Getting dirty with green paint is a dream. Dream Interpretation - White

Seeing finishing paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major trouble into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you apply to the walls or roof of a house from a sprayer is a sign that you will certainly succeed in achieving your goals.

Painting on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is absolutely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by law in a completely perverse, casuistic way and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to attack, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. Clean or wash off paint from your face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic colors in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foretell that you will soon take up something that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Using oil paints in a dream to paint a picture means that in real life, friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will discover deception where you least expected it.

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream means a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret about a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box means profit and wealth. Mixing paints, selecting the desired color scheme, means the most daring plans will be fulfilled.

Using zinc white in a dream means you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar foreshadows ardent mutual love. Purple is a sign that your demands on life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash receipts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Paints

Seeing them in a dream means that you will have many different plans for the future. If you dream that you are starting to paint, you can hardly expect your plans to come true. Making, cooking, rubbing paints in a dream is a sign that you have a chance to achieve what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing finishing paints in a dream:
means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. Can of paint spilled on the floor

Paint on walls using aerosol cans:
means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is absolutely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by the law in a completely perverted, casuistic way and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint:
in reality you will be put under attack, which you would never expect from people who owe you so much.

To clean or wash off paint from the face, hands, etc.:
Beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic paints in a dream:
a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolor paints

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream:
to a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes

Use zinc white in a dream:
You will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Paint

Dye that stained your clothes:
portends trouble due to the rash judgments of others.

If in a dream you witnessed the dyeing of dresses or fabrics:
this can portend good or bad luck, depending on the color of the dye: blue, red and gold are considered auspicious colors, black and white

Admire masterpieces of painting in a dream:
to the insincerity of your friends. You will find deception where you least expected.

Holding a brush in your hands in a dream: a harbinger of satisfaction with your current occupation.

she will be deceived by her lover, who will choose someone else over her.

to the successful implementation of personal plans.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Paint

Bright artistic colors in a dream:
most often mean that it doesn’t bother you to somehow diversify your life and refresh your feelings. It seems that you have gradually accumulated dissatisfaction with your routine, and in reality you may not even realize it.

Get dirty with paint:
a sign that ill-considered attempts to embellish the true state of things can only harm you in the end.

Eastern dream book Paint

A dream in which you see freshly painted houses:
means that you will succeed in implementing your cunning plan.

You dream that your clothes are stained with paint:
be vigilant and do not pay attention to the criticism of ill-wishers.

Newest dream book Paint

Paints: to respiratory disease.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Paint

Seeing watercolors in a dream: for a long life, to give them to someone

If you dreamed of colors:
This means that in the near future you will have new prospects, but you will somewhat overestimate your capabilities.

Palette with paints in a dream: means that successful ideas will come to your head

empty: dreams of failure.

If in a dream you see in your hands a palette covered with all sorts of colors:
This means you have a chance to hear many different opinions.

Mixing paints on a palette in a dream:
means preparing for some kind of intrigue or trying to seduce someone.

Grind paints in a dream:
means that you can start a profitable business, but there will be gossip around you, paint yourself

Paint the house: to move.

To paint something white: to big losses

to black: to the loss of a friend

to green: means that hopes will come true

to red: means that you will receive an invitation to the celebration

in blue: to fun and success in your endeavors

in gold: means you can give reasons for envy

to yellow: to separation from someone close to you

blue: to well-being in the family and success at work

to brown: a sign that your aggressiveness will bring you nothing but trouble

to purple: to honor and respect

to orange:
to selfless and devoted love. If in a dream you dilute paint with drying oil

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation Paint

Buy paint: profit

paint white: praise, good intentions/loss

to black: scold, complaint, sadness, lose a friend

to red: to receive relatives, invitation / quarrel, shame

to green: health, fulfillment of desires, hopes

get dirty with black paint: sadness

red: joy

white: you will win your case in court.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Paint

a reflection of embellishing something (someone). A reflection of dependence on other people’s opinions and the fear of “losing one’s face in the dirt.”

Gypsy dream book Paint

Painting a house or giving something a fresh coat of paint: you have something to hide.

If someone else is doing the painting: your friend or partner is hiding something from you.

Dream Interpretation Morozova Paint

Oil paint in cans: means success in business.

Paint a house or fence: to move to a new place of residence.

Freshly painted wall or floor: mark happy love.

If in a dream you have a brush with paint in your hand: in reality you will be satisfied with your profession.

Paint stains on clothes: troubles due to thoughtless statements addressed to you.

Modern dream book Paint

Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream:
a sign that you will succeed in carrying out some cunning plan.

If you dream that your clothes are stained with paint:
thoughtless criticism from other people will make you unhappy.

Russian dream book Paint

Yellow paint: to treason

blue: to successful deeds

red: anxiety, worry

green: hope

orange: to envy.

Ukrainian dream book Paint

Buy paint: profit

paint something: you're too tongue-tied.

Red paint: shame, quarrel

white: noble intentions

black: mourning, sadness

green: health, fulfillment of desires

pink: happy life

gray-haired: despondency

oil: increase in estate.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse Paint

Paints in the box: profit and wealth

work with paints: pathetic hopes

rub paint: execution of plans.

Universal dream book Paint

It's amazing how just one can of paint can transform our lives! It can transform the driest room into a bright and new one. Does paint symbolize your desire to breathe new life into something?

What do you paint in your dream? Are you trying to disguise something or decorate something? If you are trying to disguise something with paint, then what do you want to hide from others:
relate the object you are painting to your personality.

Perhaps you are painting a picture in your dream. What does it represent:
perhaps you want to bring these ideas into real life. How does this make you feel? Is this a perfect picture, or is this your way of trying to fix something? Who or what is shown in the painting? This speaks to what you would like to include in your life at the moment.

Family dream book Paint

If you see a freshly painted house:
you will certainly successfully implement your plans.

Paint on clothes: promises troubles associated with gossip.

If you saw yourself in a dream with a brush in your hands:
get satisfaction from your current occupation.

If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture:
will be deceived by her lover, who will prefer someone else to her.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

I had a dream - if you yourself are trying to repaint something, you are trying to hide something. If someone else paints, the information is hidden from you. Painting your house or putting a fresh coat of paint on something means you have something to hide. If someone is doing the painting...

Dream - Paint

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It's amazing how just one can of paint can transform our lives! It can transform the driest room into a bright and new one. Does paint symbolize your desire to breathe new life into something? What do you paint in your dream? Are you trying to disguise something or...

How to interpret the dream “Paint for painting”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see freshly painted houses in a dream, life circumstances will soon develop quite favorably for you to fulfill your personal plans. If you find paint on your clothes, some unforeseen difficulties await you related to the rash judgments of others. See...

I had a dream “Paint”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In the near future, you will have new prospects, but you will somewhat overestimate your capabilities. Watercolor paints - for a long life. Give paints - to sadness. A palette of paints in a dream means successful ideas will come to your head. Empty palette -...

Paint - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dilute paints - to the impending lie: you will be used for selfish purposes.

I have a dream about Paint

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream of a freshly painted house, you will certainly successfully implement your plans. Paint on clothes promises troubles related to gossip. If you saw yourself in a dream with a brush in your hands, you will receive satisfaction from your current occupation. If young...

Dreaming of "Paint" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The paint you bought to renovate your home is a sign of concern for ongoing repairs.

What does a dream mean about Varnish, paint?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“varnishing of reality” - hiding shortcomings, camouflage. “paint a new color” (improve), “whiten”, “whiten” (shield out).

What does the dream of Paint mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The possibility of changing and improving the situation. It is interpreted depending on the color: gray, black - bad. To paint (r. Doing).

The meaning of the dream about Paint

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The possibility of changing and improving the situation. It is interpreted depending on the color: gray, black - bad. See Add. Paint the river Doing.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Varnish, paint

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Varnishing reality - hiding flaws, camouflage. Paint a new color (improve), whiten, bleach (whiten).

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Paint?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The possibility of changing and improving the situation. It is interpreted depending on the color: gray, black - bad.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Paint?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Buying is profit, painting something is too tongue-in-cheek. Red paint - shame, quarrel. White - noble intentions. Black - mourning, sadness. Green - health, fulfillment of desires. Pink - a fun life. Gray - despondency. Oil - increase in estate.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Paint?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Yellow paint means treason. Blue - for successful business. Red - anxiety, concern. Green is hope. Orange - to envy.

Dreaming of Paint, painting - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Oil paint in cans means success in business. Painting a house or fence means moving to a new place of residence. A freshly painted wall or floor signifies happy love. If in a dream you have a brush with paint in your hand, in reality you will be happy...

Dreaming about “Henna (hair dye)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Buy henna - you will learn something incredible about an old friend. Dyeing your hair with henna means you will be able to hide something that your loved ones would rather not know. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you dyed your hair with henna, the dye went on very evenly. Now you have...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Paint, paint

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Paint?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing paintings in a dream means betrayal on the part of a loved one. If a girl dreams that she is drawing or painting a picture, in reality this promises betrayal on the part of a man in love with her, who will find someone else.

Author of the article: website

Why do you dream about paint? The dream book offers many options for explaining such a symbol - both favorable and negative. Seen in a dream, this sign foretells success in business and love, but at the same time warns of the machinations of enemies.

What did you paint?

Why dream of painting the floor and walls? The dreamer will receive a lucrative offer and will be able to successfully conclude a deal. A vision of the floor being painted can be a harbinger of a new love - a long and happy one.

Did you dream that you were painting doors? This, according to the dream book, promises profit. Perhaps you will get a profitable job or receive an inheritance.

Painting something dark with white paint in a dream is a warning about a risky business that can bring big losses or big profits. Did you dream of painting some surface with white paint? The dream book states: the sleeper often attracts those who want to take advantage of his gullibility.

Miller's Dream Book warns of troubles

Why do you dream of clothes splattered with paint? The sleeping person will be put under attack by people from whom he does not expect this. Did you dream of a stained skirt while drawing? There will be troubles associated with gossip about the dreamer.

Beware of other people's intrigues and don't start them yourself

Getting dirty while painting in a dream means: stupid attempts to embellish a real situation or circumstances will only do harm. Getting dirty while painting something means biased criticism from ill-wishers will seriously hurt you, but you need to learn to separate sound arguments from malicious attacks.

Have you mixed different colored paints on your palette? The dream book explains such a vision as preparation for some kind of intrigue or seduction of someone. If you get dirty at the same time, your plans will be unraveled.

What kind of paint was it?

If you dreamed of jars with finishing paint or acrylic, the future will bring great love. Seeing an oil plant in a dream promises profit.

Bright watercolors promise a job that will bring satisfaction. For hair, a dark streak will suddenly begin: quarrels, troubles, difficulties. But hair dye portends an equally quick cessation of problems.

Why dream of brushes and paints in a set received as a gift? The dream book calls such a symbol a harbinger of profit and wealth.

Love, relationships

Spill paint - information that the dreamer was going to keep secret, he will blurt out to his friends. To smear yourself with it and wash it off - you should beware of slander. It can be started by people who have previously been unfairly offended by the sleeping person.

Did you dream that you were doused with paint? The dream book warns of intrigues, the machinations of enemies, and the substitution of events. You should be extremely careful.

Seeing it on your shoes in a dream, especially if you couldn’t wash it off, means difficulties in a love relationship.

Why dream of dyeing your eyebrows? The vision foreshadows a new interesting acquaintance. The dream book emphasizes: the plot promises a woman a prosperous life, many love adventures.

Business area

Had a dream about choosing and buying paint? An improvement in your financial situation is soon possible.

Mixing it in a dream, selecting the necessary shade for the walls - your wildest plans will come true, so you can purposefully move forward.

Seeing traces of it on your face after repair work means hard work awaits you in reality. It will take time to recover from it. Also, paint on your face indicates the desire of envious people to sully your good name.

Why do you dream of green paint? The dream book reports: financial success is coming soon. Green also promises a long trip or receiving guests who have arrived from afar on a business visit. Red in a dream foreshadows: a period of loss and stagnation is possible.


The interpretation of the dream takes into account its color:

  • red - an invitation to a fun event;
  • blue - possible depression;
  • green - brings hope;
  • yellow - the sleeper will cause envy with his successful deeds, he may be interfered with;
  • black - loss of a friend;
  • lilac - free love;
  • pink - cheerful life;
  • blue - promises good luck;
  • gold - victory in a difficult struggle thanks to optimism and confidence.

Painting the walls of an apartment blue in a dream: you will experience fun, as all your plans will be successfully fulfilled. Blue also means: luck will accompany the business; Success can be achieved through your own perseverance and perseverance.

Why do you dream about colors?

A dream in which paints are rubbed on a palette means that in real life a very profitable business will be started, but if you dreamed that you were painting yourself in a dream, then in real life there is a risk of seeming funny or ridiculous in some situation.

Don't be disappointed, very soon people will forget about this, as they say, laughter is the best medicine. They will laugh and forget. If you paint another person in a dream, then in real life the shortcomings of this person may be revealed.

Such discoveries are unlikely to bring anything good, so it may still not be worth participating in gossip or squabbles. If you paint something in a dream, then in life all the illusions associated with this thing will very soon disappear. Who knows, maybe it will be beneficial and it’s better to find out the whole truth early than to languish in the unknown.

Why do you dream about colors? Seeing paints or a brush in a dream will mean that in real life any words that were said or thrown thoughtlessly can lead to a quarrel, so you should be wary or be wary in the near future of any words said in a hurry. Don't tempt fate.

Seeing a palette with paints in a dream will mean ideas, the implementation of which will bring great success. Therefore, if there are any ideas in development, they need to be implemented as soon as possible.

But if you see an empty palette without paints in a dream, then in real life you will face failure in business. You should not start any new businesses, because they are doomed to failure. It’s better to try to realize yourself in some other more profitable business.

Why do you dream of paints in a box? This means profit and wealth, but a dream in which paints are used will most likely bring only pitiful hopes that will not be fulfilled. Painting a picture in a dream will mean calmness and good spirits, which will remain unshakable for the longest time.

But drawing something will mean that in real life you will be able to deceive for a long time, but you should be careful if you dream that the drawing fails. Such a dream will mean that the deception will be revealed in the very near future.

You need to remember everything so that you can interpret it as clearly as possible. It is worth considering all the details down to the smallest detail and then the dream will be deciphered completely and reliably, since every detail matters and the entire dream can take on a completely different meaning.

Why do you dream about Painting, dream book What does it mean to see Painting in a dream?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does painting mean in a dream:

According to the dream book, Painting to see what it means - Painting - Symbolizes a change in your intentions. To dye clothes is to abuse someone's trust. Painting a house, floors, walls is a good deal, a good deal. Seeing a palette of paints and drawing means having a wide range of possibilities and interesting ideas. Painting something dark white is a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. Painting it black means bad luck, possibly the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief. Painting it green is a sign of finding hope, financial success, a long trip ahead or receiving business visitors from afar. If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; in bright red color - improve your health on vacation. The blue or light blue color in which you paint the walls in your apartment during renovation is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans. Painting it yellow or ocher means that in reality you will arouse someone’s envy with the successful progress of your affairs; you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them. If you use brown or similar tones, say coffee, big troubles await you in the family. In a dream you paint something with gold paint - you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and faith in your own strengths

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about painting according to the dream book:

Painting your lips - for a woman, such a dream means that she is ready for romance and flirting. It can also mean quick pleasure. For men, wearing lipstick signifies their suppressed same-sex attraction.

Summer dream book

Why see Painting in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Dyeing - Dyeing fabric in a dream means a change in your life.

Paint over the panels - Paint over the panels with fresh paint - for some kind of renovation.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

If you dream of Painting, what does it mean:

Paint (see also Colors) - A dream in which you paint something is an attempt by your subconscious to give a new form to something with which you have long been familiar or to evaluate it from a different perspective. The color you paint something shows how you feel about it. In this case, the main thing for interpreting such a dream will be what color you chose for painting.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about painting according to a dream book?

To see Painting in a dream - If you dreamed that you painted something white, then financial problems await you.

If in a dream you painted something black, then you may have a fight with a close friend.

If in a dream you painted with red paint, then you will soon be invited to visit.

If in a dream you used blue paint, then success awaits you.

If in a dream you painted your house, then you will soon change your place of residence.

See also: why do you dream about white paint, why do you dream about a paint brush, what does a painter dream about.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

See Painting in a dream:

Painting - If you dreamed that you were painting something dark white, then a dangerous business awaits you, which can bring a lot of money or ruin you.

Painting something black in a dream means you will lose a friend.

If in a dream you painted green, then wealth or an exciting journey awaits you.

If in a dream you painted red, then your health will improve after rest.

Autumn dream book

Why see Painting in a dream?

Why dream of Painting the walls - Painting the walls in the apartment - for the upcoming renovation.

Dye the fabric - Your relationship with a friend will take on different shades.

Spring dream book

Why see Painting in a dream?

According to the dream book, Painting what it means in a dream - Painting the walls means a change in life.

Dyeing fabric means a sudden change in your mood.

Dream interpretation of getting dirty with paint

Why dream of getting dirty with Paint in a dream according to the dream book?

Getting dirty with paint in a dream means you should think about trying to keep silent about the true meaning of things. As a result, such a direction can do a disservice, because secrets cannot be hidden from others forever.

Paint the floor white

Dream Interpretation Paint the floor with white paint dreamed of why you dream about painting the floor with white paint? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Painting the floor with white paint in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Paint, paint

In black - to the loss of a friend.

In green - to hope.

In red - to an invitation.

In blue - for good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Painting something in a dream means that in reality you will unwittingly give away your secret if you cover walls, objects, etc. with oil or other paint.

Painting lips, eyelashes, etc. is a sign of universal recognition, but eternal dissatisfaction with oneself. Dying fabric, leather or fur items at a dry cleaning factory means that you will suddenly find something that you have long lost and have been looking for unsuccessfully.

Painting something dark white is a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. Painting it black means bad luck, possibly the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief.

Painting it green is a sign of finding hope, financial success, a long trip ahead or receiving business visitors from afar.

If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; bright red color - improve your health on vacation.

The blue or light blue color in which you paint the walls in your apartment during renovation is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans.

To paint it yellow or ocher means that in reality you will arouse someone’s envy with the successful progress of your affairs; you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them.

If you use brown or similar tones when dyeing, say, coffee, then in reality you will face big troubles in your family.

A dream in which you paint something with gold paint means that you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and faith in your own strengths.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Give paints - to sadness.

Painting the house means moving.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Dyeing fabric in a dream means expressing hopes. Color defines desire and makes it concrete. Therefore, see interpretation: colors.

Painting a house in a dream means changing your place of residence. A freshly painted house (wall, room) in a dream foreshadows the successful execution of your plans. See interpretation: house.

Erasing paint or making a thing colorless is a sign that, due to your mistake, your life will become boring and uninteresting. Sometimes such a dream means losses, losses.

Getting dirty with paint in a dream means scandal, gossip, intrigue. Painting in bright colors (or variegated) is a harbinger of rapid developments of events, change of impressions, the joy of communicating with pleasant people. See interpretation: draw.

Painting something in soft, pastel colors in a dream means the desire for closeness with a loved one, the need for friendly communication, intimate conversation, the search for mutual understanding, the need to express deep, sincere feelings. Painting something in shiny, iridescent colors in a dream means that your defiant behavior will cause the disapproval of others or their envy. Painting in black, dark tones in a dream is a harbinger of mourning, deep sadness, grief. See interpretation: picture, ornament.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Get covered in paint

Dream Interpretation Smear yourself in paint dreamed of why you dream about getting covered in paint? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see being covered in paint in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Seeing finishing paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major trouble into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you apply to the walls or roof of a house from a sprayer is a sign that you will certainly succeed in achieving your goals.

Painting on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is absolutely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by law in a completely perverse, casuistic way and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to attack, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. Clean or wash off paint from your face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic colors in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foretell that you will soon take up something that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Using oil paints in a dream to paint a picture means that in real life, friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will discover deception where you least expected it.

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream means a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret about a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box means profit and wealth. Mixing paints, selecting the desired color scheme, means the most daring plans will be fulfilled.

Using zinc white in a dream means you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar foreshadows ardent mutual love. Purple is a sign that your demands on life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash receipts.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

In the near future, you will have new prospects, but you will somewhat overestimate your capabilities.

Watercolor paints - for a long life.

Give paints - to sadness.

A palette of paints in a dream means successful ideas will come to your head.

An empty palette means failure.

You saw the palette in your hands, speckled with all sorts of colors - you have a chance to hear many conflicting opinions.

Mixing paints on a palette in a dream means preparing for some kind of intrigue or trying to seduce someone.

Rubbing paints in a dream means you will be able to start a profitable business, but there will be gossip around you.

Paint yourself - you risk looking funny.

Paint another person - you will point out to him his shortcomings.

Painting the house means moving.

Painting anything white means big losses.

Painting it black means losing a friend.

Paint it green - your hopes will come true.

Paint it red - you will receive an invitation to the celebration.

Painting it blue means fun and good luck in your endeavors.

Paint it gold - you can give reason to envy.

Painting it yellow means separation from someone close to you.

Painting blue means well-being in the family and success in work.

Painting it brown is a sign that your aggressiveness will bring you nothing but trouble.

Painting it purple means honor and respect.

Painting it orange means selfless and devoted love.

Thin the paint with drying oil - you will have a fight with your enemies or ill-wishers in order to defend your opinion or protect someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Paint, paint

Oil paint in cans means success in business.

Painting a house or fence means moving to a new place of residence.

A freshly painted wall or floor signifies happy love.

If in a dream you have a brush with paint in your hand, in reality you will be satisfied with your profession.

Paint stains on clothes are a sign of trouble due to thoughtless statements addressed to you.

If you see how clothes or fabrics are dyed, you will be happy or sad, lucky or unlucky: it all depends on the color of the paint.

In general, color in dreams related to paint (for a painter, painter, dyer) plays an important role, regardless of who paints, you or someone else.

Painting it white is a loss.

In black - to the loss of a friend.

In green - to hope.

In red - to an invitation.

In blue - for good luck.

In gold, someone will envy you.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

In the box - profit and wealth; working with paints is a pitiful hope; rubbing paint - execution of plans

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Paint - Buy - profit, paint something - you're too tongue-tied. Red paint - shame, quarrel; white - noble intentions; black - mourning, sadness; green - health, fulfillment of desires; pink - a cheerful life; gray - despondency; oil - increase in estate.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Seeing them in a dream means that you will have many different plans for the future. If you dream that you are starting to paint, you can hardly expect your plans to come true. Making, cooking, rubbing paints in a dream is a sign that you have a chance to achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Bright artistic colors in a dream: most often mean that you are not bothered to somehow diversify your life and refresh your feelings. It seems that you have gradually accumulated dissatisfaction with your routine, and in reality you may not even realize it.

Getting dirty with paint: a sign that ill-considered attempts to embellish the true state of things can only harm you in the end.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Painting with paints in a dream means starting something grandiose (if construction, then a palace!).

Getting smeared with paint is a minor nuisance.

If you are building a palace, small expenses, such as soiled clothes, should not upset you. Think about the palace.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Getting dirty with white paint

Dream Interpretation Getting dirty with white paint dreamed of why you dream about getting dirty with white paint? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Getting dirty with white paint in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Seeing finishing paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major trouble into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you apply to the walls or roof of a house from a sprayer is a sign that you will certainly succeed in achieving your goals.

Painting on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is absolutely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by law in a completely perverse, casuistic way and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to attack, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. Clean or wash off paint from your face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic colors in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foretell that you will soon take up something that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Using oil paints in a dream to paint a picture means that in real life, friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will discover deception where you least expected it.

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream means a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret about a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box means profit and wealth. Mixing paints, selecting the desired color scheme, means the most daring plans will be fulfilled.

Using zinc white in a dream means you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar foreshadows ardent mutual love. Purple is a sign that your demands on life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash receipts.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

In the near future, you will have new prospects, but you will somewhat overestimate your capabilities.

Watercolor paints - for a long life.

Give paints - to sadness.

A palette of paints in a dream means successful ideas will come to your head.

An empty palette means failure.

You saw the palette in your hands, speckled with all sorts of colors - you have a chance to hear many conflicting opinions.

Mixing paints on a palette in a dream means preparing for some kind of intrigue or trying to seduce someone.

Rubbing paints in a dream means you will be able to start a profitable business, but there will be gossip around you.

Paint yourself - you risk looking funny.

Paint another person - you will point out to him his shortcomings.

Painting the house means moving.

Painting anything white means big losses.

Painting it black means losing a friend.

Paint it green - your hopes will come true.

Paint it red - you will receive an invitation to the celebration.

Painting it blue means fun and good luck in your endeavors.

Paint it gold - you can give reason to envy.

Painting it yellow means separation from someone close to you.

Painting blue means well-being in the family and success in work.

Painting it brown is a sign that your aggressiveness will bring you nothing but trouble.

Painting it purple means honor and respect.

Painting it orange means selfless and devoted love.

Thin the paint with drying oil - you will have a fight with your enemies or ill-wishers in order to defend your opinion or protect someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Paint, paint

Oil paint in cans means success in business.

Painting a house or fence means moving to a new place of residence.

A freshly painted wall or floor signifies happy love.

If in a dream you have a brush with paint in your hand, in reality you will be satisfied with your profession.

Paint stains on clothes are a sign of trouble due to thoughtless statements addressed to you.

If you see how clothes or fabrics are dyed, you will be happy or sad, lucky or unlucky: it all depends on the color of the paint.

In general, color in dreams related to paint (for a painter, painter, dyer) plays an important role, regardless of who paints, you or someone else.

Painting it white is a loss.

In black - to the loss of a friend.

In green - to hope.

In red - to an invitation.

In blue - for good luck.

In gold, someone will envy you.

Dream Interpretation - Get dirty

Getting dirty in a dream means tarnishing your reputation.

Officials should never accept offerings after such a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

In the box - profit and wealth; working with paints is a pitiful hope; rubbing paint - execution of plans

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Paint - Buy - profit, paint something - you're too tongue-tied. Red paint - shame, quarrel; white - noble intentions; black - mourning, sadness; green - health, fulfillment of desires; pink - a cheerful life; gray - despondency; oil - increase in estate.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Seeing them in a dream means that you will have many different plans for the future. If you dream that you are starting to paint, you can hardly expect your plans to come true. Making, cooking, rubbing paints in a dream is a sign that you have a chance to achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Bright artistic colors in a dream: most often mean that you are not bothered to somehow diversify your life and refresh your feelings. It seems that you have gradually accumulated dissatisfaction with your routine, and in reality you may not even realize it.

Getting dirty with paint: a sign that ill-considered attempts to embellish the true state of things can only harm you in the end.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Painting with paints in a dream means starting something grandiose (if construction, then a palace!).

Getting smeared with paint is a minor nuisance.

If you are building a palace, small expenses, such as soiled clothes, should not upset you. Think about the palace.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Freshly painted houses - successful execution of plans;
a dress stained with paint - troubles associated with rash judgments about other people;
painting something with a brush means satisfaction with your present work;
beautiful oil paintings - friends will take the wrong position towards you, pleasures will be deceptive;
for a young woman - to paint an oil painting - disappointment in a lover, a breakup;
dyeing fabric is a success or a disaster, depending on the color (bright, pure colors are favorable (blue, red, golden); dull, dirty shades are unfavorable).
Also see House, Painting, Fabric, Lacquer.

White thick paint in

Dream Interpretation White thick paint in dreamed of why you dream about thick white paint in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see thick white paint in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Seeing finishing paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major trouble into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you apply to the walls or roof of a house from a sprayer is a sign that you will certainly succeed in achieving your goals.

Painting on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is absolutely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by law in a completely perverse, casuistic way and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to attack, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. Clean or wash off paint from your face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic colors in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foretell that you will soon take up something that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Using oil paints in a dream to paint a picture means that in real life, friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will discover deception where you least expected it.

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream means a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret about a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box means profit and wealth. Mixing paints, selecting the desired color scheme, means the most daring plans will be fulfilled.

Using zinc white in a dream means you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar foreshadows ardent mutual love. Purple is a sign that your demands on life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash receipts.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

In the near future, you will have new prospects, but you will somewhat overestimate your capabilities.

Watercolor paints - for a long life.

Give paints - to sadness.

A palette of paints in a dream means successful ideas will come to your head.

An empty palette means failure.

You saw the palette in your hands, speckled with all sorts of colors - you have a chance to hear many conflicting opinions.

Mixing paints on a palette in a dream means preparing for some kind of intrigue or trying to seduce someone.

Rubbing paints in a dream means you will be able to start a profitable business, but there will be gossip around you.

Paint yourself - you risk looking funny.

Paint another person - you will point out to him his shortcomings.

Painting the house means moving.

Painting anything white means big losses.

Painting it black means losing a friend.

Paint it green - your hopes will come true.

Paint it red - you will receive an invitation to the celebration.

Painting it blue means fun and good luck in your endeavors.

Paint it gold - you can give reason to envy.

Painting it yellow means separation from someone close to you.

Painting blue means well-being in the family and success in work.

Painting it brown is a sign that your aggressiveness will bring you nothing but trouble.

Painting it purple means honor and respect.

Painting it orange means selfless and devoted love.

Thin the paint with drying oil - you will have a fight with your enemies or ill-wishers in order to defend your opinion or protect someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Paint, paint

Oil paint in cans means success in business.

Painting a house or fence means moving to a new place of residence.

A freshly painted wall or floor signifies happy love.

If in a dream you have a brush with paint in your hand, in reality you will be satisfied with your profession.

Paint stains on clothes are a sign of trouble due to thoughtless statements addressed to you.

If you see how clothes or fabrics are dyed, you will be happy or sad, lucky or unlucky: it all depends on the color of the paint.

In general, color in dreams related to paint (for a painter, painter, dyer) plays an important role, regardless of who paints, you or someone else.

Painting it white is a loss.

In black - to the loss of a friend.

In green - to hope.

In red - to an invitation.

In blue - for good luck.

In gold, someone will envy you.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

In the box - profit and wealth; working with paints is a pitiful hope; rubbing paint - execution of plans

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Paint - Buy - profit, paint something - you're too tongue-tied. Red paint - shame, quarrel; white - noble intentions; black - mourning, sadness; green - health, fulfillment of desires; pink - a cheerful life; gray - despondency; oil - increase in estate.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Seeing them in a dream means that you will have many different plans for the future. If you dream that you are starting to paint, you can hardly expect your plans to come true. Making, cooking, rubbing paints in a dream is a sign that you have a chance to achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Bright artistic colors in a dream: most often mean that you are not bothered to somehow diversify your life and refresh your feelings. It seems that you have gradually accumulated dissatisfaction with your routine, and in reality you may not even realize it.

Getting dirty with paint: a sign that ill-considered attempts to embellish the true state of things can only harm you in the end.

Dream Interpretation - Paints

Painting with paints in a dream means starting something grandiose (if construction, then a palace!).

Getting smeared with paint is a minor nuisance.

If you are building a palace, small expenses, such as soiled clothes, should not upset you. Think about the palace.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Freshly painted houses - successful execution of plans;
a dress stained with paint - troubles associated with rash judgments about other people;
painting something with a brush means satisfaction with your present work;
beautiful oil paintings - friends will take the wrong position towards you, pleasures will be deceptive;
for a young woman - to paint an oil painting - disappointment in a lover, a breakup;
dyeing fabric is a success or a disaster, depending on the color (bright, pure colors are favorable (blue, red, golden); dull, dirty shades are unfavorable).
Also see House, Painting, Fabric, Lacquer.

Dream Interpretation - Paint

Buy – profit; paint white - praise, good intentions // loss; in black - scold, complaint, sadness, lose a friend; in red - to accept relatives, invitation // quarrel, shame; in green - health, fulfillment of desires, hopes; getting dirty with black paint means sadness; red - joy; white - you will win the case in court, innocence, fun; to paint something - you will praise someone; Painting your house means moving.

1 Family dream book

If you dream of a freshly painted house, you will certainly successfully implement your plans.
Paint on clothes promises troubles related to gossip.
If you saw yourself in a dream with a brush in your hands, you will receive satisfaction from your current occupation.
If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture, she will be deceived by her lover, who will choose another one over her.

2 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing paint in a dream means:

The paint you bought to renovate your home is a sign of concern for ongoing repairs.

3 Universal dream book

It's amazing how just one can of paint can transform our lives! It can transform the driest room into a bright and new one. Does paint symbolize your desire to breathe new life into something?
What do you paint in your dream? Are you trying to disguise something or decorate something? If you are using paint to disguise something, something that you want to hide from others, relate the object you are painting to your personality.
Perhaps you are painting a picture in your dream. What it depicts - perhaps you want to bring these ideas into real life. How does this make you feel? Is this a perfect picture, or is this your way of trying to fix something? Who or what is shown in the painting? This speaks to what you would like to include in your life at the moment.

4 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Dreaming with paint means:

Paints, colors in dreams, colorful
Colored dreams testify to the imaginative, artistic way of thinking of a person, an allegorical vision of the world.
Black and yellow dreams are characteristic of rational individuals, in whom the intellect not only suppresses, but also displaces emotions.
Soft green and blue tones of dreams are a sign of peace of mind and well-being.
Red and black tones in dreams are companions of anxiety.
Red dreams mean loss of mental balance.
Black dreams - sadness, mourning, misfortune.
Sharp green and yellow tones in a dream are harbingers of illness.
Everything yellow and brown should arouse some suspicion.
Dark blue, violet and purple tones are unfavorable.
But violet and purple tones are favorable in a dream, characterizing the life of spirits.
Seeing things of an unusual color - changing to red or green - is a sign of everything good.

5 Dream book of catchphrases

Paint dream meaning:

PAINT – see varnish separately.

6 Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Oil paint in cans means success in business.
Painting a house or fence means moving to a new place of residence.
A freshly painted wall or floor signifies happy love.
If in a dream you have a brush with paint in your hand, in reality you will be satisfied with your profession.
Paint stains on clothes are a sign of trouble due to thoughtless statements addressed to you.

7 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Buying paint is a profit; paint white - praise, good intentions / loss; in black - scold, complaint, sadness, lose a friend; in red - to receive relatives, invitation / quarrel, shame; in green - health, fulfillment of desires, hopes; getting dirty with black paint is sadness; red - joy; white - you will win the case in court.

Paint in a dream means:

Dilute paints in a dream - to the impending lie: you will be used for selfish purposes.

9 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A dream in which you see freshly painted houses means that you will succeed in implementing your cunning plan.
If you dream that your clothes are stained with paint - be vigilant and do not pay attention to the criticism of ill-wishers.

10 Russian dream book

Yellow paint - to treason; blue - to successful deeds; red - anxiety, concern; green - hope; orange - to envy.

11 Dream book of the 21st century

Why does a woman dream about paint:

Seeing watercolors in a dream means a long life; giving them to someone means sadness.
If you dreamed of colors, it means that in the near future you will have new prospects, but you will somewhat overestimate your capabilities.
A palette of paints in a dream means that successful ideas will come to your head; empty - dreams of failure.
If in a dream you see in your hands a palette speckled with all sorts of colors, it means that you have a chance to hear many conflicting opinions.
Mixing paints on a palette in a dream means preparing for some intrigue or trying to seduce someone.
Rubbing paint in a dream means that you will be able to start a profitable business, but there will be gossip around you, painting yourself means you risk looking funny, painting another person means that you will point out his shortcomings.
Painting the house means moving.
Painting anything white means big losses; in black - to the loss of a friend; in green - means that hopes will come true; in red - means that you will receive an invitation to the celebration; in blue - to fun and good luck in your endeavors; in gold - means that you can give rise to envy; in yellow - to separation from a person close to you; blue - to well-being in the family and success at work; in brown - a sign that your aggressiveness will bring you nothing but trouble; in purple - to honor and respect; to orange - to selfless and devoted love. If in a dream you dilute paint with drying oil, it means that you will have a fight with your enemies or ill-wishers in order to defend your opinion or protect someone close to you.

12 Online dream book

Seeing paint in a dream means:

According to the dream book, paint for construction work portends you good luck and luck in all your endeavors.
You purchase it - your family budget will be replenished with a large sum of money.
If you paint in a dream, you will find a job that you like.
You are soiled by it - you should not wishful thinking, do not try to look better than you really are, this will only worsen the situation.
If you try to wash it off on your own body, those whom you have somehow harmed are preparing an insidious plan for revenge, be vigilant.
If you dreamed of paints for painting, you will certainly get everything you want.
Red paint - you will be confronted by strong emotions of an aggressive nature.
A dream in which green (yellow) paint is present means sunny, life-affirming emotions, joyful moods.
Blue paint - dealing with a timid, modest person.
Hair dye, according to the dream book, means a dark streak in life will suddenly begin, you will get bogged down in quarrels and problems. But also unexpectedly everything will change for the better.
Getting dirty with paint means you will need to show strength of character and an iron will so as not to break under the onslaught of troubles. At the same time, some kind of emotional loss is possible.
White paint - pure thoughts, bright thoughts, a chance to start your life from scratch. Think before you do anything to avoid making old mistakes.

13 Dream book of healer Akulina

A dream with paint in the dream book is interpreted as:

You dreamed of Paint - Dull - to disappointment, bright - to joy. Imagine that you only have bright, festive colors.

14 Gypsy dream book

Dreaming with paint means:

Painting your house or putting a fresh coat of paint on something means you have something to hide.
If someone else is doing the painting, your friend or partner is hiding something from you.

15 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Paint dream meaning:

Paints - to respiratory diseases.

16 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if a woman dreams of paint:

Painting in a dream - White - a big loss; in black - to lose a friend; in green - hope; in red - an invitation; in blue - good luck; in gold - envy; painting the house - moving.

17 Miller's Dream Book

What can paint mean in a dream:

Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream foretells that you will achieve success in fulfilling your personal plans.
Finding paint on your clothes promises you that troubles await you due to the rash judgments of others.
To dream that you yourself are holding a brush in your hands is a harbinger of satisfaction with your current occupation.
If in a dream you look at masterpieces of painting, this means that friends will behave insincerely towards you, and you will discover deception where you least expected.
If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture, she will be deceived by her lover, who will prefer another.
If in a dream you observe dyeing of dresses and fabrics, this promises you good luck or bad luck, depending on the color of the dye: blue, red and gold are favorable, black and white are not so good.

18 Esoteric dream book

Paint in a dream means:

Paint in a dream - Renovate the surface of the house, make unplanned repairs. Easter eggs are a very profitable offer, brilliant opportunities. Don't miss it!

19 Dream book of the white magician Yuri Longo

If a girl dreams of paint, it means:

Watercolor in a dream - The dream in which you paint with watercolor is associated with your desire to immerse yourself in your fantasies, to experience the fulfillment of your deepest desires in your dreams. The dream means that soon you will be able to fulfill all your dreams, you just need to wait a little. Seeing that you are buying watercolor paintings is a sign of stability in life. If, for example, you have long dreamed of purchasing furniture or a country house, then in the near future your desire will come true and your job search will finally be crowned with success. In general, you will achieve everything that you lack for your own peace of mind and well-being within a month. Buying watercolor paints in a dream is a sign of help and patronage, which you may not notice yet, but after analyzing the events of recent days, you will understand that they did not happen by themselves.

20 Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of paint:

To paint – White – is a big loss; in black - lose a friend; in green - have hope; in red - receive an invitation; in blue - fun and success of the plan; in gold - give reason for envy.
Paints - In the box - profit and wealth; working with paints is a pitiful hope; rubbing paint - fulfillment of plans.

21 Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Paint - you see a container of paint in a dream - what you have in mind will happen, but do not spend the night outside your house so that you are not painted in a color that is uncharacteristic for you. It’s as if you’ve gotten yourself stained with paint - because of your insufficiently thought-out statements, you will get into trouble; follow a proven rule: talk about a person as if he were nearby and hears your words, and you will never be judged as a gossip. If you paint something white, you will suffer losses in real life. It’s as if you are painting something with black or gray paint - there will be trouble; you may lose a friend. If you use red, gold or blue paint - luck will not leave you. You use green paint - only hope will get you out of a difficult situation; perhaps Nadezhda will be the name of the woman who will save you from trouble.

22 Modern dream book

Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream is a sign that you will succeed in executing some cunning plan.
If you dream that your clothes are stained with paint, thoughtless criticism from other people will make you unhappy.

23 Small dream book

A dream in which you see freshly painted houses means that you will succeed in implementing your cunning plan. If you dream that your clothes are stained with paint, then be vigilant and do not pay attention to the criticism of ill-wishers.

24 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing all kinds of colors in a dream and using them to paint what you have drawn means some changes in your life.

25 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about Paint:

Paints – In the box - profit - work with paints - pathetic hopes - rub paints - execution of plans
Paint – Material - brand yourself - yourself - for a man - shame - for a woman - coquetry - white - big loss - black - lose a friend - green - have hope - red - receive an invitation - blue - fun and the luck of the plan - in gold - to give cause for envy

26 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Paint is an opportunity to change and improve the situation. It is interpreted depending on the color: gray, black - bad.

27 English dream book

Paints and Brushes - Whatever they are used for - to create a work of art, to decorate a building, to brighten up a dark room, to dim brightness or to hide imperfections - paints always cover the original color to produce a particular effect. Paints can hide and hide the original surface. What does the dream mean: Did you paint over a large empty space? At work or at home? This may mean that you need to change the environment in your daily life, but not do anything major like moving or changing jobs). If in a dream you find yourself in front of a blank canvas, paints and an artist's palette, your subconscious may be making it clear that your creative power needs an outlet. Were you in art class with students or alone? Did you start painting or did the canvas remain blank? Have you had the opportunity to express yourself in real life, at work or in your free time, to do something that will leave a mark on your career or life?

28 Women's dream book

Paints, dyeing - Paint staining your clothes portends trouble due to the rash judgments of others. If in a dream you witnessed the dyeing of dresses or fabrics, this may portend good or bad luck, depending on the color of the dye: blue, red and gold are considered favorable colors, black and white - not so much. Admiring masterpieces of painting in a dream means the insincerity of your friends. You will find deception where you least expected. Holding a brush in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of satisfaction with your current occupation. If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture, she will be deceived by her lover, who will choose another one over her. Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream means the successful implementation of personal plans, as interpreted in the dream book by Paint.

29 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Paint staining your clothes portends trouble due to the rash judgments of others.
If in a dream you witnessed the dyeing of dresses or fabrics, this may portend good or bad luck, depending on the color of the dye: blue, red and gold are considered favorable colors, black and white - not so much.
Admiring masterpieces of painting in a dream means the insincerity of your friends. You will find deception where you least expected.
Holding a brush in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of satisfaction with your current occupation.
If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture, she will be deceived by her lover, who will choose another one over her.
Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream means the successful implementation of personal plans.

30 Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Paint:

Freshly painted houses - successful execution of plans;
a dress stained with paint - troubles associated with rash judgments about other people;
painting something with a brush means satisfaction with your present work;
beautiful oil paintings - friends will take the wrong position towards you, pleasures will be deceptive;
for a young woman - to paint an oil painting - disappointment in a lover, a breakup;
dyeing fabric is a success or a disaster, depending on the color (bright, pure colors are favorable (blue, red, golden); dull, dirty shades are unfavorable).
Also see House, Painting, Fabric, Lacquer.

31 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Paints in a box - profit and wealth; working with paints is a pitiful hope; rubbing paint - execution of plans.

32 Dream book alphabetically

Seeing finishing paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major trouble into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you apply to the walls or roof of a house from a sprayer is a sign that you will certainly succeed in achieving your goals.

Painting on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is absolutely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by law in a completely perverse, casuistic way and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to attack, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. Clean or wash off paint from your face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic colors in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foretell that you will soon take up something that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Using oil paints in a dream to paint a picture means that in real life, friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will discover deception where you least expected it.

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream means a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret about a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box means profit and wealth. Mixing paints, selecting the desired color scheme, means the most daring plans will be fulfilled.

Using zinc white in a dream means you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar foreshadows ardent mutual love. Purple is a sign that your demands on life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash receipts.

33 Dream book of the 20th century

Bright artistic colors in a dream: most often mean that you are not bothered to somehow diversify your life and refresh your feelings. It seems that you have gradually accumulated dissatisfaction with your routine, and in reality you may not even realize it.

Getting dirty with paint: a sign that ill-considered attempts to embellish the true state of things can only harm you in the end.

34 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were selling, carrying in jars, tubes, or using any paints, you will be deceived.
If you dreamed that one of your loved ones trades, wears or uses any paints, soon one of your relatives or friends will be deceived, and you will have to lend the unfortunate person a large sum.

35 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about Paint:

Paint – Symbolizes a change in your intentions, image (see also COLORS). To dye clothes is to abuse someone's trust. Painting a house, floors, walls is a good deal, a good deal. Seeing a palette of paints and drawing means having a wide range of possibilities and interesting ideas.

36 Jewish dream book

What do Paints mean in a dream - If you paint something in a dream, you will praise someone. Spill paint - talk about something you were going to keep secret. Putting paint on your clothes means changing your lifestyle. Seeing objects unusually colored means finding out something that was carefully hidden from you.

37 Dream book of lovers

Seeing paintings in a dream means betrayal on the part of a loved one.
If a girl dreams that she is drawing or painting a picture, in reality this promises betrayal on the part of a man in love with her, who will find someone else.

38 Ukrainian dream book

Buying paint is a profit; paint something - you're too tongue-tied.
Red paint - shame, quarrel; white - noble intentions; black - mourning, sadness; green - health, fulfillment of desires; pink - a cheerful life; gray - despondency; oil - increase in estate.

39 Dream Interpretation 2012

Paint is a reflection of the embellishment of something (someone). A reflection of dependence on other people’s opinions and the fear of “losing one’s face in the dirt.”

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