How to draw a landscape design for a site on a computer. Useful programs for a novice landscape designer

Which computer program to choose for landscape design and design, so that you can implement and test your ideas in it, so that there is decent 3D visualization? This question arises as soon as there is a desire or need to take a computer as an assistant.
In this article I will try to give general information about popular programs used by landscape designers, and it’s up to you to decide what to choose based on your capabilities and needs.
Computer programs used for landscape design can be divided into three groups:

  • 1) drawing programs;
  • 2) programs for 3D visualization of landscape projects;
  • 3) programs for 3D modeling and graphics

Drawing programs

This group includes such popular programs among architects and designers as AutoCAD and ArchiCAD.
These are very good and quite difficult to learn drawing packages designed for the design of architectural and construction structures and solutions. In landscape design, they are used to draw general plans and dendroplans, layout plans and irrigation plans, road and drainage networks. Their disadvantage, from the point of view of landscape design, is the lack of plant libraries. The appearance of plants in 3D mode is very conditional. The visualization quality is poor. Knowledge of these packages is highly desirable in large architectural and landscape companies. There are quite a lot of courses that teach how to use these programs.

Programs for 3D visualization of landscape design

These programs were created specifically for landscape design and design. They are designed for 3D visualization of projects. The created project or its fragment can be immediately seen in 3D volumetric form. At the same time, the drawing part of such programs is often significantly inferior to programs from the first group. As a rule, these are not complex or not very difficult programs to learn. Among the programs in this group there are quite primitive ones (for example, FloorPlan Landscape, Expert Landscape Design 3D, Complete Landscape Designer, X-Designer and others) and good, powerful packages, such as Punch Home & Landscape Design from the company Panch and Realtime Landscaping Architect by Idea Spectrum. These last two programs have good 3D visualization, a large number of settings, texture fills for all designed elements, and large libraries of objects.

The capabilities of good computer programs for visualization are approximately the same: the presence of libraries of plants and architectural forms, modes of shadows, growth, changes according to the seasons, the ability to create relief and various special editors. A common disadvantage of most programs in this group presented on the Russian market is that they are not translated (the interface, program descriptions, explanations are all in English) and that the range of plants presented in these programs is generally not suitable for our climate.
is one of the best programs for 3D visualization of landscape projects. Its huge advantage over the best foreign programs is the Russian interface and a unique seventeen thousand encyclopedia of plants, more than half of which grow in Russia and the former USSR. And, of course, the ability to add textures, 3D models, plants and photographs to the program.

Programs for 3D modeling and graphics

There is also a whole group of programs, such as Photoshop, Google SketchUp, CorelDrow, 3D MAX and some others, which are often offered to students who want to learn computer-aided landscape design. These programs were not created specifically for landscape design and do not take into account its specifics. Many of them are difficult to study on your own. But, if you have mastered these programs well, you have gained experience and have everything you need: ready-made objects, trees, houses, previously created scenes, etc., then you can quickly create a beautiful project.

Adobe Photoshop and CorelDrow Graphics
These are graphic editors (raster and vector, respectively) designed for layout (CorelDrow) and editing of graphic information, such as magazine illustrations, photographs, slides, etc. (Photoshop). These are programs of medium complexity, very popular and there are many textbooks and courses teaching how to use them.
CorelDrow often used to create planting drawings, diagrams, general plans. Decent vector drawings are obtained.
Photoshop Some landscape designers use this: the client’s site is photographed and objects, plants, houses cut out from other photographs are placed on this photo in the editor. Either an application, or a collage... The result, in my opinion, is not very good, although there is a lot of “fussing”.

3ds MAX, 3D Studio VIZ, Blender
The programs are not designed specifically for landscape design; they are universal 3D modeling products. 3D Studio VIZ has a tree editor with customizable parameters for creating various tree models, and there are building templates: windows, doors, stairs. But it’s more convenient to use 3ds MAX. This is a highly professional product for creating various 3-dimensional scenes, objects, specials. effects and animations. It has a large number of plugins that significantly expand the standard capabilities of the program and contain additional modeling tools. Difficult program to learn. Creating and visualizing a project requires a lot of knowledge and time. Time to search for objects (trees, bushes, houses), time to polish them, time to develop your own objects and, finally, time to render. This is a lot of work and not everyone can do. But, I repeat, if you have mastered this program well and accumulated libraries of objects, the result will be impressive: the visualization of the scene is extremely photo-realistic.
Blender can be called a free analogue of 3ds MAX. This is a professional program for creating 3D computer graphics, animation, video editing with sound and interactive games. Currently the most popular among developers among free 3D editors. Has a reputation for being difficult to learn.

Google SketchUp
This is a non-professional, uncomplicated and easy-to-use program for modeling simple three-dimensional objects, mainly architectural. It was not created specifically for landscape design. It is possible to add the ground surface to the model and adjust its shape - relief. There is a shadow mode at any time of the day. Does not have an encyclopedia or plant libraries. But there is a wide variety of different ready-made 3D plant models in Google's publicly available online collections.

Daz Bryce
The program is intended mainly for creating and visualizing complex real and fantastic 3D landscapes. This is for big professionals. There is the possibility of complex overlays of fog and haze effects. Bryce allows you to control haze, clouds, sunlight, simulate rocks, stones and water, large libraries of materials and environmental characteristics, and a wide selection of rendering parameters.


In conclusion, I will share my observations: from many conversations with visitors to landscape design exhibitions, I am convinced that people try to do projects on the computer in what they know (even in Exsell!), often spending an insane amount of time and effort on it. But those of them who are professionally and successfully engaged in landscape design on a computer, as a rule, use several programs in their work, most often a combination of drawing (AutoCad / ArchiCad) + programs for 3D visualization (Our Garden / Punch! / Realtime). Those who make very expensive projects, participate in competitions, often use a combination of programs (AutoCad / ArchiCad) + 3ds MAX.
Well, for those who “design” for themselves and their friends, who carry out small projects, just one 3D visualization programs, for example Our Garden Ruby or Crystal.

If you do not have the time and energy to independently implement all the ideas for the design of your site, then professional agronomists and designers of our company "Lawn Zone" will help you with this, develop a landscape design for the site, and provide free consultations and advice.

What, where and how to place it correctly on your site?

So you finally have your own piece of land. And it doesn’t matter what its area is - 6 acres, 10 acres or 15 acres. Do not immediately rush to dig it, build it and fence it. Read specialized literature, think, consult with experienced summer residents and gardeners. Create a plan for the future site, correlating it with the cardinal points. This will help you correctly orient all your future buildings and plantings. Planning your own plot is not an easy task, and our advice will help you with this.

You will need to determine places for a house, a utility block, a recreation area, and parking a car. But keep in mind, first of all, it is necessary to solve the housing problem before the construction of the house is completed. After all, from the first days of your stay at the dacha, you will need to somehow spend the night, rest, cook food, etc. Therefore, plan to immediately build a temporary shed, which will later turn into a utility block, a warehouse for storing building materials, work equipment, etc.

Determine the sides on which the windows of the future house will face. It is advisable that these be west and east, otherwise in the rooms on the south side there may be all the time It’s hot, but from the north it’s cold all the time. On the south side you can place a veranda or terrace; it will act as a kind of thermal insulator, preventing the house from overheating in the summer and cooling in the winter.

The house is usually located 5 m from the road along the “red line”. On the shady northern side, you can plan to plant currants and other shade-tolerant ornamental shrubs and trees. On the south side of the house, it is advisable to plant apple trees and other fruit trees - then they will receive the sunlight and warmth they need, and at the same time form shade, which will save you from the heat on hot days. Currants are planted at the western border of the site, and raspberries at the southern border.
The layout of a summer cottage implies immediately defining a recreation area and a children's playground. However, they should not be in the open sun. The recreation area is made, if possible, secluded, inaccessible to prying eyes.

If you plan to create a pond on your site, then you need to provide a place for it that is not exposed to constant sunlight. The remaining free space is allocated to the lawn, or. Behind the house, if desired, we have a vegetable garden and strawberries, and behind them we plant currants.

It is important to correctly place your plants, trees and shrubs so that their shadow does not disturb you or, especially, your neighbors. Currant and gooseberry bushes are planted at a distance of about 1.5 m from the border of the site. Apple trees, pears, plums, and cherries are planted even deeper in the garden. If the area is small, it is better to plant trees on a dwarf rootstock.

Programs for creating a DIY landscape design project

On the Internet you can find a large number of ready-made projects for summer cottages. But you can create a project yourself, based on your preferences and the location of your summer cottage. There are various landscape design programs for this purpose. Let's look at some of the simplest and most accessible of them. The presented programs are posted in Russian and they can download for free!

Self-instruction manual. Landscape design

For those who are trying to work with programs for designing a summer cottage for the first time and want to master and use all their convenient functions, we offer a tutorial on landscape design. Interactive video instructions, voiced and commented in Russian by a professional speaker, with the opportunity to participate in the learning process, will help you quickly master all the functionality of the programs.
This video instruction covers several of the programs listed below (Garden Planner, Garden Planner, 3D Home Architect Design Suite Delux).
Download Self-instruction manual. Landscape design (124 Mb)

1. X-Designer. Garden plot planner 3D

In this program, you can not only competently model a site using a fairly extensive library of garden plants and other landscape objects, but also see your site in all its glory at different times of the year and even at different times of the day!
After the project is formed, you can see the result from all sides and photograph the result for further reproduction of the project on the site.
Download X-Designer program (202 Mb)

2. Our garden. Ruby 9.0

This powerful program allows you to create a landscape design project using existing digital photos. This will be appreciated by both users who create landscape design with existing objects (trees, buildings, etc.), and those who are planning a site from scratch. The program also provides a huge number of different plants, garden elements and garden objects.
Download the program Our Garden Rubin (4.3 Gb)

3. Our garden 6.0 Omega

A powerful program from the Our Garden series allows you to create a landscape design project or design plans based on digital photographs. Integrate the plan you create with real photos. Detailed information about more than 7,700 plants contained in the program, with the ability to select soil, flowering time, place of growth, life span and much more. etc. will help you assemble and create the perfect flower garden - a flower bed of continuous flowering.
You can view the created plan in a 3-dimensional image at different times of the day or year. Depending on the specified year, the plants will be adjusted in growth form and growth. Contains a huge amount of information on caring for outdoor and indoor plants and controlling diseases and weeds. The program will be a real boon for people who create a cozy corner on their property, decorated and decorated with beautiful flower beds.
Download the program Our Garden Omega (690 Mb)


One of the simplest programs that allows you to create a garden layout by dragging all the necessary and desired elements onto the plan and arranging them as you wish. Also, for convenience and clarity, you can change the foliage color and scale.
Download Garden Planner 3 (3.5 Mb)

5. 3D Home Architect Design Suite Deluxe

This interesting program allows you to create a design project for a summer cottage or other interior from scratch. A rich selection of design elements (plants, lighting, fences, trellises and even playgrounds) with the ability to adjust their sizes will help you create an easy and effective site design in 2D format, and with the help of the built-in functionality you can view it in 3D (in all perspectives, angles and at different distances).
Download the program 3D Home Architect Design Suite Delux (222 Mb)

For professionals who are familiar with design programs first-hand, we can recommend using the following programs:

1. AutoCAD

The most famous and universal program for creating design. Professional program for designers. Makes it possible to build relief according to coordinates,
contours, surface breaks, etc., create contours, visualize objects and reliefs. Using AutoCAD, various design documentation is drawn up, which is usually used in professional activities.

2. 3D Max
A complex program that provides great opportunities for designing, placing and creating objects in 3D format. It is also used mainly by architects and engineers, because there are specialized courses for mastering this program.

3. Punch! Professional Home Design

A professional program, but more accessible to the average person. A program for creating a three-dimensional plan of a plot, house, and apartment. Lots of standard objects that can be edited. Huge opportunities for creating high-quality professional projects, as well as design documentation. Ability to add digital photographs, hand-drawn (scanned) drawings and plans. Image visualization.
Download Punch! Professional Home Design (2.2 Gb)
Download the crack program Punch! Professional Home Design (16.2 Mb)

I think everyone understands why 3D modeling of landscape design is needed. This way, it will be much easier for you to explain to the customer what you should get as a result of the work at his dacha. Today, a huge number of programs for 3-dimensional modeling are known, among which programs like CorelDraw and so on have always been in particular demand. They are the simplest and at the same time allow you to create 3-dimensional landscape scenes and get high-quality results.

Landscape design modeling programs are professional options that are very labor-intensive to learn, difficult to use and require PC computing resources. These programs allow you to select any type of plants for the garden, organize the space and add some new details to it so that the result is pleasing to the eye.

Thus, a product review can be carried out based on the following features:

  1. Quality of the 3D result.
  2. Quality of sketches.
  3. Availability and large selection of various elements such as trees, shrubs and buildings.
  4. Combination with different data formats.
  5. PC resource requirements.
  6. Easy to use.

Let's consider several of the most popular programs for 3-dimensional modeling of a site.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

This program is one of the highest quality to date. It has a huge number of ways to design, distances and much more. A large database of plantings, with the need to add your own methods and filter by area, type of planting. Very easy to learn. This is an excellent solution for ordinary landscape design compositions.

Construction model

As a result, you will have a good quality 3D appearance, although any elements on it will be 2D, however, this does not affect the quality of the result. In addition, the program has a huge number of elements for creating a landscape: pergolas, trellises, fences and much more. You can build a house yourself, in order to make the picture more realistic, the program includes windows with doors and stairs. In addition, you can separately create a lighting project for the entire area in the garden.

Let's look at the main features of this program:

  1. Pros: high-quality 3-dimensional appearance, ease of use and learning.
  2. Cons: Our objects are 3-dimensional, it is impossible to make any individual object.
  3. Result: this program is by far the best in terms of ease of learning and high quality work.
  4. Price: it is not officially supplied to our country.


This program is one of the most enjoyable to use, and its interface is in Russian. There is a database of plantings, different houses and much more. However, descriptions of such objects are only available in English. Excellent search by plantings and houses, with the ability to set various parameters. For example, searching for bushes, light-loving plant varieties and much more.

In order to create a site plan, you must first load into the program an image of the site on which the design will be carried out in the future. First you need to photograph the required area, then you will need to put various elements on it like flowers and much more, and the final result will come out. This option is a very original and at the same time very simple way of presenting the look of future projects. However, the use of such an approach is justified only when it is necessary to demonstrate not the entire type of the project, but some part of it, for example, the entrance to a building with future decor. The program does not allow you to recreate the entire picture of the territory.

Buildings in the garden

Let's look at the main features of this program:

  1. Pros: High-quality 2-dimensional appearance.
  2. Cons: this program was created for decorating photographs, and this is its disadvantages and advantages, that is, viewing is possible from any angle.
  3. Result: worth using for a specific display of some elements of the site.
  4. Price: not officially supplied to our country.


An amazing program that takes up about 4.5 megabytes on disk. She has a library of plantings and various structures. As a result, you can get a high-quality 2-dimensional view of the site using this program. What is especially nice is the comfort and ease of operation. And now we will talk about the 3-dimensional view of the territory. Of course, with such a small amount of memory there is nothing to count on a high-quality 3D view. But in general, the program only pleases with its interface. It is clear that the developers have thought about everything very well. And if you have not previously had a desire to learn something serious, then this program can satisfy any type of request.

Agree, with powerful support it is much easier to improve your garden plot. Then the flower beds from spring to late autumn will always be covered with flowers, and the alpine hill will be visible almost from the gate. And the hedge will look not like a wild jungle, but like a work of art.

Master landscape design programs and you will immediately see how much more convenient it has become to create masterpieces.

We offer an overview of the 20 TOP programs for visualization of landscape design - the most popular and interesting. There are also free programs among them.

In some ways they are similar to programs for interior designers, only they work with the exterior, that is, with nature. Perhaps you have already tried some products - share your impressions in the comments.

An interesting and productive landscape modeling program. Quite accessible for beginning designers, since you can figure it out within half an hour.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: there is an extensive database of green objects: trees, flower beds, hedges, etc., tools - more than 1000 items. You can make adjustments based on climate, light, minimum and maximum temperatures, that is, choose those plants that will take root in your climate zone. Each flower or shrub is accompanied by a descriptive card. And in fast forward mode you can see how the vegetation on the site will change in a year, two or five.

Flaws: English language product. But it is understandable on an intuitive level. No 3D projection. All plans contain developer watermarks.

You can download the program on the developer’s website

The full name is X-Designer 3D garden planner. Developed by IDDK. One of the simplest, but quite functional programs.

It will also take a little time to master it - up to half an hour.

The program is shareware. After the trial period ends, the full version can be purchased on the company's official website.

Advantages: 3D mode allows you to see the area in space. You can set the size of the plot, time of year, date, time of day, and “plant” plants. And thus see how the landscape will look at night or during the day, in spring or late autumn. Like the previous product, X-Designer allows you to see changes in the site in perspective. A useful function is terrain modification.

Flaws: Quite simple functionality, which was reflected in weak graphics. However, it is possible to imagine at least approximately what a personal plot will look like.


The software is the result of the work of DiaComp. Under the name “Our Garden” the developer has released several versions of the programs. For example, Our Garden 6.0 Omega, Our Garden 9.0 Ruby, Our Garden 10.0 Crystal.

The program is accessible and understandable. Allows you to model your objects, calculate estimates, and present the site in a volumetric projection.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: an extensive catalog with plants and their detailed characteristics. The landscape can be supplemented with other objects: garages, houses, gazebos, ponds, etc. Trees and shrubs can be shaped. Change the terrain. The finished sketch can be saved, viewed at different times of the day and year, viewed in 3D mode and printed.

Flaws: For experienced landscape designers, it may seem overly simple.


The Google SketchUp utility was developed not exclusively for landscape design, but for constructing three-dimensional objects in general. However, it has proven itself well as a program for creating landscape design.

It was originally a Google product, and you can still collaborate online with other company products.

Two versions of the program: free and paid.

Advantages: 3D model of the site, you can develop a new model or use one presented on GoogleEarth. In the paid version, the program works in tandem with Google applications. You can set the terrain, shady and sunny areas of the area.

Flaws: The free version has limited functionality. But the paid version has many more features and will appeal to experienced designers. Only suitable for Mac OS versions 10.8, 10.7, 10.5 Intel and 10.6 Intel


A beautiful and powerful computer program in which the created landscape looks very realistic.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: 3D projection, the details are perfectly drawn in the sketches. The ability to see the landscape in perspective, a large library of objects and models. You can not only print the sketch, but also create a video. Drawing up an estimate.

Flaws: there is no Russian version. The paid utility is expensive.


6. Sierra Land Designer

The program is similar to the Russian utilities of the Our Garden series, but has broader functionality. Despite the rich catalog of models, it can be supplemented with individual items.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: shows the site at different times of the day and in different seasons. An extensive database that can be supplemented with your own objects. Allows you to make adjustments according to your own measurements and change the illumination. An opportunity to see how landscaping has changed in the future.

Flaws: Initially, all objects are two-dimensional. But finished projects have a three-dimensional image. Not Russified.


7. Punch Home Design

A universal utility for working with landscapes, buildings and premises with convenient graphical tools. Contains many modules, objects, textures. If necessary, you can edit them.

The program is paid. A 15-day trial period is provided. You can download the free trial version on the official website.

Advantages: There are 2D and 3D projections, you can switch between them without losing data. The program analyzes materials, tools, decor and other objects for their compatibility. The pictures are very realistic. The ability to create an estimate, set parameters, print or send by email.

Flaws: the program is paid. But during the trial period you can evaluate whether it is worth buying or not. Software and a virtual walk around the site will help with this.


The developers of the interior design program FloorPan 3D decided to occupy another niche and released version 12 Deluxe to help landscape designers. All the same simplicity and three-dimensional graphics. But now you can model a plot of land, load measurement data, relief, vary time, illumination and climate type.

When installing it, make sure that there is enough free space on your hard drive.

The program is paid. After familiarizing yourself with the functionality, you need to buy a key from the developer.

Advantages: the project being developed can be seen from any angle. The ability to “install” fences, gates, gates, lay paths, and draw up estimates. The finished project is exported to a computer. The visual travel function remains with the ability to add or remove objects along the way. A huge catalog of everything that is needed on the site - from rolled lawns to statues and lanterns.

Flaws: In a short period of time, it is sometimes difficult to assess the usefulness of a utility. Unrealistic graphics. There is no program in Russian yet.


9. TurboFloorPlan 3D Home & Landscape Pro

TurboFloorPlan Landscape is a convenient and easy-to-use program with a wide variety of functions and objects. In it you can design the interiors of houses and create masterpiece landscapes with your own hands.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: understandable to both ordinary users and specialists in the field of landscape design. In addition to plants, shrubs, trees, there are various objects for the garden: bridges, fences, ponds, buildings, sculptures, etc. You can create estimates. There is also a 3D projection, a visual tour of the site.

Flaws: the program is not Russified. However, its interface is intuitive.


10. Complete Landscape Designer 3

Another program for landscape design. You can work both with the main background and overlay objects on a digital photograph.

You can download the program without registration on the website.

Advantages: There are many objects in the library: buildings, plants, etc. You can search by certain parameters, select the type, degree of moisture and acidity of the soil.

Flaws: The interface is English, but it’s easy to understand. There is no three-dimensional image, so the layout of the site can only be seen in a plane.


The Landscape Design program is easy to use. You can create a completely decent site project in it.

The program is free.

Advantages: you can create a full-fledged project from scratch. Doesn't take up much space and doesn't require a lot of RAM. The functionality is clear even to a beginner. Large database of objects.

Flaws: the project is clearly visible in 2D mode. 3D projection is also available, but its quality leaves much to be desired. In the program you can create a project for yourself, and not for sale.


This complex covers interior, architectural, and landscape design. It creates luxurious three-dimensional projects with detailed graphics.

The program is paid. You can see how the program works in the demo version.

Advantages: detailing, 3D projection, a wide selection of objects in the catalog, textures, special effects, limitless design possibilities.

Flaws: energy intensive, difficult for a beginner, high price.


13. 3D Home Architect

A program with a fun and simple interface. Beginners can handle it, but it will also be interesting for professionals. You can choose plants based on their characteristics.

The program is paid.

Advantages: reports an error if objects are out of place, for example, stacked on top of each other. A rich library of various positions allows you to create various projects, change vegetation, buildings, lamps, etc. You can create an estimate. Upon completion, the finished project is sent to your computer or email. The project is created in 3D mode.

Flaws: not Russified. The graphics are a little weak, although this is enough for the project.


14. Better Homes and Gardens Landscaping & Deck Designer

A simple but functional utility for designing the landscape design of a site, including. The program was created by Chief Architect.

The program is paid. But on the website you can see her work.

Advantages: excellent graphics, a lot of plants and background information on them, and other objects with the help of which the landscape changes. Detailed drawing of the site, including its relief. 3D visualization of the project. Lighting options. An opportunity to put the garden into perspective.

Flaws: English version.


This is not just a utility. This is a series of landscape design programs released on disk. There are programs and encyclopedias, useful tips on arranging lawns, ponds, fences, growing conifers, shrubs, etc.

Such CDs, as well as books on interior design, will take their rightful place in your library.

The series is paid. Can't download. Can only be purchased on disc.

Advantages: You can learn the specifics of the work, starting from the very basics. For a summer cottage there will be ponds, vegetation, small architectural forms, etc. To figure it out, there is a training video.

Flaws: There is no electronic version of the program. Available only on discs.

5 Best Landscaping Apps

A professional landscape designer, visiting a client’s site, wants to immediately sketch out design options or at least enter the data not only into a diary, but also into a tablet. And here you will need applications for developing landscape design. We have also prepared a selection of the best products.

Before installation, check if they are compatible with your device.

Some are developed only for Android. Others work equally well on iPads and Android smartphones.

You need to learn how to operate applications, especially graphic editors. This will help both in work and for those who are just planning to become a designer.

1. Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden

An application that allows you to completely create a landscape project: garden, plot, playground. You can enter measurements of the site, mark the location of the house, complete the project with furniture and various objects (there are a little more than 100 of them in the database).

There is an opportunity to see the spatial landscape.

A good application with great potential. You can not only create new landscape projects, but also edit ready-made photos of the site. There are functions for adding plants. True, prices are indicated in conventional units. But they can also be edited.

The ability to save a project and send it by email, transfer data to a computer. The project is visible in three-dimensional graphics.

The only thing is. At difficult stages, the application asks for a key. At the time of writing, the developer did not indicate how to obtain this key.

3. Landscape design

You will not be able to create or edit projects in this application. This is a collection of beautiful courtyards and their individual zones. But it will help you find a common language with the client and understand how he sees the landscape.

Agree, it’s better to show it once than to try to explain it in words a hundred times.

4. FloraMe -Landscaping made easy

An English-language application that allows you to vary the landscape. There is a choice of soils and plants. At the end, you can save or edit the project.

You can’t call it a professional program for planning a plot at a dacha or near a cottage, but you can play with textures and flora.

An application that allows you to develop a rough site plan and planting plan. Upon completion, you can export the project to clients or to your email.

An important function is creating a project based on a digital photo.

Great tool for planning. Now the client will visually imagine what the site will look like. The only negative is the paid, more advanced version. And the English language creates inconvenience. So, you just need to learn the terminology - it will come in handy.

We have reflected the programs and applications that are most interesting to gardeners and landscape designers. Now it will be easier to figure out what programs are needed.

I’m glad that the developers thought not only about computer users, but also about those who work on tablets and smartphones.

Agree, with powerful support it is much easier to improve your garden plot. Then the flower beds from spring to late autumn will always be covered with flowers, and the alpine hill will be visible almost from the gate. And the hedge will look not like a wild jungle, but like a work of art.

Master landscape design programs and you will immediately see how much more convenient it has become to create masterpieces.

We offer an overview of the 20 TOP programs for visualization of landscape design - the most popular and interesting. There are also free programs among them.

The full name is X-Designer 3D garden planner. Developed by IDDK. One of the simplest, but quite functional programs.

It will also take a little time to master it - up to half an hour.

The program is shareware. After the trial period ends, the full version can be purchased on the company's official website.

Advantages: 3D mode allows you to see the area in space. You can set the size of the plot, time of year, date, time of day, and “plant” plants. And thus see how the landscape will look at night or during the day, in spring or late autumn. Like the previous product, X-Designer allows you to see changes in the site in perspective. A useful function is terrain modification.

Flaws: Quite simple functionality, which was reflected in weak graphics. However, it is possible to imagine at least approximately what a personal plot will look like.


The software is the result of the work of DiaComp. Under the name “Our Garden” the developer has released several versions of the programs. For example, Our Garden 6.0 Omega, Our Garden 9.0 Ruby, Our Garden 10.0 Crystal.

The program is accessible and understandable. Allows you to model your objects, calculate estimates, and present the site in a volumetric projection.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: an extensive catalog with plants and their detailed characteristics. The landscape can be supplemented with other objects: garages, houses, gazebos, ponds, etc. Trees and shrubs can be shaped. Change the terrain. The finished sketch can be saved, viewed at different times of the day and year, viewed in 3D mode and printed.

Flaws: For experienced landscape designers, it may seem overly simple.

The Google SketchUp utility was developed not exclusively for landscape design, but for constructing three-dimensional objects in general. However, it has proven itself well as a program for creating landscape design.

It was originally a Google product, and you can still collaborate online with other company products.

Two versions of the program: free and paid.

Advantages: 3D model of the site, you can develop a new model or use one presented on GoogleEarth. In the paid version, the program works in tandem with Google applications. You can set the terrain, shady and sunny areas of the area.

Flaws: The free version has limited functionality. But the paid version has many more features and will appeal to experienced designers. Only suitable for Mac OS versions 10.8, 10.7, 10.5 Intel and 10.6 Intel

A beautiful and powerful computer program in which the created landscape looks very realistic.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: 3D projection, the details are perfectly drawn in the sketches. The ability to see the landscape in perspective, a large library of objects and models. You can not only print the sketch, but also create a video. Drawing up an estimate.

Flaws: there is no Russian version. The paid utility is expensive.

6. Sierra Land Designer

The program is similar to the Russian utilities of the Our Garden series, but has broader functionality. Despite the rich catalog of models, it can be supplemented with individual items.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: shows the site at different times of the day and in different seasons. An extensive database that can be supplemented with your own objects. Allows you to make adjustments according to your own measurements and change the illumination. An opportunity to see how landscaping has changed in the future.

Flaws: Initially, all objects are two-dimensional. But finished projects have a three-dimensional image. Not Russified.

7. Punch Home Design

A universal utility for working with landscapes, buildings and premises with convenient graphical tools. Contains many modules, objects, textures. If necessary, you can edit them.

The program is paid. A 15-day trial period is provided. You can download the free trial version on the official website.

Advantages: There are 2D and 3D projections, you can switch between them without losing data. The program analyzes materials, tools, decor and other objects for their compatibility. The pictures are very realistic. The ability to create an estimate, set parameters, print or send by email.

Flaws: the program is paid. But during the trial period you can evaluate whether it is worth buying or not. Software and a virtual walk around the site will help with this.

The developers of the interior design program FloorPan 3D decided to occupy another niche and released version 12 Deluxe to help landscape designers. All the same simplicity and three-dimensional graphics. But now you can model a plot of land, load measurement data, relief, vary time, illumination and climate type.

When installing it, make sure that there is enough free space on your hard drive.

The program is paid. After familiarizing yourself with the functionality, you need to buy a key from the developer.

Advantages: the project being developed can be seen from any angle. The ability to “install” fences, gates, gates, lay paths, and draw up estimates. The finished project is exported to a computer. The visual travel function remains with the ability to add or remove objects along the way. A huge catalog of everything that is needed on the site - from rolled lawns to statues and lanterns.

Flaws: In a short period of time, it is sometimes difficult to assess the usefulness of a utility. Unrealistic graphics. There is no program in Russian yet.

9. TurboFloorPlan 3D Home & Landscape Pro

TurboFloorPlan Landscape is a convenient and easy-to-use program with a wide variety of functions and objects. In it you can design the interiors of houses and create masterpiece landscapes with your own hands.

The program is shareware.

Advantages: understandable to both ordinary users and specialists in the field of landscape design. In addition to plants, shrubs, trees, there are various objects for the garden: bridges, fences, ponds, buildings, sculptures, etc. You can create estimates. There is also a 3D projection, a visual tour of the site.

Flaws: the program is not Russified. However, its interface is intuitive.

10. Complete Landscape Designer 3

Another program for landscape design. You can work both with the main background and overlay objects on a digital photograph.

You can download the program without registration on the website.

Advantages: There are many objects in the library: buildings, plants, etc. You can search by certain parameters, select the type, degree of moisture and acidity of the soil.

Flaws: The interface is English, but it’s easy to understand. There is no three-dimensional image, so the layout of the site can only be seen in a plane.

The Landscape Design program is easy to use. You can create a completely decent site project in it.

The program is free.

Advantages: you can create a full-fledged project from scratch. Doesn't take up much space and doesn't require a lot of RAM. The functionality is clear even to a beginner. Large database of objects.

Flaws: the project is clearly visible in 2D mode. 3D projection is also available, but its quality leaves much to be desired. In the program you can create a project for yourself, and not for sale.

This complex covers interior, architectural, and landscape design. It creates luxurious three-dimensional projects with detailed graphics.

The program is paid. You can see how the program works in the demo version.

Advantages: detailing, 3D projection, a wide selection of objects in the catalog, textures, special effects, limitless design possibilities.

Flaws: energy intensive, difficult for a beginner, high price.

13. 3D Home Architect

A program with a fun and simple interface. Beginners can handle it, but it will also be interesting for professionals. You can choose plants based on their characteristics.

The program is paid.

Advantages: reports an error if objects are out of place, for example, stacked on top of each other. A rich library of various positions allows you to create various projects, change vegetation, buildings, lamps, etc. You can create an estimate. Upon completion, the finished project is sent to your computer or email. The project is created in 3D mode.

Flaws: not Russified. The graphics are a little weak, although this is enough for the project.

14. Better Homes and Gardens Landscaping & Deck Designer

A simple but functional utility for designing the landscape design of a site, including. The program was created by Chief Architect.

The program is paid. But on the website you can see her work.

Advantages: excellent graphics, a lot of plants and background information on them, and other objects with the help of which the landscape changes. Detailed drawing of the site, including its relief. 3D visualization of the project. Lighting options. An opportunity to put the garden into perspective.

Flaws: English version.

This is not just a utility. This is a series of landscape design programs released on disk. There are programs and encyclopedias, useful tips on arranging lawns, ponds, fences, growing conifers, shrubs, etc.

1. Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden

An application that allows you to completely create a landscape project: garden, plot, playground. You can enter measurements of the site, mark the location of the house, complete the project with furniture and various objects (there are a little more than 100 of them in the database).

There is an opportunity to see the spatial landscape.

A good application with great potential. You can not only create new landscape projects, but also edit ready-made photos of the site. There are functions for adding plants. True, prices are indicated in conventional units. But they can also be edited.

The ability to save a project and send it by email, transfer data to a computer. The project is visible in three-dimensional graphics.

The only thing is. At difficult stages, the application asks for a key. At the time of writing, the developer did not indicate how to obtain this key.

3. Landscape design

You will not be able to create or edit projects in this application. This is a collection of beautiful courtyards and their individual zones. But it will help you find a common language with the client and understand how he sees the landscape.

Agree, it’s better to show it once than to try to explain it in words a hundred times.

4. FloraMe -Landscaping made easy

An English-language application that allows you to vary the landscape. There is a choice of soils and plants. At the end, you can save or edit the project.

You can’t call it a professional program for planning a plot at a dacha or near a cottage, but you can play with textures and flora.

An application that allows you to develop a rough site plan and planting plan. Upon completion, you can export the project to clients or to your email.

An important function is creating a project based on a digital photo.

Great tool for planning. Now the client will visually imagine what the site will look like. The only negative is the paid, more advanced version. And the English language creates inconvenience. So, you just need to learn the terminology - it will come in handy.

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