Why dream of chocolate and chocolates. There are chocolates

A dream in which you dreamed of sweets portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration.

To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love.

Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies - to illness and irritability, mint - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream portend betrayal by imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and things will turn in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying sweets is completely wasted.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crunchy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates, this indicates that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from

Sweets are a symbol of childhood, which is always filled with pleasures and joys. But in dreams, this delicacy is a far from unambiguous symbol. When interpreting night dreams in which sweets appeared, it is imperative to pay attention to all the nuances of sleep.

Dreams in which sweets appeared are of great variety. They can appear in dreams in different numbers, they can simply be seen or eaten. It is very important to remember what kind of sweets you dreamed of, because in each case, interpretations may differ.

look at candy

If sweets appeared in night dreams, and you just look at them, then this portends the onset of joyful days in reality. Maybe the celebration of life will not be large-scale, but it will bring a lot of pleasant moments.

A lot of sweets - the interpretation of sleep

Very often, dreamers are interested in the question, why do they dream of a lot of sweets? If sweets in night dreams appeared in a huge variety, then this indicates that in reality the dreamer will have many pleasant and joyful events. A bright life streak with many surprises awaits you. Moreover, gifts from fate will appear in whole bundles, although, perhaps, they will not be global.

Candy in the window - why dream

If, according to the plot of the dream, you saw sweets in the window of a confectionery store, then this accentuates your daydreaming. Such a dream indicates that you should be more realistic about the events taking place around you. Of course, it is necessary to have a dream, but living in a world of dreams is not entirely correct.

Sweets in bright wrappers - dream book

It is very good if in night dreams you see sweets in bright wrappers. This is a symbol of the fact that a period of carefree joy and fun begins in life. One candy in a shiny wrapper portends a meeting with an interesting person.

Different types of sweets can dream of the following:

    Chocolates predict the receipt of a large sum of money in reality; Marmalade sweets predict good luck, but it is only important not to miss the chance; Caramel indicates that a calm period begins in life without quarrels and conflicts; Candy with fruit filling portends erotic adventures; Lollipops indicate a small profit in real life.

Why dream, there are sweets

Very often, dreamers at night in nightly sins regale themselves with sweets, so the question of what dreams of eating sweets is quite natural. If you eat a delicious crispy waffle candy in a dream, then this promises you a luxurious life filled with all sorts of pleasures. In reality, various social events await you, where you will shine. If you don’t like the taste of sweets, then this indicates that in reality someone is trying to deceive you. For a lonely person, eating candy in a dream means starting a new romantic relationship in real life.

making candy

A very good sign is a dream in which you yourself make sweets. Why such a pleasant dream? This means that in real life, thanks to your own diligence and hard work, you will be able to significantly improve your own well-being. And if you eat hand-made sweets in night dreams, then this indicates that your plans will be successfully implemented.

In addition, it is important to remember what kind of candy you tasted in your night dreams:

    If you eat chocolate and very sweet sweets, this is a great love, and sincere feelings will completely overwhelm you. Do not close your own heart from great love and get real pleasure. When you have to eat sour sweets, this indicates that in real life there are annoying factors around you. Such a dream advises not to splash out emotions, but to try to understand yourself. In addition, it is important to remember that you need to be more tolerant of people and only then it will be possible to build harmonious relations in society.

Also, a dream in which you eat chocolates according to Vanga's dream book can symbolize that you have serious business partners with whom you manage to make good profits. Also, such dreams indicate that you are adapted to self-development and know how to achieve success in the most difficult situations.

Get candy as a gift

A very good sign is a dream in which you receive sweets as a gift. This symbolizes your prosperity in real life. Moreover, this may concern not only the material side, but also the spiritual. You can learn to give people joy and in this way you can enrich your inner world.

In addition, donated sweets in a dream predict that you may soon receive profitable offers. But if, upon waking up, you realized that you didn’t like the sweets, then in real life you can expect disappointment. A dream is noteworthy, in which the dreamer's attention is focused on the fact that he receives sweets as a gift from a representative of the opposite sex. This indicates that an invitation to a wedding or anniversary will soon be received in reality.

Find candy in your pocket

If you find in a dream a few sweets in the pockets of your own clothes, then this indicates that in the near future you can expect small, but very positive life changes.

Giving candy - the meaning of sleep

When you give sweets to someone in your night dreams, this indicates an excess of your hopes in reality. As a result, they may not be feasible. In this case, the dream advises a more realistic attitude to life, so as not to be upset later. But such a dream also indicates that you can make someone an offer of a business or personal nature, but at the same time it will not necessarily be successful.

The most common question is why one dreams of buying sweets. Such a dream is a good omen. This indicates that in reality you will be lucky. You need to take advantage of this and start implementing your most daring ideas.

Also, if you dream that you are buying sweets in a dream, this may mean in reality:
    The arrival of unexpected guests; Receiving a well-deserved reward.
If you buy very expensive sweets in your night dreams, then this may portend great pleasures in the near future associated with a wide variety of events. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, such a dream can mean making a profitable deal in reality. It is very bad if any negative emotions arise when buying sweets. For example, the dreamer feels that he does not have enough money to buy the sweets he likes. Such a dream can be a harbinger of the development of hidden diseases. With a high probability, problems can arise with the organs of the digestive system.

Collect candy in the cemetery

A dream in which, according to the plot, you collect sweets in a cemetery speaks of you as a person who does not show compassion for loved ones. In addition, it may indicate that other people's misfortunes give you pleasure. It is imperative to overcome such a feeling, because this is ordinary envy, and, as you know, envious people have a hard time.

Treat with sweets

Treating someone in a dream with sweets is very good. Such a dream portends that in real life you will have a real friend. But if you give a beautiful box of chocolates, then this indicates that your offer is risky and, most likely, it will be rejected.

Sweets promise in a dream joy, pleasure, satisfaction from life, some kind of holiday. But under the influence of the law of inversion, the interpretation of sleep can change exactly the opposite. Dream Interpretations will help you find the right answer.

Why dream of sweets according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are feasting on melted or soft candy - to love joys. A dream in which you make sweets with your own hands means you a pleasant change in material wealth due to your assertiveness and hard work.

Not sweet or rancid candy is a sign of irritability and chagrin. Also, this dream means illness. If you are presented with sweets, it is a sign that you are being harassed by a stubborn and not sincere person.

If in a dream you yourself give sweets, then in reality you will make someone a constructive proposal of a personal or business nature, but it will not be successful, your hopes will not come true.

Candy in a dream - Vanga's dream book

A dream about chocolates means that in reality you are cooperating with fairly conscientious and serious partners who bring good profit to your work. Trying a lost or tasteless candy in a dream - to troubles and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A dream in which you savor chocolate treats means that you have a desire to change your life and make it easier. In addition, this dream suggests that you are perfectly adapted to self-development and during this period you will be incredibly lucky in everything.

Dreams about sweets - Women's dream book

If you get candy in a dream, it is a sign of great success and prosperity. To present a box of sweets yourself in a dream - in reality you can make a risky offer that can be rejected. Candy with fruit filling - promises a sleeping person erotic adventures.

What does it mean if you dreamed about sweets in a dream. Dream Interpretation of Medea

The candy symbolizes naive childish joy and carelessness. There are delicacies in a dream - to security. To see sweets is to comprehend hopes.

A delicacy in a bright and colorful wrapper symbolizes a meeting with a pleasant person for you. If you liked the taste of candy, then meeting this person will be fateful. If the candy is not tasty, you will be disappointed in your opponent.

For the female half of the population, seeing sweets in a dream is a sign of popularity among assertive men who cannot always live up to expectations. Buy sweets - for the imminent arrival of close relatives. Chocolate confectionery is considered a symbol of receiving an impressive amount of money, and caramel is a trifle.

Family dream book - why candy is dreaming

A dream in which you eat chocolate delicacies is a sign that soon you will find mutual and sincere love. Tasting a sour candy is a disease.

To receive these sweets as a gift is a sign of speedy material well-being. A dream where you yourself give someone candy means that your plans will not come true.

Why dream of sweets - Dream Interpretation Hasse

Seeing in a dream a chocolate candy for a sleeping person means falling in love. Donated sweets indicate an imminent invitation to a pleasant celebration. Eating sweet candies - symbolizes love or light flirting.

What else can sweets dream of

  • chocolate treats - to a positive mood. In reality, non-standard ideas may come to you, however, should not be ignored in the future;
  • buying sweets - for pleasant pleasures in real life;
  • a lot of sweets - means your indecisiveness in relations with your soulmate.
  • steal, steal sweets - to achieve their specific goals, thanks to diligent work;
  • sweets with nut filling - for intellectual reflection;
  • refuse sweets in a dream - to the possible development of diabetes;
  • treat, treat someone with sweets - to a pleasant conversation;
  • cook sweets - improvement in well-being;
  • try, suck lollipops in a dream - to pleasant and varied entertainment.

Dreams are often a reflection of daytime experiences, repressed desires and fears. One of the essential concerns of the day is food, because we need a lot of energy to cope with everything and still experience positive emotions. Moreover, the most desirable for both children and adults are foods rich in sugars. Therefore, sweets, cakes, sweets in a dream appear very often. And in order to figure out what sweets are dreaming of, you need to carefully recall the details of the dream.

Dream Interpretations are unanimous in the general interpretation of plots in which the dreamer has to eat sweets in a dream. Everyone points to two main answers to the question “What are sweets dreaming of?”. The first answer is that the person may have given too much attention to avoiding sweets during the day for various reasons, and the unconscious has thus provided an opportunity to satisfy the desire.

The second answer is more complex and has to do with what sweets symbolize in general. Sugar is energy and pleasure. Therefore, sweets are closely related to positive changes in the reality of the dreamer, with a creative upsurge and the discovery of new opportunities. Eating sweets in a dream is definitely a positive sign. Why dream of sweets in different circumstances?

Seeing sweets is a stormy and fun life, full of entertainment and dating that brings a lot of positive emotions.. Seeing a lot of sweets in - a person who has a dream does not appreciate what he has. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards yourself, your hobbies, friends and work.

If you dreamed of tasteless sweets - a person who has seen a similar plot feels annoyed at someone, is afraid of a negative completion of an important matter. Dream Interpretations advise you to listen to yourself and change the approach in communicating with people who cause discomfort, as well as try to analyze your capabilities regarding important matters.

If you dreamed of chocolates, a period of creativity begins in the dreamer's life. The implementation of the ideas that came at this time will bring great results. Seeing other people who eat sweets and do not share with the dreamer is a reflection of envious feelings experienced in reality. In order to find peace and happiness, you need to put an end to envy once and for all.

A box presented as a gift, and in it a variety of delicious sweets - soon such a plot promises prosperity and harmonization of all areas of the dreamer's life. A beautiful gift box with chocolates on the table is a sign of the existence of an attachment to the dreamer in reality, which is still superficial. In addition, it acts as a symbol of prosperity.

Eating sweets in a dream is a sign of imminent pleasant changes in reality, which the dreamer has been preparing for a long time.. A box in which there are a lot of heart-shaped sweets - such a dream means a warm relationship with loved ones. The dreamer can completely trust his surroundings.

A lot of sweets in the house - to prosperity and joy. Gather friends and treat them to coffee and tea with sweets and chocolate - to acquire new very useful acquaintances.

Other sweet dream stories

To understand why you dream of buying sweets, you need to remember: was there a large assortment, what sweets were selected, was the final choice made at all, was the dreamer satisfied with his purchase.

  • Seeing a lot of different candies in the store is a lot of choices in life. If at the same time the dreamer is confused, it is worth in reality on a controversial issue to seek advice from friends or knowledgeable people.
  • Collecting sweets scattered in the store from the floor is an inability to cope with your choice. You should carefully assess your strengths and abilities. And if someone helped the dreamer, help awaits him in reality.
  • After a long study of the counter, choosing one type of candy is an important decision in reality, which will turn out to be absolutely correct.

Taking away sweets from others - trying to dishonestly take away from another person what brings him joy. If this was prevented, you should not try to compensate for the lack of something at someone else's expense. If the dreamer easily took away the sweets and disappeared, in reality everything will pass with impunity, but it is unlikely that someone else will bring pleasure.

Seeing someone take away sweets and intervene reflects the internal state of the struggle for ideals. If the dreamer managed to prevent the thieves, he will come out of any scrape with honor in reality thanks to his endurance and fortitude. And if it didn’t work out, then you should think about training your will.

Collecting candy wrappers - the dreamer should be attentive to people and events that bring him joy and fun, do not forget about the wonderful moments of life. Collect sweets from the cemetery - life lacks fun and warmth, a person tries to get them from the past or even lives in the past. We need fresh impressions, new acquaintances, a change of scenery.

It is easy to determine what sweets are dreaming of - the dreamer has a very strong emotional connection with the past. Positive emotions of the past exceed everything that a person encounters in the present.

If you dreamed about sweets in a cemetery and he didn’t touch them, the dreamer should analyze what exactly caused joy and brought delight in the past in order to renew either a forgotten relationship, or to connect his activity with a business that was once successful.

In a dream, sweets and sweets symbolize carefree joy and creativity, but any signs of dreams can be actualized in reality only as a result of the active actions of the person who had the dream and his faith in himself. Therefore, despite the positive predictions of the dream book regarding sweets, one must not forget about foresight, responsibility and the importance of one's own efforts.

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Anything can happen in a dream. Night dreams are both frightening, scary, and pleasant, sweet. Often people dream of candy. They can buy them in a dream, eat them, give them, treat them to someone. At first glance, this is a completely innocent vision. But what can such dreams talk about? What are they warning about? Taking several dream books as a basis, interpreting the image is not difficult. The main thing is to just listen to the interpretation and try on the situation for yourself.

Why dream of chocolates according to Miller's dream book

Why dream of chocolates? The interpretation of such night visions is given by many dream books. They have something in common, but also many interpretations differ significantly from each other.

Miller's dream book associates chocolates with good events in the dreamer's life. These night dreams may mean:

  • strengthening the financial position;
  • career;
  • well-being.

However, do not assume that all this will literally fall from the sky. Only diligence, diligence and diligence will contribute to the realization of sleep.

A dream about chocolates, in which the dreamer sees how he eats a crispy, crumbly, very tasty treat, may indicate imminent pleasures of a secular nature. You can also interpret what you see as a sign of gaining love for people of any age.

Seeing sour sweets in a dream means annoyance, irritation, illness, loss of trust in a loved one.

A box of chocolates received as a gift, according to Miller's dream book, is harassment. For a young man, such a dream will bring only minor troubles associated with hypocrisy and perseverance. If in a dream the dreamer dreamed that he himself was sending someone a present in the form of a box of chocolates, then in the near future he would have to make an offer to someone in the work area or personal relationships. However, one should not expect a favorable outcome of the situation. The dreamer will be disappointed and bitterly offended. He will be rejected.

Note! Sometimes a dream about chocolates, sugar and honey can portend death.

Why dream of chocolates according to Hasse's dream book

Medium Hasse interprets dreams about sweets in different ways. If a person sees how he himself enjoys the taste of a treat, then soon a love adventure or a real serious romance awaits him. Receiving sweetness from someone means a likely invitation to a holiday or celebration.

Dream interpretation of Felomen: chocolates

Explanations of Felomen's dream book: chocolates seen in a dream have the meaning of doubt. When someone gives a dreamer a treat, there is a high risk of being in an unseemly position due to a step into a dubious business for the sake of every minute pleasure. When you dream of sweets received as a gift from a stranger, you should expect the collapse of all ideas and desires.

If you dreamed of a situation in which a person himself presents sweetness as a gift to someone, then the dream warns of the possibility of fulfilling his cherished desires in the foreseeable future. Moreover, he himself can help someone in the implementation of plans and ideas.

Chocolates according to Kananit's dream book

Apostle Simon the Zealot interprets dreams about sweets in different ways. Such a dream may portend:

  • love;
  • quick visit of guests;
  • an invitation to a secular ceremony, an important celebration or a family holiday.

This dream book does not personify this image with something negative and black.

Why dream of sweets according to Freud's dream book

In various dream books, the interpretation of sleep with chocolates can vary significantly. For example, such visions in the night according to Freud are associated with the pleasure that the dreamer receives in real life from relationships.

In addition, the image can warn of illness. Sometimes a dream portends excessive abuse of treats, which can provoke a serious malfunction of the whole organism.

If you dream of sweets on a tray, a cake or colorful delicacies, then your love life will soon sparkle with new colors, turn out to be rich, interesting. Also, a dream can portend a variety of love and sexual partners.

When a person sees a lot of chocolate sweets in a dream, Freud recommends analyzing his own experiences. It is also worth understanding your sexual activity.

Buying sweets in a dream and giving them to someone in bed is a sign of the realization of the most daring desires in sex. In addition, such an image can be interpreted as the ability to give pleasure in relationships and in bed even to the most demanding and demanding person.

Why dream of chocolates: Wangi's dream book

Why do you dream of chocolates if you interpret the images from Vanga's dream book? To dream of a chocolate candy according to Vanga's dream book means to be fed up with your wealth. Most likely, a person simply does not know what to do with all the financial resources that he has. At one time, the fortune teller recommended that such dreamers do charity work.

But why dream of a lot of sweets? According to Vanga's dream book, to see whole mountains, bags, bags of goodies in night dreams is a bad sign. It is believed that in real life a person will face serious difficulties, which he will hardly have the strength to overcome.

Interpretation of sleep with chocolates according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Do you dream of candy? According to Tsvetkov's dream book, this means that a person in everyday life lacks vivid impressions, positive feelings, pleasant emotions.

Buying sweets in the form of dragees in a dream is a sign of financial well-being. It is likely that the dreamer will receive a profit or monetary reward in the near future.

On a note! There are several sweets in a dream at once - unfortunately.

How does a family dream book interpret chocolates

The family dream book calls a dream with sweets a sign associated with good events:

  • good news;
  • pleasures;
  • enjoying one's own life;
  • meeting good people;
  • pleasant acquaintances.

You should be wary if the sweets in a dream turned out to be sour or bitter.

Giving sweets to someone in a dream or handing out sweets is a symbol of prudence. Most likely, the dreamer will be able to find the best way out of the current problem situation.

Buying candies in boxes is interpreted by the family dream book as an offer. It can be done by the dreamer himself or addressed to him. In any case, nothing serious should be expected from this undertaking.

Why dream a lot of sweets according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why dream of a lot of chocolates? Is this a good sign or bad? The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima interprets such an image as a harbinger of worldly joys, albeit insignificant ones.

Finding sweetness in your own pocket means receiving good news in the near future or small little things that can make life more joyful.

If you had to see sweets in a dream that the dreamer eats, then the image should be interpreted as a warning about fatigue. A person who has dreamed of this should take a break or do something pleasant for himself.

Note! Bitter treats or a tongue bitten from them indicate the need to limit entertainment in your life. And an empty candy wrapper is a sign of disappointment and deceived expectations.

Buy sweets in a dream according to Longo's dream book

If a person searches in a dream for a long time for the desired variety of sweets and buys it, then Longo's dream book portends him difficulties in implementing his plans. It is likely that the dreamer has been trying to find an approach to the right person for a long time, appeasing him and even bribing him. In this situation, the night image is just a projection of real life. If a person steals sweets in a dream, then he can no longer endure the current problem situation and is ready to solve the issue in any way.

There is a treat in a dream, according to Longo's dream book, means chores, vanity, the search for easy ways in various life situations.

Why dream of chocolates yet? It is likely that eating chocolate in night dreams considers himself a victim. He sees himself undeservedly offended. A dream can also be interpreted as a serious internal conflict.

Modern combined dream book: eating chocolates in a dream

A modern combined dream book interprets the delicacies seen in a dream in its own way. There are chocolates or dragees - for falling in love or various entertainments. Making sweets yourself means that in the near future the dreamer will make a profit. Trying sweets with a sour taste is a harbinger of irritation, discontent and illness.

Giving sweets in a beautiful box is a possible marriage proposal that will disappoint in the future. To receive such a gift means strengthening well-being.

Why dream of buying sweets, giving them, eating or doing? As you can see, there are many interpretations. The dreamer can interpret them in his own way, according to the characteristics of sleep and the chosen dream book.

Sleep theme:

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