Where is Vasily Stepanov now - the latest news from the actor’s life. Seven years of oblivion: how Vasily Stepanov escaped from depression and poverty The only known project

Against the background of sad news about the condition of Vasily Stepanov, Dni.ru decided to recall the events that happened in recent years in the artist’s life. After the resounding success in the film “The Inhabited Island,” he fell into oblivion, was abandoned by the woman he loved, and his relatives were left without support.

The main role in Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Inhabited Island", based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers, brought the young actor Vasily Stepanov to the top of the cinema Olympus. His bright appearance brought additional popularity to the artist - the girls were simply crazy about Vasily. It would seem that Stepanov was facing a dizzying career in which one star role would be replaced by another

But it didn’t work out. After filming with Bondarchuk, Stepanov never appeared in films, although he participated in various television projects and even served as a presenter. Despite the fact that his name was well known to everyone, Vasily was never able to pull out a new lucky ticket. He went to auditions for a long time, but kept hearing refusals. “I was at a bunch of castings, but they didn’t take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything died down. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport and connections to get I don’t have three days to get it,” Vasily told reporters.

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Stepanov admitted that he was ready to take on any job. Allegedly, he worked as a loader, a night bus cleaner, tried to get a job in the police, and build a career as a model. All to no avail. Soon Stepanov suffered a new misfortune: his fiancée Daria Egorova left him. By the way, in a conversation with journalists, she claimed that doctors diagnosed the unlucky actor with “manic depression.”

Egorova claimed that Stepanov, contrary to the official version, received many filming offers, but he himself refused. “He just doesn’t want to act anymore. He’s just disappointed in movies. This is a very difficult question, you know, when a person has a psychological shift, his behavior is very difficult to explain. His reality is confused with the past, with the future, with the events that he experienced. He himself doesn’t know what he wants,” Egorova said. Daria directly said that she broke up with him because he “has no will,” and “carrying everything on myself, building a family relationship with him, would be very difficult for me.”

In August 2015, Vasily Stepanov was urgently hospitalized. The artist suffered a blood clot in his left leg. In the intensive care unit, doctors “caught” a blood clot: this had to be done as quickly as possible so that it did not go to the heart. If the actor had not been taken to the hospital on time, the problem with the blood vessels could have been fatal. Fortunately, Vasily was saved.

This event brought the actor back to the attention of the press. Journalists even visited Stepanov’s home, and there was an occasion - his birthday. However, what they saw simply discouraged them. When the doorbell of the actor’s apartment rang, Vasily’s father shouted indignantly at him: “Open it yourself, ****!” And when the door opened and the birthday boy appeared on the threshold, it was obvious that there was no talk of any holiday. Stepanov celebrated the anniversary in a dirty T-shirt. As journalists suggested, neither his parents nor his younger brother Maxim found an opportunity to organize a holiday for the hero of the day, which forces us to draw conclusions about what kind of relationships reigned in the family.

By the end of 2016, a light dawned in Stepanov’s film career, which was covered in darkness and dust. On his page on the social network Instagram, the artist published photos from the filming of the historical film. Numerous fans immediately showered Vasily with congratulations. And journalists concluded that the actor had finally emerged from oblivion. Stepanov even changed his image by visiting the salon of the famous stylist Alexander Todchuk.

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But that was not the case. In January, information appeared in the media that Vasily Stepanov broke his spine after slipping on ice. Doctors did not even give any predictions as to whether the actor would be able to walk. For a whole month, Stepanov was confined to a hospital bed. However, Vasily was able to get back on his feet and was even discharged from the hospital.

And here comes the misfortune again. The other day Vasily Stepanov fell out of a window. The actor again ended up in the clinic, where he was diagnosed with multiple fractures, including a fracture of the pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. Eyewitnesses said that the actor fell from the window of an apartment located on the fifth floor. Witnesses also assured that no one pushed Stepanov, he fell on his own.

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Recent events indicate that a real drama has unfolded in the actor’s life. The night before, April 12, an ambulance was called for Stepanov, who complained of chest pain. The arriving doctors noted the artist’s strange behavior. Then a special team was called. As a result, the star of the film “Inhabited Island” was hospitalized in the Alekseev psychiatric hospital. At the clinic, the artist was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

It later turned out that Vasily had already made attempts to commit suicide in the summer of 2016. Then the family managed to save the actor. In addition, it turned out that shortly after filming the first part of “The Inhabited Island,” Stepanov was treated at a neurosis clinic.

And according to the latest media reports, it turned out that Vasily broke his spine in winter for a reason. Allegedly, he did not slip, but fell from the fourth floor window of his house and landed on the canopy. However, relatives chose to hide this fact.

The once popular actor, star of the film “Inhabited Island,” celebrated his 30th birthday in Khrushchev. A dark streak continues in the artist’s life. Stepanov is not even hired by the police.

Actor Vasily Stepanov, who played the main role in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island,” celebrated his 30th birthday. True, the artist’s anniversary was celebrated not on a grand scale in an expensive metropolitan restaurant, but in his parents’ Khrushchev building.

In addition, the actor did not look at all festive. Stepanov met the big date in a dirty T-shirt. There was not even hope for the most modest festive feast. The actor admitted that after filming Bondarchuk’s sensational film, which brought the director almost $28 million in box office receipts, a dark streak came in his life. It is noteworthy that even close relatives did not throw a holiday for Stepanov. Only representatives of the press remembered the once popular artist. And they took him by surprise. When the doorbell of the actor’s apartment rang, Vasily’s father shouted indignantly at him: “Open it yourself, b****!”

Stepanov in the film “Inhabited Island”

Balcony of Vasily’s parents’ apartment, where he lives

Despite the fact that Stepanov’s name was on everyone’s lips, he was unable to find a new winning project. Vasily went to castings for a long time, but kept hearing refusals. In this regard, the actor had problems with money.
“I’ve been to a bunch of auditions, but they don’t take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything went quiet. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport, and I didn’t have the connections to get one in three days,” said Vasily.
Stepanov admitted that he is now ready to get any job. “I’m looking for any job, I even tried to get a job in the police,” he noted.
Let us remind you that, in addition to the difficult financial situation, Stepanov also has health problems. Last August, he was urgently hospitalized due to a blood clot in his left leg. In the intensive care unit, doctors “caught” a blood clot: this had to be done as quickly as possible so that it did not go to the heart. If the actor had not been taken to the hospital on time, the problem with the blood vessels could have been fatal. In addition, Stepanov’s ex-fiancee Daria Egorova said that Vasya suffered psychological trauma that lasted for several years. According to the girl, he was diagnosed with manic depression.

Where is actor Vasily Stepanov now - whose finest hour was the main role in the film “Inhabited Island”? Tens of thousands of fans of the young artist were shocked by the recent news of Stepanov’s suicide attempt.

Let us recall that on April 10, 2017, Vasily Stepanov was hospitalized with multiple fractures after falling from the 5th floor window of the apartment where he lived in Moscow. The actor himself has already admitted that it was an unsuccessful suicide attempt, and not the first. “Nobody pushed me. Yes, I fell and it was not an accident...” Stepanov told reporters and added that he had already been sent home in a cast.

As is known a few months earlier, in December 2016, Stepanov broke his spine as a result of the same unsuccessful suicide attempt. And, as you know, for the last 7 years the actor has been taking antidepressants and was under the supervision of doctors due to frequent psychological breakdowns and depression. According to the doctors, they insisted on compulsory treatment of Stepanov in a specialized clinic, but did not obtain the mandatory consent of the actor’s parents, which is necessary in such cases.

The actor of “Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov told the truth about his personal life

The day before, the once-star 31-year-old Russian artist gave a detailed interview to reporters, explaining his failures in recent years. “They tell me that after filming with Fyodor Bondarchuk, no one will cast me in good films - such is the reputation of this director,” said Stepanov.

“I spent my fee for “Inhabited Island” almost immediately. And for the subsequent countless photo shoots and interviews, even at the peak of my popularity, I did not receive any money,” the actor complained.

Stepanov said that in recent years he has tried several times to act in commercials. “But they told me that my type and appearance were not what they needed. For example, in a watch advertisement they need male models with dry cheeks and pronounced cheekbones, but I’m not a model,” the artist complained.

Vasily Stepanov also entered a difficult period in his personal life. The actor’s lover, the young actress Daria Egorova, with whom they had been close for almost 5 years, left the actor. “Girls need stability, they think that I have not yet succeeded in life,” said Stepanov. “They tell me - you don’t work, then you work, but I want to live, go to the store together and buy a car - but you either have money or don’t have money,” the actor said frankly.

Now Stepanov is at home, trying to restore his health and psychological state. In terms of his acting future, Vasily no longer sees himself in cinema, perhaps counting only on working in the theater. “Maybe over time, some theater will be interested in me and invite me to work...” the artist hopes.

Vasily Stepanov is a Russian actor who was remembered by television viewers thanks to his participation in the film “”.

His fate can be called tragic, because the phenomenal success of the film was a temporary achievement, and rapid oblivion led to depression, which destroyed the consciousness of the once famous movie star.

Childhood and youth

Vasily Stepanov was born on January 14, 1986 in Moscow. He comes from a simple family. His mother worked as a salesperson, having previously been a school teacher. The father of the young talent, a native of the small village of Krupenikhi in the Smolensk region, worked as a policeman. The actor has a younger brother, Maxim. As a little boy, Vasily spent all his summer holidays with his beloved grandmother in the village. Judging by her memories, as a child he was a difficult child, a brawler and a ringleader.

His studies were not going well, so after school the future actor entered the College of Physical Education and Sports. There Stepanov received the specialty of a physical education teacher. During his studies, the young man attended classes in hand-to-hand combat and even received the title of master of sports. But soon he wanted to change his life and move away from sports competitions. Vasily entered law school. Despite his desire to obtain a law degree, the student was expelled due to frequent absenteeism.

In order to compensate for failures in his studies, the future actor got a job as a bartender and starred in several commercials. One clip with his participation campaigned for contract military service, although Vasily himself did not serve in the army.

Stepanov’s friends saw talent in him, so they insisted that the guy try his hand at acting at VGIK. Vasily tried to enroll in several theater universities at once, but in the end he chose the Shchukin School, where he was a student of Vladimir Poglazov.


At the audition, Stepanov met Pavel Kaplevich, the main person in his destiny. He supervised the casting of actors for the film "". Noticing the young talent, he arranged a meeting for Stepanov with Fyodor Bondarchuk. The director appreciated the guy’s appearance: stately and handsome (Stepanov’s height is 192 cm and his weight is 85 kg), he was suitable for the role of the main character in the film by Maxim Kammerer.

To participate in the filming of the film, the artist took a short sabbatical. The painting “Inhabited Island” made him famous literally in one day. True, Stepanov had to dye his hair for the film, and then the ash blonde became the dream come true for many Russian girls.

In addition to working in film and theater, he also tried his hand as a television presenter. So, in 2011, Stepanov hosted the TV show “Long time no see” on the TV Center channel. But the actor only managed to appear in a few programs, after which he ended his career as a TV presenter.

In 2009, Vasily Stepanov took part in a photo shoot for the cover of the book “Attraction.” His partner was model Olga Golovina. Their photographs soon appeared on promotional posters and in commercials for the book of writer Elena Usacheva, and fans started talking about preparations for the creation of a new film similar to the American “Twilight”.

Vasily Stepanov could also be found on the theater stage. Among the stage works of the talented actor, the audience remembered his performance as the schizophrenic Edward in the production of “Veronica Decides to Die.”

The feature film “Inhabited Island” directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk became a breakthrough in Vasily’s creative biography. The film adaptation of the Strugatsky brothers' novel of the same name elevated the actor to the top of Russian cinema. In addition to Stepanov, such famous film actors as Fyodor Bondarchuk and others were also involved in the filming of the film.

The film tells the story of Maxim Kammerer, an earthling from the future who finds himself on the post-apocalyptic planet Saraksh and is involved in the fight against the local regime. The audience appreciated the new film. Soon the second part of the sci-fi film “Inhabited Island: Brawl” was released.

The film received positive reviews for its special effects and visuals, but many experts reacted negatively to the editing of the film and the performance of the main role by Vasily Stepanov. However, most experts said that the actor even surpassed other celebrities who participated in the filming with his acting and professionalism.

Among all the films that were shot in Russia in 2009, “Inhabited Island” turned out to be the most successful at the box office. At the end of the year, the film's box office grossed $21.8 million, entering the list of top films in Europe.

It would seem that participation in such work would allow Vasily to reach a new level, and his filmography would be replenished with new bright roles, but a streak of failures began in his life, fortune turned away from him.


After participating in the film “Inhabited Island,” many social network users began to wonder where Vasily Stepanov had disappeared to. In 2014, the actor appeared in the program “We Talk and Show.” It turned out that fate was unkind to Vasily. After participating in the film, the artist suffered numerous troubles, he had to go through many trials - illness, lack of money, debt, oblivion.

A protracted creative and personal crisis began. Perhaps the apathy was caused by stress and emotional overload during filming.

Information has repeatedly appeared in the Russian media that after participating in the filming of “Inhabited Island,” the artist no longer received offers from other directors, but, who lived with the actor at one time in a civil marriage, assures that this is not so. According to the girl, there were many options, but the film actor was indifferent to any initiatives of directors and producers.

Total depression consumed him: problems arise in his studies, he couldn’t get to the auditions, and his alliance with Daria is falling apart.

Vasily Stepanov and Daria Egorova broke up

In these difficult moments, Vasily’s relatives help him. His relatives turned to specialists for medical help. In order to pay for the expensive course of treatment, Stepanov’s family is forced to take out a loan. Vasily washed trolleybuses at night, trying to help pay off his debt.

It seemed that the disease was receding, as a new serious illness deprived the actor of strength. A blood clot in his left leg almost led to death, and only a timely surgical operation saved Vasily’s life.

Failures changed Stepanov’s stellar appearance. Now it is almost impossible to recognize him as the handsome Maxim from The Inhabited Island. The depressive state significantly affected the actor, and a severe spinal injury further aggravated the situation.

Vasily Stepanov is at the peak of popularity even now

At the end of 2016, Vasily began acting for the first time in many years. Online "Instagram" Photos even appeared from the filming of the film “Tank Men” (released as “Indestructible”), in which the film actor participated. His relatives and colleagues were already able to notice how inspired Vasily was and strived to realize himself again in cinema, but then the villainous fate intervened again.

Shortly before the New Year 2017, during frosts and ice, Stepanov was seriously injured. While climbing the stairs, the artist slipped and fell. As a result, doctors recorded a fracture of Vasily’s hip bone and two vertebrae. Doctors prescribed him bed rest and also ordered constant examinations, saying that the actor needed to learn to walk again.

Maxim Stepanov, Vasily’s younger brother, commented on the actor’s health in the “Live Broadcast” program. According to him, doctors in February 2017 gave a comforting prognosis regarding Vasily’s physical condition. He stated that his brother would walk, but a rehabilitation period was required.

Vasily himself calls the series of failures “Bondarchuk’s curse.” In one interview with media representatives, he said that he could not return to his former glory due to his participation in the popular blockbuster “Inhabited Island.” According to him, after filming the film, he is not hired even as a courier or sales consultant, because they are afraid that fans will visit the store only to get an autograph from the once famous actor.

In the spring of 2018, Vasily Stepanov fell out of a window

On April 12, 2017, it became known that the star of “The Inhabited Island” Stepanov lived in an apartment located on the 5th floor. The actor received many injuries and fractures, but has already been discharged from the hospital. The investigation did not exclude the possibility of a suicide attempt; Vasily was placed in a psychiatric hospital for examination.

The diagnosis was made - schizophrenia, but it turned out that everything that happened to the artist was an accident. Stepanov saw a cat outside the window hanging on the ledge. He decided to help the animal, but could not resist the visor. The artist remained alive, but received multiple fractures of the pelvis, right shoulder and heel bones.

Personal life

Little is known about the artist’s personal life. After filming the film “Inhabited Island,” thousands of fans dreamed of meeting him. The blue-eyed blond was a welcome guest at many parties and celebrity gatherings, but soon everything changed.

The actor has not yet managed to improve his personal life. True, Stepanov had a serious relationship. The first student love is the artist Daria Egorova. They not only met, but also managed to live in a civil marriage. Soon the girl decided to end the relationship, saying that she was tired of fighting her beloved’s constant depression.

Now he is single and looking for a girl for a permanent relationship. Although, according to Daria, the actor still has not forgotten his first love. From time to time he calls her, but every time the communication between the former lovers ends in a quarrel.

Vasily Stepanov now

After a number of tragic incidents, director Natalya Verevkina came to the aid of her colleague and began work on the project “Who’s next, dreamers?”

The film tells the story of the life and work of a dancer who, after an accident, tries to start over. Vasily appeared on the screen as a visitor to the office of an insurance company, where the main character (Igor Petrov) went to work. The artist’s younger brother Maxim Stepanov also appeared in a cameo role.

Initially, it was planned to use the star of “The Inhabited Island” as the director of the company, but due to an accident, Stepanov was forced to miss filming the planned episodes. According to the director, the artist behaved in a disciplined, professional manner, showing no signs of depression or star fever. The film was not released for a long time, as difficulties arose with financing. The premiere took place at the end of 2018.

Now Vasily is trying to rebuild his life. He reads a lot, goes to the village, where he helps his grandfather with the housework. Stepanov has not yet decided on his plans for 2019.


  • 2008 - “Inhabited Island: Film One”
  • 2009 - “Inhabited Island: Fight”
  • 2011 - “Insured Event”
  • 2011 - “The Kiss of Socrates”
  • 2011 - “My boyfriend is an angel”
  • 2013 - “About Football”
  • 2017 - “Indestructible”
  • 2018 - “Who’s next, dreamers?”

An incredible handsome man, a blue-eyed brunette with a wonderful physique... Viewers remember him from his role in Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island.” I can’t even believe that such a person could experience problems in his personal life and have an unwillingness to continue this life. Where did depression come from for such a beautiful young and talented man?! The purpose of this article is to try to understand this. And also cover the latest news related to actor Vasily Stepanov. His entire biography should be considered from the very beginning.

Actor Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986. His biography began in Moscow. No one in his family was involved in the art world. My father worked as a policeman, and my mother was a teacher. In addition to Vasily, there was one last child in the family. Vasily was a mediocre student and was often punished for violating school discipline. It was unpleasant news for parents that their son became addicted to smoking in high school.

At one time, Vasily was fond of wrestling. He even became a master of sports in this sport. After finishing the ninth grade, the young man decided to enter the technical school of physical education and sports.

Vasily decided to become a physical education teacher. After graduating from college, Vasily wanted to enter a law school. However, he soon realized that this was not his calling at all.

After this, the young man, in order not to listen to the constant reproaches of his parents, began to look for work. By the way, the situation in their family was always far from peaceful. The boy did not receive enough love and care. By the way, when a correspondent of one of the newspapers came to the home of the already famous actor Vasiliev in order to congratulate him on his big anniversary and interview him, he heard his father swearing on the other side of the door. When the hero of the day opened the door, he was wearing a worn T-shirt. There was clearly no intention of celebrating his birthday at their house. There were no guests, no flowers, no gifts.

Let's return to the actor's biography. The young man, after dropping out of university, began working as a bartender. Then, thanks to his good looks, he was hired to shoot video clips. For example, he campaigned for service in the armed forces of the Russian army, although he had never been there himself.

Many noticed his artistic talent along with his external beauty. Then they began to advise him to enroll in a theater university. Vasily decided to try and applied to the Shchukin School. Imagine his surprise when he was accepted the first time!

Creative career of Vasiliev

Vladimir Poglazov became Vasily Stepanov’s mentor. While studying at Shchepkinsky, Pavel Kaplevich noticed a young man with a Hollywood appearance. He was just looking for a suitable candidate for the role in Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island”. The director of this film liked Vasiliev’s candidacy, and he took him for the role.

For this role, Vasily had to change his hair color using highlights. The director decided that girls liked blondes more.

During the filming of the film, Stepanov had to take academic leave from the university. After returning to study, Vasily’s mentor changed. It was Yu. Ovchinnikov.

The first film with the participation of Vasily Stepanov was released in 2008. The main character of the film, based on the work of the Strugatsky brothers, is an inhabitant of planet Earth in the future tense. He is thrown onto a new planet, where he must fight militant aliens. The latest news of that time called the young actor a sex symbol. A lot of girls went crazy about him. Everyone was waiting for the continuation of his dizzying career. After all, with such an appearance you can go to Hollywood. However, for some reason Vasily chose to leave the big screen. There were many rumors about this.

Stepanov on the set of the film “Inhabited Island”

However, he starred in the sequel to the film “Inhabited Island” in 2009. And also in several other films: “My Boyfriend is an Angel”, “Kiss of Socrates”, “Insured Event”. In 13, the film “Okolofutbola” was released, where Vasily Stepanov plays a small role as an announcer. According to the latest news, the actor is starring in a movie about the war, “Tank Men,” which will be released in 2017. There he plays the cameo role of an officer. Vasily is glad to have at least some offer to act in films. He posts photos in his new look on social networks.

Later, Vasily Stepanov tried to work as a TV presenter. He hosted the show “Long time no see.” In 2009, the actor starred in a photo session with Olga Golovina. The latest news started talking about their romance and their upcoming wedding. However, this did not happen.

There was also an assumption that Vasily Stepanov will star in the domestic version of “Twilight” according to the latest news. But the actor did not confirm this fact.

Still from the film “Insured Event”

In 1111, Vasily Stepanov was invited to the Yuri Vasiliev Theater. There he played in the play “Veronica Decides to Die.” His hero suffers from schizophrenia. Many believe that this role turned out to be prophetic. But more on that later. By the way, the latest news called the actor’s performance of this role very talented.

Personal life

The handsome young man, of course, always had a constant crush on the fair sex. With one of them, Daria Egorova, he spent the most time in his life. This was the most serious relationship. Vasily met Dasha while still studying at a theater university. He liked the girl and they started dating. Soon Daria moved to his home.

And then strange things began to happen. Dasha began to notice with horror the mental problems of her lover. He was at times withdrawn, taciturn, as if he was seriously thinking about something.

Then suddenly he was attacked by attacks of aggression. At night, Dasha woke up from noise. It was Vasily who knocked on the door with his fist. This happened quite often. One day Daria tried to stop him by hanging on his arm. But she shouldn't have done it. The guy hit her, pushed her away and continued to hit the door.

Dasha decided that the unfavorable situation in the apartment was to blame for everything. Once, when Vasily was not at home, Dasha woke up from noise. Someone was walking around the apartment and talking. But when she turned on the light, trembling with fear, she was surprised to see that she was completely alone in the apartment.

When the fee from filming the film ended, they had to leave the dysfunctional apartment; Vasily’s attacks of aggression continued. Dasha put forward the version that he suffers from the bad attitude of his relatives towards him. It's like they're spreading bad rumors about him. The guy was literally shaking as he sat and repeated the hurtful words his parents said to him. In the end, the girl could not stand it and left him. Now she says she has no regrets. But for Vasily it was a real blow below the belt.

Black stripe

The guy was left alone in terrible mental distress. There was no one to support him, to say a kind word. At work, he also faced complete failures. After the resounding success of the film “Inhabited Island,” there was not a single successful proposal. He went to many auditions. But he was not accepted anywhere. Once there was an offer to appear in a video, but for this it was necessary to urgently fly to Germany. And he didn’t have a passport. But there were no connections to get it quickly.

Vasily began to experience material need. He even got a job as a bus cleaner and loader. At that time, health problems began. Doctors diagnosed him with manic depression.

And in 2015, a young man suffered a blood clot. He was lucky that the doctors managed to catch him in time, otherwise death would have been inevitable. Further - more. When he and his friends were returning from the store with purchases on New Year's Eve, he suddenly slipped and fell. It turned out that Vasily had a spinal fracture. For a long time he lay motionless in the hospital. Doctors even doubted that he would ever be able to walk.

But everything worked out. Vasily got to his feet and began to walk again. In April a new disaster occurred. The guy's heart sank and he called an ambulance. However, doctors noticed strange changes in the actor’s mental state. As a result, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Although the latest news allegedly denies that Stepanov is being treated as a psychopath. hospital.

It is difficult to understand the many rumors circulating around the actor's name. Some of them claim that the spinal injury received in December last year was a suicide attempt.

And then in April of this year a terrible event happened again. own apartment. Since she is on the fifth floor, there was little hope of finding him alive.

However, again the Providence of God left him alive. The guy just suffered multiple fractures. The latest health news shows that Vasily has been discharged from the hospital and is feeling well.

According to one version, which Vasily himself spreads, he tried to get the cat, but could not resist, slipped and fell out of the window. According to another (which is often mentioned by the media), it was an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. Moreover, at that time Vasily was suffering from a severe attack of depression. And after the fall, he underwent treatment in a psychiatric clinic.

But again, this is unconfirmed information. However, the same as those that the guy has a new passion. She regularly visited him in the hospital, bringing him food and clean clothes. We can only hope that the poor sufferer was finally visited by true love. And that everything in his life will now change for the better. It's time for the black streak to end.

Now he is financially poor. Vasily lives with his parents and younger brother in a two-room apartment.

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