A sign distorted by time in WWII - where to change and how to spend it. Time-warped sign in WWII - where to change and how to spend Time-warped sign where to spend legion

After the release of WoW patch 7.1.5, all residents of Azeroth will be able to plunge into the past, when a mysterious island first appeared from behind the fog. Using time travel, players will be able to visit the islands of Pandaria.

Every week there is a new additional event in the game and every few weeks there will be a time travel event for players above level 91. The organization will be built on the same principle as travel to Northrend, Outland and other zones of the Cataclysm expansion.

Areas available for travel:

Temple of the Jade Snake

Many thousands of years ago, in honor of the victory of the Pandaren Emperor Shaohao, a sacred monument was built - a majestic temple that proudly towers over the coast of Pandaria from the east. Already in our days, bloody battles took place in the Jade Forests, in which the sha were freed and attacked a rare sanctuary of wisdom and knowledge.

Stormstout Brewhouse

One day, Chen Violent decided to visit his relatives and came to the Valley of the Four Winds. There he went to his friend's brewery. However, he could not even imagine what kind of chaos awaited him in the house of his ancestors. As it turned out, Uncle Gao was not careful and allowed the Hozens and Wildebeests - nasty and impudent creatures - to enter the brewery. The resulting embarrassment threatens to leave the entire nearby settlement without tasty drinks.

Shado-Pan Monastery

The Horde and the Alliance are at war with each other, and such a grandiose conflict could not but affect the lands of Pandaria - a terrible war also broke out here, which disrupted the peace and tranquility of the Shado-Pan monastery. Evil spirits were able to escape from the confinement of the monastery and attacked its inhabitants.

Mogu Shan Palace

One of the last strongholds of mogu forces in Pandaria is the ancient palace of Mogu Shan. Within the walls of this temple, a meeting of three powerful mogu clans took place. They bowed to King Xin the Battle Master. The king dreams of reuniting the people and once again obtaining a powerful empire. His dreams are quite real, at that time a moment when Pandaria is in conflict and turmoil.

Siege of Niuzao Temple

Far beyond the mighty rampart of the Snake Ridge is the Niuzao Temple, standing on two islands. For a long time, defenders defended the narrow bridges between the islands from invaders. But the mantises were able to outwit the guards. They created their crossing from a tree root and took the guards by surprise. Now the insects are going to finish off the remaining defenders.

Gate of the Setting Sun

Insect-like mantises often attacked the inhabitants of Pandaria. For centuries, the Serpent's Ridge served as protection for the inhabitants of Pandaria. The aggressive behavior of this race took the defenders of the wall by surprise. Strong mantis warriors launched an attack on the gate. The warriors of Pandaria unite to hold back the onslaught of the mighty enemy army.


A seller of goods, Mist Weaver Xia, settled on an island outside of time. She sells amazing products to time travelers. In exchange, she asks for time-warped signs.

List of products:

  • New equipment from Pandaria factions
  • A bag of chilled vegetables (great for cooks who haven't had time to master pandaren cuisine)
  • Two toys: a portable pit washer and a crate with tamed puppies
  • Reputation tokens for all major factions of Pandaria, as well as reputation items
  • Two new pets: Spirit of Paradox (aquatic) and Endless Whelpling (dragon)
  • New Mount: Reins of the Celestial Jade Cloud Serpent

Don't you think this will be the first time travel game where players will be able to get pets as a reward? Both pets have a unique ability for battle: “Temporary Anomaly” - reduces the speed of all enemy pets.

When visiting the dungeons of Pandaria, it is foolish to refuse the chance to improve your reputation with the factions of this island. Each faction in Mists of Pandaria has great rewards for maxing out reputation. For example, you can get a medallion of the heavenly protector (toy) or a heavenly golden cloud serpent (vehicle). The Golden Lotus has a riding crane - it is also sold for reputation points.

Players' armor stats, as with all Time Travel, will be lowered to match those of Heroic difficulty dungeons. By defeating bosses in Mists of Pandaria time travel, you will be rewarded with equipment that will scale (depending on level) up to level 830. Very useful when you are just starting to go through the dungeons of the Legion expansion.

The bosses of Pandaria are ready to test new players!

So, friends, the Battle for Azeroth prepatch is just around the corner, but with the arrival of the new addition, you may lose access to some achievements, mounts, transmog and other features. But we'll tell you what you need to do before Battle for Azeroth launches!

First, you will need to knock on the door of the fighter's guild, here you can get several pets, a lot of shirts, and also a cool mount - the Majestic Basilisk of the fighter. All battles are quite simple, you can complete them with an Antorus normal. To gain access to the Brawler's Guild, you need to knock out a bloody invitation from mobs on the Island of the Abandoned Shield in Stormheim, either buy it at an auction or the black market, or receive invitations from a friend who has rank 7.

Mage Tower Artifact Skin

We'll be returning to regular weapons in Battle for Azeroth, and your Artifact has skins that won't be available, so I recommend you get them now! Here is a video using an example of a frost mage:

Coloring for mythic +15

Next is the look that is worth getting, or rather the coloring for your artifact. This is a reward for completing a mythic key +15 or higher on time. This is a recolor for the line of skins that you receive for completing the Balance of Power quest chain, which begins in your stronghold.

An obvious and incredible item to complete is grinding mounts, Infernal from the Night Citadel, Living Infernal Core (any difficulty with a low drop chance) and Villainous Hellfire Core (drops from Mythic, 5% drop). With the release of the prepatch, the drop will change for the worse and will be 1%, so it’s time to visit old Guldan and knock out the mount from him. This also applies to the Decorated Urzul mount (which drops from Mythic Argus).

Achievement "Hero of his time and on the cutting edge"

The achievement “Hero of His Time: Argus the Enslaved” is given for defeating Argus in heroic mode. If you conquer him in Mythic, you will receive the achievement "On the Edge of the Blade." When the new expansion arrives, you will no longer be able to get these achievements, so you better hurry!

Purple Spellwing

When you defeat Argus in heroic or mythic mode, you will be able to obtain the quest item, “Blood of the Enslaved,” after completing the chain you will receive the coveted mount. In BFA this possibility will disappear.

Achievement and title “The Chosen One”

You can get it in Trial of Valor on Mythic difficulty without losing the buff; in short, you need to survive the battle with three bosses without dying. This achievement will be removed in patch 8.0.

Reaching First Aid

Having achieved First Aid and “Field Doctor”, you should hurry up with this profession, since it will unfortunately be removed in the Battle for Azeroth!

Latest Elite PVP Transmog Sets

Since current PVP kits will no longer be available, you should pay attention to them right now.

Ashran's achievements

In patch 8.0, Ashran is also leaving us... So if you want to get achievements with him, you should return there soon.

Patch 8.0 will also remove the Shore of the Ancients, so if you want the achievements from this battleground, then you should queue up now.

Another thing relevant to preparing for the new expansion, especially if your class does not have waterwalking, is getting the Strider mount. We will need it, because in the new locations there are areas with water, and since at the very beginning we will not have flying mounts, we will really need them.

Endless Flask

It is not so significant, but very useful in the future, but also now. We will need this item for leveling, since current infusions will be posted with a hefty price tag. To get it, we need respect from the Legion's Bane Army and 7.5 thousand void shards to purchase it from the Battle Mage Katlin at the Pinnacle of Deliverance.

Leveling up your reputation with fishermen in the Legion

Another thing that becomes more difficult with the release of the new addition is fishing. On the broken islands you can find NPCs to level up your reputation in order to buy a couple of toys and even a mount.

Another thing worth doing is draining the legion's resources if you still keep them in the bank. Since with the release of the add-on they will cease to be relevant and lose value.

Preserving time-warped signs

You should save up time warped tokens as this is due to the fact that every new update adds another one to Time Travel, which means that when BFA comes out we will have Draenor Time Travel and if it follows the previous travels, it should a mount associated with it will appear, so if you want to get it right away, then you need to take care of the signs.

I think that's all I wanted to talk about, I hope that you found something new for yourself. Good luck in the game!

How to quickly farm gold to buy your first mount in wow classic, bk and lk Kil'jaeden battle tactics

With the release of update 7.1.5, the inhabitants of Azeroth will be able to return to those days when the outlines of the mysterious continent first emerged from the fog. You can travel back in time to the islands of Pandaria.

A new additional event will take place every few weeks for players level 91 and above. It will be organized according to the same principle as time travel in Outland, Northrend and the Cataclysm expansion zones.

Return to Pandaria

In the new time travel you will be able to get to the following zones.

  • Temple of the Jade Snake

Dominating the eastern coast of Pandaria, this majestic temple was erected as a sacred monument to the famed Pandaren Emperor Shaohao's victory over the Sha of Doubt thousands of years ago. More recently, during the bloody battles in the Jade Forest, the sha were released and invaded this priceless repository of knowledge and wisdom.

  • Stormstout Brewhouse

When Chen Stormstout arrived in the Valley of the Four Winds in hopes of meeting relatives, he headed to his namesake's brewery. He could not even imagine what chaos awaited him in his ancestral home. The klutz Uncle Gao allowed nasty wildebeests and impudent hozens to enter the brewery. The resulting chaos threatens to leave the surrounding villages without tasty drinks.

  • Shado-Pan Monastery

A bloody war broke out between the Alliance and the Horde in the lands of Pandaria, and this destructive conflict disrupted the peace of the majestic Shado-Pan monastery. Three evil spirits - the Sha of Cruelty, the Sha of Hatred and the Sha of Anger - escaped from captivity within the walls of the monastery. Although the Sha of Anger immediately left the monastery grounds, the two remaining spirits fell upon the valiant defenders of the Shado-Pan.

  • Mogu Shan Palace

The ancient Mogu Shan Palace remains the last stronghold of the Mogu forces in Pandaria. Recently, three great Mogu clans gathered in this magnificent palace to pay their respects to King Xin the Battle Master. The mighty king cherishes a bold plan to unite the scattered people and revive the great empire. And Xin's dreams are complete may come to fruition as Pandaria is torn apart by conflict and turmoil.

  • Siege of Niuzao Temple

Niuzao Temple is located on two fortified islands, far beyond the high rampart of the Snake Ridge. For many years, Pandaren defenders stubbornly defended the narrow bridges between the islands from potential invaders. However, the mantises managed to create their own crossing from a giant tree root, which took the garrison of one of the islands by surprise. Now the inexorable insects intend to finish off the remnants of the temple defenders.

  • Gate of the Setting Sun

For centuries, the giant Serpentine Spine protected the inhabitants of Pandaria from the encroachments of rampaging insectoid mantises. The period of aggressive behavior of this race began earlier than usual, and the mantids managed to take the defenders of the wall by surprise. Mighty Mantid warriors are already attacking the dilapidated gates, and the warriors of Pandaria will have to hold back the onslaught of the most destructive army in the history of the empire.

Timeless Rewards

A new seller of goods for time travelers has settled on the Timeless Island - Mist Weaver Xia. In exchange for time-warped signs, she offers various amazing goods:

  • reins of the heavenly jade cloud serpent (vehicle - Yu "lei, daughter of the Jade Snake);
  • 2 new pets - the endless dragon (dragon) and the spirit of paradox (aquatic pet);
  • reputation tokens for all major factions of Pandaria and friendship items;
  • 2 new toys - a crate with tamed puppies and a portable pit;
  • a bag of chilled vegetables - especially for cooks who have not yet mastered Pandaren cuisine;
  • A new assortment of equipment items from the factions of Pandaria.

Yes, yes, this will be the first time travel in which you can get pets as a reward! Both have a new ability that will come in handy in pet battles: "Temporal Anomaly"- significantly reduces the speed of all fighters on the enemy team.

As you wander through the dungeons, you will certainly not refuse the chance to improve your reputation with the factions of Pandaria at the same time. Each faction in Mists of Pandaria offers great rewards to players who have the highest reputation with them. For example, you can purchase commendation badges for Emperor Shaohao from Mistweaver Xia, which will help you obtain the Celestial Golden Cloud Serpent (mount) or the Celestial Protector Medallion (toy). If you haven't yet reached maximum reputation with the Golden Lotus, riding a crane is a great motivation!

Test your level

As with other Timewalking events, your equipment stats in Pandaria dungeons will be reduced to the same levels as those dungeons on Heroic difficulty. Defeating time travel bosses in Mists of Pandaria will reward you with gear that scales with your level (up to item level 830), which comes in handy if you're mastering Legion dungeons.

Yan-Zhu Unleashed from the Stormstout Brewery, Taran Zhu from the Shado-Pan Monastery and other bosses are ready to test your combat skills once again. We hope you won't keep them waiting long!

Receipt Time warped sign

These badges can be obtained as follows:

There are six dungeons in total: You can queue at level 86 or higher, and item level needs to be 300 (350 in some dungeons as they are harder). It's time to strap on your legendaries, they finally have a job!

If you complete 5 dungeons on a quest A shattered path through time you will receive as a reward The seal of inevitable fate, 500 valor, and Iron Fleet Treasure Chest, which can contain one item from the DAC (starting at ilvl 695).

Achievements can be completed in these dungeons, so you can complete Glory to the hero of Cataclysm as a reward for which you can get Reins of the Volcanic Dragon. Also, Stoneskin from Stone Core can “give” you Reins of the Stonehide Dragon, and Altairius from Vershina Smerch - Reins of the Northwind Dragon .

How to spend Time warped sign ?

Time warped sign can only be spent during Burning Crusade events, "Wrath of the Lich King", or "Cataclysm". Each event has its own separate vendor and rewards.

During the event dedicated to the "Burning Crusade" you will be able to visit the seller Kupri, when the time of the Lich King comes, you will have to buy things from Auzin, and when the events of "Cataclysm" take place, you can buy things from Kiatke, who is located in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Items are unique to each merchant.



Players can upgrade their heirlooms from 90 to 100 using Time warped sign :


: Has a chance to drop from ANY boss in ANY dungeon.


Tokens with reputation

These tokens give 500 reputation per use and are tied to your account: By gaining reputation you can get the following:

Event: Timewalking Dungeons runs from January 27 through February 1st with new Timewarped Sign items to purchase. Players can also farm dungeons for the Reins of the Infinite Time-Treader mount which is a random personal loot drop from any Timewalking boss.

For full details on Timewalking holidays, our Timewalking Guide covers everything about the three events; below are the highlights for Cataclysm including for 0 Timewarped Badge and for 0 Timewarped Badge.

Acquiring Time Warped Sign

Timewarped badges are awarded when:
  • Killing a boss - 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Killing an end boss - 0 Timewarped Sign
  • Completing a random dungeon - 0 Timewarped Sign
  • Completing a dungeon with your role selected for Call to Arms - 0 Timewarped Badge
  • The once-per-event quest Ember - 0 Timewarped Sign. This is awarded when looting Smoldering Timewarped Ember from the last boss of the first instance you do.

There are six Timewalking instances you can run:
  • End Times: 0 Time Warp Sign
  • Grim Batol: 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Lost City of Tol'vir: 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Stone Core: 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Tornado Pinnacle: 0 Timewarped Sign
  • Throne of the Tides: 5 Timewarp Sign

You can queue up with players lvl 86 or higher for Timewalking, and your gear is scaled down to ilvl 300 (350 in End Time since it is more difficult). Time to wear some old legendaries for real!

Completing 5 Timewalking dungeons for Shattered Path Through Time rewards a Seal of Inevitable Fate, 500 Valor, and a Treasure Chest of the Iron Fleet which can contain any Normal-Mode loot from Hellfire Citadel (ilvl 690-705).

Achievements can be completed in Timewalking instances, so you can progress towards Glory of the Cataclysm Hero which rewards the Reins of the Volcanic Drake mount. In addition, Stonehide from Stonecore drops Reins of the Stonehide Drake and Altairius from Cyclone Pinnacle drops Reins of the Northwind Drake.

Spending Time Warped Sign

Timewarped Badge can only be spent during Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, or Cataclysm Holidays. Each holiday has a unique vendor and rewards.

During Burning Crusade Timewalking, you can purchase items from Kupri, during Wrath Timewalking, you can purchase items from Auzin, and during Cataclysm Timewalking, you can purchase items from Kiatke who is located by the Cataclysm portals in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar. These items for the most part are unique to each vendor.

All of the gear below is sold by Kiatke as part of the Cataclysm Holiday. To see the items available for all holidays, check out our Timewalking Guide.

Badge Gear

If you played in Burning Crusade, you remember grinding out Justice Points in dungeons to buy Badge Gear for the slots that were weaker. Some Badge Gear was really good, even on par with some raid gear.

Badge Gear is back--this gear will scale up to your level, and is also great for transmog. The costs are as follows:
  • Bracers: 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Ring: 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Trinket: 0 Timewarped Sign
  • Chest: 5 Timewarped Sign
  • Belt: 5 Timewarped Sign

Popular items sold by Kiatke include:
  • Bones of the Damned
  • Ghost World Chestguard
  • Decayed Herbalist's Robes
  • Light distortion clothes


  • Count Black Tea: 5 for 0 Time Warped Sign. Gives you a top hat and monocle for 10 minutes. Alliance only.

  • Mounts

    Reins of the Infinite Timewalker: This has a chance to drop from any BC, Wrath, or Cataclysm Timewalking boss. Click on the image below to open this new Timewalking mount in our 3D viewer, or check out the Dressing Room Tool to import your own character and pose it on this mount.


    • Ultra-Precise Image Projector Give The Key, 0 Timewarped Sign: Replicates Deathwing raining down fire from the sky, like he did in Cataclysm. Being hit by Deathwing during one of his surprise attacks awarded the Fire is not there? achievement (in Cataclysm, not via this toy). Lucien Give the Key is a gnome in the Badlands who retells a fantastical version of the Cataclysm in The Day Deathwing Came: The Whole Truth.
    • Gurboggle's Shiny Bauble, 0 Timewarped Badge: turns you into a Giblin for 10 minutes, allowing underwater breathing and an additional 80% swim speed bonus while in Vashj"ir. Vashj"ir was an innovative underwater questing zone, but it was largely ignored in favor of the easier experience in Mount Hyjal.

    Reputation Tokens

    These tokens grant 500 reputation each and are Bind on Account. They cost 0 Timewarped sign of each.

    • Therazan Commendation
    • Earthen Ring Commendation
    • Ramkhen Recognition Mark
    • Commendation of the Guardians of Hyjal
    • Commendation of the Wildhammer Clan
    • Commendation of the Dragonmaw Clan

    Gaining reputation with these Cataclysm factions has the following benefits:
    • At Exalted with Ramkahen, players can purchase Reins of the Dark Riding Camel or Reins of the Fawn Riding Camel.
    • Several daily quests for Therazane have achievements tied to them such as Glop Dynasty and Fungophobia.

What else to read