Essay on the topic “Beware of petty waste. Essay on the topic “Beware of small waste of money A small leak can sink a ship

If you have tried to save money before, the problem is familiar to you. The more diligently you limit yourself, the greater the temptation to reach into your own pocket and reward yourself for deprivation with something tasty, beautiful or exciting. Learn to save courageously.

“Beware of small wastes, too, for a small leak can sink a big ship.” – Benjamin Franklin

The question, frankly, is not original. Somewhere near him, related problems usually live: “Where can I get money?”, “How can I hide money from myself and forget about it for a while?” and others similar and well known to many. But it would be easier to accumulate money if we solved other problems: “For what purpose do I need money?” and “How much do I need?”.

Action plan

Let's draw up a plan of action from the very beginning and decide on tactics. We have to answer the questions in the following order:

  1. Why money?
  2. What amount is needed?
  3. How to accumulate the required amount?

So the first question is: Why? Remember how in "12 Chairs" Ostap Bender asked Kisa Vorobyaninov: "Why do you need money, Kitty?" Kisa did not have a clear answer, but Ostap knew exactly how much was needed and for what: he was attracted by Rio de Janeiro, and a million was needed to escape there. It does not matter that the dream did not come true - the approach to solving the problem was correct.

What for

Psychologists urge not to confuse the concepts of "desire" and "goal". You need to move towards the goal, and you can wait for the fulfillment of desire. Think you just want to save money for a car or is that your goal? That is, would you like, for example, to buy a car if you had money for it, or are you ready to act so that you have the necessary amount? If you're going to wait for the right opportunity, you probably won't have a car. If you are ready to make an effort, success depends on your determination and perseverance.

How much

What amount do you need? Do you want to buy something without knowing how much it costs? The approach is not serious. Do you need a certain amount indefinitely? This is not a goal or even a desire - these are dreams. You will save money and soon pull it out of the "nightstand" because new temptations will appear all the time. Decide how much money and what you need, and forbid yourself to strictly touch the "piggy bank" until the goal is achieved.


The most interesting question. If you want to save up quickly, make sure that the money works, not stored - invest it in stocks or open a savings account.

George S. Clason, who wrote the book "", suggests considering five laws of wealth:

  • Money is drawn to people who have learned to save 10% of their earnings to create a "safety cushion".
  • Money works for those who know how to place it profitably.
  • Money needs protection, caution and wise management.
  • Money does not like to work in areas where their owner is poorly oriented.
  • Money eludes adventurers and dreamers who are in the clouds.

Let's just say that collecting money in a jar is a bad idea. Not many have enough endurance to accumulate the necessary amount - as soon as there is "extra" money, there is a desire to buy something. And everything starts over. It would be more correct to live economically for several years in order to collect a decent amount, place it well and buy things that you like all your life without emptying your budget.

There is one reliable, albeit paradoxical, way to save money - to borrow without interest and open a bank account. This account must be constantly replenished without withdrawing anything. If you know that there is no money at home, you may not want to climb into the egg and please yourself with something optional.

Possible way to save money

First, let's try to get an interest-free loan at work. This is convenient, because you don’t have to bother with the return of money - the accounting department will deduct everything itself, and save you from the unpleasant moment of transferring money from hand to hand. It is optimal to borrow an amount equal to the total monthly income of the family with the condition of repayment in 5 months. That is, 20% per month will be deducted from the salary. If you can’t get a loan at work, we turn to relatives or friends. The scheme remains the same - we will return the monthly income for 5 months.

The next step is to open a bank account and put the borrowed money into it. If the money was given with the condition of returning the entire amount at once, you will have to pay another 20% from each salary to this account. When we repay the debt in 5 months, we will have borrowed money plus interest on the deposit. Further - from any earnings, first of all, from a salary, we replenish the account by 10% or more until the required amount is collected. Probably, it is necessary to explain why to borrow such an insignificant amount.

  • With borrowed money, accumulation begins, in addition, you will receive interest from the bank - "capital" works for you.
  • Once in debt, you move from plans to deeds - you need to return the money and save something for yourself.
  • You overtake those who save by saving 10% of family income every month. The amount that is in your account, they will have in 10 months, and you will have accrued interest during this time. Just do not forget that the contribution must be with the condition of monthly capitalization.
  • The obligation to return the money will stimulate action.
  • By returning part of your salary every month, you will learn to control expenses and save. When after 5 months, it will be enough for you to save 10%, you will breathe a sigh of relief. Or maybe you'll find that habitual spending can be avoided and you'll be able to keep saving 30% or more into your bank account.

This is the most conservative of all ways to save money, but you can start with it. Having entered the taste, you can earn money by investing, for example, in.

What is better to refuse

An important question: where to get the "extra" money to save them. If you do not have a job, it is difficult to do this, so you need to find a job. Students can find a way to earn extra money and save money allocated by their parents. Miracles do not happen - money has to be earned. You can almost always find a way to save money, you just need to analyze the spending.

Bad habits

Quitting bad habits will definitely help you stay healthy and save money. Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is possible and many succeed. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes for 60 rubles a day, then you waste 21,900 rubles a year. This argument usually does not impress smokers, but over a hypothetical 50 years, an amount of one million rubles accumulates. An immoderate passion for alcohol also does not lead to good, and, you see, tipsy people become wasteful, and this does not contribute to accumulation.


If you decide to save money, forget about expensive entertainment for a while. Explore a world of free entertainment, or at least look for discounted entertainment.

Expensive acquisitions

Learn to think like an investor. You can buy a car for 300 thousand rubles. or put money in the bank and earn interest. At a rate of 10% per month, you will be able to find 9,600,000 rubles in your account in 5 years (provided that you do not withdraw interest from the deposit).

Loans and credit cards

If you want to save money, and not give it away right or left, do not take out loans and do not use credit cards. You do not have to pay interest to the bank, but he pays you. Summing up, we want to wish you income that will allow you to satisfy all your whims, habits and impulsive desires. To ensure that income always exceeds expenses, find opportunities to earn money - this method is the most reliable.

Essay on the topic "Beware of petty waste"

The contribution of Benjamin Franklin to the development of not only the United States, but the whole world is difficult to overestimate. This truly great man is the author of the famous phrase that one must beware of small expenses, since even a small leak can cause the sinking of a large ship. What is meant by this expression? For me, its meaning lies in the fact that you need to be able to calculate your expenses in order not to suddenly find yourself with an empty wallet.

My experience with money is not so rich and varied yet, but I have already developed a certain spending algorithm. To begin with, it is important to imagine how long you need to stretch the available amount. After that, it will immediately become clear how much it is permissible to spend daily. With such simple rules, financial literacy begins to develop. One of the most difficult tests is to refuse impulsive purchases. It was them that Franklin called fatal. Why is it so important to beware of petty wasteful expenses? Satisfaction of momentary impulses relaxes and disorganizes. Moreover, the whirlpool of spontaneous purchases carries you into the abyss imperceptibly and swiftly. There are many sad examples of this. So, Napoleon Hill, who wrote the bestseller Think and Grow Rich, ended his days in dire need. Why did a man who had tens of millions of dollars in his accounts end up with nothing? I think the answer is simple: he never bothered to count money. When funds are very, very large, it is easy to lose control over them.

The first step on the path to savings, and, accordingly, to wealth, will be the simple habit of writing down expenses in a specially designated notebook. After a month, for example, it will be possible to analyze where and how much money is wasted. With a reasonable approach to spending money, the financial ship will never sink.

Don't spend more than you earn. Many people go into terrible debt buying things that they think will make them happy. Consider your options before spending money on something.

2. Save 20% of your income

The “pay yourself first” rule really works. Savings will protect you from emergencies. In addition, if you save money, you will not have to give up unexpected interesting opportunities in life.

3. Write down absolutely all expenses

Beware of small wastes, for a small leak can sink a big ship.

Benjamin Franklin, American politician

It will show you what large sums of money are spent on. Then you can avoid unreasonable and useless expenses.

4. Don't take out loans unless you absolutely have to.

You will not become rich if you give away most of your income every month, paying interest on money that has long been spent.

5. Invest in your own home

When you rent a house, you enrich someone else. Very often, the monthly payment for renting an apartment is equal to the amount of the mortgage payment.

Analyze all options for buying your own home. Even if your options are limited, make a step-by-step action plan. Of course, the implementation of the plan can take a long time. But if a person has a goal that he wants to achieve, he is able to overcome many difficulties.

6. Get rid of bad habits

They drag you down and prevent you from achieving your goals. It's not just about financial habits. Qualities like procrastination or laziness drain you physically and emotionally.

Form healthy habits that will make you better every day.

Then success in the business you are doing will not keep you waiting.

7. Set goals for yourself every day

“I want to be rich” sounds a bit vague and may even seem like an impossible wish. Set a specific goal: to earn a certain amount of money in three years. Then break that big goal down into smaller sub-goals that can be completed throughout the day. Gradually, you will be able to achieve what you want.

8. Manage your time effectively

There are only 24 hours in a day. In this we are all absolutely equal. That's just someone manages to do much more during this time than others.

Precious minutes spent uselessly and aimlessly cannot be returned.

You will not become rich if you spend all your free time in front of the TV. so that it doesn't go to waste.

9. Invest in your time and energy

Hard work is one of the fundamental keys to success. To achieve it, you need to constantly give all the best. There is no other way.

Of course, unless you suddenly receive an inheritance from an unknown second cousin. Which is still extremely rare.

10. Find sources of passive income

The most obvious of these are the rental of real estate and dividends.

If you don't have the funds, start a blog where you can then post paid ads, run an online course, or create an interactive tutorial. There are so many ways, just find the one that suits you.

11. Invest in what you know

If you are in the pharmaceutical business, it would be unwise for you to invest in agriculture. Choose the area that is relevant to your business.

If you are familiar with a certain activity, it will be easier for you to calculate the good and bad moves.

12. Start your own business

Choose what you are really interested in and put your whole soul into this business. Remember that it doesn't always work out the first time. Every success has had its ups and downs.

Learn from mistakes that will be useful in the future. Don't give up and don't give up on your goal.

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