Why do you dream of intimacy with a man? Proximity interpretation of the dream book

To the question I have long wanted to ask: Why do you dream about INTIMATE? Don’t say that it’s due to its lack, everything is OK with that. given by the author Alyona * the best answer is One of the most important sensations of sleep is intimacy. Sometimes we dream of communicating with people we like in an intimate setting, and sometimes even in our dreams we feel how much we miss it. Dreams of this kind reflect our preferences in terms of relationships with people around us. It is noteworthy that in this case intimacy and sexual attraction do not need to be identified - rather, it is a feeling based on the unity of the emotional plane. The key points for interpreting dreams are the answers to the following questions: are your attempts to get closer welcomed by others? Have you managed to achieve the establishment of close relationships to the extent that you would like? Remember whether you were ready to reciprocate if someone took steps to get closer to you.
If you dreamed of a love affair in which you are unable to establish a fairly close relationship, you can say that your self-esteem is low, since sexual attraction is directly dependent on self-confidence.
Did you feel cared for? Or maybe your love is platonic in nature or has been completely ignored? The object of your desire plays an important role here, so remember who it was - a loved one, a child or one of the parents.
If you dreamed that you had an intimate relationship with a stranger, in reality you experience a lack of mutual understanding and warmth. Dreaming of intimacy with a man you know means that in reality your attitude towards this person will improve. Perhaps you will realize that he fits your ideal man.
Spending an evening with your lover in an intimate bar means you will dream of a closer relationship with your partner, but you will be embarrassed to tell him about it. Being alone in an intimate bar in a dream means your ideas will not receive the approval of others.
If you dreamed that you owned an intimate bar, there will be many envious people around you who will spread gossip about your qualities and actions.
According to Loff, intimacy is one of the main feelings of dreams. Sometimes we dream of a cozy intimate atmosphere with pleasant people, in other cases we experience a lack of intimacy. Stories on the topic of intimacy reflect a person’s preferences in contacts with others. At the same time, intimacy is not always identical to sexual desire. In most cases, this feeling indicates emotional unity or lack thereof.
To correctly interpret a dream about intimacy, answer the following questions. How did other people in the dream react to your proposal to get closer? Did you manage to create as close a relationship as you would like? Have you reciprocated someone's invitation to get closer?
If you dreamed of a love relationship that you cannot make closer, this indicates your low self-esteem, because sexual desire is directly related to a person’s self-confidence. Think about whether you feel that others care about you? Maybe your love is platonic, or even completely unclaimed? The object of your desire also plays an important role. This could be not only a lover, but also a child, one of the parents, etc.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “closeness”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from different points of view.

Why do you dream about intimacy? The dream book promises: friendship or romantic feelings for an acquaintance may arise, the love of the spouses will become more harmonious. But also a vision in a dream warns of the need to get rid of complexes, shortcomings and not idealize the chosen one.

Harmony of relationships

Did you dream of a feeling of spiritual closeness with a familiar person, colleague? In reality, you have many common interests; friendly and even friendly relationships can begin.

Why do you dream of intimacy with your man? The dream book indicates: if intimacy brings pleasure, family relationships will delight you with harmony and mutual understanding.

When planning something, consider the opinions of others

In a dream, sex with your man did not bring satisfaction? Be careful: if you implement your plans, you will incur moral and ethical problems.

Did you dream about vivid sex with an unfamiliar man? According to the dream book, the sleeping person is an active, somewhat adventurous person. It is important not to get too carried away with such enterprises and take into account the opinions of others.

Subtleties of relationships

Seeing yourself in bed with a dead person in a dream promises entrepreneurs a stable financial situation and business prosperity.

For a girl, closeness to a deceased person foreshadows emancipation, getting rid of complexes that interfered with her life.

Why do you dream of refusing intimacy? The dream book explains: there is no trust between partners. You need to establish mutual understanding, learn to trust your loved one.

Avoiding intimate relationships in general in a dream means: you are not confident in yourself, you are afraid to start them in reality, so as not to disappoint your lover. We need to overcome this shortcoming and realize our ideas about a joint future.

Dreams need to be adjusted

To a young man, bed pleasures with a woman older than him indicate: in many matters (and in sex too) he prefers to be led, looking for someone who will take responsibility. However, it's time to grow up.

Why does a lonely girl dream of sexual intimacy? The dream book suggests: she dreams of meeting her young man who will love and protect her. Just don’t idealize him too much, because positive princes live only on the pages of fairy tales.

“Let go” of your ex, pay attention to your current lover

A dream of sexual intercourse with an ex-boyfriend signals: the dreamer still internally sees him as her own.

Have you seen intimacy with your ex-boyfriend in a dream? The dream book says: current relationships may become more complicated.

Intimacy with a familiar guy who is attractive to the dreamer indicates: there is attraction between them. Under favorable conditions, sympathy can develop into something more.

A dream about sex with your boyfriend promises, according to the dream book, harmony in your relationship not only sexually, but also in all other respects.

Who was your partner?

To correctly interpret the dream, remember who you had sex with:

  • boyfriend - receive a gift from him;
  • husband is simply a reflection of this connection;
  • boss - possible promotion at work;
  • relative - your views on life largely coincide;
  • a deceased friend - increased prosperity.

Marital harmony, career aspirations

Have you made love with your husband? Mutual understanding, respect, joy from intimacy between you will become even more complete.

Seeing yourself in bed with your boss in a dream means: the sleeping woman is striving for career advancement, not disdaining anything. But you also need to remember to respect your colleagues and their opinion of you.

Miller's Dream Book: personal life is in order!

Why dream of enjoying intimacy? The dream promises: in reality, on the personal front, everything is normal for the sleeping person.

Change something in your sex life

Did you dream of intimacy between you and a stranger? This means: there is something missing in your sex life. We need to analyze the problem and try to change it.

Intimacy in a dream with a loved one foreshadows mutual understanding, strengthening relationships, and reaching a new level.

Making love in a dream

Why do you dream about sex with your ex?

Dream Interpretation sex without love

Exes and Horribles

How to identify a prophetic dream

If you dream of Intimacy and you want to know why you dream of Intimacy, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Intimacy:

PROXIMITY, closeness, w. 1. Distraction noun to close. Proximity of distance. The proximity of death. Closeness of views. 2. Close relationships. Closeness developed between them.

Intimacy - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Intimacy means changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Proximity means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Intimacy is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If in a dream where you dream of Intimacy there are people present, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Intimacy with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online dream interpretation on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Don’t forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what you dream about Proximity depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and email address to which we will send the interpretation (your email is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

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During sleep, we see different dreams. They do not prevent us from getting proper rest, and, nevertheless, contribute to many questions that arise in the morning. Stormy emotions, a surge of feelings and frantic pleasure in real life, we most often experience when merging with a partner.

But how can you find out why you dream about sex while your body is resting? The dream book will help us cope with the thoughts that have arisen in our heads and completely unravel the dream. It is thanks to him that the interpretation of dreams becomes simple and accessible to everyone.

Making love in a dream

A dream in which you indulged in sexual pleasures suggests that you subconsciously want to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. However, there are still many interesting, unexpected interpretations regarding what dreams of making love mean.

For example, if a young woman found herself in the arms of a man in a dream, then in reality she will have to be bitterly disappointed in her gentleman. If a man is hugged by an ardent lady, then the dream book promises him prosperity. True, there is one small but important clarification. Things will go well for a gentleman only if his partner in the dream was a stranger.

But if he passionately squeezed his wife in his arms, then this threatens to aggravate relations in the family, and even divorce. If you watched from the outside in a dream how a couple in love hugged, then don’t worry - success in any endeavor is guaranteed.

Intimacy reflects emotionally missing sensations in reality. If you dreamed of having sex in a dream and you received due pleasure - the dream book indicates that your real relationship is in complete harmony and order. If sex in a dream did not bring pleasure, then behave with extreme caution. You may have moral and ethical problems.

For women, an intimate dream brings many impressions into life, from unexpected and pleasant moments. If a man had pleasure in a dream, then he certainly becomes interested in why he dreams of making love, although the answer is quite simple. The dream book shows clear rivalry with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about sex with your ex?

The interpretation of the dream book, why you dream of sex with your ex, shows you that you have not yet completely cooled down to your past partner. In reality you miss him, and in your subconscious you compare him with your new lover. Why dream of making love in a dream with your own husband, then in reality pleasant experiences and a great gift await you.

If you see people you know and are close to you in a dream, but not yourself, the dream book warns that your current partner is not entirely suitable for creating a happy family.

Dream Interpretation sex without love

Why do you dream of having sex with a stranger - for a man, for a woman it means a quarrel with someone. Even if you were not a participant in such an action, but accidentally caught an unfamiliar couple, then be prepared for unexpected changes that will not bring you anything good.

If, due to chance, you went unnoticed, then you may be in danger. Strangers will want to trip you up, and if you don’t have time to react in time, you will have the opportunity to show yourself not at your best. A dream in which people have sex is like a small nuisance. Therefore, the dream book advises to play only fair games, so that you don’t have to take unnecessary risks.

Unusual, curious interpretations

The noble dream book, authored by N. Grishina, suggests that making love in a dream means disappointment. But a lot depends on who acted as the partner in the dream. If it was a woman's dream, then there is no reason to worry. On the contrary, in the coming period the dreamer can expect small, but joys. If it was sex with a brother, then the dream book suggests that relatives will not come to the rescue at the right time.

N. Grishina explains why the girl dreams that she made love to a woman. It turns out that this predicts participation in some event shrouded in secrecy. If a young lady dreamed that she had become a victim of a rapist, then in reality she would be able to complete all the assigned tasks.

An even stranger vision of intercourse with the father predicts good luck. Over the course of several weeks, the dreamer will become Fortune's favorite.

The dream book also guarantees luck to a male dreamer who slept and saw that he had entered into an intimate relationship with a beautiful lady. But if he made love in a dream with his legal wife, then, alas, it is with her that he will have a deep misunderstanding and the relationship will go wrong.

Why dream that you are the lover of a married woman? This is a vision with a good meaning, promising the fulfillment of desires. The dream book prophesies to those who indulged in carnal pleasures with a young man the successful completion of a started project or business.

Why dream that you have had sexual intercourse with a professional priestess of love? Not everything is clear here. At first, the waking person will feel that he is happy and enjoying life, but then he will feel unwell. And doctors can diagnose a serious illness.

A powerful influx of energy will be felt by those who slept with their sister in a dream. Moreover, dear. Was your partner a daughter who is not yet married? This means that soon the matchmakers will come to the house, and the sleeper will begin preparations for her wedding.

The dream book promises wealth to those who, while asleep, have sexual contact with an animal. An even stranger connection with a deceased foreshadows the acquisition of valuable property.

It’s bad if your partner is your own mother. This is a sign of wrong behavior and decisions. All this will have an extremely negative impact on your future fate.

Interpretations of the Modern Dream Book

Life will throw up a lot of surprises and make you worry, which is what the Modern Dream Book means when you dream about sex in the air. For example, on an airplane. Ambiguous situations in which you will find yourself in reality will be a reason for worry, but if you have enough confidence and optimism, you will overcome all troubles.

The interpretation of the vision that you are having sex with your loved one and watching the process in the mirror indicates that you desperately need approval from others. What does it mean if intercourse does not bring you satisfaction - you failed to achieve orgasm? In this case, the dream book recommends that the sleeper engage in criticism of his own person. One should think: is self-esteem too high?

Why dream of making love virtually? The modern dream book warns against misconceptions. The dreamer incorrectly perceives the attitude of others and experiences complexes about appearance. Something confuses him in his relationship with his real partner.

An excellent omen if you sleep with your legal spouse in a dream. She predicts harmony in the family, mutual care, love. After such a vision, you can openly talk with your husband about the problems that have accumulated, and rest assured, he will understand you correctly, and any misunderstandings will disappear.

Probably, few people would actually think of throwing themselves into the abyss of passion in front of strangers, in a public place. This is possible in a dream. But because the dreamer subconsciously strives to make his thoughts and plans public. He needs this - he needs assessment, advice from a more experienced, wiser character.

An unprecedented excitement from the opposite sex is predicted by the dream book for those who, in a nightly phantasmagoria, indulged in sinful passions with a young beauty. If the sleeper is still alone and only dreams of mutual feelings, then in the near future he will meet his love.

All kinds of obstacles and obstacles await the one who, in a dream, without hesitation, and without even undressing, has sexual intercourse with a man. Unfortunately, the dream book predicts that the dreamer will not be able to complete previously started tasks.

Sex with a public, popular person characterizes the sleeping person as an extremely ambitious person, ready to do anything just to become famous. She does not disdain the opportunity to simply cling to the glory of another person. But if a young man dreams of something like this, then he will get a chance to climb high up the career ladder.

Exes and Horribles

It is not difficult to guess what a dream means about passion with a former lover. This is a longing for the past, for what we experienced together. Even if you want to return your old feelings, it is impossible. Live in the present, the future. You will certainly meet a person who will help you forget about your past romance.

A woman who dreams of making love underwater is ready and wants to become a mother in real life.

How is intimacy with a monster in a dream interpreted? This is a reflection of the confrontation with management.

Successful sex with a dark-skinned person is dreamed of by someone who is impulsive, does not bother thinking about the consequences of his own actions, and does not think about tomorrow. But if intercourse with a representative of the African race was painful, then the person sleeping in reality very bitterly regrets something, or worries about something, experiencing mental anguish.

If in a dream after lovemaking you felt that you were in a position, then see the interpretation on the page of what dreams of pregnancy mean.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what phase of the moon is today and what lunar day.

By comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation Intimacy

Who hasn’t dreamed of finding out what intimacy means in dreams? Such a dream can be characterized as the sleeper’s need for love and affection, but in reality.

It should be noted that an erotic dream can bring not only positive, but also negative emotions, and therefore it will have to be interpreted correctly, and various dream interpreters will be able to help with this.

How not to make a mistake?

Making love in a dream

As the dream book describes, intimacy seen in a night dream can have a large number of interpretations. At the initial stage, you will have to analyze the plot in detail, breaking it down into small parts.

Who saw it?

When you have dreams with an erotic plot, your task is to remember the dreamer’s gender.


A representative of the stronger half of humanity, sharing a bed with a young girl, can be preparing for a wave of something new and unexpected. Most likely, this dream will become a catalyst, attracting new impressions and emotions to life.

The main thing is to use the information received correctly and remember to search.

Why do you dream of intimacy with a mature woman? Such a dream predicts unexpected business offers awaiting you in the foreseeable future. A new job or the opportunity to create your own business may await you, which is why it is so important to use this chance correctly.

The dreamer must remember the emotions he experienced:

As the dream book describes, intimacy with a married woman is a symbol trying to protect you from rash decisions. Careless actions in matters of earning money can result in big problems, and therefore it is better to avoid them.


For representatives of the fair sex, erotic dreams carry a completely different meaning. The dream interpreter suggests that you have simply needed a person for a long time to satisfy your sexual needs. This is what excites the consciousness, embodied in the form of night dreams.

If you had an erotic vision, then you can safely be considered one of those women who have been nurturing their plans for a long time, but never begin to implement them. If you truly know yourself, then it's time to take charge of yourself and become a better person.

Dreaming of an erotic adventure with a celebrity

The implementation of your plan may be confusing, but the further result will depend only on you. Unfortunately, the higher powers in this situation decided to only observe you without giving any clues.

With whom was it?

Sexual fusion brings not only positive emotions, but also the release of certain groups of hormones into the blood. However, some cases, despite their usefulness, do not end as planned. For this reason, most dream interpreters compare the sleeper with his partner. Your task is to remember the person with whom you made love in your dream.

With a celebrity

Who hasn't dreamed of spending one night in bed with their favorite celebrity? The presented plot predicts an embarrassing situation into which the dreamer will soon find himself. His own carelessness will make him an object of ridicule, and he will not be able to come to his senses for a long time.

I dreamed of a love affair with a stranger

However, your shame can still be prevented; all that remains is to determine its causes. Dream interpreters suggest that you do not know how to soberly assess your own potential. Before you put on some kind of mask and try to be liked, you need to make sure that you are surrounded by decent and adequate people. Whatever the situation you are in, you should not reveal your own trump cards, because they can be played against you.

According to information taken from popular dream books, erotic dreams involving strangers precede changes that will soon burst into everyday life. You are a little frightened by the unknown, which will affect the usual rhythm of life, but your task is to perceive everything calmly and with a smile.

According to another interpretation, the plot seen reflects impermanence. Intimacy with a stranger is a dream on the eve of a difficult choice, on which your future fate will depend. Dream interpreters do not advise rushing, but taking a balanced approach to the issue.

With a relative

Dream about incest

Why do you dream about incest? Such dreams are unlikely to leave behind pleasant impressions, but, in fact, this image does not bode well. If you had to make love in a dream with your relative, then you can safely count on helping them if such a need arises. According to observations, the person who shares the same bed with you will give excellent advice and help you avoid problems in the near future.

With ex-partner

Seeing yourself in bed with a past lover is a common plot, but even it needs detail. It's time to admit to yourself that you still miss your old feelings and emotions.

Such a dream reflects not only the subconscious desire for sex, but also the resumption of past relationships. If you managed to remember the environment during intimate games, then you miss the emotions you experienced, which are so lacking in real life.

Making love in a dream with your husband's friend

Many interpreters begin their forecasts with not the most pleasant words, foreshadowing the onset of a dark streak in a love relationship. Relationships will begin to deteriorate, and the reason for this will be one’s own behavior.

The only thing that will unsettle you is total indifference, which you need to get rid of quickly. You should not worry ahead of time, since such periods occur in the relationships of many couples, and after they end, an idyll begins.

With current lover

Why did you dream of erotic games with your current boyfriend? For girls planning marriage, such a dream is a positive symbol, suggesting spiritual rapprochement. You will be able to spend more time together and understand each other perfectly.

Erotic activities in zero gravity

If we are talking about married people, then such a dream predicts adventure. Dream books write that the couple will have to endure stress.

Unusual mergers

Some dreams, despite their apotheosis, are not as complex as they might seem at first glance. Many dreamers encounter unusual plots, which cannot be found in every source.

Fantastic act

Why dream of sexual intercourse far in space on board a spaceship? Why did you decide to use a time machine to travel back several centuries in order to get to know the sexy artists of that time? The list of such night dreams can be continued for quite a long time, and they will be associated with a large number of desires that are not so easy to realize in real life. Such a dream should be interpreted in accordance with whether the dreamer has a couple:

  • no - the body has been demanding passionate sex for a long time;
  • there is a fear of experiments.

With a dead person

An erotic nightmare can be interpreted quite simply, and it is associated with constant nostalgia and the desire to return to the old days. You will have to understand that you cannot return the past, and to build a good future you need to soberly assess your present.

By turning to dream interpreters for help, you can see that your life should be built according to a new pattern, but sometimes you can look back for comparison. After you can draw conclusions, you no longer need to worry in vain, but continue with a new and bright life.

Dreamed of a homosexual act

Homosexual act

Who dreamed of unconventional sex? To obtain an accurate interpretation, you will have to pay attention to this fact:

  • for men - you envy the person you saw in a dream;
  • women - you are too selfish.

The person seen in a dream is not as simple as it might seem when we first met. A homosexual act will remind you of a fight with competitors, and therefore you will have to remember who dominated.

Illegal actions

Why in your dream only an observer of what is happening? You probably tend to worry about other people, depriving yourself of precious attention. In addition, you should pay attention only to where your efforts will bring some benefit, and will not result in further worries and problems.

A dream in which a sleeping person was raped tells the dreamer that it is time to begin an active fight against his stress. You will have to do something about your life situation. If you don't want to burn out at work, then give yourself a little rest and everything will pass.

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Why do you dream about intimacy? The dream book promises: friendship or romantic feelings for an acquaintance may arise, the love of the spouses will become more harmonious. But also a vision in a dream warns of the need to get rid of complexes, shortcomings and not idealize the chosen one.

Did you dream of a feeling of spiritual closeness with a familiar person, colleague? In reality, you have many common interests; friendly and even friendly relationships can begin.

Why do you dream of intimacy with your man? The dream book indicates: if intimacy brings pleasure, family relationships will delight you with harmony and mutual understanding.

When planning something, consider the opinions of others

In a dream, sex with your man did not bring satisfaction? Be careful: if you implement your plans, you will incur moral and ethical problems.

Did you dream about vivid sex with an unfamiliar man? According to the dream book, the sleeping person is an active, somewhat adventurous person. It is important not to get too carried away with such enterprises and take into account the opinions of others.

Subtleties of relationships

Seeing yourself in bed with a dead person in a dream promises entrepreneurs a stable financial situation and business prosperity.

For a girl, closeness to a deceased person foreshadows emancipation, getting rid of complexes that interfered with her life.

Why do you dream of refusing intimacy? The dream book explains: there is no trust between partners. You need to establish mutual understanding, learn to trust your loved one.

Avoiding intimate relationships in general in a dream means: you are not confident in yourself, you are afraid to start them in reality, so as not to disappoint your lover. We need to overcome this shortcoming and realize our ideas about a joint future.

Dreams need to be adjusted

To a young man, bed pleasures with a woman older than him indicate: in many matters (and in sex too) he prefers to be led, looking for someone who will take responsibility. However, it's time to grow up.

Why does a lonely girl dream of sexual intimacy? The dream book suggests: she dreams of meeting her young man who will love and protect her. Just don’t idealize him too much, because positive princes live only on the pages of fairy tales.

“Let go” of your ex, pay attention to your current lover

A dream of sexual intercourse with an ex-boyfriend signals: the dreamer still internally sees him as her own.

Have you seen intimacy with your ex-boyfriend in a dream? The dream book says: current relationships may become more complicated.

Intimacy with a familiar guy who is attractive to the dreamer indicates: there is attraction between them. Under favorable conditions, sympathy can develop into something more.

A dream about sex with your boyfriend promises, according to the dream book, harmony in your relationship not only sexually, but also in all other respects.

Who was your partner?

To correctly interpret the dream, remember who you had sex with:

  • boyfriend - receive a gift from him;
  • husband is simply a reflection of this connection;
  • boss - possible promotion at work;
  • relative - your views on life largely coincide;
  • a deceased friend - increased prosperity.

Marital harmony, career aspirations

Have you made love with your husband? Mutual understanding, respect, joy from intimacy between you will become even more complete.

Seeing yourself in bed with your boss in a dream means: the sleeping woman is striving for career advancement, not disdaining anything. But you also need to remember to respect your colleagues and their opinion of you.

Miller's Dream Book: personal life is in order!

Why dream of enjoying intimacy? The dream promises: in reality, on the personal front, everything is normal for the sleeping person.

Change something in your sex life

Did you dream of intimacy between you and a stranger? This means: there is something missing in your sex life. We need to analyze the problem and try to change it.

Intimacy in a dream with a loved one foreshadows mutual understanding, strengthening relationships, and reaching a new level.

Dream Interpretation Intimacy

Who hasn’t dreamed of finding out what intimacy means in dreams? Such a dream can be characterized as the sleeper’s need for love and affection, but in reality.

It should be noted that an erotic dream can bring not only positive, but also negative emotions, and therefore it will have to be interpreted correctly, and various dream interpreters will be able to help with this.

How not to make a mistake?

Making love in a dream

As the dream book describes, intimacy seen in a night dream can have a large number of interpretations. At the initial stage, you will have to analyze the plot in detail, breaking it down into small parts.

Who saw it?

When you have dreams with an erotic plot, your task is to remember the dreamer’s gender.


A representative of the stronger half of humanity, sharing a bed with a young girl, can be preparing for a wave of something new and unexpected. Most likely, this dream will become a catalyst, attracting new impressions and emotions to life.

The main thing is to use the information received correctly and remember to search.

Why do you dream of intimacy with a mature woman? Such a dream predicts unexpected business offers awaiting you in the foreseeable future. A new job or the opportunity to create your own business may await you, which is why it is so important to use this chance correctly.

The dreamer must remember the emotions he experienced:

  • pleasure - you will be able to earn money using new techniques and methods;

    Making love in a dream with a married woman

  • disappointment - you may be seriously disappointed by loved ones.

As the dream book describes, intimacy with a married woman is a symbol trying to protect you from rash decisions. Careless actions in matters of earning money can result in big problems, and therefore it is better to avoid them.


For representatives of the fair sex, erotic dreams carry a completely different meaning. The dream interpreter suggests that you have simply needed a person for a long time to satisfy your sexual needs. This is what excites the consciousness, embodied in the form of night dreams.

If you had an erotic vision, then you can safely be considered one of those women who have been nurturing their plans for a long time, but never begin to implement them. If you truly know yourself, then it's time to take charge of yourself and become a better person.

Dreaming of an erotic adventure with a celebrity

The implementation of your plan may be confusing, but the further result will depend only on you. Unfortunately, the higher powers in this situation decided to only observe you without giving any clues.

With whom was it?

Sexual fusion brings not only positive emotions, but also the release of certain groups of hormones into the blood. However, some cases, despite their usefulness, do not end as planned. For this reason, most dream interpreters compare the sleeper with his partner. Your task is to remember the person with whom you made love in your dream.

With a celebrity

Who hasn't dreamed of spending one night in bed with their favorite celebrity? The presented plot predicts an embarrassing situation into which the dreamer will soon find himself. His own carelessness will make him an object of ridicule, and he will not be able to come to his senses for a long time.

I dreamed of a love affair with a stranger

However, your shame can still be prevented; all that remains is to determine its causes. Dream interpreters suggest that you do not know how to soberly assess your own potential. Before you put on some kind of mask and try to be liked, you need to make sure that you are surrounded by decent and adequate people. Whatever the situation you are in, you should not reveal your own trump cards, because they can be played against you.

With a stranger

According to information taken from popular dream books, erotic dreams involving strangers precede changes that will soon burst into everyday life. You are a little frightened by the unknown, which will affect the usual rhythm of life, but your task is to perceive everything calmly and with a smile.

According to another interpretation, the plot seen reflects impermanence. Intimacy with a stranger is a dream on the eve of a difficult choice, on which your future fate will depend. Dream interpreters do not advise rushing, but taking a balanced approach to the issue.

With a relative

Dream about incest

Why do you dream about incest? Such dreams are unlikely to leave behind pleasant impressions, but, in fact, this image does not bode well. If you had to make love in a dream with your relative, then you can safely count on helping them if such a need arises. According to observations, the person who shares the same bed with you will give excellent advice and help you avoid problems in the near future.

With ex-partner

Seeing yourself in bed with a past lover is a common plot, but even it needs detail. It's time to admit to yourself that you still miss your old feelings and emotions.

Such a dream reflects not only the subconscious desire for sex, but also the resumption of past relationships. If you managed to remember the environment during intimate games, then you miss the emotions you experienced, which are so lacking in real life.

With my husband's friend

Making love in a dream with your husband's friend

Many interpreters begin their forecasts with not the most pleasant words, foreshadowing the onset of a dark streak in a love relationship. Relationships will begin to deteriorate, and the reason for this will be one’s own behavior.

The only thing that will unsettle you is total indifference, which you need to get rid of quickly. You should not worry ahead of time, since such periods occur in the relationships of many couples, and after they end, an idyll begins.

With current lover

Why did you dream of erotic games with your current boyfriend? For girls planning marriage, such a dream is a positive symbol, suggesting spiritual rapprochement. You will be able to spend more time together and understand each other perfectly.

Erotic activities in zero gravity

If we are talking about married people, then such a dream predicts adventure. Dream books write that the couple will have to endure stress.

Unusual mergers

Some dreams, despite their apotheosis, are not as complex as they might seem at first glance. Many dreamers encounter unusual plots, which cannot be found in every source.

Fantastic act

Why dream of sexual intercourse far in space on board a spaceship? Why did you decide to use a time machine to travel back several centuries in order to get to know the sexy artists of that time? The list of such night dreams can be continued for quite a long time, and they will be associated with a large number of desires that are not so easy to realize in real life. Such a dream should be interpreted in accordance with whether the dreamer has a couple:

  • no - the body has been demanding passionate sex for a long time;
  • there is a fear of experiments.

With a dead person

An erotic nightmare can be interpreted quite simply, and it is associated with constant nostalgia and the desire to return to the old days. You will have to understand that you cannot return the past, and to build a good future you need to soberly assess your present.

By turning to dream interpreters for help, you can see that your life should be built according to a new pattern, but sometimes you can look back for comparison. After you can draw conclusions, you no longer need to worry in vain, but continue with a new and bright life.

Dreamed of a homosexual act

Homosexual act

Who dreamed of unconventional sex? To obtain an accurate interpretation, you will have to pay attention to this fact:

  • for men - you envy the person you saw in a dream;
  • women - you are too selfish.

The person seen in a dream is not as simple as it might seem when we first met. A homosexual act will remind you of a fight with competitors, and therefore you will have to remember who dominated.

Illegal actions

Why in your dream only an observer of what is happening? You probably tend to worry about other people, depriving yourself of precious attention. In addition, you should pay attention only to where your efforts will bring some benefit, and will not result in further worries and problems.

A dream in which a sleeping person was raped tells the dreamer that it is time to begin an active fight against his stress. You will have to do something about your life situation. If you don't want to burn out at work, then give yourself a little rest and everything will pass.

Why do you dream of a criminal in a mask? Such a dream is a warning. It shows your constant desire to be useful and convenient, and other people skillfully take advantage of this. You can be a great target for manipulation, but is it worth it? Don’t give in to provocations, and then life will become easier.

Did you dream about raping someone? Anger and malice have settled in your soul, which you need to get rid of. If you learn to overcome negative emotions and throw them out without harming anyone, then your relationships with others will improve.

If a person sees sex in a dream, then the first thought that comes to mind is sexual dissatisfaction in real life. Partly there is some common sense in this, but making love in dreams is not always associated with real events in the intimate sphere. This secret sign can also predict other life events.

  1. Night sex and its features

Night sex and its features

If you happen to have sex in a dream, it’s time to look at a proven dream book and find out what such a piquant dream was about. But first, it is important to remember all its details, the situation, the actions, the sexual partner, and finally. Such detailing will allow you to reproduce the night's erotic adventure as accurately as possible and provide an accurate interpretation.

It’s worth starting with your sexual partner, because, in fact, it is this person who is the determining factor in the correct interpretation of sleep. So:

  1. Making love with your legal spouse means needing variety in your sex life. If a woman had such a dream, it means that in real life sex with her husband does not always suit her. For a man, such a dream means that he has not had sexual relations with his legal wife for a long time. It's time to think and somewhat invigorate your sex life, otherwise conflicts and everyday problems simply cannot be avoided in the future.
  1. If night sex in a dream was with a stranger, then it can be safely attributed to erotic fantasy. It often happens that, having had enough of family life and eager to experiment, a married couple may dream of completely unfamiliar sexual partners at night. This is quite normal, as is sex in a dream with a stranger.
  1. But if you dreamed that a sleeping person was engaged in self-satisfaction, then after waking up it is recommended to radically reconsider your usual life. If there is a soul mate, then the dream means unfulfillment in life and a long search for oneself. If a person is alone in life, then this is a sign that it is time to change something in his insipid fate.
  1. If an unmarried girl dreams about sex, then these are not only her dreams and dreams, this is a moral readiness for a serious relationship. But such a dream for a bachelor means that soon he will finally settle down and, perhaps, choose a permanent sexual partner.
  1. When a girl dreams that she is having sex with her ex-boyfriend, this means that in reality her feelings have not yet cooled down, and on a subconscious level she is waiting for his return, reconciliation, and continuation of a romantic relationship.
  1. Sex with a girl (gay sex) predicts dubious transactions and decisions in which it is better not to take part. The risk will turn out to be unjustified, and will entail complete disappointment, waste and emotional instability of the dreaming person.
  1. You should not pay attention to such a piquant dream in cases where you watched an erotic film the day before. It is possible that these are impressions received from a movie that turned into a dream, but with the participation of a sleeping person.

So now it’s clear in general terms why you dream about sex, all that remains is to find out the details of such an erotic adventure in the world of dreams.

Spicy details of a night dream

To solve this dream, you definitely need to look into the dream book. Sex has different interpretations in various printed publications, but in any case it is associated with seduction, flirtation and temptation in real life. So:

  1. Seeing in a dream how strangers are having sex (peeping) means that a certain dissatisfaction associated with a change of sexual partner prevails in one’s own life. It is possible that it is difficult for a sleeping person to start a new relationship, adapt to new wishes, and even open up to a new partner.
  1. If a pregnant woman dreams about sex, then this is a signal that in real life she is sorely lacking intimacy. This is rather nostalgia, but the sexual partner and future dad should take note of such an erotic adventure for his beloved.
  1. Cheating on a sexual partner in a dream indicates insipid and boring sexual contacts that no longer evoke a feeling of joy and complete satisfaction. Observing betrayal means striving to change something in your relationship, but such attempts are not always crowned with success.
  1. Seeing a male genital organ in a dream is a sign of dissatisfaction caused by one’s own fears and complete lack of self-confidence. Touching him means experimentation and a desire to change your real attitude towards sex.
  1. An orgasm in a dream means a quick achievement of your goal, sex without pleasure means disappointment and the collapse of all hopes. An orgasm of a sexual partner in a dream means the joy of family and friends, success in a joint business.

So it is important to understand not only the question of why you dream about having sex, but also to remember the smallest details of your erotic adventure. For example, anal sex – unpleasant conversation, scandal and the use of brute physical force; and oral sex in real life promises rest, a change of scenery and complete relaxation.

Interpretation from an erotic dream book

If you happen to have sex in a dream, the dream book will not always tell you what such an erotic dream means. You don’t always want to share such sharp impressions, so it’s best to turn to a taciturn dream interpreter, who has helped out more than once. Only an erotic dream book can tell all the secrets. Why do you dream about sex?

  1. Having sex in a dream means being a leader in real sexual relationships.
  2. Making love in a hurry means a lot of things that need to be resolved as soon as possible.
  3. Sex with long foreplay symbolizes a strong and self-sufficient personality, complete self-confidence, leadership qualities and undisputed authority in family relationships.

You can wonder for a long time why you dream about having sex, but if the dream is not remembered and left not the most pleasant memory of yourself, then it is better not to remember it or remember it. Perhaps fatigue and nervousness at work makes itself felt in this unusual way.

If you dreamed that you were having sex, it means that everything is bad in the intimate sphere. This is an erroneous opinion, since intimacy is more the emotional state of a sleeping person, which has found such a non-standard way out. When studying what sex means in a dream, you should not forget what day this dream occurred. It happens that dreams are empty, and sometimes, on the contrary, they require more detailed study. One way or another, the dream book will help you find out what sex in a dream is.

Tue, 17 Jan 2017

Of course, it’s nice, when plunging into sleep, to see pictures of a joyful and cloudless future. It's even nicer to see you making love. Why dream of making love with your ex? It's worth looking into.

Why dream of making love - basic interpretation

A dream in which you make love is definitely an omen of positive changes in life. It can promise you both new acquaintances and the development of new connections, as well as the transition of existing ones to a higher level.

A dream in which you have several partners during sex promises you the opportunity, when solving a difficult life situation, to choose from several options for the development of events. If in a dream you experience fear of a future relationship, you should not force yourself to do anything in reality, because most likely such a dream indicates that through force, guided only by reason, you enter into a relationship with a person.

If in a dream you don’t recognize your gentleman at all and decide to make love to him spontaneously - you will experience unexpected changes in your life, which will ultimately turn out to be a favorable combination of circumstances for you. But it’s too early to relax, because at any moment life can change the direction of events.

If in a dream you are devoted to your loved one and make love with him, but in a new place, then such a dream means that you are destined to breathe new strength into the relationship and give them some zest, enrich them with experience and originality.

If you make love to a stranger in a dream, and you like it - you are bored with everyday life, and you have long wanted to change something in yourself and in your chosen one. Many dream books claim that to do this, it will be enough to simply take a closer look at what exactly you liked about making love with a stranger - this is exactly what you lack in an intimate relationship with your loved one.

You should be especially attentive to those dreams in which you have sex with your boss. These dreams promise you not only pleasant moments at work, but also unexpected troubles and losses. It is important to remember all the dialogues that you had in a dream; they may contain information that you so lacked to make the right decision.

If you dream that you are making love with a friend, such a dream indicates that you have possible travel, change of residence, change of priorities thanks to the person who appeared in your dream.

Why dream of making love with your ex? Such a dream says that you often return to the past in your thoughts and delve into it, look for a way out of the current situation and look for opportunities to improve your current intimate life through the experience of past relationships.

Why dream of making love according to Freud’s dream book

Freud's dream book says that dreams in which you make love often indicate that Are you ready to change your partner? and until this moment there is very little left. Even if in a dream you make love with him, then such a dream indicates that you are fundamentally dissatisfied with sex with your partner. You would like him to be more active and varied.

If you make love in a place unfamiliar to you, such a dream suggests that you lack the intensity of sensations in relationships. If you change several partners in one dream, such a dream states that you lack not only intimacy with them, but also banal communication. This is also important in your case and if you do not ultimately get this need satisfied from your partner, you will no longer enjoy him.

Why dream of making love with your ex? Such a dream often indicates that past relationships are deeply rooted in a person’s subconscious. If a girl was unable to build a new relationship and she has such a dream, she will not be able to improve her intimate life for a long time precisely because she is too demanding of candidates and expects them to conform to the stereotypes of the past.

If her relationship is formed and she still had such a dream - you need to be careful with your desires. She needs to try to develop existing relationships and not run after illusory futures or return to forgotten pasts. It’s worth discussing with your partner everything that she lacks in her current relationship, everything that she dreams about intimately and it’s worth realizing it.

Why do you dream about sex with a man? Such a dream may indicate a girl’s complexes in terms of sex. Perhaps she considers herself not so attractive and is even embarrassed about her appearance. But this only makes the problem worse. Perhaps in a dream she saw herself with ideal forms and in chic underwear, which she could not afford in reality. Such a dream says that she It is necessary, at all costs, to change your perception of your body and your appearance. Otherwise, she will not be able to improve her intimate life for a long time.

Why dream of making love according to the esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that it is important to listen to the clues of a dream in which you made love with a stranger. Such a dream suggests that They envy your relationship and want it to end soon.

Why dream of making love with your husband? Such a dream is interpreted by the esoteric dream book as a warning against telling anyone else about what is happening in your home and relationships. You shouldn’t trust everyone so meekly and listen to tips from friends and loved ones. Your relationship with your husband has been on display for a long time and too many outsiders are aware of everything that happens in it.

In order to change the situation, you just need to reconsider your social circle and explain to your close people that you temporarily do not need their support in this matter. If love with your husband in a dream does not bring you pleasure but only brings disappointment, such a dream may even warn you against the possibility of having an affair on the side. You will not experience pleasure from it, but it can harm existing relationships.

If you dream that you are making love with a work colleague, and at the same time you are satisfied with everything, you should pay special attention to the professional sphere, since significant changes are coming in it, not for the better. If making love in a dream with a colleague even develops into a wedding, you are spending too much time on work, you are hiding behind professional affairs from problems on the personal front. It's time to face the truth and start developing relationships.

Why do you dream of making love according to other dream books?

In the family dream book it is said that if a man dreams that he is making love to his wife, such a dream promises him discord in his relationship with her and it is worth taking action now. If a woman has such a dream, she is faithful to her beloved and will maintain this loyalty for a long time. If a man dreams that he is making love to an unfamiliar woman, joy and happiness will come to him, he will receive additional profit and will be able to establish a wonderful relationship with the woman he loves.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a girl dreams of making love with an unfamiliar man, such a dream promises her disappointment in the opposite sex and in love.

For a woman to make love with a stranger in a dream - to fidelity to her partner and passion in their relationship;

For a man, sex with a stranger in a dream promises success;

For a man, sex with his wife in a dream promises trouble and betrayal;

For a man to see love with a married woman in a dream - to profit;

For a woman to make love to a married man in a dream - to disappointment in her partner and losses.

Seeing many partners in a dream - such a dream promises a woman uncertainty in everyday matters and many minor quarrels with her lover. If a man has a dream in which he has several partners, he must direct all his attention to the professional sphere, otherwise he will lose a lot of money due to his negligence.

It is important to remember all the details of the dream and all the characters. Perhaps someone you have known for a long time will appear in it, but with whom you would not want to maintain a relationship in the future - then you should reconsider your emotions towards this particular person. Perhaps in the past you made hasty conclusions regarding his person and now they are preventing you from building at least a friendship. In any case, trust yourself and your dreams, they always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A close relationship with a loved one in a dream is evidence that the relationship in reality will be more and more serious, the love will become stronger and the pleasure of sex will become stronger. Intimacy with a person with whom you have never had such a relationship before is a symbol...

Why do you dream of Intimacy in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you have a close intimate relationship with a stranger, in reality you lack the warmth and mutual understanding that your soul so craves. A dream where you are close to one of the men you know foreshadows in reality that you will cheat on him...

Intimate bar (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an intimate bar in a dream means that something is wrong in your personal life. If in a dream in an intimate bar girls of easy virtue fawn on you, then in reality you experience a lack of attention from women, which is caused by your lack of self-confidence. If …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Intimacy?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Intimacy is one of the most important sensations of sleep. Sometimes we dream of an intimate atmosphere with the people we want, and sometimes in our dreams we feel how it is missing. Such dreams are a reflection of our preferences in relationships with others, and intimacy should not be...

Dream Interpretation Online - Intimacy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is what D. Loff wrote in his e: “Intimacy is one of the most important sensations of sleep. Sometimes we dream of an intimate atmosphere with desirable people, and sometimes we feel how it is missing. Such dreams are a reflection of our preferences in connection with...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Intimate relationships?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Having an intimate relationship with a girl in a dream, as the Shuar believe, portends mortal danger, since it is death itself that takes on such an image.

What does the dream portend: Intimate connection

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This will actually be the case with the person you saw.

What does the dream portend: An intimate romance

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If there is a new intimate romance, the dream will come true. Returning to a previous romantic relationship is a regret. An intimate affair with a close relative (parent) - commit an act for which you will be cursed.

What does the dream portend: Intimacy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

So it will be.

Intimate bar - interpretation of sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an intimate bar means that something is wrong in your personal life. If you dreamed that you came to an intimate bar with a companion, you are very alarmed that your relationship with your lover has noticeably deteriorated.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Grass?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Mow the grass - to your husband, intimate friend. Green - may simply serve as a sign that the dreamer’s soul is entering the other world.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Hay?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To an intimate friend.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Key?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Key, lock, open the lock with a key - to an intimate friend.

Goat - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Goat, bull, calf - to an intimate friend, husband.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fight?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A fight, if you beat someone in a dream, someone will “beat” an intimate friend.

Dream Interpretation: Why Beard Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing someone else's beard in a dream means great happiness in your personal life. Long own beard seen in a dream - influence, financial income small beard: get ready for a trial if you see it!? that hair is falling out of your beard: you will experience a feeling of guilt, perhaps a well-deserved gray hair...

What does a dream mean - Bar

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself drinking in a bar or ordering coffee in a dream: an upcoming pleasure that is contrary to public morality. It will probably be a temptation or an opportunity to get such pleasure, and whether it comes true or not is up to you to decide. If you watch a bartender at work: ...

What does the dream mean - Dance

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Like any rhythmic action accompanied by music, it signifies the desire for intimate relationships. A dream typical of secretive people experiencing the consequences of an overly strict upbringing.

Dream - Snakes

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They can symbolize a huge number of things: deceit, cunning, deception or death. The snake is also an image of temptation. A snake seen in a dream can speak of fear of death and concern about one’s health, it can also mean fear of persecution, fear that someone is acting against...

How to interpret the dream “Car, cars”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a car, any car in a dream - all your plans will come true, but you need to make an effort. Old cars indicate that your ill-wishers may interfere with your personal life. If you dreamed of a typewriter, then all conflicts with your friend will be resolved positively. ...

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