I want to get a second higher pedagogical education. Pedagogical distance education

How to obtain a higher pedagogical education by correspondence, master the prestigious teaching profession and begin teaching as early as possible. The answer to this question will be given at any university that provides correspondence education. This training option has its advantages and, first of all, financial ones. Studying at the correspondence department will cost much less, and makes it possible to combine it with work.

The teacher’s job is to organize and conduct lessons, involve children in the learning process, control the behavior of difficult children, and ensure the safety of students. The teacher also educates the younger generation, attracting them to creativity, science, etc.
Studying by correspondence, as well as in a hospital setting, The learning process gives all this knowledge to the future teacher. The profession has a number of advantages compared to others, these are:

  • Opportunity to realize your organizational and creative abilities. Those who have received a diploma also have the opportunity to engage in tutoring (including remotely), sell their information product as a specialist and receive semi-passive income.
  • Teachers have fewer working hours per week.
  • The vacation is longer.
  • A teacher is a profession in demand in the labor market.

Of course, the position is suitable for those who love working with children and are ready to take responsibility for them.

Directions of teacher education

Get an education via correspondence

The learning process follows three main directions:

  1. Classic program. The student gains knowledge about global pedagogy, child psychology, lesson management tactics, and how to establish contact with difficult teenagers and elementary school students. In addition, the future teacher will learn to motivate children to study and provide psychological assistance and support.
  2. Special program. A profession that is in demand and at the same time very difficult - the work involves difficult children, disabled children, and children just getting ready to go to school. Among the areas of this particular group: speech therapy, therapeutic psychology, oligophrenopedagogy, etc.
  3. Administrative program. The legal and economic elements of the educational system are studied, as well as more advanced pedagogical technologies.

Main specialties

Among the main specialties of correspondence pedagogical education, the following should be highlighted:

  • Primary school teacher.
  • Psychology of primary education.
  • Teacher of preschool education.
  • Psychology and pedagogy of preschool children.
  • Teacher of high schools (in various disciplines, for example, biology, history, economics, etc.) and universities.
  • Teacher of computer science and ICT.

Levels of pedagogical correspondence education

A student can enroll in programs and master's programs in absentia. At the bachelor's degree (specialty - psychological and pedagogical), they study:

  • Development of social skills in children, preparing them for further admission, assistance in professional self-determination.
  • Psychological work with the child (assistance in the adaptation of the “new kids”, conversation with a withdrawn child, etc.).
  • Features of interaction with parents and/or the team with subsequent resolution of problems that arise.
  • Methods and techniques for the development of gifted children.
  • Methods for identifying and eliminating the causes of delay or slowdown in the personal growth and development of students.
  • Psychological diagnostics using modern methods and technologies.

Those enrolled in a master's program study in a more narrowly focused and in-depth manner. During the learning process, the student:

  • Learns not only to teach, but also to conduct research.
  • Gains knowledge about information systems, modern technologies and techniques.
  • He studies the psychology of communication, innovative methods of organization, and working with global information resources.
  • He studies both general subjects and highly specialized ones.
  • Performs course work and final (qualifying) work.

How to decide on the form of study and where to apply

Everyone chooses a specific form of training for themselves, as they differ in time and cost.

  1. Part-time – 5 years.
  2. Full-time full-time – 4 years.
  3. - 2 years.
  4. Distance education – from 3 years and more.
  5. Advanced training – starting from 45 days.
  6. Retraining – from 6 months.

Teacher's specialty

Full-time extra-budgetary education is more expensive; universities have the opportunity to attend full-time or evening classes. Nowadays distance learning is becoming increasingly popular. The prices of the institutes differ, but they are significantly lower than at a hospital, and it is easier to get an education. With the help of this form, they very often receive a second higher education when they already have a diploma. But you can enroll either after college or after 11th grade based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Among a large number of institutes, the most rated are the following:

  • MPGU (Moscow).
  • ChSPU (Chelyabinsk).
  • RGPU named after. Herzen (St. Petersburg).
  • TSPU (Tomsk).
  • NSPU im. Kozma Minin (Nizhny Novgorod).
  • YAGPU im. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl).
  • VSPU (Voronezh).

In every district of Moscow, the profession of a teacher, with a high level of qualifications, is highly valued, and it does not matter significantly what form of training took place - classical, correspondence or distance learning. Correspondence education can be obtained at the Moscow Technological College, Moscow State University, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University and others.

Is it possible to shorten or lengthen the training period?

Duration of training to become a teacher, prof. retraining, advanced training, etc. depends on the chosen form of training. Under some circumstances, this time can be reduced, thereby bringing the deadline for obtaining a diploma closer, or, conversely, increased.

There are two main ways to do this:

  1. A special schedule of classes (individual schedule) and examinations, if there are grounds for this, may be a reason for reducing the period.
  2. A student can re-test subjects already completed if his first profession was closely related to pedagogy.

A reduction in study time occurs after a student applying for his own individual study schedule submits an application. The student has every right to do this, in accordance with Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

The period is extended for various reasons. This can be an academic leave, which is issued for various reasons, such as maternity leave, a long stay in the hospital, or a difficult family situation.

Second higher pedagogical education

Second higher education in absentia

Anyone who wants to change their profession or expand their range of knowledge can get it. After receiving a second diploma, a student can become a school psychologist, a school subject teacher, a tutor (tutor), or a music teacher.
Nowadays, the easiest way to get a second degree is through distance learning programs; this form is much more convenient; it is possible to combine study with work or study while sitting with a small child. Distance learning is suitable for those who, for certain reasons, cannot attend an educational institution every day.

To get a second higher education, you must have your first diploma and a transcript with grades.

Employment and career ladder

The student himself decides when to start working in his profession. The first steps in teaching can be taken in the initial courses of study; sometimes the universities themselves help in choosing a place of work. Those who have received a diploma can open their own courses or online school and teach students, earning money remotely. Career growth in this case depends on the teacher himself - how quickly his business will develop and whether it will be successful.
In regular schools you have the opportunity to get:

  • Educational psychologist.
  • Head teacher of the school.
  • A teacher in prestigious children's institutions.
  • Methodist.
  • Tutor.
  • Teacher in preschool education and children's creativity organizations.

The career ladder in this case starts from a simple trainee to the head of a department or deputy director of a children's educational institution.

It’s possible to get (the first or the second) - it’s cheaper, you don’t need to attend classes every day, and training takes place in comfortable conditions. At the same time, the skills and abilities are the same as during training at an inpatient department, and the positions offered on the labor market are also no different.

You will learn about the features of distance education from the video.

They have created unique training programs that allow everyone who wants to receive higher pedagogical education remotely, or in parallel with their main activities to master new related qualifications.

The new form of education has its own characteristics. Information resources, automated systems, educational databases and computer programs act as sources of knowledge.

At the same time, live communication with teachers is not excluded. But it has completely different forms. Lectures are given via Skype; you can ask the teacher questions and communicate with him directly using available communication channels.

The teacher only coordinates the process, directs students in the right direction, provides counseling, and notes important points in the course being taught. Students do all the rest of the work independently. And this is another main feature of the new form of education.

Pros and cons of pedagogical distance education

This option of obtaining higher pedagogical education has a number of undeniable advantages. This:

  1. Flexibility of training.
  2. Economic efficiency.
  3. Special forms of control.
  4. Modularity.

Students can choose their own time to listen to lectures and view educational materials, independently mastering the main principles of the chosen discipline.

Knowledge is given in compressed blocks. After each completion, testing or remote exams are carried out. Only after passing them do students move on to the next stage of training.

There is no need to go to college or university, spend money on travel or accommodation in a foreign city; you can study from anywhere in the world. Accessibility is another advantage of the described process.

But there are also negative aspects. The learning process will have to be controlled independently; there will be opportunities to communicate with teachers, but their number is limited. For many, this is an insurmountable obstacle.

And this must be taken into account when choosing distance learning; teacher education today is represented by the most conservative form of education, and the lack of control over how the educational process progresses can play a negative role.

How to obtain higher pedagogical education remotely

Today it is not difficult to obtain a higher pedagogical education. To do this, you need to have access to the Internet, a good computer, the memory of which will allow you to process training programs, and a great desire to learn on your own. In what direction do you need to act to begin to realize your desire?

You need to start by finding a suitable institute. Not all higher education institutions in the country provide such services. But still there are quite a lot of them. Which to choose?

It is necessary to take into account not so much the cost of training and the prestige of the facility, but its location. During your studies, you will have to visit the educational institution several times, so transport accessibility, in this case, is an important criterion.

And yet, experts recommend paying attention to what type of diploma is issued after graduation. Diplomas from commercial educational institutions may be subject to doubts, so it is better to choose a university that issues a state diploma.

Full information about what documents may be needed for admission, how to submit them, and in what form, is published on the official website of each educational institution.

In order to resolve all these issues, you can personally visit the institute or send by registered mail copies of your passport, certificate of secondary education, military ID, certified by a notary. Today, many universities ask you to fill out an application form online as an application.

Second teacher education remotely

If this is your first higher education, but you have to work with children, there is also a need to obtain a pedagogical education remotely.

In this case, it is necessary to look not for basic directions, but for special programs that allow you to retrain or acquire a related profession.

For example, any teacher can easily retrain as a biologist, become a chemist, or become a physicist or mathematician. Such options are also provided by universities and are offered to everyone.

In this case, the student himself creates a convenient schedule for completing the training programs. He can work and then study in his free time in the evening under the guidance of a personal tutor.

It is appointed by the university. Knowledge control is carried out in the same way as when receiving the first higher pedagogical education, through the Virtual Network, in electronic testing mode or a specially organized video conference.

Upon completion of their studies, students take a state certification exam and defend their qualifying work. Only those who are already working in a related specialty and have a diploma can apply for a second pedagogical education.

As you can see, distance higher pedagogical education is generally available. In order to get it, you must have a computer and the desire to learn on your own.

Our country is “famous” for its traditions and largely conservative way of life: everything new is very difficult and sometimes with great difficulty and distrust.

It took many years to prove that distance education is no worse than classical education, and is superior in many respects: price, quality, training time, geographical boundaries, etc.

- this is, in fact, the same distance learning, which involves independent preparation by the student. It doesn’t matter where you live, and whether you have a lot of money or not: the price of such distance pedagogical training is affordable for every student, and there is no need to “take time off” from work, since you can study at a time convenient for you.

Upon completion of distance learning (retraining), you will be issued a diploma in the standard format established by the state, which will be sent to you by registered mail. This diploma is a state document conferring your qualifications and acts in exactly the same way as a regular diploma from a university.

It was already mentioned above that thanks to this method it is possible to combine your work with training, and study at home and at any time available to you. You can build a training program for yourself based on your individual characteristics.

What is required for this form of training?

In order to enroll in professional retraining remotely, you must have completed higher or secondary vocational education (requirements of the Federal Law “On Education” No. 273).

If you already meet these requirements, then you can enroll in vocational training (retraining). The profile of your previous education will not matter in this case, the main thing is that you have it.

  1. You choose which one you would like to receive and leave a request for distance learning online. In response, you will receive a letter from the admissions committee managers with documents and instructions. Having filled them out and paid the receipt, you can begin training.
  2. The following will be sent to you by email: lectures, teaching materials, access to online libraries and assignments to complete. You complete them and send them to your supervisor, who throughout your training answers your questions and helps you.
  3. After successful completion of your studies, you will receive a state diploma through Russian Post (by registered mail to your address). With this, your goal of obtaining a teacher education remotely has been achieved!

Upon receiving, everyone has the opportunity to work in a good, prestigious place. The main thing is not to forget to check that the educational center has a license for educational activities, so that your diploma is real, and not a “certificate” of taking courses. On our website and even check it personally on the open data portal of the Moscow government.

If the first higher education is not related to pedagogy, you can get a second higher pedagogical education at any pedagogical institute or university, as well as at most classical universities in the Russian Federation.

Directions of higher pedagogical education

Most pedagogical universities have faculties where you can get a double specialization, for example, a teacher of one of the disciplines and an educational psychologist. True, this opportunity is provided primarily to those who study full-time. At evening and correspondence courses, you can obtain higher education in the following areas: preschool education, primary education, additional education, as well as teaching of various disciplines.

A specialist who has received a second higher pedagogical education can get a job in a kindergarten, school, college and technical school. In addition, he can engage in tutoring and give private courses. Pedagogical knowledge and skills are in demand in many areas of human activity, and can also be useful in teaching and raising one’s own children.

Forms of obtaining a second higher pedagogical education

A second higher pedagogical education can be obtained through full-time, part-time, part-time (evening) and distance learning. For people who already have a higher education and are working in their existing or another specialty, correspondence and distance learning are the most convenient. True, by studying, you can only master the theory, and the experience of working with children, the ability to communicate and find a common language with them will come only in practical activities.

Another form of obtaining pedagogical education on the basis of an existing higher education is professional retraining, most often carried out in institutes for advanced training and retraining of educators or institutes for educational development. The advantage of such training is the extremely short time frame. However, the diploma obtained, giving the right to conduct a new type of professional activity, is not a document of higher education. In addition, the knowledge gained is often more limited than what can be obtained at a basic university.

It should also be noted that, according to current legislation, obtaining a second higher education is paid. So whoever decides to take this step will need quite significant financial resources.

Pedagogical college distance learning is a special form of education using modern technologies. This is done simply, without leaving your region, you can combine study and work. This does not mean at all that the education obtained in this way will be of low quality or will not be taken into account in a career when applying for a job - you receive a state diploma. Obtaining a pedagogical education remotely has indeed become much easier - if there is no educational institution of this profile in your locality, we will help you get it.

Our organization is affiliated with several educational institutions and is authorized to provide advice on the admission of documents to universities and colleges, accept documents and forward them directly to the admissions committees. All services are completely free for you - you only pay for the learning process itself directly under an agreement with the educational institution to their bank account. We help you accept documents, explain technical issues at the admission stage and during training (how best to pass exams and tests), and implement your interaction with the dean’s office on issues of transfers, re-tests, academic leaves throughout the entire educational process, right up to graduation.

Distance pedagogical education implies:

  • Firstly, all distance learning students have the opportunity to participate in seminars online, receive consultations from leading specialist teachers and all the necessary lecture materials on the subjects. Using Internet technologies, students also take differential tests on completed topics - questions are sent to a personal email on the educational institution’s portal or asked online, for which a certain time is allotted to receive answers from the student.
  • Secondly, at certain intervals, everyone who receives a pedagogical education remotely does not need to come to the educational institution - you come only after completing your studies to pass state exams and defend your diploma.
  • Thirdly, to pass state exams and defend their thesis, students are required to be present at the educational institution in person - this allows the commission to assess the true level of education of the student.

Features of the specialty teaching in primary grades

After completing your training as a primary school teacher, you will receive a state-issued diploma, which will indicate: your specialty, terms of study, assigned qualifications and the fact that you studied by correspondence (Attention - this is by correspondence. The distance form is not included in the documents is prescribed, because this is a form of presentation of material) form of training. After graduating from college with a degree in primary school teaching, you can fill vacant positions in a primary school in your locality remotely.

When receiving a pedagogical education remotely, you receive the entire amount of knowledge that is available to graduates of full-time educational institutions, etc. The training programs are completely identical, only presented in a different form, and you don’t have to worry about your future employment.

We offer to obtain pedagogical education remotely in the following specialties

Name of specialty Qualification Duration of training Who to work with?
Primary school teaching Primary school teacher

9 classes - 4 years 10 months

Primary school teacher
Preschool education Preschool teacher

9 classes - 4 years 10 months

11 classes - 3 years 10 months

Kindergarten teacher, methodologist
Special preschool education 02/44/04 Teacher of preschool children with developmental disabilities
and with preserved development

9 classes - 4 years 10 months

11 classes - 3 years 10 months

In educational institutions (general developmental, compensatory, correctional), private kindergartens, child development centers as a teacher.
Corrective pedagogy in primary education Teacher of primary classes and primary classes of compensatory and
correctional and developmental education

9 classes - 4 years 10 months

11 classes - 3 years 10 months

Teachers of this specialization work in general education institutions where there are KRO classes, specialized schools, boarding schools, and kindergartens.

sample diploma
sample diploma

Distance teacher education - preschool education

Preschool education is the initial stage of the child’s entire education system and ensures the formation of a healthy, developed personality of the child, awakening a thirst for learning, preparing for systematic learning. The profession of a kindergarten teacher is extremely important because... contributes to the formation of the development of the child’s personality in his first social group.

Regulation of preschool education in the Russian Federation is based on Federal Law 273 “On Education”, which came into force in 2013. This document defines:

  • forms and methods, content and principles of preschool education (preschool education);
  • expected socio-cultural and public-governmental results of the program implementation;
  • The federal standard of preschool education (FSES DO) is a guideline for preschool specialists.
What is required to enroll in a pedagogical college for distance learning
Required documents Original / copy Note
statement () original If you have any questions, call
educational document with attachment
passport (main page + registration) copy
photo 3 x 4 6 pcs
medical certificate (form 086-U) original
marriage certificate (if changing surname) notarized copy

The main objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for distance education are:

  • protecting the lives and strengthening the psychological and physical health of children from 2 months to 7 years, the necessary correction of deficiencies in physical or psychological development;
  • preservation and support of the pupil’s individuality, development of individual personality characteristics, creative potential of each child;
  • the formation of a general culture, the development of moral, aesthetic, physical, intellectual qualities of pupils, responsibility, independence and initiative;
  • formation of prerequisites for further successful educational activities in general educational institutions of the education system;
  • ensuring diversity and variability in the content of preschool education programs, methods and forms of education, taking into account the age characteristics of pupils, the needs and abilities of children;
  • providing opportunities for the development of every preschooler during childhood, regardless of gender, nation, language, place of residence, social status or other characteristics (including limited physical capabilities);
  • interaction with the families of pupils to ensure the development of the preschooler, providing the necessary assistance to the parents of the preschooler on issues of upbringing and education.

Corrective pedagogy in primary education

Previously, it was believed that correctional pedagogy is pedagogy aimed at correcting “difficult” children with neglected upbringing and behavior. People called them “neglected” children, usually from dysfunctional families. But correctional pedagogy in primary education has long since acquired other directions.

The specialty “Correctional pedagogy in primary education” has been redirected to help in the education of children with disabilities and impaired intelligence. These can be either congenital or acquired diseases. Such children are trained in a specific correctional institution, where correctional teachers work. They weaken or replace developmental deficiencies.

The main tasks of a correctional teacher are:

  • Implementation of pedagogical control;
  • Planning lessons and additional activities with a focus on each child;
  • Work with parents of children, joint development of curriculum and tasks:
  • Selection of training programs taking into account the characteristics of the class;
  • Creating a subject-development environment in the classroom;
  • Drawing up real reports for each child.

Answering this question, it is easier to say with whom the correctional teacher does not work. Children with autism, Down syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mental retardation, musculoskeletal system disorders, as well as visually impaired and hearing impaired. Therefore, when going to study for the specialty “Correctional pedagogy in primary education,” people often receive several additional specialties. This profession allows you to constantly be in the process of learning, since there are so many branches of correctional pedagogy.

If you have any questions, you can always write or call our consultant and get a pedagogical education remotely. We accept documents from all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. We also offer training to anyone interested in in-demand professions.

Name of specialty Price Link
1 Social Security Law and Organization 18,000 rub./semester
2 Economics and Accounting 18,000 rub./semester
3 Banking 18,000 rub./semester
4 Tourism 18,000 rub./semester

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