How to gain muscle mass at home: nutrition and training program. How to Gain Muscle Fast - The Complete Guide

Even an ectomorph can pump up an ideal body at home and increase muscles, that is, every thin guy will be able to pump up at home if he follows the regimen. Yes, it’s more convenient to swing in the gym, but you can gain muscle at home, although you have to try and do everything right, make a schedule for nutrition and training. Be sure to buy a scale to track your results every week, how weight will be gained and muscles will grow.

Do you want to transform your body, but do not have the opportunity to go to the gym? Not a problem! Basic exercises for gaining muscle mass can be performed at home, although for this you will need to buy some equipment. On the program for home workouts for weight will help you achieve the cherished results as quickly as possible!

Are you the kind of person who prefers to work out in the comfort of their own home rather than in a big, noisy gym? Too busy with work, school, kids to go to the gym every day? Or the budget does not allow to purchase a subscription?

Regardless of the reason, you can improve your physique at home using certain additional equipment. With a bench, barbell, dumbbell set, you can build muscle at home, burn fat and build the body you've always dreamed of. Each weight training program at home is designed for a different level of training.

Training programs for gaining muscle mass at home

Split full body workout for beginners

Basic exercises for gaining muscle mass involve a large number of muscle groups in the work, as well as muscle growth. In all exercises, follow the technique. If you are not sure about the correct execution, watch the video tutorials.

Full body workout for beginners

1. Barbell Squats
2. Lunges with dumbbells
3. Rises on socks while sitting with a barbell
4. Bent-over dumbbell row with bench support
5. Push-ups

3 sets (to muscle failure)

6. Arnold press with dumbbells
7. Mahi dumbbells to the side
8. French Press

Intermediate level program

Upper and lower body split for intermediate fitness levels

The split for the upper and lower parts is usually the next step after the split for all parts of the body. It involves a greater variety of exercises, since you will work with different parts of the body in each of the 2 workouts. Train the upper body on Mondays and Thursdays, and the lower body on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

upper body

1. Bench press with medium grip

2 x to failure

4. Military bench press
5. Mahi dumbbells with one hand while standing
6. Close Grip Bench Press
7. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing

lower body

  1. Barbell Deadlift - 4 x 6-8
  2. Front Squats - 4 x 6-8
  3. Dumbbell bench presses - 3 x 12
  4. Barbell Lunges - 3 x 25
  5. Squat jumps - 3 x 25
  6. Standing calf raises with dumbbells - 3 x 15

Advanced Program

Split for each body part for an advanced level of training

Monday: hands

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps - 3 x 8
  2. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 8
  3. Alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps - 2 x 10
  4. Extension of the arms from behind the head with a dumbbell - 2 x 10
  5. Sitting Dumbbell Curl - 2 x 15
  6. Extension of the arm lying with a grip from above - 2 x 15

Tuesday: chest

  1. Bench press lying on an incline bench with an average grip - 3 x 15
  2. Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 8-12
  3. Breeding arms to the sides with dumbbells lying down - 3 x 12
  4. Push-ups - 2 sets (to muscle failure)

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: back

  1. Overhead Bent Over Row - 2 x 8
  2. Bent-over row with underhand grip - 2 x 8
  3. Bent Over T Bar Row - 3 x 12
  4. Incline Dumbbell Row - 3 x 12
  5. Back extension with a barbell on the shoulders - 3 x 10

Friday: shoulders

  1. Seated Dumbbell Press - 3 x 8-12
  2. Mahi dumbbells to the sides while standing - 3 x 12
  3. Breeding dumbbells to the sides while sitting in an incline - 3 x 12
  4. Bench press sitting from behind the head - 3 x 8-12
  5. Standing Barbell Shoulder Raise - 3 x 8

Saturday: legs

  1. Barbell Squats - 3 x 5-8
  2. Deadlift - 3 x 5-8
  3. Lunges with dumbbells - 3 x 12
  4. Barbell Lunges - 2 x 12
  5. Bench raises with dumbbells - 3 x 15
  6. Dumbbell Calf Raises - 4 x 15

Sunday: rest

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass at home

Now that the training programs have been drawn up, it's time to talk about nutrition for muscle growth at home, which should go hand in hand with them, to properly gain muscle mass.

There is a stereotype that when gaining mass, you can eat everything and a lot. Most are used to believing that you need to gain as much weight as possible, then all this will turn into fat. This is a terrible delusion. Of course, as we grow, we need to have more calories in than we expend. And the percentage of fat will also increase. But, the calories don't have to be of poor quality and come in randomly. And the percentage of fat should not be prohibitively high.

  1. No need to overeat

A big mistake is to eat as much as you see food on the table, you need to correctly calculate the amount of food. Therefore, the very first rule is not to overeat. This can only make things worse. It is better to calculate the required number of calories and consume exactly that many. To do this, you need to calculate the number of calories that you need to maintain weight (for example, using a calculator) and add another 300-500 kcal to this figure.

But not everything is so simple. After a week of such nutrition, you need to check the correctness of the calculation. If you have increased body fat when looking in the mirror, then you need to reduce the number of calories. If the weight stands still, then their number should be increased.

  1. Don't chase more protein

Remember that when training for muscle growth, carbohydrates are much more important to you. You don't need much protein. On average, it can be consumed somewhere around 1-2 grams per kilogram of your body weight. In this case, the last digit is an extreme case. Excess protein is actually just useless.

Try to consume amino acids at least a couple of times a day. Preferably before and after training. They can be replaced with leucine. It should only be taken with a protein shake or with meals.

  1. Eat Fat

When gaining mass, many low-fat foods can be helpful. Such as not very fatty cheeses, chicken legs and wings with skin. Dairy products do not have to be low fat, anything up to two and a half percent is perfectly acceptable.

Eggs are best eaten with the yolk. A small amount of fat will keep testosterone levels at a fairly high level. Another tip is not to interfere with carbohydrates and fats in one meal, this is not very good. It is better to eat fatty foods in the afternoon.

  1. Follow 4-5 meals a day

One of the fairly common mistakes is a large amount of food at one time. It is better to make 4-5 meals during the day or even more. At the same time, the largest servings should be breakfast and a meal after a workout. After the load, you can safely consume fast carbohydrates, as well as some fat. In this situation, it will not bring harm and will even be useful to some extent.

  1. Don't eat at night

At night, the body must rest and recover from stress. Waking up to eat will disrupt normal sleep and cause chronic fatigue. Which will negatively affect the training process.

Although many consider nocturnal catabolism to be a terrible phenomenon, this is not entirely true. Muscles do not break down in huge quantities at night. For greater peace of mind, you can take five to six grams of arginine at night or a protein shake. And then sleep peacefully.

Weight gain diet example

In addition to the correct combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the body also needs other biologically active substances. Therefore, it is simply necessary to include various green crops in your diet. It can be sorrel, spinach, cabbage, various salads and more. They contribute to the normalization of metabolism and more active digestion. They will also become an obstacle in the way of diabetes.

I have developed a diet for a 80kg man that involves a slight calorie deficit. It will help anyone who is overweight burn fat and maintain muscle mass. If you're underweight, then increase portions to ensure you're taking in enough calories to build muscle. The diet is high in protein and relatively low in carbs, but should be consumed before and after workouts and at breakfast. I also included healthy fats to help keep you feeling full.

First meal

Egg white - 5 pcs
Whole egg - 1 pc.
Oatmeal - 1/4 cup
Blueberries - 1/4 cup

Second meal

Third meal

Chicken - 140 g
Brown rice - 1/4 cup
Asparagus - 1 cup

Fourth meal

Fifth meal

Steak - 140 g
Olive oil - 30 g
Avocado - 30 g
Vegetables - 1/2 cup

The diet involves 3 meals and 2 cocktails, so you will constantly consume calories throughout the day. Thanks to this approach, diets are very easy to follow, and cocktails are generally famous for their convenience in use. If you have any questions regarding supplements, please email me.

Results for weight gain at home

Of course, training at home has certain limitations, but this does not mean that they cannot be carried out to gain muscle mass at home. It is enough to purchase the necessary equipment. As you can see, there are many muscle-building exercises that require only a barbell, a bench, and a set of dumbbells. So stop making excuses that you can't build a great body because you can't go to the gym. Follow these programs and achieve the desired results!

Real advice is provided thanks to which you will increase muscle volume and develop the strength of titanium, only effective methods proven in reality!

1. Roll the bar back for a deadlift

When you start doing, pay attention that during the start the bar of the bar touches your lower leg, not 5 or 2 cm from it, but it touches your legs. The same thing when lowering the neck, it should literally slide over your legs, this will allow you to take more, work out your muscles better and take the load off your lower back.

2. Train standing up

Give preference to working in a standing position than sitting, so more muscles are included in the work, including the stabilizers of the body, which are responsible for coordination, which makes the muscles stronger and more resilient. For example, or will include in the work a lot more muscles.

3. Use different degrees of load

Everyone knows that the best number of repetitions for muscle growth is in the range of 8-10 repetitions, but you should not focus on this 100% attention. Perform 8-10 reps for 4 weeks, then for the next 2 weeks lift the working weight for 4-6 reps, then return to 8-10 reps again.
You may not be able to work for 8 reps with the weight that you worked with for 6 reps, but you will definitely be able to lift more, due to the fact that the strength will increase, which will pull the mass along with it.

4. Increase the number of repetitions

In continuation of the previous advice, if, for example, when performing 10 repetitions, you master a weight of 50 kg, do not dwell on it, reduce the weight to 35 kg and do 20 repetitions. This method will improve endurance and muscle definition, so use this method for a short time before the summer season.

5. Use your toes

This applies to many in the most difficult repetition, it helps to lift the weight not by focusing on the heels, but by lifting them and focusing on the toes, try it too.

6. Use Isometric Drop Sets

The bottom line is as follows - performing, for example, bending the arms with a barbell, after the planned 8 repetitions, do not lower the barbell, but leave it at the top - isometrically straining, at this time the partner removes 20-25% of the weight and again 8 repetitions and so on until there is an empty neck.
It is the situation with bent arms that does not allow the biceps to relax for a few seconds, as it happens in the bottom position.

7. Lock your elbows while bending your arms

Do not allow your elbows to walk when training arms with a barbell or dumbbells, this improves the technique of movement and allows you to work out the biceps and triceps more accurately.

8. Use drugs to improve digestion

If you want to gain weight, then the body needs more fuel than usual, you will have to eat 2 times more food, and this is not a pleasant surprise for our digestive system, use digestive enzymes to help you digest food, for example - mezim.

9. Thicken your grip

Try to use a towel or other cloth when lifting the barbell, wrapping it around the neck of the barbell, this will change the grip style, increase its tenacity and train the forearm well, making it stronger and more resilient.

10. Use a different grip

Do not use 1 type of grip, remember in your training program there should be 3 different types - (when the thumb
does not turn off work), reverse (when the palms look at the body) and neutral (the palms look at each other) - they include different muscle groups in the work, which allows you to train the body in a more diverse way.

11. Use a heavy ball

Take a heavy ball weighing 5kg into your training program, stand near the wall and throw it with all your might up into the wall as high as possible - do 3 sets of 6-8 reps - this will activate new muscle fibers that will help in the future lift more powerful weights.

12. Choose the right shoes

To many, this will seem like a trifle, but the use of flip flops during heavy weights on a subconscious level makes you keep the thought in mind, but will the leg go with heavy weights ?! This thought enslaves and does not allow us to truly work out the columns that carry our body.

13. Don't relax while exercising

When doing a given number of repetitions, do not relax, keep your muscles in constant tension, this is much more difficult to do than resting for 2-3 seconds after each repetition, but much more effective in terms of increasing mass and strength.

14. Pull up daily

It doesn’t matter if the days of rest or training have come, every morning and every evening pull up in 1 approach for the maximum number of times, rest only on Sunday. After 1-2 months, you will see how the results will grow in the increase in muscle mass and strength, as well as in working weights.

15. Train on an empty stomach

The last meal should be at least 2 hours before training and in moderation, training half hungry is much more fun and cheerful, this eliminates the feeling of heaviness.

16. Constantly increase the working weight

You can’t do it all the time with the same weight, you need to use it. If you work with the same weights for a long time, then the muscle volume will also be maintained at a certain level and you can forget about further growth. Without this, it is not possible to increase muscle mass and strength.

17. Train in descending order.

Usually there are 2-3 warm-up sets, and then 3-4 heavy workers with a constant increase. From time to time, use the method - do 2-3 warm-up sets, then set the maximum worker for 6 reps, then reduce the weight by 10% and do 8 reps, then 15-20 and do 10 reps.
This will not allow the muscles to get used to the load, which means they will not stop responding to it.

18. Eat Liquid Foods

Not every time there is an opportunity to eat every 3 hours - sort out the boxes, use forks, spoons, especially if the whole day
runs on your feet. Another thing is when it is made from important and useful products, drank, charged the body with nutrients and order.

19. Pull up with an assistant

Here we consider 2 ways:

1) Use a special tourniquet, which is attached with two ends to the horizontal bar, and in the center you rest with your knees and it springs you up, helping you to pull yourself up.
2) Ask a partner to help you pull up when you have no more strength. Moreover, it helps to pull yourself up, and you lower yourself in the negative phase.

20. Rock your arms on squat day

After training the legs, the hands are fresh and full of strength, this will allow them to be pumped much better than during a back workout or.

Train, try and do not be lazy, everything is in your hands, pitching and lovely ladies, good luck!

Arnold Glazow

Do you want to look your best and burn more calories even while relaxing?

Whether you want to be the next Ronnie Colman or just be leaner/stronger like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston, you need to build muscle.

1. Gradually increase the load.

7.Make sure you are drinking enough water.

Drinking enough water is essential to achieve maximum levels of strength and endurance. Set a goal to drink about 12 glasses of water a day. Remember, you can add your protein shake to your daily water intake.

8. Avoid too much cardio.

Cardiovascular training interferes with muscle gain. If your goal is to lose fat, you need cardio, but make sure that:

  • cardio workouts are performed immediately after strength exercises
  • a set of high-intensity exercises should not last longer than 20 minutes

If your goal is to increase muscle mass, then too much cardio is undesirable. The fact is that they provoke the secretion of catabolic hormones that destroy muscle tissue, that is, this will give the opposite effect.

9. Sleep.

Sleep is very important for muscle growth. We know that muscle tissue regenerates and grows during rest, but sleep is more important than rest while awake.

And that's why:

  • The production of somatotropin reaches its maximum in the deep sleep phase.
  • Metabolism slows down and ideal conditions are created for muscle recovery and growth.
  • Increases blood flow to the muscles.

10. Relax.

Stress leads to the creation of a catabolic (muscle-breaking) environment in the body. One of these hormones is cortisol. Remember that under the same conditions, a calm, relaxed person will build more muscle mass than a quick-tempered one.

Stay positive and stay motivated!

In order to gain muscle mass and at the same time “not swim” with fat and maintain attractive forms, an integrated approach is important. Hard training will help you gain the missing pounds, but without proper nutrition, it will be more difficult to achieve your goal. You need to know about the properties of products, understand how they affect physical fitness and health. Then the process of muscle growth will go much faster.

We offer top 10 products that help increase endurance and increase muscle mass.

Lean beef should be a staple on your table. It contains all the substances that are required for muscle growth. It contains iron, zinc, B vitamins and other useful trace elements.

Beef contains high quality protein and an amino acid that, when interacting with insulin, stimulates muscle mass gain. The advantage of beef is that it contains a lot of protein, but the meat is non-caloric.

Chicken fillet

This product is a source of high quality protein, which is essential for building mass. It increases bone strength and maintains normal weight. Chicken fillet contains many trace elements and practically no fat.

In order not to minimize the benefits of this meat, it is better to stew or bake it, steam it.

This product contains the valuable protein casein. It is complex, digestible for a long time, thanks to which it maintains muscles in good shape. Cottage cheese is especially useful for those people who have to go without a meal for a long time. It contains a lot of vitamin B12, calcium and other trace elements.

To build muscle mass, but not gain extra pounds, buy fat-free cottage cheese.

Chicken eggs

The yolk contains half of the proteins, fats, vitamins, so separating it from the protein is a gross mistake.

Eggs are a valuable product, but you should not abuse them. It is enough for men to eat up to 6 eggs a day, for women - up to 3.

It is rich in protein and omega-3 acids, there is practically no "harmful" fat in it. This composition helps to build muscle mass, but at the same time helps to maintain a figure and not gain excess weight.

Fish normalizes metabolism, speeds up metabolism and saturates the body with all the necessary elements.

Oat flour

It is an excellent source of carbohydrates, has a low glycemic index and does not require long processing. Oatmeal contains a large amount of coarse fiber, useful substances. It satisfies hunger well and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Thanks to carbohydrates, the product helps to build muscle mass and saturates the body with energy. Oatmeal is low in calories, so it allows you to get rid of extra pounds. It can be safely used by people who are losing weight.

Whole grains have tremendous nutritional value. It gives energy and a charge of vivacity.

Brown rice is especially beneficial. It promotes accelerated muscle growth due to the fact that it increases the level of hormones. Regular consumption of boiled rice normalizes the digestive tract, helps get rid of body fat and makes the body more resilient.

Sprouted wheat contains a large amount of both proteins and carbohydrates. It is rich in zinc, potassium, vitamin B, iron, amino acids and other useful substances. Wheat energizes, increases endurance, normalizes the central nervous system.


They are considered a source of monounsaturated fats and contribute to the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, joints, and ligaments. To accelerate muscle growth, you can eat cashews, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts.

You need to eat about 50 grams of nuts per day. For convenience, you can use electronic scales.

It is a suitable food for people who want to accelerate muscle growth. Milk and kefir saturate the body with protein without overloading it with fat.

Serum is especially useful, it is rich in amino acids. It contains peptides that dilate blood vessels. Due to this, the “delivery” of useful anabolic amino acids to the muscles is normalized. Whey has a complex effect on the muscles, strengthening them.

It is useful to drink whey before training and immediately after it. Then the anabolic effect will be most pronounced.


Buckwheat is a storehouse of carbohydrates and amino acids that help build muscle. It gives a boost of energy and muffles the feeling of hunger for a long time. Buckwheat is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and microelements, it is quite nutritious.

You can cook buckwheat with whole and split kernels. It goes well with vegetables and meat dishes.

You should not lean heavily on buckwheat - it is enough to eat up to 2 servings per day. Your diet should be complete and balanced. Be sure to eat raw vegetables and fruits, drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Eating should be a few hours before training.

Healthy fats will help you build muscle. They are found in salmon, salmon, leafy vegetables, nuts, avocados.

Eat vegetables and fruits - they are rich in fiber, nutrients.

Replace sugar with honey. Add it to tea, compote and energy drinks.

Make a training plan and strictly follow it - this will help you gain muscle mass faster.

Include fish oil in your diet - it is rich in nutrients and helps speed up metabolism.

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How can a man gain weight?

At all times, women preferred strong men! And modern women are no exception! Who likes a thin man who can't even protect the lady of his heart? Sometimes the question of how to gain weight for a man becomes an insoluble task for many people with unsuccessful genetics: yes, unfortunately it is, and nature disposed of it in its own way, someone can gain weight without problems, but someone does not gain him despite his best efforts.

The male body is designed in such a way that it is able to process and assimilate more food than the female, moreover, with sufficient activity, even without enhanced training, men gain better mass than women. Simply put, if a woman needs to relax a little and increase the calories consumed, then they are immediately deposited in the waist, abdomen and hips, precisely in the form of a fat layer, while a man at this time has a more even weight gain, and not an increase in a large fat layer on belly. This rule applies to healthy and fairly active people.

It is unlikely, our dear men, that you want to acquire an outstanding belly or round shoulders, rather, we are talking about gaining muscle mass. Of course, many immediately run and hang out in the gym for hours, listening to their pumped-up friend who offers miraculous “set injections” or dubious sports nutrition. Such "helpers" are almost everywhere. It seems that there is no need to mention the specialized sites of "amateur chemists" and other open information.

If your goal is to gain weight quickly, it is worth considering that the rate of mass gain in men, like in women, depends mainly on genetics and regimen.

For a man, a set of muscle mass is the first rule! This is like a “saving point”, since simply absorbing calories will not give anything, calories, as they come, will go away.

Sleep 8-9 hours a day, weekly rest, load alternation, proper nutrition (fractional meals, if you eat 1-2 times a day, like most men, you will not be able to gain muscle mass - huge portions of food are poorly absorbed, and the muscles will starve) and split training are your best friends.

Here we will tell you more about nutrition.

Avoid semi-finished products. It is important to consume high quality protein. At least 2 servings of meat or fish plus 2-3 servings of egg white, cottage cheese 5-9% fat should be present on your table daily. The intervals between meals are about 3 hours.

Weight gain as a result of an increase in muscle mass occurs due to training in the gym (no more than three times a week. Moreover, these workouts should be about 40-45 minutes long) and eating a sufficient amount of protein foods in combination with carbohydrates , fats and beneficial trace elements and vitamins, amino acids and L-glutamine. Drink at least two liters of fluid daily. Before going to bed, you can drink protein and protein shakes of your own preparation.

The most effective supplements for gaining muscle mass are creatine and glutamine. Creatine improves endurance and muscle energy, while glutamine improves the immune system and strengthens defenses. Experts recommend taking these supplements in combination with high-carbohydrate drinks after training. It is better to ask for help from a trainer who will tell you how to do the exercises correctly so as not to harm yourself.

Try to limit your intake of foods rich in animal and other saturated fats (fatty meat, lard, margarine, butter, sausages, etc.). For muscle growth and energy production, the body primarily uses carbohydrates, so most of the fat in conditions of excess nutrients will be deposited in adipocytes (fat cells).

Avoid consumption of fast carbohydrates, the most dangerous of them are sweets (confectionery, sweet fruits, etc.), the less dangerous are baked goods. Fast carbohydrates can be absorbed very quickly from the digestive tract, as a result of which the blood sugar level rises sharply, in response to this, the body converts glucose into fat.

Fast carbohydrates can be consumed after training, when muscles and other organs are able to quickly utilize glucose, in addition, the secretion of the anabolic hormone insulin increases, which is of no small importance when gaining muscle mass.

Fractional nutrition

When gaining muscle mass, food volumes should be approximately equal, however, in the first half of the day (before 16:00), about 70% of all food eaten per day should be eaten.

Never eat sugary or fatty foods at night. Food before bedtime should be easily digestible and rich in protein, sour-milk products, vegetables (legumes and others), poultry meat, salads, eggs, and fish are well suited for this.

Pre-workout nutrition

Be sure to eat before training (2 hours before it starts). Products containing slow carbohydrates are well suited for this: cereals, flour, vegetables, etc. Carbohydrates before training are necessary in order to load glycogen depots and provide muscles and brain with energy during training.

Nutrition after training

The most voluminous meal should be 20-30 minutes after training, or if you are taking a carbohydrate-protein shake (gainer) immediately after training, then the meal should be 1-1.5 hours after training. Include in it food rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates, you can even eat a small amount of fast carbohydrates (sweet). After training, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens, during this time the body is located to absorb a large amount of food, while the nutrients are used to restore muscles and replenish energy.

Muscle mass begins to grow only when the amount of incoming energy in the form of food exceeds the amount of energy expended by the body. In addition, you need to remember that the body always tries to maintain homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment), so you can increase the calorie content of the diet by 5, 10 and even 30%, while the mass will not change! Sometimes, in order to move the mass off the dead center, you need to increase the calorie content of the daily diet by 50 or even 100%!

To determine the amount of food you need to gain muscle mass, you need to follow a simple technique:

Gradually increase the calorie content of the diet until the weight gain starts to be 600-800 g per week. If the increase is less, then you need to eat more, and vice versa.

To do this, you need to weigh yourself at least once every three days. After a month, you will be able to adjust your rate. Don't go over 800 grams per week or your body will store a lot of fat!

And yet, what kind of menu is needed to gain muscle mass? Let's take a closer look.

Protein products

1. Meat - any, lean. Poultry meat is preferable because it contains practically no fat and is easily digestible.

2. Fish and other seafood. You can also eat any fish, including fatty ones.

3. Milk products . Give preference to fat-free foods. The most popular are cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, milk, yogurt, etc.

4. Eggs . You can eat 6-8 eggs a day, along with the yolks. It is scientifically confirmed that if you do not have high blood cholesterol, then eggs will not affect its level in the future.

5. Legumes . Beans, beans, peas, lentils are the most important vegetable sources of protein, although its value is lower than that of other products. Lentils and chickpeas additionally contain significant amounts of BCAAs. Soy is specifically not included in this list, since soy products are often genetically modified nowadays, and men are advised not to consume soy due to its hormonal activity.

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