received from this article and on the virtual simulator.

So, after you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, your work (if it is related to texts) will significantly move up, because now you will be able to do much larger volumes of typing, and therefore get much more money for them! By the way, I advise freelancers and webmasters to read our articles about “How to learn how to rewrite” and “for SDL”.

Now I would like to ask a question to blog readers: Can you type touch-type and quickly? If “Yes”, how did you learn this? Please share your “recipes” and tricks.

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