Christian Bible Questions for Youth. Piggy Bank - Bible Questions

219. Water balloon barbers

How to play: You will need balls, razors, shaving cream or foam. Divide the group into pairs: girl + boy. Each boy inflates a balloon and sits facing the girl, holding the end of the balloon in his mouth. She applies foam to the balloon. The most fun part of the game comes: the girl tries to shave off the cream from the ball with a razor. The first pair to quickly remove the cream from the balloon without bursting it, wins. Don't forget to close your eyes if you use shaving cream!

187. Digital quiz

Rules of the game: As you know, memorization of numbers requires special efforts. Just memorizing is not always a desire, therefore, in order to arouse interest among the players, you can arrange a competition in the form of a digital quiz. To do this, prepare several sets of numbers in advance, depending on the number of teams. The numbers can be all sorts, but only those that are mentioned in the Bible.
During communication, give each team a set of numbers. Each member on their team takes one or more numbers if the team is small. The facilitator asks a question and the participant who has the answer, i.e. the number corresponding to the correct answer should silently raise it. The team that gives the correct answer first gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

Sample questions: (From this list of questions, you can choose the games that are suitable for your participants. You need to ask them randomly).

1) When they offered a sacrifice for the people's sin, how many high priests were to enter the tabernacle? (Heb.9.7).

2) How many "poods" are there in the Bible? (2 Tim. 4.21).

3) When taking the church, how much is taken and how much is left? (Matthew 24:40-41).

4) How many times is the name of God mentioned in the book of Esther? (Esther 6.1).

5) The Lord has 1000 years, like ... a day (2 Peter 3.8).

1) How many people took part in the preparation of Easter for Jesus Christ and his disciples? (Luke 22.8: Peter, John).

2) From what age and below were babies killed by Herod? (Matthew 2.16).

3) How many men appeared before the disciples when Christ ascended to heaven? (Acts 1.10).

4) How many masters can't we serve at the same time? (Matthew 6.24).

5) How many children did Joseph have? (Gen. 46:27).

1) How many prophets were shepherds? (Amos 1.1; Moses - Ex. 3.1; David - 1 Sam. 16.19).

2) How many disciples were on the Mount of Transfiguration? (Luke 9.28: Peter, John, James).

3) How many tabernacles did Peter propose to make on the mountain? (Jesus, Moses, Elijah - Mt.17.4).

4) How many people did Jesus Christ resurrect during his life on earth? (Luke 7-8 ch.; John 11 ch.).

5) How many days was the Son of Man in the heart of the earth? (Mt. 12.40; 1 Cor. 15.4).

1) After how many months, as the disciples said, does the harvest come, and Christ said: “Look how the cornfields have turned white and ripened for harvest”? (John 4.35).

2) How many days was Lazarus in the tomb? (John 11.17).

3) Into how many parts did they divide Christ's garment? (John 19.23).

1) How many loaves did Jesus Christ need to feed a crowd of five thousand? (Luke 9.13-14).

2) How many covered passages were there in the pool of Bethesda? (John 5.2).

3) How many brothers did the rich man have who went to hell? (Luke 16:28).

4) How many books were written by Moses? (Genesis - Deuteronomy).

5) How many wise virgins were there? (Matthew 25.2).

1) How many stone waterpots were there in which Christ turned the water into wine? (John 2.6).

2) At what hour did Christ sit down by the well of Sychar to rest? (John 4.6).

3) At what hour did darkness fall on Golgotha? (Matthew 27:45).

4) How many years did Jacob serve Laban for the cattle donated? (Gen. 31:41).

1) How many baskets of leftover bread were collected when 4,000 people were fed? (Matthew 15:37).

2) How many loaves were there when 4,000 people were fed? (Matthew 15:34).

3) How many times did Naaman have to dip in the waters of the Jordan? (4 Chr. 5.10).

4) How many years did Solomon build the temple? (3 Par. 6.38).

5) How many demons did Jesus cast out of Mary Magdalene? (Mark 16.9).

1) How many years was Aeneas, healed by Peter, ill? (Acts 9:33).

2) On what day after birth was Christ given a name? (Luke 2.21).

3) How many people were saved from the flood? (1 Peter 3:20).

4) How many sons did Jesse have? (1 Sam. 17.12).

1) Until what hour was there darkness on Golgotha? (Matthew 27:45).

2) How many ungrateful lepers were cleansed? (Luke 17.17).

3) At what hour did Jesus cry out, “My God! My God! Why did you leave me?” (Matthew 27:46).

1) What part of the seeds of the earth and of the fruit of the tree belongs to the Lord? (Lev. 27:30).

2) What part did the Pharisee give to God? (Luke 18.12).

3) How many drachmas did the woman who lost one have? (Luke 15.8).

4) How many virgins is the Kingdom of Heaven like? (Matthew 25.1).

5) How many of Jacob's children went to Egypt for bread? (Gen. 42.3).

1) At what hour were the laborers hired for the vineyard according to the parable told by Jesus? (Parable, Matthew 20.9).

2) How many disciples were at the dinner when Christ appeared? (Mark 16:14).

3) How many Apostles is Matthew counted among? (Acts 1.26).

1) God has prepared for His lovers the tree of life in eternity. How many times a year does it bear fruit? (Rev.22.2).

2) How many apostles were there? (Luke 6.13).

3) How many tribes of Israel were there? (Rev.21.12).

4) How many sons did Jacob have? (Gen. 35:22).

5) How many boxes of pieces of bread were collected when 5,000 people were fed? (Matthew 14:20).

6) How old was the healed daughter of Jairus? (Mark 5.42).

7) How many gates will there be in the New Jerusalem? (Rev.21.12).

Here are questions for children aged 12-14 studying the Bible in Sunday school. Question Maker - Ludmila Nadezhkina , Moscow, Bethany Church.

1. On what day did God create Eve? (In the sixth).
2. What were the names of Noah's sons? (Sim, Ham, Japheth)
3. The place from which Abraham left to go to the promised land? (Ur Chaldean)
4. The king of Salem, to whom Abraham gave a tithe. (Melchizedek)
5. What were the names of Ishmael's father and mother? (Abraham and Hagar).
6. Wife of Isaac. (Rebekah.)
7. Of whom is it said: "The greater shall serve the lesser"? (about Esau and Jacob)
8. Father of Leah and Rachel. (Gen. 29:16) Laban
9 What did Jacob name the place where, when he fell asleep, he had a dream? (Bethel)
10 What was the name of the man to whom Joseph was sold? (Potiphar)

11. Which two courtiers were brought to Joseph in prison? (The butler and the baker).
12. What did Job say when he heard the sad news from his servants? (Job said: “Naked I came out of my mother’s womb, and naked I will return, the Lord gave, and the Lord took away: blessed be the name of the Lord”)!
13. How many years did the Israelites live in Egypt? (430 years, Ex. 12:40)
14. Who are Shifra and Fua? (Midwives of the Jews in Egypt)
15. What were the names of Moses' brother and sister? (Aaron and Miriam).
16. To whom did God speak from the flames of the burning bush? (with Moses)
17. What does the word "Easter" mean? (“pass by”, “bypass”, “deliverance”).
18. On what day was the double manna to be collected for two days? (In the sixth.)
19. Who supported Moses' hands when Israel fought the Amalekites? (Or and Aaron)
20. On what mountain were the ten commandments given? (Sinai)
21. What five books of the Bible did Moses write? (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.)
22. Who brought alien fire to the Lord? (Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron).
23. Two of the spies who were not afraid to go into the promised land. (Joshua and Caleb. Numbers 14:6)
24. What were the names of the three people who rebelled against Moses and were punished by God by falling into the ground? (Korea, Dathan, Aviron. Numbers 16:27).
25. How many years did the children of Israel wander in the wilderness? (Forty years, Num. 14:34)
26. The woman who helped the spies. (Rahab, the harlot)
27. What were the Israelites to do on the seventh day after circumambulating Jericho? (Go around the city seven times, blow the trumpets, exclaim, Joshua 6:14,19)
28. What city did the Israelites not take because of Achan, who took the accursed in Jericho? (city Guy)
29. The female judge who led the army of the Israelites. (Deborah)
30. Who struck a thousand people with a donkey's jaw? (Samson.)
31. What was the name of Ruth's mother-in-law? (Naomi.)
32. What was the name of Ruth's new husband? (Voz.)
33. What was the name of Samuel's mother? (Anna)
34. Whose son was Jonathan? (Saul.)
35. What was the name of the prophet who rebuked David for Bathsheba? (Nathan.)
36. Son of David who rebelled against his father? (Absalom.)
37. What is a godly man compared to in Psalm 1? (With tree).
38. How many Baal prophets did Elijah slay? (450)
39. Who succeeded Elijah? (Elise)

40. What, according to Proverbs, is a delicacy that enters the inside of the womb? (earphone words, Prov. 26:22).
41. According to the parables of Solomon, what does one who intervenes in another's quarrel do? (Grabs the dog by the ears, Prov. 26:17)
42. Who was a leper, but, having plunged into the river, became healthy? (Neaman)
43. The woman who hunted for Elijah? (Jezebel)
44. To which city did Jonah not want to go? (Nineveh)
45. Babylonian king who led Israel into captivity. (Nebuchadnezzar)
46. ​​What did the hand write on the wall during the feast? (Mene, mene, tekel, uparsin.)
47. Four who refused to eat from the king's table? (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego).
48. Instead of which queen did Esther reign? (Astin.)
49. Who was Mordecai to Esther? (Cousin, Esther 2:7)
50. Nehemiah was the butler of which king? (Artaxerxes.)
51. What is the name of the prophet who denounces the people of Israel for robbing God? (Malachi.)
52. At what point did the devil begin to tempt Jesus while fasting in the wilderness? (When Jesus was hungry.)
53. What did Jesus say to the devil when he tempted him with the words: “If you are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread”? (Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God")
54. Brother of Andrew, one of Jesus' disciples? (Peter)
55. The two first followers of Christ. (John 1:35,40 - John, Andrew)
56. The name of the pool into which the Angel of the Lord entered and disturbed the water. (John 5:2, Bethesda)
57. In what pool did the blind man wash and become sighted? (John 9:7, Siloam)
58. What city was Lazarus from? (John 11:1, Bethany)
59. Which of the disciples carried the donation box? (Judas Iscariot)
60. Who was the only one of the ten lepers who thanked the Lord for healing? (Luke 17:16, Samaritan)
61. Who secretly touched Jesus and was healed of sickness? (Mark 5:25, The Woman Who Was Hemorrhaging)
62. On what four kinds of soil did the seed fall in the parable of the sower? (On the road, on stones, in thorns, in good soil).
63. Who said to Jesus: “Lord! Show us the Father, and it is enough for us"? (John 14:8, Philip)
64. What two men appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration? (Elijah and Moses.)
65. Who is Malchus? (John 18:10, the servant whose ear Peter cut off).
66. Who helped Jesus carry the cross? (Luke 23:26, Simon of Cyrene).
67. Who asked Pilate to take the body of Jesus from the cross? (John 19:38, Joseph)
68. How many fish did the disciples catch after the resurrected Jesus told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat? (John 21:11, 153 fish)
69. How long did it take between the ascension of Jesus into heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit? (10 days)
70. Who was chosen by lot to be an Apostle instead of Judas Iscariot? (Acts 1:26, on Matthias)
71. At what door of the temple was the lame beggar sitting when Peter and John healed him? (Acts 3:10, at the Red Doors of the Temple).
72. How many people were appointed to the very first deacon's office? (Acts 6:3, 7 people)
73. Who guarded the clothes of those who beat Stephen? (Acts 7:58, Saul)
74. Who wanted to buy God's gift with money? (Acts 8:18, Simon)
75. Where was Saul from? (from the city of Tarsus, Acts 9:11)
76. Through whom did God raise Tabitha? (through the apostle Peter, Acts 9:40).
77. In what city did the disciples of Jesus first begin to be called Christians? (in Antioch)
78. Who did Paul not want to take on a mission because he once fell behind him? (John Mark, Acts 15:37)
79. On the shore of what island was the ship that had Paul on it washed up? (Melit, Acts 28:1)

Bible Questions for Children Ages 9-11 (Whole Bible Review)

Here are questions for children aged 9-11 studying the Bible in Sunday school. Question Maker - Ludmila Nadezhkina , Moscow, Bethany Church.

1. On what day did God create the raven? (fifth, Gen. 1:22-23)
2. What were the names of the special trees in the Garden of Eden? (the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Gen. 2:9)
3. What kind of servants did God create in heaven? (angels)
4. How many people were saved in the ark? (eight, Gen. 7:7)
5. What sign did God set after the flood? (rainbow)
6. Tower, high to heaven, which people wanted to build. (Tower of Babel)
7. The first name of Abraham. (Abram)
8. Who was Lot to Abraham? (nephew, Gen. 12:5)
9. What two cities were destroyed because of their wickedness? (Sodom and Gomorrah)
10. The long-awaited son of Abraham and Sarah? (Isaac)
11. Twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah? (Esau and Jacob)
12. Wife of Jacob. (Rachel)
13. What did Esau sell to his brother Jacob for lentil stew? (primogeniture)
14 How long did Jacob work for Rachel? (age 14, Gen. 31:41)
15. By the stream of which river did Jacob wrestle with God? (Jabok)
16. Where was Joseph sold by his brothers? (In Egypt)
17. Who remembered Joseph when not a single interpreter of dreams was found? (cupbearer)
18. What was the name of the man about whom God said to Satan: “Behold, all that he has is in your hand; only do not stretch out your hand on him”? (Job)
19. On what river did the basket with Moses float? (Nile)
20. Whom did the Passover lamb represent? (Jesus Christ)
21. What was done with the manna if it was left until the next morning? (spoiled - worms started)
22. On what did Moses strike and water came out? (On the rock)
23. To whom did the Lord give the tablets of commandments? (to Moses)
24. What made Miriam sick when she rebuked Moses? (leprosy)
25. How many spies liked the promised land? (two)
26. Who succeeded Moses? (Jesus Nun)
27. How many days did the Israelites have to go around Jericho once? (six days, Joshua 6:2)
28. Who spread wool to know the will of God? (Gideon)
29. The woman who betrayed Samson? (Dalida, Judg. 16:19)
30. What did Ruth gather in the fields of Boaz? (ears of barley and wheat)
31. What was the name of Anna's son, whom she gave from childhood to serve the Lord? (Samuel)
32. Who was Saul? (king)
33. Son of Saul, friend of David. (Jonathan)
34. Who got entangled with his hair in the branches of an oak tree and hung? (Absalom)
35. Who wrote most of the book of Proverbs? (Solomon)
36. What food did the ravens bring to Elijah? (bread and meat)
37. Which prophet was taken up in a chariot of fire? (Or me)
38. What illness did Naaman have? (leprosy)
39. What suddenly grew near Jonah when he was sitting outside the city? (plant)
40. What did the people of Nineveh do when they heard Jonah preach? (repented)
41. Which king did the Lord extend his life for 15 years? (Hezekiah, 4 Kings 20:6)
42. Who interpreted the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar? (Daniel)
43. Three young men who were not afraid of the fiery furnace? (Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego)
44. What did the words “mene, mene, tekel, uparsin” mean? (“mene” - God numbered your kingdom and put an end to it; “tekel” - you were weighed in the balance and found very light; “peres” - your kingdom was divided and given to the Medes and Persians)
45. Who guessed the meaning of the words that were written on the wall by hand? (Daniel)
46. ​​Under which king was Daniel thrown into the lions' den? (Darius)
47. Why was King Artaxerxes angry at Vashti? (she did not go out to his feast)
48. Who begged Artaxerxes to exterminate the people of Israel? (Aman)
49. Who rebuilt the destroyed walls of Jerusalem? (Nehemiah)
50. Mother and father of John the Baptist? (Elisabeth and Zechariah)
51. To whom was it foretold by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he saw the Lord's Christ? (to Simeon)
52. Where was Jesus led by the Holy Spirit after His baptism? (to the desert)
53. In what city did Jesus perform the first miracle? (at Cana of Galilee)
54. What was Peter's first name? (Simon)
55. The Pharisee who came to Jesus secretly at night. (Nicodemus)
56. What nation was the woman who spoke to Jesus at the well? (Samaritan woman, John 4:7)
57. To whom was the Act of the Apostles addressed? (Theophilus, Acts 1:1)
58. How many people were fed from five loaves and two fish? (5000, John 6:10)
59. How many boxes of bread are left after feeding 5,000 people? (12, Matt. 14:20)
60. Which tree withered after the words of Jesus Christ? (fig tree, Matt. 21:19)
61. What did Peter find in the fish's mouth? (stater, Matt. 17:27)
62. Which of the disciples did Jesus take to the Mount of Transfiguration? (Peter, James, John, Luke 9:28)
63. Where did the poor widow put her two mites? (to the treasury)
64. Who was displeased that Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with precious ointment? (Judas Iscariot, John 12:4)
65. If Jesus is a vine, then we ... .. . (branches)
66. Which of the disciples did Jesus take to the Garden of Gethsemane? (Peter, James, John)
67. Which of the disciples, defending Jesus, cut off the slave's ear? (Peter, John 18:10)
68. What did the soldiers divide among themselves after Jesus had been crucified? (clothes, John 19:23)
69. Two disciples who first ran to the tomb of Jesus? (Peter, John, John 20:3)
70. On what day after the resurrection did Jesus ascend to heaven? (at 40, Acts 1:3)
71. In what book of the Bible is it written about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples? (Acts)
72. Who wrote the book of Acts of the Apostles? (Luke)
73. How many people repented when Peter preached at Pentecost? (3000, Acts 2:41)
74. Husband and wife who deceived the Apostles. (Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5:1)
75. First martyr for Christ? (Stefan, Acts 7:59)
76. On the way to which city did Christ appear to Saul? (Damascus, Acts 9:3)
77. New name for Saul? (Pavel)
78. The maid who for joy did not open the gate for Peter? (Rhoda, Acts 12:13)
79. Which of the Apostles was shipwrecked at sea? (Pavel)
80. Who wrote the book of Revelation? (John)

Here are questions for children aged 6-8 who are studying the Bible in Sunday school. The compiler of the questions is Lyudmila Nadezhkina, Moscow, Bethany Church.

1. In how many days did the Lord create everything in the world? (for six days)
2. What did God create in the beginning? (heaven and earth, Gen. 1:1)
3. On what day did the Lord create the trees? (to the third)
4. What was the name of the first people? (Adam and Eve)
5. Why were Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise? (for disobedience)
6. What were the names of the two sons of Adam and Eve? (Abel and Cain)
7 What did Cain do with his brother? (killed)
8. Who built the ark? (Noah)
9. Which bird brought a twig to Noah's ark? (Dove, Gen. 8:11)
10. What was the name of the son of Abraham and Sarah? (Isaac)
11 How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born? (100, Gen. 21:5)
12 What was Lot's wife when she turned back? (salt column)
13. Who were Esau and Jacob? (brothers)
14. What new name was given to Jacob? (Israel)
15. Who sold Joseph into slavery? (brothers)
16. What was the name of the baby who floated in a basket along the river? (Moses)
17. Who found and took the basket with the baby from the river? (daughter of the pharaoh)
18. Who brought the Israelites out of Egypt? (Moses)
19. Who didn't want to let the people of Israel out of Egypt? (Pharaoh)
20. What was the name of the bread that the Lord gave to His people in the wilderness? (manna)
21. How many commandments has the Lord given us? (Ten)
22. How many spies went out to look for the promised land? (Twelve)
23. A city whose walls fell down after the people of Israel walked around them? (Jericho)
24. A strong man who could easily defeat a lion? (Samson)
25. The boy who spent the night in the temple, and God called him three times by name? (Samuel)
26. The boy who defeated Goliath? (David)
27. How did David slay Goliath? (sling with five stones)
28. What was the name of the man who asked God not for wealth, not for long life, but for wisdom? (Solomon)
29. To whom did the raven bring bread and meat every morning? (Elijah)
30. In what river was Naaman healed? (Jordan)
31. What was the name of the person who was swallowed by the big fish? (And she)
32. How many days and nights was Jonah in the belly of the big fish? (Three)
33. Who was thrown into the lions' den? (Daniel)
34. What was the name of the beautiful woman who saved her people of Israel? (Esther)
35. In what city was the baby Jesus born? (in Bethlehem)
36. What was the name of the Archangel who announced to Mary that she would have a son? (Gabriel)
37. Who came from a distant land to worship the baby Jesus? (Magi)
38. Where did Mary put the baby Jesus? (In the nursery)
39. What was the name of the king who wanted to kill the baby Jesus? (Herod)
40. How old was Jesus when he spoke to the teachers in the temple? (12 years)
41. Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan? (John the Baptist)
42. Who descended on Jesus after He was baptized in water? (Holy Spirit)
43. How many days after baptism did Jesus fast in the wilderness? (forty days)
44. How many disciples did Jesus choose? (twelve)
45. Who was Matthew? (Tax collector)
46. ​​What profession was Peter? (Fisherman)
47. Whom did Jesus drive out of the temple? (Selling John 2:15)
48. What did Jesus ask the Samaritan woman at the well? (Water, John 4:7)
49. Who gave Jesus five loaves and two fish? (Boy, John 6:9)
50. What sea did Jesus walk on? (according to Galilee, John 6:1)
51. Which of the disciples walked with Jesus on the water? (Peter)
52. What tree did Zacchaeus climb to see Jesus? (On the fig tree, Luke 19:4)
53. Which of the disciples said: “Lord! To whom shall we go? Do you have the words of eternal life? (Peter, John 6:68)
54. How many coins did the poor widow put in the treasury? (Two mites)
55. What is the name of the parable about the man who first left his father and then returned? (The Parable of the Prodigal Son)
56. What were the names of the two sisters of Lazarus? (Martha and Mary, John 11:1)
57. How many days was Lazarus dead? (Four days, John 11:39)
58. Whose image was on the denarii? (Caesar, Luke 20:24)
59. Which of the disciples denied Jesus three times? (Peter)
60. How did Jesus minister to the disciples at the Last Supper? (Jesus washed their feet, John 13:5)
61. Who betrayed Jesus? (Judas Iscariot)
62. For how many pieces of silver did they betray Christ? (For thirty pieces of silver)
63. What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before he was arrested? (Gethsemane)
64. Roman procurator who gave Christ to be crucified? (Pilate)
65. What painful punishment did Jesus have to endure? (Crucifixion)
66. On what day did Christ rise from the dead? (On the third)
67. Who was the first to whom Christ appeared when he was resurrected? (Mary Magdalene, John 20:14)
68. Which of the disciples did not believe that Christ had risen? (Thomas, John 20:25)
69. Do you know how many books are in the Bible? (Sixty six)
70. In what city did the disciples expect the descent of the Holy Spirit? (In Jerusalem, Acts 2:5)
71. What was the former name of the Apostle Paul? (Saul, Acts 9:1)
72. A woman who made beautiful shirts and dresses? (Tabitha, Acts 9:36)
73. What did Paul and Silas do in prison when they were put there for preaching the gospel? (Singing, praising the Lord)

70. What name did Pharaoh give Joseph?
Answer: Tzafnaf-paneah, which means "preserving life" (Genesis 41:45)

69. The name of the man who built the first city mentioned in the Bible, the name of this city.
Answer: Cain, Enoch (Gen 4:17)

68. How many times is the Old Testament mentioned in Revelation: 121, 799, 84, or 245?
Answer: 245

67. To whom did Jesus say, Get away from me, Satan?
Answer: Peter (Matthew 16:23)

66 Miriam and Aaron rebuked Moses because his wife was...
Answer: Ethiopian (Numbers 12:1)

65. Name the first and last judges of Israel.
Answer: Othniel, (Judges 3:7-11), Samuel (1 Samuel 7:15)

64. What was the first bird Noah released from the ark?
Answer: Crow. (Gen 8:6-7)

63. In what language was the inscription on the cross of Jesus?
Answer: In Hebrew, Greek and Roman. (John 19:19-20)

62. What was the name of the high priest's servant whose ear Peter cut off?
Answer: Malchus (John 18:10)

61. How many windows did the ark have?
Answer: One (Gen 8:6)

60. What was the name of Jacob's firstborn?
Answer: Reuben (Gen 35:23)

59. What was the name of Goliath's brother?
Answer: Lahmia. (1 Chronicles 20:5)

58. What animals burned fields and gardens with fire?
Answer: Foxes, to whose tails Samson tied torches. (Judg 15:4-5)

57. Residents of which city most willingly listened to the news?
Answer: Athens (Acts 17:21)

56. Who wanted to commit suicide an hour before accepting Christ as their Savior?
Answer: Prison guard (Acts 16:27-33)

55. What preacher was upset that after his sermon everyone repented?
Answer: Jonah (Jonah 4:1-3)

54. What word could not be spoken by the Ephraimites, and therefore forty-two thousand of them perished?
Answer: Shibboleth (Judg 12:5-6)

53. In the letter to the Romans it is written that God hated one man. Who are we talking about?
Answer: About Esau (Rom 9:13)

52. Who wore the same shoes for forty years?
Answer: The people of Israel are in the wilderness (Deut 29:5)

51. Which of the Apostles of Christ was killed first?
Answer: James (Acts 12:1-2)

50. What was the name of the person who saw the flying scroll?
Answer: Zechariah (Zechariah 5:1)

49. Which slave ran away from his master and later came back himself?
Answer: Onesimus (Philemon 1:10-12)

48. What does the name Emmanuel mean?
Answer: God is with us. (Matthew 1:23)

47. The name of the star which, after the third trumpet, fell on a third of the rivers.
Answer: Wormwood (Revelation 8:10-11)

46. ​​How many years did Noah live after the flood?
Answer: 350 years (Gen 9:28)

45. Which woman called her husband master?
Answer: Sarah (1 Pet 3:6)

44. What is the name of the island on which the book of Revelation was written?
Answer: Patmos (Rev 1:9)

43. One of the twelve apostles, called the "twin"
Answer: Thomas (John 11:16)

42. What religious group did not believe in the resurrection from the dead?
Answer: Sadducees (Acts 23:8)

41. The people to which Ruth belonged
Answer: Moabites (Ruth 1:4)

40. He is a king. His name is read both from the beginning and from the end the same way. To get into his kingdom, one must move from Israel to the north. By the way, the name of his kingdom also includes his name.
Answer: Gog, the kingdom of Magog (Ezek 38:2)

39. In the branches of which tree did Absalom get entangled?
Answer: oak (2 Samuel 18:9)

38. The angel of the abyss is his name, which means "Destroyer" in translation
Answer: Abaddon (Rev 9:11)

37. From what wood did Noah make the ark?
Answer: Gopher (Gen 6:14)

36. The real name of Abednego
Answer: Azariah (Dan 1:7)

35. He stretched out his hand to the ark of the covenant, and the Lord struck him.
Answer: Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:6-7)

34. To whom was the Act of the Apostles addressed?
Answer: Theophilus (Acts 1:1)

33. Who was chosen to be the 12th Apostle after Judas strangled himself?
Answer: Matthias (Acts 1:26)

32. To whose question did Jesus answer "I am the way and the truth and the life..."
Answer: Thomas (John 14:5-6)

31. Whose life was extended after his request for 15 years?
Answer: Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:6)

30. Whom did the Apostle Paul betray to Satan?
Answer: Namene, Alexander (1 Tim 1:20)

29. How did Jesus heal Peter's mother-in-law?
Answer: touched her hand (Matthew 8:15)

28. How many fish did the disciples catch after the resurrected Jesus told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat?
Answer: 153 (John 21:11)

27 How old was Josiah when he became king?
Answer: 8 (2 Chronicles 34:1)

26. How many children did Job have?
Answer: 20 (Job 1:2 42:13)

25. What did Elisha throw into the water to make the iron from the ax float?
Answer: a piece of wood (2 Kings 6:6)

24. Whom did God bless first?
Answer: Fish, birds and reptiles (Gen. 1:20-22)

23. Which books of the Old and New Testaments begin the same way?
Answer: Genesis and the Gospel of John (In the beginning...)

22. What is the most used word in Genesis 1 (noun)
Answer: God - 33 times.

21. What did the Lord give food to all animals?
Answer: green grass (Gen. 1:30)

20. What two unusual trees grew in paradise?
Answer: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9)

19. What animals mentioned in the Bible spoke human language?
Answer: Serpent in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1) and Balaam's donkey (Num. 22:28)

18. What did Adam and Eve sew for themselves aprons?
Answer: Fig leaves (Gen. 3:7)

17. Who was the first to pay with his life for sin?
Answer: The animal from which God made leather garments for Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:21)

16. What does the name Eve mean?
Answer: life (Gen. 3:20)

15. What was the first lie mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: “No, you will not die” (Gen. 3:4)

14. Were there mountains before the flood?
Answer: yes. (Gen. 19:20)

13. Give the second name Esther.
Answer: Hadassah (Esther 2:7)

12. How was Esther related to Mordecai?
Answer: A cousin (Esther 2:7)

11. Where does the word Purim come from?
Answer: from the word "pur" - lots (Esther 9:26)

10. Of whom is it said in the Bible: "He comes out like a bridegroom from his bridal chamber, rejoices like a giant to run through the race"?
Answer: About the Sun (Ps. 18:6)

9. Who was the first to suffer for Christ?
Answer: Babies (Matthew 2:16)

8. What did the angel warn the apostle John against?
Answer: from worshiping him, the angel (Rev. 22:8-9)

7. What was the name of the teacher of the Apostle Paul?
Answer: Gamaliel (Acts 22:3)

6. Which of the disciples was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?
Answer: Peter, John, James (Luke 9:28)

5. Name seven churches to which the book of Revelation is addressed.
Answer: (Rev. 1:11) Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.

4. What was the name of the person who lived the longest?
Answer: Methuselah, he lived 969 years (Gen. 5:25-27)

3. Name the fruits of the spirit.
Answer: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, temperance. (Gal. 5:22-23)

2. What does Solomon call "the delight of the sons of men"?
Answer: musical instruments (Ec. 2:8)

1. Where in the Bible is the same word mentioned 8 times in one verse?
Answer: 2 Cor. 11:26 - in danger

Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna, teacher - librarian, teacher of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture MBOU Tatsinskaya secondary school No. 3, teacher of the Sunday School of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rostov region
Material Description: I offer you an Orthodox quiz "The family as the heir and keeper of spiritual and moral traditions." The material for compiling the Orthodox quiz was Orthodox literature and magazines. You can use the material in the most diverse form, both in the lessons of the Basics of Orthodox Culture, and in classes at Sunday Schools.
1. Expansion of historical and cultural education and spiritual and moral education by means of religious and cognitive content;
2. Acquaintance of students with the sacred history of the creation of the world and existence on Earth;
3. On the example of the life of saints, show the essence of life, its values, moral and spiritual;
4.. Teach to be kind, patient, enduring, courageous;
5. To develop students' interest in history; develop the aesthetic taste of students; develop thinking, speech, memory;
6. Cultivate diligence, patience.
Educational: Study of the Orthodox religious tradition; study of the history of Christianity. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of church art; the study of the dispensation of the Orthodox Church.
Acquaintance with the main types of Orthodox worship; the formation of a holistic perception of the world. Raising respect for the inner world of each person. Formation of a culture of communication. Spiritual and moral education through familiarization with the traditional values ​​of national culture. The revival of the Orthodox foundations of the family. Awakening interest and the formation of motivation for the study of national culture and history. Creative development of the child based on knowledge of national culture and history. To educate the student's need for creative participation in the life of Russia, in the conservation of nature and the creation of the culture of the Fatherland
Educational: to instill in students an interest in and respect for the Orthodox tradition, which is the core of the national cultures of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus; attach to the highest values: courage, mutual respect, tolerance.
Developing: to develop in students integral ideas about Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, in the formation and development of its spirituality and culture, corresponding to the current state of science.
Equipment: Exhibition of Orthodox books

Happy is the house where there is peace... where brother loves brother, parents care for their children, children honor their parents! There is the grace of the Lord...
Saint John Chrysostom

Orthodox quiz "The family as the heiress and custodian of spiritual and moral traditions"

1. What Orthodox holidays were celebrated in Russia in September. Name their dates according to the new style.
– A) The Great Feast of the Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (September 11)
B) The beginning of the indiction, church new year (September 14)
C) Great Twelfth Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (September 21)
D) Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 27).
E) Memorial Day of the holy martyrs of the maidens of Faith, Hope and Love and their mother Sophia (September 30)
2. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is an unusual holiday. There is no simple fun in it, but there is the joy of achievement. Why do Orthodox Christians call this holiday ascetic?
- It honors the Savior Crucified on the Cross, Who offered the Redemptive Sacrifice for the people. Christians lived in the joyful hope of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. In order to be worthy of this joy, it was necessary to prepare - in earthly life - to bear your cross. For Christians, the path to joy was through the Cross of Christ. Exaltation speaks of this.
3. Tell me, how do you understand Christian asceticism?
- Christian asceticism is following the commandments of God in life.
4. Tell us, what customs and traditions of the Exaltation holiday have developed in Russia?
- Economic affairs were timed to coincide with the Orthodox calendar in Russia in a Christian family. Gradually, customs and rituals were formed, reflected in the folk life. In the old days in Russia, Orthodox people erected chapels and churches on the Exaltation, according to a promise in honor of the holiday. This was considered especially pleasing to God. Roadside crosses were erected. On this holiday, processions were made around villages, cities, to protect from trouble, they went around the fields with a prayer for the future harvest. They said among the people, firmly remembering the grandfather's covenant that "truth is strong in faith, and faith in truth," and that one without the other is dead.
5. What is a "votive cross"?
- Votive crosses in Russia were placed along the roads and were called roadside votive crosses. They put them in gratitude for getting rid of evil - misfortune.
6. Archangel Michael is revered by Christians as the governor of the Powers of Heaven. The Orthodox Church has established a special day for the general veneration of the Angels - the servants of God and the guardians of the human race from the evil spirits of darkness. - The Cathedral of the Heavenly Angelic Host, headed by the Archangel Michael. What is the name of this holiday? When was it installed? When is the celebration?
- The holiday is called the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and the disembodied Heavenly Forces. It was established at the beginning of the fourth century. The celebration takes place on November 21st.
7. According to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, there are a lot of angels. Holy Tradition reveals to us the names of the seven Archangels, who are depicted on the icons. What are their names? Say what they mean.
- These are the names: Michael; Gabriel - his name means "the power of God" (he is depicted on icons with a lily in his hands and a scepter or a scroll in which the words of God are written); Raphael - “God healed” (depicted with a staff in his hands and a flask of water thrown over his shoulder); Uriel - "the light of God" (depicted with a book, a scroll or a torch in his hand); Salafiel - "prayer to God" (he is depicted with a censer in his hands); Jeremiel - "the height of God"; Varahiel - “God's blessing; Jehudiel - "Praise God". They are depicted on the icon of the Mother of God "The Burning Bush" (In its eight petals).
8. Two Archangels can be seen in the iconostasis of an Orthodox church. Give them their names. Tell me where they are.
- Archangel Michael and Gabriel. Archangel Michael is to the right of the Savior, next to the Mother of God, and Gabriel is to the left, next to John the Baptist.
9. How many days are there in the Orthodox calendar from the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos to St. Michael's Day?
- Thirty-eight days.
10. But with a scarlet hand
Dawn from the morning valleys
Leads out with the sun behind him
Happy birthday party.
So the festive day of the name day in Russian literature was described by A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Eugene Onegin". Tell me when the tradition of celebrating name days was established. What does the word birthday mean?
- The tradition of celebrating name days has been known in Russia since the seventeenth century. Name day is the day of memory of the saint, whose name the Christian bears.
11. When was it customary in an Orthodox family to baptize a child?
- In an Orthodox family, it was customary to baptize a child on the eighth day after birth. Therefore, the name day is associated, first of all, with the Sacrament of Baptism and with the saint, whose name the newborn was named. In the old days, patron saints were sometimes called the angels of their earthly namesakes. However, the patron saint is not a Guardian Angel. According to tradition, Christians look at whose memory is celebrated on the birthday of their child, and determine the day of his Baptism.
12. What day in Russia is considered the first day of winter?
- The Day of Michael the Archangel is considered in Russia the first day of winter. The rivers are covered with ice. The people said: “Since Mikhailov’s Day, winter has been standing, the earth is freezing”, “Mikhailo is building bridges”.
13. Orthodox Russia built all daily affairs according to the days of the church calendar. What began with the feast of the Entrance to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos?
- In the old days, the feast of the Entrance to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos was the beginning of the winter bargaining. Merchants called buyers with jokes:
Here are the sleds - scooters,
Decorated - rich,
Decorated - gilded
Finished with morocco!
Introduction to bargaining at the yard,
It's time to go sled
The sleigh rolls by itself
The sleigh wants to go!
The introduction has come
Winter brought into the house,
The horses were harnessed to the sleigh,
On the way - the path was brought out,
The ice on the river swept
Connected with the shore
chained to the ground,
The snow is frozen
little guys,
red girls
Sat on the sled
On the ice from the mountain rolled ....
14. From what date does the Nativity fast begin. As it is also called. How many days does it last?
- Advent begins on November 28th. This time was established by the Church for special spiritual labors. And since the memory of the holy Apostle Philip was celebrated on this day, it is also called Philip's Fast. Fasting continues for forty days - until the Nativity of Christ, celebrated on November 7th.
15. What is the Royal Hours? Why were they called Royal Hours?
- Royal Hours - Divine Liturgy before the feasts of Christmas, Epiphany, and also on Good Friday. They were called royal in Constantinople, since the king came to them and solemnly proclaimed many years to him.
16. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is on the Orthodox calendar. What did this feast tell Christians?
- About the fact that the Love of God that came into the world illumined the hearts of people, Christ was baptized and showed everyone the way to salvation. By following Christ, by accepting Baptism, a person could be reborn to spiritual life—life with God. In the Baptism of Jesus Christ, God revealed Himself to people as the Holy Trinity - One God in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Therefore, the feast of Epiphany is also called Theophany.
17. When is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord celebrated in the Orthodox calendar? What is the name of the day before?
- The Feast of the Epiphany in the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on the nineteenth of January. The day before is called, as before Christmas, Christmas Eve. On this day, Christians observe fasting. After the festive service on Epiphany Eve, the Great Blessing of Water is performed in all churches in Russia, in memory of how the waters of the Jordan were sanctified when Jesus Christ was baptized in them.

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