They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Class: 6

Lesson type: explanation of new material.

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the construction of “Persuasive Text.”

Introductory speech by the teacher with elements of conversation.

(Updating students’ knowledge about informational text and TOPs of speech (based on previously prepared material about eyes).

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the structure of one of the types of tests - “persuasive text”, which we need to construct a speech statement for exams in grades 9 and 11.

The topic of this text will be EYES, which we talked about in the last lesson.

In previous lessons, we became acquainted with the “INFORMATIONAL TEXT”, which is based on the transfer of certain information and uses a set of rhetorical formulations (TOPs).

When collecting material about the eyes, we used the “properties” and “functions” TOPs. Let's remember what “properties” (i.e. definitions) and “functions” (i.e. actions) we selected for the eyes.

Now let's see how writers describe eyes

Text No. 1

I understand that the combination of all parts of the face, the movement of all facial muscles can form one or another grimace, one or another expression. Disgust, joyful smile, disappointment, surprise, fear, horror, etc. But the eyes... Pupils and whites. ...the eyes are sometimes steely and cold, sometimes honeyed and warm, sometimes shining, sometimes dim, sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful, sometimes with sunbeams jumping in them, sometimes mischievous, sometimes with little devils jumping in them, sometimes calling. Sometimes alienated, sometimes delighted, sometimes dead, like autumn water in a ditch... What illuminates them from the inside, where does this light come from and what is its nature?

V.A. Soloukhin “Pebbles in the palm of your hand”

Working with text No. 1:

2. Write down in your notebook those definitions that are not in our notes.

Text No. 2

The eyes can speak
Scream with happiness or cry,
You can encourage with your eyes,
Drive you crazy, get into a fight...
Words can deceive
This is impossible with the eyes.
You can drown in your gaze

Tired eyes don't know
What they see everywhere, they listen to,

Their gaze, like a sword, pierces everything,

They are at one with the soul,
When the soul is full of love,

A wave of happiness glows in them.

Working with text No. 2:

Underline the words that represent the functions of the eyes in the text.

Eyes can speak,
Scream with happiness or cry,
With my eyes can be encouraged,
Drive you crazy, get into a fight...
Words can deceive
This is impossible with the eyes.
You can drown in your gaze
If you look carelessly...
They don't know how tired they are eyes,
What they see everywhere listen,
Let no tears touch them,
Let them shine only with happiness.
Their gaze is like a sword pierces everything,
They are like an ancient healer,
They are at one with the soul,
This is how our Creator created them.
When the soul is full of love,
Eyes as mysterious as eternity
In them a wave of happiness glows.

Final questions on the texts:

  • What is the theme of both texts? (eyes)
  • What is the main idea in the texts about eyes? (that eyes express a person’s feelings and are a reflection of his emotional experiences)
  • Which floorboard will help us answer the question asked by V. Soloukhin? (“The eyes are the mirror of the soul.”)
  • What type of texts can both of these works be classified as and why? (These works belong to informational texts, since they tell about the subject of speech and describe it from different sides.)

Working on new material

(explanation of new material: introduction to the structure of a persuasive text and its features).

[To explain new material, children are given diagrams reflecting the structure of a persuasive text, and all the parameters of this scheme are analyzed.]

What do you think is the difference between the texts “INFORMATIONAL” and “PERSUASIVE”?

The purpose of informational text is to convey information that should pique the reader's interest. Therefore, the main types of speech in such a text will be description And narration.

The purpose of persuasive text is to make the reader believe the author is proving his point. The main type of speech will be reasoning.

To build a persuasive text, you need

  1. define and clarify topic,
  2. choose ways its disclosure
  3. arguments ( arguments) in favor of the thesis being defended
  4. and other content elements.

Analysis of scheme No. 1.

THESIS - a statement that presents an idea.

ARGUMENTS – evidence of the thesis, main idea.

Scheme No. 1.


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What it's about... A controversial issue with an ambiguous solution; eternal theme. Answer to a problematic question. Evidence of the thesis.

Before work (writing an essay), it is very convenient to draw up a table containing the main elements of a persuasive text (see diagram No. 2).

Scheme No. 2.

[After analyzing the elements of the structure of a persuasive text, fill out the table on the topic “Eyes are the mirror of the soul.”]

Work on language material.

To select illustrations for the arguments, we turn to various passages from literary texts:

And deaf, as if from a handout,
When they throw a stone at her to laugh,
The dog's eyes rolled
Golden stars in the snow.
(S. Yesenin “Song of the Dog”)

2. I looked at him from the side, and I felt something uneasy... Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them? (M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”)

3. Princess Marya: Large, deep and radiant (as if rays of pure light sometimes came out of them in sheaves)... (L. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

4. The look of Andrei Bolkonsky before his death: “deep, not looking out of himself, but looking into himself.” (L. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

5. “Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.” (Coco Chanel)

6. Eyes are the greatest human weakness. They betray their owner, almost always.

7. This is how a person works: he can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes... This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside. (Olga Annina)

[In a strong class, you can talk about the characters who have the described eyes and gaze: “What can you say about a person?”].

As a result of the conversation on the topic “Eyes are the mirror of the soul,” we fill out the table.

Subject Eyes // TOP DEFINITION
Problem Can eyes reflect a person's feelings?
Thesis Eyes are the mirror of the soul.
Arguments Illustrations
Argument 1 The eyes reflect everything that happens inside. Beautiful only those who look at you with tenderness have eyes(Coco Chanel)
Argument 2 A person can consciously control facial expressions to hide emotions, BUT lying with the eyes is much more difficult. Eyes are the greatest human weakness. They betray their owner, almost always.

Working on the composition of the essay.

To create a persuasive text, we must prove our point of view using the composition of an argumentative essay: thesis - evidence - conclusion. At the same time, to create an interesting, captivating text, it is necessary to use techniques for constructing informational text.

Therefore, we can start our text with the definition of eyes: “Eyes are...”. (This will be the INTRODUCTION).

Then move on to the problematic question and thesis.

To prove it, we first name the argument, and then illustrate it with some example from a literary text. There must be at least two arguments (we named them in our table).

IN CONCLUSION it is necessary to summarize the reasoning and arguments. For this you can also use the statements of famous people.


Write an essay-argument on the topic “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”, based on the structure of a persuasive text with descriptive elements (as examples - arguments, use analyzed passages from literary texts or your own examples; and as characteristics of the eyes - TOPs “definition” and “function” ”, selected in previous lessons).

Eyes open the Universe to us, and some would say they also reveal the human soul.

Perhaps everyone has heard the phrase “a person’s eyes are the mirror of the soul” before. People usually say this when they see pain, anger or other emotions in someone's eyes, but a recent study gives the phrase a whole new meaning.

The eyes are not only a mirror of emotions, they are a mirror of the soul.

But how is this possible? The answer to this question is stored in the pupil itself.

Individuality of the pupil - uniqueness of the individual

For each person, the structure of lines, dots and colors in the iris of the eye is combined in unique and unique combinations. Some people may have similar eye color, but the lines and dots on the iris are also unique, like fingerprints.

Even though the lines and dots vary from pupil to pupil, there are still certain patterns in the iris patterns that are quite widespread.

Scientists from the University of Örebro, Sweden, decided to test the relationship between these patterns and specific personality traits.

They looked at patterns in the crypts (threads that radiate away from the pupil) and the contraction grooves (curving lines around the outer edge) that form when the pupils dilate.

In total, in order to trace the possible connection between these patterns and the character traits of the objects in question, 428 pairs of eyes were studied.

What can the eyes tell about a person?

Scientists came to the conclusion that owners of a large number of crypts were more cordial, gentle, trusting and caring.

Those who had a lot of contraction grooves were more nervous, impulsive and less able to become attached to someone/something.

It's amazing how the patterns on the iris of the eye can reveal the most deep character traits of a person.

There is a very strong correlation between the iris of the eye and the character of the owner. But correlation doesn't mean causation, right? Exactly. However, it seems as if both the details of the iris and a person's character traits can be caused by a common cause.

The researchers note that the structure of the eye and a person's personality may be linked because the gene sequences that are responsible for the formation of the structure of the iris also contribute to the development of the frontal lobe of the brain, which is a kind of the motherboard of our personality.

“The results of our study suggest that people with different iris features tend to develop different personality traits,” said Matt Larsson, a behavioral scientist who led the study at Orebro University.

These findings support the idea that people with different iris configurations tend to develop in different directions in terms of personality characteristics. Differences in the iris can be used as biomarkers that reflect differences between individuals.”

Scientists also mentioned something very interesting regarding gene called PAX6, which controls eye formation in the early stages of embryonic development.

Research has shown that a gene mutation leads to a personality with poor social skills, such people are characterized by impulsiveness and low level of communication skills.

What does eye color tell about a person?

According to researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, women with lighter eye color experience less pain during childbirth compared to women with darker eye color.

Light-eyed people also consume significantly more alcohol, while dark-eyed people get drunk faster.

It's all about genes. A senior lecturer in bimolecular sciences at Liverpool John Moores University, he says “eye color is made up of 12 to 13 gene variations... these genes also influence other factors in human development.”

Take, for example, melanin - the pigment that forms the darker color of the eyes. Melanin may also contribute to a person's increased sensitivity to alcohol.

In a survey of over 12,000 men and women at the University of Georgia in Atlanta, psychologists found that light-eyed people consumed significantly more alcohol than dark-eyed people.

The reason is that Brown-eyed people get drunk faster, that is, they need less alcohol to feel its effects on the body, and accordingly they consume less alcohol.

Melanin not only determines the darkness of the eyes, it is also an insulator for electrical connections between brain cells.

The more melanin in the brain, the more efficiently, accurately and quickly it is able to function, the researchers reported in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.

Thus, the substance responsible for the formation of eye color is also responsible for brain performance.

The eyes truly reflect the inner aspects of our personality and our character traits. By looking into someone's eyes, you can easily tell if the person is scared, sad, or feeling exhausted.

But if you look even more closely, you will be able to discern the psychological and personality traits of a person. The eyes truly represent the mirror of the soul of each of us!

The expression “Eyes are the mirror of the soul” is very common among Russian-speaking people and has been widely used in the CIS countries for many years. But have you ever wondered why they say: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul”? Today we will try to give a brief answer to this question within the framework of our article.

Everyone knows what properties mirrors have. It is with the help of this device that you can see a reflection of yourself with maximum accuracy. In addition, the mirror can reflect any other objects as if you were looking directly at them.

But this is why the eyes are compared to the mirror of the soul; the answer to this question is obvious to some, but completely unclear to others.

Why do people say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul?

The fact is that you can understand a lot from a person’s eyes. For example, you can often guess by the eyes whether a person is sincere or whether he is telling you a lie. What are his intentions, pure ones, or is he planning to get some kind of benefit? Even from the eyes of a complete stranger you can understand a lot. This is why people say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

You can easily understand joy and anger, a sense of success and disappointment, a person’s sympathy and antipathy by looking at the eyes.

However, it is not always possible to understand a person’s intentions by looking at their eyes, because there are also liars who, as they say, lie and do not blush. About such people it can hardly be said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Hides behind his gaze,” our ancestors said. Today they say: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul,” which in no way changes the meaning inherent in the saying of our ancestors.

The human gaze radiates thoughts and intentions. It’s worth looking into the eyes of your interlocutor, and you can immediately tell what’s on his mind or what state he’s in right now. By looking at you, you can determine whether a person is lying to you or telling the truth, happy or sad, intrigued or absolutely calm. It is not for nothing that our eyes are the mirror of the soul. The author of this expression knew perfectly well what he was writing about. After all, our eyes are perhaps the most expressive organ of our body. They contain all the beauty, all the fullness of life and charm, all the colors of our world are contained in them. You can tell about a person by their eyes, describe their character and much more. Eyes reflect our When communicating with a person, we learn half of the information from just one glance, and words sometimes become only an addition to what he said. Our colorful eyes contain our memory. It is like a huge screen onto which we project the vibrations of our soul.

Eyes and emotions

Are the eyes the mirror of the soul? But why? Why not the heart, not the mind, not the hands, not the lips? After all, hands and lips are also great elements of our body, which can also tell us a lot. However, no. Nature has decreed that the eyes have become the main organ through which we receive all the information that comes to us. There are different muscles that function around the eyes, some of them are responsible for safety, others contract depending on what a person's intentions are. We are so accustomed to the fact that the eyes are the mirror of the soul that we often hide them when we are in pain, or unpleasant, or ashamed. We understand that a single glance can reveal how we feel.

If we are sad, our gaze drops and this becomes noticeable. No smile, no words or anything else will convince us that everything is okay. Sadness, like joy, is clearly visible in the eyes. As for joy, we immediately notice it by the wide-open eyes, the edges of which seem to be smiling. The eyes burn with happiness, and this fire burns everyone who looks into them. If you are in pain or have done something bad, then rest assured that your eyes will give you away. They will set you up and then make you answer for what you did.

Our souls are accustomed to hiding today!

Today, the beauty of the eyes is often hidden behind dark glasses. Many people do this to escape the annoying rays of the sun. Others just to seem more elegant and extraordinary. Glasses become something like a cosmetic detail, emphasizing severity, inflexibility and grace, as well as a certain detachment from everyone. Even if it's beautiful and helps against sun damage, wearing glasses everywhere is wrong. After all, you don’t give people the opportunity to look into your soul to understand a little what you are like. With glasses you block yourself from the person. And even if it seems to you that you are very sociable, your piling up of words will turn out to be unnecessary and annoying if at this time you are wearing dark glasses. With these glasses you seem to be giving no guarantees to your words. After all, for many it is important that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The “essay about your life” told during the dialogue will be in doubt if you do not support it with your gaze. A glance is always a period, always a comma, always an exclamation and a question. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the soul is a phrase.

What feelings can a look express? Is it possible to guess a person's intentions from his eyes? How does the eye react to different emotions?

The human gaze, body and facial expressions are capable of conveying any emotion. However, if people have learned to control facial expressions and body movements in order to hide their true feelings, then it is almost impossible to control the expression of the eyes. They will tell and give out exactly what a person feels or thinks at the moment. It is not for nothing that there is a saying that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Tags vision eyes

View direction
By how often the interlocutor looks at you, and also where exactly he directs his gaze, you can understand a lot. In psychology, several types of gaze are defined, each of which indicates the nature of the relationship between people. For example, a gaze directed at the “eye-bridge-forehead” area indicates business level of relationships, he maintains a serious, working atmosphere during the conversation. So-called social view characterizes more friendly, relaxed communication, with the interlocutor looking in the “eye-lip” area. If the interlocutor looks into the eyes and lower - to the chest, this indicates his sexual interest and such a look is called intimate.

Knowing the above subtleties accepted in our culture, you can understand how a person treats you - as a friend, employee, or sees you as an attractive person of the opposite sex.

However, social norms of communication differ among different nations. For example, among the Japanese it is considered acceptable to direct your gaze to the neck area, but direct contact, eye to eye, is considered unacceptable. Therefore, when trying to interpret the behavior of an interlocutor, it is always necessary not to forget about his national characteristics.

The direction of gaze can also tell about the feelings of the listener or interlocutor. So, if a speaker averts his eyes to the side during a conversation, this may signal that he:

  • hides some information
  • not sure what he's saying
  • or even lies.

And if the listener diligently averts his eyes, most often this indicates that he:

  • does not completely agree with the speaker, doubts his words,
  • does not want his feelings to be visible (shame, resentment, disagreement, etc.).

The most obvious example from life is children. When they are scolded, they almost always hide their eyes: they either lower them or turn away completely.

Duration of gaze
When making eye contact with strangers (on the street, in public transport, shops, etc.), a person, as a rule, looks away, since close open examination in our culture is uncomfortable for everyone. Strangers look at each other furtively, and a long glance is perceived as a challenge. It can mean both sympathy (from the opposite sex) and a warning and even open aggression. Interestingly, in the animal world, a long stare at point-blank range signals the same thing.

When communicating, direct gaze alternates with aversion of the eyes, this is comfortable for all participants in the conversation. In this case, it is most comfortable for a person to look into the eyes of another for no more than 3 seconds. If the gaze lingers longer than this time, the interlocutor becomes uncomfortable and is perceived as a danger signal. This method is used by experienced manipulators to unbalance a person and deprive him of his sense of confidence.

It happens that during a conversation a person’s gaze constantly moves and does not linger on anything. In such cases they say that he has “shifty” eyes. Psychologists attribute this reaction to intense anxiety, secrecy, cunning, dishonesty, shame, fear, or simply evidence of boredom.

Pupil size
Surprisingly, even the size of the pupils can say a lot about the interlocutor. A person cannot consciously control changes in the pupils, which is why their reaction will reveal his real feelings.

A person’s pupils dilate with joy, excitement, and sexual interest. In addition, dilated pupils are considered an indirect sign of trust in the interlocutor. Constricted pupils “speak” of hostility, fear, aggression or irritation. By paying attention to the size of your interlocutor's pupils during a conversation, you can track his interest and true feelings towards the subject of conversation.

However, when trying to interpret human behavior, one should not forget about the natural constriction of the pupils in bright light and their dilation in the dark, as well as when taking certain medications :).

Iris color

We can say about the owners of blue eyes that they are dreamy, romantic, sentimental, and at the same time very vulnerable and touchy. Physiognomy experts call green-eyed people assertive, purposeful, and judicious. Curiosity, restraint and constancy characterize gray-eyed individuals. Brown eyes indicate the presence of energy, gambling, enterprise, and lust for power in the character.

If the color of the iris is ambiguous and combines several shades - for example, gray-green, then its owner has traits of both colors. Moreover, the degree of expression of each character trait directly depends on the intensity of the color.

It is worth remembering how many figurative epithets exist in the Russian language to denote a look: sizzling, radiant, glassy, ​​clouded, slippery, happy. After all, a glance can convey too much information, including information that a person would like to hide from strangers. Knowing some of the subtleties of interpreting views, you can easily discover new facets of your interlocutor during a conversation, better understand people’s actions and build your communication more effectively.

It is worth remembering that there are exceptions to any rule. And, before you finally decide anything about a person, make sure that his look is not the result of an illness, the effects of medications, or a personal physiological feature.

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