How information affects a person. Information influence on a person: ways to ensure information security in the modern world

Today, each of us is forced to process such volumes of information that even ten years ago seemed completely unthinkable. Experts say that since the beginning of the 2000s, the amount of information on the planet has doubled every year.

This situation leads to the fact that the influence of information flows on a person increases many times over. Regardless of our desire, this process occurs constantly. It’s good if this influence has a positive impact on a person’s personality. However, most often we have to deal with the negative consequences of information influence.

We have long been accustomed to the term “information war,” but we are not always aware of its consequences for our lives and do not take the necessary actions to protect ourselves from its destructive effects.

Definition of information

There are many different definitions and formulations associated with the concept of information, but if we take into account that

information is the entire collection of information about the world around us, about all kinds of processes occurring in it that can be perceived by living organisms, electronic machines and other information systems,

then you get some idea of ​​what it is.

Types of information

Depending on the specific needs of a person, from the general information field we can select only what interests us at a given moment in time.

As an ordinary person, I am interested in what I encounter every day, and this is the information:

    visual - what can be seen,

    auditory - what can be heard,

    tactile - something that can be touched

    olfactory - something that can be smelled

    gustatory - something that can be tasted.

To be honest, I was always surprised by the statement: “Man is the crown of creation.” After all, all of the listed channels for obtaining information from humans are extremely limited compared to representatives of the animal world existing on the planet.

Therefore, it seems to me, there is no point in talking about the primacy, and even more so the perfection, of a person in this matter, at least of the person that he is today.

In addition to the method of perception, it is also necessary to dwell on the forms of presentation of information.

There are such types of it as:

    text - existing in the form of a set of symbols and letters,

    numerical - represented through numbers, signs, formulas,

    graphic - in the form of images, diagrams, graphs,

    audio - oral or in the form of recording on audio media,

    media - being in video format.

The presented classification allows us to determine the sources and ways of penetration of information into a person’s personal space.

Information and human worldview

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there is no such information unit that would be completely neutral for the life of the average person.

The most interesting thing is that it is possible to determine the color of this or that information (whether it is positive or negative) only at the “exit” of the person.

“For it is not what enters into a person that defiles a person, but what comes out of him” - that’s roughly what it sounds like in the Bible, if I’m not mistaken.

Therefore, whether I want it or not, in order to resist the machinations of all kinds of “well-wishers,” I will have to repeatedly filter both incoming and outgoing information flows from me. To do this, in some cases, is very difficult.

I remember how in the fall of 2013 and winter of 2014, during the Kyiv Maidan, when almost all Ukrainian media covered the events only from the side of “peaceful protesters,” I literally “lost my mind” from a lack of understanding of what was happening.

A massive information campaign, carried out in the absence of any alternative sources of information, began to quietly conquer those areas of my consciousness that were convinced of the correctness of the legally elected government. True, what was very surprising at that time was the complete incapacity of its representatives, which made it possible to doubt the correctness of all branches of this government and take the path of changing one’s attitude towards the “Maidanuts” from the category “they are children.”

Thank God, I had enough common sense to remain in my positions and determine for myself personally “who is who.” All subsequent events only confirmed my assessments and conclusions in this matter.

Now that Crimea is part of the Russian Federation, and the “border is locked,” I can only sympathize with the residents of Ukraine who continue their difficult existence in this “information cauldron.”

So, from my personal experience, I was convinced that it is possible to counteract negative information only with the help of your worldview and inner beliefs.

One of my acquaintances often uses a saying in such cases: “On the barn gate it is written ... (a three-letter word), and there is firewood.”

Therefore, before succumbing to emotions from what you see or hear, it is necessary, first of all, to investigate the source of this information. If the source is reliable, then the information will be true.

In addition, it should be understood that information products, just like food products, have their own specific shelf life or shelf life.

If today, for example, I call an African-American a Negro, I will be known as an absolutely intolerant person.

It was only during my childhood and youth that the word “blue” meant only “color,” and the word “fuck” meant nothing more than “hit hard.” Now these words carry a completely different meaning and evoke “strawberry” associations only because the moral level and worldview of mass consciousness have changed. So it turns out that the shelf life of words in their normal meaning has expired and has been replaced by a product of the fevered imagination of certain individuals of mass culture.

I hope that this will not last long and soon: “and there will be a holiday on our street.”

You can cite many very useful quotes or statements on this subject for as long as you like, but the essence remains the same: “you must keep your inner (spiritual) vessel clean” and always remember that “a fly in the ointment spoils a whole barrel of honey”...

Oddly enough, the topic of information influence on a person also touches upon issues of positive and negative emotions, the process of a person’s thinking and his attitude to the world around him.

The relationship between information influence and emotions

To understand this relationship, it is enough to recall optical experiments from a school physics course: when a beam of white light is passed through a transparent prism, which, due to refraction within the prism itself, breaks up into a spectrum of rainbow colors.

The same thing happens in the lives of each of us. Through our sense organs, a wide variety of information enters the body from the outside, which in the cells of the body breaks down into smallest and indivisible particles, then is synthesized into new information combinations and comes out. This happens according to the principle of matter-wave exchange.

It’s no secret that our entire universe is structured according to the same principle.

It is enough to remember, for example, the process of digestion and everything will become clear. Our food, entering the digestive system of the body, goes through the stages of splitting into fractions, selecting released energy, reading incoming information and removing waste material. The energy and information obtained in this process is used to maintain the vital functions of the body through the formation of new energy-information structures.

The necessary and sufficient mechanism in this system (that same prism) is our worldview.

If it becomes mosaic, namely:

    when the world is one and complete,

    when everything is ordered, interconnected and interdependent,

    when all processes and phenomena arise as they develop,

then the system works stably and reliably.

If this mechanism begins to work according to a kaleidoscopic pattern, when:

    everything is random

    chaos all around

    there are no cause-and-effect relationships,

then the entire system as a whole begins to fail and subsequently collapses.


In order to successfully resist the negative influence of information and ultimately emerge victorious from the information war, it is necessary to have the appropriate tools that allow us to determine our location in the theater of operations. The best tool for this, as we said earlier, are our emotions, and in particular, the feeling of joy.

If my goals are in the area of ​​low-frequency vibrations and radiations, then my worldview will become kaleidoscopic, and therefore flawed, since it will not bring true joy. Then, any information entering me will further contribute to my immersion into low-frequency depths, since its outgoing spectrum will constantly narrow towards dark tones.

If I manage to place my goals at the levels of high-frequency vibrations, then my worldview has a chance to become mosaic and experience a state of joy and happiness in its entirety. Then, the information entering me will further contribute to the transition to high-frequency levels, since the outgoing spectrum will gradually expand towards light tones.

In any case, the final result will depend only on my choice, which is one single option out of a whole variety of possible solutions.

If you make the right choice, you will receive a worthy reward, but if you make a mistake, you will not avoid deserved retribution.

Once upon a time I could not even imagine that sound, for example, could have its own specific color, and the saturation of color could be determined using sound. However, the technologies that exist today for processing and transmitting information make it possible not only to combine previously incompatible natural phenomena into a single whole, but also to discover their new patterns. But more about this some other time...

And with this, dear reader, I hasten to take my leave, so as not to bother your refined nature with all sorts of “pseudo-scientific” terms and concepts... Thank you very much for having mastered this “work” to the end.

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Any information that comes from the media, the Internet or from people leaves its mark on the consciousness, as well as the subconscious, of a person. In this article we will look at scientific data on the impact of negativity on humans. And what to do so that information does not destroy your life.

The flow of information that literally bombards a person every day envelops a person’s subconscious more and more. It is our subconscious writes down every 3 seconds like on tape everything happening around- this is a scientific fact.

And what pours into a person every day from the media, the Internet and from people? Mostly NEGATIVE: quarrels, theft, violence, alcohol, natural disasters, catastrophes, detective series with murders and deceit, diseases, wars, annoying advertising, etc.

Then the person wonders why he is so irritated in the morning and the people around him are somehow angry and negative.

There are scientific explanations for this

Yulia Krzyszkowska, head of the Laboratory of Translational Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine at Tomsk State University, spoke at the international congress about how negative information affects the human brain and provokes the development of cancer. This congress was dedicated to the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms of the relationship between the tumor and the microenvironment.

Scientists have identified three main factors: genetic predisposition, the influence of viruses and bacteria, and the environmental aspect.

“But there is a fourth reason that can lead a person to the edge of the abyss - chronic unrecognized stress. Very often it arises under the influence of uncontrolled flows of information, mostly negative, that we encounter every day. At the same time, people do not consider it necessary to defend themselves against this type of provocation, since they do not see any danger in it,” the university said in a statement.

Information attacks people's psyche. And she succeeds well in this, since the vast majority are not aware of the global harm caused to their health and do not know how to filter unnecessary, dangerous information.

“A person who spends a lot of time watching TV and on the Internet does not think that a huge amount of information, which is absolutely useless for him, settles in the subconscious. The subcortex of the brain tries to process these volumes, but the body cannot cope. All this forces people to act chaotically, bringing dividends to the one who was the first to explain what is important, necessary, and profitable,” the scientist believes.

Even if a person realizes that he is experiencing stress and turns to a specialist, he will be treated with medication, but the source of stress itself will not go away.

Negative information directly affects the nervous system, which is connected to the human immune system. Signals from the nervous system are received by receptors of the immune system, which release substances that the immune system also perceives with its receptors.

“It is these systems that, in the process of interaction, decide whether we will have cancer or not. If we promote cooperation between the immune and nervous systems, we will significantly increase our chances of being healthy and living a long time,” the biologist said.

From childhood, it is important to teach people to find useful information, cutting off everything unnecessary and negative. In this case, the nervous system will be preserved, and the immune system will be strong and healthy.

There are also studies from scientists

Dutch scientists conducted research and found that negative information can slowly but surely influence the body, contributing to the development of various kinds of problems.

After observing statistical data, analysts from the Netherlands found that after publication in the media negative materials sharp the number of people is increasing who communicate seek help from doctors.

Why is there so much destructive information around?

But why is that? Because the intensity of passions causes interest, worry, surge of hormones, for example, adrenaline. The boring, everyday life of an ordinary person turns into an emotional experience, into a subject of discussion with a neighbor, creates a sense of variety in life.

And against the backdrop of these terrible events, deception, destruction raining down on the audience, their calm, quiet life still seems quite worthy, quite acceptable. Thus, without realizing it, a person asserts itself, satisfies one’s ego, creates the illusion of a good life. But at what cost?

At the cost of destroying your health, mind and soul!


As already written above, every 3 seconds our subconscious records everything that happens around, i.e. all information accumulates in the subconscious. But it perceives any information literally, it has no figurative meaning, it does not distinguish truth from lies, reality from fiction. This is how they are formed negative programs, patterns and attitudes that are precisely the subconscious implements.

In other words, after a while, our subconscious will create situations in life that are inherent in it. How more positive, happiness, joy laid down, therefore life is more pleasant and events happening are more joyful, and vice versa, sowed, created destructive negative field- you will receive negativity and grief in full.

Let's sum it up

Negative news and information destroy our health - experts have proven this. At the same time, not only the nervous system is destroyed, the mood and incentive in life deteriorate, the immune system is destroyed, the stability of which determines not only our well-being, protection from adverse environmental conditions, but also anti-cancer protection.

The source of this negativity is in everyone’s home - TV, Internet, radio, books.

There's only one way out

Avoid negative news, programs, books about murders and articles, i.e. remove everything destructive and destructive from life, from the information field.

Especially protect children from news and explain to them why such information is harmful.

And to restore the nervous system, sleep disorders and relieve stress, we herbal medicine will help and specialist recommendations.

And, of course, unique, healing aromas natural essential oils, which help restore healthy energy, quickly restore calm and sleep, and other problems associated with stress and information overload.

First lecture of the project Teach good things from the course “Information security of the individual in the conditions of aggressive mass culture” (14+). It was read at the Sober Rally in Taganrog in May 2017.

The influence of information on a person

A person in his decisions and actions always proceeds from his worldview. The way he imagines the world around him influences his behavior. If you think that the world is cruel and the people in it are evil, you will treat others accordingly and receive the same backlash. If you think that the world is an exceptionally beautiful and bright place, you will always walk around with a smile on your face until you meet someone who thinks the world is evil. Therefore, of course, we must maintain a positive attitude, but assess the situation as objectively as possible, taking into account both the positive and negative aspects. The more objective and holistic your ideas about the world around you are, the clearer you will be about the consequences of your actions, and accordingly, you will be able to predict the situation with a greater degree of reliability.

At the same time, we perform many actions in our lives not as a result of conscious volitional actions, but, as they say, automatically. In such cases, we are controlled by our subconscious, which relies on already formed stereotypes and behavior patterns, and we can say that at these moments we act unconsciously, without thinking, but simply working out habitual behavioral programs. But before we begin to understand where these behavioral programs come from, let's define what it means to “live consciously.”

The popular word “mindfulness” today is understood differently by many and is often vague. We offer the following image for this word: “Living consciously means striving to ensure that all your actions bring you closer to your life goals”

Accordingly, it is possible to say that a person lives consciously only when he has formed a certain ordered list of goals and life guidelines and tries to coordinate all his actions and deeds with these goals so that they bring him closer to the realization of his plans. For example, if one of a person’s goals is to maintain and strengthen his physical and mental health, then he will never use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. That is, in order to live consciously, you need to answer the question to yourself: “Why are you living?”, and then always remember this.

A conscious life begins with an answer to the question “why am I living?” and creating an ordered list of goals you want to achieve. If you don’t have goals, then you cannot manage yourself, which means someone else will manage you.

But let’s return to the worldview, which determines the behavior of every person.

Worldview is a set of interconnected and ordered images that reflect our ideas about the world around us. If the worldview is adequate to reality, that is, the picture formed in our head is similar to the real world, then the person behaves adequately. If there is a kaleidoscope and chaos in your head, then your behavior will be in the style of “seven Fridays in a week.”

Ideas about the world around us are formed under the influence of information that comes to us from the outside. In our heads, all information is somehow processed and stored, occupying its niche in that very ideological picture. Moreover, in order to better understand the mechanics of this process, the human psyche can be imagined as an interconnected two-level information system consisting of consciousness and subconscious, in which the subconscious is an analogue of a powerful computer that operates with huge volumes of various data - visual images, texts, sounds, and so on. . But consciousness has much lower information processing capabilities, and it can simultaneously hold a small number of objects. At the same time, consciousness serves as a kind of analogue of the information input-output interface and the operating system, which in the course of its activities relies on the results of information processing by the subconscious.

For example, a person learns to drive a car. To do this, he studies the rules of the road for a long time, masters driving - first with an instructor, then on his own, focuses on how to correctly change gears, turn, and so on, but at some point this whole process ceases to require any serious strong-willed effort and largely goes into automatic mode. That is, in order to learn to drive a car, you need to load a certain amount of information related to this process into your subconscious and gain practical skills.

In a similar way, a person learns everything in this world - he perceives a large amount of information, and then uses it in practice. But the trick is that not all the information that we “download” into ourselves turns out to be reliable or useful. And many, in addition, are in the false belief that there is so-called “entertainment content”, which does not need to be assessed in terms of its usefulness or harmfulness, since its influence supposedly boils down only to giving positive emotions or helping to take a break from everyday activities . Whether this is true or not, let’s look further, and now we’ll answer the question: what external factors most influence a person’s worldview, or what information channels fill his inner world and thereby teach him new behavior patterns and skills?

The main external factors influencing a person’s worldview:

  • Parents/family
  • School/institute/professional field
  • Friends/social circle
  • Media environment (media, TV, Internet...)
  • Other (place of residence, lifestyle, etc.)

Each of these factors plays a huge role in a person’s life, but we will focus on the one whose importance is increasing every year and, apparently, in the 21st century - the century of information technology - will gradually take first place. We are talking about the modern media environment, which is also called “media space”. Its main components.

The main components of the modern media space:

  • TV
  • Cinema
  • Music industry
  • Computer games
  • Advertising sphere
  • Other (radio, glossy magazines...)
  • Internet (combines all of the above)

All of the above information flows affect the lives of each of us. Even if you completely protect yourself from televisions, computers and radios, their influence will still reach you through friends, acquaintances, and work colleagues. Therefore, we must learn to interact with the surrounding media environment, understanding what impact - good or bad - it has on us, and what technologies are used. To this end, we will analyze popular media content, starting with the most significant point - “Television”.

Television as the main manipulator of public opinion

In the presented video, an experiment with a Bobo doll and small children is given as an example of the influence of television, but one must understand that television also influences adult viewers.

Experiment by psychologist Solomon Asch

In 1951, American psychologist Solomon Asch conducted a series of simple but very revealing experiments. He sat groups of 8 people in the audience and showed them 2 pictures. One line was drawn on one picture. In the second picture, three lines were drawn, differing in length. It was necessary to say which of these three lines coincides in length with the one shown on the sample. They were noticeably different.

The trick was this. In each group of 8 people, only one was actually examined. The remaining 7 were decoys. The subject was told that the purpose of the experiment was to test visual perception. Although in fact, conformism was studied, that is, a person’s tendency to agree with the opinion of the majority.

The real subject always answered last in line. That is, he previously saw and heard the answers of the other seven participants. There were 18 attempts in total. And in the first two attempts, the decoys gave the correct answers. The subject could thus make sure that his eyes were not deceiving him, and feel great.

But in subsequent attempts, the decoys deliberately gave incorrect answers in unison, claiming that two obviously different lines coincided in length. The subject heard 7 identical answers that unanimously contradicted what his own eyes saw, and then it was his turn to answer.

What did the results of the experiment show?

The results of the experiment showed that 37% of the subjects gave the same answer as the group! The experiment demonstrated that a huge part of people are ready not to even believe their own eyes, just to agree with the opinion of the majority. And television, in the perception of viewers, most often presents its position as the opinion of the majority, or as an expert opinion, thereby motivating the audience not to think about many issues on their own, but simply to accept the broadcast point of view.

Now let's watch a few more videos that reveal the goals that popular Russian television shows are working to achieve. The videos were made at different times and by different people, so they differ noticeably in video and audio quality, but at the same time they are still united by a single analytical approach.

Unstructured management

As you probably noticed, the term “propaganda” constantly appears in all the videos. What does it actually mean, and is it appropriate to use it?

In fact, the materials of the Teach Good project always talk about unstructured management, but this is done in a language that is accessible and understandable to a wide audience, for which they use well-known vocabulary and, in particular, the term “propaganda”, which implies the management of social processes by disseminating specific information. But let's first understand how the management process can proceed.

Management can be structural, that is, it is like in the army - when there is a superior and a subordinate, and one gives orders and controls the other. An army or any other system with a similar hierarchy is the structure through which information processes flow and tasks assigned from above are solved.

But it is also possible to manage without structure - by creating such an information environment around the object that will stimulate it to act in the manner desired by the customer. The simplest example is advertising. She doesn’t directly tell anyone “go and buy such and such a thing,” she acts differently: she creates an attractive image for the product and tries to create a new need in the viewer, the answer to which will be the purchase. There is no order or structure, but a person goes and buys a product forced on him.

But not only objects, but also patterns of behavior, ideas, views on life, life guidelines, and values ​​can be advertised or promoted into society using an unstructured method. So, the purposeful and systematic promotion of some ideas in an unstructured way - this, in the terminology familiar to a wide audience, is “propaganda”, which is what all the media without exception do, although many journalists do not even realize this. Therefore, in order to have a good understanding of propaganda issues, it is advisable to know the basic principles of management theory and understand how the processes of unstructured management take place in society. At the end of the course, we will recommend you a list of books that are useful to read.

You should also try to switch to using the correct terminology. In particular, the media are inherently means of forming and managing public consciousness, and, when appropriate, it is better to call them that.

"Doesn't affect me"

Many will say: “Well, I watched the episode!, I laughed at their obscene jokes, but after that I didn’t go to the tavern and didn’t cheat on my wife. It turns out that your unstructured management or propaganda in relation to me is not working?”

Firstly, the fact that you didn’t immediately go and grab a bottle doesn’t mean that the TV show didn’t influence you in any way. For example, after watching, a person at least becomes more tolerant of vice, because the natural feeling of indignation and disgust is gradually replaced by humor and the positive emotions associated with it. In addition, information poisoning occurs gradually and unnoticed. The same advertisement must be shown to a person many times before he finally makes a decision. Likewise, the effect of television in imposing behavior patterns may not appear immediately and with its own specificity characteristic of an individual, because television always works with a mass audience. He is not interested in you personally, he is interested in the impact on society as a whole.

With the help of critical thinking, you can block the identified destructive programs that they are trying to impose on you, and protect yourself from frankly degrading content. But in order for your filters of critical perception to be constantly active, you need to remember very well that no information passes without a trace and always influences a person in some way. The next time you hear from TV channel employees that their main task is to entertain viewers, then rest assured that under the guise of entertainment these people are simply hiding their destructive goals

We must always remember that no information passes without a trace and always influences a person in some way.

Information = food

To better understand this, the process of watching a movie, TV series, program or any other media product can be compared to the process of eating food. No one doubts that food is one of the main factors influencing human health. This effect does not appear immediately - you will not die from one hamburger and will not even notice the harmful effects, but once you introduce fast food into your regular diet, diseases will not keep you waiting.

An absolutely similar principle of influence applies to the information that a person consumes. If food affects physical health, then information directly affects his mental and spiritual state.

All products of the Russian TV channel TNT, and many other entertainment TV channels, are poisoned food, these are the same hamburgers that destroy you spiritually, gradually turning you into subhumans, and in the case of young people and children, initially blocking their opportunity to become full-fledged people. An abundance of vulgarity, perversion, flat humor, cynicism and stupidity are analogues of taste enhancers that are used in the food industry. It seems to society that it is only being entertained, while in fact it is being programmed. Let's watch another video on this topic.

In the same way that television promotes alcohol, other harmful behaviors are similarly promoted.

Distorted stereotypes of behavior formed by modern television:

  • Being vulgar, cheeky, ready for life on display is the norm.
  • A selfish, “major” lifestyle is the norm.
  • Commercialism and obsession with money are the norm.
  • The image of a stupid/fatal, accessible woman is the norm.
  • The image of a reveler seeking a volatile relationship is the norm.
  • Propaganda of vulgarity, shamelessness, and perversion is the norm.
  • Promotion of alcohol and tobacco is the norm.

It would seem that if TV is so bad, stop watching it, and that’s all “personal information security” for you. But it's not that simple. After all, television poison in itself is very attractive. A kind of free cheese in a mousetrap. And other areas of modern mass culture, for the most part, do not bring anything good.

Therefore, the point is not to remove the TV box from home and start consuming similar content from the Internet, but to, firstly, learn to distinguish good from bad, and for this you need to know about the impact of information on a person and be able to identify real the goals that such media content works to achieve, and secondly, you need to want to remove the bad.

It’s like giving up alcohol and tobacco - it seems like there’s nothing complicated, you just stopped buying them and poisoning yourself with poisons, no one forces you, but, as practice shows, it’s not at all easy to “want” this very thing. The problem is that in the head there are already a large number of perception models and behavioral programs formed since childhood through the same TV, and their revision requires time and work on oneself. It is necessary to gradually review and re-evaluate many pieces of information that seem so familiar to you that you perceive them as something close and dear, but at the same time you have never really thought about their impact on your life.

We will strive to ensure that you stop wasting your time on all harmful media content, clear your worldview of information garbage and move on to a conscious life, analyzing in detail in other lectures what modern popular TV series, films, cartoons, musical groups and much more.

Today in the post: The likelihood of psychological dangers occurring may vary depending on specific conditions.

Greetings, dear blog readers, I wish everyone mental health.

The influence of information on a person - classification

Currently, there is no sufficiently substantiated and detailed general classification of the influence of information on a person. This is due to the novelty and complexity of this problem, as well as to the fact that the classification procedure itself and the result depend on the tasks that need to be solved, and in connection with this, on the selected bases and criteria that are used in the classification.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the following main sources influence of information on a person, which can be divided in relation to the individual into two groups: external and internal.

Sources of influence of information on a person

Common source external The influence of information is that part of the information environment of society that, for various reasons, does not adequately reflect the world around a person. Those. information that misleads people into a world of illusions and does not allow them to adequately perceive the environment and themselves.

The information environment takes on the character of a second, subjective reality for a person. That part of it that contains information that inadequately reflects the world around us, and those of its characteristics and processes that complicate or interfere with the adequacy of a person’s perception and understanding of the world around him and himself.

One of them is the objective complexity of the world itself and the process of knowing it, the mistakes and misconceptions of people who know it.

Another group of sources of influence can include the actions of those people who, in pursuit of their own goals, achieve this using various methods of information and psychological influence on others (see Psychology of influence on a person) without taking into account their interests, and often simply by misleading, acting contrary to their interests and causing them harm. This is the activity of various individuals - from political leaders, government and public figures, representatives of mass media, literature and art, to our everyday partners in interpersonal interaction.

These individuals include those who, by exerting an informational and psychological influence on others, skillfully, mixing lies with truth, increase the degree of inadequacy of the information environment of society and thereby expand the illusory subjective reality.
(manipulation or control of people)
True, this does not make it any easier for those who have already fallen into the web of his manipulations, who are experiencing their destructive and derogatory influence.

The influence of information on a person - relationships of manipulation

The very socio-political and economic situation of fundamental social changes and the transition to market relations contributes to this and strengthens this trend.

The seller seeks to sell the product to the buyer, and their interests do not always coincide, if not to say that they diverge and have only one common point of contact - the fact of selling a specific product. At the same time, the seller actively resorts to various techniques to hide the shortcomings and emphasize the real, and most often imaginary, advantages of the advertised product.
Often it hides the information the client needs, and changes some of it, thereby making it difficult to obtain adequate information about the product.
(psychology of persuasion, or everything will be my way)
The employer also resorts to psychological manipulation in order, for example, to pay the employee cheaper, etc.

Negotiators, using various methods of manipulating information, implement reflexive management technology in order to achieve their goals and achieve more favorable conditions for their side, usually at the expense of infringing on the interests of the other side. Moreover, this happens both in situations affecting the interests of an individual or several individuals, as well as interstate relations, in which, at the cost of manipulation, the interests of entire nations and even, as history shows, their very existence.

Access to the large-scale use of new information technologies and control of mass media greatly enhances the possibilities of information and psychological influence on people by changing the information environment of society. This is most possible for a variety of social organizations - various associations of people, social groups, public, political and government structures, some social institutions of society.

In this regard, it is possible to identify three more relatively independent groups of sources of influence of information on a person.

Groups of influence of information on a person

Thus, the activities of various groups and associations of people, in particular, some political parties, socio-political movements, nationalist and religious organizations, financial, economic and commercial structures, lobbying and mafia groups, etc., can pose an informational and psychological danger to the individual.

Their activities become dangerous when, to achieve their goals, they begin to use various means of information and psychological influence, thereby changing people’s behavior in such a way that damages their interests. There are widely known examples of the activities of some religious sects of this kind, provoking national-ethnic conflicts, unfair advertising, in particular, the sensational story with JSC MMM (which did not have problems, but these problems arose with the majority of its clients).

As another source of influence of information, under certain conditions, one can single out the state itself, public authorities and management. This is due to the actions of government leaders and the ruling elite. The danger arises when, realizing their own interests, and sometimes just ambitions, they use the power of the state apparatus to exert information and psychological influence on people, masking their actions and true goals that do not correspond to the interests of the state, society and the population of the country.

The danger of the influence of information is also aggravated by the fact that the state often begins to experiment with the masses for the sake of “good, great goals” and influence their consciousness.

The main sources of influence of information on a person

The main sources of information and psychological influence on a person can be summarized as follows:
- State(including foreign), authorities and management and other government structures and institutions.
- Society(various public, economic, political and other organizations, including foreign ones).
— Various social groups(formal and informal, stable and casual, large and small at the place of residence, work, study, service, living together and spending leisure time, etc.);
— Individuals(including representatives of government and public structures, various social groups, etc.).

The main means of influencing information on a person

The following are the main means of influencing information on a person:
- mass media(including information systems, for example, the Internet, etc.);
- literature(including artistic, scientific and technical, socio-political, special, etc.);
- art(including various areas of so-called mass culture, etc.);
- education(including systems of preschool, secondary, higher and secondary specialized state and non-state education, the system of so-called alternative education, etc.);
- upbringing(all the various forms of education in the education system, public organizations - formal and informal, the system of organizing social work, etc.);
- personal communication.

Domestic The sources of influence of information on a person’s personality lie in the very biosocial nature of the human psyche, in the features of its formation and functioning, in the individual’s individual characteristics.

Due to these characteristics, people differ in the degree of susceptibility to various information influences, the ability to analyze and evaluate incoming information, etc.

In addition to individual characteristics, there are certain general characteristics and patterns of mental functioning that affect the degree of susceptibility to information and psychological influence and are characteristic of most people.

For example, during crisis changes in society, people’s suggestibility increases, and, accordingly, their susceptibility to informational and psychological influences increases. It also increases when a person is in large gatherings of people, in a crowd, at a rally, or a demonstration. A person experiences a kind of mental infection with a certain psycho-emotional state, which, for example, is quite clearly manifested at various entertainment events.

There are certain patterns of perception and response to little-conscious and unconscious influences, for example, to subthreshold stimuli, etc.

Psychophysiological capabilities of resisting the influence of information on a person

Knowledge of one’s individual psychological characteristics and general characteristics and patterns of functioning of the psyche is now becoming for a person not just an obligatory element of his general culture, but also a necessary condition for safety in social interaction, in various interpersonal communicative situations.
Paradoxical as it may seem, many people are much more eager to learn about the structure of a car and how to handle it than about their own psychological characteristics and ways of using their mental capabilities.

I wish everyone psychological well-being!

Frequently asked questions:

More and more often, modern people call the TV a “zombie box”. Other media also have their own unflattering names. And for good reason, because the media today are a means for shaping the worldview of the masses.

Worldview helps determine the kinds of paths a person will take in the world. The formed worldview determines not only how a person will perceive the reality around him, but also the direction of his activity. In order to form a worldview, three conditions are necessary, namely:

  • information,
  • metaphor,
  • personal experience.

In other words, a person needs to be taught the necessary information in the easiest way for him, followed by arousing in the person a desire, based on the information received, to achieve practical knowledge, that is, to gain a certain personal experience. It is the human experience personal experience(or internal experience) is the consolidation of the information received. This is an adequate sensory state based on the received information, presented with the help of certain metaphors. Personal experience is a kind of connecting material between two quantities: "true" And "lie". And here it is not important to correlate the concept of “truth” with the concept of morality “good”, and the concept of “lie” with the concept of morality “bad”. Everything is relative here. “Truth” and “falsehood” exist in the concrete world of one person. They shape the future concepts of “good” and “bad”, and it is safe to say that morality and the concepts of “truth” and “false” will differ from each other for each person.

In order for information to penetrate deeper into a person, it is necessary repetition of a feeling state, that is, the repetition of personal or internal experience. Thus, on the basis of the biochemical processes occurring in the body when experiencing certain feelings and emotions, the process of development of the vector of a person’s worldview occurs, that is, the process of directing the path of human development in the outside world.

The only thing left to do is: give the necessary information using veiled metaphors and allow a person to experience positive personal experiences in order for the person to find “true” happiness. This way you can easily and imperceptibly write the desired life path for almost every specific person.


Keyword in the media - information. The first necessary condition for the formation of the desired worldview. The media have three most important means of conveying information to the end consumer:

  • written word (newspapers, magazines, etc.),
  • spoken word - sound (radio),
  • reproduced word (television).

That is, there is also a second condition for the formation in a person of the ideas and principles “necessary” for him - metaphor. Internet sources of information make these tools even more accessible and widespread. The third condition, as we found out, is personal experience. And here it seems that a person is left alone with himself, because except for him no one can experience this inner experience for him.

However, it must be remembered that the media are "fourth" estate. What is this power? It lies in the ability to control a person’s actions themselves - actions that should ultimately lead to this person experiencing the necessary internal experience. And there is no need to use any zombie techniques; it is enough to competently, methodically and gradually form the worldview of each person.

For example, the Western way of life says that a person should be successful, that he should be individual, that he should strive for the top. The media are beginning to present this stereotype to us in various metaphors. We are told that first we need to get a good education, then work and gain experience, and then get a job in a good company, where we need to occupy a certain position, and only after achieving this can we think about a family. And almost any Western publication will answer your question about an early family as the death of your entire future. Youth is an opportunity for career growth, open relationships, and many new experiences. This is how youth is presented in the West. Thus, a person receives the information that while he is young, he must distribute his life between two “truths”: work (career) and leisure (entertainment).

A person receives this information constantly through magazines, newspapers, websites, books, movies, shows, and so on. All this leads to the fact that he begins to take certain actions, namely: he goes to study at a good educational institution, then strives to get a job in a good company, for which he can work 20 hours a day! But a person receives the necessary personal experience, which corresponds to the expectation formed in him from the information received, and he passes on this experience from generation to generation. This is how the worldview of entire nations is formed. And so people (and not one specific person) perform a series of specific actions described above to obtain the described personal experience. Generation after generation.

What if you look deeper? Loneliness of people is
additional income for manufacturers of household appliances, furniture, cars, for landlords and so on. Roughly speaking, two people are not together, this is at least two TVs, two refrigerators, two sofas, two rooms, and so on. Late birth is a huge plus for private clinics (and in the West the health insurance system is private), which receive increased payments from health insurance for complex births (and the older you are, the more difficult pregnancy and childbirth are).

The above example showed us how, with the help of the media, we can create the desired worldview among a large number of people. But the media can not only form a stable worldview of several generations of people, but also encourage people to take immediate actions needed by the customer.

Control your feelings!

Humans have feelings, emotions and desires. And until he can control them, puts his mind above them, another person or people can, unnoticed by him, invest everything they need. And the media will become an instrument between them.

The author did not set out to condemn Western values. Any price values ​​are the result of free choice, and millions of people invest meaning in them.

This article only says that you need to be able to choose your own path of development, form your own worldview, relying on the natural sense of “truth” and “lies”, which only an unclouded conscience generates. After all, instinctively a small child will always correctly distribute the concepts of “good” and “evil,” since his consciousness has not yet been properly processed. It is very difficult to find the correct “truth” and expose the “lies”, because even in ancient times, when people used only the spoken word, it was already difficult to distinguish “truth” from “falsehood”, but “everyone has their own truth”, and “there is always one truth” . Think, analyze, look through the lines, always checking what you are told complete strangers to you.

Anton Tensin

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