Irga in the spring. Planting and caring for irga in open ground

This berry bush can not be found in every garden. And not because its berries are tasteless. Planting material is simply difficult to obtain. Planting and caring for irga - and this is what we are talking about - is simple, the berries are suitable both for fresh consumption and for any processing, it is only important to choose the right variety.

In nature, there are about 25 species of serviceberry, but only a few have been introduced into cultivation, and not all of them produce high-quality berries.

Irga spica.

This is an ornamental tree or bush, covered in spring with white or pale pink flowers. It is resistant to pests and diseases and has excellent frost resistance, but this is where the advantages of shadberry spicata end. Its berries are small and of mediocre taste, although they contain a lot of sugars. This species has no cultivated varieties.

Irga is blood-red.

The bush grows up to 3 m. The flowers are quite large and have elongated petals. The fruits are small and ripen late. They produce a lot of juice, while it is difficult to obtain from fruits of other species. The berries taste mediocre, with the exception of the Success variety. Its berries weigh up to 0.8 g. Their sweet and sour taste during tasting is estimated at 4.6 points, which is a good indicator.

Irga Canadian.

This is a bush up to 6 m tall or a tree that is even higher - up to 10 m. When blooming, the leaves have pubescence and the plant appears silvery. It is very decorative during flowering, completely covered with tassels of white flowers. Forms tasty and large fruits with a balanced content of acids and sugars, but there are few of them in the cluster. All bred varieties, like the species itself, are distinguished by good winter hardiness, but sometimes freeze slightly in severe winters. The most popular varieties: Slet with large and tasty berries, Traditional, as well as Honey-wood with very sweet and Parkhill with sour fruits. The fruits of the Canadian serviceberry are very popular with birds, from which the harvest must be protected.

Irga alnifolia.

In the middle zone the shrub grows from 2 to 4 m high. It blooms with white flowers starting from the third decade of May. The berries weigh up to 2 g, and there can be up to 14 of them in a bunch. The harvest is uniform, it can be collected in 2 times. The berries have an excellent taste, the content of acids and sugars is harmonious. The shrub is unpretentious, but in frosty winters the tips of the shoots freeze slightly. The most interesting varieties: Smokey, from whose berries excellent wine is made, Altaglow with aromatic fruits, Forestburg with very sweet berries, Mandan with juicy fruits.

Recently, the first Russian variety bred at the Michurin Institute, Starry Night, was submitted for testing.

It successfully passed them, was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2016 and is recommended for cultivation in all regions of our country.

Features of growing irgi

This plant can rightfully be classified as unpretentious. Most species are frost-resistant. A powerful root system allows the plant to tolerate a lack of moisture and nutrients. Irga is undemanding to the composition and fertility of the soil and tolerates shade. It will exist in such extreme conditions, but if you want to get a decent harvest, you need to provide the irga with comfort: a lot of light, correct and timely fertilizing, as well as the obligatory formation of the crown.

The trouble with the serviceberry is its numerous root shoots. It is good for propagation, but it thickens the plant and, drawing away its strength, reduces the yield. Therefore, we need to fight it.

Planting in open ground

Irga tolerates transplantation well and takes root, but only if the root system is well preserved.

Selection of planting material

For planting, it is better to choose frost-resistant species and varieties that are characterized by a high yield of tasty berries. If the serviceberry is intended to create a hedge (and it turns out to be dense and decorative), then the yield is not so important. The age of the seedlings comes first. They have the best survival rate at the age of 1-2 years.

When choosing a seedling, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • healthy root system without signs of drying out and rot;
  • the stem of the seedling is well developed, the bark is not damaged and has a color characteristic of the variety.

Nurseries have seedlings with a closed root system grown in large containers. They are preferable for planting. Such a plant will not waste time restoring the root system damaged during transplantation; it will quickly take root and begin to grow. Container seedlings have no restrictions on planting time - it can be carried out throughout the growing season.

Soil and site preparation

Irga is a long-liver, so the place for planting it must be chosen carefully, taking into account the plant’s growth in width and height, as well as its requirements for growing conditions.

It must meet the following criteria:

  • choose a well-lit place, in this case the harvest will be maximum;
  • the groundwater level is low;
  • the mechanical composition of the soil should be light (sandy loam or loose loam with a high humus content), and heavy soils should be improved;
  • soil acidity value is from 6.5 to 7.

The soil is cleared of weeds. It is better if the previous season it was kept under black fallow. It is optimal to sow it with legumes that improve fertility. Before digging, up to 10 kg of well-rotted compost or humus and 40 g of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are added to each square.

Landing dates and rules

This berry crop is planted in early spring or late autumn. In the first case, the buds should not swell, and when planting serviceberry in the fall, the tree should already have shed its leaves, but there are still about 3 weeks left before frost - this is the time required for rooting. Each seedling requires a feeding area of ​​up to 4 squares, so the optimal distance between them is about 2 meters. When forming a hedge, serviceberry seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.5-1 m from each other.

Landing algorithm:

  • dig a hole with a depth and diameter of about 60 cm (on heavy soils - about 70 cm), discarding the top fertile layer into a separate pile;
  • for a hedge, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 30 cm deep;
  • mix the top layer with a bucket of humus, adding 300 g of superphosphate and 200 g of potassium salt, which can be replaced with 1 kg of ash;
  • a mound of the prepared mixture is poured onto the bottom of the pit;
  • install the seedling and carefully straighten the roots; if there is damage, they are removed by sprinkling the cuts with crushed coal;
  • cover the root system with prepared soil without burying the root collar into it;
  • pour a bucket of water under the bush;
  • mulch the soil with humus;
  • if the root system is damaged during planting, shorten the stem of the seedling, cutting it off by 4-5 buds.

Outdoor care

Without careful care, the bush grows wild and the berry harvest drops. Therefore, all agricultural activities must be carried out on time and in full.

How to water irgu?

An adult plant is drought-resistant and requires watering only in hot weather and in the absence of rain. At least 2 buckets of water are poured onto one bush to wet the entire root layer. Newly planted irga needs regular maintenance of soil moisture - it is watered weekly, pouring a bucket into each circle around the trunk. As soon as the young growth reaches 15 cm, you can switch to the watering regime for an adult plant.

Feeding and fertilizer

Trees begin to be fertilized the next year after planting. In the first half of summer, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied: 50 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water or organic matter in the form of a 10% solution of bird droppings. This norm is given for 1 shadberry plant aged 3-5 years.

As the tree grows, the volumes of applied solutions increase. Autumn feeding is needed to better prepare the plant for winter. It is done in early September, and in cool regions in August. 300 g of superphosphate and 200 g of potassium sulfate are added to the tree trunk circle, followed by digging and watering.

In the fall, nitrogen fertilizers cannot be applied to the shadberry, otherwise the bush will go away weakened before winter.

Replanting and pruning

The shadberry is replanted only if the initial location for it is chosen incorrectly or if it does not grow, and all other measures have already been tried. The steps and soil preparation are the same as for planting.

If the shadberry is not pruned at all, fruiting will occur only at the ends of the shoots, and the yield will noticeably decrease. How to form a plant? This is done in early spring, before sap flow begins, so as not to seriously injure the shadberry.

A tree and a bush are shaped differently. For a bush, it is enough to remove dry, damaged and thickening shoots. The tree's vertically growing branches also need to be shortened by ¼ of their length - this inhibits the growth of the crown in height, which is important, because it is difficult to pick berries from tall trees. Be sure to remove the resulting root shoots, leaving only the 2 strongest shoots.

Anti-aging pruning begins at 8-10 years of life of the serviceberry. The signal for it is a decrease in the length of annual growth to 10 cm. All thin and weak shoots are removed. Only the 10 to 15 strongest are left so that they do not interfere with each other. The rest are cut into stumps. The sections are covered with garden varnish in warm weather and with natural oil paint in cold weather.

How to care for autumn and winter?

  1. In winter, the tree or bush does not require care - the snow will reliably preserve the plant.
  2. In autumn or late summer, fertilize with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
  3. After leaf fall, moisture-recharging watering will be required, especially if the autumn is dry. In young plants, to preserve the root system, you can mulch the tree trunk circle with compost or humus.

Reproduction of serviceberry

This plant is very easy to propagate. Both vegetative and seed methods are suitable.

  1. Seeds are selected from the largest ripe berries, washed to remove pulp and dried. The most convenient way is to sow on a growing bed before winter. After natural stratification and selection for survival, only the strongest plants will emerge in the spring. The sowing depth is about 2 cm. The distance between the rows is 20 cm. The shadberry sprouts unevenly, sometimes only a year after sowing. Seedlings in the phase of 5 true leaves need picking.
  2. For vegetative propagation, basal shoots 0.5 cm thick and up to 15 cm high are selected. They are planted on a growing bed, taking bushes no older than 6 years old for division.
  3. Only annual growths are suitable for propagation by cuttings.

How to take cuttings?

  • shoots are cut off in summer;
  • the length of the cutting is 6-7 cm;
  • the bottom sheet is removed, the top one is shortened by half;
  • the lower cut is treated with a root formation stimulator;
  1. If the leaves turn yellow or red even before leaf fall begins, the plant does not have enough nutrition.
  2. The berries dry out on the bush even before picking - insufficient watering.
  3. The tree grows poorly - lack of light and nutrition. This may also happen with a dense planting.
  4. If a tree does not bloom or bear fruit, it means it is poorly cared for.

Pests and diseases

This plant has many pests.

  1. The moth can seriously damage the leaves of the plant. This caterpillar is easy to see and is controlled using trapping belts or insecticide treatments.
  2. The leaf miner is also a caterpillar. It twists the leaves into a tube, which can cause the plant to simply die. You can collect the caterpillars by hand or spray the plants with insecticides.
  3. The apple moth gnaws holes in the leaves. To combat it, chlorophos and entobacterin are suitable.

Fungal diseases are dangerous for shadberry: powdery mildew in the form of a white coating on the leaves and phyllosticta - dark spots resembling rust. Fungicides are used against them, in particular Fundazol.

Irga is a fruit and berry shrub (small tree) that grows wild in the Northern Hemisphere. It is distinguished by its hardiness and frost resistance, thanks to which it has become one of the favorite garden shrubs for Russian summer residents. In total, there are up to 25 species of this plant, however, no more than 10 are suitable for planting on a site. Among them are I. vulgaris, I. spicata, I. Canadian and some others. Planting irgi and caring for it in the future is not only a procedure for rooting a seedling. For regular fruiting, the shrub needs to be provided with a well-lit place, fertile soil and not to forget about sanitary pruning.

Choosing a place on the site for growing shadberry

The shrub prefers well-lit open areas, but can also grow in the shade of trees with finely dissected leaves (rowan, sea buckthorn). In the shade of broad-leaved trees, its shoots will stretch out, and fruiting will become less abundant.

The irga does not have any special requirements for soil, but it will grow well in sandy or loamy soils. Perhaps the main requirement is the fertility of the substrate. If there is a lack of nutrients, there will be a lot of root growth around the bush, which will have to be cut down periodically. It is not recommended to plant shadberry in areas with high groundwater levels, because the roots go deep into the ground (2-3 meters).

Irga - planting and caring for it is simple, but preparatory work should begin six months before purchasing a seedling. Experts advise rooting a seedling in the fall; it is believed that frost-resistant types of fruit and berry crops take root better this way and grow faster the following spring. The site is dug up in May to a depth of 20 cm, while adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, 40 g of the substance per 1 m² is enough.

Planting a seedling of serviceberry

Seedlings are purchased from nurseries; the plants must be no more than 2 years old, otherwise the survival rate will drop sharply. When planting several specimens, it is necessary to maintain a distance; depending on the type and variety of plant, it should be from 1 to 1.6 m.

When growing serviceberry, a planting hole is dug of impressive dimensions - 60x60x50 cm, where 50 cm is the depth. The top layer is laid in one direction, and the bottom in the other. Fertile soil (top layer) is used to prepare the substrate:

  • garden soil - 3 parts,
  • river sand – 1 part,
  • humus or compost - 1 part,
  • potassium fertilizer – 140 g,
  • phosphate – 350 g.

If necessary, drainage is placed at the bottom of the planting hole. Then, the prepared substrate is partially filled in and a small elevation (hill) is formed from it. This will make it easier to straighten the roots of the seedling. Having positioned the shadberry, the hole is filled up. The main thing is not to cover the root collar with soil. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly (at least 8 liters for each bush). After some time, the earth will settle, and it will be necessary to add nutrient substrate to the root collar of the bush. Only after this the circle around the trunk can be mulched with humus, peat or wood chips.

After planting the irgi, care begins with pruning. The branches are cut to a level of 15–20 cm, leaving at least four healthy buds on each.

Features of caring for irga

The shrub does not require any care at all, so the gardener will need a minimum of action: watering (occasionally), fertilizing and pruning.

Watering and fertilizing

The root system of the shrub is well developed, going to a depth of more than two meters, so the shrub does not need watering. The only exceptions are particularly dry periods. In this case, it is recommended to carry out the procedure after 16.00 hours, when the sun is no longer so active. Experts advise watering the shrub not at the root, but using a spray nozzle on the hose. This will not only moisten the soil, but also refresh the greenery by washing away dust particles. After watering, it is advisable to weed the weeds and loosen the soil. If mulch is laid on the ridge, then there is no need for weeding and loosening.

Growing serviceberry on a personal plot does not require frequent application of fertilizers. If a sufficient amount of organic matter and minerals was added to the digging, then the first fertilizing is carried out only when the shrub reaches five years of age. Once a season, the following components are added to the digging:

  • humus – 1.5–2 buckets,
  • superphosphate – 280 g,
  • potash fertilizer – 180 g.

When applying fertilizers, it is necessary to retreat about 25 cm from the root collar. As the bush grows, the dosage should be increased.

In the spring-summer period, you can carry out 2 more organic feedings. A solution of chicken manure in a ratio of 1:15 has proven itself well. Organic matter should be added only after rain or watering to protect the roots of the plant from chemical burns.

Pruning serviceberry

Pruning is an integral part of caring for irga after planting a seedling; however, you should not radically prune the bush. Decorative pruning may only be required for low-growing specimens, while large shrubs will become increasingly difficult to prune as they grow. The first procedure is carried out no earlier than a year after planting. The most favorable time is early spring, while the plant is dormant.

When pruning for the first time, you need to carefully examine the bush and select several of the strongest stems from the root shoots. They will act as the basis. The remaining shoots are cut down. Next, every year 2 old shoots are removed and 2 young shoots are left to grow. This pruning technology will help to quietly rejuvenate the shadberry, with virtually no loss of harvest. Every year, vertical shoots (by ¼) and lateral shoots are pruned so that the bush grows not only upward, but also in breadth. Excess root shoots, dry and broken branches are removed in a timely manner.

When growing shadberry, you need to take care of it during pruning. When removing old, woody branches, the cuts should not be left open. The best remedy is ordinary oil paint on natural drying oil. If the procedure is carried out at above-zero air temperatures, then you can use garden varnish.

Caring for irga in autumn

The shrub winters well even in harsh climates, so there is no need for shelter. At the end of the summer season, they only carry out sanitary pruning, dig up the area and apply the required amount of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Then the garbage (branches, fallen leaves) is raked into a heap and burned. This completes the autumn care for the irga.

Diseases and pests of serviceberry

Most gardeners can attest that growing serviceberry is a real pleasure, it grows well and rarely gets sick. However, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of possible diseases and pests.

The most common diseases are: tubercular disease (gradual drying of leaves), gray rot and leaf spot. For treatment, a solution of Bordeaux mixture, Topaz and other drugs are used. They are also recommended to spray bushes in the fall for preventive purposes.

Among the pests you can find the shadberry seed eater and the moth. If the seed eater feeds on fruits, then the moth, or rather its caterpillars, infest the leaves. To combat them, various insecticides are used: Actellik, Karbofos and others.

Video on how to grow shadberry

Irga is a deciduous shrub of the apple genus with berries rich in vitamins. Irga, planting and caring for which does not cause any particular difficulties, enjoys deserved popularity among summer residents and gardeners.

The plant has excellent decorative properties. The berries not only have a wonderful sweet and sour taste, but also have many healing properties.

Plant variety

For the Moscow region, the Canadian serviceberry has proven itself well. This variety is a long-lived shrub, which in this area begins to bear fruit and delight gardeners earlier than other cultivated plants.

With proper planting and care of the Canadian serviceberry, a photo can confirm the beauty of the plant and its ability to bear a lot of fruit.

The fruits of the Canadian serviceberry are large in size, beautifully colored, juicy, and have a high degree of taste. The Canadian shadberry begins to bloom in May, bear fruit in mid-summer, and the leaves change color in September. At the beginning of October they begin to fall.

Choosing a landing site

Thanks to its unpretentiousness, irga does not get the best places in the garden. Planted in shady areas, the plant begins to reach for the sun's rays, which leads to increased growth. The bush begins to resemble a tree, on which all the largest and ripest berries are at the top, to the delight of the flocking birds.

Transplanting an adult plant is very difficult due to the developed root system, which goes several meters deep.

The shrub can easily find a sunny or slightly shaded area. Despite the fact that irga is unpretentious to the soil, it is desirable that it be fertile. Then the roots of the plant will be able to receive adequate nutrition, and not have root shoots scattered far away.

When planting a number of shrubs, maintain sufficient distance between them. Irga is a fast-growing plant. When planted close together, the foliage of neighboring shrubs will begin to shade each other, which leads to a decrease in the number of fruits. The root system will not have enough nutrients and will have to spread its branches farther away. This will lead to the fact that the area near the bushes will become unsuitable for planting other plants.

The distance between serviceberry bushes and other plantings should be between 2 and 5 meters.

If you want to use serviceberry bushes as a hedge, you can plant the bushes in a checkerboard pattern.


There are about two dozen species of serviceberry in nature. In the Moscow region, planting and caring for the Canadian serviceberry gives the best results. The shrub begins to bloom in May. The color of the leaves varies from white to purple-red. The fruits are large and juicy.

You can plant shadberry in spring and autumn. Autumn planting is considered more preferable. During this period, the soil will contain a lot of nutrients. There will be enough time for the plant to take root.

The seedling for planting must be 1-2 years old.

Planting and caring for serviceberry in the Moscow region, due to the characteristics of the soil, requires preparatory work:

  1. Clear the area intended for planting of weeds.
  2. Add fertilizers to the top soil layer: organic - 3-4 kg, - 0.5 kg, potassium salt - 200 g. An excellent potash fertilizer is ash.
  3. Dig up a layer of soil onto the “bayonet of a shovel” to a depth of 20-22 cm.
  4. If the soil is acidic, lime should be added.
  5. Dig a planting hole 50-80 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep.

Carrying out landing:

  1. Lower the seedling into the dug hole so that the entire root system is below ground level.
  2. Bury the seedling, slightly inclined from the sunny side, with dug earth and compact it thoroughly.
  3. Water generously.
  4. When the soil settles, add earth so that the planting site is level with the surface.
  5. Cover the top layer with mulch.
  6. Shorten the upper part of the shoot, making sure that a sufficient number of well-developed buds remain.

Planting irgi in open ground and caring for it in spring and autumn are practically the same. If there is a harsh winter ahead, then when planting in autumn it is better to leave the shortened part on the surface. This will also protect the plant from strong gusts of wind. The planting site can be covered with spruce branches on top.

Planting irgi in spring has its advantages:

  • the plant is no longer afraid of cold and frost - the possibility of its death becomes minimal;
  • at this time, gardening is already more often visited by summer residents, who can provide timely care to the plant and, if necessary, help;
  • watering will be carried out regularly;
  • If visible signs of illness appear, measures will be taken.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you should give it the necessary attention.

Growing and care

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you cannot completely ignore it. Growing and caring for irgi can be reduced to the following points:

  • feeding;
  • weeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • watering;
  • pruning;
  • pest control.

Fertilizing should be done in summer. It should have a liquid consistency. Fertilizing should be done closer to night time. The effect will be better if done after heavy rain or full watering.

You can use, for example, bird droppings for feeding. For each bush, 4-6 kg are applied. Compost and ash are good fertilizers. Mown grass can be used. It must be filled with water in a suitable container, covered from light and kept for a week.

After planting, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and potassium sulfate should be regularly added to the bush.

When the bush begins to bear fruit, the branches that have not yet become strong may not be able to withstand the weight of the harvest and break off. To prevent this from happening, the strapping should be made with suitable materials. Over time, the branches will become thicker, and the need for tying will disappear.

The bush should be formed from strong root shoots. The weak ones should be cut out so that they do not take away the strength of the stronger ones. In the fall, after harvesting, the soil around the bush should be dug up. In this case, the depth should not be too great so as not to damage the root system.

The root system of the serviceberry goes deep, where it finds the required amount of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to water it only in severe drought.

Birds are big fans of serviceberry berries. If measures are not taken, they will get the best harvest, because the first and largest berries appear on the upper branches.

Despite the fact that it is resistant to adverse environmental influences, it may not always be able to cope with garden pests and get sick. Proper planting and care of shadberry includes pest control.

The main pests are:

  • fruit rot;
  • mole;
  • serviceberry seed eater;
  • hawthorn;
  • leaf roller;
  • wrinkled swamp.

To combat pests, the following will help: thinning the bush, timely harvesting, and moderate watering. To destroy harmful caterpillars and beetles, spray the serviceberry bushes before the berries begin to appear or after harvesting with products specially designed for this purpose.

Diseases to which serviceberry bushes are susceptible:

  1. Tuberculosis. The leaves begin to turn brown, dry out and fall off. Then the branches dry out, on which reddish tubercles appear. Affected branches must be cut out. Spray the bush with copper sulfate. In spring, spraying can be done for preventive purposes.
  2. Rust. The leaves become covered with brown spots and wither. The plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Gray rot. Yellowed leaves become covered with gray mold. The cause is most often excess moisture, so you need to reduce watering.
  4. Infection with digitalis moth. This pest is controlled by using karbofos.

To avoid spreading pests throughout the garden, pruned diseased branches and fallen leaves should be burned next to the bush.

How to prune shadberry in spring

Pruning shadberry in the spring is a mandatory step in caring for it.

A few years after planting, rejuvenation of the bush should begin:

  • thinning;
  • trimming elongated branches, giving the bush the correct shape;
  • cutting of basal stems.

Proper planting and care of shadberry will give you a good harvest of berries that have powerful medicinal properties.

When thinning, all weak branches and those bent inward are cut out. This helps you survive and become stronger and healthier. They get more air and sunlight. Only strong shoots should remain, which will form a rich harvest.

Video about shadberry in a summer cottage

The serviceberry bush adapts remarkably well to our harsh climate. Decorates any landscape, has a magical aroma and delicious fruits.

However, for some reason, it is still not very popular among gardeners.

Varieties and types

Canadian serviceberry

Reaches 6 meters in height, and can even grow into a small tree. The long foliage is dark green and turns golden in the fall.

Flowering lasts from 7 to 10 days. At this time, the shadberry is covered with tassels of 5-12 light flowers. The berries are round in shape, purple in color and have a sweet taste.

Irga Lamarca

This species is especially suitable for garden decoration, as it retains its beauty throughout the season. The shrub can be used as a rootstock for apple and pear trees.

With its help, the scion becomes more resistant to cold and is able to grow in very moist soil.

Spike serviceberry

Shrub up to 5 meters high. It has many stems that create an oval crown. In summer, the foliage of the serviceberry is dark green, and in the autumn it is red-orange.

The flowers are light or pink in color and have a magical aroma. The berries are incredibly tasty, up to 1 centimeter in diameter, with a cornflower blue coating. Irga begins to bear fruit at the age of 4 years.

Alder serviceberry

The bush reaches 4 meters. It has downward-facing stems, foliage and inflorescences. The berries are long and dark in color. Appears after 5 years.

The foliage of the serviceberry tree is truly beautiful in the fall. Painted in orange tones. It begins to bloom in the spring. Berries appear from mid-summer.

Oval shadberry

The height is about 2.5 meters. The bushes have a branched crown on silver stems. The foliage is dark green in summer and reddish-brown in autumn.

The fruits are dark blue in color and ripen in July - August, starting at 5 years of age. Flowering occurs in early May.

Irga smokey

Not a very well-known variety with large, tasty berries. The bushes are planted at a distance due to their spreading nature. Less adapted to dry weather than other species.

Irga pembina

The height of the bush is up to 3 meters, sometimes it grows into a small tree. The berries are small and very sweet. They ripen in the second half of July.

Smooth serviceberry

The length is up to 3.5 meters. It has a small oval-shaped crown. When flowering, the shoots are covered with copper-pink leaves, which, together with the racemose inflorescences, look very impressive and beautiful.

Berries with a diameter of up to 1 centimeter are creamy in color with a pink side. They have a delicious taste. Saskatoon bears fruit starting from the age of 4 years. Blooms before the beginning of summer.

Planting and further care

The seedlings should be 1-2 years old. They are planted according to the 4x2, 5x3 principle. The distance in the rows should be 0.5-1.8 meters. After preparing deep furrows, it is necessary to dig planting holes 50-80 centimeters wide and 30-40 centimeters deep.

The shrub does not require much care and takes root well. You just need to remove old trunks, very large branches and large shoots.

After planting, you need to water the hole with 8-10 liters of water. Protect the soil with peat or humus. Reduce the lower part to 10 cm, leaving a few buds (4-5 pieces) on the surface.

To properly plant shadberry, you need to mix the top layer of soil with 1-2 buckets of fertilizer, add 300-500 grams of superphosphate and 150-200 grams of potassium salt. Pour fertilizer into the planting hole.

The middle-aged shadberry has a hard time replanting, as its roots are very deep. For an old bush (7 years or more), the diameter of the planting ball should be at least 1.25 meters and a depth of 70 centimeters. The soil needs to be well watered and fertilized.

Initial fertilizing should be carried out using a solution of ammonium nitrate (50 grams per 10 liters of water), introducing it near the trunk. You can also use a solution of bird droppings or slurry.

After 5-6 years, the shadberry is fertilized with organic (a couple of buckets per bush) and inorganic (500 grams of saltpeter, 500 grams of potassium salt, 1 kilogram of superphosphate per bush) substances, replacing them every other year.

At first, when pruning, it is better to leave only strong stems. After 2-3 years, you can form a bush, which will consist of branches of different ages. Then remove root and weak stems, old and broken branches.

Propagation by cuttings

In order for shadberry to propagate by root cuttings, you need to cut them 10-15 centimeters long, plant them vertically, fertilize them with humus, and water them abundantly. Then carefully ensure that the soil is very moist. In autumn, annual plants will appear from the cuttings.

Green sections of the root are cut in the same way, leaving branches at the top. This must be done at the beginning of summer, removing the leaves at the bottom from the cuttings, leaving 1-2 pairs on top.

Then, the lower sections must be left for 6 - 12 hours in a root-forming stimulator, then rinsed with water and planted at an angle at a distance of 3-4 centimeters in a cooled greenhouse.

Sprinkle the soil with sand to 7-10 centimeters. Subsequently, moisten the soil using a sieve, maintaining a temperature of 25℃. Open the greenhouse after 2-3 weeks. After this, the cuttings can be planted on the site, feeding them (30 grams of saltpeter per 1 bucket of water).

Harmful effects on shadberry

The main enemies of the serviceberry are the seed eater and the moth:

  • After an attack by a seed-eater, the shadberry may stop bearing fruit, because it eats the seeds and reproduces in the berries.
  • Moth causes foliage to dry out.

The drugs “Actellin”, “Fuafon” and “Karbofoson” can help get rid of pests.

Beneficial features

Serviceberry berries contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals (vitamin A, C and B, iron, iodine, manganese). They help with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract.

Serviceberry fruits lower blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, consumption of shadberry is not recommended for people with low blood pressure.

Photo of irga on the site

Irga spicata and round-leaved, from the Rosaceae family, has been known in Europe since the 16th century. In landscape design they are used as a flowering ornamental crop and for hedges. In this article we will tell you about growing irgi and propagation in different ways, and we will give advice on caring for the shrub.

Gardeners in the middle zone successfully grow shadberry for its healthy fruits, which contain many vitamins and nutrients. A self-fertile bush, 2–2.5 m high at the age of 10 years, produces a yield of up to 15 kg. It is extremely unpretentious, but on rich soils the quality of the berries is much higher. Popular for its ease of propagation - seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

Reproduction of irgi by seeds

Serviceberry berries ripen gradually. For sowing, it is important to select ripe or even slightly overripe fruits. To separate small seeds from the pulp, the berries are lightly pressed and washed several times. The seeds that float are unripe and are not suitable for sowing; they are poured out along with the water. Prepared seeds can be immediately planted in open ground.

Serviceberry seeds suitable for sowing

Conditions for sowing seeds:

  1. The soil mixture is sandy loam with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
  2. The place is well lit.
  3. Protection from wind and frost.

Seeds sown in late summer germinate in the spring of the next calendar year. Over the winter they undergo natural stratification and germinate in April.

It’s not scary if seedlings appear in the fall. For the winter, they need to be covered with dry grass or straw, a layer of 15–20 cm.

You can sow shadberry in the spring. Then the seeds need to be prepared, from the fall keep them in damp sand, but in a dark place, at a temperature of +5 0. Gardeners recommend placing serviceberry seeds in a damp cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide three months before sowing and keeping them cool in a plastic bag.

Seeds are sown in grooves, the width between which is 20 cm. 2 g of seeds are consumed per linear meter (140 pieces in 1 g). Place at a depth of 2 cm. The sprouted shadberry is picked at the stage of 2 - 3 leaves. Species plants are propagated in this way, because varietal qualities are guaranteed to be preserved only through vegetative cuttings or dividing the bush.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Next spring, the grown seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. Irga has a powerful root system, so the space for the bush is provided taking into account its maximum size: crown diameter 3 m, root depth 2 - 2.5 m. Based on this, the conditions should be as follows:

Table No. 1. Conditions for planting shadberry in a permanent place.

Irga is prone to growing root shoots in search of nutrients. The shrub is localized on loose, rich soils. Responsive to organic fertilizers. The quality of the fruit directly depends on the fertility of the soil. The soil mixture consists of light loam, coarse river sand, rotted compost in a ratio of 3:1:1. Add 150 g of potassium and 400 g of phosphorus fertilizers and 1 bucket of humus to each pit.Tip #1.

Do not plant shadberry near open parking lots. Fallen berries leave permanent marks on cars.

  1. Timing of propagation by green cuttings
  2. Smokey;
  3. Northline;
  4. Thyssen;
  5. Honeywood;


Cutting sequence:

Grafting with varietal cuttings

  1. The rootstock (growing in the ground) is cut at a height of 10–15 cm.
  2. The scion is formed:
  • choose a lignified shoot with a diameter of up to 1 cm;
  • the top is removed with an oblique cut;
  • The lower part of the cutting is cut under the bud to a wedge of 4 cm.
  1. On the rootstock, using a sharp garden knife, make a vertical cut in the middle of the shoot.
  2. Insert a wedge into the split so that the cut of the scion coincides with the rootstock along the bark.
  3. Press tightly and wrap with insulating tape. Recently, they have begun to replace it with cling film, tape, or special strips for grafting.
  4. The graft is covered to preserve moisture and temperature.

In about a month it will be clear whether the vaccination has taken root. This can be determined by the new leaves that appear from the scion buds. If the rootstock grows shoots, it must be removed urgently, otherwise the graft is in danger of degenerating and instead of a varietal shadberry you will get a species one.

Reproduction by dividing the mother bush

Most often, this is a forced method of propagation, for example, when a bush is transplanted from one place to another. The timing for such work is early spring before the buds swell or autumn, when the shadberry has dropped its leaves, but no later than two weeks before frost. Before dividing, the ground part is thinned out, removing all old branches, and young branches are shortened by 1/3.

When digging up shadberry, it is important to remember that its roots grow to a depth of 2 m or more, and the same in diameter. It is clear that it will not be possible to preserve all the roots, so the maximum possible dimensions are 1 m wide and 70 cm deep.

The extracted bush is freed from the ground and divided into 2 - 4 parts. To do this, use a hacksaw or an ax, because the thickness of the main roots reaches 5 cm or more. The delenka must have no less than two full-fledged shoots.

Reproduction by dividing the mother bush

Tip #2. The prepared parts are planted in a new place in the same way as seedlings. The planting pit for transplantation is twice as large as the roots.

Rules for transplanting bushes to a new location

Sometimes the initial place for the shadberry is chosen poorly, and as it grows, it takes up much more space than expected. There may be other reasons why it needs to be transplanted. Shrubs up to five years of age tolerate this procedure more easily; older plants take root less well.

In order for the shadberry to take root in a new place, you need to dig it up with a lump. The older the bush, the larger the com. You can manually move the root system with soil 50 x 50 x 50 cm. For a lump with a diameter of 1 m, special equipment is required.

Irga grows in light soil; to preserve it during transportation, you need to tightly wrap the roots along with the soil with cloth on the sides and tie them tightly. Place a flat support, such as a sheet of plywood, under the bottom of the lump and lift the bush with it. In this form, they are transported to the planting site and lowered into the prepared hole. Carefully release the lump from the backing and winding. cover the roots as with normal planting.

Water generously to moisten the lump and the soil around it. The amount of water is the same as the volume of the planting hole.

Shrub pruning to improve harvest

  • In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, dry, old, diseased and broken branches are completely removed. Sections with a diameter greater than 1 cm are coated with garden varnish or special paint against pathogens and pests.
  • In spring, shoots that grow inside the bush are shortened or cut off. Adjust the height for convenient fruit picking. In general, they are formed so that all branches are illuminated evenly and do not shade each other.

Main pests of serviceberry

Table No. 2. Pest control products.

To control pests, chemical insecticides are used: Binom, Atom, Bi - 58, Di - 68 Novy, Rogor - S, Desant, Teldor, Zagor, etc. Bacteriological preparations that are safe for humans and plants are represented by Akarin, Lepidocil, Bitoxibacillin, Fitoverm.

Advice #3. You can get rid of aphids using a sticky beltBros.

Mistakes when growing serviceberry

Mistake #1. Failure to observe the required interval when planting.

Irga grows quickly and thickly. If you don’t initially leave 4 m between the bushes, they will intertwine and will have to be replanted over time.

Mistake #2. Neglecting pruning.

Unregulated growth results in leaf dominance to the detriment of yield.

Mistake #3. Planting in the shade.

Irga is an unpretentious plant, it will adapt to any conditions, but if the goal is a harvest, then the bushes need to be planted in the sun. Irgu is grown in the shade for decorative purposes.

Category “Questions and Answers”

Question No. 1. I planted the shadberry in the far corner of the garden; I don’t go to the dacha every week. During my absence, a mass of growth had formed around the bush. Why? And what to do with it.

Your serviceberry grows in poor soil, so it has grown in search of food. If you do not plan to expand the plantation, dig up the shoots, fertilize the bush with organic matter and mulch so that less moisture evaporates, and along with it, fertilizing.

Question No. 2. I heard that shadberry is planted in hedges. Is it so?

Exactly. Irga grows as a free, flowering hedge, or as a trimmed hedge. In the shade and in the sun, on fertile soils and poor ones. Not a bush, but a gardener's dream.

Question No. 3. Do you need two serviceberries on the site for pollination, like sea buckthorn?

No no need. Irga, unlike sea buckthorn, is a self-fertile plant. Fruits well alone.

Question No. 4. Have you heard that irga is called something else?

Absolutely right. She has many names: Pirus, Korinka, Karisha, Corica, Northern grapes, Children's berry, Wine cherry.

Question No. 5. Is it true that you can’t plant shadberry near an orchard?

Right. As plants of the same botanical family, they have common pests, therefore, if possible, it is better to keep the shadberry away.

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